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Accused of slow play and punished! What do you think?

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Hi guys, first post... I've read a lot of yours, and I have learned a lot.


Let me first say that I hate slow play too! However, my wife thinks it takes me a little too long to pull the trigger, and that makes me look slow. I'm a 9 handicap, so I'm not clueless, I have a routine. I walk our course in 3.5 hours, and it's rated 4.5 when I'm a single or double... Now with that out of the way...


This weekend, I played with my dad, my father-in-law, and one of my f.i.l.'s friend. These guys are old, but they are ok for the most part. However, you can't bet on all of them to hit a good shot all at the same time.


We had a 3-some in front of us that got a hole ahead around the turn. We were 5 minutes behind the course's 4 hour pace at that point, and the ranger spoke to us. We had not been pushed by the 3-some behind us yet. I was acutely aware of all this, because I was kind of sheparding the old guys, just in case one of their minds were to wander.


We didn't lose any more time at this point, but didn't make up any either. This course had lots of hills, lots of trouble and undulated greens (it's a Donald Ross). I found myself questioning the 4-hour pace - it seemed like it would take a lot of gimmes to get to 4-hours even with my regular golf buddies. I may have just been a little frustrated though.


Get to a par-5 on the back and one guy behind us hits it about 230 off the tee and is 270 out. I am chipping on my 3rd shot, and he starts gesturing like we are really holding him up. Ok, I'm trying to keep our group fast enough, but ya gotta understand on a par-5 if you are going for it, you might have to wait. (His shot landed 100 yards short, as I noticed from the next tee.)


So, we get to a par-3 over water and 3 of us make par. I want to let this 3-some through, but we also had 3 kick-ins by the time they got to the tee. We walk halfway to the next tee.


One of their guys hits it into water, so we move on. Next hole is a little uphill, kind of blind landing area. I pop one out there about 260, directly in the line of flight of my father-in-law, so I can't really play ready this time. As I am setting up I hear a wizzzzz. I look up and there is a drive headed right at my father's head. I yelled duck, and the ball went over his head, missing him by about 3 feet. I have never seen anything like it on the golf course. A flush drive falling from it's apex right at my dad. The ball even plugged.


I went back until they could see me over the hill and waved. These guys (one is very big) start yelling "effing this and effing that". I couldn't believe they weren't the least bit sorry. In fact, they meant to do this.


I saw the ranger on the next hole and he said we should expect something like that if we were 5 minutes behind. I told him that while we got a little behind, we were no longer playing slowly, and that 5 minutes shouldn't be punished with a potential trip to the hospital. He stuck to his guns and said it never would have happened if we were on pace. Then he tells me that the guy behind me is pretty big, and I should have never given him the finger (which I didn't do...). Now the ranger is stirring the pot.


I felt really angry about this, and I want to write a letter to the course. Do you think I am justified? I mean 4:05 pace isn't horrible. I think those guys were probably stewing about the old guys in front of them and looking for a fight. They only waited a couple times. I think the ranger should be concerned with safety before caring about the 5 minutes.


I know everyone hates slow play, but there are ways to address the situation. Two weekends ago we were on a 6 hour pace due to a slow group, so I called the pro shop. It didn't even cross my mind to hit one of them with a ball.

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That's ridiculous. Slow play used to bother me, but I've got used to it now, so I just let it blow over if I can. If someone's an hour behind pace, there's nothing to justify hitting into people. Five minutes is nothing. I'm glad you and yours are okay - good job you saw the ball coming. I've been putting out before when someone on another hole hit it onto our green through some trees, so he didn't know we were there. It was like a line drive that bounced over my head. Took me a good while to calm down after that. It's bloody scary. Yikes.


I'm also stunned at the ranger's reaction. A strongly worded letter to the club might be in order and perhaps a copy to a local golf rag if you have one.

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Guys like the ones behind you deserve to be shot. They could have killed someone. The real problem in this case is that the ranger sided with them!


I have come across this more then I'd like. Rangers that are more concerned with the pace of play than the safety of the golfers. I actually had one ranger say to me when I was waiting for a group to get out of range, "just hit a warning shot their way to get them moving." I proceeded to explain to him that intentionally hitting a 100+mph projectile at someone can be grounds for jail time. Knowing that it was not a course I planned to ever play at again (for a lot of reasons), I told the ranger after the round (in front of many people in the clubhouse) that he was a terrible ranger that put the golfers at unnecessary risk and that if he knew anything about doing his job people wouldn't have to "fire warning shots."


