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Pure Ball Striker Training Aid....


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i don't get it either so you're not alone.

there's 19 pages in this thread that you can read, everything has been discussed in several ways.

i'm just waiting for the video and maybe that might trigger something.

unfortunately we all learn differently and I just don't get it yet


Yes this is a long thread, but nobody really has explained what you are physically supposed to do with this thing besides put it on and swing and feel something. My point was, if your swing is flawed to begin with, then how will adding this little device fix anything? Is it just to help better golfers feel how great their lag is? I still don't see how this thing will help you get more lag or "strike the ball more pure" like the name implies.


Unfortunately, you are pretty much on the right track. If you are not feeling anything, and you have read most of this thread, the red warning light should be going off. I recommend, as others have, Clampett's book. You start learning the feel of lag pressure with basic motion, the short game, and work from there through total motion, the full swing.


It may take a little time, but when you find it, the difference will be significant. Homer Kelley says that Lag Pressure is the secret to golf. I believe it. Go to work on developing it and you will be a better ball striker, no doubt about it. The PBS will be very helpful in the journey...



I could be wrong
I've been wrong before
I'll be wrong again
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The night I recieved the PBS, I threw it one the putter and all I can say is wow! Can't wait to hit some chips with this thing next.


How did you feel lag with the putter and the PBS?

Once again, someone's saying they get it, but they don't explain anything.

Seems like this is a big secret that nobody can put into words. It's very

frustrating if you are on the outside looking in.

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I am no pro, and perhaps Jeff or Kevin would help me out in explaining this, but lag is the sensation of feeling the clubhead moving behind your hands. Lag is something that you create with every club in the bag, even the putter. For me (and I am not the greatest writer in the world so forgive me), the PBS amplifies the feeling of the clubhead lagging behind my hands. My hands are on the club as they always are, however there is the space between my "trigger" finger and the shaft created by the PBS. When I make a stroke with the PBS on there is the sensation or feeling of the lag pressure being created by the stroke being pressed into the joint of my finger that is placed on the PBS. Once I feel the lag pressure in my finger I try to maintain that pressure until my hands have reached my aim point (a concept in The Golf Machine and The Impact Zone).


I hope this helps and Jeff or Kevin if you can help explain it better please do.



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how do you maintain that lag to the aiming point?

do you use you hands and push it there or do you rotate you hips or do you just somehow use your body to get your hands there while your hands are passive and just keeping that lag?

in Clampett's book, I think he says you use your hips to get it there and the hands just maintain the angles and nothing more with the aiming point 4 inches in front of the ball.

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how do you maintain that lag to the aiming point?

do you use you hands and push it there or do you rotate you hips or do you just somehow use your body to get your hands there while your hands are passive and just keeping that lag?

in Clampett's book, I think he says you use your hips to get it there and the hands just maintain the angles and nothing more with the aiming point 4 inches in front of the ball.


The Player directs their Clubhead Lag Pressure to their Aiming Point.


With the Pivot and Accumulators The Pressure Point sense, monitor, and direct.


I am here to answer your individual questions just ring me up.

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Interesting post and training aid... Just thought I'd put my two yen in for what its worth.


I feel like after having read the whole thread I'm "starting" to understand what this training aid does and how it could be an effective tool for anyone who understands it fully or has a coach who does. Coming from the perspective of someone just entering the game and trying to learn too much too fast I'm not surprised that I don't get it yet.


