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SkyPro - really impressive

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[quote name='Module Mahoney' timestamp='1429882065' post='11432103']
Readings seem to be pretty accurate so far. Just amazed how far from the inside I have to come to hit a true push draw. On average 20 to 25 degrees gives me the shot im looking for

Are you talking about the club at half down?
Sounds too much. It could be that you aim with an open or closed clubface (most people do). The target line is assumed to be where the clubface is pointing. If you aim with a closed clubface the reading at half way down would already be inside even if the club is pointing at the target.

E.g. face is 5 degree closed at address (that's what SkyPro sees as the target line). Club shaft points directly at real target (SkyPro doesn't know anything about that one). It would be reported as 5 degrees from the inside. (At least that is my understanding).

Try to play around just with the face at address and see what that changes in the half way down number.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone,

For those that don't know me, my name is Gord and I'm one of the original developers of SkyPro. I apologize for my long absence... I was helping another company with a similar app in another sport, and it turned out to be a [i]much[/i] bigger commitment than I anticipated. I'm just now getting back into the swing of things with SkyPro (no pun intended).

First of all - Bcharris and royourboat, please PM me if you haven't had your units replaced yet. That shouldn't happen. If possible I'd like to take a look at your units when we replace them.

DaveMac and ParHunter - thanks so much for answering questions about SkyPro. I've been reading through the posts I've missed and your answers are all great as usual. Much appreciated, and happy to hear you're still enthusiastic about SkyPro!

I'll try to answer some questions posted since I was here last. I'm sure to miss quite a few, so please reply with any others you might have.

Golf Ninja - 10,000 putts, wow! I'll have to check to see if that's a record. As I read through the posts, it sounded like you started off testing the SkyPro's accuracy, specifically with face angle. It looks like you eventually found a way of testing it and convincing yourself of its accuracy, which is great. I thought you might also be interested in one of the tests we did for face angle. We basically hooked up SkyPro & club to a rigid hinge and clamp -- a setup that allowed the club to swing back and forth, but ensured that it would return the face angle to the exact same position at impact as at address. This was very accurate: standard deviation of well under 0.1°s. It's pretty cool to see the 'robot' repeatedly ace the face angle @ impact groove on gold mode.)

Raven Logics - if your device is slipping, it sounds like something is wrong. Can you check that the rubber pads are still in place on the clamp? There should be two of them: one on the orange leg and one on the silver hinged leg.

ParHunter - the "seamless integration with the music library" is not quite as cool as it sounds haha. I think that just refers to the fact that you can listen to your music while you practice. A long time ago, our groove noises prevented this, but we received a [i]lot[/i] of feedback about this (apparently a lot more people practice with music than I expected) and so we made the groove noises play alongside the music.

Module Mahoney (and Golf Ninja) - I see you found our hand speed number, which I admit doesn't get as much exposure as it deserves. You mentioned the math for it - it's actually quite similar to that for club head speed. We have the ability to find the speed for any point on the club at any time. For clubhead speed, we pick the center of the club face (which can vary by a few MPH from the toe and heel), and for hand speed we pick the middle of the grip.

I know one question is going to be about future app updates, and particularly video integration. I don't know enough yet to give you any definitive answers (I'm sorry). It's pretty clear what the most requested feature is though!

Thanks again to everyone for posting :)


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As a high handicapper trying to understand and improve my golf game, I have been using the Skypro swing analyser on the range for several months. I find it connects to the club shaft and iPhone reliably and the calibration feature ensures reproducible results. Interpreting the parameters measured and using the insight gained, has undoubtably improved my swing path and consistency. Moreover it's great to get immediate feedback of experimental swing changes and to monitor averages between sessions to limit reversion to the woeful old ways.

As a result of this experience I have a single, simple, usability feature request for Gord.

'Make the qualifying text displayed in Focus mode larger so the user can more easily read it and hence avoid misinterpreting it.'

While on the range, I have found the Focus mode to be most useful with an iPhone 4 because the numbers are large and comfortably visible during practise while the phone is on an upturned basket near the tee. The path planes and face angles at halfway points and the top are also reported as inside or outside, past, parallel, closed or open however the font size of this text is small and unreadable without bending down to be closer to the phone, making it awkward to interpret instantly the path parameters.

