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Some results that I'm kind of happy about. I am wrapping up week 8 of P90X. 6 weeks ago I had my BF% done with calipers and I had it done again today.


In the last 6 weeks I went from 23% BF to 15.7%. I lost 19.7 pounds of fat and gained 4.7 pounds of muscle. That's just 6 weeks of following this program and I haven't been perfect with my eating.


Even if I don't hit a golf ball further, this program has been so worth it.

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For me personally I'm doing the diet as well. I figure I'm not the fitness expert and it's only for 90 days. We should start a p90x results thread and post some pictures, I will once I complete 30 days. In all honesty all you have to do is commit for 3 months, which in the grand scheme of things is nothing, however huge results are possible.

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Some results that I'm kind of happy about. I am wrapping up week 8 of P90X. 6 weeks ago I had my BF% done with calipers and I had it done again today.


In the last 6 weeks I went from 23% BF to 15.7%. I lost 19.7 pounds of fat and gained 4.7 pounds of muscle. That's just 6 weeks of following this program and I haven't been perfect with my eating.


Even if I don't hit a golf ball further, this program has been so worth it.


GREAT JOB! That is truely impressive. I hope to have similar results and your post is certainly motivating.

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Some results that I'm kind of happy about. I am wrapping up week 8 of P90X. 6 weeks ago I had my BF% done with calipers and I had it done again today.


In the last 6 weeks I went from 23% BF to 15.7%. I lost 19.7 pounds of fat and gained 4.7 pounds of muscle. That's just 6 weeks of following this program and I haven't been perfect with my eating.


Even if I don't hit a golf ball further, this program has been so worth it.


GREAT JOB! That is truely impressive. I hope to have similar results and your post is certainly motivating.


Thanks. I want to stress that my results are probably normal for an overweight guy. The only changes I made once I started P90X was to clean up my diet and try to follow their plan and to follow the workout program as is. My only other excercise is 4 -5 hours of indoor volleyball but i've been doing that for the last few years, so it's a constant.


I can't do any pullups w/o leg assistance and I normally do between 8 - 17 pushups depending on the type, sometimes a bit less. So it's not like I'm a strong guy who just had it all covered in blubber and I'm ripping things up. if I can do it, anyone in reasonable shape ie can pass the fitness test, should be able to get some nice results.


The keys for me are I don't skip workouts, though sometimes I skip certain excercises due to injury, and I try to keep my eating under control.

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Some results that I'm kind of happy about. I am wrapping up week 8 of P90X. 6 weeks ago I had my BF% done with calipers and I had it done again today.


In the last 6 weeks I went from 23% BF to 15.7%. I lost 19.7 pounds of fat and gained 4.7 pounds of muscle. That's just 6 weeks of following this program and I haven't been perfect with my eating.


Even if I don't hit a golf ball further, this program has been so worth it.


GREAT JOB! That is truely impressive. I hope to have similar results and your post is certainly motivating.


I agree. That is fantastic bortass. Keep up the good work!

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I'm still waiting on the dvd's to show up, they should be here today. UPS just drove by as I was typing this, guess no p90x for me today. Anyway, Bortass mentioned a fitness test. Does this come with a fitness test that you do before starting? What if you fail? :(



If you fail you are banished from golfwrx for a year!!


Nah, it's just some thing(actually on their website) saying you should be able to do this many of this exercise, or you shouldn't start with P90X. If you're somewhat fit, other than maybe the pullups, there is nothing onerous. Probably some "due diligence", or "anti-negligence" based upon lawyer's advice if you ask me.

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I'm just trying to stay under 2000 calories a day. I eat 100 at about 430am then another 100 at around 10am, about 400-600 for lunch, then another 100 around 4pm then 500-600 for dinner. Then I add a protein shake. The first couple of weeks I felt tired and hungry but now I feel good and pretty energetic. I just stay away from sugar and only eat something fried maybe twice a week. It's all grilled or baked stuff and diet drinks and water. I still eat sandwiches with wheat bread, I just don't eat any rolls or biscuits or cornbread or anything like that. The only sweets I eat are the 100 calorie packs.



To the guy starting today. Just commit yourself and you'll do great.

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Actually it did show up, the UPS guy didn't bother coming to the door. Any tips for getting started that I won't read in the info?



The biggest thing I can think of is make sure you have plenty of space. picture yourself laying on the floor with you arms extended as far as you can. Make sure you can roll around comfortably in this space.


That's the biggest thing I an come up with.

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I'm right now doing my own version of p90x, I guess golfX, just thought someone might find this helpfull

Monday - made up golf workout

- stationary bike

-powerswing trainer

Tuseday - X-Strech

- stationary bike

Wensday - core synergistics

- stationary bike

- abb ripper

Thrusday - plyometics

- powerswing trainer

Friday - yoga X

- bike

Saturday - legs and back

- bike

Sunday - cardio X

- bike

- powerswing trainer


Every day streaching extra before and after wokring our, I start and end with biking for about 15 to twenty minutes each time.


