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Pure Ball Striker Training Aid....


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I've forever been transfixed on the golf ball in my swing and the concept of aiming point is new to me. I understand the physicality of it, i.e. finding something (forward big toe) to drive the PBS towards, but what does it instill? Is it to promote the activation of PP3?


The Pressure Points are being moved by the Power Accucmlators the player just needs to direct something with something. Power Accumulators are out of line conditions seeking their in line conditions. The Angles are being released the pressure is being maintained and senses the direction.

The ball can be the aiming point but does not have to be the left big toe can be an aiming point it is the players choice and only the player can truly decide through experience and experimentation.

The whole point is the loading, storage, delivery of the Power Package towards the bottom of the players swing arc or Low Point and the sensing the clubhead lag pressure to and throught the aiming point.

The Pure Ball Striker will help each player in different ways because we feel differently. Feel is subjective and the mechanics are objective the Pure Ball Striker can take care of both.

This will instill a more consistent swing bottom with better distance, power, and control.

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So finally I got my - thanks - ordered 1 recived 2 :)


I of course checked it out with a iron, and it feels of course really wired. I than checked the paper that was within the package. I am a bit lost about


2) with extensor action through the trigger finger pressure stretch the club to the top of the motion - I don´t know how I must understand this?. Do I have to press my index finger on the pbs device and make my backswing?


3) once at the top draw an invisible line from your pbs to your indicidual aiming point - This one is making more sense to me, than the first, but I suppose the aiming ball should be the ball ?


Of course I haven´t trained with it yet, so it is still a bit early - but would like to be sure I don´t make any wrong exersizes with it



This happens from time to time we drop an extra Pure Ball Striker in there order to see if anyone catches us exceeding customer expectations. :rolleyes:

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I've forever been transfixed on the golf ball in my swing and the concept of aiming point is new to me. I understand the physicality of it, i.e. finding something (forward big toe) to drive the PBS towards, but what does it instill? Is it to promote the activation of PP3?


The Pressure Points are being moved by the Power Accucmlators the player just needs to direct something with something. Power Accumulators are out of line conditions seeking their in line conditions. The Angles are being released the pressure is being maintained and senses the direction.

The ball can be the aiming point but does not have to be the left big toe can be an aiming point it is the players choice and only the player can truly decide through experience and experimentation.

The whole point is the loading, storage, delivery of the Power Package towards the bottom of the players swing arc or Low Point and the sensing the clubhead lag pressure to and throught the aiming point.

The Pure Ball Striker will help each player in different ways because we feel differently. Feel is subjective and the mechanics are objective the Pure Ball Striker can take care of both.

This will instill a more consistent swing bottom with better distance, power, and control.





What would say to an aiming point outside the left toe? Even two feet past your left toe? Is there a cutoff point where it fails to be effective? Or would that simply help achieve the hands being even further ahead at impact? Curious to hear what you have to say about this. Thanks!

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took me a long time to go through all the posts.

i have the PBS in my bag but after using it a few times I still don't get it.

i don't know what i'm suppose to feel?

am i suppose sense or be aware of the pressure being applied to the PBS, what about the other fingers on the right hand? do i concentrate on my left hand or just hit with my right. or am i just confused and not think, just put it on and hit like normal?


i guess i'd like to know while using this device, how do i know if i'm doing it right or wrong? what should the right/wrong results be?




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I've forever been transfixed on the golf ball in my swing and the concept of aiming point is new to me. I understand the physicality of it, i.e. finding something (forward big toe) to drive the PBS towards, but what does it instill? Is it to promote the activation of PP3?


The Pressure Points are being moved by the Power Accucmlators the player just needs to direct something with something. Power Accumulators are out of line conditions seeking their in line conditions. The Angles are being released the pressure is being maintained and senses the direction.

The ball can be the aiming point but does not have to be the left big toe can be an aiming point it is the players choice and only the player can truly decide through experience and experimentation.

The whole point is the loading, storage, delivery of the Power Package towards the bottom of the players swing arc or Low Point and the sensing the clubhead lag pressure to and throught the aiming point.

The Pure Ball Striker will help each player in different ways because we feel differently. Feel is subjective and the mechanics are objective the Pure Ball Striker can take care of both.

