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Does it matter what time of the day you do the workouts? I got about halfway through the first time, but I was doing it at various times. I'd like to get into a routine. First thing in the morning would seem to be the best time, but I'm always hungry when I wake up and working out when hungry is very hard. At least for me. What do you guys do about that?

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[quote name='Tmiller72' timestamp='1295097880' post='2898197']
Does it matter what time of the day you do the workouts? I got about halfway through the first time, but I was doing it at various times. I'd like to get into a routine. First thing in the morning would seem to be the best time, but I'm always hungry when I wake up and working out when hungry is very hard. At least for me. What do you guys do about that?

First thing in the morning works best for me. I drink a protein shake with my coffee and wait about 30 mins and start. For me anytime I have tried to do it in the afternoon I usually fail because so much work stuff throughout the day.

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For those of you that have graduated from P90X, I highly recommend the P90X One-On-One Volume 3 series (making of P90X MC2)....just did the Chest/Back/Balls routine today and let me tell you...this thing is the hardest thing I've ever done. Just to give you an idea, the whole thing is pushups/pullups, except the pushups are all done on either balance balls or medicine balls. For example, at one point, imagine that you are in a plank position (standard pushup position with your body off the ground)...now put a medicine ball under each foot and hand so that you are suspended in the air on 4 medicine balls doing pushups while trying to keep your balance and from rolling around. Next, go to the pullup routine where you start out in a wide front pullup and explode up with such speed that you can get airborne to leave the bar and regrip it as a close grip pullup....you do the close grip pullup and explode up with such speed that you get airborne and reposition your hands back to the wide grip....keep alternating for 15 pullups. I followed that up with the One-On-One ARX abs.....absolutely KILLER!!! I love it!! Highly recommend it guys.

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[quote name='Chilidog' timestamp='1295141646' post='2899377']
For those of you that have graduated from P90X, I highly recommend the P90X One-On-One Volume 3 series (making of P90X MC2)....just did the Chest/Back/Balls routine today and let me tell you...this thing is the hardest thing I've ever done. Just to give you an idea, the whole thing is pushups/pullups, except the pushups are all done on either balance balls or medicine balls. For example, at one point, imagine that you are in a plank position (standard pushup position with your body off the ground)...now put a medicine ball under each foot and hand so that you are suspended in the air on 4 medicine balls doing pushups while trying to keep your balance and from rolling around. Next, go to the pullup routine where you start out in a wide front pullup and explode up with such speed that you can get airborne to leave the bar and regrip it as a close grip pullup....you do the close grip pullup and explode up with such speed that you get airborne and reposition your hands back to the wide grip....keep alternating for 15 pullups. I followed that up with the One-On-One ARX abs.....absolutely KILLER!!! I love it!! Highly recommend it guys.

I am looking forward to P90X MC2 coming out. I have finished P90X four times now. Right now, I am taking a "break" with Insanity, but look forward to getting on to a new P90X rotation in about 3 weeks.

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Insanity is just that. It "killed" my wife and I. However, I have to admit that we are starting to get on up there in age now and it was too much on our joints to do everyday. We'll still do some of the workouts from time to time but not as our only workout.

Edited to add. We are 48 and 45 respectively and have just started what must be round 10 or 11 of P90X.

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[quote name='Tmiller72' timestamp='1295097880' post='2898197']
Does it matter what time of the day you do the workouts? I got about halfway through the first time, but I was doing it at various times. I'd like to get into a routine. First thing in the morning would seem to be the best time, but I'm always hungry when I wake up and working out when hungry is very hard. At least for me. What do you guys do about that?

Drink a glass of water first...that will get you hydrated and satisfy some of the hunger urge. Working out in the morning is best, as you will burn more fat.

Blogging about all things golf on my blog at [url="https://www.scottcolegolf.com"]Scott Cole Golf[/url]. Will be getting back to teaching part time in 2019!

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I am 51 and have done P90x for 2 years. I usually do 2-12 week sessions (starting Oct to early April). All i can say is that you really need to be in decent shape to start this program. This is NOT a get off the couch, watch me go , type of product. It will put you in deep pain very fast.

