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Michelle Wie


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A Society Question
There is a lot of negativity towards Michelle on all the different forums and in society. I'm sure most of it comes from her attempts to play on the different men's tours. But, is there something else to it?
Even though she is a beautiful young lady, do you think American's attitudes toward her would be different if she had blond hair and blue eyes instead of her Asian features??
What if she looked like gulbis?
Would the hatred still be there?
There was a segment on sports radio last week about the world baseball classic and the host was basically saying, "We are drawn to cheer for athletes who look like us or the people we grew up with." Do you think this is true? The majority of Americans grow up with black, white, and hispanic kids. The superstars in America tend to be black, white, or hispanic.
Has there ever been a superstar american athlete in any major U.S. sport with asian features like michelle's??
Will America ever embrace her??
Will she be the ultimate saleswoman for nike and the like?
Is there a bias??

What do you think??
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I can't speak for everyone, but I can say that personally for me it makes no difference.


I thought it was a disgrace when they invited Annika to play with the guys, just as much as when they invited Michelle Wie. The only thing about Michelle Wie that p!sses me off more is that they keep inviting her back and she keeps showing up, whereas Annika realised it wasn't for her and went back to the LPGA Tour.


At least Suzy Whaley had the guts to tee it up in a qualifier and earn her way in when she play in a PGA Tour event. I bet Michelle wouldn't do that.


There's an article out today (Link: http://foxsports.news.com.au/story/0,8659,...2-23213,00.html )where she says she won't try and qualify for the British Open this year (they've changed the entry requirements to open it up to women) because it 'clashes with her shedule', so she's playing some matchplay event in the States. I guarantee if she got an automatic spot she'd drop the matchplay tourney in a heartbeat - she just knows she wouldn't get through the qualifier.


Let her play the LPGA, and leave it at that.

TaylorMade Sim 2 Max 9* Even Flow Blue 60X
Taylor Made Sim 2 Ti 15* Tensei 80 S
Srixon ZX Utility 3 Diamana Thump X

Srixon ZX5 4-7 Nippon NS Pro 120X

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I don't know anybody that hates Michelle. The arguement is that some think someone deserving need to be there. She is there to primarily to promote business. From that perspective it is a good business move. I don't think you can compare Annika to Michelle. Annika is much older and more mature. She was satisfied with her performance on the men's tour and she is back to her business. Michelle is young fun loving and up for any challenge. I don't blame her for taking the invitations. Hey she is young and can take the chances now, why not. America has embraced her. There are a lot that don't want her playing on the men's tour but there are a lot who watch her when she does! I am really tired of this fantasy that the "americans" as some bad snobby group of people who hate foreigners or people who look different. That is insulting. If one or a small group of people don't like her, that doesn't mean that the whole group of people don't like her. That is the fallacy of the arguement. Again. Cetain people like to find statements from a few americans and build a case against all americans. We are all the same people, it doesn't matter where we live or what color our skin is, behind all of that we are the same. For the life of me, i don't know how anyone could suggest that "americans" haven't embraced Michelle. if we haven't embraced her, ratings would be down when she plays on the men's tour. Sponsors are asking her back, because the majority of us have embraced her to a degree that we will support her by watching her. If a sponsor invites her that is their business. They are paying the bills. If I was the sponsor, I would invite her because she has the "it" factor. People watch her.

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I can only speak for myself and this is my view on the whole Michelle Wie situation. First off I have nothing against her. I think she has the peotential to become a great talent in the world of golf.


My problem is with the Media. They have turned her into a marketing side show and what really disturbs me is her parents allow this to happen. I think she should have turned pro when she did. I think she should work on her game and continue to play in as many LPGA events as her schedule will permit. I think its great that she has such a fan base and following, but what disturbs me is she has not won anything yet but alot of folks think she is allready the greatest. After she has won against the likes of Anika, Julie Inkster, Chritie Kerr, Paula Creamer and the rest then you can make an argument for her being great.


