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New Rocco Mediate and Jimmy Ballard Connection DVD


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[quote name='e-dog9' timestamp='1303327063' post='3171306']
[quote name='ggpro' timestamp='1303326887' post='3171299']
I just ordered it too. Got an e-mail from Rocco yesterday, the book is coming soon!

Do you mean you ordered Ballard's old book too, or are they coming out with a new book?

New book

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I'll have to say I got the DVD and was totally disappointed. This was basically a poorly recorded video they filmed at the driving range one day and it leaves much to be desired. Now I really like Rocco, but this video was basically Roc and Jimmy talking for 45 minutes and Rocco hits a total of about 6 balls during the entire thing. Jimmy does a lot of name dropping and they spend a fair amount of time ripping on other swing methods including 'that stack and tilt crap'.

There wasn't anything extra that I got out of this video compared to the Golf Academy special they had not too long ago, the only new material was how Jimmy talks of the 'short left arm,' which is achieved by basically hitting balls with a club under your left elbow as opposed to your left arm pit.

Lastly, my biggest pet peeve is when these teachers make blanket statements like "you have to move your weight back, all great players do that" or something to that extent. Last I checked that's what Tiger is working on, so it works for somebody...again it's an example but it drove me crazy through this thing.

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[quote name='JD3' timestamp='1303695276' post='3182671']
They really said "that stack and tilt crap"?

Yes Rocco did say that. Jimmy also said he was working with a PGA pro who was with S&T then went to Ballard and say he didn't hit a good shot those years he was with S&T.

Like I said, I was majorly disappointed. I don't see any validity anymore in any pro telling me what is 100% correct while everyone else is 100% wrong, because I can find a winning PGA Tour player who does that 'wrong' stuff.

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[quote name='gators78' timestamp='1303696037' post='3182717']
[quote name='JD3' timestamp='1303695276' post='3182671']
They really said "that stack and tilt crap"?

Yes Rocco did say that. Jimmy also said he was working with a PGA pro who was with S&T then went to Ballard and say he didn't hit a good shot those years he was with S&T.

Like I said, I was majorly disappointed. I don't see any validity anymore in any pro telling me what is 100% correct while everyone else is 100% wrong, because I can find a winning PGA Tour player who does that 'wrong' stuff.

That to me, is what is great about Ballard.. he doesn't change his mind and try to stay trendy or appeal to everyone to be popular. He believes he knows the keys to a great golf swing and sticks with it. And why not.. he's had great success for 30 years now. How many other pros can say that. I would also say that there is a LOT of room for personal styles in the Ballard swing. In his book, he actually uses Nicklaus in many of the illustrations who is about the last person I'd think of when I think of connection. But, what he does is show how he meets the requirements of connection when he was swinging well.

If you liked " The Golf Swing " by Leadbetter which is a great book. SO much of that is obviously taken from Ballard's method.. Not surprised he's a little bitter..

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Playing great is more about belief than about mechanics.

The "Ballard" guys (Sutton, Strange, Mediate, Colbert, et al) truly believed in the methodology of the teaching. I love a lot of the Ballard stuff about connection and rotation. I just think Ballard goes WAY over the top when he is explaining it. The stuff about "springing the shaft" makes me chuckle too. Most Ams don't have a hard time "springing" anything!

One of my buddies, to remain nameless, was a fine player out of college (All American) and with some advice from Colbert went to see Ballard. The kid couldn't have been any farther from what Ballard coaches and it didn't work out. He's not playing Tour level golf any longer. Sutton could be one of the most underrated ball strikers of all time. He was so fricken good it was shocking and was an absolutely mediocre Men's Club putter for long periods during his professional days. He would have won 20 more events if a decent putter rolled the ball for him.

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[quote name='Cmartingolf' timestamp='1303798677' post='3186456']
Playing great is more about belief than about mechanics.

The "Ballard" guys (Sutton, Strange, Mediate, Colbert, et al) truly believed in the methodology of the teaching. I love a lot of the Ballard stuff about connection and rotation. I just think Ballard goes WAY over the top when he is explaining it. The stuff about "springing the shaft" makes me chuckle too. Most Ams don't have a hard time "springing" anything!

