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"3 fingered shot"..........>>>>


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I RARELY start threads here, but, after mentioning this shot I've received a request or two to describe it so I figured I'd just post it here rather than cut and paste "links,' etc. into emails.......and further hijack the S&T thread......


From the "stack and tilt" thread.......


Yep, that's it........"face" stays perpendicular to the ARC well into the throughswing........also called "holding the face".....Mr. Hogan hit it ALL the time and that's the reason for the distinct similarity in Jeb's finish and Mr. Hogan's in a LOT of Mr. Hogan's iron swings.........(some people call it a "punch shot" but that's NOT accurate.....they are DIFFERENT shots entirely...IMOP, a "punch shot" is more or less what O'Grady is doing in the IRON footage posted on here with Waite in the background and THIS shot is entirely different)........I'll TRY and describe it as accurately as possible......as with most things golf swing it's a LOT easier to "SHOW than TELL"......


First, I don't teach "stack and tilt" so this is MY "way" of hitting a "3 finger" shot based on MY "ideal golf swing"......so this post will NOT reflect stack and tilt in ANY way other than, IMOP, what Bennett is doing is VERY similar to this shot........


Also this "shot" is basically the exact same "swing" as my "ideal swing" with the difference being a less aggressive 'core rotation" and with different thoughts/images used to CREATE the shot.......


OK, here goes.........


Basically you wind it up and at the top you'll feel the face/left arm/shaft all on the same "lines"/plane........


I use the cardboard deal with the hole cut in it as an imaginary "pane of glass"......at the top you can slip it over your head and it would lay flat on the shoulders (left shoulder in particular), left arm/shaft/leading edge of the club (IF you cut out a hole for the left hand/knuckles it would fit dead on flat) and the shoulders are on very nearly the same plane.......


the key is the arms/core are "in synch" and in position to work TOGETHER in the downswing (a prinicple in my "ideal golf swing").........


when you "let the rubber band go" the player transfers to his left pivot point and you'll FEEL the "heel of the club" being PULLED "down" the pain of glass (face is PARALLEL to the ARC and is pulled down the ARC).........the left arm/leading edge/shaft are "sliding down a greased pain of glass" during the transition.......


as the player reaches their left pivot point the core is accelerating around the left pivot point (point from basically the left heel upwards to the left hip socket/left side, depending on the shot/club) and the shoulder/upper core begin to really "open up" and the upper left arm is PULLED against the upper left side ((bicep more or less) ......and through impact BOTH upper arms are "glued to the chest"....


when that happens the core starts to really ROTATE "left" and the butt of the club is PULLED left and the clubface begins to "rotate" towards square through impact........


the "set" of the arms at the top is more or less "carried" all the way to the finish....... and as the core isn't rotating to it's maximum the effects of "physics" on the clubhead are minimized......as a result the "toe won't turn down" in the throughswing as happens when you go "all out" and rotate as hard as you can............in the finish you'll see that when the RIGHT shoulder "stops" the arms "stop" too.........


the club/arms are VERY much "in synch" for the entire golf swing and the rotation is NOT performed "all out"......the FEELING is "that the club is being held in the last 3 fingers of the LEFT hand and that they never let go all the way, or almost all the way, to the finish.....I've found that the player will lose about 1/2 a club, but, under certain circumstances it's very nearly as long as "full out"......it's a helluva' LOT easier to perform under pressure IMOP......


it's a "shot"/"swing" that is ABSOLUTELY necessary to "ingrain" IF the player want's to TRULY "control the golf ball" (flight/curvature/trajectory) and be lazer accurate with their irons......you see Tiger doing this all the time nowadays and that's how I KNOW he's "getting there" in his quest to control the golf ball.......you can't do it without the PIVOT "controlling the arms/club" and in the past he didn't have "it" very well.......but, he DOES now!.........All of my good players can do it easily and it NEEDS to be the way you swing your irons or ANY shot where ACCURACY is essential......it's MUCH easier to control the trajectory.....MUCH easier to hit SOLID....MUCH easier to "control" the distance....etc. etc. etc......IMOP anyway........