I know I am going to get attacked by all the current and former rangers on this site, but keep in mind, I am not saying all rangers are bad. The vast majority do an amazing and invaluable job, but there are those out there who are completely clueless and just plain stupid!


I would most certainly write to the course!

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Steve I think we both had the same group behind us, this little adventure happened to me on the 4th. 4:05 is not a horrible pace, plus I would never expect to get hit into on purpose. The marshall was out of line and if it got that bad he should have just facilitated that group playing through, so everyone could move on with their round. I would most certainly complain to the course


I was playing this morning, the course is packed since everyone wants to get out before it hits 110 deg. Not to blame anyone but, we are looking at a 5+ hr round, understandibly frustrating for everyone.

We do our part and keep up with the group ahead of us never getting more than 1/2 hole behind. Even playing from the back tees(yes we should be playing those) Behind us are 2 fathers and 3 kids best guess ages 12-17.

We get to the back 9 and one of them just pipes one right into our 4 some (no big deal they yelled fore) we are thinking maybe one of the kids really gets ahold of one or something and move on.

Three holes later on 17 short par 5 we have to wait for the green to clear since 3 of us have 195-215 left to the pin. not only do they hit one into us but a second one right at us again, this time its clear as day what they are doing, we are in the middle of the fairway in plain sight plus I'm wearing a bright orange FJ shirt (cant miss it). We decided not to tee it up and smash it right back at them, we just play on. Naturaly we all slow down a bit on purpose now.

Fast forward and the round is over I tell father #1 (when he is away from the kids) that he is doing a great job teaching his kids golf etiquette (heavy sarcasm) He blows up and starts calling me a D bag and swearing saying we should have played faster etc etc. basically blaming their horrible etiquette on us like it is justifiable.

After some more sarcasm from me ie: jez no wonder where they get their manners etc etc: I remind him that we were right with the group ahead of us for all but the last hole and 1/2 since we had to let the green clear. He goes on his D bag tirade again followed by some more F u's etc. Now the thought enters my mind do I really want to beat this guy down on the course :rolleyes: . Logic and the thought of stooping to that level prevail

Then one of the best lines I have heard on the course comes out of him. "Just cause my kid can hit it farther than you stop your b**chn. I laugh as I ask how much closer are the white tees again? Not to get into a pissing match between me and baby tiger there, but there is quite a difference between 6900 and 5500 yrds from where they were playing and we all hit 3wd since the fairway ended at 265 yrds out.

Anyways sorry for the long rant. I had to get it off my chest, and it just really irks me that there are parents out there that would encourage their kids to have absolutley zero etiquette and encourage this behavior on the course.

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You are totally in the right. Write the letter, to the pro shop and copy the G.M. or management company. Being between two threesomes you are bound to get out of position at one point. As long as you are on the 4hr. +/- 10 minutes pace there should be no issue. The Ranger should be disciplined. He is there to deter conflict and maintain pace of play. Your group was already warned, the group behind should have been informed.


Boycott the course if your feelings are that strong towards their policies.

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Thanks for the support. I think there is some kind of stigma these days in golf. Once someone says you are a slow group, you have no way to defend yourself. That presents an opportunity for the hot heads to freak out.


There are a lot of times that I'm playing faster than the group in front of me, and I get annoyed. However, most of those times, they aren't actually playing slowly, they are just throwing me off of my tempo. I think these 3 guys probably got their shorts in a wad waiting on that par 5, even though we weren't actually slow at that point.


...When we called the pro shop 2 weeks ago due to getting through 3 holes in 1:15, the ranger came out and told us not to do his job! We were also on a par 5, and I wanted to go for it. He stands over us and makes the statement, "you guys have been watching too much g-d golf on TV. just hit it." Took a second to cool down, go through my routine and hit a 4 iron onto the green. Acutally, if I had been rattled, I probably would have engaged with him.


Too many people looking for a fight...

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It was the weekend, you were in a foursome. . .4.5 is NO WHERE NEAR slow enough to expect someone buzzing a drive at your heads.


Personally I would have thrown his ball in a pond or over a fence or something. Its not like he "Accidentally" hit it in your direction.


As far as the course ranger. . .sounds to me like the guys behind you probably had his cell#, or they simply knew each other, hard to tell. But he was obviously on their side for some reason.


I would talk to whomever's in charge at the course. Forget a letter, walk in there, say "I'd like to speak to someone in charge!"


Did you get the ranger's name? That's useful too.