This will instill a more consistent swing bottom with better distance, power, and control.





What would say to an aiming point outside the left toe? Even two feet past your left toe? Is there a cutoff point where it fails to be effective? Or would that simply help achieve the hands being even further ahead at impact? Curious to hear what you have to say about this. Thanks!





By directing the players aiming point outside the bottom of the arc would change the players release type and lean the clubshaft would be more forward and effectively changing the loft of the club, which would require ball location to be moved forward as well, so the player does not miss the ball totally.


However, I will move the ball to Low Point or to the bottom of the swing arc to help clients learn to direct their hand more towards the bottom of the arc.


Impact and ball location is very important!


From my observations most golfers try to hit at the ball but by placing the ball at LP they make better ball strikes. However, when moving the ball back to a standard ball location the clients would return to hitting at the ball agian. So, until they understand the differences we continue alternating between LP and standard. Normally, it takes 12 minutes to learn even for the higher handicap players.


Also, it only may become uneffective when the ball flight becomes erratic. I can remember when competing I would aim about 2 feet infront of LP with my wedges and as the clubs grew longer I would aim closer towards LP. But now I use one aiming point which gives me a repeatable feel and release.

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took me a long time to go through all the posts.

i have the PBS in my bag but after using it a few times I still don't get it.

i don't know what i'm suppose to feel?

am i suppose sense or be aware of the pressure being applied to the PBS, what about the other fingers on the right hand? do i concentrate on my left hand or just hit with my right. or am i just confused and not think, just put it on and hit like normal?


i guess i'd like to know while using this device, how do i know if i'm doing it right or wrong? what should the right/wrong results be?






If I could I would tell you what it feels like! But feel is subjective and therefore different for everyone!

What I gather that you don't get is the FEEL correct?

What about your results?

What are you getting from your practice and how much time do you spend?

I would be guessing to answer these questions.

What do you notice?

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I've forever been transfixed on the golf ball in my swing and the concept of aiming point is new to me. I understand the physicality of it, i.e. finding something (forward big toe) to drive the PBS towards, but what does it instill? Is it to promote the activation of PP3?


The Pressure Points are being moved by the Power Accucmlators the player just needs to direct something with something. Power Accumulators are out of line conditions seeking their in line conditions. The Angles are being released the pressure is being maintained and senses the direction.

The ball can be the aiming point but does not have to be the left big toe can be an aiming point it is the players choice and only the player can truly decide through experience and experimentation.

The whole point is the loading, storage, delivery of the Power Package towards the bottom of the players swing arc or Low Point and the sensing the clubhead lag pressure to and throught the aiming point.

The Pure Ball Striker will help each player in different ways because we feel differently. Feel is subjective and the mechanics are objective the Pure Ball Striker can take care of both.

This will instill a more consistent swing bottom with better distance, power, and control.





What would say to an aiming point outside the left toe? Even two feet past your left toe? Is there a cutoff point where it fails to be effective? Or would that simply help achieve the hands being even further ahead at impact? Curious to hear what you have to say about this. Thanks!





By directing the players aiming point outside the bottom of the arc would change the player release type and lean the clubshaft more forward and effectively changing the loft of the club, which would require ball location to be moved forward as well, so the player does not miss the ball totally.


However, I will move the ball to Low Point or to the bottom of the swing arc to help clients learn to direct their hand more towards the bottom of the arc.


Impact and ball location is very important!


From my observations most golfers try to hit at the ball but by placing the ball at LP they make better ball strikes. However, when moving the ball back to a standard ball location the clients would return to hitting at the ball agian. So, until they understand the differences we continue alternating between LP and standard. Normally, it takes 12 minutes to learn even for the higher handicap players.

Also, it only may become uneffective when the ball flight become erratic. I can remember when competing I would aim about 2 Ft infront of LP with my wedges and as the clubs grew longer I would aim closer towards LP. But now I use one aiming point which give me a repeatable feel and release.



Thank you Jeff for the detailed response. What I am really looking for is how to increase the lag coming into the ball. At P6 (when the club is parallel to the ground) my left hand is just touching my leg (an improvement from before I got the PBS). When analyzing alot of great strikers swings their hands are much further along. Is it just releasing accumulator #4 faster?

