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A great drill for you guys to try out

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In depth discussion on distance control
I thought I would go ahead and share some of the pearls that got me to where I am golf wise. I played in college a few years back and I used to do this all the time. Trust me if your not doing this you need to if you already are then you are just that much better than the next guy. Look drivers and golf balls these days are easier to hit. It is just a fact. My old callaway great big bertha and titleist professional golf ball used to take some attention or they would get wild. Different story these days. If your practicing hitting driver a lot your nuts. Do the below and youll play better.

Get a shag bag. If you dont have one you need to get one ASAP. No range balls. Bite the bullet and buy some prov practice balls or whatever ball it is you play. Go out to a field, football field park, wherever you can hit some shots without killing someone and have ample room. Take your lob wedge and about 20 golf balls. Take SMOOTH three quarter 9-3 type of swings. Easy repetable swings. A swing that you can trust that your swinging about 60 percent on. Hit the 20 balls all the same direction where they end up is not as important as how far they go. Once your done doing that walk off the yardage to the area that has the most balls. So lets say that yardage is 60 yards. If it is more than about 70 your swinging way too hard. Now you know that with that swing the one you can repeat you will produce a golf shot that goes 60 yards give or take. This is huge.

Next, do the SAME drill. Except one difference. Choke up on the club about an inch. Walk it off again. Should be about a 10 yard difference.

Next, do the same drill as before but with a sandwedge, then again choking down.

Guys the better you can get at knowing how far you hit short shots the better you will be. I have done this all my competitive life and under pressure or when you have an exact yardage if your thinking about the swing you need to make versus the result you will always fair better. Trust me.
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This is what dave pelz recommends, nothing new


Wow you guys are hard to please. This will definetly be my last advice post. Look if his fat a** has a book about this I apologize however here is a bit of advice youngins when someone is trying to help and goes through the time to make a post like I did you may want to find a different way of articulating what your saying.

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well you basically talk about how you used to play college golf, basically state that golf now is easier, and then proceed to give a drill that has been told over and over, mainly by pelz who has a book about it and act like us juniors know nothing
if your thinking about the swing you need to make versus the result you will always fair better. Trust me.

And then you say that, why the hell would i want to think of what to do in my swing instead of the yardage and only the yardage. Thats bad advice to tell juniors to think about their swing on a 60 yard shot, notice how a caddy tells a pro the yardage right before he hits, not telling him to **** his wrists and stay on a flatter plane. Trust me.


Arrogance knows no limits. I said golf is now easier? No I didn't. Not one bit. I said that technology has made driving the ball longer and straighter MUCH easier. I can attest to that because I played in both technology eras. Did I say you knew nothing? No I didn't. I was trying to help by giving advice from my own experiences I was unaware of his book because I do not respect his philosophy's. Did I say a single thing about thinking about the mechanics of a swing? No I didn't. You sure like to twist things. I said if you know how far making a certain swing will make a golf ball go you can make that swing repetably and easily thus not worrying about the outcome just the process. Ask anyone who plays golf at a high level you focus on the process...pre shot routine, a simple swing thought etc.


You should learn to respect someone for attempting to help. If you cannot respect that then you would be far better off keeping your arrogance to yourself. You have added nothing to this post other than to try and validate points that I obviously was not trying to make. Ask yourself this question...why would I take the time to make a post like this if I was not doing it out of the goodness of my own heart? If you know the lesson and drill then more power to you why pollute it so that someone else will not get something out of it? I am sure you are quite a pleasure in real life.

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Last time i checked I am allowed my opinion, why dont i just go find a golf book and take the advice from it and post it will you respect me then?


I simply stated that this was nothing new, the majority of people have been told this, i can think of about 15 people who have told me to do this, and then you jumped all over that saying that just because you put the time in to type it out, i should bow down and thank you endlessly?


I am not going to agree on the fact that pros dont think of the result, While rotella tells people to have a preshot routine, a main part of the routine is to visualize the shot and its OUTCOME.


You also say that i should respect you because you tried to help. I have no problem with the fact that you posted this, but why would you post this in the junior/college golf forum, instead of the swing forum, this is for us juniors to talk about junior/ college golf, not get tips. We do know how to golf.