If you expect to play a round of golf on the weekend in under 4 hours, you're expecting too much. . .So the guys behind you should have been talked to as far as I'm concerned.

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If I were the manager and i heard something like this, first I'd investigate...if I found it to be accurate, I'd fire the ranger on the spot.


That's ridiculous.




I realize we are hearing one side of the story... If your facts are accurate I agree with MiniTour 110%. Speak with the Head Professional, but please do so in a manner in which you would like to be spoken to. A good Professional would want to hear your facts, and will be anxious to rectify the situation. He is on your side. Slow play complaints are totally unwarranted when you are discussing a 4 hour and 5 minute round. Any public golf course I have played would feel anything under 4:15 during a busy day is exceptional.



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KevCarter has the right idea. A good professional will want to know about this and work to rectify the situation after investigating.


In addition, there is never a reason to use violent methods to get your point across. I would have been horrified if someone had tried to hit my father in the head. The course is no place for that sort of behavior.

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My thoughts on slow play.. i am one of the faster golfers out there so i have to wait a ton. for me the 2.15 hour 9 hole pace is what should be done at a maximum if there is no one in front of you. When people go out to golf they have to expect to spend 4:30 on a round and on a crowded day 5 hours. i think over 5 hours shouldn't happen though. For me if someone is a little slow in front of me it depends on there etiquite. are they not making an effort to keep pace.

1. are all four of them walking to the same ball together and waiting. (you should prepare for your shot as long as it doesn't impede with the other players behind you)

2. are they stopping for drinks when they are supposed to be teeing off? (tee off and then talk to the cart girl)

3. If you are at your 10th shot and you still aren't to the green. (pick up at this point)

4. any other activities besides golf...



on sunday I teed off on the first hole(par4) after we putted out we walk to the next tee box and so does one of the guys in the group in front of us with a latte. The problem is that this next hole is a par 5 (now clear all the way) and instead of moving the course along we have to now wait for him to tee off. this backed the course up for about 5 holes and after the 9th he quit.

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For whatever reason I dont think this is exactly what happened. I hate slow play and have played 18 holes in a cart in less than 1.5 hours. I've never intentionally hit into someone, seems a bit childish. If your story is true then its absolutely ridiculous on the part of the course, ranger, and the group behind you. However if you were holding this group up ALL day or even for the 5-6 holes on the back 9 then you were wrong. I suppose it depends if you were keeping up with the group in front of you or not but anything over 4 hours when you're not waiting is flat our slow. I play on the weekend mornings around 7 and usually were the first group out, sometimes the 2nd or 3rd but the people in front are usually long gone by the time we tee off. My 4some plays under 3 hours every single time.

[b]XHP 3-Deep (13)- 7.3X @ 43.5”
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My thoughts on slow play.. i am one of the faster golfers out there so i have to wait a ton. for me the 2.15 hour 9 hole pace is what should be done at a maximum if there is no one in front of you. When people go out to golf they have to expect to spend 4:30 on a round and on a crowded day 5 hours. i think over 5 hours shouldn't happen though. For me if someone is a little slow in front of me it depends on there etiquite. are they not making an effort to keep pace.

1. are all four of them walking to the same ball together and waiting. (you should prepare for your shot as long as it doesn't impede with the other players behind you)

2. are they stopping for drinks when they are supposed to be teeing off? (tee off and then talk to the cart girl)

3. If you are at your 10th shot and you still aren't to the green. (pick up at this point)

4. any other activities besides golf...


on sunday I teed off on the first hole(par4) after we putted out we walk to the next tee box and so does one of the guys in the group in front of us with a latte. The problem is that this next hole is a par 5 (now clear all the way) and instead of moving the course along we have to now wait for him to tee off. this backed the course up for about 5 holes and after the 9th he quit.



For whatever reason I dont think this is exactly what happened. I hate slow play and have played 18 holes in a cart in less than 1.5 hours. I've never intentionally hit into someone, seems a bit childish. If your story is true then its absolutely ridiculous on the part of the course, ranger, and the group behind you. However if you were holding this group up ALL day or even for the 5-6 holes on the back 9 then you were wrong. I suppose it depends if you were keeping up with the group in front of you or not but anything over 4 hours when you're not waiting is flat our slow. I play on the weekend mornings around 7 and usually were the first group out, sometimes the 2nd or 3rd but the people in front are usually long gone by the time we tee off. My 4some plays under 3 hours every single time.



