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Calc's Caddie


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Only cought the last part of the interview.
TGC was doing a piece on calc's caddie being out of prison for the past 2 years and being on the bag.
Said he was in from 95-06
Can anyone fill me in on the rest of the story, I just heard him saying he was happy to be out and be able to travel and basically thanking calc.

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I caught ten minutes of the NBC broadcast today and it happened to be when they were talking about this. Appearently he did ten years for drugs (distribution I think) and he and Calc were long-term friends prior to his being sent up. Calc helped him with money, etc. while he was inside and made a deal that when he got out he would work as his caddie as a way ti get back on his feet.

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Funny that this was posted,it is one of my favorite stories...the guy got caught with a kilo ,but he wasnt a major dealer..he just supplied some friends and said he did it to make ends meet , he will never tell who he supplied to or if they were involved on tour :ok: :drinks: ...it just goes to show you that people make mistakes and that Calc and golf can forgive anybody...life is like golf.....you get another shot...take it from someone who knows personally...had something similar happen to me and people understood ......that is why i love this game!...P.S. the rest im saving for my book "how to really get out of the rough"

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Larson says, "You gotta be strong in '07."


"E, I'm gonna be retired in '07."


Calcavecchia laughed as he recreated that dialogue. He intends to be out there in 2007, and with Eric Larson on his bag because "I'd like to get him a good chunk of money right off the get-go."


Calc certainly got a good chunk of money today.

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The guy was a drug dealer and you never know who was supplied (so kids may have been involved). It's crazy that they would do a piece on this, he is no different than the thugs who supply our kids in school drugs. The guy did his time and got a huge "pass" for knowing a tour player, but again should NBC do a segment on this stuff? This is just my opinion, but after seeing several friends lifes destroyed by drugs, I don't particularly care for anyone who sells the stuff (there are other ways to make ends meet).

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The guy was a drug dealer and you never know who was supplied (so kids may have been involved). It's crazy that they would do a piece on this, he is no different than the thugs who supply our kids in school drugs. The guy did his time and got a huge "pass" for knowing a tour player, but again should NBC do a segment on this stuff? This is just my opinion, but after seeing several friends lifes destroyed by drugs, I don't particularly care for anyone who sells the stuff (there are other ways to make ends meet).


Well said.

There are much better ways to make a dollar than selling drugs. He did the time that he deserved. I heard people in a bar yesterday talking about it and saying the punishment didn't fit the crime and that the justice system is screwed up, blah, blah, blah... I went up to them and asked them if they had kids, 2 of the 3 did. I asked how they would feel if Larson had supplied their kids drugs. Their tone quickly changed and thanked me for my prospective.

Larson may be a nice guy, but he doesn't deserve the airtime on TGC and NBC and making it sound like an innocent mistake. That's BULLS**T.


If you want to feel sorry for someone, feel sorry for the man I know that was released from prison after 18 yrs for rape and murder that he DID NOT commit. The only reason he was released was because the real rapist/murderer got caught doing something else stupid. They matched DNA and he confessed.

Feel sorry for the guy that lost 18 yrs of his life for no reason... not some drug dealer trying to make a buck. Boo f**kin' Hoo.

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The guy was a drug dealer and you never know who was supplied (so kids may have been involved). It's crazy that they would do a piece on this, he is no different than the thugs who supply our kids in school drugs. The guy did his time and got a huge "pass" for knowing a tour player, but again should NBC do a segment on this stuff? This is just my opinion, but after seeing several friends lifes destroyed by drugs, I don't particularly care for anyone who sells the stuff (there are other ways to make ends meet).




You have a good point there.

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i am not condoning, what he did was wrong.....just saying that people make bad decisions...... :ok: :drinks:


That's not a bad decision. Me eating 45 extra hot chicken wings, pizza and a pitcher of beer last night was a bad decision.


This guy admitted doing this for about 5 YEARS. And of all things, to pay back people so they wouldn't break his legs or worse. (I see a pattern here...) These aren't bad decisions. These are stupid moves to try and make a buck. He knew it was wrong and illegal, but he continued to do it for years.


Hopefully during that 11 year stint (that he deserved every minute of) he had time to wise up and get his s**t straight.

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I'd sell a little cocaine to prevent my legs from being broken.


As Chris Rock once so eloquently put it - nobody has ever SOLD anyone drugs.


If you have friends with drug problems, and you take your anger out on the dealers, there's a strong chance that anger is misplaced.