One of my buddies, to remain nameless, was a fine player out of college (All American) and with some advice from Colbert went to see Ballard. The kid couldn't have been any farther from what Ballard coaches and it didn't work out. He's not playing Tour level golf any longer. Sutton could be one of the most underrated ball strikers of all time. He was so fricken good it was shocking and was an absolutely mediocre Men's Club putter for long periods during his professional days. He would have won 20 more events if a decent putter rolled the ball for him.

I have a friend.. low single digit who went to see Ballard years ago and couldn't hit the ball when he came back. My take.. guys with grooved swings have a difficult time with him. But.. if you are athletic and searching for something, his method might help. I feel like he has help me a lot with syncing the body and arms, simplify the backswing and keeping the club in front of me. It is pretty simple method and allows for a lot of leeway as long your not a stack & tilt guy. in fact I read somewhere that Strange left him because he couldn't teach him any more.. Ballard's reply.." he won back to back US Opens.. there is nothing else to teach him!"

I'd be curious to hear from any Ballard "experts" on the board...

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[quote name='Cmartingolf' timestamp='1303798677' post='3186456']
Playing great is more about belief than about mechanics.

The "Ballard" guys (Sutton, Strange, Mediate, Colbert, et al) truly believed in the methodology of the teaching. I love a lot of the Ballard stuff about connection and rotation. I just think Ballard goes WAY over the top when he is explaining it. The stuff about "springing the shaft" makes me chuckle too. Most Ams don't have a hard time "springing" anything!

One of my buddies, to remain nameless, was a fine player out of college (All American) and with some advice from Colbert went to see Ballard. The kid couldn't have been any farther from what Ballard coaches and it didn't work out. He's not playing Tour level golf any longer. Sutton could be one of the most underrated ball strikers of all time. He was so fricken good it was shocking and was an absolutely mediocre Men's Club putter for long periods during his professional days. He would have won 20 more events if a decent putter rolled the ball for him.

Are you kidding me? Playing great is about belief? Have you ever watched professional golf? If playing great was about belief then tiger would not lose one singe tournament. You must not study the golf swing too much, because if you have you would notice that every time anyone- including tiger, phil, nicklaus any of them- when they were winning they were swinging the club right when they weren't winning they were swinging the club wrong. Man, your post makes me chuckle.

Yea and another thing that makes me chuckle is that the inventor of the tourstriker is posting on a competitors thread about how their method didn't "workout".

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[quote name='dizzydan' timestamp='1303833148' post='3187116']
[quote name='Cmartingolf' timestamp='1303798677' post='3186456']
Playing great is more about belief than about mechanics.

The "Ballard" guys (Sutton, Strange, Mediate, Colbert, et al) truly believed in the methodology of the teaching. I love a lot of the Ballard stuff about connection and rotation. I just think Ballard goes WAY over the top when he is explaining it. The stuff about "springing the shaft" makes me chuckle too. Most Ams don't have a hard time "springing" anything!

One of my buddies, to remain nameless, was a fine player out of college (All American) and with some advice from Colbert went to see Ballard. The kid couldn't have been any farther from what Ballard coaches and it didn't work out. He's not playing Tour level golf any longer. Sutton could be one of the most underrated ball strikers of all time. He was so fricken good it was shocking and was an absolutely mediocre Men's Club putter for long periods during his professional days. He would have won 20 more events if a decent putter rolled the ball for him.

Are you kidding me? Playing great is about belief? what a load of crap. If playing great was about belief then tiger would not lose one singe tournament. You must not study the golf swing too much, because if you have you would notice that every time anyone including tiger, phil, nicklaus any of them when they were winning they were swinging the club right when they weren't winning they were swinging the club wrong. Man- your post makes me chuckle.

One post and you are criticizing one of the most respected teachers around. Great start!

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[quote name='Body_Visions' timestamp='1303833383' post='3187127']
[quote name='dizzydan' timestamp='1303833148' post='3187116']
[quote name='Cmartingolf' timestamp='1303798677' post='3186456']
Playing great is more about belief than about mechanics.