Edit- didn't post proper

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Well, 2nd week.


Was able to almost finish chest and arms, and finished Plyo.. (F--- YEAH!!!!)... Plyo was tough as hell, and it took my wife and I an extra 30 minutes to finish (breaks, water breaks, couldnt move our legs break)... but we finished.


After thinking about it, Im jsut going to watch my diet, eat smart, but not necessarily go on a real diet... just no soda, sugar, crap food, candy...

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Well, 2nd week.


Was able to almost finish chest and arms, and finished Plyo.. (F--- YEAH!!!!)... Plyo was tough as hell, and it took my wife and I an extra 30 minutes to finish (breaks, water breaks, couldnt move our legs break)... but we finished.


After thinking about it, Im jsut going to watch my diet, eat smart, but not necessarily go on a real diet... just no soda, sugar, crap food, candy...



That's a good plan. The diet in the plan is basically that but it gives some food guidaince. Eating smart(er) is a big key.


I'm mentioning the following for others out there.


The diet in the P90X stuff is not a lose weight diet. It basically the recomendation on how to eat to get the best results for the effort put in. I'm cutting my calories back, so it's a weight loss diet for me. I don't find myself getting hungry unless I miss my snacks. I gotta eat every couple of hours now.

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Actually it did show up, the UPS guy didn't bother coming to the door. Any tips for getting started that I won't read in the info?


Pace yourself at the beginning. You may be a little to alot sore, depending on how active you are today. Just work through it the best you can. Sore muscles are fine, pain is not.


Some people will watch the dvds first to get an idea of what to do. I didn't do this.


Make sure you take your day 0 pictures. You'll want to see that next to the ones you take later.


Have a recovery drink of some sort( you'll hear this alot). I'm just doing chocolate milk. I've always done it with P90X so I can't say if it made a difference. I was not as sore as expected though and I'll believe what I've read.


Try to get your stuff in order, mainly foodwise. Toss anything that you won't be eating that could cause you problems ie a bag of chips if you really like chips. Last thing you need is a trigger food hanging around the house to waylay you.


If you think you need motivational support, check out the P90X forums on beachbody's site. You'll find alot of threads which are just groups of people that are doing the workout and are trying to keep the motivation going. Alot of it is accountability, so you'll see people post something like "I did yoga today" to let everyone else know that they are still on track.


There are probably enough of us we should start a GolfWRX thread over there. Any interest in that?

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bortass I think this thread has become the thread you talked about....lol....


Got up this morning to do cardio X, and didn't last 10 minutes. Played hockey Late Wednesday night, did Core Synergistics fine last night after work, but just had nothing. I've gotten up many times and been able to do a workout, be it swimming, or go for a run, and for the last two weeks this workout. Just didn't have anything. Could barely lift the legs in the warmup, and when it came time fo Ashtanga sun salutations, could barely hold myself up. I didn't push core synergistics that hard, I didn't think, last night. Took it as a sign to just cool it for a day, and went back to bed.


Get back to Shoulders and Arms tomorrow.

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Today starts the second week. Definatly sore every day of the first week and I didnt go all out. Just took it easy but finished every dvd. This week I think I will push it a little bit more. I also am not going to diet, just watch what I eat, eat smart.


After day 6 I was exhausted. I was planning on stretching on day 7 but decided to just rest. I made the right decision, I am ready this morning and eager to start week 2.

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I just survived Yoga...man was that difficult. Honestly, for the guys that are picking and choosing what they want to do for golf, I would certainly make yoga a priority. The work out is 1.5 hours, which is damn long, however you do yoga/core, balancing, and stretching. Some of the streches, especially the back & hip stuff will directly translate to golf. Plus, the balancing stuff is great too as it is also critical to a good swing. I'm following the diet to the T, which is not hard, and so far really enjoy the workouts, however 1.5 hours of yoga is intense.

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Thanks for all of the tips. I'm looking forward to getting started, but I'm going to wait a little because I'm going to FL in a few days to play golf and I don't want to be so sore that I can't swing. Plus I won't be able to do the workouts while I'm down there. I am going to do the fitness test today though.

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Glad to see P90X has a good following here. I bought the DVD's a couple of weeks ago, but won't officially start until I get back from Florida at the end of March - as eager as I am to get going I don't want to ruin my only golf vacation this year!


For those looking to start I would recommend a couple of things:

1. Don't dive in right away. Try a few of the workouts to get a feel for the movements, work on your form etc. It's tough trying to give it your best when still learning what to do (like me in Kenpo this morning, apparently I need more coordination).

2. Use something like myfitnesspal.com to track your food. It's amazing to actually your numbers on the screen in front of you, highlighting bad good and bad. It also makes planning your meals easier, as there is less chance you'll get caught short.