Not saying he didn't deserve to get caught, but he did his time and Calc's a great guy for giving him a second chance. It's a nice story and should be treated as such.

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I'd sell a little cocaine to prevent my legs from being broken.


As Chris Rock once so eloquently put it - nobody has ever SOLD anyone drugs.


If you have friends with drug problems, and you take your anger out on the dealers, there's a strong chance that anger is misplaced.


Not saying he didn't deserve to get caught, but he did his time and Calc's a great guy for giving him a second chance. It's a nice story and should be treated as such.


Your post is sad on so many levels.


It's not a nice story. The only nice thing about this whole deal (which i really don't agree with) is Calc giving this idiot a job. He should be in a halfway house with other felons and making $4 an hour flipping my BigMac.

Instead, Calc is going to write him a check for 10% of the $954,000 check he got yesterday! Unbelievable. :ok: :drinks:

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He's doing a great thing for his friend, but I don't personally agree with it...

If my friend did something this stupid and then spent time in jail, he's not the type of friend I want to be associated with. My .02


Then he wouldn't have been a true friend to start with. You won't think twice about helping a true friend.

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Bottom line Calc is a saint.


He's doing a great thing for his friend, but I don't personally agree with it...

If my friend did something this stupid and then spent time in jail, he's not the type of friend I want to be associated with. My .02



Your comments are so close minded, this guy made some bad moves he did the crime, and he served the time, I would say one would be less likely to be a repeat offender if he was making $100,000 a year as appose to $20,000 flipping burgers, the whole point of prison for offenses like thesea re for the people to reform, hopefully this guy has, and now can contribute to the gerneral public. People with close minded views such as yours are what are keeping these guys down, instead of treating them as a member of society. In your view they are set up to lose. Good on Calc for his hand up, hopefully the guy can make the best of a good situation, and be a beacon for other inmates to focus on.

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Couple of points,


1. Ace, you are assuming that he is reformed. I am not saying he is not, but I do not know him so I can't say that he is reformed. Time will tell.


2. It is a sad story all the way around, the only appearent good guy is Calc for giving the guy a second chance. I don't know if I could. Simp, you are correct, I would not think twice about helping a true friend, but I like to think that those who I hold as true friends would find another way to keep his legs from being broken.


3. CSR, I have a hard time reading anything that you post, I keep drooling over your avitar :drinks:

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I've had a friend or two who's hit some bad times, got caught up in some things they didn't want to be caught up in only to find out too late.


Three of my childhood friends are now in jail on drug related charges. Its shocking to think of how easily it would be been for me to fall to the same fate that they did.


We all made bad choices in our life, its merely of question of what life deals you there after.


Its a dangerous condition to judge Calc's caddie on the info we have. I do not believe that dealing drugs makes someone a bad person. I can think of much worse things I would do to preserve the lives of my love ones or myself

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I do think that people deserve a second chance, we've ALL made stupid decisions in our lives. Some of us have made bigger ones than others.



We all made bad choices in our life, its merely of question of what life deals you there after.



But I don't think it is what life deals you after your bad choice in life and you've paid the price, I think it's how you deal with life thereafter. If This guy keeps his nose clean (no pun intended) and lives out his life a productive member of society, great! Then it is a feel good story. Right now, though, I don't think he should be celebrated on national TV.

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The guy was a drug dealer and you never know who was supplied (so kids may have been involved). It's crazy that they would do a piece on this, he is no different than the thugs who supply our kids in school drugs. The guy did his time and got a huge "pass" for knowing a tour player, but again should NBC do a segment on this stuff? This is just my opinion, but after seeing several friends lifes destroyed by drugs, I don't particularly care for anyone who sells the stuff (there are other ways to make ends meet).


Well said.

There are much better ways to make a dollar than selling drugs. He did the time that he deserved. I heard people in a bar yesterday talking about it and saying the punishment didn't fit the crime and that the justice system is screwed up, blah, blah, blah... I went up to them and asked them if they had kids, 2 of the 3 did. I asked how they would feel if Larson had supplied their kids drugs. Their tone quickly changed and thanked me for my prospective.

Larson may be a nice guy, but he doesn't deserve the airtime on TGC and NBC and making it sound like an innocent mistake. That's BULLS**T.


If you want to feel sorry for someone, feel sorry for the man I know that was released from prison after 18 yrs for rape and murder that he DID NOT commit. The only reason he was released was because the real rapist/murderer got caught doing something else stupid. They matched DNA and he confessed.

