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May I suggest something that may help you in your routine. When I did "Bootcamp" a couple of years ago and got pretty ripped (down to 10% body fat), I was using glutamine with Muscle Milk after each work out to help my muscles recover more quickly. REALLY helped out and I saw results a lot faster. I am planning to do that again when I get started up next week on P90X.

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Anybody noticing any DRAMATIC changes? I receive my DVDs on Thursday and am looking forward to getting started Monday. I would get started Thursday, but we are having a class reunion for my MBA class this weekend and I am positive the beers will be flowing. Don't want to start and feel guilty right off the bat.


My wife is going to help me stick to this from the diet to the plan. I am planning on doing the classic routine the first 2 weeks and then switching to doubles for the next 10 weeks. I am currently 6'0" 200 lbs. and am wanting to be down to 175 and pretty lean by the end of this thing. I figure I can do anything for 90 days. I am hoping it will be so infectious that I will continue on and start over again at the end of 90 days.

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Anybody noticing any DRAMATIC changes? I receive my DVDs on Thursday and am looking forward to getting started Monday. I would get started Thursday, but we are having a class reunion for my MBA class this weekend and I am positive the beers will be flowing. Don't want to start and feel guilty right off the bat.


My wife is going to help me stick to this from the diet to the plan. I am planning on doing the classic routine the first 2 weeks and then switching to doubles for the next 10 weeks. I am currently 6'0" 200 lbs. and am wanting to be down to 175 and pretty lean by the end of this thing. I figure I can do anything for 90 days. I am hoping it will be so infectious that I will continue on and start over again at the end of 90 days.


Dramatic changes? Yes. I've been trying to gain weight and strength train for a year now without a lot of success. I've been on this program for a little less than 3 weeks now and I'm packing the weight and muscle on. I love it. And yes, it is somewhat infectious. I don't feel "right" if I don't do a workout now. When I used to go to the gym, I found myself getting bored and the motivation was lacking. With P90X, I always challenge myself to do more. I always do enough reps with each exercise so that I can barely complete the last rep. It's such a rush.


My advice though - when you get your DVDs, run through each first week workout for your first week, but don't actually count it towards your 90 days. This will give you a feel for what you are doing because that first day "Chest and Back" you are going to feel like someone ran you over with a ice cream truck after only 15-20 minutes. I called it my "test week" where I moved extremely slow and frequently paused the DVD. Then after doing each day of "testing," I started the real deal the following week. I was much better prepared. So, technically, you are doing a 97 day program.


Once your 90 days are up, you can try the P90X+ program. I think I'm going to run through the regular program again after my first 90 days before I do +

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That's great! Looking forward to getting started...although you and I have different goals (I am trying to lose weight), I think this program will be effective. That's good advice on taking the first week to get the feel of it and then going hard into it this next week as my "official" first week. We have a beach trip planned with a bunch of friends for mid-July, so that should put me finishing up right before that which will be perfect. The only piece of information that one of my friends who finished the program gave me was "You will have a new appreciation for the people that say they do yoga."


I'll definitely be coming here to give everyone updates on my progress. The great thing is that if it truly works, my job my reimburse me for the DVDs to use as part of their wellness program here at work to use for other people at the office.

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Dramatic results? I'd say so. I have lost about 28 lbs in the 10 weeks I've completed. I'm getting real close to 200, 206.5 as of this morning. This is without starving myself or feeling like I'm on a diet. The other thing the scale hides is I've lost more fat then that. The BF% test I did a few weeks ago showed I lost 19.7 lbs of fat but gained 4.7 lbs of muscle in 6 weeks. So the scale would only say 15 lbs when I really lost more blubber then that.


I also may have dropped 2 shirt sizes. I was wearing XXL when I started. My wife bought me a large winter shirt yesterday( it was $3). It fit perfectly. I don't know about other types of shirts yet. A large Tshirt may be too tight, but I haven't worn anything in a large in 15 years.


I'm wondering about my jeans too. I'm down to 34s and they are starting to get loose. I still don't need a belt but if I start wearing a size 33, holy crap. I've worn 34s ever since high school.


I've also noticed a dramatic improvement when I play volleyball within the last week. My weight dropped under 210 and I'm hitting and blocking alot better then I was even 4 weeks ago.


I will say after 10 weeks that some of the boredom is setting in. I'm not as pumped to push play these days but I do. I have only missed 1 workout the entire time and want to keep it that way, though today looks a little sketchy.