But how can you be Number 2 in the world and yet never have won a tournament??????

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i feel the same sentaments as many on here when i say that i don't hate her becuase of race, but rather hype. i disliked her playing mens events the same way i disliked many of the highschool kids going straight to the nba (with the few obvious exceptions). the amount of money people are throwing at unproven talent is rediculous and that's where i think much of the animosity is coming from. as for the asian decent i think it's actualy cool and very uniquie. although she might not be a superstar here in america i guarantee you she is a mega star in korea, and other asain countries. being from korean decent myself i always find myself rooting for asians in america, and feel that their are some superstars...but not many. some that come to mind are yao ming for the rockets, and ichiro for the mariners, plus i throw lots of love k.j. choi's way as well.

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I think the biggest problem with Michelle Wie is the fact that she has not earned the status she has been given. It bothers me to no end to see her given sponsor's exemtions time and time again when she has never made a cut. She has never won ANYTHING. She has been competitive, at times, on the LPGA, but has never beaten anyone. I had no problem with Annika playing in the PGA event, and had she made the cut, I would have no problem with her playing again, however, Annika is smart enough to realize that her game might not be fit for the men's tour. If Wie were to play LPGA events, here or internationally, and dominate the women's game, then she would earn the right, IMO, to take her game to a bigger stage. Giving sponsors exemptions to her takes away opportunities for more deserving players that might actually be competitive on the PGA tour. It sells tickets, draws TV viewers, and makes money for the PGA, but I still don't agree with it. I like Michelle Wie, I think she could be one of the best things to happen to women's golf, but her priorities seem a little screwed up to me.

PING G430 LST 9*, Ventus Black TR 7X
PING G425 14.5*, Ventus Blue 8X
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PING i230 4-PW, Dynamic Gold Tour Issue X7
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Just another GREAT Leadbetter disciple....when she starts winning like Annika, then she should be hyped. She will never make the men's tour. She is as long as she'll ever be now. Her bady will change in the years to come.


I like how Creamer and the other young guns don't care for the hype eitther...


Just some more of Natalie G. and we'll all be fine! I don't care if she shoots 86!

Titleist TSi2 10* Driver Tensei Blue 55S
TM Sim2 Max 16.5* 3 wood Tensei Blue 60S

TM SIM2 Titanium 5 Wood Tensei Blue 65S

TM SIM2 MAx 4 Hybrid Ventus Stiff shaft
Ping G410 5-UW Alta Graphite Shafts
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I don't think there is a bias toward Michelle. If anything, the US has wholeheartedly embraced her. If you look at the both the PGA and LPGA events that she's in you will see a mix of colors following her. All races of men because they think she's a beautiful young woman (who happens to hit it a mile long) and women because we have a female who, despite the few who don't want her on the tour, has stepped up to the challenge, shouldered the negativity and not let it get to her. For someone who is only 16, that's shows remarkable poise. If the sponsors want to give her the exemptions why not take advantage? I'm sure there's not a guy or gal here who, if given the chance, wouldn't jump to play in an PGA or LPGA event. When an opportunity is given to you, majority of the time you're too excited to think of what that decision may hold for someone else. Especially if you're only 16.


As far as as your other question...has there ever been any other sports hero with Michelle's features. How about Ichiro? He's an icon here in Seattle. Or the Yankees' Matsui? Yao Ming? Nomo? The list goes on. Let's not make America to be this bigoted country where we don't like the "other" guy.


Just my 2¢. :idhitit:

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Coming from Europe (Germany), I don´t understand the negativity about MW at all. If she would be European or only play in Europe, she´d be simply a hero. Is it jealousy that I can read between the lines? (of some posters)


How often do we have the chance to watch great sports talents like TW and MW, who are probably going to be in the history books of our grand-grand-grand children?