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thanks for the response Jeff.

i feel like with the PBS on the grip, I want to use my right hand to hit and I want to straighten my right hand which might be causing me to hang back and hit it fat..however i am hitting down but I'm hitting fat. i'm more of a picker or sweeper of the ball.

I know one of my flaws is that on the backswing my club goes too much around my body which causes a lot of hooks, i still need to work on that wall drill and also work on correcting a slight chicken wing. I initially bought the PBS to gain more lag.

thanks and I appreciate your help...communicating "feel" is very difficult even when i take lessons. I thrive on "cause" and "reactions/results".



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Have just come home from the range the first time with my PBS - and what I got home with is a "hurt" index finger :) - Must admit after the first time using this device for a couple of hours nothing feel changed in my swing - besides the wired feeling of have something under youre index finger.


Still thin shots and still hitting a lot of heel shots, that are close to shanks - because I throw the club from the top.


So - of course it did not expect a miracle, as no training aid can do that but I hoped for something ... but I hope this will come ....? ..

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I received mine last week while on vacation. I got out today to try it out before my round. I hit a lot of block shots. I asked both guys I golf with to give it a try. They are single digit handicaps as well. Both guys blocked the ball although both have VERY different swings.


I decided to get out and try it again this evening. It began much like earlier - blocks. I finally quit blocking but felt as if my hands became overactice - almost like flipping. My ball flight was improved but I began pulling my shots. I'm not giving up yet. I'll try again tomorrow and post more results.

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Personally, I thought the commercial was bad, followed the same script as other training aids and was not in the least original.


The theme of the commercial should have been completely different. Had it been more informative of why we need the pressure in the first place, then I believe the commercial would have been better.





For the most part I agree. But marketing is a tough game. Especially when trying to crack the market he is shooting for. At that level, to really get something done the way you want it can cost an exorbitant amount of money. He got the cookie cutter infomercial at probably the cookie cutter price. But thats the way products are sold in this industry. Obviously for this product to take off it is going to take another approach.


I have to disagree. If someone is creative, has a clear vision of what he wants he does not have to break the bank or succumb to whatever ABC Marketing suggests. The commercial was very un-memorable. But if you turn over production to someone else, well, you get what you get.

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I too struggle with the lag concept but it came more clear to me today. Yesterday I visited an old "Golf Machine" instructor that I hadn't seen in 35 years. He was still as excited about Homer Kellys' book as he was years ago. I gave him a "PBS" and it was immediately apperant to him how it works.

He suggested that I take the club back using the right forearm plane by pulling the right arm back on the plane as if I were starting a lawn mower. He then had me hit some wedge shots. I thought the wedge shots were pretty good but he could tell that I wasn't maintaining enough lag.

He said I had to slow down to establish the pressure point for lag at the end of my backstroke and then start down slowly to maintain it all the way through the downswing. I could tell that I was losing the lag pressure at impact. What really helped me was when he talked about feeling the pressure in one place on the trigger finger at the end of my backswing and then as it released you will feel it move or roll to a different place on the finger as the right wrist was turning to square up the clubface. After playing around on the range with that today it started to not only make sense but I could actually feel the lag pressure through impact and into the followthrough. The key for me is to SLOW down and to get a heavy and deliberate feel through impact (like using a mop) instead of a quick flick like I had been doing.

I know I mixed in TGM stuff with "lag pressure" and I appologize if I got too wordy. Keep in mind that I am only a student and may not know what I am talking about but this is how I made a breakthrough today.

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I too struggle with the lag concept but it came more clear to me today. Yesterday I visited an old "Golf Machine" instructor that I hadn't seen in 35 years. He was still as excited about Homer Kellys' book as he was years ago. I gave him a "PBS" and it was immediately apperant to him how it works.

He suggested that I take the club back using the right forearm plane by pulling the right arm back on the plane as if I were starting a lawn mower. He then had me hit some wedge shots. I thought the wedge shots were pretty good but he could tell that I wasn't maintaining enough lag.

