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Pure Ball Striker Training Aid....


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Got some good pics swinging with the PBS showing some good flying wedges. Unfortunately I don't have any before stuff, but these pics are pretty strong. And the PBS really helped me reach these positions. I thought you'd like to see them.




















Love that P8 pic.


I can't thank you enough for the help you've given and how the PBS has helped my swing!






Thanks for the pics your moion looks outstanding. I think it is ready for the test! I am happy to share with you and you are a great student of the golf and motion. Fantastic work continue you are on your way.

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Haven't seen one yet, but ordered 6 of them.


Figured they'd make good Christmas presents for my golfing buddies. 13.gif


Christmas gifts for golfing buddies! I think this is a wonderful idea! But what if they get better? I had a friend of mine who asked me not help his golf buddy because I might make him better. Be careful they might get better using the Pure Ball Striker.

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Guys, it really is this simple...1.) buy a pbs if you haven't already 2.) put it on your club correctly (this is easy) 3.) Don't choke the pbs, just gently grip it 4.) Swing to the top and as you swing down, guide the pbs to your aiming point without choking the pbs on the way down, just make sure you grip it just tightly enough so that the pbs doesn't go flying out onto the range in front of you 4.) Repeat until you get this 5.) By following steps 1-4, the pbs will become your new best friend as it takes care of so many things (you will instantly learn lag pressure and therefore you will achieve a flat left wrist and bent right wrist which is essential for optimal compression), and finally your hands will stay on the club... 6.) Yes it really is that simple..if the pbs doesn't go flying out into the range in front of you, you are doing it correctly..if it flies out, you aren't gripping the pbs tight enough and therefore are losing lag pressure.. it isn't a difficult concept...7.) Pray that the pbs spreads around the world and that Jeff Evans gets blessed as one of the best golf instructors in the world

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I Think I have to order 1000 PBS before it get´s me better :) .. Just a joke, but havn´t yet figured it out and sadly you don´t come to europe :)


Do you have a good teacher near you? If you do, show him the PBS, explain what you're supposed to feel or give him the instructions that came with the PBS. Any good teacher should immediately know it's worth and be able to show you hands on how to use it if you can't figure it out yourself. I gave one to my friend who is an instructor and he didn't even need to take a swing. Just gripped it, waggled once and knew immediately it's worth.

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Got some good pics swinging with the PBS showing some good flying wedges. Unfortunately I don't have any before stuff, but these pics are pretty strong. And the PBS really helped me reach these positions. I thought you'd like to see them.




















Love that P8 pic.


I can't thank you enough for the help you've given and how the PBS has helped my swing!






Thanks for the pics your moion looks outstanding. I think it is ready for the test! I am happy to share with you and you are a great student of the golf and motion. Fantastic work continue you are on your way.


Thanks for the kind words Jeff! It wouldn't look that good without the PBS that is for sure! Thanks again for all your help.

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Just a few questions.


Do you feel like you are creating more lag or are you able to sense the lag pressure better or both?


How many hours do you spend a week on average working on your golfing motions for example putting, chipping, pitching, total motion and speciality shot?


How much time do you spend playing?

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I received the PBS on Saturday, did some chipping with it today.


It ruined my chipping. I now have much more spin on the ball and I have no idea what my distances are. the harder I chip, the more spin I get. :jester:




Thanks Jeff, great tool. I can't wait to try it on my full swing.


So, it is working well for you? Keep us posted! Thanks for the support.

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Just a few questions.


Do you feel like you are creating more lag or are you able to sense the lag pressure better or both?


How many hours do you spend a week on average working on your golfing motions for example putting, chipping, pitching, total motion and speciality shot?


How much time do you spend playing?



Those are some good questions.


I am 100% able to sense the lag pressure better on the downswing and through the shot. Night and day. I did not comprehend that concept very well before using the PBS and speaking with you. I really didn't even know what lag pressure was, or how important it was to a consistently solid strike.


I also feel like and know (video) I am creating more lag (and due to my understanding of it can create more if I wanted to). After working with the PBS for a few weeks I began to understand that if I wanted to really create more lag on the downswing, I would have to load more pressure in there on the downswing, which would in turn create more accumulator lag. From there I work hard to deliver that pressure to my aiming point and feel it all the way into the finish.


Like you certainly know, these things take time. I've had my PBS for a couple months now and I'm still learning while I practice with it and use it every session. As far as time spent practicing it varies depending on what I'm working on in my game. For example now is the off season and I'm spending a little more time on my motions, and less on playing. But in season it is a lot of playing, and maybe only a couple hours a day on my motions. Either way 2-3 hours a day is a minimum, and when I'm really grinding on stuff it can be 6-8 hours easy.


That is the thing though, I love it. I love working on it and seeing the results. It's not always easy, and for the most part takes way more time than I want it to or think I have the patience for, but that is golf. And I have found if you put the time in, the rewards will come. Might take a few months or even longer depending on your level skill or the extent of the changes, but they will come.


I hope that answered what you wanted to know.