Just imagine any other sport when a woman would qualify for the final of a men´s event (make the cut): decathlon, downhill skiing, (weight-lifting :idhitit: )... it would be all over the news - in a positive and spectacular way.

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There seems to be animosity for her being offered sponsor's exemptions. First, let's define "sponsor's exemptions". These are NOT exemptions for second tier tour players. These are not exemptions for Monday qualifiers. By definition, when a corporation ponies up the big bucks to get their name associated with a tour event... that sponsorship brings with it certain perks. Those perks include some exemptions into the event. The sponsoring corporation is going to take advantage... as they should... of those exemptions to best benefit the marketing/promotion of their product. If offering that sponsor's exemption to Mickey Mouse would benefit the corporation... that is within their contractural agreement with the tour. Wie has not, as some proclaim, "stolen" a space from an aspiring PGA pro.


There also seems to be a constant comparison of Wie to Annika. Annika accepted one exemption to a PGA event. Annika's stated career goal, however, is to set new records... new benchmarks... on the LPGA tour. If that is what drives her... motivates her... so be it. Likewise, a 16 year old kid (who happens to be female) aspires to play on the PGA tour. If at some point in her career she can compete at that level and plays her way onto the tour... so be it. In the meantime, while still in high school, if she is offered sponsor's exemptions... what an experience. What an awakening of the dedication and commitment it will take for her to achieve that level of playing ability. More power to her.


Looks??? No, I do not think her Asian characteristics have anything to do with the naysayers. I honestly do believe there are just some negative folks out there that will never be satisfied when a 16 year old kid attempts to compete in an adult venue. Jealousy... perhaps! Envious... certainly! Again, this is a young lady still in high school. Hasn't won anything??? Attending high school classes, making honor roll grades, in her spare time this young lady has accomplished much. No one can predict how dollars and a sense of fame will affect this kid's mind. If her commitment to the sport... if her mind lets her... when this young lady is able to devote full time to honing her game and playing in a full schedule of events.... look out!


I would like to see the negativeism that has surrounded this kid's attempts to cease for long enough to allow her to finish school. If, the first year she plays a full LPGA schedule she does not win... you all can say "I told you so!" Until then, I think we could be witnessing the coming of the next Tiger Woods... the next Michael Jordan... I sure hope so!

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Everyone is talking about her like she is a foreigner. She lives in Hawaii which is a state of the U.S. Yes she has some asian background but where is that uncommon on the LPGA???


My short and sweet thoughts on Michelle. Her father is a money hungry moron and can't wait to cash in which he probably already has. Michelle hasn't won a tourney and won't for a long while. She shouldn't be in the top ten in the world ranking, how is she number 2? Because for some reason everyone thinks she is going to be the next Tiger of the women even though she has a few amateur titles under her belt which proves NOTHING... NO LPGA wins!!! Wow that makes sense!! She will never play in the men's British or the Masters or be a full time member of the PGA because she isn't good enough! Plain and simple she doesn't and will never have the talen to compete with men! She will never amount to Annika's talent and I don't think she has what it takes to beat Creamer at this point. I will even go a little further and say she won't be number one in the world for the women until 2015.


I could give two craps if she is asian, she is just a ticket to make the LPGA more desirable even though I think the tour is doing just great without her!


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I don't think she was ranked no. 2, i think it was no. 3,4 or 5. I'm a big fan of Michelle as are a lot of my golfing friends. I think the resentment does come from the media hype. Michelle has done nothing wrong (ever) in my book. Well, i take that back, i think after michelle played in 2 of the men's events she should have called it quits. I look forward to seeing her play this week as well as the rest of the year. She's cool.