And yeah i am a pleasure in real life, but last time i checked this is the internet :drinks:



What you will learn as you mature which obviously you need to is it is not what you say but how you say it. As I originally stated, if you already knew about it why post anything? Your definitely not puting a positive spin on it so why say it at all? If your opinion is one of potential confrontation you have to ask yourself is it worth it? I highly doubt it is worth it in this scenario unless you are just THAT bored. Did I ask you to bow? Nope. Once again your twisting and turning things. Your one of those people you never want to argue or debate with because you suffer from selective hearing. I simply gave a drill that I like doing. It happens to be published it was mentioned that it was and there we go. Instead you need to also jump on and put your two cents in when your point has already been made. Basically your post and opinion while you are entitled to it are worthless. Much like someone saying Tiger Woods has no talent. It is an opinion but it is a worthless one. Rotella wants you to take a mental picture of what you want to accomplish, a visualization etc. Then go and make a swing you trust and try not to let the outcome IE I have to make birdie here to break par etc not enter your mind. Which is what I was trying to elude to. Make a swing you can trust. IE one you have made a million times with success. I never said you did not know how to golf obviously you do. Obviously you are well read on the subject and have no problem letting that be known. However maybe some of your peers are not and can learn from my post. With that said maybe you should learn that if you have nothing positive to add it is best not to add it. Perhaps since you are so familiar with this drill you could add how you think it either has merit or not. Perhaps you can say how it has helped you or not. You see actually adding VALUE to a thread. Instead of just ruining it.


None the less do not worry it will be my last post giving advice. Thanks to you. I hope you got the OUTCOME you wanted.

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Why are you guys being such a-holes to SD? He's offering some great advice--real world stuff that corroborates what Pelz has been talking about. Further, he tells you exactly how to get it done without needing some elaborate practice facility.


A little courtesy wouldn't kill you. Sheesh!



I appreciate that. Some people are simply not as courteous as you DLiver.

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There you go, deleted all of those posts so im not "polluting" your vital thread.

Though talking about maturity im not the one who stooped to the level of calling my opinion worthless


Have a nice day





It will be a good read for you.


Water is dry. Sky is orange. Are those not opinions?

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I thought I would go ahead and share some of the pearls that got me to where I am golf wise. I played in college a few years back and I used to do this all the time. Trust me if your not doing this you need to if you already are then you are just that much better than the next guy. Look drivers and golf balls these days are easier to hit. It is just a fact LOL. My old callaway great big bertha and titleist professional golf ball used to take some attention or they would get wild. Different story these days. If your practicing hitting driver a lot your nuts. Do the below and youll play better.

Get a shag bag. If you dont have one you need to get one ASAP. No range balls. Bite the bullet and buy some prov practice balls or whatever ball it is you play. Go out to a field, football field park, wherever you can hit some shots without killing someone and have ample room. Take your lob wedge and about 20 golf balls. Take SMOOTH three quarter 9-3 type of swings. Easy repetable swings. A swing that you can trust that your swinging about 60 percent on. Hit the 20 balls all the same direction where they end up is not as important as how far they go. Once your done doing that walk off the yardage to the area that has the most balls. So lets say that yardage is 60 yards. If it is more than about 70 your swinging way too hard. Now you know that with that swing the one you can repeat you will produce a golf shot that goes 60 yards give or take. This is huge.


Next, do the SAME drill. Except one difference. Choke up on the club about an inch. Walk it off again. Should be about a 10 yard difference.


Next, do the same drill as before but with a sandwedge, then again choking down.


Guys the better you can get at knowing how far you hit short shots the better you will be. I have done this all my competitive life and under pressure or when you have an exact yardage if your thinking about the swing you need to make versus the result you will always fair better. Trust me.

Opinions in bold, the majority of the things not bolded are instructions, which could technically be your opinion, but i will leave those out.


So basically everything you have typed is an opinion, which in no way means its correct.

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First, I will start by saying thank you to SD for taking the time to post his thoughts on the drill. I, like many of my fellow golfers, appreciate hearing other's ideas about drills. However, I do believe that unfair criticism was placed on Beachgrove.


What you will learn as you mature which obviously you need to is it is not what you say but how you say it.


I think it is strange that a "life lesson" like "it's not what you say but how you say it" is being taught by getting in a personal dig at another member. In fact, I think it totally undermines any credibility that the lesson might have.


Lets try to keep this on topic and not personal. Instead of attacking each other, why don't we have a civilized discussion as to the merits of this drill and/or the strengths and/or weaknesses of the Pelz philosophy as it pertains to the short game.

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Thanks Greenmachine, i probably should have stayed out of it completely, but i deleted all of my posts in this thread, still didnt stop him from trying to insult me through PM's, which is why i laugh when i see him talk about maturity and then get a PM calling me a hypersensitive overreactive dwitt. :drinks:

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First, I will start by saying thank you to SD for taking the time to post his thoughts on the drill. I, like many of my fellow golfers, appreciate hearing other's ideas about drills. However, I do believe that unfair criticism was placed on Beachgrove.