He said I had to slow down to establish the pressure point for lag at the end of my backstroke and then start down slowly to maintain it all the way through the downswing. I could tell that I was losing the lag pressure at impact. What really helped me was when he talked about feeling the pressure in one place on the trigger finger at the end of my backswing and then as it released you will feel it move or roll to a different place on the finger as the right wrist was turning to square up the clubface. After playing around on the range with that today it started to not only make sense but I could actually feel the lag pressure through impact and into the followthrough. The key for me is to SLOW down and to get a heavy and deliberate feel through impact (like using a mop) instead of a quick flick like I had been doing.

I know I mixed in TGM stuff with "lag pressure" and I appologize if I got too wordy. Keep in mind that I am only a student and may not know what I am talking about but this is how I made a breakthrough today.


Awesome. Congrats. As far as the last paragraph, lag pressure is a TGM term so you didn't mix up anything. Keep us posted on future improvements.

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i don't know. i kept at it today and i'm guessing that i'm just approaching it the wrong way. I continue to pull and shank because i'm trying to guide the club with the trigger finger. i'm ready to either call it quits or get a good TGM teacher but there aren't anyone near where i live in north county san diego.

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Some of my experience with PBS. Keep in mind: I only got it about two weeks ago and hit ball in the range for a couple of times along with dry swing at home, I played a 9-hole with PBS yesterday to experiment bit.


1) Driver swing with PBS does not feel very good. Normally driver is my strength, but yesterday I kept pushing the ball with PBS. I guess for driver swing you don't really want that much "forward lean" with your hands at the impact.


2) Iron shots were ok, though they were on thin side. I feel a 3/4 swing works better with PBS on.


3) While practice with PBS, one should not forget about the core/arm sync. It is easy for one to put too much emphasis on aim point (hands) and forget about core, which leads to stalling core.


I will continue practice with PBS on my irons.



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For you guys hitting it the right. IMO you are for the first time using a passive hands release (due to the PBS) and it is causing you to miss to the right because normally you would use your hands to square the face up. I blocked every shot i hit with the PBS the first day I used it. But that is why I got it, to get rid of that type of release. Golf is not an easy game, and takes work. Even the PBS (which I think is the best training aid on the market) wont transform your game in one practice session. Give it some time. If you miss to the right, it is good, now you have to continue to practice to learn to square the face properly.


Hopefully Jeff will chime in and give a more definitive diagnoses.

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For you guys hitting it the right. IMO you are for the first time using a passive hands release (due to the PBS) and it is causing you to miss to the right because normally you would use your hands to square the face up. I blocked every shot i hit with the PBS the first day I used it. But that is why I got it, to get rid of that type of release. Golf is not an easy game, and takes work. Even the PBS (which I think is the best training aid on the market) wont transform your game in one practice session. Give it some time. If you miss to the right, it is good, now you have to continue to practice to learn to square the face properly.


Hopefully Jeff will chime in and give a more definitive diagnoses.


Yup. My first 2 swings with it were clunky near-shanks followed by a few very high blocks. What I found best was something someone mentioned earlier as the "32 ball drill". Hit 4 balls with the PBS, then 4 balls without it. Repeat 4 times.


I used my PBS at the range for the first time and found that I was hitting the ball really high, higher than an already high ball flight. I was hoping to lower the trajectory which means I still have work to do to have my hands ahead of the clubhead at impact.


Great game this golf, huh?

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For you guys hitting it the right. IMO you are for the first time using a passive hands release (due to the PBS) and it is causing you to miss to the right because normally you would use your hands to square the face up. I blocked every shot i hit with the PBS the first day I used it. But that is why I got it, to get rid of that type of release. Golf is not an easy game, and takes work. Even the PBS (which I think is the best training aid on the market) wont transform your game in one practice session. Give it some time. If you miss to the right, it is good, now you have to continue to practice to learn to square the face properly.


Hopefully Jeff will chime in and give a more definitive diagnoses.


Yup. My first 2 swings with it were clunky near-shanks followed by a few very high blocks. What I found best was something someone mentioned earlier as the "32 ball drill". Hit 4 balls with the PBS, then 4 balls without it. Repeat 4 times.


I used my PBS at the range for the first time and found that I was hitting the ball really high, higher than an already high ball flight. I was hoping to lower the trajectory which means I still have work to do to have my hands ahead of the clubhead at impact.


Great game this golf, huh?

