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[quote name='TheWoat' date='21 July 2010 - 04:56 PM' timestamp='1279745772' post='2590898']
Im counting the grams of carbs, fat, and protein, and trying to have a 25/25/50% diet. When I need a snack, a can of V8 with 2 oz of jerky does the job. Ill read the diet guide again, and try and cut back even further on the bad stuff.

watch your sodium.

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[quote name='thenewbie' date='21 July 2010 - 02:49 PM' timestamp='1279738195' post='2590660']
With this diet I get very, very few carbs. I want to lose fat more then gain muscle, and this has worked wonders so far. I do, however, feel it on the days I don't get a single carb. I do half the reps on an exercise and everything just gives out. I'm going along, then it's all just done, no "push for that extra rep."

It is really hard when you don't take in carbs. I would recommend reading some stuff from the site below and doing some research on the paleo diet. I started this about a month and a half ago and have lost approximately 18lbs and that's without working out much at all (explanation, I have a 2 yr old). I'm almost never hungry and I usually have a lot of energy (the 2 yr old hasn't been sleeping well thus the word "usually" in the last sentence).

You do have to make some sacrifices/adjustments as far as the foods you eat, but it sounds like you already do that. Fwiw: this site is run by the guy who created the "Recovery Shake" that is advertised on P90X. In fact you can see him in the interviews after the workouts.

Quite honestly, starting this diet is one of the best things I've ever done.


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Yoga was pretty tough. I started slipping b/c everything including my feet started sweating. I has some trouble with some of the poses, and didn't try crane. I can see how this helps with the golf swing with all the twisting.

I will need to make some sort of makeshift yoga block...does anyone know the dimensions.

Up next its legs and back and ab ripper x. My legs are still kinda sore from plyo, but should be ready to go tonight.

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[quote name='bu11dog' timestamp='1279804639' post='2592213']
[quote name='thenewbie' date='21 July 2010 - 02:49 PM' timestamp='1279738195' post='2590660']
With this diet I get very, very few carbs. I want to lose fat more then gain muscle, and this has worked wonders so far. I do, however, feel it on the days I don't get a single carb. I do half the reps on an exercise and everything just gives out. I'm going along, then it's all just done, no "push for that extra rep."

It is really hard when you don't take in carbs. I would recommend reading some stuff from the site below and doing some research on the paleo diet. I started this about a month and a half ago and have lost approximately 18lbs and that's without working out much at all (explanation, I have a 2 yr old). I'm almost never hungry and I usually have a lot of energy (the 2 yr old hasn't been sleeping well thus the word "usually" in the last sentence).

You do have to make some sacrifices/adjustments as far as the foods you eat, but it sounds like you already do that. Fwiw: this site is run by the guy who created the "Recovery Shake" that is advertised on P90X. In fact you can see him in the interviews after the workouts.

Quite honestly, starting this diet is one of the best things I've ever done.


I'll check it out. I've been happy with my diet so far. I'm down 13-14 lbs since my wife and I started p90x, but I've also lost 3 inches in both my hips and my waiste, so I have gained some muscle too which accounts for the fact that the weight loss isn't overly dramatic (to me, atleast. Back in 04' I lost almost 100 lbs in a year).

I basically eat eggs, protein shakes, salads, and chicken or pork. I just started creatine, so hopefully I'll be able to bust out those last few reps with that. Once I'm happier with my fat loss I'm planning move to phase 2 of the nutrition plan, but I'll check out that link.

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[quote name='jreed' timestamp='1287166828' post='2744711']
Im considering starting P90X next week. As an interesting side not, I have been reading through this thread and saw about chocolate milk being a good recovery drink. Here is a link discussing why:


Yeah man, chocolate milk is great for recovery because of the different types of proteins it carries. Stop considering TRYING it and just do it. You'll be really pleased with the results, and if you drink a 16-20 oz. glass after all routines you won't feel as sore the following days. I lost 25 lbs. on P90X. I sit at a desk at work and somehow got up to 192. I'm 6'-0" and usually around 175. I went down to 167 and felt great! It's definitely hard work though.

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I know, thats what I need to do. Ive got my bands and my pullup bar will be here Monday. I have a newborn at home and we are trying to get into a routine with her sleeping and such so Im trying to decide when to do my workouts; night or morning. My wife is up at 5:00 for work and I typically get up then too but the only problem is that the little one sometimes decides to as well.