I've got a little experience in teaching though and if it allows for feedback that people can feel individually and use in the way that works best for them you've got a good product... because at the end of the day we all learn differently. Someone commented that 99% of training aids only work on 1% of their audience... I find this to be the case when trying to teach anyone. When i taught tennis you had to have different drills for different people to accomplish the same darn thing... its all about how the mind interprets information. Teaching ballroom dance is even more difficult because now its a physical thing they have to get but they have to look pretty doing it (I'd pay about 1,000,000 dollars if you can invent a training aid to do that by the way... it would pay for itself in a year easy :D )


Back to the golf I digress... Its awesome that you are so helpful Mr. Evans and clearly stand behind your creation (I'm in Atlanta and if I'm going down your direction I feel I might need to stop by), but as someone who would probably greatly benefit from your product by learning good habits early on I was a little confused by the website and the video on it... I saw a little ball of rubber and a guy take a nice swing... something that I can't do with any reproducible consistency (doh! yet) but I didn't feel like it explained what it was supposed to make me "get"... since the point of a training aid is to reinforce positive aspects of what you are doing or point out where you made a negative. Maybe a simple fix would be to show the exact same thing with someone who doesn't take a good swing and kind of point out what happens (does the aid fall off the club? does it force you to keep pressure?) Then possibly a quick "idiots" explanation of where the breakdown occurred and how the tool showed that or the reasoning behind keeping that pressure. It just seemed like some assumptions were made that the majority of the people finding your page know a good bit about golf which then leaves new (read: stupid) people like me kinda feeling dumber.


I may be off base here but just kind of my initial reaction to the site. As to the cookie cutter commercial I can sympathize... we've definitely wasted more money on marketing and advertising that didn't do ANYTHING in terms of bringing new students to my studio and simple word of mouth and other free outlets have done their share and THEN some.


Perhaps this is as someone said earlier you can't be taught something your brain isn't ready for. So maybe this isn't a tool designed for the new golfer but more aimed at someone with a more developed swing. If so throw away most of my previous jabber. If it is though maybe something here will spark a new idea on how to market/describe what seems to be a great product if everyone here is swearing by it... pretty well informed crowd here.


Anyways I'll be anxious to hear peoples experience with this product as well as if someone can explain how it might be effective for a newer golfer who is learning basic swing mechanics.




this post perfectly sums up whay I've been trying to say.  This thing is great if you are already an accomplished player, but if you are not, you are scratching your head as to exactly what it's supposed to do?

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The Player directs their Clubhead Lag Pressure to their Aiming Point.


Again...this is a very vague and general statement.  It's like saying "the player directs the clubhead sweetspot to the bottom left of the ball".


Could you elaborate on your statement...


"The Player directs their Clubhead Lag Pressure to their Aiming Point."


You can't direct your hands where the PBS is from the top of the swing directly to the aiming point, in a straight line.  That would be a horrible swing. The arms just drop and you continue turning the body through.  It's like the old baseball tip that says "take the knob of the bat directly to the ball". If you actually took that literally, you wouldn't have much of a swing.  



Seems like everyone here is talking in general concepts and nobody know how to explain exactly what to do with this thing.  I can tell you Jeff, that 90% of the average golfers that get this thing with the current instructions, are going to end up throwing it in the garbage after a week of trying to figure out how it's supposed to help them.  


MY other problem with the PBS is that you have to constatly fiddle with it to get it in the proper spot.  I would design something that goes all the way around the grip and is held securely in place.  Just add another piece onto what you already have that snaps completely around the grip.  

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The Player directs their Clubhead Lag Pressure to their Aiming Point.


Again...this is a very vague and general statement.  It's like saying "the player directs the clubhead sweetspot to the bottom left of the ball".


Could you elaborate on your statement...


"The Player directs their Clubhead Lag Pressure to their Aiming Point."


You can't direct your hands where the PBS is from the top of the swing directly to the aiming point, in a straight line.  That would be a horrible swing. The arms just drop and you continue turning the body through.  It's like the old baseball tip that says "take the knob of the bat directly to the ball". If you actually took that literally, you wouldn't have much of a swing.  



Seems like everyone here is talking in general concepts and nobody know how to explain exactly what to do with this thing.  I can tell you Jeff, that 90% of the average golfers that get this thing with the current instructions, are going to end up throwing it in the garbage after a week of trying to figure out how it's supposed to help them.  


MY other problem with the PBS is that you have to constatly fiddle with it to get it in the proper spot.  I would design something that goes all the way around the grip and is held securely in place.  Just add another piece onto what you already have that snaps completely around the grip.  