What you will learn as you mature which obviously you need to is it is not what you say but how you say it.


I think it is strange that a "life lesson" like "it's not what you say but how you say it" is being taught by getting in a personal dig at another member. In fact, I think it totally undermines any credibility that the lesson might have.


Lets try to keep this on topic and not personal. Instead of attacking each other, why don't we have a civilized discussion as to the merits of this drill and/or the strengths and/or weaknesses of the Pelz philosophy as it pertains to the short game.


Unfortunately you did not get to see his posts. Beachgrove again, your offering nothing positive no one cares about your opinion. You have destroyed this thread. Congrats. Lock it up if you want mods there is nothing productive that is coming out of this.

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First, I will start by saying thank you to SD for taking the time to post his thoughts on the drill. I, like many of my fellow golfers, appreciate hearing other's ideas about drills. However, I do believe that unfair criticism was placed on Beachgrove.


What you will learn as you mature which obviously you need to is it is not what you say but how you say it.


I think it is strange that a "life lesson" like "it's not what you say but how you say it" is being taught by getting in a personal dig at another member. In fact, I think it totally undermines any credibility that the lesson might have.


Lets try to keep this on topic and not personal. Instead of attacking each other, why don't we have a civilized discussion as to the merits of this drill and/or the strengths and/or weaknesses of the Pelz philosophy as it pertains to the short game.


another vote for SD, ive been reading this entire post from the start and before some of the posts were deleted, beachgrove did not leave a very good impression on me, thanks for the info SD

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i probably should have stayed out of it completely, but i deleted all of my posts in this thread


In my book, this ability to self-evaluate and correct one's actions shows maturity.



Now, back on subject, I am slightly concerned with the "technical" aspects of this drill. In fact, I think that this drill might actually be harmful to one's game.


It destroys any creativity a players might try and develop. If they simply see a yardage and make a swing that in ideal conditions hits a shot that distance then very rarely will that pay off. How many times during a round do you have an absolutely flat lie and know the exact yardage to the flag and have practiced hitting a shot that yardage? I can't remember the last time when I had a shot that fit even one of those criterion. If a player only has one "stock" shot how can they be expected to adapt to changing circumstances? For example, what if I have a 60 yard shot from a perfectly clean, level lie in the center of the fairway without a breath of wind, but have a tree with some low-hangin branches blocking my line? If my usual 60 yard shot that I have ingrained in my memory has a ball flight that is too high to go under those branches then I am up a creek without a paddle so-to-speak.


The other day for example I was out playing and had a shot from 110 yards and out of a great lie. 110 yards, thats normally a soft wedge for me, but wait!!!! I had two huge pine trees straight between me and the green. That counts the pitching wedge play out. Instead, I punched a three iron about 2 feet off the ground and onto the green about 20 feet from the hole. If I hadn't been able to just "feel" that shot, I would have been dead from that lie, but instead I was able to manufacture a shot, a skill that is necessary for any golfer to have.


I can see that this drill might be good for the beginning golfer to use for a few weeks to develop an idea about distance control, but for an advanced player I believe it could be quite detrimental to their game. What do you all think?

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First, I will start by saying thank you to SD for taking the time to post his thoughts on the drill. I, like many of my fellow golfers, appreciate hearing other's ideas about drills. However, I do believe that unfair criticism was placed on Beachgrove.


What you will learn as you mature which obviously you need to is it is not what you say but how you say it.


I think it is strange that a "life lesson" like "it's not what you say but how you say it" is being taught by getting in a personal dig at another member. In fact, I think it totally undermines any credibility that the lesson might have.


Lets try to keep this on topic and not personal. Instead of attacking each other, why don't we have a civilized discussion as to the merits of this drill and/or the strengths and/or weaknesses of the Pelz philosophy as it pertains to the short game.


Unfortunately you did not get to see his posts. Beachgrove again, your offering nothing positive no one cares about your opinion. You have destroyed this thread. Congrats. Lock it up if you want mods there is nothing productive that is coming out of this.



Sir, you are incorrect. I have been watching this post all day from the time that there were two responses to your original post.