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What is everyone's favorite workout? At first, I hated it, but now I love the YogaX...



Yoga X and Ab Ripper X. I have always liked the Yoga routine. ARX became a favorite once I decided I was going to pause and do every single rep. It took me 45 minutes the first time I did it, now I'm down to 30 minutes. My abs/core has always been weak, it's led to back issues many years ago and I never strengthen them. I hate it, but I love it.

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May I suggest something that may help you in your routine. When I did "Bootcamp" a couple of years ago and got pretty ripped (down to 10% body fat), I was using glutamine with Muscle Milk after each work out to help my muscles recover more quickly. REALLY helped out and I saw results a lot faster. I am planning to do that again when I get started up next week on P90X.


I've been using the chocolate milk recovery drink the whole time.


I dunno what is bugging me with the body fortress protein powder. It makes me queasy now if I drink it. Lol.


How much glutamine did you take? The GNC whey I use have it and I've been using 3 scoops at a time which has a close to 1.3 grams of it.

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Day 1 is going on right now, I'm taking a short break. I have 20 minutes left. Funny story for you. I was doing the pull ups, but I couldn't do many so I decided to use the bands. So I threw the bands over the top of the door and began pulling. Yep, you guessed it, the bands slipped off of the door and snapped me square in the chest! I thought I had been shot. Wow that hurt! Lesson learned. Ok, back to finish day 1.

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Day 1 is going on right now, I'm taking a short break. I have 20 minutes left. Funny story for you. I was doing the pull ups, but I couldn't do many so I decided to use the bands. So I threw the bands over the top of the door and began pulling. Yep, you guessed it, the bands slipped off of the door and snapped me square in the chest! I thought I had been shot. Wow that hurt! Lesson learned. Ok, back to finish day 1.


Uh...ouch? You really should use a door attachment for band pull ups ;)


Make sure you let us know how you feel when you're all said and done with day 1. I remember the way I felt. Like someone ran me over with a damn freight truck. AND THEN I had to do the Ab ripper. That was a very ouchy morning. But I love it...

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That's great! Looking forward to getting started...although you and I have different goals (I am trying to lose weight), I think this program will be effective. That's good advice on taking the first week to get the feel of it and then going hard into it this next week as my "official" first week. We have a beach trip planned with a bunch of friends for mid-July, so that should put me finishing up right before that which will be perfect. The only piece of information that one of my friends who finished the program gave me was "You will have a new appreciation for the people that say they do yoga."


I'll definitely be coming here to give everyone updates on my progress. The great thing is that if it truly works, my job my reimburse me for the DVDs to use as part of their wellness program here at work to use for other people at the office.


I thought Yoga was going to be an easy day when I first started. Nothing like being slapped in the face for that idea. I didn't like it at all when I first did it, but now I love that stuff. YogaX is probably quite a bit more extreme than a typical Yoga workout as well.

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Day 1 is going on right now, I'm taking a short break. I have 20 minutes left. Funny story for you. I was doing the pull ups, but I couldn't do many so I decided to use the bands. So I threw the bands over the top of the door and began pulling. Yep, you guessed it, the bands slipped off of the door and snapped me square in the chest! I thought I had been shot. Wow that hurt! Lesson learned. Ok, back to finish day 1.


Uh...ouch? You really should use a door attachment for band pull ups ;)


Make sure you let us know how you feel when you're all said and done with day 1. I remember the way I felt. Like someone ran me over with a damn freight truck. AND THEN I had to do the Ab ripper. That was a very ouchy morning. But I love it...



I know, but I was in a hurry and didn't want to stop the dvd. My arms feel like jello right now, but that's good. There's no way I can keep up with the people on the dvd, I just do what I can. I still have abs to do, but I'm going to do that tonight. BTW, is it ok to break it up like that?

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Day 1 is going on right now, I'm taking a short break. I have 20 minutes left. Funny story for you. I was doing the pull ups, but I couldn't do many so I decided to use the bands. So I threw the bands over the top of the door and began pulling. Yep, you guessed it, the bands slipped off of the door and snapped me square in the chest! I thought I had been shot. Wow that hurt! Lesson learned. Ok, back to finish day 1.


Uh...ouch? You really should use a door attachment for band pull ups ;)


Make sure you let us know how you feel when you're all said and done with day 1. I remember the way I felt. Like someone ran me over with a damn freight truck. AND THEN I had to do the Ab ripper. That was a very ouchy morning. But I love it...