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I finally had my first chance to use PBS while giving a lesson. We were working on the gentleman's impact alignments, and I was just starting to introduce the concept of lag and pressure while chipping / pitching. He was a hitter so I had a feeling it would be perfect. The guy got it immediately, he felt EXACTLY the pressure we were working on creating. Thanks for a GREAT tool!


One question, now he thinks I'm a genius, should I tell him I'm still an idiot and give you the credit? Would you mind if I just let him go on believing? Oops, that was two questions...


:lol: :lol: :lol:




I could be wrong
I've been wrong before
I'll be wrong again
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I received the PBS on Saturday, did some chipping with it today.


It ruined my chipping. I now have much more spin on the ball and I have no idea what my distances are. the harder I chip, the more spin I get. :jester:




Thanks Jeff, great tool. I can't wait to try it on my full swing.


So, it is working well for you? Keep us posted! Thanks for the support.


Yep, it's working great. I don't know if this is actually happening, but with the PBS I feel like I can control my trajectory on my chips, depending on how much pressure I place on the PBS/lag I create.

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I received the PBS on Saturday, did some chipping with it today.


It ruined my chipping. I now have much more spin on the ball and I have no idea what my distances are. the harder I chip, the more spin I get. :jester:




Thanks Jeff, great tool. I can't wait to try it on my full swing.


So, it is working well for you? Keep us posted! Thanks for the support.


Yep, it's working great. I don't know if this is actually happening, but with the PBS I feel like I can control my trajectory on my chips, depending on how much pressure I place on the PBS/lag I create.



Exactly. A little shift in the aiming point can go a long way for trajectory as well.

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I finally had my first chance to use PBS while giving a lesson. We were working on the gentleman's impact alignments, and I was just starting to introduce the concept of lag and pressure while chipping / pitching. He was a hitter so I had a feeling it would be perfect. The guy got it immediately, he felt EXACTLY the pressure we were working on creating. Thanks for a GREAT tool!


One question, now he thinks I'm a genius, should I tell him I'm still an idiot and give you the credit? Would you mind if I just let him go on believing? Oops, that was two questions...


:lol: :lol: :lol:







To quote Mr. Kelley "The instructor can only inform and explain, the student must absorb and apply." We are all genius in are own ways we must all use are skills to the best of our abilities! The Pure Ball Striker is just a TOOL for helping. We pass on the infromation in away that is precise and concise. The student is the learner and I am sure that we as instructors learn from our students as much as they learn from us. I enjoy hearing and sharing these types experiences. Thank you for sharing!

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The Pure Ball Striker helps the player sense/feel their lag pressure in their motion from putter thru driver. In putting you may feel/sense less clubhead lag pressure than with any other club in your bag. Move your Pure Ball Striker along a parallel line to your target. Start from about 2 feet and direct your clubhead lag pressure back and through while getting the ball to drop in just the back bottom of the cup. You will be developing your approach speed and feel for your stroke. Then continue from 4 ft, 6ft, 8ft, 10ft, and so on. Remember to find a straight as possible putt and develop you approach speed first.

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  • 4 weeks later...

For those interested in the Three Golf Imperatives covered into "The Golfing Machine". Lag and pressure point #3 are inside this list:


1- Flat left wrist

2- Clubhead lag pressure point

3- Straight Plane line




Its includes some good explanations and pics about these subjects. Hope this help!!


About the aiming point technique Bobby Clampett in his book "The impact Zone" define it: "The "aiming point" technique involves drawing an imaginary line from the hands, at the top of the backswing, to a point in front of the ball along the ball-to-target line. As the backswing transitions to the downswing, the golfer directs or "aims" his or her hand, not at the ball, but at that point in from of the ball."


He define this point to be 4" ahead of the ball because he has study the swing bottom of tour pros and he says that they have the bottom 4" ahead of the ball while high handicapper have it at the ball or behind. Thru the "aiming point" concepts he assure you can have a forward swing bottom and start inmediately to reduce your handicap. It is a lovely book. You can read the reviews people is doing in the Amazon website. He defines the lag as "the downswing´s number-one prority, concern and goal" and the trigger finger as sadly the "most overlooked fundamental of golf"

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For those interested in the Three Golf Imperatives covered into "The Golfing Machine". Lag and pressure point #3 are inside this list:


1- Flat left wrist

2- Clubhead lag pressure point

3- Straight Plane line




Its includes some good explanations and pics about these subjects. Hope this help!!


About the aiming point technique Bobby Clampett in his book "The impact Zone" define it: "The "aiming point" technique involves drawing an imaginary line from the hands, at the top of the backswing, to a point in front of the ball along the ball-to-target line. As the backswing transitions to the downswing, the golfer directs or "aims" his or her hand, not at the ball, but at that point in from of the ball."


He define this point to be 4" ahead of the ball because he has study the swing bottom of tour pros and he says that they have the bottom 4" ahead of the ball while high handicapper have it at the ball or behind. Thru the "aiming point" concepts he assure you can have a forward swing bottom and start inmediately to reduce your handicap. It is a lovely book. You can read the reviews people is doing in the Amazon website. He defines the lag as "the downswing´s number-one prority, concern and goal" and the trigger finger as sadly the "most overlooked fundamental of golf"



This is great stuff thanks for the post and the supporting information!

