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[quote name='Tmiller72' timestamp='1295491030' post='2909434']
I hate hate hate Yoga. I know it has benefits, but it's long, boring and I can't even do most of it. Not a good combo for someone with attention span problems. So, what would be a good replacement? I enjoy Cardio X and I'm mainly trying to lose a few pounds. I'm doing the lean version. I've also starting drinking a lot of water throughout the day. I never drank enough and was always getting dehydrated by the end of the day. I bought a 32oz jug and I make sure I drink at least 2 of them a day. I'm buring calories with all the bathroom trips. :)

I don't like how long yoga is but I love how I feel afterwards.

There are no good replacements for yoga. This topic comes up alot on the Beachbody site and the answers always seem to be the same. The quote that gets thrown around alot is Tony's comment that if he could only do 1 workout for the rest of his life it'd be yoga.

What do you find hard to do?

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[quote name='Tmiller72' timestamp='1295491030' post='2909434']
I hate hate hate Yoga. I know it has benefits, but it's long, boring and I can't even do most of it. Not a good combo for someone with attention span problems. So, what would be a good replacement? I enjoy Cardio X and I'm mainly trying to lose a few pounds. I'm doing the lean version. I've also starting drinking a lot of water throughout the day. I never drank enough and was always getting dehydrated by the end of the day. I bought a 32oz jug and I make sure I drink at least 2 of them a day. I'm buring calories with all the bathroom trips. :)

I'm with you. All the repetition of all the vinyasas, etc. just really wears on you. I just do as much as I can stomach. I've gotten about 40 minutes in...and usually lose energy/interest at that point. As long as I spend a good bit of time opening the chest and hips I am happy with that.

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For the guys that hate Yoga for it's time length, if you go to ebay or beachbody.com, you can get Tony Horton's One -on-One P90X series that has a DVD called "Fountain of Youth" from Volume 1 that is 40 minutes of yoga instead of an hour and half. Just another way to get Yoga in for flexibility while cutting down on the time commitment for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='Chilidog' timestamp='1295802154' post='2917853']
You will love P90x Plus. Especially Interval X for another good cardio burn. You'll be dripping wet. Plus, I love the Core/Abs workout as well. Let me know what you think after doing it.


We got the X+ discs on Friday and since our workout week is Sunday - Saturday, we did Upper+ and Abs/Core+ yesterday and Interval X+ today. We love them. Looking forward to Total Body + tomorrow.

I think what we are going to do is a 3 week cycle where we do the P90X phase one on week one, follow the suggested week one X+ workout for week 2, and then do the P90X phase two workout in week 3. We'll do the normal recovery week for week 4 and then fire it up again.

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Just started p90x lastnight, after a long time off of it I lost my ripped version, so I ordered the dvds from the website with everything and am going to try and do the meal plan this time. Hopefully I can stay on the program this time for the full duration, last time I did p90x i only lasted 4 weeks until school took up my time.

So I got through 40mins of the Chest & back and arms dvd, and only half of the AB Ripper X, though it was due to being so dead from the first dvd.
Now im here planning on going to swing my club in my net but I dont think ill be able to my arms feel weak and just overall sore.

I am 5'6 160lbs Ive always been solid ( as everyone says) I dont look 160lbs, but I have some body fat that I want to turn to muscle,

Took a protein shake, Im sure this helped with soreness, I am about to go pop some pain relievers too to help.

I am also going to attempt to do the meal plan, which might turn out to be a challenge in itself because I dont like fish, and beans. So ill have to figure that out. My main problem is eating junk food like cookies and such, Soda is probably the biggest obstacle to overcome as I drink an excessive amount all day.
I have been pretty good just sticking to my Vitamin water zero.

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Glad you liked it! I basically don't even do KenpoX anymore and either sub it out with KenpoX+ (If I am feeling like a light day) or Interval X (love that video). I posted over a thread over at Beachbody.com asking if they could give me a routine if I had all of the DVDs between P90X, +, and One on Ones. I'll let you know what they say that may give us both a really good schedule. I've had the stomach flu for the last couple of days and haven't been able to work out, so I am itching to get back at it as I can feel the muscle mass falling off.

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We only have a couple of the one on ones. An aerobic workout and the "hummingbird" yoga.