Having said that, put the DVD in and give it 100%, watch you eating and you will get ripped, no question in my mind, I have seen the results.

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Hi, I am currently in week 5 but having trouble staying motivated. I went on vacation over the holidays and missed week 4 because I simply couldn't do the workouts there. Anyways I came back and completed week 4 but last week should've been week 5 but I am redoing it because I only did 2 days of it. How can I stay motivated because I like the results I have gotten so far but just can't always push myself to push play. Any help would be appreciated and sorry for the long somewhat confusing story!

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Thanks for the tips. Morning works best for me also and I'll try drinking water and maybe mixing in some protein shake mix. One reason that I might be hungry is being a little dehydrated from not drinking enough water. I certainly need to increase my water intake. I did well when I was doing p90x on a regualt basis combined with walking and hiking. Went from a size 38 to 36. Since my dog died, the hiking and walking has stopped and I've put 10-12 pounds back on. I got rid of all my size 38 stuff so I need to get back to working out! haha

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[quote name='douggolf4' timestamp='1295223482' post='2901823']
Hi, I am currently in week 5 but having trouble staying motivated. I went on vacation over the holidays and missed week 4 because I simply couldn't do the workouts there. Anyways I came back and completed week 4 but last week should've been week 5 but I am redoing it because I only did 2 days of it. How can I stay motivated because I like the results I have gotten so far but just can't always push myself to push play. Any help would be appreciated and sorry for the long somewhat confusing story!

This is actually a good question, because I had trouble right after my first round of P90X finding the motivation to keep going....mostly because I got bored and had trouble with the time commitment. Here is my advice and why I have been doing it for over a year now without really taking more than 2 days off in a row once the entire time. Make it as important in your day as you do work, family, school, etc. I schedule my workouts so that if I don't get it in, it is as infuriating as not getting something done for work, not seeing my kids, etc. I make it a mandatory part of my day, no exceptions. And, when I go in to workout, I go in with a purpose. I don't go half ace it around and check my phone 50 times. I leave the phone outside of the gym and go in to work. When I stopped making my workout about losing weight, I became a lot more focused and had a lot more fun with it. My goals now are: 1) Be as healthy as possible for my wife and kids so that I can see them have kids some day and 2) Get as strong as possible in what are traditionally my weak spots (abs, forearms, back)....I've made huge strides in both and now can't go a day without getting my workout in....it is addictive. Hope that helps!

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Well, we are older (I am 48 and my wife soon to be 46). Insanity as an everyday workout started to hurt us in the knees and lower back because it is so high impact. So, after we did the entire program we decided to stick with P90x as our main workouts. We'll still do the occaisional "pure cardio" or "cardio plyo circut"... just can't do it all the time. I burn way more calories with Insanity and can get my heart rate up higher than with P90x but I am with you in that we also missed the strength training.

P90X is better for us overall.

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I went through 7 weeks of P90X until work got in the way. Was just to burnt out from OT to keep up with it. Just got back into the gym about 3 weeks ago, and looking back, I feel like P90X worked me harder than the gym does. If you can keep up with it, its an awesome program and you'll love the end results. Good Luck!

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[quote name='Chilidog' timestamp='1295303270' post='2903892']
I did Insanity as well... What did you think? I missed the strength workouts and started losing muscle mass. I came off of it after 40 days because of that

I am an extreme ectomorph. So I shy away from workouts like Insanity because I know I would lose the little muscle mass I have. YMMV, but I prefer P90X because it balances strength, flexibility and cardio. But everyone is different with different needs.

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Ok, guys I just happened upon this thread and read a few pages, not the whole taco, so don't beat me up.

From the pages I have read, I don't hear anyone talking about their golf?[b] I just would like to know how you guys get in these p90x workouts and still play golf?[/b] I have never done the p90x, but I've seen the infomercials and it looks extremely difficult and time consuming, which I understand is the cost for those kind of results. If I'm not mistaken, it's 1 hour/day for 6 days? Does anybody have the energy to play golf in the afternoon if you workout in the morning, or is it too difficult? I'm thinking I could commit to a program like this in the winter, but no way in the spring. I'm 6 feet 1 inch, 175 lbs and don't have any weight to lose, but have a goal of 185 strong lbs.

