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Pure Ball Striker Training Aid....


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1) Do nothing with the Pure Ball Striker! 2) The Pure Ball Striker allows the golfer to sense the clubhead lagging. 3) The Pure Ball Striker gives proper location for feeling the clubhead lag pressure.


Make normal motion strokes, the shorter the better, starting with chipping and pitching. Direct your hands forward of the ball, allowing the club to follow, NO QUITTING on the stroke follow-through.


Building your stroke is important trying something every once in awhile will get no joy for sure. Stick with it stay positive in your approach. BTW thinning shots can be a sign that you are starting to direct your hands properly allow your pivot to continue NO QUITTING!

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I think alot of peopel expect the PBS to be some wonder cure for all aliments, its just a rubber thing that sits on the shaft so its not goign to fix a bad pivot, etc.


The only thing it does is get yout hands ahead of the ball in the correct postion at impact.


The ohter day at the range i was hitting the ball fairly well but short obvious i wasnt using all the power, as every now and again id cream one and it would be pure n 30 yards further, so i got he pbs out and started puring them one after the other.


I put it back in the bag, and just sighed at myself. i dont use the pbs that much though its always in my bag, but its a good refrence tool to see if my hands are in good postion at impact.


it feels like cheating using it and i want to achive them results without it on :)

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Josh / Jeff


You say that the PBS puts the hands ahead of the ball at impact. I apologise if this sounds like a silly question but how come a small piece of rubber attached to the grip can make this happen?


I`m going to go back to pitching as Jeff has advised and work my way up. Maybe I went into the full swing too quickly. I have noticed that the PBS has greatly improved my pitching.

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The Pure Ball Striker A.K.A. Hunk of Rubber allows the golfer a point of reference for sensory purposes. Gives location and direction for the purpose of delivering the hands and club correctly while sensing the clubhead lagging. Hands to and through impact and clubhead to and through the inside aft quadrant of the ball taking both to follow-through.

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Josh / Jeff


You say that the PBS puts the hands ahead of the ball at impact. I apologise if this sounds like a silly question but how come a small piece of rubber attached to the grip can make this happen?


I`m going to go back to pitching as Jeff has advised and work my way up. Maybe I went into the full swing too quickly. I have noticed that the PBS has greatly improved my pitching.

Since I never had any proper instruction nobody ever taught me what to do. I played by feel for 13 years and developed an awesome flip move. Nobody ever taught me to lag the clubhead. It took a hunk of rubber for me to feel what I needed to feel for a proper swing.

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its a funny thing i was trying to work it out for ages, what does this thing actually do, at first i thought wont it throw your hands forward, then i thought maybe it makes you straighten your right elbow.


then i had a thought now jeff will have to tell me if its right or wrong, but have you ever skimmed a stone across a pond? when i have done it i have the flat stone and my trigger finger kind supporting the back of the stone. when you do the skimming stone action, look at your wrist, its not flat, its bent just like how it should be at impact :)

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What's extensor action? I know what a trigger finger is and I assume top of the motion to mean top of the backswing. I think when I know what extensor action is the pressure bit might make sense too.


Extensor action is a steady effort to straighten the right arm throughout the swing. If you picture the left arm as a piece of rope, extensor action pulls it straight and provides structure to the swing. It is felt primarily though right hand pressure on top of the left thumb which is known as pressure point number one (PP#1) in TGM speak. So you can think of it as pulling the left arm straight with a straightening right arm.

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Josh / Jeff


You say that the PBS puts the hands ahead of the ball at impact. I apologise if this sounds like a silly question but how come a small piece of rubber attached to the grip can make this happen?


I`m going to go back to pitching as Jeff has advised and work my way up. Maybe I went into the full swing too quickly. I have noticed that the PBS has greatly improved my pitching.




Hi Arny.


since you are not having much joy maybe looking at it from my perspective can help.

I had been a "flipper" all my golfing life until a swing change forced me to hit the ball with a firm left wrist. (its called stack and tilt but thats another story)

So even before I got the PBS I was already trying to get my left wrist flat (I am right handed) at impact and beyond. ie I was trying to hit down on the ball. I used the impact drill where I hit on an impact bag (or anything just as soft) while making sure that my hands lead the ball at impact. I tried this and other drills (including Slicefixer's 9to3 drill you can look up elsewhere here) for weeks and still found it hard to visualise and achieve. I didn't know what i wasn't doing right because sometimes i can feel that i was flipping at the ball (ie when i thin it, or hit the ground first before the ball).


Having the good fortune to come across the PBS I immediately knew what it was trying to achieve. It reminds you to keep the club always a bit behind your hand - in other words it helps you to create LAG.