I know, but I was in a hurry and didn't want to stop the dvd. My arms feel like jello right now, but that's good. There's no way I can keep up with the people on the dvd, I just do what I can. I still have abs to do, but I'm going to do that tonight. BTW, is it ok to break it up like that?



Yes. Like he says, pace yourself. I don't think they expect you to be able to do it as quickly, efficiently, or as well as they do it, especially on your first try. Eventually you will want to do the ab ripper right after though. But you aren't doing any harm by waiting until tonight. Besides, you're probably pretty beat up right now. It might be better to do the ab ripper when your form and concentration is higher. Good luck - it will slowly become easier (but that's when you up your reps ;) )

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Yeah man. Take your time and be patient. It's not really the total number of pullups that matter. It's that you can slowly increase the number. Meaning, you can do 3 now. But in two weeks, try to pump out 4 or 5. Eventually you'll be doing more and more as you build the strength.


There really is no secret to P90X. It's about doing a variety of exercises that target multiple muscle groups. What makes P90X better than most programs is, it constantly screams at you to push yourself harder each time. If I'm done with an exercise day and I'm not gasping for air and feeling like I was smashed in the face with a tire iron, then I don't feel like I got what I was supposed to out of the workout. I always used to leave the gym feeling like nothing happened. That doesn't happen with this.

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i started doing pullups today using the bands, i wish i would have been doing it this way the entire time. sadly i am in my last week of regular workouts now. seems like the bands really work the forearms while doing the pullup motion, and it isn't as hard on the shoulders.

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Hello everyone! :wave:


My wife and I have decided to jump on the P90X bandwagon. We've done a few of the workouts to see what it's going to be like. We did Plyometrics the other day. Man! That was a good one. My legs are sore, but not as sore as my wife says hers are. We couldn't get thru the entire workout. I know my limits so I'm not going to push it too far.


My brother has been doing it for a while. He's always trying to find something to do to add muscle and some mass. Now I think he's doing P90X just to get into shape. He kept bugging me to try it out. I've been trying to lift free weights on a regular basis to build up my chest and tri's. I could never stick to it long enough to really get much out of it. I think P90X is going to be a good choice because it's something my wife will do also. It'll help keep me motivated. She's doing it to lose some baby weight she put on after we had our son (he's 2 now). I'm doing it to strengthen my back and just generally get in shape. I'd like to lose some fat, build some muscle and gain flexibility. I'm not obese by any means(6'2", 220lbs), but there are some areas I'd like to trim. Hopefully we can stick to it. I'm looking forward to see the results.

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I think a lot of people just mix up some chocolate milk. Anything that has some carbs and protein in it. I personally use a scoop of Serious Mass in 3 cups of milk for my post-workout recovery drink. But only do that if you're trying to pack on pack on pack on. That recovery drink I use has nearly 1500 calories in it, 300 grams of carbs, and 65 grams of protein ;) .


Thanks for the Creatine link chili. I'm going to call and ask my doctor about it before I jump on it. I've heard some horror stories about Creatine, but I think they are mostly from people who abuse it. We'll see...

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no.6 - if you've got a Costco around, grab a carton of the little Hershey's Chocolate Milk boxes...I think it's about $10-$15 for 20 or 30 boxes. I put a bunch in the fridge at the beginning of the week so they're cold when I'm done with the DVD's. And it helps with portion control. After a couple of those workouts I'm wanting to chug a 32oz...

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Thanks, Chili. :good:


What other things can you use in place of the recovery drink? I don't really want to shell out the $$ for the P90X mix and my wife says she can't drink protein mixes etc. anyway. Dunno if she just doesn't like the tastes or what. Thanks


Walmart sells an inexpensive whey protein powder with extra stuff like glutamine in it. I mix one scoop with a 1/2 can of mango nectar (Jumex brand) as my recovery drink. The mango nectar is very tasty and only costs $0.75 a can at my local grocery. It also has very little corn syrup or sugar in it and is only 100 cal./can


The key to the program is a good diet. I use "The Fat Flush Plan" by Ann Louise Gittelman and it is working really well with no hunger pangs. It's a strict diet, but it has been easy for me to follow. For the 1st 2 weeks you have no dairy, starchy carbs, sugar, caffiene or alcohol. Then over the next weeks you slowly add back in some things. It has helped me to identify my food allergies/sensitivities (dairy for sure). I've been off the prilosec since day 2 of the diet and couldn't be happier with the results.

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