The "Ballard" guys (Sutton, Strange, Mediate, Colbert, et al) truly believed in the methodology of the teaching. I love a lot of the Ballard stuff about connection and rotation. I just think Ballard goes WAY over the top when he is explaining it. The stuff about "springing the shaft" makes me chuckle too. Most Ams don't have a hard time "springing" anything!

One of my buddies, to remain nameless, was a fine player out of college (All American) and with some advice from Colbert went to see Ballard. The kid couldn't have been any farther from what Ballard coaches and it didn't work out. He's not playing Tour level golf any longer. Sutton could be one of the most underrated ball strikers of all time. He was so fricken good it was shocking and was an absolutely mediocre Men's Club putter for long periods during his professional days. He would have won 20 more events if a decent putter rolled the ball for him.

Are you kidding me? Playing great is about belief? what a load of crap. If playing great was about belief then tiger would not lose one singe tournament. You must not study the golf swing too much, because if you have you would notice that every time anyone including tiger, phil, nicklaus any of them when they were winning they were swinging the club right when they weren't winning they were swinging the club wrong. Man- your post makes me chuckle.

One post and you are criticizing one of the most respected teachers around. Great start!
Body Visions is right in the fact, THAT IN THE TRUE GOLF COMMUNITY , Jimmy is well respected and many teachers incorporate his stuff in their teachings. Bottom line a ton of average golfers that work 40 hrs week and have kids, don't get a chance to practice much, but I know for a fact that Jimmy's way is simple and sound, when it comes down to repetition and less wear and tear on the body. Golf is a fix in many peoples mind, and his way is simplistic, yet calculated in big muscles do the job.

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[quote name='e-dog9' timestamp='1303837910' post='3187280']
I'm on the fence about weather to get this video. It looks like more of a master class, with a senior student and master teacher talking about key points of their methodology. What I like to see is a fresh treatment of the entire methodology in a new video!

Jimmy has a DVD avail on his website which is a DVD of his old VHS called Fundamentals. I haven't seen it but I'm thinking of giving it a try. I know years ago I had a friend that use to get it on cable and swore by it.

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[quote name='e-dog9' timestamp='1303837910' post='3187280']
I'm on the fence about weather to get this video. It looks like more of a master class, with a senior student and master teacher talking about key points of their methodology. What I like to see is a fresh treatment of the entire methodology in a new video!

Don't get it. Like I said I'm a huge Rocco fan and I couldn't stand this DVD. I think people aren't seeing the forest for the trees on this one, I have nothing wrong with what Jimmy teaches but he gets up there and has this verbal vomit for about 40 minutes with random name drops, Rocco hits maybe 6 balls from the same angle, no slow motion or anything, and they rip on every other swing method. How in the world do you make a DVD and not use slow motion or different camera angles?

This whole "he shows conviction which is what makes him great" is a total load of garbage. For true students of the game I want to hear why his method can be more efficient than other methods while admitting the other ones still do work, hell even Tommy Gaineys method can work. Personally I don't see any benefit to totally tear apart other swing methods when those exact methods do win on tour, when Tiger is using a different version of that method, when tons of pros swear by that method, etc.

Majorly disappointed, I really want to hear what anybody else thinks of this because I give it a 1 out of 10. I have the Ballard book and this was a waste of money.

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[quote name='dizzydan' timestamp='1303833148' post='3187116']
[quote name='Cmartingolf' timestamp='1303798677' post='3186456']
Playing great is more about belief than about mechanics.

The "Ballard" guys (Sutton, Strange, Mediate, Colbert, et al) truly believed in the methodology of the teaching. [b][size="5"]I love a lot of the Ballard stuff about connection and rotation.[/size][/b] I just think Ballard goes WAY over the top when he is explaining it. The stuff about "springing the shaft" makes me chuckle too. Most Ams don't have a hard time "springing" anything!

One of my buddies, to remain nameless, was a fine player out of college (All American) and with some advice from Colbert went to see Ballard. The kid couldn't have been any farther from what Ballard coaches and it didn't work out. He's not playing Tour level golf any longer. Sutton could be one of the most underrated ball strikers of all time. He was so fricken good it was shocking and was an absolutely mediocre Men's Club putter for long periods during his professional days. He would have won 20 more events if a decent putter rolled the ball for him.