Mr Jack,


Feel is subjective and the Pure Ball Striker allows the golfer to sense their unique feel. I can say it feels heavy and I can tell a person what it feels to me. However, each individual feels differently. Start with small chips. Set up with impact hands that is a flat left wrist and a bent right wrist. Maintain your impact hands make a small stroke and strike the ball with impact hands. What do you feel? I am just a call away.

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The Player directs their Clubhead Lag Pressure to their Aiming Point.


Again...this is a very vague and general statement.  It's like saying "the player directs the clubhead sweetspot to the bottom left of the ball".


Could you elaborate on your statement...


"The Player directs their Clubhead Lag Pressure to their Aiming Point."


You can't direct your hands where the PBS is from the top of the swing directly to the aiming point, in a straight line.  That would be a horrible swing. The arms just drop and you continue turning the body through.  It's like the old baseball tip that says "take the knob of the bat directly to the ball". If you actually took that literally, you wouldn't have much of a swing.  



Seems like everyone here is talking in general concepts and nobody know how to explain exactly what to do with this thing.  I can tell you Jeff, that 90% of the average golfers that get this thing with the current instructions, are going to end up throwing it in the garbage after a week of trying to figure out how it's supposed to help them.  


MY other problem with the PBS is that you have to constatly fiddle with it to get it in the proper spot.  I would design something that goes all the way around the grip and is held securely in place.  Just add another piece onto what you already have that snaps completely around the grip.  


Mr Jack,


Feel is subjective and the Pure Ball Striker allows the golfer to sense their unique feel. I can say it feels heavy and I can tell a person what it feels to me. However, each individual feels differently. Start with small chips. Set up with impact hands that is a flat left wrist and a bent right wrist. Maintain your impact hands make a small stroke and strike the ball with impact hands. What do you feel? I am just a call away.



So your answer is to just use the PBS and "try and feel something"? Also, you didn't address the question about "aiming".  I appreciate your being available for a phone call, but I was posting here because there might be other people that are struggling like me.

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The Player directs their Clubhead Lag Pressure to their Aiming Point.


Seems like everyone here is talking in general concepts and nobody know how to explain exactly what to do with this thing. I can tell you Jeff, that 90% of the average golfers that get this thing with the current instructions, are going to end up throwing it in the garbage after a week of trying to figure out how it's supposed to help them.




From what I have read it looks like 90% of the golfers who bought the PBS think its great and have worked out how to use it. I ended up buying a dozen for my friends.

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I don't know if I can relate this in a post but I will try. I have not tried to feel lag pressure in a full swing as I am still trying to get the feeling in-grained in my chips. My first suggestion if you don't feel anything when using it is to only try it with chips to start out.


My chipping motion used to be that I forward pressed the grip and then held that angle through the backswing and downswing. Holding this angle caused me to be tight in the grip and resulted in a one-piece swing. In other words the club head was always in the same spot in relation to my hands throughout the chip. With this swing I didn't feel any lag and my shots were inconsistent.


Now, I still set up the same way, but I make sure my grip pressure is much lighter. Also I do not try and hold those start angles any more. What happens now is that I take the club back and as I make my transition to the down swing of my chip, my shoulders start moving forward followed by my hands. Since my grip pressure is lighter now, my hands start moving back towards the target before the club head and the club head trails behind. All the way through contact with the ball my hands are in front of the club head now. The club head is "lagging" behind my hands and I can feel this where my right trigger finger contacts the grip. Before I could reproduce this on my own, having the PBS at this location on the grip helped me to get this feeling sooner.


I haven't used an aiming point so I am not sure how that part works in relation to the full swing. I might go home tonight and try the aiming point with my chips and see what happens.


Jeff or Kevin, let me know if this sounds right to you or if there is some aditional things I need to be doing.