I'm not sure how your swing is before using the pbs, but you may be getting higher ball flight now since you might be compressing the ball more with the pbs.

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Jeff I have recieved the PBS and it is definitely worth it! I think it's great especially for the short game and allowing players to feel passive hands.


I was wondering what you thought about setting the right forearm on the plane of the shaft at address and the advantages and disadvantages of doing this? What is all this I am hearing about the magic of the right forearm? Also after using the PBS more it seems that I have been performing more of a right arm takeaway and what feels like more of a hitting style (rather than swinging). Feels like I am getting better compression (better accuracy), but also my swing is shorter and am lo Ising some distance. Thoughts on how to keep the accuracy and get more distance at the same time? (I know I know...everyone would love to improve both)



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Well here is my initial feedback.


I was able to get out today and do some chipping with the PBS. I am usually quite the skeptic but I was really hitting much better shots and making nice crisp contact. I am not sure I am clear on the correct feeling with this device yet, so I focused on maintaining the pressure I felt in the finger (pressure point) on top of the PBS. I tried to transfer this over to shots without the PBS attached and it was very impressive. I actually holed a few shots which I never recall doing.


I am anxious to try some full shots this weekend.

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I have had the pleasure of introducing the PBS to a golf buddy who is scratch and another who is a struggling member of the Tarheel tour. I almost didn't get the PBS back from either one of them. They approached me about it because they have seen how well my ball striking has gotten. Jeff, you need to get these things in stores and green grass accounts. You could sell a ton at my club alone! Thanks again my friend.

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how did you use this device? what did it do for you?

i'd love to make this work for me too.


I used it exactly how Jeff showed me to when I me him. The concept is really simple and I think that some people may be making it a little harder than it really is. When I have shown others how to use it, the look at it like it is from Mars. Once I explain the "feeling" that they are looking to achieve, they adjust their grip and swing with it. I always tell them to hit some balls with it and then take it off and hit some balls. The first thing I hear is, "man that is so simple."


As far as what it did for me? It made me a consistently good ball striker. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, I picked up over a club in distance. My irons now "click" on impact like they should. My divots have improved and my so have my scores.


As I also mentioned earlier in the thread, this is not the Holy Grail. If you don't have a good swing, it won't give you one. It's not a cure all and it's not band aid. It is a simple yet effective tool that help you achieve that "feel" of a pure struck golf shot. I was lucky enough to meet Jeff in person and get my instructions straight from the horse's mouth so that may be why I caught on so quick.


Give it some time and start with the putter like I did. Move on to wedges with half swing and then to full swings. Then move on to irons and driver. For me, it showed that I had a flawed grip but it also fixed my tempo issues and a myriad of other problems that I had. Once you use it and take it off, go to grip your club. You will search for that "feeling". Once you lock it in, take your stance, lock and load and watch the ball go bye bye.


Good luck and let everyone know about your progress. Jeff is a great guy and he loves to share his knowledge. Hope this helps. If not, let me know.

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how did you use this device? what did it do for you?

i'd love to make this work for me too.


I used it exactly how Jeff showed me to when I me him. The concept is really simple and I think that some people may be making it a little harder than it really is. When I have shown others how to use it, the look at it like it is from Mars. Once I explain the "feeling" that they are looking to achieve, they adjust their grip and swing with it. I always tell them to hit some balls with it and then take it off and hit some balls. The first thing I hear is, "man that is so simple."


As far as what it did for me? It made me a consistently good ball striker. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, I picked up over a club in distance. My irons now "click" on impact like they should. My divots have improved and my so have my scores.


As I also mentioned earlier in the thread, this is not the Holy Grail. If you don't have a good swing, it won't give you one. It's not a cure all and it's not band aid. It is a simple yet effective tool that help you achieve that "feel" of a pure struck golf shot. I was lucky enough to meet Jeff in person and get my instructions straight from the horse's mouth so that may be why I caught on so quick.


Give it some time and start with the putter like I did. Move on to wedges with half swing and then to full swings. Then move on to irons and driver. For me, it showed that I had a flawed grip but it also fixed my tempo issues and a myriad of other problems that I had. Once you use it and take it off, go to grip your club. You will search for that "feeling". Once you lock it in, take your stance, lock and load and watch the ball go bye bye.


