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Shot Scope tracking system

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I know a few of you have asked about a review and pictures and I don't think there are many Shot Scope users around! Probably the only time I will ever have something before others on here.


I have to say I have been impressed with the system! Easy to set up, similar to Game Golf, just screw the tags into the top of the club. It is early days but there is a support website and some tutorial videos on YouTube to help understand pincollect.


Packaging looked like this:




Took it out and when switched on the blue lights flash looking for GPS which it found in about 10 minutes or so (user guide said it would take that long the first time).




Something which is a nice touch is the back of the strap plugs into the otherside so no flappy strap!





So went to play my local course (it is nothing special and is very up and down) but it found GPS in about 30 seconds! Weather was windy so hence some club distances although I do hit the ball a long way and just can't chip/pitch!


Pincollect means pressing the button which refers to the number of putts you have taken on that hole, requires remembering on each hole but the bonus is you get the pin location marked on each green. In practice, this isn't too bad, and I started to get into a rythmn when picking the ball out of the hole and pressing the button. Not sure what to do with gimmees or pick ups but there is an editing system.


I played well (apart from the 1st) and it recorded every shot. Uploading the round is via the website but supposedly apps are launched next week for both iOS and Android.




A few screenshots of my account:







Overall I was really impressed, I think the website needs built out a bit but I am sure it will be. Shots to Finish is an interesting stat and I understand what they are trying to do but I probably need more rounds until I understand what is going on with it.


Easy to set up, pretty comfortable and the major plus was no tagging and that it captured every shot.


Hopefully that gave you a little insight (took me ages to take photos and get them on here).

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Thanks. This is interesting. I clicked "reserve now" on their webpage and all I had to do was enter my email address and they'll "let me know when it is ready." Curious to see how long that takes. As far as comfort, I don't wear anything while playing and I'm curious as to how bulky the system is and how much you noticed it. Also does it require you to wear on one arm as opposed to the other or can you wear it on either arm?

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Thanks. This is interesting. I clicked "reserve now" on their webpage and all I had to do was enter my email address and they'll "let me know when it is ready." Curious to see how long that takes. As far as comfort, I don't wear anything while playing and I'm curious as to how bulky the system is and how much you noticed it. Also does it require you to wear on one arm as opposed to the other or can you wear it on either arm?


I am similar to you. I use a laser so have never worn a GPS. The advice given is to wear it on your glove hand. Is it comfortable? It wasn't uncomfortable it is just a little different when you aren't used to wearing something. It is incredibly light compared to what I initially thought it would be though and after a few holes I didn't really notice it.

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Thanks. This is interesting. I clicked "reserve now" on their webpage and all I had to do was enter my email address and they'll "let me know when it is ready." Curious to see how long that takes. As far as comfort, I don't wear anything while playing and I'm curious as to how bulky the system is and how much you noticed it. Also does it require you to wear on one arm as opposed to the other or can you wear it on either arm?


I am similar to you. I use a laser so have never worn a GPS. The advice given is to wear it on your glove hand. Is it comfortable? It wasn't uncomfortable it is just a little different when you aren't used to wearing something. It is incredibly light compared to what I initially thought it would be though and after a few holes I didn't really notice it.

Thank you for the info. How long did you have to wait to get the unit? Were you one of the first to pre-order?

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I know a few of you have asked about a review and pictures and I don't think there are many Shot Scope users around! Probably the only time I will ever have something before others on here.


I have to say I have been impressed with the system! Easy to set up, similar to Game Golf, just screw the tags into the top of the club. It is early days but there is a support website and some tutorial videos on YouTube to help understand pincollect.


Packaging looked like this:




Took it out and when switched on the blue lights flash looking for GPS which it found in about 10 minutes or so (user guide said it would take that long the first time).




Something which is a nice touch is the back of the strap plugs into the otherside so no flappy strap!





So went to play my local course (it is nothing special and is very up and down) but it found GPS in about 30 seconds! Weather was windy so hence some club distances although I do hit the ball a long way and just can't chip/pitch!


Pincollect means pressing the button which refers to the number of putts you have taken on that hole, requires remembering on each hole but the bonus is you get the pin location marked on each green. In practice, this isn't too bad, and I started to get into a rythmn when picking the ball out of the hole and pressing the button. Not sure what to do with gimmees or pick ups but there is an editing system.


I played well (apart from the 1st) and it recorded every shot. Uploading the round is via the website but supposedly apps are launched next week for both iOS and Android.




A few screenshots of my account:







Overall I was really impressed, I think the website needs built out a bit but I am sure it will be. Shots to Finish is an interesting stat and I understand what they are trying to do but I probably need more rounds until I understand what is going on with it.


Easy to set up, pretty comfortable and the major plus was no tagging and that it captured every shot.


Hopefully that gave you a little insight (took me ages to take photos and get them on here).


Thanks for posting this. It saves me puting my numbers on display.


I agree that it's very user friendly. I've played 5 times since it arrived last week. I think it has picked up every shot I,ve played and on three occassions picked up shots which I had not but which were easily edited out. In this sense it's an effortless system which suits me far better than game golf ever did.


I took a couple of rounds to sort out the pin collect fearture and it is quite straightforward in contrast to my earlier impression. (I still think that the seconds It takes round about the hole to "pincollect " may irritate playing companions or fellow competitors though).


It's also not entirely accurate in locating the pin. I knocked a fairway wood in to about 4ft this morning. (It doesn't happen so often that it would escape my attention so it stuck in my mind). When I came to look at my round it had me 12ft away.


The google images used are a bit out of date. On my home course we've seen a number of bunkers removed, some resited and others remodelled all in the last 3 or 4years. Consequently I can tell that those google images are at least 3 and probably more than 4 years old despite the 2016 copywright date. It does have an effect when it comes to editing the data.