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I do not know what your playing ability is but I do understand you're frustration. Have you read Bobby Clampett's The Impact Zone? The teachings are based in Homer Kelly's The Golfing Machine, but made much simpler. I know before I read Clampett's book if I had used the PBS I'd probably be scratching my head too. I had always heard about lag in the golf swing, but no one had ever really explained it's importance in the swing to me, they were always more focused on big body movements and making sure my swing looked pretty instead of focusing on impact. Long story short if you haven't read the Impact Zone I highly recommend it, it will also help in your understanding of what feeling you should have with the PBS.

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I do not know what your playing ability is but I do understand you're frustration. Have you read Bobby Clampett's The Impact Zone? The teachings are based in Homer Kelly's The Golfing Machine, but made much simpler. I know before I read Clampett's book if I had used the PBS I'd probably be scratching my head too. I had always heard about lag in the golf swing, but no one had ever really explained it's importance in the swing to me, they were always more focused on big body movements and making sure my swing looked pretty instead of focusing on impact. Long story short if you haven't read the Impact Zone I highly recommend it, it will also help in your understanding of what feeling you should have with the PBS.


I have read that book and I do understand what lag is in the swing.  I just didn't understand how adding the PBS to your club will change your swing?  If you dont make any other adjustments, won't you have the same amount of lag with or without the PBS?  In other words, does PBS all by itself change anything or do you yourself have to make the change and just use the PBS to monitor that change?

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Has anyone figure out a way to make the PBS stay in place better?  I have to adjust it almost every swing and it sometimes makes me want to toss it away and just swing without it.  I was thinking of maybe a rubber band or some tape or maybe a little velcro, so it would stay in the same spot for a while.  Maybe Jeff

can improve his product by making it snap around the grip somehow, so it stays put.  I was even considering getting a cheap "practice 7 iron" so I could just afix it permanently to the club.

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For me, and I don't dare speak for others, the PBS doesn't change anything in my swing. What it does do is help me better feel the clubhead lag. I don't think the PBS creates more lag at all the lag is always there, I am just able to feel the pressure in my trigger more.


Feel is a very subjective thing, which is why a lot of people don't have wonderful answers for you. I just know that when I read Clampett's book and he talked a bout lag, I thought "easy enough". However when I picked up a club I didn't feel the sensation of lag in my trigger finger. For me the PBS really helps me feel the lag.

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Jack, after reading through some of your responses on here I have to say STOP CRYING! This PBS is not rocket science. They way you get it to stay is to hold on to it. I use it with gripmaster grips and it stays (they are thicker). I also use it with Lampkin Crossline Cords, it slides around alittle. It's really not that hard to twist it around every now and then when it gets sideways. Watch the video again and breeze through some of the threads and look at pictures again. Then take it outside and play around with it. You will eventually get it.

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Just purchased one. Very excited. Reading though the entire thread, I think the light went off in my head about what exactly I am supposed to feel. Cool concept. I have been one of those people who have put a bit of natural lag on... but never really understood why, and also how to make it more consistent. I hope to find that out when my PBS arrives!



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Many thanks for a wonderful and ingenious product. My very first experience with it on the very first day was shooting 3 under for the back 9 which is 4 shots better than my previous best, after spending just 30 minutes messing about with it on the range beforehand.


A few comments then a few questions if thats OK. I get the sensation that its really requires a lot of concentration and effort to create maximum compression against the PBS. I feel like I am automatically being required to make a good pivot to create and sustain that compression. I also get the feeling that there is plenty more compressive force available if I can recruit even more pressure to the PBS. Any comments on any of this?


I was interested to note that one of your students said


'Jeff had me take my hands past my left thigh not toward the ball. If you do this it will work, right Jeff?'


Could you explain a bit further how this tip works? It seems to generate a low point of the swing arc about 4 inches ahead of the ball and also a pronounced snap into delivery?


In another post you advise us to 'Direct your Pure Ball Striker towards the left big toe as in this photo', could you say a few words about what this is supposed to achieve? I tried it and found that I had the sensation that I had to make a bigger turn which resulted in more compression, just seems counter intuitive to aim the PBS at a position which seems across the line?