So my feature request is to add to the path numbers in focus mode the text OUT and IN in the same font size. The word 'very' is not required. Similarly increase the font size for other text and where a -ve or +ve is displayed for shaft angle.

I hope that I have explained my request clearly and that it will be possible to add this usability enhancement to the developers backlog for implementation in the near future.⛳️

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[quote name='gparke' timestamp='1430890281' post='11508099']
Hi everyone,

For those that don't know me, my name is Gord and I'm one of the original developers of SkyPro. I apologize for my long absence... I was helping another company with a similar app in another sport, and it turned out to be a [i]much[/i] bigger commitment than I anticipated. I'm just now getting back into the swing of things with SkyPro (no pun intended).

First of all - Bcharris and royourboat, please PM me if you haven't had your units replaced yet. That shouldn't happen. If possible I'd like to take a look at your units when we replace them.

DaveMac and ParHunter - thanks so much for answering questions about SkyPro. I've been reading through the posts I've missed and your answers are all great as usual. Much appreciated, and happy to hear you're still enthusiastic about SkyPro!

I'll try to answer some questions posted since I was here last. I'm sure to miss quite a few, so please reply with any others you might have.

Golf Ninja - 10,000 putts, wow! I'll have to check to see if that's a record. As I read through the posts, it sounded like you started off testing the SkyPro's accuracy, specifically with face angle. It looks like you eventually found a way of testing it and convincing yourself of its accuracy, which is great. I thought you might also be interested in one of the tests we did for face angle. We basically hooked up SkyPro & club to a rigid hinge and clamp -- a setup that allowed the club to swing back and forth, but ensured that it would return the face angle to the exact same position at impact as at address. This was very accurate: standard deviation of well under 0.1°s. It's pretty cool to see the 'robot' repeatedly ace the face angle @ impact groove on gold mode.)

Raven Logics - if your device is slipping, it sounds like something is wrong. Can you check that the rubber pads are still in place on the clamp? There should be two of them: one on the orange leg and one on the silver hinged leg.

ParHunter - the "seamless integration with the music library" is not quite as cool as it sounds haha. I think that just refers to the fact that you can listen to your music while you practice. A long time ago, our groove noises prevented this, but we received a [i]lot[/i] of feedback about this (apparently a lot more people practice with music than I expected) and so we made the groove noises play alongside the music.

Module Mahoney (and Golf Ninja) - I see you found our hand speed number, which I admit doesn't get as much exposure as it deserves. You mentioned the math for it - it's actually quite similar to that for club head speed. We have the ability to find the speed for any point on the club at any time. For clubhead speed, we pick the center of the club face (which can vary by a few MPH from the toe and heel), and for hand speed we pick the middle of the grip.

I know one question is going to be about future app updates, and particularly video integration. I don't know enough yet to give you any definitive answers (I'm sorry). It's pretty clear what the most requested feature is though!

Thanks again to everyone for posting :)

[/quote]Any idea when the fix for "very bowed" at the top will be released?

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[quote name='gparke' timestamp='1430890281' post='11508099']
Hi everyone,

For those that don't know me, my name is Gord and I'm one of the original developers of SkyPro. I apologize for my long absence... I was helping another company with a similar app in another sport, and it turned out to be a [i]much[/i] bigger commitment than I anticipated. I'm just now getting back into the swing of things with SkyPro (no pun intended).

First of all - Bcharris and royourboat, please PM me if you haven't had your units replaced yet. That shouldn't happen. If possible I'd like to take a look at your units when we replace them.

DaveMac and ParHunter - thanks so much for answering questions about SkyPro. I've been reading through the posts I've missed and your answers are all great as usual. Much appreciated, and happy to hear you're still enthusiastic about SkyPro!

I'll try to answer some questions posted since I was here last. I'm sure to miss quite a few, so please reply with any others you might have.