This post has been edited by slicefixer: A minute ago

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well descibed id have to say slice btw forgive my ignorance who is hitting the shot on your site?

your 100% right Woods doing this a lot even with the 3 wood i am wondering who really is teaching him cause his swing nothing like what haney teaches

Is he doing it on his own?



Why thank you Mizuno....... :drinks:


I was told my a very reliable souce that Haney has been gone for quite awhile now.....just a more "politically correct departure" than Harmon's.........the LAST semblance of Haney's stuff "vanished" when he quit trying to match the shaft plane about 5 yards down the target line......hehehehe ......... The "out, around, and up" takeaway vanished just prior to the Open at Shinnecock......at least that's the last time I saw him actively rehearsing it and first saw a more "one piece" move in it's place.......


The one Moody "mlm" mentions is the only one on YouTube.......at least the best I remember......I can post more of em' IF I could figure out where they are on my computer or transfer them from a dvd........the one Moody mentions is shot from the perfect angle to "see" it and that's why I shot it from the angle that I did........I experiment a lot with "angles" as you can "see" a LOT of "things" that you'd never notice from the standard angles....... :beach: Figured that un' out from studying Mr. Hogan's swing from so many goofy angles..... :D

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well slice time you should give him a call at least you could actually show him how

makes me wonder why leadbetter harmon haney get all the wraps

you need a marketing manager!!!!!



Oh well, maybe with time, maybe not.......no biggie to me really.......not what makes me tick....:drinks: (but THX for the high complment as I DO very much appreciate it!)

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great description GJ!


Thanks Moody.........best I could do with what I got ta' work with........hehehe






Is this a swing you would use with all clubs? pros/cons? Is the main drawback the loss of distance?


More or less, definitely with the "scoring clubs" (mid and short irons, but, you can do it through the bag) or ANYTIME that ACCURACY is a MUST.....meaning lil' or no margin for error........ya' gotta' make birdie to win......or make the cut.......or "squeeze it into" a tight pin position/"fool flag"/"Idiot stick".... :drinks:




Is ball position the main factor in changing trajectory/ball flight?


Yep, 100%.......but ya' gotta' know EXACTY what type off "flight" you desire (curvature/trajectory) and then you "dial it in" at address and swing........As you know I'm an aviation nut and to me "dialing it in" is exactly like programming an autopilot in an airplane..........you "dial in" the altitude, rate of climb, and heading into the auto pilot and, after rotating off of the runway you COULD simply "punch" (activate) the autopilot and the plane "fly's itself"..........same for the golf swing........you "dial in" the draw/fade/high/low during the SET UP and simply "activate the autopilot" and SWING THE CLUB.......the reason I teach the swing that I do as MY "ideal swing" is I KNOW that if the player can ingrain the "essence" of it they can virtually ELIMINATE the "double cross" and the "left side of the golf course".......you won't always pull off the shot in the manner you visualized and dialed in, but, you'll basically just hit it straight and IF you've got the COMMON SENSE to AIM the club in a conservative manner you'll RARELY get out of "position"/play.......in other words, you are STILL in position to SCORE......you can also swing as HARD AS YOU CAN without FEAR.......you can DEVELOP TRUE INNER CONFIDENCE that your going to be IN POSITION to SCORE day in and day out.......all ya' gotta' do is maintain your PATIENCE and let the "SCORE come to you".........some days it will and some days it won't, but, your not going to experience the "wild scoring rides" that MOST players, even the best, experience........and the BEST BALLSTRIKERS did/do what I preach through impact and they exhibited all of the above within' their games.......you didn't see them shootin' 65 - 78........etc.......

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It's a hall of fame post, SF ! (as many of yours here)


What is interesting, I remember Snead talked in one or two of his videos about the importance of 3 last fingers of the left hand as well (as far as I remember, it's one of four TGM's pressure points).