Are you kidding me? Playing great is about belief? Have you ever watched professional golf? If playing great was about belief then tiger would not lose one singe tournament. You must not study the golf swing too much, because if you have you would notice that every time anyone- including tiger, phil, nicklaus any of them- when they were winning they were swinging the club right when they weren't winning they were swinging the club wrong. Man, your post makes me chuckle.

Yea and another thing that makes me chuckle is that the inventor of the tourstriker is posting on a competitors thread about how their method didn't "workout". Why don't you take your expertise somewhere else chuck.

Dizzy, take a chill pill.

If you read some of my stuff, you'll learn something. Who are you? Jimmy's cousin?

You are right... "I don't study the golf swing much." I study it all the time. Have you ever heard of "choking." Maybe you haven't ever choked or been at a high level of competition where nerves play a factor. I have. I have choked. I wasn't mechanical. Have a nice day.

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[quote name='gators78' timestamp='1303867384' post='3188619']
[quote name='e-dog9' timestamp='1303837910' post='3187280']
I'm on the fence about weather to get this video. It looks like more of a master class, with a senior student and master teacher talking about key points of their methodology. What I like to see is a fresh treatment of the entire methodology in a new video!

Don't get it. Like I said I'm a huge Rocco fan and I couldn't stand this DVD. I think people aren't seeing the forest for the trees on this one, I have nothing wrong with what Jimmy teaches but he gets up there and has this verbal vomit for about 40 minutes with random name drops, Rocco hits maybe 6 balls from the same angle, no slow motion or anything, and they rip on every other swing method. How in the world do you make a DVD and not use slow motion or different camera angles?

This whole "he shows conviction which is what makes him great" is a total load of garbage. For true students of the game I want to hear why his method can be more efficient than other methods while admitting the other ones still do work, hell even Tommy Gaineys method can work. Personally I don't see any benefit to totally tear apart other swing methods when those exact methods do win on tour, when Tiger is using a different version of that method, when tons of pros swear by that method, etc.

Majorly disappointed, I really want to hear what anybody else thinks of this because I give it a 1 out of 10. I have the Ballard book and this was a waste of money.

Gators- for the love of God we heard you the first three times you posted your opinion, give it up. I just got this video and it explains the "Ballard method" very well I actually like this one more than some others because you get to see Rocco's interpretation of the swing as well. The problem is that you think the golf swing is complicated and only a golf pro can understand. You don't understand this video because they talk about simple things that have to do with your body and how it is supposed to move you can't believe that it can be as uncomplicated as it is. You are just angry because you have been conned into paying $89.95 for a system that is fundamentally flawed, not to mention boring to watch when you could have watched Jimmy & Rocco explain the golf swing and how it actually relates to the average golfers body for less than thirty bucks.

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[quote name='Cmartingolf' timestamp='1303880361' post='3189280']

Dizzy, take a chill pill.

If you read some of my stuff, you'll learn something. Who are you? Jimmy's cousin?

You are right... "I don't study the golf swing much." I study it all the time. Have you ever heard of "choking." Maybe you haven't ever choked or been at a high level of competition where nerves play a factor. I have. I have choked. I wasn't mechanical. Have a nice day.

Well you are doing something wrong then. "Choking" relates to mechanics. As Jimmy pointed out- Babe Ruth once said "the little muscles choke, the big muscles react". So it's not that nerves got to you because they affect everyone, its that your swing was not fundamentally correct and when the "nerves" hit it destroyed your swing, think of Sergio. Great swing but the second it counts he crumbles; that's not the swing I want. That is why Jimmy is so great because he looked at the BEST golfers, the ones who have been tested by pressure and succeeded; that is where he got his method from. Because some people can compete at the highest level of play, I guess you couldn't. Tiger can, Phil can, Hal Sutton did and so can others- but guys like Sergio, and apparently yourself, for some reason just can't win a big tournament. Maybe you should watch this video, you will probably learn something.

Its funny that a guy like Rocco who has never won a Major was able to go head to head with the best golfer in the world for how many holes at the US Open??? And he didn't choke, he just got beat. And even though he got beat, he was right there with the best all the way to the end, he was doing something right. To me that says something and I want to know what he knows.