FWIW, I cut out an article a few years ago by Mark Vertegren? from coreperformance.com that was in golf digest. It was titled the "ultimate golf workout," I'm sure some of you have read it. I have since went to his website for different routines and nutrition info, but it sounds similar to p90x as far as balance between flexibility, strength, and cardio. Although, P90x I'm sure is a bit more intense. It is a more manageable workout for me at 3 days per week, and it has been something I can commit to and still have the energy for golf. However, I still typically play or hit balls on my off days. I would like to add something to get a consistent workout at least 4 days, but haven't got a plan yet, so I have been in a rut and sleeping in on those days. As some have mentioned, I'm a dad and a bread winner, so if I don't get up early and get it, I will never have the time or motivation to do it after I get off work. I've tried to treat the workouts as "my time." No honey do's, the kids are asleep, no distractions. I'm always in a positive frame of mind for the day when I can get up and workout before work. I eat a ZonePerfect bar before I start, then have a post workout protein, fruit smoothie afterwords. Anyhow, that's what I do, I'm a 8 handicap at the moment, but only get to play about twice a month. In between I'm able to hit balls at my house. Ok, anyone think the p90x will change my game?

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[quote name='ateupwithgolf' timestamp='1295324032' post='2904821']
Ok, guys I just happened upon this thread and read a few pages, not the whole taco, so don't beat me up.

From the pages I have read, I don't hear anyone talking about their golf?[b] I just would like to know how you guys get in these p90x workouts and still play golf?[/b] I have never done the p90x, but I've seen the infomercials and it looks extremely difficult and time consuming, which I understand is the cost for those kind of results. If I'm not mistaken, it's 1 hour/day for 6 days? Does anybody have the energy to play golf in the afternoon if you workout in the morning, or is it too difficult? I'm thinking I could commit to a program like this in the winter, but no way in the spring. I'm 6 feet 1 inch, 175 lbs and don't have any weight to lose, but have a goal of 185 strong lbs.

FWIW, I cut out an article a few years ago by Mark Vertegren? from coreperformance.com that was in golf digest. It was titled the "ultimate golf workout," I'm sure some of you have read it. I have since went to his website for different routines and nutrition info, but it sounds similar to p90x as far as balance between flexibility, strength, and cardio. Although, P90x I'm sure is a bit more intense. It is a more manageable workout for me at 3 days per week, and it has been something I can commit to and still have the energy for golf. However, I still typically play or hit balls on my off days. I would like to add something to get a consistent workout at least 4 days, but haven't got a plan yet, so I have been in a rut and sleeping in on those days. As some have mentioned, I'm a dad and a bread winner, so if I don't get up early and get it, I will never have the time or motivation to do it after I get off work. I've tried to treat the workouts as "my time." No honey do's, the kids are asleep, no distractions. I'm always in a positive frame of mind for the day when I can get up and workout before work. I eat a ZonePerfect bar before I start, then have a post workout protein, fruit smoothie afterwords. Anyhow, that's what I do, I'm a 8 handicap at the moment, but only get to play about twice a month. In between I'm able to hit balls at my house. Ok, anyone think the p90x will change my game?

I have been doing p90x off and on for 2yrs and you make some great points. I actually do more of my own hybrid workout now (standard gym workout that includes what I consider the best p90x movements). In the winter I will amp up the workout days etc. Come golf season I still hit the weights but focus a lil more on the core and high reps. I don't even go near the plyo workout anymore. Playing hockey my whole life has caught up to my knees and the plyo takes me 3 days to recover.lol.Watch the vids and incorporate some of the movements in your normal workout IMO.

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You might be sore at first but it should be a "good" sore from working out muscles that you've not worked in long time. Time wise, you are right, it is very time consuming. I work out in the mornings before work and then play/practice golf in the afternoons afterwards.