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Hear! Hear! Couldn't have said it better myself. :idhitit: :crazy: :crazy:


There seems to be animosity for her being offered sponsor's exemptions. First, let's define "sponsor's exemptions". These are NOT exemptions for second tier tour players. These are not exemptions for Monday qualifiers. By definition, when a corporation ponies up the big bucks to get their name associated with a tour event... that sponsorship brings with it certain perks. Those perks include some exemptions into the event. The sponsoring corporation is going to take advantage... as they should... of those exemptions to best benefit the marketing/promotion of their product. If offering that sponsor's exemption to Mickey Mouse would benefit the corporation... that is within their contractural agreement with the tour. Wie has not, as some proclaim, "stolen" a space from an aspiring PGA pro.


There also seems to be a constant comparison of Wie to Annika. Annika accepted one exemption to a PGA event. Annika's stated career goal, however, is to set new records... new benchmarks... on the LPGA tour. If that is what drives her... motivates her... so be it. Likewise, a 16 year old kid (who happens to be female) aspires to play on the PGA tour. If at some point in her career she can compete at that level and plays her way onto the tour... so be it. In the meantime, while still in high school, if she is offered sponsor's exemptions... what an experience. What an awakening of the dedication and commitment it will take for her to achieve that level of playing ability. More power to her.


Looks??? No, I do not think her Asian characteristics have anything to do with the naysayers. I honestly do believe there are just some negative folks out there that will never be satisfied when a 16 year old kid attempts to compete in an adult venue. Jealousy... perhaps! Envious... certainly! Again, this is a young lady still in high school. Hasn't won anything??? Attending high school classes, making honor roll grades, in her spare time this young lady has accomplished much. No one can predict how dollars and a sense of fame will affect this kid's mind. If her commitment to the sport... if her mind lets her... when this young lady is able to devote full time to honing her game and playing in a full schedule of events.... look out!


I would like to see the negativeism that has surrounded this kid's attempts to cease for long enough to allow her to finish school. If, the first year she plays a full LPGA schedule she does not win... you all can say "I told you so!" Until then, I think we could be witnessing the coming of the next Tiger Woods... the next Michael Jordan... I sure hope so!

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The sad thing to me is that IF she were to choose to play regularly on the LPGA tour, she could possibly become a constant competitor to Annika. I do not agree with her #3 ranking in the world, but I really believe a season or two of dedication to playing on the LPGA would put her at #2 or #3. At this point, I just don't think she has played in enough women's events to have earned that ranking. I love her game, and I admire her goals, but I think that, just like every other professional golfer, she should have a resume that justifies what has been given to her, and at this point in her career, she simply doesn't. I personally would love to see her excel at the women's game before she tries to tackle the men.

PING G430 LST 9*, Ventus Black TR 7X
PING G425 14.5*, Ventus Blue 8X
PING iCrossover 18*, Ping Tour 85X
PING i230 4-PW, Dynamic Gold Tour Issue X7
Ping Glide 2.0 50, 54, 60
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I'd have no problem with any female (annika, wie, creamer.. whoever) as long as they qualified for the event... i would bet that annika would make way more money making cuts on the pga than winning all those lpga events.. but wouldn't have all the trophies.. i think annika was only given the exemption to play in the pga event before susan whaley or whatever her name was because it hadn't been done in so long.. might as well have someone with a name/chance at making the cut than someone who qualified from the front tees.. if the purse at a lpga event was even close to the pga.. do you think any female would even think about playing the men?? IMO most arguments with elite level sports can be brought back to money and the people who have it vs the people who want it..

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My short and sweet thoughts on Michelle. Her father is a money hungry moron and can't wait to cash in which he probably already has.


Moron is a strong word...Her father gave up his career as a college professor to follow Michelle and take care of her as a father should. To call him a money hungry moron is ridiculous. They were a VERY well off family before she went pro. He didn't cash in on his daughter's success. He sacrificed his career to get her there. Don't speak if you don't know what you are talking about.


As far as her playing in PGA tour events, the sponsors are smart to give her the invitation. Attendance at events where she is playing is probably close to double that of other events on Thursday and Friday. That is a major jump in profits. They almost always have good attendance on the weekends. I lived in Jacksonville for years and every year at TPC there are an abundance of tickets available for the weekday rounds. Even at this huge event, they can't sell enough. Anything they can do to sell tickets on Thursday and Friday is a bonus. Even if she misses the cut, they get a lot more bang for the buck.