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I did it a while back and felt like I lost too much weight from it. I think it's a great program for people looking to lose weight or lean out but not so much for building muscle IMO. I didn't do the meal plan, I don't tend to eat that poorly anyway, but I still lost more weight than I really intended to. I actually eat a LOT, but stay away from fried foods, fast foods, etc. I started going to the gym for heavy weights on days where the program called for cardio or yoga. This was the best way for ME to maintain weight and strength.

Plyo is awesome. If you play any sport it's beneficial IMO. You WILL hurt after the first time or two, I always found the second day after plyo to be the worst, but it's hurting in a good way! A couple guys I know that are trainers in college and the NHL say that core work and plyo are probably THE most vital parts to any work out routine for athletes. I didn't talk them specifically about P90, but some other things.

Just don't give up on it and keep fighting through. Even if you feel like crap on the second or third day just persevere through it and at the end of it I'm sure you'll look back on the 90 days as being well worth it. I have a lot of friends that used this program and loved it.

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Plyo is tonight. I used to do a lot of calisthenics when I played soccer so Im kind of looking forward to it. Im feeling pretty good today after arms and back plus ab ripper X last night. After I took a shower I was barely able to lift my arm up above my head to hang my towel up. LOL, from that I know I got a good workout. Not sore today, just tired muscles.

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Giving it another go. Got to about Day 77 in early 2009, until golf season kicked in in full force. Now that ours is winding down, I'm giving it another go. I'm also playing badminton and 2 nights of basketball each week, so I missed the Yoga X workout yesterday since we had tickets to a hockey game, but got right back on the horse today. I had to cut plyo short because of some nagging injuries from hoops, but I can tell I will love that workout. It's just a great program...

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  • 4 weeks later...

^^^ Plyo and Core Synergistics are the only two that require a lot of space, I'd say if you have something like 12' x 12' you'd be comfortable. Not sure that the living room would be the best place for this, especially being carpeted.

As for the pull-up bar issue, if you watch what they do first you'll be OK without seeing the whole thing on TV. You'll stop when they stop, or earlier, anyway and you'll know when that happens just from listening. You'll also need some wall space for doing the legs portion.

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p90X is the real deal.

I am on month 2 and am seeing some great results. I have not lost much as far as weight is concerned. I am 6'1'' and I am at roughly 200. I was 205 when I started the second time and have lost about 5 lbs. I looked out of shape, while not large just not looking right for my build. I am feeling better physically and my upper body is looking much more fit. Shoulder definition, bicep size, and chest definition have all improved. My wife has even commented on how I am looking much better than a month ago. Great motivation!!!

I have not followed any diet and that is probably why I have not seen the weight loss that some others have. I am enjoying the workouts, some better than others, and they seem to be working. I am sure if I was more dedicated I would be seeing far greater results, but as Tony says it is all about finding out what works for you and keeps you motivated.

I believe in this product and if somneone is dedicated to it, it will definitely bring results.

Driver: TM M4 Tour Issue
3W: Rogue
Hybrid: TEE
Irons: Callaway Apex Pro
54, 58 TM MG tour issue raw
Putter: PXG Gunboat H

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i just wanted to add. I finished round of p90x almost 2-3 months ago. Before starting it i was 5'9 190lbs.... i dropped 18 lbs in the first month-- and really toned up. Excellent program. 173lbs and im right where i want to be.

Ive tried to continue doing round 2--- but its been harder to stay dedicated---- I guess its because im set with my weight.... improved my diet-- and having already done 1 round--- i guess that last push isnt there..

I think my solution for round 2 is just to work 4-5 days a week--- and not 6 days as i did in round 1.

**Also doesnt help that Black Ops has been taking my free time at home.... hahahaha

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So for various reasons my last attempt to get started didn't go through as well as hoped. I managed to do a workout or two a week, but not the full program.

A YMCA opened a block from my house, which has gotten me back to working out. Between the fact there are heavier dumbbells than what I have, plus I can do the pull up exercises better, I put the resistance workouts onto a spreadsheet, and actually do those workouts at the Y, while doing the cardio ones at home. I tried the Plyo workout at the Y but it's much easier to keep moving and pushing on resistance in a gym without the video pushing than the plyo.

I'm a week in after today's Kenpo X, and I'm feeling pretty good. Tomorrow will be a rest day(might stretch) and week 2 starts Sunday. As corny as this sounds, it will be nice to get into double digits. I'm not following the nutrition guide, but I have been thinking about what I eat far more than I have in the past. Didn't take any measurements, because I just want to see the results show up on the basketball court and golf course. My clothes fitting better will be the best gauge IMHO.