When you use the PBS, you should focus on the bit of skin underneath your right forefinger around the first joint. specifically you should feel a CONSTANT pressure there all the way DOWN to the ball and beyond a bit. All good ballstrikers know this and I have just discovered this myself after 6 years of golf. personally I just feel the pressure and don't try to increase it.

the other secret to ballstriking is that the lowest point of the swing is in front of the ball.


You should use your present swing and not change anything else. If you are not achieving better contact with the PBS, that means you (like me) have been flipping your wrists. Using small swings first also helps. When I first got the PBS I just swung my sand wedge back and force in front of me without a ball and concentrated on feeling the darn rubber thing during the forward swing. when you do this you can actually see that the clubhead is behind your hands. after a while i tried longer clubs but still swung easy - no full shots. after a while a bulb with turn on and you'll be hitting it sweet.


Is this right JEFF?

Hope this helps and i hope i wasnt presumptuous.

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Just ordered mine. I will let post results when I get a chance to hit with it. Anyone, who has had success with it, have some tips for the first time user? Over the course of this 27 page thread, there are many tips, but I am only interested in those from people that it has worked for.




Once you have your Pure Ball Striker and any questions come up just let us know BTW keep us posted on your results.

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Thanks a lot Jools and Josh. Very helpful indeed. I will keep at it and hopefully make progress. Thanks once again.


Arny...I felt EXACTLY the way you do when I 1st tried this thing.  If you just put it on and swing away same as always, nothing will be different.  This device is there to help you SENSE the lag and be more aware of where your hands are during the swing and most importantly at impact.  Until you learn how to do this, your swing will remain where it was before you got the PBS.  This is why I wouldn't recommend this device for a beginner who doesn't really undertand the golf swing.  It will just feel uncomfortable and make things harder. 

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Thanks a lot Jools and Josh. Very helpful indeed. I will keep at it and hopefully make progress. Thanks once again.


Arny...I felt EXACTLY the way you do when I 1st tried this thing. If you just put it on and swing away same as always, nothing will be different. This device is there to help you SENSE the lag and be more aware of where your hands are during the swing and most importantly at impact. Until you learn how to do this, your swing will remain where it was before you got the PBS. This is why I wouldn't recommend this device for a beginner who doesn't really undertand the golf swing. It will just feel uncomfortable and make things harder.





Do you find the PBS helpful now and, if so, what did you do to get the breakthrough and, also, how long did it take before things fell into place?

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My learning curve was a bit longer than some. But after help from Jeff; I found that the secret for me was to pause (at least it felt like a pause) at the end of my backswing and feel the pressure of the PBS against the pad on my trigger finger. The pressure was created by GRAVITY (not me pushing against the PBS but the PBS pushing down on my finger). I then nursed that feel to and through impact.

It is a tentative feeling; at least at first, requiring a slower swing so that I didn't have clubhead throwaway.

I have been at this for over 3 months and still sometimes find that if I neglect the feeling of clubhead lag to work on another swing problem, I fall back into losing my clubhead lag. Once I go back to establishing lag, I find that I start hitting solid shots again.

I think if you build lag beginning with a sand wedge (it is easier because the clubhead is heavier) you will find that elusive feeling necessary for good ball striking.

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Thanks a lot Jools and Josh. Very helpful indeed. I will keep at it and hopefully make progress. Thanks once again.


Arny...I felt EXACTLY the way you do when I 1st tried this thing. If you just put it on and swing away same as always, nothing will be different. This device is there to help you SENSE the lag and be more aware of where your hands are during the swing and most importantly at impact. Until you learn how to do this, your swing will remain where it was before you got the PBS. This is why I wouldn't recommend this device for a beginner who doesn't really undertand the golf swing. It will just feel uncomfortable and make things harder.




Do you find the PBS helpful now and, if so, what did you do to get the breakthrough and, also, how long did it take before things fell into place?


To be honest, I don't use it much.  I can practice all the helpful concepts that the PBS promotes without it.  I just find it too uncomfortable and it alters my grip because I have to put my right thumb angled off to the side instead of down at around "11 oclock" on the shaft.  It also keeps sliding around and gets out of position, which is a little bit of a pain.  I haven't tried the newer model yet though, so hopefully its been improved in that regard.

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I have tried the PBS with no improvement. I had been working with feeling the pressure

on the right trigger finger. Should I also be feeling ( adding ) pressure to another part of the hand, let's say the left thumb?


Great question!


The trigger finger is the most trailing part of the right hand maintain that condition.


You may need to feel a bit of pressure on the left thumb via the palm of the right hand.


Note: that this pressure is coming on the aft or backside of the club.


Also, make sure that the left thumb is placed slightly to the right-side of the grip.


Maintain this pressure, it is healthy pressure and will help sustain the line of compression.

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Well this will be interesting.


Ordered yesterday after reading about the first 4 or 5 pages. Just finished reading all 27 pages.