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Another source of good info:




Clampett´s book is all about the five dynamics which defines a great impact. His ideas are based on the TGM book. If you master the impact zone no matter how your swing looks. This is why such different players with different styles (from Hogan to even Furyk..) can play in the pro tour with good results. They all master the impact zone. His idea is that if your achieve to move forward the bottom of your swing you can start to hit the ball better and reduce your handicap. He has made a study an his results are: Tour pros has a bottom point of the swing 4" ahead of the ball, scratch golfers 2" ahead of the ball, mid handicapper at the ball and high handicapper behind the ball. There is a direct correlation between one´s owm handicap and his/her bottom point of the swing. Therefore he recommends to focus your aiming point 4" ahead of the ball. Here I put a link to a Golf Digest article (Nov-2007) where he summarizes some of these ideas.


One question: Which kind of grip is better to feel the pressure into the right forefinger? Weak or Strong ? At first it seems that a weak grip can feel better the pressure since the forefinger is more joined to the clubgrip. But I have noted that my friends who have quite stronger grips can retained more the lag and they reach longer distances and lower heights -so they deloft the club into impact-

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Another source of good info:




Clampett´s book is all about the five dynamics which defines a great impact. His ideas are based on the TGM book. If you master the impact zone no matter how your swing looks. This is why such different players with different styles (from Hogan to even Furyk..) can play in the pro tour with good results. They all master the impact zone. His idea is that if your achieve to move forward the bottom of your swing you can start to hit the ball better and reduce your handicap. He has made a study an his results are: Tour pros has a bottom point of the swing 4" ahead of the ball, scratch golfers 2" ahead of the ball, mid handicapper at the ball and high handicapper behind the ball. There is a direct correlation between one´s owm handicap and his/her bottom point of the swing. Therefore he recommends to focus your aiming point 4" ahead of the ball. Here I put a link to a Golf Digest article (Nov-2007) where he summarizes some of these ideas.


One question: Which kind of grip is better to feel the pressure into the right forefinger? Weak or Strong ? At first it seems that a weak grip can feel better the pressure since the forefinger is more joined to the clubgrip. But I have noted that my friends who have quite stronger grips can retained more the lag and they reach longer distances and lower heights -so they deloft the club into impact-


Thanks, keep it coming!

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Does Anybody know which grip is better to feel the pressure point? Weak or Strong?


I have seen another trainig aid called Accuhit which release tension from the right hand grip improving also the ball flight . Which are the differenteces between PBS and Accuhit? Do they both work in the same way or they attack two different problems?

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On the grip type it is the players choice but I have found that a strong single action grip works well with the Pure Ball Striker. Strong Single is where the #3 Pressure Point, first joint of the right hand index finger touches the grip and the left thumb are both on the aft side of the grip in an on plane location for impact support.


The Pure Ball Striker is designed based on the geometry of the golfing motions and the design of the golf clubs. It is a sensing device that creates an unique feel for the individual player. The Pure Ball Striker is meant to be held on the aft side of the grip and will remain there through correct pressure application. Correct application of pressure will allow the clubhead lag pressure point to direct and thrust the players hands to a specific aiming point. See Post # 683 685 this is great info.


Pure Ball Striker locates the clubhead lag pressure point and once located the player can Load, Store and Deliver their clubhead lag pressure to their aiming point. This pressure is sustained throughout the stroke.


The Pure Ball Striker supports the "Secret of Golf" Clubhead Lag and without it the line of compression cannot be sustained.

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For the Christmas season I would like to offer Golfwrx members the Pure Ball Striker at a Buy One Get One Free. Total investment is $21.88 for 2 Pure Ball Strikers. Just order one and note that you are a Golfwrx member and you will receive the second Pure Ball Striker Training Device for free. One order for each member. This offer last until 12:00 PM Noon, December 24, 2008, Eastern Standard Time or until supplies last.

Thanks for the support!


Visit My Website

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An overactive right hand grip can spoil the lag acumulated and flip the wrist at impact. Tommy Armour in his book "How to Play Perfect Golf all the time" states that "the tightness of the right hand grip must bus a-half of the tightness in the left hand"


Hogan also states that you must take out of play any tension in the tips of the right forefinger and thumb because it can destroy a powerful grip.


Nicklaus told Greg Norman to monitor his grip pressure after Norman missed a win in the last hole by pushing a shot. Any extra tension can provoke fliping the wrists and avoid making a correct natural release and will be the cause of some undesirable shots (push, slice...)

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For the Christmas season I would like to offer Golfwrx members the Pure Ball Striker at a Buy One Get One Free. Total investment is $21.88 for 2 Pure Ball Strikers. Just order one and note that you are a Golfwrx member and you will receive the second Pure Ball Striker Training Device for free. One order for each member. This offer last until 12:00 PM Noon, December 24, 2008, Eastern Standard Time or until supplies last.

Thanks for the support!


Visit My Website


Trust me to make my order 3 days ago! I'll probably have to wait a while for it to get to the UK aswell.

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