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Are you forgetting Mr Woods is half asian.. quite the WORLDWIDE superstar isn't he. Ok Wie is Korean but you grew up on Hawaii...considers herself american 100% I dont think anyone has a problem with that.


People have issue with her, because what he she done lately... no junior domination, a few good LPGA outings..then wait ? Take on the men ? ...Her shortgame is NOT READY !

Woods : Callaway Razr TA, Titleist F3-05
Hybrid : Adams LSP XTD
Irons : Fourteen TC910 3&4I, Nike VRProCombo 5-PW
Wedges : Fourteen RM-11 54/60
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Her father gave up his career as a college professor to follow Michelle and take care of her as a father should. To call him a money hungry moron is ridiculous. They were a VERY well off family before she went pro. He didn't cash in on his daughter's success. He sacrificed his career to get her there.


If they were well off before Michelle turned pro then was he really sacrificing his career? The guy was a college professor meaning he could get a TA to teach his class while he continued doing his research on the road.


Michelle Wie did make it to #2 in the world however she has now dropped out of the rankings completely because she hasn't played in the past 15 events. This is a perfect example why the women's world rankings are flawed. The inclusion of amateur women boggles my mind for this exact reason.


And do you really think all of America has embraced her or have they embraced the spectacle? I think people show up more to see simply if she makes the cut and see a "girl" blast it 300 yards. I don't blame tourneys granting sponsors exemptions because they need to make money (after all it's a business), but if she isn't making cuts on the PGA eventually the novelty will wear off and fewer people will pay to see her.

9° Titleist TSi2 HZRDUS Smoke RDX 60 6.5
15° Titleist TSi2 HZRDUS Smoke RDX 70 6.0
19° PXG 0317 X Gen 2 Fujikura Pro 2.0 HB 85S
22° PXG 0317 X Gen 2 Fujikura Pro 2.0 HB 85S
5-PW Srixon ZX5 Project X LZ 6.5
Artisan Golf 50/54/58 Project X LZ 6.5
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People have issue with her, because what he she done lately... no junior domination, a few good LPGA outings..then wait ? Take on the men ? ...Her shortgame is NOT READY !


That and she's got to prove herself under pressure. Her last two finishes in men's events are perfect examples of someone that just can't quite come through.

9° Titleist TSi2 HZRDUS Smoke RDX 60 6.5
15° Titleist TSi2 HZRDUS Smoke RDX 70 6.0
19° PXG 0317 X Gen 2 Fujikura Pro 2.0 HB 85S
22° PXG 0317 X Gen 2 Fujikura Pro 2.0 HB 85S
5-PW Srixon ZX5 Project X LZ 6.5
Artisan Golf 50/54/58 Project X LZ 6.5
Artisan Golf 0418

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I thought it was a disgrace when they invited Annika to play with the guys, just as much as when they invited Michelle Wie. The only thing about Michelle Wie that p!sses me off more is that they keep inviting her back and she keeps showing up, whereas Annika realised it wasn't for her and went back to the LPGA Tour.


At least Suzy Whaley had the guts to tee it up in a qualifier and earn her way in when she play in a PGA Tour event. I bet Michelle wouldn't do that.


There's an article out today (Link: http://foxsports.news.com.au/story/0,8659,...2-23213,00.html )where she says she won't try and qualify for the British Open this year (they've changed the entry requirements to open it up to women) because it 'clashes with her shedule', so she's playing some matchplay event in the States. I guarantee if she got an automatic spot she'd drop the matchplay tourney in a heartbeat - she just knows she wouldn't get through the qualifier.