Golf Ninja - 10,000 putts, wow! I'll have to check to see if that's a record. As I read through the posts, it sounded like you started off testing the SkyPro's accuracy, specifically with face angle. It looks like you eventually found a way of testing it and convincing yourself of its accuracy, which is great. I thought you might also be interested in one of the tests we did for face angle. We basically hooked up SkyPro & club to a rigid hinge and clamp -- a setup that allowed the club to swing back and forth, but ensured that it would return the face angle to the exact same position at impact as at address. This was very accurate: standard deviation of well under 0.1°s. It's pretty cool to see the 'robot' repeatedly ace the face angle @ impact groove on gold mode.)

Raven Logics - if your device is slipping, it sounds like something is wrong. Can you check that the rubber pads are still in place on the clamp? There should be two of them: one on the orange leg and one on the silver hinged leg.

ParHunter - the "seamless integration with the music library" is not quite as cool as it sounds haha. I think that just refers to the fact that you can listen to your music while you practice. A long time ago, our groove noises prevented this, but we received a [i]lot[/i] of feedback about this (apparently a lot more people practice with music than I expected) and so we made the groove noises play alongside the music.

Module Mahoney (and Golf Ninja) - I see you found our hand speed number, which I admit doesn't get as much exposure as it deserves. You mentioned the math for it - it's actually quite similar to that for club head speed. We have the ability to find the speed for any point on the club at any time. For clubhead speed, we pick the center of the club face (which can vary by a few MPH from the toe and heel), and for hand speed we pick the middle of the grip.

I know one question is going to be about future app updates, and particularly video integration. I don't know enough yet to give you any definitive answers (I'm sorry). It's pretty clear what the most requested feature is though!

Thanks again to everyone for posting :)


Yes please update us regarding video integration and push for making this a priority with the next software update....

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[quote name='gparke' timestamp='1430890281' post='11508099']
Hi everyone,

For those that don't know me, my name is Gord and I'm one of the original developers of SkyPro. I apologize for my long absence... I was helping another company with a similar app in another sport, and it turned out to be a [i]much[/i] bigger commitment than I anticipated. I'm just now getting back into the swing of things with SkyPro (no pun intended).

First of all - Bcharris and royourboat, please PM me if you haven't had your units replaced yet. That shouldn't happen. If possible I'd like to take a look at your units when we replace them.

DaveMac and ParHunter - thanks so much for answering questions about SkyPro. I've been reading through the posts I've missed and your answers are all great as usual. Much appreciated, and happy to hear you're still enthusiastic about SkyPro!

I'll try to answer some questions posted since I was here last. I'm sure to miss quite a few, so please reply with any others you might have.

Golf Ninja - 10,000 putts, wow! I'll have to check to see if that's a record. As I read through the posts, it sounded like you started off testing the SkyPro's accuracy, specifically with face angle. It looks like you eventually found a way of testing it and convincing yourself of its accuracy, which is great. I thought you might also be interested in one of the tests we did for face angle. We basically hooked up SkyPro & club to a rigid hinge and clamp -- a setup that allowed the club to swing back and forth, but ensured that it would return the face angle to the exact same position at impact as at address. This was very accurate: standard deviation of well under 0.1°s. It's pretty cool to see the 'robot' repeatedly ace the face angle @ impact groove on gold mode.)

Raven Logics - if your device is slipping, it sounds like something is wrong. Can you check that the rubber pads are still in place on the clamp? There should be two of them: one on the orange leg and one on the silver hinged leg.

ParHunter - the "seamless integration with the music library" is not quite as cool as it sounds haha. I think that just refers to the fact that you can listen to your music while you practice. A long time ago, our groove noises prevented this, but we received a [i]lot[/i] of feedback about this (apparently a lot more people practice with music than I expected) and so we made the groove noises play alongside the music.

Module Mahoney (and Golf Ninja) - I see you found our hand speed number, which I admit doesn't get as much exposure as it deserves. You mentioned the math for it - it's actually quite similar to that for club head speed. We have the ability to find the speed for any point on the club at any time. For clubhead speed, we pick the center of the club face (which can vary by a few MPH from the toe and heel), and for hand speed we pick the middle of the grip.

I know one question is going to be about future app updates, and particularly video integration. I don't know enough yet to give you any definitive answers (I'm sorry). It's pretty clear what the most requested feature is though!