Besides, I always liked very much the expression saying that in all great ballstriker's motions, it's the pivot that squares the clubface (no matter if the right forearm is active or unactive :beach: )! It's one of the main truths of golf, IMHO.


We will all see, when Woods entirely get the swinging to the left concept, he will say how stupid he was before...or something in this sense :D ...not mentioning that he will make the Tour boring :drinks:



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great post, definitely cleared some things up for me.


are there any idiot proof methods of practicing this? e.g. gloves under armpits or something you can place around or in your hands to force you to maintain the correct angle? other little gadgets to help ingrain this feeling?

Ping G400 Max 9* Tensei Pro Orange 70TX
Ping G400 3 crossover Alta stiff
Callaway Apex 4-SW recoil 780 stiff
Cleveland cbx 60* recoil stiff
Biomech Acculock
Snell MTB Black

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It's a hall of fame post, SF ! (as many of yours here)


What is interesting, I remember Snead talked in one or two of his videos about the importance of 3 last fingers of the left hand as well (as far as I remember, it's one of four TGM's pressure points).

Besides, I always liked very much the expression saying that in all great ballstriker's motions, it's the pivot that squares the clubface (no matter if the right forearm is active or unactive :beach: )! It's one of the main truths of golf, IMHO.


We will all see, when Woods entirely get the swinging to the left concept, he will say how stupid he was before...or something in this sense :D ...not mentioning that he will make the Tour boring :drinks:






Thank you Dariuz....... :lol:


yep, in the Hogan/Snead match Snead says EXACTLY this in his "lesson".........


Also YEP, I've been saying for many years "IF/when Tiger learns to LET THE CLUB RELEASE he WILL win EVERY week"......and he's CLOSE, oh SO, SO CLOSE.......all he has to do now is REALIZE that he can swing the EXACT same way with the driver and make the necessary "adjustments" (ABANDON even ATTEMPTING to hit the high slingy friggin' hook unless its ABSOLUTELY necessary) and he's absolutely UNbeatable without someone having a fantasy week or he putts poorly/"brain dead" from exhaustion.........

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hey slice: great post. thanks for this.



Your welcome.........the reason we did NOT get into "3 fingered shots" is they are a natural offshoot of what I showed you once you get it "down"......you do enough 9 to 3's and the 3 finger shot is EASY to ingrain........ all it takes is a change in "thought"/"image"/"swing key" and you can do it instantly........:drinks:

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hey slice: great post. thanks for this.



Your welcome.........the reason we did NOT get into "3 fingered shots" is they are a natural offshoot of what I showed you once you get it "down"......you do enough 9 to 3's and the 3 finger shot is EASY to ingrain........ all it takes is a change in "thought"/"image"/"swing key" and you can do it instantly........:drinks:


we talked about it a bit, though, and i did hit a couple when i was down there. and don't worry too much about not covering this extensively; i'll be back soon enough.



The bag:


Titleist 915 D2 driver

Titleist TS2 3 wood

Titleist 818 H1 3 & 4 hybrids

Mizuno MP-60 irons (5-PW)

Mizuno T-22 wedges

Odyssey Stroke Lab 2-ball

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slicefixer, what is with the excessive period use.


Great article though.



jdub, I write like I think/speak........quickly.........and I respond to a lot of posts/threads/emails/PM's so if I worried about being grammatically correct, etc. I'd NEVER get caught up or be able to respond to all the questions, etc.......I can do it, but, I CHOOSE not to as it takes too long and MY "style" is a LOT more efficient for me.......plus, I look at internet forums like a blog in that writing style, etc. isn't important.......the "message" is....... :drinks:......

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hey slice: great post. thanks for this.



Your welcome.........the reason we did NOT get into "3 fingered shots" is they are a natural offshoot of what I showed you once you get it "down"......you do enough 9 to 3's and the 3 finger shot is EASY to ingrain........ all it takes is a change in "thought"/"image"/"swing key" and you can do it instantly........:drinks:


we talked about it a bit, though, and i did hit a couple when i was down there. and don't worry too much about not covering this extensively; i'll be back soon enough.