3. Don't forget to eat. As someone else has mentioned, not eating enough may work for a while, but you will be doing a lot of activity, which needs calories to fuel the body. Each workout is estimated to burn 600 calories, so think of that as you deficit each day, and feel comfortable eating the 1,800, 2,400 or 3,000 calories they recommend.

4. Find a consistent workout time. For me it will be first thing in the morning, as no matter what the day brings (working late etc.) I will always get the workout in. Doing it "whenever" will invariably lead to missing workouts when unexpected things crop up.

5. Push yourself but know your limits. You can put a toe over the threshold, but put the whole foot over and something probably won't come back. Patience and consistent training will reap better rewards than going gung-ho and causing injury.

6. Don't feel bad if you can't keep up or complete all the exercises/reps. The people on the DVD's are either pro's or have been trough the routine at least once, in addition to doing whatever else they do. If you could do that right away you wouldn't be using P90X, but believe you will be able to do it soon.


I'm looking forward to getting started officially, and checking in with everyone to see how we're doing. My main golf is to improve core strength and flexibility, but being generally stronger, fitter and leaner is ok too :-)


Good luck to all, and don't be afraid to bring it!



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I just started week 3. I haven't lost any weight, but I am starting to look a little leaner. Is this common? Will the weight eventually come off or what?


I think so. P90X is not designed as a weight loss program. You are probably trading fat for muscle. That's one reason you're supposed to take pictures because the numbers on the scale may not tell you the story.


A guy I know, not doing P90X, gained 12 pounds in the last 6 weeks working out. Turns out he lost 14 pounds of fat and put on 26 pounds of muscle. No idea how he did it but he's a gym rat that likes to pump iron. If he just went by the scale it looks real bad instead of being holy crap impressive.

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I've never been a huge fitness guru but I always stayed in shape. My main focus in the gym was always flexibility and lower body strength. But two weeks ago I was given the 12-set DVD of P90X. I had to buy a pullup bar, some resistance bands, and some pushup stands. I already have a set of free weights here at home. I've only done 12 days of the 90 day system and I am already feeling 110% better. I weighed myself the morning and I already gained 2 pounds while eating less food so I know it was muscle. My entire body already feels stronger and not to mention more flexible. The Yoga and Plyometrics workouts are insane (I had never done Yoga before). I did Core Synergistics this morning and I can honestly say it is the best core workout I have ever done.


I don't usually buy the hype of the crap that gets sold on the TV. But I think P90X is the one program that is the real deal. I have no doubt I will be a different person when I am done like the informercials promise. I'm already a new person after 12 days. You just have to stick with this program and accept the fact that it WILL kick your butt.


Has anyone else had success with it? Anyone finish 90 days of it? If so, what were your results like?

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Lol, Nick.


I'm on day 59. tommorow is day 60, so i'll be taking another set of pictures and measurements.


Weightwise I have lost about 22 lbs so far. I feel stronger and more flexible but there's a few feet of snow on the ground, so I have no idea how it'll change my golf game.


I like the results so far. Very much worth what I've put into it time wise. Maybe I'll be like some of the people you see that get ripped and have a 6 pack of sorts after I do a second or third round. I carry all my excess weight in the pec, ab, and back area, so the abs while much stronger now, won't see the light of day for a whilke still.


I'm still waiting to see if anyone has the testicular fortitude to post pictures. I've got my day 0 and 30 pics posted someplace at beachbody but am real leery of putting fat white guy with no shirt on pics here.

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I'm still waiting to see if anyone has the testicular fortitude to post pictures. I've got my day 0 and 30 pics posted someplace at beachbody but am real leery of putting fat white guy with no shirt on pics here.


I'm in recovery week in phase 1. Still fat but I've lost about 8lbs. Don't think I'll be posting any pics until I'm done with the whole thing.

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Hi guys,


Today was my day 60. I did my numbers again. I've lost 22 lbs so far. My waist has shrunk 3.75 inches. My chest has shrunk 3 3/8 inches. My hips shrunk 2 5/8. After everything the total loss is 9 1/8 inches.


Not too bad I don't think. I may start eating the high protein diet again to see if I can add more muscle. We'll see.

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Hi guys,


Today was my day 60. I did my numbers again. I've lost 22 lbs so far. My waist has shrunk 3.75 inches. My chest has shrunk 3 3/8 inches. My hips shrunk 2 5/8. After everything the total loss is 9 1/8 inches.


Not too bad I don't think. I may start eating the high protein diet again to see if I can add more muscle. We'll see.


Great job man. I'm loving this stuff. I always thought Yoga was lax and easy. Wow, how wrong was I ?!?


I'm going the opposite way as you. I'm doing Classic and I'm trying to pack on the bulk a bit and I have gained 2-3 pounds so far and I'm thru 13 days. I know it's muscle because I'm consuming less calories. The nutritional plan that comes with it is amazing. I love how you can tailor it to whatever you're after. Gain weight or lose weight. I'm hoping to put on about 15 pounds of muscle from this. Probably a bit drastic, but it's a goal I'm shooting for.

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