Thanks again to everyone for posting :)


Hi Gord,

I've tried the groove mode while listening to music for the first time and I quite like it. However there is one problem with the acoustic feedback. You don't know whether it was less or more - they have the same sound. It would be good if you get e.g. a low error tone when you are too low and a high error tone when you are too high. To make it even clearer you could have a cadence, one cadence going down (when you are below the acceptable range) and a cadence going up (when you are above the acceptable range).

That way you don't have to pull the phone out of your pocket to check.

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[quote name='Module Mahoney' timestamp='1429882065' post='11432103']
Readings seem to be pretty accurate so far. Just amazed how far from the inside I have to come to hit a true push draw. On average 20 to 25 degrees gives me the shot im looking for

Something is definitely amiss. I admit to no experience with this device, but 4* to the right with a face 2* to the right will be a nice, small draw with a Trackman for a right-handed golfer. I guess it doesn't matter as long as you know that creates the shot you want but I'm fairly certain that you are not really that far from the inside. 10* on Trackman would be something you would want to address and correct... for most players anyway.

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  • 3 weeks later...

[quote name='genemcg' timestamp='1400109965' post='9296931']
Look what happened to mine today. I know others have had this problem but was hoping I wouldn't. Any advice?

Darn, the orange and white sections on mine just started separating today. Heard a rattle, and there is nothing to tighten. Anyone fix that without a return? Looks like I could just apply some gorilla glue around the edge.

TM SIM2 9*
TM SIM2 3 and 5 woods
TM SIM2 3 hybrid
Ping i210 5-AW Modus 105 stiff
Ping Glide 2,0 wedges 54SS/58ES  - Recoil 95 F3
TM Spider Tour
TM Tour Response

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I would really like to get one of these because I think it would be really beneficial to my game. However, I am concerned about the durability and the bluetooth connectivity. I've read a lot of reviews that say you have to reconnect the bluetooth constantly and I've heard quite a few people talk about the case or clamp breaking in a relatively short period of time.

Have these been addressed since the product launched? Have you considered making some of the critical parts (the joints of the clamps for example) out of a more durable material? I would gladly pay a bit more for something that seemed like it would really last a long time, even if they are under warranty I don't want to have to be swapping units.

I appreciate all the info in this thread, it's really nice to see developers take an active role in the community and listen to feedback. I think that's a sign of a company that cares about it's product and that's a big plus to me as a software developer.

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[quote name='Aithos' timestamp='1433441521' post='11689964']
I would really like to get one of these because I think it would be really beneficial to my game. However, I am concerned about the durability and the bluetooth connectivity. I've read a lot of reviews that say you have to reconnect the bluetooth constantly and I've heard quite a few people talk about the case or clamp breaking in a relatively short period of time.

I've had my SkyPro for more than a year, and used it quite a bit. So while mine is beginning to degrade, it hasn't happened quickly. Just thought I'd point that out.

I've also never had any BT connectivity issues, or if I did, they were minor and temporary.

TM SIM2 9*
TM SIM2 3 and 5 woods
TM SIM2 3 hybrid
Ping i210 5-AW Modus 105 stiff
Ping Glide 2,0 wedges 54SS/58ES  - Recoil 95 F3
TM Spider Tour
TM Tour Response

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Hi all,

Geoff - thanks for the feedback. Haven't heard that one before, but it makes sense and I expect we'll be able to implement it without any problems.

Jimca - Next update should have that adjusted.

Parhunter - that's also a good idea! We do have something in the works on this front.

PingEye2 - If you haven't used SkyPro much, you may be mistakenly thinking Module Mahoney has a 25° inside-to-out [i]path at impact[/i]. This is what Trackman would measure, and, as you mentioned, it would have a huge effect. However, we don't measure that parameter for the full swing with SkyPro. Instead, I think Module Mahoney is talking about his club angle halfway through his downswing. Being 25° inside there does not mean the eventual path at impact will also be 25° inside - probably much less.