Let her play the LPGA, and leave it at that.




hey man she did as well or better than some of the guys so what do you think about them. Should they go play the LPGA. And she did it at 16. I seem to remember a guy named tiger not exactly burnin it up when he played a few events when he was younger. Shes long enough to compete and when her game comes into its own she may even win a few so let her be man not like shes slowin everyone down

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"Last two tour events perfect example of someone that can't come through yet..." Okay... A 16 year old high school student finishes just under the cut line, well ahead of 40% of the touring pros (men) in the field??? And, she "can't come through yet..." So many would die for the game this young lady has. Let's see, this past week at the TPC Davis Love III and 50 or so other touring pros missed the cut. With that logic why don't you call DLIII and suggest he, too, "can't come through yet.." and should, instead, be playing on the LPGA. Again, my point is simply to allow this young lady to take advantage of opportunities afforded... opportunities completely within the rules... opportunities offered to others that have not gone through qualifiers... and let her mature.

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"Last two tour events perfect example of someone that can't come through yet..." Okay... A 16 year old high school student finishes just under the cut line, well ahead of 40% of the touring pros (men) in the field??? And, she "can't come through yet..." So many would die for the game this young lady has. Let's see, this past week at the TPC Davis Love III and 50 or so other touring pros missed the cut. With that logic why don't you call DLIII and suggest he, too, "can't come through yet.." and should, instead, be playing on the LPGA. Again, my point is simply to allow this young lady to take advantage of opportunities afforded... opportunities completely within the rules... opportunities offered to others that have not gone through qualifiers... and let her mature.


You've failed to realize my point. I never said she couldn't compete in men's events. I posted earlier that a sponsor's exemption can go to whoever they want. If I know of a chimp that can hit 300-yard drives and feel like he would be a huge draw then bring him on! I believe in one women's amateur tourney she lost a big lead to blow the win. And, unfortunately, because of the position she is in she's not going to have the opportunity to mature. Show me where Wie has faced a pressure situation and come through. Even Tiger as a junior had to come back in one of the US Amateurs to win. Because of her hype and talent this question is going to come up until she does it. Don't forget that even if she is just a teenager she is now a professional golfer.


Your argument about her finishing ahead of men is one of my favorite laughable arguments. Anyone can finish ahead of anyone during any given tournament. The thing is most of the players are competing for an entire season, but we choose to focus on the one tourney she played in. Give her a full season and then we'll see how she stacks up against the rest of the PGA.

9° Titleist TSi2 HZRDUS Smoke RDX 60 6.5
15° Titleist TSi2 HZRDUS Smoke RDX 70 6.0
19° PXG 0317 X Gen 2 Fujikura Pro 2.0 HB 85S
22° PXG 0317 X Gen 2 Fujikura Pro 2.0 HB 85S
5-PW Srixon ZX5 Project X LZ 6.5
Artisan Golf 50/54/58 Project X LZ 6.5
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I can't speak for everyone, but I can say that personally for me it makes no difference.


I thought it was a disgrace when they invited Annika to play with the guys, just as much as when they invited Michelle Wie. The only thing about Michelle Wie that p!sses me off more is that they keep inviting her back and she keeps showing up, whereas Annika realised it wasn't for her and went back to the LPGA Tour.


At least Suzy Whaley had the guts to tee it up in a qualifier and earn her way in when she play in a PGA Tour event. I bet Michelle wouldn't do that.


There's an article out today (Link: http://foxsports.news.com.au/story/0,8659,...2-23213,00.html )where she says she won't try and qualify for the British Open this year (they've changed the entry requirements to open it up to women) because it 'clashes with her shedule', so she's playing some matchplay event in the States. I guarantee if she got an automatic spot she'd drop the matchplay tourney in a heartbeat - she just knows she wouldn't get through the qualifier.


Let her play the LPGA, and leave it at that.



Wasnt Suzy Whaley qualifying a joke because she played from the red tees? I dont really know anything about it but she was out at our golfest and everyone that read that sign saying she was going to be there laughed it saying she didnt play the same tees and it was a joke. Anyone else know anything about her qualifying in a PGA Tour event?