:rolleyes: :yes: :D


This is why running a club is sometimes so difficult. Two very intelligent gentlemen who are avid golfers, enjoy the game, and have TOTALLY opposing viewpoints on the proper pace of play. If you were the professional at a club and these two gentlemen were members, you would be constantly confronted by one of them as to how the pace of play is being monitored. No way to keep them both happy...



I could be wrong
I've been wrong before
I'll be wrong again
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For whatever reason I dont think this is exactly what happened. I hate slow play and have played 18 holes in a cart in less than 1.5 hours. I've never intentionally hit into someone, seems a bit childish. If your story is true then its absolutely ridiculous on the part of the course, ranger, and the group behind you. However if you were holding this group up ALL day or even for the 5-6 holes on the back 9 then you were wrong. I suppose it depends if you were keeping up with the group in front of you or not but anything over 4 hours when you're not waiting is flat our slow. I play on the weekend mornings around 7 and usually were the first group out, sometimes the 2nd or 3rd but the people in front are usually long gone by the time we tee off. My 4some plays under 3 hours every single time.



This still doesn't justify the guy hitting into the group ahead of him. There are better ways to handle the situation, even if the OPs group was well off the designated pace of play.



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First off, was this a muni course? If so taxpayer money goes toward it and you can really cause that employee some sh.. if you choose to.


If not, then you may just have to talk to the GM or maybe even get the media involved.


Hitting into people, is never a good idea. It's going to happen sometimes on blind holes and I don't know what to do about that (especially for those walking, cart riders I guess could drive up and check) but never should someone rocket a ball the distance they know the people are standing at.


Accidents are going to happen, you may hit a ball a yardage you didn't think you could, whether the wind is helping or you just some how some way summoned your inner-Tiger. I have hit into people before, but it's always been by accident. Either I listed to Lie-Caddy or again my inner-Tiger unleashed a swing I have never done before. I always apologize though.


I played with two guys the other day and one of the guys said if you don't press them they won't go any faster. But the truth is, even with us hitting as soon as they left our range, it didn't do any good. They didn't play any faster.


You know Steve, I don't know how big you are or what kind of sack you have, but I would have grabbed an iron and rocketed his ball back his way. That would have really pissed him off. And if he approached me, well, he better be prapared to ...well, lets not get into that.

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This is why running a club is sometimes so difficult. Two very intelligent gentlemen who are avid golfers, enjoy the game, and have TOTALLY opposing viewpoints on the proper pace of play. If you were the professional at a club and these two gentlemen were members, you would be constantly confronted by one of them as to how the pace of play is being monitored. No way to keep them both happy...





See, the problem is ...what is pace and who says what is a good pace. I hear 4 hours is the proper pace, but who says and what handicap is that and how long is the course?


I know good golfers would rather a bad golfer just pick up when they hit a certain number of strokes...but the game of golf is about holing out your ball...it's not golf if it's not by the rules. So if I pay to play a round of golf and I end up hitting a 10 on every hole and it takes me 4.5 hours to do that with my foursome...what's wrong with that?


Why don't courses setup days and times for different types of handicaps? Like, no-handicap sunday or to play before noon, you must have an established handicap of 15 or better.


Granted, I guess everyone could just lie...which may make the system even worse. I don't know... I don't have the slow play answers.


But seriously, this would be akin to telling someone .... I'm sorry, you can't finish watching the Lord of the Rings movie because most movies are only 90 mins and this one is 180 min, please leave the theater, and learn to watch shorter movies!


But I also don't think someone should be able to just stay out there for ever either. But again, how was the pace of play number figured? Who came up with it? What's it based on? Maybe there should just be a formula and it should be something that accounts for how many new golfers join each year. Back in the day, how many golfers were there compared to today?

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Ill bet you still do it Kev.


Pace is a very volatile issue. Personally, I dont care if you are made to wait 2 months to hit ONE shot.....hitting a golf ball intentionally at a living creature (never mind a human being) is criminal. These little golf balls can do BIG BIG damage, and you can be held responsible, PERIOD.


Now as to pace of play, we all have our tempo, and our personal rythym. It is rarely the same for 2 people, and one slow guy can slow down a whole group, but being the 4some between two smaller groups is a recipe for disaster. I can walk 18 in sub 3 hours, when not impeded, but like everyone else i occasionally endure a 5 hour round. I, too, hate it, but all in all id rather endure 5 hours of slow golf than 5 hours of brisk paced work....


we all need to relax a bit. if things slow down...smell a flower, clean an iron, wash your balls (golf balls!!). whatever, but dont get pissed off at the idiots in front of you who are probably just as pissed off as the idiots in front of them.