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all juniors, most arrogant players alive, they think they can beat the pants off of everyone, absolute joke, im 24 now and im 10 times better than i was when i was 14, 16, or 18, have some respect for people who have played longer, especially older guys who you think you can beat the pants off of, stop trying to prove how good you are to everybody, i see older guys who dont care about having this tiger woods esque swing, and dont hold the finnish for 10 seconds, and guess what their scores are lower than yours, juniors need to play the game like everyone else, stop thinking ur better than everyone else, and have some respect, now lets here all the replies of how you could probably woop my ***, what a joke



another vote for SD, ive been reading this entire post from the start and before some of the posts were deleted, beachgrove did not leave a very good impression on me, thanks for the info SD


Coming from someone who gives off really good impressions, I will take that to heart Wsc

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First, I will start by saying thank you to SD for taking the time to post his thoughts on the drill. I, like many of my fellow golfers, appreciate hearing other's ideas about drills. However, I do believe that unfair criticism was placed on Beachgrove.


What you will learn as you mature which obviously you need to is it is not what you say but how you say it.


I think it is strange that a "life lesson" like "it's not what you say but how you say it" is being taught by getting in a personal dig at another member. In fact, I think it totally undermines any credibility that the lesson might have.


Lets try to keep this on topic and not personal. Instead of attacking each other, why don't we have a civilized discussion as to the merits of this drill and/or the strengths and/or weaknesses of the Pelz philosophy as it pertains to the short game.


another vote for SD, ive been reading this entire post from the start and before some of the posts were deleted, beachgrove did not leave a very good impression on me, thanks for the info SD


Can someone with the power to do so please just shut this down? This is getting rediculous if members are now "voting" for who was more justified with their slams of other members. This is not a reality TV show where the person with the member with the best dig at the other member gets $100,000 and a new car. If we can't keep a simple internet posting about the merits of a short game drill on topic then we shouldn't have it.

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i probably should have stayed out of it completely, but i deleted all of my posts in this thread


In my book, this ability to self-evaluate and correct one's actions shows maturity.



Now, back on subject, I am slightly concerned with the "technical" aspects of this drill. In fact, I think that this drill might actually be harmful to one's game.


It destroys any creativity a players might try and develop. If they simply see a yardage and make a swing that in ideal conditions hits a shot that distance then very rarely will that pay off. How many times during a round do you have an absolutely flat lie and know the exact yardage to the flag and have practiced hitting a shot that yardage? I can't remember the last time when I had a shot that fit even one of those criterion. If a player only has one "stock" shot how can they be expected to adapt to changing circumstances? For example, what if I have a 60 yard shot from a perfectly clean, level lie in the center of the fairway without a breath of wind, but have a tree with some low-hangin branches blocking my line? If my usual 60 yard shot that I have ingrained in my memory has a ball flight that is too high to go under those branches then I am up a creek without a paddle so-to-speak.


The other day for example I was out playing and had a shot from 110 yards and out of a great lie. 110 yards, thats normally a soft wedge for me, but wait!!!! I had two huge pine trees straight between me and the green. That counts the pitching wedge play out. Instead, I punched a three iron about 2 feet off the ground and onto the green about 20 feet from the hole. If I hadn't been able to just "feel" that shot, I would have been dead from that lie, but instead I was able to manufacture a shot, a skill that is necessary for any golfer to have.


I can see that this drill might be good for the beginning golfer to use for a few weeks to develop an idea about distance control, but for an advanced player I believe it could be quite detrimental to their game. What do you all think?


I agree, I couldn't do this with half/ 3 quarter wedge shots, more important for me to get an exact number for my full shots so i know where i do what 100s of people have recommended and hit 10 balls and take the average, but on my wedge shots where its much easier to take a yard off or juice an extra yard, i will stick to feel, as well as wind and green conditions will change a 60 yard shot.

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I later apologized after i made that post:


Alright I apologize, it was much too broad and much too harsh, i have a tendency to say things like this when ive had too much sugar, which im sure was the case here, its not juniors that grind my gears, its people who think that they are better than everyone else, and those people come in all shapes, sizes, AND AGES. Hopefully you guys can forgive me.


that was the only negative post i ever made and i later apologized for it


but you definately put a negative spin on a post that SD seemed to put some good effort into, he took his time to give advice to help others games, why are you fighting this so hard, SD clearly started this thread to help people, whats your deal

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This thread is ruined. My intention was to have a discussion around what I failed to realize was a Pelz approach to distance control. In no way shape or form did I have intentions of turning it into a personal battle between myself and a teenager who, well, acts like one. I agree with you GreenMachine it takes a man to say they were wrong however has he let it down? No he has not. The overwhelming opinion is that he was out of line. I was doing nothing other than trying to offer my opinions. I am done with this thread and for the first time in the history of my membership I will be deleting a certain member from my eyes.


What a wonderful world we live in when someone tries to offer help and someone sees it as an attack.

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