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Guys, I think the main point here isn't what she shoots right now. I think America is rooting for her to do better and people are surprised a 16 year old girl is doing so well against grown men. She is obviously a marketing success otherwise the sponsors wouldn't invite her. The question is how long will she remain a draw? I believe people believe that she can make cuts and do very well and that is why she is still a big draw. I mean there are not too many sports where a 16 year old girl can go head to head with a accomplished world class athlete(male).

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Guys, I think the main point here isn't what she shoots right now. I think America is rooting for her to do better and people are surprised a 16 year old girl is doing so well against grown men. She is obviously a marketing success otherwise the sponsors wouldn't invite her. The question is how long will she remain a draw? I believe people believe that she can make cuts and do very well and that is why she is still a big draw. I mean there are not too many sports where a 16 year old girl can go head to head with a accomplished world class athlete(male).




Exactly right. I'd love to see her do well because like you said there aren't too many sports that this kind of thing can be done. I also think that her success on the LPGA will help determine how long she will be a big draw. Continued success there will definitely keep the interest up--especially if she can bag some majors or let's say she blows the field away at a tournament with plenty of big names on the leaderboard. If the uproar has died down something like that could stoke those fires once again.

9° Titleist TSi2 HZRDUS Smoke RDX 60 6.5
15° Titleist TSi2 HZRDUS Smoke RDX 70 6.0
19° PXG 0317 X Gen 2 Fujikura Pro 2.0 HB 85S
22° PXG 0317 X Gen 2 Fujikura Pro 2.0 HB 85S
5-PW Srixon ZX5 Project X LZ 6.5
Artisan Golf 50/54/58 Project X LZ 6.5
Artisan Golf 0418

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Guys, I think the main point here isn't what she shoots right now. I think America is rooting for her to do better and people are surprised a 16 year old girl is doing so well against grown men. She is obviously a marketing success otherwise the sponsors wouldn't invite her. The question is how long will she remain a draw? I believe people believe that she can make cuts and do very well and that is why she is still a big draw. I mean there are not too many sports where a 16 year old girl can go head to head with a accomplished world class athlete(male).




Exactly right. I'd love to see her do well because like you said there aren't too many sports that this kind of thing can be done. I also think that her success on the LPGA will help determine how long she will be a big draw. Continued success there will definitely keep the interest up--especially if she can bag some majors or let's say she blows the field away at a tournament with plenty of big names on the leaderboard. If the uproar has died down something like that could stoke those fires once again.

AU I agree totally. Your comments address the big picture!

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Guys, I think the main point here isn't what she shoots right now. I think America is rooting for her to do better and people are surprised a 16 year old girl is doing so well against grown men. She is obviously a marketing success otherwise the sponsors wouldn't invite her. The question is how long will she remain a draw? I believe people believe that she can make cuts and do very well and that is why she is still a big draw. I mean there are not too many sports where a 16 year old girl can go head to head with a accomplished world class athlete(male).




Exactly right. I'd love to see her do well because like you said there aren't too many sports that this kind of thing can be done. I also think that her success on the LPGA will help determine how long she will be a big draw. Continued success there will definitely keep the interest up--especially if she can bag some majors or let's say she blows the field away at a tournament with plenty of big names on the leaderboard. If the uproar has died down something like that could stoke those fires once again.

AU I agree totally. Your comments address the big picture!



Well stated by both of you. I, too, totally agree!

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My short and sweet thoughts on Michelle. Her father is a money hungry moron and can't wait to cash in which he probably already has.


Moron is a strong word...Her father gave up his career as a college professor to follow Michelle and take care of her as a father should. To call him a money hungry moron is ridiculous. They were a VERY well off family before she went pro. He didn't cash in on his daughter's success. He sacrificed his career to get her there. Don't speak if you don't know what you are talking about.