Carrera - Sorry to hear that! I haven't had a failure like that in a while. People have successfully glued theirs together and then used it for a long time. If you don't want to take time for the replacement, I'd recommend doing that. If it doesn't work I'll still happily replace it :)

Aithos - I have an obvious bias, so I guess you have to take what I say with a grain of salt! We did have a streak of case breakages in our first production run, but that was mostly limited to those initial units (we did switch the material as you mentioned). I haven't heard of a breakage like Carreras in a long time. We haven't received many complaints at all about Bluetooth. And, if it does temporarily lose connection, it should reconnect automatically within a second... this happens to me on occasion, but it's rarely an actual inconvenience.


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[quote name='gparke' timestamp='1433455117' post='11691348']
Carrera - Sorry to hear that! I haven't had a failure like that in a while. People have successfully glued theirs together and then used it for a long time. If you don't want to take time for the replacement, I'd recommend doing that. If it doesn't work I'll still happily replace it :)

Gord, thanks for posting. I will give some glue a try and hopefully it works. Great product and I appreciate your participation here.

TM SIM2 9*
TM SIM2 3 and 5 woods
TM SIM2 3 hybrid
Ping i210 5-AW Modus 105 stiff
Ping Glide 2,0 wedges 54SS/58ES  - Recoil 95 F3
TM Spider Tour
TM Tour Response

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I got my SkyPro last week and finally got a chance to try it out on friday and thought I'd post some quick impressions:

1) I was impressed by the amount of data provided. It was really easy to see and understand the different measures of information and was able to make adjustments and see those impacts immediately.

2) I was a little surprised by the clubhead speed readings I got. I always assumed I was a 90-95 mph swinger with the driver because those are the numbers I would see when I hit at the local Dick's. Well, apparently I hit poorly at the store and I don't make very good contact with the ball so the SS is calculated lower because my ballspeed is off, because the SkyPro showed all my driver swing average at 100mph and topping out around 105mph. So I may not be playing shafts that are right for me and that might explain some of the troubles I've had with my driver over the years.

3) I had no problem with the bluetooth, out of close to 100 balls it only failed to pick up one or two after I had just switched clubs and re-calibrated and only disconnected once..again right after I had changed clubs. I think it was a phone thing and not the app though, I just restarted the app and it was fine.

The only criticism I have at all is that there are some metrics that I'm not sure how they relate and what they mean when compared. For example:

Say my takeaway angle is fairly neutral 1* inside to 1* outside, and my shaft direction at top of backswing is 8* outside and half-down return angle is 8* outside how do I interpret that?

What about if I'm 5* outside at the top and 6* outside halfway down? is that outside in or inside out?

The descriptions of each parameter are very good and the pictures are especially helpful, but there seems to be a distinct lack of description of how the different measures interact. I guess I appreciate the information but I'm not really sure what to do with it...

Overall I think the SkyPro is really awesome, I can't wait to spend some time with it chipping and putting (I didn't have time on Friday) I am going to play today so I need to figure out which club I'm going to attach it to for the round...

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[quote name='Aithos' timestamp='1434465500' post='11761448']
The only criticism I have at all is that there are some metrics that I'm not sure how they relate and what they mean when compared. For example:

Say my takeaway angle is fairly neutral 1* inside to 1* outside, and my shaft direction at top of backswing is 8* outside and half-down return angle is 8* outside how do I interpret that?

What about if I'm 5* outside at the top and 6* outside halfway down? is that outside in or inside out?

The descriptions of each parameter are very good and the pictures are especially helpful, but there seems to be a distinct lack of description of how the different measures interact. I guess I appreciate the information but I'm not really sure what to do with it...

Overall I think the SkyPro is really awesome, I can't wait to spend some time with it chipping and putting (I didn't have time on Friday) I am going to play today so I need to figure out which club I'm going to attach it to for the round...

The shaft direction on the top basically tells you whether you are across the line, laid back or down the line. 8 degrees is slightly across the line but I would only worry about it if it causes inconsistencies.

The shaft direction half way down is a good indicator on whether you are likely to hit the ball in-to-out or out-to-in. If you have 8 degrees outside at this point it is very likely that you will cut across the ball with an out to in swing (if you don't do any other funky moves to correct this last second).