Anyway, just a quick closing remark, just found out I won the low section with that round, first time out! I have tried every gadget known to mankind and this one is the business!


Thanks again, your product has a calming effect on my swing as I have a specific purpose to concentrate on rather than an uncoordinated swipe at the ball!

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Crawford I hope this helps.



A few comments then a few questions if thats OK. I get the sensation that its really requires a lot of concentration and effort to create maximum compression against the PBS. I feel like I am automatically being required to make a good pivot to create and sustain that compression. I also get the feeling that there is plenty more compressive force available if I can recruit even more pressure to the PBS. Any comments on any of this?

Yes, I hear you describing a hands controlled pivot system and where the player directs their hand the pivot will follow. The Pure Ball Striker helps the player better monitor their hands and the sensation. Better sensation better direction and better a better line of compression. With a better line of compression the player gets better distance and control over the golf ball which leads to lower scores.


I was interested to note that one of your students said


'Jeff had me take my hands past my left thigh not toward the ball. If you do this it will work, right Jeff?'


Could you explain a bit further how this tip works? It seems to generate a low point of the swing arc about 4 inches ahead of the ball and also a pronounced snap into delivery?

Yes, this gives the player maximum Trigger Delay a Snap Release.

In another post you advise us to 'Direct your Pure Ball Striker towards the left big toe as in this photo', could you say a few words about what this is supposed to achieve? I tried it and found that I had the sensation that I had to make a bigger turn which resulted in more compression, just seems counter intuitive to aim the PBS at a position which seems across the line?

A bigger through the ball correct so the player does not run out of right arm.

The player could direct their thrust across the line but that tends to fall towards a Hitters Motion and that is the choice of the player.

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The Pure Ball Striker helps the player sense/feel their lag pressure in their motion from putter thru driver. In putting you may feel/sense less clubhead lag pressure than with any other club in your bag. Move your Pure Ball Striker along a parallel line to your target. Start from about 2 feet and direct your clubhead lag pressure back and through while getting the ball to drop in just the back bottom of the cup. You will be developing your approach speed and feel for your stroke. Then continue from 4 ft, 6ft, 8ft, 10ft, and so on. Remember to find a straight as possible putt and develop you approach speed first.


First I would like to thank everyone for all of their input, it has made me understand TGM philosophy's. I have ordered mine and have visions in my head of how this might help me, and I will be using it in conjunction with a G4 Swing Trainer that i got for X-mas


Quick question, based on this post from Jeff


Are you saying that to use the putter it IS recommended that you use a straight back and straight thru ?? or can you use a half arc or full arc putting stroke ??


Also this past season i went to switch grip (left hand low) .... will i still be able to use this and feel the same type of pressure when putting ?

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The Pure Ball Striker helps the player sense/feel their lag pressure in their motion from putter thru driver. In putting you may feel/sense less clubhead lag pressure than with any other club in your bag. Move your Pure Ball Striker along a parallel line to your target. Start from about 2 feet and direct your clubhead lag pressure back and through while getting the ball to drop in just the back bottom of the cup. You will be developing your approach speed and feel for your stroke. Then continue from 4 ft, 6ft, 8ft, 10ft, and so on. Remember to find a straight as possible putt and develop you approach speed first.


First I would like to thank everyone for all of their input, it has made me understand TGM philosophy's. I have ordered mine and have visions in my head of how this might help me, and I will be using it in conjunction with a G4 Swing Trainer that i got for X-mas


Quick question, based on this post from Jeff


Are you saying that to use the putter it IS recommended that you use a straight back and straight thru ?? or can you use a half arc or full arc putting stroke ??


Also this past season i went to switch grip (left hand low) .... will i still be able to use this and feel the same type of pressure when putting ?


It is the players choice on putting strokes. I was just wanting the players to use a straight putt so they would not have to worry about the breaks just the approach speed.


Left hand low I have found to work very well with a straight back and straight through stroke. You would just place the Pure Ball Striker of the aft-side of the grip and pull with the flat left wrist while the left index finger holds the Pure Ball Striker.