You have to decide if your overall health and fitness is worth an hour or hour and a half a day. I'm sure you have the time if you really look for it. I just trimmed the amount of time I spent watching TV or surfing the net and easily created the time to work out.

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[quote name='Chilidog' timestamp='1295303270' post='2903892']
I did Insanity as well... What did you think? I missed the strength workouts and started losing muscle mass. I came off of it after 40 days because of that

I like Insanity in that: (1) I think the cardio has paid dividends and (2) overall workout time is shorter than P90X. I would describe Insanity as a different kind of hard than P90X. I have never had a day with Insanity where I felt like I could not move the next day, but during some of the workouts themselves I am shot. Like you, I miss the strength workout from P90X. I have another 2 weeks to go with Insanity and after that I am going to do another round of P90X. I will be interested to see if completing Insanity will make P90X feel "different" this time.

Taylor Made M2 9.5* Atmos Tour Spec Blue 6
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The results you can get with P90X can vary quite abit I'm learning. My first round I lost 32 lbs and about 14 inches from my chest, waist, and hips combined. Then I hurt myself and stopped working out regularly. SO I gained 60 lbs over the following 18 months or so. I started a round of P90X on 10/18 and missed three weeks around the holidays.

I restarted on 1/3 or so, so I figure I've done about 80 days or so of workouts. So far I've lost 7 lbs but shrunk 8.25 inches in the same three areas. So my first round I dropped alot of weight and inches. This time my weight isn't moving as fast but I'm losing more inches per lb lost.
My workouts are also progressing a bit differently. I'm starting to do the same number of pushups now as I was doing at the end on my first round back in '09. The plyo however I can't replicate yet. Either my legs wear out or my cardio stamina does. The weight gain is slowing down my progress with Playo. ARX, though I'm doing better then I was at the end of that first round.

I do know that the first round really helped me though. I may have gained 60 lbs but I'm smaller then I should be even before I restarted on 10/18. I'm about 255 now and I'm mostly wearing clothes I was wearing when I was 232.

One of the hard parts for me though is the fact I'm not losing weight quickly. I want to get back down to 200 lbs or less and I don't know if I'll get there or if I'll stay in the 230 - 240 range but just be leaner. I find it hard to imagine that I can not lose alot of weight and still get into decent shape. I've seen myself get to 197 after round 1 but my body is reacting a bit differently this time. I'll keep pushing play and just see what happens because regardless of what I weigh, I know P90X is helping me be healthier.

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I hate hate hate Yoga. I know it has benefits, but it's long, boring and I can't even do most of it. Not a good combo for someone with attention span problems. So, what would be a good replacement? I enjoy Cardio X and I'm mainly trying to lose a few pounds. I'm doing the lean version. I've also starting drinking a lot of water throughout the day. I never drank enough and was always getting dehydrated by the end of the day. I bought a 32oz jug and I make sure I drink at least 2 of them a day. I'm buring calories with all the bathroom trips. :)

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Absolutely. A lot of it is low impact. Even much of core synergistics is easy on the knee. At my age I'm not interested in running or biking, but I like working out hard, so P90X has enough variety to make it worthwhile... Plyometrics, legs, & cardio are more impact, but most of the rest is good. Core synergistics has some lunges, but if you avoid those there are some great core moves. Just alter anything you can't or shouldn't do...

[quote name='PINSEEKER72' timestamp='1295495305' post='2909596']
I'm considering P90X but I had knee surgery last year and I am not supposed to run or do any type of exercise that cause the knee to take a pounding. Can I still get some benefit from the program if I avoid the exercises that would be hard on the knees?


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[quote name='Tmiller72' timestamp='1295491030' post='2909434']
I [b]hate hate hate[/b] Yoga. I know it has benefits, but it's long, boring and I can't even do most of it. Not a good combo for someone with attention span problems. [/quote]

I did too at first. Couldn't do it. It seemd way too long. However, I decided that since I struggled with so much that it meant that there was where I needed the most improvement. I can pormise you that once you are able to get through that first 45 minutes that you will be a different person in terms of fitness. There's something completely different about being "yoga" strong.

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