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My thoughts on slow play.. i am one of the faster golfers out there so i have to wait a ton. for me the 2.15 hour 9 hole pace is what should be done at a maximum if there is no one in front of you. When people go out to golf they have to expect to spend 4:30 on a round and on a crowded day 5 hours. i think over 5 hours shouldn't happen though. For me if someone is a little slow in front of me it depends on there etiquite. are they not making an effort to keep pace.

1. are all four of them walking to the same ball together and waiting. (you should prepare for your shot as long as it doesn't impede with the other players behind you)

2. are they stopping for drinks when they are supposed to be teeing off? (tee off and then talk to the cart girl)

3. If you are at your 10th shot and you still aren't to the green. (pick up at this point)

4. any other activities besides golf...


on sunday I teed off on the first hole(par4) after we putted out we walk to the next tee box and so does one of the guys in the group in front of us with a latte. The problem is that this next hole is a par 5 (now clear all the way) and instead of moving the course along we have to now wait for him to tee off. this backed the course up for about 5 holes and after the 9th he quit.



For whatever reason I dont think this is exactly what happened. I hate slow play and have played 18 holes in a cart in less than 1.5 hours. I've never intentionally hit into someone, seems a bit childish. If your story is true then its absolutely ridiculous on the part of the course, ranger, and the group behind you. However if you were holding this group up ALL day or even for the 5-6 holes on the back 9 then you were wrong. I suppose it depends if you were keeping up with the group in front of you or not but anything over 4 hours when you're not waiting is flat our slow. I play on the weekend mornings around 7 and usually were the first group out, sometimes the 2nd or 3rd but the people in front are usually long gone by the time we tee off. My 4some plays under 3 hours every single time.



:rolleyes: :yes: :D


This is why running a club is sometimes so difficult. Two very intelligent gentlemen who are avid golfers, enjoy the game, and have TOTALLY opposing viewpoints on the proper pace of play. If you were the professional at a club and these two gentlemen were members, you would be constantly confronted by one of them as to how the pace of play is being monitored. No way to keep them both happy...




I'm in the same business as you Kevin so I know what you are saying. I'm the one who used to hear the complaining, my current job is still golf related but not at an actual course. However still get privelidges of golf at the course I used to work. Although I often play at a different place (same town) but do absolutely no complaining because I know the problems with it. I also haven't seen slow play where I do play my one serious round for the week because I'm the first group off. I play Sunday mornings (my day off) with a couple guys who are good players and whom I've met from working around this area. I do however skip around and play holes the days I do work because I usually only have an hour or so of time to work with. Just some of the stuff I've seen from players and how bad slow play is becoming in this game. Now if I just walked up to play golf on the weekend with a couple friends then I would plan to play in 4 hours (knowing this probably isn't reasonable) but expect to be done in 4:30 or else that it just too SLOW.


I think the PGA Tour has really hurt the way a majority of golfers view the game. Its acceptable for them to play 5 hour rounds so you see guys doing the same things as touring professionals. IMHO I think if you have a foursome walking on the first group of the day or a foursome thats not being held up at all then there is no explanation for finishing a round in more than 4 hours.

[b]XHP 3-Deep (13)- 7.3X @ 43.5”
X-Forged UT (#3- 21)- DG X700
716MB (5-PW)- DG S400
Vokey (TVD SM7 RAW 52 & SM6 RAW 58)- DG S400
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For whatever reason I dont think this is exactly what happened. I hate slow play and have played 18 holes in a cart in less than 1.5 hours. I've never intentionally hit into someone, seems a bit childish. If your story is true then its absolutely ridiculous on the part of the course, ranger, and the group behind you. However if you were holding this group up ALL day or even for the 5-6 holes on the back 9 then you were wrong. I suppose it depends if you were keeping up with the group in front of you or not but anything over 4 hours when you're not waiting is flat our slow. I play on the weekend mornings around 7 and usually were the first group out, sometimes the 2nd or 3rd but the people in front are usually long gone by the time we tee off. My 4some plays under 3 hours every single time.



This still doesn't justify the guy hitting into the group ahead of him. There are better ways to handle the situation, even if the OPs group was well off the designated pace of play.




I guess my post does come off a bit stupid when I re-read it. I've never hit a golf ball at anyone on purpose, ever. I did say he was wrong if he was holding up the group behind him but I didn't mean that it was OK to just hit a golf ball at him...obviously thats never ok. I meant he was wrong for not letting the group go through, not wrong in that he should expect people to hit golf balls at his group. However I've heard about this many times and it doesn't surprise me one bit.