No instructions???? 1 page instructions showing installation??


Page 3 and 4 stating a DVD would be included. Then again on 10/20 on page 9, stated DVD would be included. Then page 12, video would be uploaded to youtube. Then on page 19, Jan. 3, copyright attorney got involved and video for youtube could not be produced.


Why can't a simple video be produced for us golfers that don't want to read additional books and are not teachers/instructors?


Why not post your handicaps/indexs when posting/answering threads, so we know a little about your over all experience.


I am a 9.6 index at present and have gotten into a terrible habit of casting the club and cannot hit a iron to save myself. But can stilll hit my woods well, chip and put. Have been as low as an 8 when I was in my 40's (62 at present).


When this arrives, I will try it and post my experiences but it seems like there are more then a few that have had their troubles and it seems as though the ones that have had suceess have been the better golfers to begin.


Just MHO.

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.....it seems like there are more then a few that have had their troubles and it seems as though the ones that have had suceess have been the better golfers to begin.


Just MHO.


I would agree with that.   A bad swing without the PBS is a bad swing with PBS.  This device

just assists you in feeling what proper lag should feel like, but it all by itself won't change anything in your swing.  You have to know what "feel" you are looking for and what goes along with proper lag of the clubhead.  If you have a rotten pivot and weight shift, slapping the PBS on won't clear that up.  All the device really does is:


1) keeps your right hand index and thumb (pincers) from getting overly involved in the swing.

2) shows you where the PP3 (pressure point) is and assists you in keying on it.


Can you accomplish #1 & 2 without a PBS?  Of course.  Does the PBS make it easier?  Possibly, but your personal mileage may vary.

You may have other, more important swing issues that need to be addressed first.

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Well this will be interesting.


Ordered yesterday after reading about the first 4 or 5 pages. Just finished reading all 27 pages.


No instructions???? 1 page instructions showing installation??


Page 3 and 4 stating a DVD would be included. Then again on 10/20 on page 9, stated DVD would be included. Then page 12, video would be uploaded to youtube. Then on page 19, Jan. 3, copyright attorney got involved and video for youtube could not be produced.


Why can't a simple video be produced for us golfers that don't want to read additional books and are not teachers/instructors?


Why not post your handicaps/indexs when posting/answering threads, so we know a little about your over all experience.


I am a 9.6 index at present and have gotten into a terrible habit of casting the club and cannot hit a iron to save myself. But can stilll hit my woods well, chip and put. Have been as low as an 8 when I was in my 40's (62 at present).


When this arrives, I will try it and post my experiences but it seems like there are more then a few that have had their troubles and it seems as though the ones that have had suceess have been the better golfers to begin.


Just MHO.



Nice Goldens! Here is mine!



All great points.


Here are some averages regarding handicap and my clients improvements. Clients have improved handicap by an average of 5.3 strokes and have increased average length of each club by 7 to 10 yards while improving proximity to targets with in 60 days.


I would also encourage folks to post their improvements and their handicaps before and after.


The Pure Ball Striker was designed around the geometry golf stroke and the design of the club.


Anyone can improve with or without using the Pure Ball Striker.


However, feel is a word that carries too may connotations to express what players and instructors appear to have in their minds. So, the Pure Ball Striker was developed to help sense the golfers unique feel of clubhead lag pressure or the most distal part of the right-hand which is the index finger or trigger finger. The trigger finger accepts this pressure well and allows the golfer to feel maybe for the first time the lagging clubhead giving a specific location.

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Thanks a lot Jools and Josh. Very helpful indeed. I will keep at it and hopefully make progress. Thanks once again.


Arny...I felt EXACTLY the way you do when I 1st tried this thing. If you just put it on and swing away same as always, nothing will be different. This device is there to help you SENSE the lag and be more aware of where your hands are during the swing and most importantly at impact. Until you learn how to do this, your swing will remain where it was before you got the PBS. This is why I wouldn't recommend this device for a beginner who doesn't really undertand the golf swing. It will just feel uncomfortable and make things harder.




Do you find the PBS helpful now and, if so, what did you do to get the breakthrough and, also, how long did it take before things fell into place?


To be honest, I don't use it much.  I can practice all the helpful concepts that the PBS promotes without it.  I just find it too uncomfortable and it alters my grip because I have to put my right thumb angled off to the side instead of down at around "11 oclock" on the shaft.  It also keeps sliding around and gets out of position, which is a little bit of a pain.  I haven't tried the newer model yet though, so hopefully its been improved in that regard.



If it is sliding all around and getting out of position, you are not creating enough and or maintaining lag pressure.


Simple as that.

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I have tried the PBS with no improvement. I had been working with feeling the pressure

on the right trigger finger. Should I also be feeling ( adding ) pressure to another part of the hand, let's say the left thumb?