As far as her playing in PGA tour events, the sponsors are smart to give her the invitation. Attendance at events where she is playing is probably close to double that of other events on Thursday and Friday. That is a major jump in profits. They almost always have good attendance on the weekends. I lived in Jacksonville for years and every year at TPC there are an abundance of tickets available for the weekday rounds. Even at this huge event, they can't sell enough. Anything they can do to sell tickets on Thursday and Friday is a bonus. Even if she misses the cut, they get a lot more bang for the buck.



Do you live with the Wie's or personally know them to know that he is not a money hungry moron??? If not then how can YOU prove that he is not banking on what his daughter is making. Also I am kind of curious to something you said, he quit his job to travel with his daughter. What money is he currently living on to keep his house, all the travel, etc???? Hmmmm I don't think Professors get paid THAT much in the state of Hawaii to be considered "VERY well off". I was stating my opinion and I don't care how you feel about it. I will say it again, MY opinion is that Mr. Wie is a money hungry moron!! My god I spoke!


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My short and sweet thoughts on Michelle. Her father is a money hungry moron and can't wait to cash in which he probably already has.


Moron is a strong word...Her father gave up his career as a college professor to follow Michelle and take care of her as a father should. To call him a money hungry moron is ridiculous. They were a VERY well off family before she went pro. He didn't cash in on his daughter's success. He sacrificed his career to get her there. Don't speak if you don't know what you are talking about.


As far as her playing in PGA tour events, the sponsors are smart to give her the invitation. Attendance at events where she is playing is probably close to double that of other events on Thursday and Friday. That is a major jump in profits. They almost always have good attendance on the weekends. I lived in Jacksonville for years and every year at TPC there are an abundance of tickets available for the weekday rounds. Even at this huge event, they can't sell enough. Anything they can do to sell tickets on Thursday and Friday is a bonus. Even if she misses the cut, they get a lot more bang for the buck.



Do you live with the Wie's or personally know them to know that he is not a money hungry moron??? If not then how can YOU prove that he is not banking on what his daughter is making. Also I am kind of curious to something you said, he quit his job to travel with his daughter. What money is he currently living on to keep his house, all the travel, etc???? Hmmmm I don't think Professors get paid THAT much in the state of Hawaii to be considered "VERY well off". I was stating my opinion and I don't care how you feel about it. I will say it again, MY opinion is that Mr. Wie is a money hungry moron!! My god I spoke!



The discussion on this thread, so far, has been quite civil. Just as Methodists and Lutherans will argue interpretation, we can civily express our thoughts on the MW matter. I really would rather not believe someone on the board would personally attack MW's father. Attacking the idea of MW's playing or not playing in specific events is discussion... what this board is about. Personally attacking someone is NOT what this board is about. So, maybe I am reading something incorrectly...


First, I looked up the Webster's definition of moron. Websters lists two definitions. One, "a mildly mentally retarded person". No, that doesn't fit. Mr. Wie is a tenured college professor and, most certainly, not "mentally retarded". It would be difficult to gain the degrees and achieve the career he has if mentally retarded. The second definition is "a stupid person". Again, Mr. Wie has not only been intelligent enough to exist successfully in the teaching profession... but at the collegiate level. He also has been savvy enough to promote a daughter's talents into a 10 million dollar endorsement contract. These achievements simply don't seem to fit the description of "a stupid person". Therefore, the only thing I can figure out is the poster must have a typo error.


The only reasonable explanation is the poster really meant to say "...opinion is that Mr. Wie is a money hungry Morman..." Evidently, the poster has a prblem with spelling Morman and has mispelled is moron. And, since I do not know the religious preference of the Wie family, I will not venture a guess as to whether or not they do belong to the Mormon denomination. However, I would believe we would all be better off discussing participation in events... winning and not winning on tour... our favorite set of irons... and even be better off referring to folks as Mormons, Methodists, Lutherans... not morons.

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