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Seriously what is up with the not work or bandwidth friendly avatars.


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So I hate to sound like a total kill joy, but what is up with all of the model types, scantly clad in the avatars. Not only are some of these totally work "unfriendly" like people would wonder why is this type of imappropreate content on my computer, but they are a TOTAL waste of bandwidth by people that have no clue how to resize an image. What happened to the 150 x 150 pixel size limit.


Look at these...






















And then for the WHY IS THIS ON MY COMPUTER stuff...








Yes I know it is petty but seriously is this even reasonable.

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We are pretty strict on nsfw avatars. Please hit the "Violation" button and a marshall will ask the person to change it.


You can also turn off avatars in your "control panel" if you are at work and are concerned about bandwidth and NSFW one popping up before we address them.

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So I hate to sound like a total kill joy, but what is up with all of the model types, scantly clad in the avatars. Not only are some of these totally work "unfriendly" like people would wonder why is this type of imappropreate content on my computer, but they are a TOTAL waste of bandwidth by people that have no clue how to resize an image. What happened to the 150 x 150 pixel size limit.


i changed mine...ASH getting hit by blood from Evil Dead 2...but it was 150x150 and hosted off this site...who's bandwidth is being ruined? <----actual question...not being smart Word not allowed

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Sorry also not being a smartass...


What is bandwidth and how does it "get ruined"?


Speaking of smartazz's Mike, did you win that driver?? :)

Miura PP-9003 PW-6 iron w/SmacWrap 780 F3

Taylormade Stealth 10.5* w/KBS TD 50 Oh, and Ventus Red "made for"

Taylormade SIM 2  21 degree w/Ventus Blue

Taylormade Stealth Rescue 22* w/Ventus Blue

Callaway X-Tour raw - 52 w/DG steel

Taylormade MYMG 3 - 56 w/KBS C-Taper Lite 

Dave Whitlam Anser 


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In order for a pictures to be seen on your computer, images are transmitted by a bandwidth stream.


If you are on dialup, bandwidth intensive graphics slow down the pace of which a screen is displayed. If you are in a corporate environment, it would could also raise alarms because of the increase in useage that may be seen. Of course if you look at most of our "Picture threads" they will be quite intensive. Some are 3-5 MB of pictures.


Avatars I haven't really heard about being bandwidth intensive before but, understandable and I would turn off Avatars if you're connection is really suffering or is raising eyebrows.

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In order for a pictures to be seen on your computer, images are transmitted by a bandwidth stream.


If you are on dialup, bandwidth intensive graphics slow down the pace of which a screen is displayed. If you are in a corporate environment, it would could also raise alarms because of the increase in useage that may be seen. Of course if you look at most of our "Picture threads" they will be quite intensive. Some are 3-5 MB of pictures.


Avatars I haven't really heard about being bandwidth intensive before but, understandable and I would turn off Avatars if you're connection is really suffering or is raising eyebrows.


so if you are work, not working, and looking at golf message boards, large pictures, such as golf clubs, will get you busted???

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In order for a pictures to be seen on your computer, images are transmitted by a bandwidth stream.


If you are on dialup, bandwidth intensive graphics slow down the pace of which a screen is displayed. If you are in a corporate environment, it would could also raise alarms because of the increase in useage that may be seen. Of course if you look at most of our "Picture threads" they will be quite intensive. Some are 3-5 MB of pictures.


Avatars I haven't really heard about being bandwidth intensive before but, understandable and I would turn off Avatars if you're connection is really suffering or is raising eyebrows.


so if you are work, not working, and looking at golf message boards, large pictures, such as golf clubs, will get you busted???


Depends on the company and their Internet Useage Policy.


A large percentage of people view our site from work because that is where their best access to the Internet is. That is why we run the cleanest site, in terms of content, that we can. We try to keep it PG-13 or better because the last thing we want to do is become a site banned by peoples work place filters or get them in trouble.

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Ummm, first of all, the forum software automatically resizes any avatar to a maximum size. If you are getting the full size pictures, it may be a problem on your side. Works for me in both Firefox and IE.


Second, I'm assuming by "waste of bandwidth" you are referring to longer load times. Again, that may be on your end. Mine loads fast on both home and work computers. If you are referring to large sizes of the files and some nebulous form of unnecessary use of bandwidth . . . come on, we are talking about a few kilobytes. The banner at the top of every page takes up as many kilobytes as some of the pictures you referred to. Moreover, I think the only ones that should be concerned about that kind of "bandwidth misuse" is the WRX crew - and they don't seem particularly concerned.


As for being work safe, the answer is simple, go into your user control panel and turn off avatars.



EDIT: I type really slow. Only posts 1-5 when I started typing this post.

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Good points in regards to banner sizes. GolfWRX is a bandwidth intensive site unfortuantely. In order to make things work, we had to bloat some things.


As for resizing, you are correct about that but, it doesn't reduce the file size. A little Internet "Smoke and Mirrors". You could have a 3 MB file resized to any format.

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None of this really affects me but I got curious about the file sizes and clicked on a few images to see what sizes they were:


golfwrx banner pic - 68.9kb

angry pigeon animated gif (charlie foxtrot's avatar) - 980.03kb

o rly baby animated gif (mrblack's avatar) - 594.15kb


If that file is transmitted every time someone opens a thread with that image in it then that could use a lot of bandwith, I'm assuming though that the forum software caches avatars in our temporary internet files.