Another thing, this video is probably not aimed at professional golfers, so unless you have perfect mechanics already "choking" is just a technicality for most ams. And it really has nothing to do with trying to lower your scores or get better at golf; besides being a deciding factor in who you want to learn from. Do you learn a swing that crumbles under pressure, or do you learn a swing that has won major tournaments? To me its a no brainier. I am sure there are a lot of people out there just trying to break 100 or 90 or 80 or even 70 that could learn a lot from this video.

I'm not Jimmy's cousin

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[quote name='dizzydan' timestamp='1303926750' post='3190505']
[quote name='Cmartingolf' timestamp='1303880361' post='3189280']

Dizzy, take a chill pill.

If you read some of my stuff, you'll learn something. Who are you? Jimmy's cousin?

You are right... "I don't study the golf swing much." I study it all the time. Have you ever heard of "choking." Maybe you haven't ever choked or been at a high level of competition where nerves play a factor. I have. I have choked. I wasn't mechanical. Have a nice day.

Well you are doing something wrong then. "Choking" relates to mechanics. As Jimmy pointed out- Babe Ruth once said "the little muscles choke, the big muscles react". So it's not that nerves got to you because they affect everyone, its that your swing was not fundamentally correct and when the "nerves" hit you it destroyed your swing, think of Sergio. That is why Jimmy is so great because he looked at the BEST golfers, the ones who have been tested by pressure and succeeded, and that is where he got his method from. Because some people can compete at the highest level of play, I guess you couldn't. Tiger can, Phil can, Hal Sutton did and so can others- but guys like Sergio for some reason just can't win a big tournament.

Its funny that a guy like Rocco who has never won a Major was able to go head to head with the best golfer in the world for how many holes at the US Open??? And he didn't choke, he just got beat. To me that says something and I want to know what he knows. Even though he got beat he was right there with the best all the way to the end, he was doing something right.

Another thing, this video is probably not aimed at professional golfers, so unless you have perfect mechanics already "choking" is just a technicality, and has nothing to do with trying to lower your scores or get better at golf. I am sure there are a lot of people out there just trying to break 100 or 90 or 80 or even 70 that could learn a lot from this video.

I'm not Jimmy's cousin


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[quote name='gators78' timestamp='1303867384' post='3188619']
[quote name='e-dog9' timestamp='1303837910' post='3187280']
I'm on the fence about weather to get this video. It looks like more of a master class, with a senior student and master teacher talking about key points of their methodology. What I like to see is a fresh treatment of the entire methodology in a new video!

Don't get it. Like I said I'm a huge Rocco fan and I couldn't stand this DVD. I think people aren't seeing the forest for the trees on this one, I have nothing wrong with what Jimmy teaches but he gets up there and has this verbal vomit for about 40 minutes with random name drops, Rocco hits maybe 6 balls from the same angle, no slow motion or anything, and they rip on every other swing method. How in the world do you make a DVD and not use slow motion or different camera angles?

This whole "he shows conviction which is what makes him great" is a total load of garbage. For true students of the game I want to hear why his method can be more efficient than other methods while admitting the other ones still do work, hell even Tommy Gaineys method can work. Personally I don't see any benefit to totally tear apart other swing methods when those exact methods do win on tour, when Tiger is using a different version of that method, when tons of pros swear by that method, etc.

Majorly disappointed, I really want to hear what anybody else thinks of this because I give it a 1 out of 10. I have the Ballard book and this was a waste of money.

After reviewing this video I could not disagree with you more.

The central theme Jimmy and Rocco are trying to get across is that Connection is simply a set of fundamentals that exists in all great and proper golf swings, period. You MUST be connected in order to hit a ball straight. I find it amazing how two men can take a golf swing and break it down into such a simplistic explanation. It also makes me think that the search for some mythical answer to what makes a great golf swing is all a load of crap brought about by the next instructor trying to make a name for himself by coining the next "term" to described a bogus move in the golf swing. Get Stacked, forward shaft lean, I mean come on! Rocco is completely right, they ARE garbage. It’s a marketing tool sold by the golf “politicians”. I cannot believe I’ve wasted so much time fooled into believing that some golf pro out there is the gatekeeper to hitting better golf shots when all I had to do is relate the golf swing to any other athletic move made in sports. Or better yet understand what Connection is and use that understand while analyzing Touring Pro’s swings AS they are winning a particular tournament. I've just purged my brain of all these things because of the simplicity of what I heard in this video.