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I too have taken the p90x sheets to the gym and like it a lot better with more weights,

[quote name='Bluefan75' timestamp='1293230579' post='2857876']
So for various reasons my last attempt to get started didn't go through as well as hoped. I managed to do a workout or two a week, but not the full program.

A YMCA opened a block from my house, which has gotten me back to working out. Between the fact there are heavier dumbbells than what I have, plus I can do the pull up exercises better, I put the resistance workouts onto a spreadsheet, and actually do those workouts at the Y, while doing the cardio ones at home. I tried the Plyo workout at the Y but it's much easier to keep moving and pushing on resistance in a gym without the video pushing than the plyo.

I'm a week in after today's Kenpo X, and I'm feeling pretty good. Tomorrow will be a rest day(might stretch) and week 2 starts Sunday. As corny as this sounds, it will be nice to get into double digits. I'm not following the nutrition guide, but I have been thinking about what I eat far more than I have in the past. Didn't take any measurements, because I just want to see the results show up on the basketball court and golf course. My clothes fitting better will be the best gauge IMHO.

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[quote name='Bluefan75' timestamp='1293478179' post='2861064']
Just did the plyo workout this morning. Day 9. Man was I sweating. Haven't missed a workout over the holidays, but the food intake has been there..lol. So the scale doesn't show any difference, but I can feel some changes starting. I'm even sleeping better according to my wife.

Better sleep is a big advantage to P90X IMO. And if you can get through the pluo workout, the rest is cake. Good job on sticking with it through the holidays. I have not been as good. I have not done it since the 23rd. Time to get back on it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Pace yourself. Been doing it for 15 mo, but at my age (53) it's hard (if not impossible...) to follow the schedule. Been harder at it for the last 3 weeks, and have missed 4 days. DEFINITELY need a recovery drink right after -- that helps a lot! I make protein shakes with banana, peanut butter, and spinach -- tastes great, and blended well you can't taste the spinach...!

[quote name='Bluefan75' timestamp='1293230579' post='2857876']
So for various reasons my last attempt to get started didn't go through as well as hoped. I managed to do a workout or two a week, but not the full program.

A YMCA opened a block from my house, which has gotten me back to working out. Between the fact there are heavier dumbbells than what I have, plus I can do the pull up exercises better, I put the resistance workouts onto a spreadsheet, and actually do those workouts at the Y, while doing the cardio ones at home. I tried the Plyo workout at the Y but it's much easier to keep moving and pushing on resistance in a gym without the video pushing than the plyo.

I'm a week in after today's Kenpo X, and I'm feeling pretty good. Tomorrow will be a rest day(might stretch) and week 2 starts Sunday. As corny as this sounds, it will be nice to get into double digits. I'm not following the nutrition guide, but I have been thinking about what I eat far more than I have in the past. Didn't take any measurements, because I just want to see the results show up on the basketball court and golf course. My clothes fitting better will be the best gauge IMHO.

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Been doing P90X for about a year and then graduated to P90X + to get some new routines about 3 months ago. Since doing that, I decided to sign up for P90X One-On-One....if anyone is doing this and has done Chest/Back/Balls, I know you can swear by this is the most stupidly hard workout you willl ever do...I mean balancing yourself on 4 medicine balls (1 under each hand and foot) is insane. All I can say is keep with it guys! When I started P90X, I was 6'0 205 lbs of mostly flab.....today, I am 165 lbs and can count every ab in my stomach. The key is to go harder at the things you are not good at....ie. ab ripper x. I hated ab ripper x and I realized I hated it because I wasn't good at it. So, I set in my mind that my whole goal during the workout was to kill it on ab ripper x....I wanted to do the hardest routine on each exercise. As soon as I made that decision, I saw changes in my core region in 2 weeks. Go hard guys....if you are going to be in there doing it for an hour, make sure your hour was well spent....oh, and have fun!

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So I decided to start paying attention to the nutrition side a little more. I went over to the forums to see if there was anything about how many calories each workout burned. Didn't find that, but certainly found confirmation of the port much earlier in this thread that said those forums are like nothing I've ever seen before. You almost think a lot of the posters are actually plants fromt he company...

Anyway, for those who use myfitnesspal.com , what do you use to account for the different workouts? I input KenpoX as Aerobic High Impact last night, because I think it is more intense than what the other options would lead to..I have Core Synergistics tonight, and I have no idea how I am going to input that one...

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