Good to hear :beach:....

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I think thiks is what Hogan was referring to when he said you need a shot that you can fall back on or a shot that can get you around the course when things were not going your way.


I forgaet his exact words and I guess this was his shot.

Driver Taylor SIM 2
3wd ping 425

5wd ping 425
Irons I500 Ping 4 - pw
ping answer 2 sig
58 ping eye-2
54 Jaws 4

2I driving iron Srixon New shaft carbon fiber steel
Titlist 1x

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I need to see a picture of someone going through this with cardboard over them.


Do you have any visuals you could share?



Driver: Ping G425 Max 10.5  Mitsubishi Tensei AV Orange 55 Stiff
Wood: Ping G425 5 & 7 Wood  Mitsubishi Tensei AV Orange 75 Stiff

Hybrid: Ping 425 4i Mitsubishi Tensei Orange

Wilson D9 Forged 5-GW

Ping Glide 4.0 54 and 58 Wilson Tour Forged 56 and 60
Putter: LAB Directed Force 2.1 (33-69)//Seemore Custom "The Big Fluffy"
Bag: Vessel Player III

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Is your site up yet Geoff? If it is what is it?


Nope, not yet, probably won't be for another lil' while........I don't want to just throw something up on the net ta' do it........gotta' be "right"....... :drinks: (plus I'm cheap and gotta' get it done "right"....hehehe)



BTW, I want to make sure anyone who is trying 9 to 3 see's this........


"BTW, it does not have to STOP at 3........just can't go back past 9.......I forgot to say that and that IS very important.......in other words, IF you create enough "core speed" so that your right arm ends up at 2:30, 2, 1, even 12 it doesn't matter.......but do not go past 9 in the backswing........ Also, watch the Champion's Tour re-telecast on TGC........Price is one of the all time greatest through the impact zone.......might be the best pure ballstriker since Mr. Hogan too...... "

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  • 1 month later...

slicefixer, great read..............are there any drills you could recommend to get the "feeling".....i.e., "left pivot point (point from basically the left heel upwards to the left hip socket/left side, depending on the shot/club) and the shoulder/upper core begin to really "open up" and the upper left arm is PULLED against the upper left side ((bicep more or less) ......and through impact BOTH upper arms are "glued to the chest"....Thanks.

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when that happens the core starts to really ROTATE "left" and the butt of the club is PULLED left and the clubface begins to "rotate" towards square through impact........


I've found that the player will lose about 1/2 a club, but, under certain circumstances it's very nearly as long as "full out"......it's a helluva' LOT easier to perform under pressure IMOP......


Amen to both comments. As to the 2nd one, it's all about hitting it under pressure.

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  • 4 months later...

Thanks a lot Slicefixer again... great post


OK, here goes.........


Basically you wind it up and at the top you'll feel the face/left arm/shaft all on the same "lines"/plane........


I use the cardboard deal with the hole cut in it as an imaginary "pane of glass"......at the top you can slip it over your head and it would lay flat on the shoulders (left shoulder in particular), left arm/shaft/leading edge of the club (IF you cut out a hole for the left hand/knuckles it would fit dead on flat) and the shoulders are on very nearly the same plane.......


the key is the arms/core are "in synch" and in position to work TOGETHER in the downswing (a prinicple in my "ideal golf swing").........


when you "let the rubber band go" the player transfers to his left pivot point and you'll FEEL the "heel of the club" being PULLED "down" the pain of glass (face is PARALLEL to the ARC and is pulled down the ARC).........the left arm/leading edge/shaft are "sliding down a greased pain of glass" during the transition.......


There is one thing what I'm thinking when starting down from top. I think left arm have to start pushing against upper body when You start your trip down on the pain of glass. If You want to keep it on that plane, and You can't totally avoid turning of Your shoulders at that moment, in my opinion it have to. Or You pull Your right elbow close to Your hip, and that does the same effect.


What You think?

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