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Pure Ball Striker Training Aid....


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After reading this entire thread, I ordered a PBS. I'm not sure if it will help me but I am willing to give it a try, can't wait.......

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The best drill to be used with the Pure Ball Striker is called the 32-Ball Drill. This 32-Ball Drill will help the player take their game from a skill level to the habit level of learning.


Here is the 32-Ball Drill for the Pure Ball Striker

Choose a club and a stroke for example a 9 iron and a chipping motion

4 repetitions with the Pure Ball Striker and 4 repetitions without the Pure Ball Striker for a total of 32 Balls


Set #1) 4 Balls with the Pure Ball Striker in place sensing/feeling your clubhead lag pressure


Set #2) 4 Balls without the Pure Ball Striker recreating the sense/feel of your clubhead lag pressure


Set #3) 4 Balls with the Pure Ball Striker in place sensing/feeling your clubhead lag pressure


Set #4) 4 Balls without the Pure Ball Striker recreating the sense/feel of your clubhead lag pressure


Set #5) 4 Balls with the Pure Ball Striker in place sensing/feeling your clubhead lag pressure


Set #6) 4 Balls without the Pure Ball Striker recreating the sense/feel of your clubhead lag pressure


Set #7) 4 Balls with the Pure Ball Striker in place sensing/feeling your clubhead lag pressure


Set #8) 4 Balls without the Pure Ball Striker recreating the sense/feel of your clubhead lag pressure


Now you are done.


Choose another club and stroke for example a sand-wedge and a 50 yard pitch and repeat the 32-Ball Drill


This drill will help build your game taking it towards your habit level and automatic golf.


Note: see keygolf

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When will the new ones be available?







The first week of Jan.




So Jeff if I order one now(lost the first one somewhere a couple weeks ago, now that the snow is melted i need a new one) It will be the new version?

And the tour/advanced version isnt going to be out for a while yet correct?


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just got your product Jeff, thanks!  Haven't gotten a chance to hit balls with it yet, but I took some dry swings.


Had a few questions.  Forgive me if they have already ben answered, but this thread has grown HUGE and it would take me all evening to read all the comments.


1)  Normally my right thump sits almost straight down the shaft, just a bit left of middle at around 11 oclock.  With the PBS, you are forced to put your right thumb way more to the left than a textbook grip.  Is that correct?


2) With the PBS, the pressure seems to be against the lower part of the right forefinger, on the 1st pad or joint, where the finger extends from the palm.  When I am not using a PBS, my trigget finger sits a bit differently and the pressure is lower down against the middle pad or joint.  Please tell me EXACTLY where on my finger I am supposed to feel the pressure?  With the PBS and without.  A closeup of a hand with an arrow would be very helpful. 


Thanks again.

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Yesturday I found my PBS again and thought I would give it one more try. I had my wisdom teeth pulled out Tuesady so I decided just to go chip and putt for a while to get out of the house. I put the PBS on my sandwedge and it was like it just clicked of how to use it. I hit about 100 ball with it and I was with in a foot evey time with chipping. Then I got the itch to go hit some ball. So I went to the range which I thought was a good idea at the time and I hit about 40 or so ball and I was hitting every ball in the sweet spot and it was like something I have never felt before. After I was done I was in some pain in my mouth so I went back to my apt. Then I decided it wasn't that good of an idea to do that but oh well. Wonderful product can't wait to get back out there again.

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Another question: Which grip is better to keep the left wrist flat through impact? Strong or Weak? I feel like the strong grip is more robust to avoid flipping the wrists because it put the weaker hinge looking to the frontside of you in a position less easy to flip and agaisnt the natural tendency to flip toward the target. And the weak almost obliges to rotate the hand to avoid flipping. Am I right?

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just got your product Jeff, thanks!  Haven't gotten a chance to hit balls with it yet, but I took some dry swings.


Had a few questions.  Forgive me if they have already ben answered, but this thread has grown HUGE and it would take me all evening to read all the comments.


1)  Normally my right thump sits almost straight down the shaft, just a bit left of middle at around 11 oclock.  With the PBS, you are forced to put your right thumb way more to the left than a textbook grip.  Is that correct?


2) With the PBS, the pressure seems to be against the lower part of the right forefinger, on the 1st pad or joint, where the finger extends from the palm.  When I am not using a PBS, my trigget finger sits a bit differently and the pressure is lower down against the middle pad or joint.  Please tell me EXACTLY where on my finger I am supposed to feel the pressure?  With the PBS and without.  A closeup of a hand with an arrow would be very helpful. 


Thanks again.




Right thumb may set a bit left with the Pure Ball Striker. You could feel the pressure in the right index finger first joint as you described. Your index finger is searching for it point of reference in that first joint. Just use a little false pressure in your trigger finger and let it snug up against the grip.

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When will the new ones be available?







The first week of Jan.




So Jeff if I order one now(lost the first one somewhere a couple weeks ago, now that the snow is melted i need a new one) It will be the new version?

And the tour/advanced version isnt going to be out for a while yet correct?




That is correct you will get the newest version when you order. Tour Model may come out around April/May 2009.

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Yesturday I found my PBS again and thought I would give it one more try. I had my wisdom teeth pulled out Tuesady so I decided just to go chip and putt for a while to get out of the house. I put the PBS on my sandwedge and it was like it just clicked of how to use it. I hit about 100 ball with it and I was with in a foot evey time with chipping. Then I got the itch to go hit some ball. So I went to the range which I thought was a good idea at the time and I hit about 40 or so ball and I was hitting every ball in the sweet spot and it was like something I have never felt before. After I was done I was in some pain in my mouth so I went back to my apt. Then I decided it wasn't that good of an idea to do that but oh well. Wonderful product can't wait to get back out there again.