I absolutely love Jimmy’s comparison to throwing a "50 pound weight". It gives me the ability to understand the feeling of what Connection is. And I must say, I’ve hit about 2000 balls since watching with just that in mind and already noticed an enormous difference. I HIT MY DRIVER STRAIGHT!!!! I just can’t explain the satisfaction.

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[quote name='SJones' timestamp='1303929332' post='3190666']
[quote name='gators78' timestamp='1303867384' post='3188619']
[quote name='e-dog9' timestamp='1303837910' post='3187280']
I'm on the fence about weather to get this video. It looks like more of a master class, with a senior student and master teacher talking about key points of their methodology. What I like to see is a fresh treatment of the entire methodology in a new video!

Don't get it. Like I said I'm a huge Rocco fan and I couldn't stand this DVD. I think people aren't seeing the forest for the trees on this one, I have nothing wrong with what Jimmy teaches but he gets up there and has this verbal vomit for about 40 minutes with random name drops, Rocco hits maybe 6 balls from the same angle, no slow motion or anything, and they rip on every other swing method. How in the world do you make a DVD and not use slow motion or different camera angles?

This whole "he shows conviction which is what makes him great" is a total load of garbage. For true students of the game I want to hear why his method can be more efficient than other methods while admitting the other ones still do work, hell even Tommy Gaineys method can work. Personally I don't see any benefit to totally tear apart other swing methods when those exact methods do win on tour, when Tiger is using a different version of that method, when tons of pros swear by that method, etc.

Majorly disappointed, I really want to hear what anybody else thinks of this because I give it a 1 out of 10. I have the Ballard book and this was a waste of money.

After reviewing this video I could not disagree with you more.

The central theme Jimmy and Rocco are trying to get across is that Connection is simply a set of fundamentals that exists in all great and proper golf swings, period. You MUST be connected in order to hit a ball straight. I find it amazing how two men can take a golf swing and break it down into such a simplistic explanation. It also makes me think that the search for some mythical answer to what makes a great golf swing is all a load of crap brought about by the next instructor trying to make a name for himself by coining the next "term" to described a bogus move in the golf swing. Get Stacked, forward shaft lean, I mean come on! Rocco is completely right, they ARE garbage. It’s a marketing tool sold by the golf “politicians”. I cannot believe I’ve wasted so much time fooled into believing that some golf pro out there is the gatekeeper to hitting better golf shots when all I had to do is relate the golf swing to any other athletic move made in sports. Or better yet understand what Connection is and use that understand while analyzing Touring Pro’s swings AS they are winning a particular tournament. I've just purged my brain of all these things because of the simplicity of what I heard in this video.

I absolutely love Jimmy’s comparison to throwing a "50 pound weight". It gives me the ability to understand the feeling of what Connection is. And I must say, I’ve hit about 2000 balls since watching with just that in mind and already noticed an enormous difference. I HIT MY DRIVER STRAIGHT!!!! I just can’t explain the satisfaction.

That is great.. I'll have to check it out. Have you seen Ballard's "Fundamentals" DVD that is based on video he did years ago?

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[quote name='dizzydan' timestamp='1303925903' post='3190453']

Gators- for the love of God we heard you the first three times you posted your opinion, give it up. I just got this video and it explains the "Ballard method" very well I actually like this one more than some others because you get to see Rocco's interpretation of the swing as well. The problem is that you think the golf swing is complicated and only a golf pro can understand. You don't understand this video because they talk about simple things that have to do with your body and how it is supposed to move you can't believe that it can be as uncomplicated as it is. You are just angry because you have been conned into paying $89.95 for a system that is fundamentally flawed, not to mention boring to watch when you could have watched Jimmy & Rocco explain the golf swing and how it actually relates to the average golfers body for less than thirty bucks.

Welcome. It looks like you still need to learn your way around. Also, what the heck are you talking about buying a $90 system?

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[quote name='SJones' timestamp='1303929332' post='3190666']

After reviewing this video I could not disagree with you more.