This is what we have from beachbody though and we can get pretty creative when we want to mix it up:

10 minute trainer
Turbo Fire

I keep hearing about the P90X MC 2 or whatever it's gonna be called. WHat do you know for sure about it?

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I'm 2 and half weeks in, and I'm with those who are having trouble with Yoga X. It is long and pretty much impossible for someone with my limited flexibility. Then again, hopefully I will improve as I progress! Tony is a surprisingly motivational teacher, and once I get through the first 45 minutes of Yoga tomorrow (assuming my lower back is still in one piece), I'm going to be pretty proud (the last half is much easier). The only time I truly have to take it easy is during the beginning of the ab workout, assuming I want to be able to use my hip flexors (i.e. walk) the next day. That seems a little counter-intuitive, but if you've tried it you know exactly what I mean.

I will say that I've seen noticeable results already, and that the DVDs are worth it for the Plyometrics workout alone. Just awesome.

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Not sure if it helps, but I got my DVD from Ebay. I suggest you go there and try to find a good seller as it's always cheaper and the quality is very good. I can recommend the ebay seller I used as they were perfect. They told me they have everything too if I ever wanted another exercise program (but I think I love myself too much to put myself through more torture). Anyways, if anybody interested, I remember that they can give additional discounts as well on future orders so you'll prob get a deal. I believe insanity and p90X were like $59.99 or something like that, so they will give a discount on top of that.

I can't remember how much the deal was but it's guaranteed to be cheaper than that, I need to go look up the seller's name and email but if anybody interested, i'd be glad to pass that info to you, just PM me.

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[quote name='domer' timestamp='1296710251' post='2947921']
I'm 2 and half weeks in, and I'm with those who are having trouble with Yoga X. It is long and pretty much impossible for someone with my limited flexibility. Then again, hopefully I will improve as I progress! Tony is a surprisingly motivational teacher, and once I get through the first 45 minutes of Yoga tomorrow (assuming my lower back is still in one piece), I'm going to be pretty proud (the last half is much easier). The only time I truly have to take it easy is during the beginning of the ab workout, assuming I want to be able to use my hip flexors (i.e. walk) the next day. That seems a little counter-intuitive, but if you've tried it you know exactly what I mean.

I will say that I've seen noticeable results already, and that the DVDs are worth it for the Plyometrics workout alone. Just awesome.

That "limited' flexibility will certainly improve. Keep at it.

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I feel the same way about YogaX - long and it gets boring. I believe Yoga should be similar to other exercises where you don't have to exercise every part of the body in one session - YogaX does this. To mix things up, I'll sometimes do a shorter Yoga session but twice a week. On my Yoga X day, I'll do first half of Yoga X ( the movement exercises) and on Rest/Stretch day or on Kenpo/Cardio day, I'll do the second half (the balance/stretch ones). I've also DVR'ed a few of the Yoga TV episodes on Discovery Health. When I'm bored of Yoga X or want to focus on a specific part of the body, I'll watch one these episodes.

I think there are a lot of benefits to Yoga especially when you head to range/course after thatinter layouff. Usually, my back is so sore after that first trip to the range or first round of golf . After doing P90X and yoga during the winter a couple years ago, my back/body didn't have any issues during the first range session/round of that spring.

I continue, and hope I keep up with, doing Yoga and exercising with P90x, or other exercise routines, not only from a health, but because I believe it helps in other areas and sports. Outside of golf, I play on my company flag football league, softball league. I enjoy hiking/kayaking and other outdoor activities. Performance and general recovery in each of these have been much better for me over that past couple years.

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My only issue with the Yoga X is the hour and a half it takes to complete. It is hard enough to get any workout done with 3 year old twin boys.
My wife and I did however get through two runs of P90X and are in the middle of the second half of Insanity. Once we have completed Insanity we will be mixing the two up. Plenty of workouts to choose from with these two programs.

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[quote name='SoldGold' timestamp='1296787396' post='2950091']
I can get through the first 45 min of Yoga but then comes all the balance moves that I can't do yet so I skip to the Ab stuff towards the end of the Yoga workout. I will say that I sweat more doing the Yoga than any other workout even the Plyo.

DO what you can. The last half which has some balance and stretching is good for ya especially when it comes to golf. I always feel great after yoga and it's mostly because of the last half the the routine. The first half is a workout.