[b]XHP 3-Deep (13)- 7.3X @ 43.5”
X-Forged UT (#3- 21)- DG X700
716MB (5-PW)- DG S400
Vokey (TVD SM7 RAW 52 & SM6 RAW 58)- DG S400
Cameron Napa California @ 34"[/b]

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IMO, a lot of people act like they own the course sometimes and feel that they should do something about it instead of calling the head pro or the marshall and let them do their work. I play in a public course. I've seen a few of these incidents and watching these guys behave sometimes makes you think why they call this a gentleman's game. I play with my 15 year old son now and when this happens, I just tell him that's exactly how you don't want to behave in a golf course. We have to remember that for everybody's enjoyment.


You should probably write a strong letter of complaint to the golf course particularly about the ranger's behavior.

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My answer to the ranger would have been more direct.


"Please give me your name, phone number, and the name of your insurance company, because when I have to wait for the group in front of me tomorrow and I nail someone in the head, I'm sure they will feel better knowing you are going to pay for it, because you just authorized me to do it.


Do you work tomorrow?"



Then when I get to the pro shop, I go to the cash register and ask for the name and phone number of the ranger. When they ask why, tell them; the ranger authorized me to hit into the group ahead of me if they fall behind.


Can you say "LIABILITY?"


bye bye Mr. Ranger

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This is why running a club is sometimes so difficult. Two very intelligent gentlemen who are avid golfers, enjoy the game, and have TOTALLY opposing viewpoints on the proper pace of play. If you were the professional at a club and these two gentlemen were members, you would be constantly confronted by one of them as to how the pace of play is being monitored. No way to keep them both happy...







Why don't courses setup days and times for different types of handicaps? Like, no-handicap sunday or to play before noon, you must have an established handicap of 15 or better.



When I mentioned that to you a couple of days ago you called me pompous.


Damn, I told myself to stop replying to you... :rolleyes:



I could be wrong
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I'll be wrong again
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Many years ago my first day on the job as and assisstant at a private club. The Pro sat me down and explained what my job was.


He basically told me that the members came out here to have fun, they came here to get a way from hassles of any kind.


My job was to make everything go as smooth as possible.


For people that played fast I had to convince them I was speeding up the slow group in front of them.


To the slow group I had to nudge them with out ruining there relaxing. A lot of the time I road a round in the cart and said nothing to anyone.


They new I was marshalling if I road up to them they would start apologizing and explainging I would just agree with them


It was like politics I felt like the Govenor in the best little whore house in texas doing a little side step.



It was a very difficult job but not so bad as long as I remember the first rule they were there to have fun.


As far as rangers at muni's and some other clubs I have seen they have no training for the most part and the buddy system is in effect. Plus some are idiots.


I once had and idiot tell me to keep the cart on the cart path on a hole there was no cartpath it runs out about two hundred yards from the tee.


Honestly I would have never left the club without a peace of sombodys behind if that had happened to me If I had not already got into it with the lug that hit in to you.


I just do not play that you hit in to me I get very upset.


I would at this point right a letter and send a copy of it to the local newspaper.


Maybe they will think about training there rangers.


At the same time any club trying to enforce a strict time policy is nuts anyway and more worried about green fees than happy customers.


Too many variables can come up.



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Ill bet you still do it Kev.


Pace is a very volatile issue. Personally, I dont care if you are made to wait 2 months to hit ONE shot.....hitting a golf ball intentionally at a living creature (never mind a human being) is criminal. These little golf balls can do BIG BIG damage, and you can be held responsible, PERIOD.


Now as to pace of play, we all have our tempo, and our personal rythym. It is rarely the same for 2 people, and one slow guy can slow down a whole group, but being the 4some between two smaller groups is a recipe for disaster. I can walk 18 in sub 3 hours, when not impeded, but like everyone else i occasionally endure a 5 hour round. I, too, hate it, but all in all id rather endure 5 hours of slow golf than 5 hours of brisk paced work....


we all need to relax a bit. if things slow down...smell a flower, clean an iron, wash your balls (golf balls!!). whatever, but dont get pissed off at the idiots in front of you who are probably just as pissed off as the idiots in front of them.


Absolutely I do it, it's part of my job... The key is letting everybody know you are doing your best to make them all happy. If the club policy is 4 hours, you need to stand behind that and use it for your motivation.



I could be wrong
I've been wrong before
I'll be wrong again
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