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So I hate to sound like a total kill joy, but what is up with all of the model types, scantly clad in the avatars. Not only are some of these totally work "unfriendly" like people would wonder why is this type of imappropreate content on my computer, but they are a TOTAL waste of bandwidth by people that have no clue how to resize an image. What happened to the 150 x 150 pixel size limit.


Look at these...






















And then for the WHY IS THIS ON MY COMPUTER stuff...








Yes I know it is petty but seriously is this even reasonable.

Maybe you should work at work rather than browse internet fora. :)


That said, once an avatar or other ismage is loaded it should be in your cache. If it is loading every time then you may want to adjust your settings. Besides, is your work really on a dial-up connection?


Where do you work that bikini clad women would get you in trouble?


Do you work in an Amish schoolhouse?

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i am so sick of the avatars on this site. Its not about working at an strict schoolhouse its about being appropriate. when you have an avatar of a women in a bikini then a women on my team walks in and sees that, i'm opening myself and the company i work for (a huge fortune 50 company) to a lawsuit.


It's a golf site folks.

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Then turn the avatars off in your settings if you want to view the website from work. I see nothing wrong with any of the avatars posted and I don't want them gone. Just because you are viewing from work and the above avatars do adhere to the policy of this board does not mean you have to change things for everyone. If you don't like them then go into your settings and turn them off. Let the rest of us enjoy them. Oh and I teach school for a living and if I view this page during my workday (during my planning period) then I turn the avatars off rather than get the rest of the site to conform to what I think is appropriate for viewing an entertainment website while on the "companies" time.

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i am so sick of the avatars on this site. Its not about working at an strict schoolhouse its about being appropriate. when you have an avatar of a women in a bikini then a women on my team walks in and sees that, i'm opening myself and the company i work for (a huge fortune 50 company) to a lawsuit.


It's a golf site folks.

Then I say again, don't view the site from work if it is inappropriate. You think it is appropriate to dictate to the rest of the community what should be shown on a entertainment forum so you can view it at work? The site is already pretty well restricted so as not to turn into some golf themed booty.com. My children can view the site without much worry on my part, so it seems it is already a family appropriate site.


Just how close do your female co-workers get to you anyway? It is virtually impossible to distinguish what the avatars are from more than a couple feet away. Maybe you have a suit...


You could also, as has been mentioned, turn off the avatars.

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I know of People who have gotten in serious trouble because of racy avatars showing in their workplace. If people PM a moderator, we will request that individual take it down. We want to err on the side of caution because we try to run a professional clean site acceptable in a corporate environment.


Please don't forget that a large % of the Golf Industry views this site as well and if they cannot view this site from work, then we are all in trouble.

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To hopefully help a little, here's a program called Windows Resizer that's a super small program (.5MB) that everyone can use to resize some of these pictures down (any size you want) so they fit better in avatars and take up less space!










Sorry to use you as an example Andy, but you were the closest images. :)

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IMO the problem, if there is a problem, is not with the avatars.


the avatars are fine, even in a poliitically correct world.


the problem is doing your WRXing at work.


either that, or you need a job with an office with walls and a door !



Breaks are my time so no problem there, thanks though for being so concerned.


I have an office and a door, but I assure you that if you work for a remotely large sized corp then everything you do online is logged and monitored. I was simply bringing it up to avoid any issues.


I will turn my avtars off and then my issue is solved.

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Again, as Ryan stated......if you have a problem with anyone's avitar, please let a Mod know and they will look into it. IMHFO, you should not have to turn off the avitar setting on your computer to view this site from anywhere. If you have to then there's a problem with an avitar. Whoever said it's a golf site is right.

CALLAWAY PM2 54* X & 58* X - ORIGINAL PX Satin 5.5's (HSx1)

2017 BRIDGESTONE B330 Tour #1's & TITLEIST PRO V #1'X

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Again, as Ryan stated......if you have a problem with anyone's avitar, please let a Mod know and they will look into it. IMHFO, you should not have to turn off the avitar setting on your computer to view this site from anywhere. If you have to then there's a problem with an avitar. Whoever said it's a golf site is right.

I respectfully disagree.


The site is also for entertainment. Maybe we should take all the golf references out too - then it wouldn't show up as a golf site in the work logs either... :)


Of course, I don't see why you couldn't view the site as is from work, aside from the fact that it isn't work and people are paid to do a job not surf the internet, but that is a different issue all together.

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I respect your opinion but the problem is everybody's work place is different and has different rules. Many corporations track your interenet usage and even your e-mail. Might not be right but that's the way it is. As far as removing golf references....I've never seen anyone get offended by golf info or references but questionable pics (in this case avitars), yes. In response to that, it is our job to make the site as workplace friendly as possible to avoid anyone getting in trouble by visiting. The other issue is, obviously, know the rules at your workplace and avoid the hassle.




I respectfully disagree.


The site is also for entertainment. Maybe we should take all the golf references out too - then it wouldn't show up as a golf site in the work logs either... :)


Of course, I don't see why you couldn't view the site as is from work, aside from the fact that it isn't work and people are paid to do a job not surf the internet, but that is a different issue all together.

CALLAWAY PM2 54* X & 58* X - ORIGINAL PX Satin 5.5's (HSx1)

2017 BRIDGESTONE B330 Tour #1's & TITLEIST PRO V #1'X

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Please remember too that GolfWRX is used by many people in the Golf Industry as a tool to measure user feedback and opinions. They do this at their work place. Most of these corporations are fairly large and are very conservative. God Forbid if the site is blocked by a major Golf OEM Corporate Internet Filters.


What if you walked into a major golf retailer and saw an objectionable image on their computer screen? They may have been looking for info or studying a topic and some image gets them in trouble.

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