Good luck and let everyone know about your progress. Jeff is a great guy and he loves to share his knowledge. Hope this helps. If not, let me know.

Coming to retail golf shops soon!


I will be in Atlanta tomorrow give me a call maybe we can hook up!


Appointments at the PGATSS and Golf Smith.

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how did you use this device? what did it do for you?

i'd love to make this work for me too.


I too suspect you are over complicating the matter.


-Grip it so it is against the base pad of your right index finger


-Feel pressure there


-Make your backswing


-From the top feel an immense amount of pressure in that pressure point, as much as you can possibly place there (sergio halfway down probably has 3x the pressure in there that you do..at least)...that immense amount of pressure means you have created lag


-Maintain that pressure all the way through impact and into your follow through



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how did you use this device? what did it do for you?

i'd love to make this work for me too.


I too suspect you are over complicating the matter.


-Grip it so it is against the base pad of your right index finger


-Feel pressure there


-Make your backswing


-From the top feel an immense amount of pressure in that pressure point, as much as you can possibly place there (sergio halfway down probably has 3x the pressure in there that you do..at least)...that immense amount of pressure means you have created lag


-Maintain that pressure all the way through impact and into your follow through





Jeff should include this post with every PBS.

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I am interested in making this simpler also. In regards to your last response; what exactly do you do to increase the pressure so that you feel a maximum amount of pressure at the top of the swing? Are you flexing that point of your index finger into the shaft?



From the top, as in coming down. Not at the top.


What do I do to create maximum pressure coming down? Well, I create lag. That is the point of this training aid. Because everyone feels things differently, it is very difficult to tell someone how to create lag. But if you tell them something as simple as feel pressure here, well they can. And if they feel a lot of pressure there, it means they created lag.

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how did you use this device? what did it do for you?

i'd love to make this work for me too.


I too suspect you are over complicating the matter.


-Grip it so it is against the base pad of your right index finger


-Feel pressure there


-Make your backswing


-From the top feel an immense amount of pressure in that pressure point, as much as you can possibly place there (sergio halfway down probably has 3x the pressure in there that you do..at least)...that immense amount of pressure means you have created lag


-Maintain that pressure all the way through impact and into your follow through





Jeff should include this post with every PBS.



Haha. That is what this thread is for. Hopefully it helps the people who were struggling!

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I am interested in making this simpler also. In regards to your last response; what exactly do you do to increase the pressure so that you feel a maximum amount of pressure at the top of the swing? Are you flexing that point of your index finger into the shaft?



From the top, as in coming down. Not at the top.


What do I do to create maximum pressure coming down? Well, I create lag. That is the point of this training aid. Because everyone feels things differently, it is very difficult to tell someone how to create lag. But if you tell them something as simple as feel pressure here, well they can. And if they feel a lot of pressure there, it means they created lag.


Remember, there is the TOP and END of the Backswing. You are going to the TOP and as you start down you may start to feel a gradual Loading of your Clubhead Lag Pressure Point. Continue to Delivery through the directing of the Lag pressure point to and through its aiming point.

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      Newton Motion shaft - 2024 US Open
      Cameron putter covers - 2024 US Open
      New UST Mamiya Linq shaft - 2024 US Open


      • 5 replies
    • Titleist GT drivers - 2024 the Memorial Tournament
      Early in hand photos of the new GT2 models t the truck.  As soon as they show up on the range in player's bags we'll get some better from the top photos and hopefully some comparison photos against the last model.
        • Thanks
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      • 374 replies
    • 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Monday #1
      2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Tuesday #1
      2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Tuesday #2
      2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Tuesday #3
      WITB Albums
      Keith Mitchell - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Rafa Campos - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      R Squared - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Martin Laird - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Paul Haley - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Tyler Duncan - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Min Woo Lee - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Austin Smotherman - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Lee Hodges - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Sami Valimaki - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Pullout Albums
      Eric Cole's newest custom Cameron putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      New Super Stroke Marvel comic themed grips - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Ben Taylor's custom Cameron putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Tyler Duncan's Axis 1 putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Cameron putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Chris Kirk's new Callaway Opus wedges - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      ProTC irons - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Dragon Skin 360 grips - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Cobra prototype putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      SeeMore putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
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