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[quote name='gwlee7' timestamp='1296686940' post='2946794']
We only have a couple of the one on ones. An aerobic workout and the "hummingbird" yoga.

This is what we have from beachbody though and we can get pretty creative when we want to mix it up:

10 minute trainer
Turbo Fire

I keep hearing about the P90X MC 2 or whatever it's gonna be called. WHat do you know for sure about it?

One on One Volume 3 is kind of like the test phase for P90X MC2 (Stands for Muscle Confusion 2)....Tony pretty much does all the exercises himself to get a feel for how it will work you. I would consider Volume 3 to be MC2 Lite. Although, I can tell you that the Chest, Back and Balls workout is probably the hardest workout I've ever done....If I were to recommend any of the one on one workouts that I find really useful are:

Chest, Back and Balls
Thirty Fifteen (Basically 30 pushups/15 pullups over and over again for 60 minutes)
Diamond Delts (top of the shoulders and arms)
Both Yoga DVDs
Road Warrior and UML (if you travel a lot like me)

I would start with those first.

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[quote name='golfquest' timestamp='1297047589' post='2956891']
I bought the P90X dvd's and I think I bit off more than I can chew. A little history, I'm 55 years old, cardio worse than an F150 running on 3 cyl's and limited flexibility. I just purchased a treadmill and I'm wondering if I should have purchased P90 to start off. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Everything has a modification in the videos. Listen to your body, take breaks, and do what you can. You have to be in terrific shape to do what they do on the dvd right off the hop. Just do your best. If you can't do everything that isn't the end of the world. I know it's tedious(and why I miss usenet) but go through this thread and you will see how people have modified.

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[quote name='golfquest' timestamp='1297047589' post='2956891']
I bought the P90X dvd's and I think I bit off more than I can chew. A little history, I'm 55 years old, cardio worse than an F150 running on 3 cyl's and limited flexibility. I just purchased a treadmill and I'm wondering if I should have purchased P90 to start off. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Maybe start off doing the Lean version, it's more cardio and probably a little "easier" than the regular version. Just do what you can, something is better than nothing. Eventually you'll be able to do more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started p90x two days ago again. Third try this time. Twice before in week 2 or 3 I got a cold with fever. Hope that does not happen this time! And I need to stay motivated, so hard to start again after a break!

I am not doing Yoga, I really don't like it, so boring and then it is even longer than the other ones. Instead I am doing CardioX or StretchX or Core Synergistics.

In 11 days I start my internship (in a hospital), hopefully I will have enough time and motivation to do these workouts even if I have a less time than now. No excuses!!

But a golf vacation is booked, so I will take a break.

Looking forward to see the results, the two attempts before I was amazed how effective it is. (from 3 pullups to 13 in just two weeks, but I am down to 6 now).

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I started back on January 10th and had to take a week of because I hurt my back (not working out) half way through week 3. So I redid week 3 and then did the recovery week.

I am 6'2 and have worked out pretty consistently over the past 15 years (I am 27 and played sports in HS and College)

I started at 221 on January 10. I weighed in at 202 on Feb 20th. The results have been phenominal.

I am following a pretty strict diet (staying aroud 1700-1900 calories a day with a protein/carb/fat ratio of 50/30/20). I log all my food into myplate and it keeps up with my calories, protein, carbs, fat, etc for me.

I am really excited about the next 2 months. Can't wait to see the results.

And yes....YogaX does suck and is long.....do your best and forget the rest.

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  • 4 weeks later...

[quote name='tigerphan' timestamp='1300504709' post='3068283']
hows everyone going with it?

tmw i start my own modified version of it with two a day. should be fun.

could anyone suggest a protein?
Suggest a protein? Chicken, maybe

Egg Whites
Protein Powder (Optimal Nutrition Gold Standard)

Those are the main protein I am sticking with, mainly because they are lean.

I had my 2nd phase weigh in this morning and I was 196. I started at 221. One more month to go and I am going to turn it up. Running in the mornings with P90x in the evenings. I would love to get to 190, or atleast 191 to say i lost an even 30. Going to keep the same nutrition I have been doing the whole time.

I will then up my calories and head back to the gym to try to add some muscle mass. Get back to 200 during the summer. May do another round of P90X in the fall and be sure it ends right before Thanksgiving.


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