All in all I think it's a superior piece of kit.

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Appreciate the review, including the pics. Nicely done. I'm also curious about their stats, as it looks like the site is setup for fairly deep stats, but the terminology they use is somewhat proprietary (holing out%, shots to finish).




the stats indicate that you had 27 putts, but 36 (including off the green). I'm assuming that you may have used a putter from the fringe 9 times during your round, but only recorded the # of putts that were true 'putts on the green', correct?


is the 'Social' aspect of their site fleshed out? Like in Game Golf, can you 'add friends' and review each others' rounds?

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Thank you for the info. How long did you have to wait to get the unit? Were you one of the first to pre-order?


I pre-ordered, I have a friend who has 'reserved' and I think he said they were being released soon.





the stats indicate that you had 27 putts, but 36 (including off the green). I'm assuming that you may have used a putter from the fringe 9 times during your round, but only recorded the # of putts that were true 'putts on the green', correct?


is the 'Social' aspect of their site fleshed out? Like in Game Golf, can you 'add friends' and review each others' rounds?


This is my short game deficiency, I putt a lot from off the green. They count off the green putting as short game which in my view is correct.


There isn't a community section yet I presume they are still working on it, but no word as yet.

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Thanks for the writeup. I'd love to see this system set up to display yards to center on the wristband.


Did you have any issues with practice swings away from ball position being recorded? Did it capture all your putt/chip locations?


I don't take a lot of practice swings but those I make have not been recorded. Most of the rounds I have played in the 10 days since I've had it have been in competition. Because of that and because of my being unaccustomed I didn't "pincollect" regularly. I think there are probably problems though with short game stats simply because GPS isn,t accurate enough to home in.

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  • 1 month later...

Just got an email that my reserved shot scope is ready for purchase. Any more feedback while I debate whether to pull the trigger?


I've gone back to GameGolf in the last few days. Didn't think much of the course mapping from shotscope and in the last 6 weeks I don't think I've had any useful data from it. Previously I struggled to incorporate Gamegolf tagging into my preshot routine. I thought shotscope would work away in the background and provide me with similar info without requiring any effort from me. Hasn't worked out that way so far so I've reverted. If i can get my gamegolf to fly I think it's capable of providing superior feedback.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Alright! Time for me to do a review and a walk through with some photos. Again, sorry for the delay. Will try to complete this before the hurricane knocks the power out :)


I have only played with the Shot Scope unit twice so far so as you will see, the averages will (HOPEFULLY!) change/improve.


Initial impressions:

- the wristband is comfortable and much lighter than it looks like it would be. Was concerned about that with the pictures but it is very light, fits comfortably and you quickly forget that you have it on. I like this more than game golf and having to tag each shot. Used gg for about a year. Don't like having to think about tagging anything. The only time a "tag" is necessary is for pin collect when you push a button on the wrist band near the hole when you hole out.


- their customer service and response time is OUTSTANDING. I had some issues with setting up my account and getting started (my issues, not their issues) and they responded almost immediately and worked to help me resolve the problem. Also had an issue with one of the tags that goes into the club and they immediately sent a replacement tag. very personal attention and quick responses.


- I like the stats that it presents and has already (yes even after 2 rounds) helped me see some things to work on as far as club usage etc.


- it is accurate. moreso than I thought with GPS and I have had to do only minimal post round editing


- they have a mobile ap which is very nice. I can easily upload my round from my wristband via bluetooth immediately following the round. This is nice to then take a look as soon as I finish to see if any adjustments to the round need to be made. Upload time is less than a minute from the two times I have done it. I was impressed.


Once you log in to Shot Scope this is the initial screen you see:




To the right you see the two rounds I have played with the Shot Scope - YES I shot 47-36. NO I was not happy. Below the map of the course you can also see some of the stats collected from the most recent round as well as for the "season."


Here is another shot of the overview screen:




Looks like the photos are displaying relatively small - if you click the photo it gives a slightly larger view.

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For the next screen shot I clicked the performance tab at the top which will give performance by club with 3 different options on stats, you can also look at club performance based on the individual club as well as per round or for the full "season"




These are my distances with their trademarked stat called performance average (I think) which I assume will knock out any outliers once I get a few more rounds in:




And here are the longest yardages per club:



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Another really interesting and useful stat on this page is usage. These percentages will certainly move around as I continue to add rounds but some of the percentages already surprise me. This will definitely help me focus on what clubs I need to work with and practice with more to help my game:



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Now we can move to the "approaches" tab. This tab again can be for the full "season" or per club performance. Here are my approach stats with the SW which was the easiest to show since I used it the most during the previous two rounds. Lots of good info here relating to average shots to finish from different conditions as well as average proximity to the hole:



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Can you take pictures of the other stat screens? I assume you're in the process of doing it since this was only posted three minutes ago but just in case, I thought I'd ask. Also, how much was the product? I didn't really read through the thread so sorry if that has been asked already.


Yes I'm planning to do all screens and can answer any questions about specific screens or take more detailed screen shots. The unit was $280 I believe and I think that is a very reasonable price based on its capabilities in my opinion.

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Now to the short game area which also has a lot of great info. This is the main screen when you click "short game" and shows my up and down percentage, inside of 20 ft, and inside of 6 ft as well as my average proximity to the hole. As you notice again you can select per club or all clubs to get an average and can also select what shot condition which I will show below. This is the main screen:




Here is a screen that shows my short game statistics just from my SW, I do not use a 60 degree so this is my main club around the green:




Here is a screen that shows short game performance from "grass" (as opposed to the other option which is sand:




Here is the short game performance from sand screen:




Does it show you your average proximity to the hole using X clubs from X yards?


patience my friend :)

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