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Jeff, Thanks for your helpful reply. I wonder if you could explain further what you mean by this aspect of your answer included below? Many thanks, I had another practice session today playing around with the various aimimg points, I found something very interesting, whereas I had previously been aiming 4 inches ahead of the ball and obtaining good quality strikes. aiming at the left big toe instead actually retained the grreat quality of strike even with the three wood off a tight lie and also produced a very accurate slight fade?


In another post you advise us to 'Direct your Pure Ball Striker towards the left big toe as in this photo', could you say a few words about what this is supposed to achieve? I tried it and found that I had the sensation that I had to make a bigger turn which resulted in more compression, just seems counter intuitive to aim the PBS at a position which seems across the line?

A bigger through the ball correct so the player does not run out of right arm.

The player could direct their thrust across the line but that tends to fall towards a Hitters Motion and that is choice of the player.

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A great source of info to maximize lag in the downswing:




I think this link hasn´t appeared yet into this forum.


Its Conclusions:


From a beginner golfer's perspective, I think that he should focus on two major elements

when attempting to maximise wrist lag and avoid casting:

i) ensure that the wrists are very relaxed and passive

ii) and ensure that he has a very good downswing pivot action that drives the left arm

(actually the entire left/right arm power package assembly) and

hands fast and smoothly all the way through the impact zone without quitting on the

shot. It must have a steady acceleration until reaching the folow-thru position.


To avoid casting, a beginner golfer should avoid:

i) increased wrist tension (stiff wrists)

ii) hitting from the top with the right hand

iii) having a jerky downswing move with most of the energy expended at the start of the downswing

iv) having too slow a downswing

v) trying to hold the release by means of some active wrist/hand mechanism

vi) trying to 'time' the left wrist uncocking/right wrist unhinging release action

(which should occur automatically/naturally without any need for conscious thought)

during the downswing.


The next link is a great drill I have found to get a flat left wrist at impact and avoid casting. It is what into the stack and tilt is called as keeping the flying wedge (keeping the right wrist bent through all the swing):



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A great source of info to maximize lag in the downswing:




I think this link hasn´t appeared yet into this forum.


Its Conclusions:


From a beginner golfer's perspective, I think that he should focus on two major elements

when attempting to maximise wrist lag and avoid casting:

i) ensure that the wrists are very relaxed and passive

ii) and ensure that he has a very good downswing pivot action that drives the left arm

(actually the entire left/right arm power package assembly) and

hands fast and smoothly all the way through the impact zone without quitting on the

shot. It must have a steady acceleration until reaching the folow-thru position.


To avoid casting, a beginner golfer should avoid:

i) increased wrist tension (stiff wrists)

ii) hitting from the top with the right hand

iii) having a jerky downswing move with most of the energy expended at the start of the downswing

iv) having too slow a downswing

v) trying to hold the release by means of some active wrist/hand mechanism

vi) trying to 'time' the left wrist uncocking/right wrist unhinging release action

(which should occur automatically/naturally without any need for conscious thought)

during the downswing.


The next link is a great drill I have found to get a flat left wrist at impact and avoid casting. It is what into the stack and tilt is called as keeping the flying wedge (keeping the right wrist bent through all the swing):







Thanks for sharing this information I see how it could be useful.

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      Bryan Kim - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Richard Mansell - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Jackson Buchanan - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Carter Jenkins - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Parker Bell - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Omar Morales - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Neil Shipley - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Casey Jarvis - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Carson Schaake - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Pullout Albums

      Tiger Woods on the range at Pinehurst on Monday – 2024 U.S. Open
      Newton Motion shaft - 2024 US Open
      Cameron putter covers - 2024 US Open
      New UST Mamiya Linq shaft - 2024 US Open


      • 5 replies
    • Titleist GT drivers - 2024 the Memorial Tournament
      Early in hand photos of the new GT2 models t the truck.  As soon as they show up on the range in player's bags we'll get some better from the top photos and hopefully some comparison photos against the last model.
        • Thanks
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