Hope you feel better soon!


Sound like you are getting the idea.


Take care of that mouth.


Keep us posted.

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So Jeff if I order one now(lost the first one somewhere a couple weeks ago, now that the snow is melted i need a new one) It will be the new version?

And the tour/advanced version isnt going to be out for a while yet correct?




That is correct you will get the newest version when you order. Tour Model may come out around April/May 2009.


Sounds good, i'll buy one tomorrow morning

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A question for those who have had that "Eureka!" moment with their PBS's.


At the point you really start feeling the pressure from the PBS is it due to moving the arms faster towards the aiming point and holding the lag this way, or is it through creating a more rotary based swing where the hands are along for the ride?


One problem I have ran into with the PBS is that my arms/hands get too active which can lead to some nasty snap hooks so I'm thinking I need to work on speeding up my body rotation on the downswing which will help to create the lag that I should be able to feel in my index finger through the PBS.

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Thank you for posting the PBS to Britain for me, no fuss, arrived yesterday. I had a few practice waggles with an old sand wedge last night and read the thread. It all sounded ridiculously overhyped although I did get a good feel from the waggles.


Spent 30 mins on the range hitting alternate shots.


Was impressed by the crispness of shots but have often had false dawns on the range...


Went to play in the weekly competition at 1130, couldn't commit to the sustained compression and hit the driver nearly out of bounds at the first, made double. Made sure to commit on the long par three at the next, nearly holed it. Played the front 9 in 5 over with three further untidy dropped shots.


Felt real comfortable from about the ninth with the concept, all but birdied 9. Played the back nine in three under so went round in 2 over gross, level Par after the first, just hitting one solid shot after another....


Broke my previous best score by 6 shots after starting with double.


Nothing else I have tried comes close, I still don't actually understand why or how it works, I just know that whereas I tended to have a tendency to snatch and dip at shots before, today I had a mission of sustaining the compression which somehow seemed to pull it all together for me. I have been working on stuff from Sevam1's thread and also Austinology but not quite succeeding in piecing it together. I also really caned some big drives even though I was trying to play well within myself so as to ingrain the sensation.


Needless to say, my playing partners were gobsmacked, everything was just so much better, even my chipping which can be very poor.


Thanks Jeff, I really don't understand how or why this works, all I know is that it does!

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where's the video that has been promised to be posted on January 1st on youtube?

Can someone provide a link?





I was about to post the video as promised but after my copyright attorney viewed the video he asked me not to post. I was very disappointed! Apologizes for the delay I will have wait for the release.

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hi Jeff


while applying and feeling pressure on the right trigger finger.

where's the pressure on the left hand? the last three fingers clampoed against the left heel pad?









That is correct! The Clubhead Lag Pressure is felt in the right hand trigger finger. Pressure in the left hand would be the last 3 fingers of the left hand which monitors the cocking and uncocking of the left wrist.

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I am still a bit confused about all of this.....


If you don't change anything about your swing and just attach the PBS, how is it supposed to help you? What exactly am I supposed to be doing differently with the PBS? Am I supposed to feel the pressure in the right finger and try and hold it longer?


This whole concept seems kind of vague to me and I am wondering if it is just some kind of "placebo" effect with some of you. I don't know exactly how this thing is supposed to help me? I also don't understand the whole "aiming" concept. If you try and take your hand directly to the aiming point from at the top, won't that keep you from naturally letting the hands drop and cause a over the top move? Your hands don't move on a straight line at the top directly to the aiming point. That would be a very nasty looking chop at the ball.


Sorry if I am not "getting it" yet, but I think I am not alone, but many folks here are afraid to admit they aren't yet in on the party.


1) What exactly am I supposed to be "feeling" for?

2) What changes do I make with my swing to get the desired results using this product?

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I also have problems and have not used it in a couple of month. I don´t doubt it help if you have a good golf swing and low handicapper.

I have tried to loan it to other people between handicap 10 and 20 and all are getting really confused how this is going to help.


So I also wait for this video - people learn differently. And if golfers have some swing problems of some kind, than it maybe will not at all work with pure balls triker. But it is a cheap product so I fully accept, that this maybe don´t work for me - someday it hopefully will :)

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i don't get it either so you're not alone.

there's 19 pages in this thread that you can read, everything has been discussed in several ways.

i'm just waiting for the video and maybe that might trigger something.

unfortunately we all learn differently and I just don't get it yet


Yes this is a long thread, but nobody really has explained what you are physically supposed to do with this thing besides put it on and swing and feel something. My point was, if your swing is flawed to begin with, then how will adding this little device fix anything? Is it just to help better golfers feel how great their lag is? I still don't see how this thing will help you get more lag or "strike the ball more pure" like the name implies.

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Having just recieved mine (Thanks Jeff!!), I can say that I have always been a better than decent iron striker, but I have never really felt clubhead lag. I was first introduced to the concept in Bobby Clampett's book the impact zone, but still didn't know what lag felt like. The night I recieved the PBS, I threw it one the putter and all I can say is wow! Can't wait to hit some chips with this thing next.


Now that the accolades are out of the way, before I read The Impact Zone or The Golfing Machine the concept of lag was foreign to me and I too would have been confused with how the PBS could help. Now that I have some back ground in the concepts I see how great the PBS really is.

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Jeff, Thanks for speedy delivery to Europe! Have started using it together with Wrist Rite (http://www.kikogolf.com/), so I am really full of gadgets when I practice now. My primary aim, not having heard of TGM before I saw this thread, is to get rid of my early release and the breakdown of my left wrist. Hopefully the PBS can let me add some power from my right side. Initial impressions are good.

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