Got a video?


I have found that most people who struggle with it have not fully understood it at the point of the their struggles. It even took me a couple weeks to REALLY learn how beneficial it was.


At first I was just making swings with it on there, and trying to feel PP3 better. I did feel it, but it didn't neccessarily feel different, I just felt it.


When I learned how to load the PBS (creating an immense amount of pressure in the transition) and then maintain that pressure through the ball is when things really started improve.


The PBS itself didn't do anything. But it helped me FEEL how to create more lag pressure. Lag pressure is the key to golf, no matter your skill level!

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I have tried the PBS with no improvement. I had been working with feeling the pressure

on the right trigger finger. Should I also be feeling ( adding ) pressure to another part of the hand, let's say the left thumb?



Got a video?


I have found that most people who struggle with it have not fully understood it at the point of the their struggles. It even took me a couple weeks to REALLY learn how beneficial it was.


At first I was just making swings with it on there, and trying to feel PP3 better. I did feel it, but it didn't neccessarily feel different, I just felt it.


When I learned how to load the PBS (creating an immense amount of pressure in the transition) and then maintain that pressure through the ball is when things really started improve.


The PBS itself didn't do anything. But it helped me FEEL how to create more lag pressure. Lag pressure is the key to golf, no matter your skill level!




Could you speak a bit more on how important YOUR FEEL is that YOU CREATED and what you learned when loading the lag. Was this learning a by product of mechanics only or the combination of experiences?

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I have tried the PBS with no improvement. I had been working with feeling the pressure

on the right trigger finger. Should I also be feeling ( adding ) pressure to another part of the hand, let's say the left thumb?



Got a video?


I have found that most people who struggle with it have not fully understood it at the point of the their struggles. It even took me a couple weeks to REALLY learn how beneficial it was.


At first I was just making swings with it on there, and trying to feel PP3 better. I did feel it, but it didn't neccessarily feel different, I just felt it.


When I learned how to load the PBS (creating an immense amount of pressure in the transition) and then maintain that pressure through the ball is when things really started improve.


The PBS itself didn't do anything. But it helped me FEEL how to create more lag pressure. Lag pressure is the key to golf, no matter your skill level!




Could you speak a bit more on how important YOUR FEEL is that YOU CREATED and what you learned when loading the lag. Was this learning a by product of mechanics only or the combination of experiences?




When I learned what lag pressure was, and how to feel it and create it, the possibilities felt almost endless. I could create as much lag as I wanted depending on how much pressure I created. It helped me understand the difference between what Sergio is feeling coming down as opposed to Zach Johnson. As we all know sergio has more lag than anyone. He is creating the majority of his lag pressure immediately in his transition. Zach creates much less pressure in transition, but holds it as well as anyone on tour through the shot. Lag pressure plays a huge role in both of their swings, it is just utilized differently.


For me personally I always created lag from the top, but would lose it before the ball when things got bad. When I understood that it was the pressure that was key to all of this, I learned to maintain it. I think my impact pictures in the previous pages speak for themselves from there. My balls might go off line from time to time, but they are solid 99.7 percent of the time.


The thing is that I was capable of that type of impact before, but it could come and go. This was due to my lack of understanding as to what caused it. After understanding lag pressure and its role in creating impact alignments, I was able to get there consistently. This is the difference between tour pros and good players VS. the high handicapper. The higher handicapper just never learns the role of lag pressure in the swing. The good players do.


As far as the mechanics VS. feel question, the answer is no it was not a product of the mechanics alone. I had always tried to get to proper impact alignments thinking about mechanics, but it was an unsuccessful endeavor. It was the proper usage of lag pressure that got all of my mechanics to line up in proper order. I know that is backwards from the way most of you are trying to learn to play, but it is the way it goes.


I realize that was somewhat of a rambling mess, but I did my best to answer your question. Talking about feel isn't all that easy!



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Thank you Logan. It maybe the way that lag is communicated for example holding the angles is an observation at best because if we held the angles we would miss the ball. The angles are released and the pivot is released but the lag pressure is maintained which in turns sustains the line of compression. Went we maintain the lag pressure we create speed as a by product of keeping up with the release of the angles and and pivot. Feel may not real for each individual on this plant but feel is unique and can be reproduced per individual.

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Thank you Logan. It maybe the way that lag is communicated for example holding the angles is an observation at best because if we held the angles we would miss the ball. The angles are released and the pivot is released but the lag pressure is maintained which in turns sustains the line of compression. Went we maintain the lag pressure we create speed as a by product of keeping up with the release of the angles and and pivot. Feel may not real for each individual on this plant but feel is unique and can be reproduced per individual.



Yes that is the biggest factor of all. It is not holding the angle, it is maintaining the pressure!

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