The central theme Jimmy and Rocco are trying to get across is that Connection is simply a set of fundamentals that exists in all great and proper golf swings, period. You MUST be connected in order to hit a ball straight. I find it amazing how two men can take a golf swing and break it down into such a simplistic explanation. It also makes me think that the search for some mythical answer to what makes a great golf swing is all a load of crap brought about by the next instructor trying to make a name for himself by coining the next "term" to described a bogus move in the golf swing. Get Stacked, forward shaft lean, I mean come on! Rocco is completely right, they ARE garbage. It's a marketing tool sold by the golf "politicians". I cannot believe I've wasted so much time fooled into believing that some golf pro out there is the gatekeeper to hitting better golf shots when all I had to do is relate the golf swing to any other athletic move made in sports. Or better yet understand what Connection is and use that understand while analyzing Touring Pro's swings AS they are winning a particular tournament. I've just purged my brain of all these things because of the simplicity of what I heard in this video.

I absolutely love Jimmy's comparison to throwing a "50 pound weight". It gives me the ability to understand the feeling of what Connection is. And I must say, I've hit about 2000 balls since watching with just that in mind and already noticed an enormous difference. I HIT MY DRIVER STRAIGHT!!!! I just can't explain the satisfaction.

So, again I didn't say a word about his method, I'm TALKING ABOUT THE DVD. Great material, horrible execution. Did you even watch the thing? Because nothing you've said talks about the DVD just his method.

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[quote name='dizzydan' timestamp='1303926750' post='3190505']

Well you are doing something wrong then. "Choking" relates to mechanics. As Jimmy pointed out- Babe Ruth once said "the little muscles choke, the big muscles react". So it's not that nerves got to you because they affect everyone, its that your swing was not fundamentally correct and when the "nerves" hit it destroyed your swing, think of Sergio. Great swing but the second it counts he crumbles; that's not the swing I want. That is why Jimmy is so great because he looked at the BEST golfers, the ones who have been tested by pressure and succeeded; that is where he got his method from. Because some people can compete at the highest level of play, I guess you couldn't. Tiger can, Phil can, Hal Sutton did and so can others- but guys like Sergio, and apparently yourself, for some reason just can't win a big tournament. Maybe you should watch this video, you will probably learn something.

Its funny that a guy like Rocco who has never won a Major was able to go head to head with the best golfer in the world for how many holes at the US Open??? And he didn't choke, he just got beat. And even though he got beat, he was right there with the best all the way to the end, he was doing something right. To me that says something and I want to know what he knows.

Another thing, this video is probably not aimed at professional golfers, so unless you have perfect mechanics already "choking" is just a technicality for most ams. And it really has nothing to do with trying to lower your scores or get better at golf; besides being a deciding factor in who you want to learn from. Do you learn a swing that crumbles under pressure, or do you learn a swing that has won major tournaments? To me its a no brainier. I am sure there are a lot of people out there just trying to break 100 or 90 or 80 or even 70 that could learn a lot from this video.

I'm not Jimmy's cousin; I'M YOUR DADDY.

Dear Dad,

Please provide your credentials? Where did you play College golf? What Tours did you play on? How many lessons have you taught? USGA events? I'm happy to provide my info and in most cases, I already have on this website.

You clearly didn't see the OBVIOUS highlighted section of my post? I LIKE A LOT ABOUT JIMMY's INFO. You need glasses, Dad.

I don't like Jimmy's presentation. I'm sorry that struck such a nerve. Hey, maybe this is Jimmy? Maybe, you, Dizzydan, are in fact Jimmy Ballard! Now, I see why you were so fired up. Since you are indeed Jimmy, I love your connection bit. Love it. Hate the spring the shaft crap, hate it.

By the way...you are dead wrong on the choking issue too.

Humans are not machines; Adam Scott is a close to a machine as there is. Good player. Great player? No. Maybe he needs to come see you for a lesson?

I'll bet your heart rate is up a little right now...hmm, perhaps your body is reacting a little bit to this? Feel it? If you were a mechanical machine, you wouldn't feel it. But then, maybe your mechanics aren't right for blogging? Just sayin...

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