Feel sorry for the guy that lost 18 yrs of his life for no reason... not some drug dealer trying to make a buck. Boo f**kin' Hoo.


If you'd walked up to me in a bar uninvited and starting laying your puritanical speech on me I'd have thanked you for your perspective too.... after I'd punched your lights out. The guy did his time and isn't trying to convince anyone he wasn't guilty. I guess some people are just perfect.

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Drug dealers and rapist are in the same boat to me. If someone is a child molester and does the time, I certainly would not give him a second chance and I don't give drug dealers a second chance. How many lifes are messed up because of the drugs he sold? As for the guy who wants to punch people, calm down and buy some stuff from Calcs caddie, support all your local drug dealers.

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Drug dealers and rapist are in the same boat to me. If someone is a child molester and does the time, I certainly would not give him a second chance and I don't give drug dealers a second chance. How many lifes are messed up because of the drugs he sold? As for the guy who wants to punch people, calm down and buy some stuff from Calcs caddie, support all your local drug dealers.



wow talk about a slippery slope! more like a slippery cliff!


All that from a person with a grateful dead bear for an avatar!


Drug dealers sell people a product. The customer has to make the choice to seek them out and give them money for their product. Granted they are involved in an illegal business, but as they say "It takes two to Tango"


A rapist seeks out an innocent victim and inflict a crime of hate upon them.


I have never seen a drug dealer force their product on a person. Its a simple study of supply an demand.


How can you possibly compare the two?


And how do you feel about tobacco, alcohol, and other legal narcotic manufacturers. and for that matter military arms suppliers and manufactures. Chances are a 25% of the people reading this thread in some way profit from war. Are they rapists as well?


Lets get some sense here people, I understand people have different moral standards but please wake up and do some thinking for yourself.

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I guess that free hit to get the addicts addicted isn't supplied by the drug dealer. Both destroy lives! If people can't see that, then I guess my moral's are little out of wack. Just cause you like the music (dead bear) doesn't mean you do the drugs and I'm sure Jerry wasn't selling (just using and look what happened). I think we are all missing the point....should this guy have a segement about how he served his time and now is a role model to all drug dealers. When I watched that segement it made it sound like the guy got a raw deal and now is making mends. So if most people think its ok to sell drugs (kill people) and do 10 years (do the time) get out and have NBC highlight my life and make almost 100k (in one week) then we need a sign up sheet because everyone is going to want a piece of that action.

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I guess that free hit to get the addicts addicted isn't supplied by the drug dealer.





total myth... drugs do a good enough job marketing themselves.



And isn't celebrating an addict just as bad as celebrating the dealer? Think about how many people the Grateful Dead turned on to drugs... I assure you a lot more than any single dealer on the street.


Oh yeah and wasn't it the Grateful Dead who got their start playing the San Fransisco Acid Tests. Which were parties where people were administered LCD without their knowledge or consent... hmmm... that sounds like some other invasive criminal act.

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dead head bear and just likes the music......SURE....do your homework....jerry did it all, stop lying to yourself......calcs caddie made a mistake, paid the price, let the man live.....same as every other human.if you aint never did anything wrong.......you are a robot.......case closed....this was a good post until you turned it into a witch hunt :smilie_titty: (cool)

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You guys are right, next week I will hire only convicted felons. The people who live by societies laws be damned, I only want the people convicted of crimes to on my staff because they all deserve a second chance.......Lets see how that works outs. I never understood why they had that on applicatios (ever been convicted of a felony), but it must be so everyone will know they served their time and are now ready for a second chance. I also own a few pitbulls so does that mean I'm a thug (since I'm a dead head, I'm a hypocrite).

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I guess that free hit to get the addicts addicted isn't supplied by the drug dealer. Both destroy lives! If people can't see that, then I guess my moral's are little out of wack. Just cause you like the music (dead bear) doesn't mean you do the drugs and I'm sure Jerry wasn't selling (just using and look what happened). I think we are all missing the point....should this guy have a segement about how he served his time and now is a role model to all drug dealers. When I watched that segement it made it sound like the guy got a raw deal and now is making mends. So if most people think its ok to sell drugs (kill people) and do 10 years (do the time) get out and have NBC highlight my life and make almost 100k (in one week) then we need a sign up sheet because everyone is going to want a piece of that action.


Amen. If the previous poster is right, we're talking 2.2 pounds of cocaine! That sounds like a lot more than given a few hits to some friends, its more likely what he did ruined some lives. I just wonder if this guy was just joe blow and not related to a sport we love, would some be as forgiving.

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