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I'm not worried about video as the swingbyte I have never matches up with it anyway. I'm more interested in accurate numbers. Personally would like to see a break down of the face angle in the whole swing. It only gives degrees half way back / down and top of nackswing. Would like to have impact and the whole 9 yards to see about improving early closure at times. Than calculating the info past impact into the follow thru would be nice as well. I've read a few pages back where this can't be done; and swingbyte is basically giving an honest guess with this part of their info. Even if it would be an estimation, it would be nice to have this instead of stopping at impact

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[quote name='Aithos' timestamp='1433441521' post='11689964']
I would really like to get one of these because I think it would be really beneficial to my game. However, I am concerned about the durability and the bluetooth connectivity. I've read a lot of reviews that say you have to reconnect the bluetooth constantly and I've heard quite a few people talk about the case or clamp breaking in a relatively short period of time.

Have these been addressed since the product launched? Have you considered making some of the critical parts (the joints of the clamps for example) out of a more durable material? I would gladly pay a bit more for something that seemed like it would really last a long time, even if they are under warranty I don't want to have to be swapping units.

I appreciate all the info in this thread, it's really nice to see developers take an active role in the community and listen to feedback. I think that's a sign of a company that cares about it's product and that's a big plus to me as a software developer.
[/quote] I found it to be reliable and am sellig mine if you want to private message me.

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[quote name='ParHunter' timestamp='1434639897' post='11776104']
[quote name='Module Mahoney' timestamp='1434603661' post='11774178']
Brought my unit to the range and noticed it always registered bent right wrist at the top. No matter how much I try and cup it open
I think that is a known bug

Is this true?!

Really pleased to hear if that is the case as roughly 75% of my swing have the "very bowed wrist at the top" alert even though I'm hitting very good shots. It's actually been playing with my head a little as I'm trying to fix something I'm not sure is wrong..

Other than that I've now had my skypro for a few weeks now and really love it, even though it's a little generous with the clubhead speed calculation!

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Just a few questions for the skypro users here, just got mine a few weeks ago and really impressed so far,

How accurate is the clubhead speed? Seems a few mph faster than I would have expected..

At the halfway down point I'm consistently 5-10deg outside with my irons, should i be striving to make this figure 0 or even from the inside?

Is it true that bowed wrist at the top alert is a bug as I get this on approx 80% of my swings..


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[quote name='Moleman' timestamp='1434838257' post='11795310']
Just a few questions for the skypro users here, just got mine a few weeks ago and really impressed so far,

How accurate is the clubhead speed? Seems a few mph faster than I would have expected..

At the halfway down point I'm consistently 5-10deg outside with my irons, should i be striving to make this figure 0 or even from the inside?

Is it true that bowed wrist at the top alert is a bug as I get this on approx 80% of my swings..


I have found that my clubhead speeds on the skypro are inline with what I see on the launch monitor.
Ideally you should be closer to zero at half down.

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    • 2024 PGA Championship - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put  any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 PGA Championship - Monday #1
      WITB Albums
      Michael Block - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Patrick Reed - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Cam Smith - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Brooks Koepka - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Josh Speight - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Takumi Kanaya - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Kyle Mendoza - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Adrian Meronk - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jordan Smith - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jeremy Wells - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jared Jones - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      John Somers - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Larkin Gross - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Tracy Phillips - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jon Rahm - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Keita Nakajima - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Kazuma Kobori - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      David Puig - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Ryan Van Velzen - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Pullout Albums
      Ping putter covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Bettinardi covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Cameron putter covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Max Homa - Titleist 2 wood - 2024 PGA Championship
      Scotty Cameron experimental putter shaft by UST - 2024 PGA Championship
      • 13 replies
    • 2024 Wells Fargo Championship - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 Wells Fargo Championship - Monday #1
      2024 Wells Fargo Championship - Tuesday #1
      2024 Wells Fargo Championship - Tuesday #2
      WITB Albums
      Akshay Bhatia - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Matthieu Pavon - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Keegan Bradley - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Webb Simpson - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Emiliano Grillo - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Taylor Pendrith - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Kevin Tway - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Pullout Albums
      Rory McIlroy - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      New Cobra equipment truck - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Eric Cole's custom Cameron putter - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Custom Cameron putter - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Matt Kuchar's custom Bettinardi - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Justin Thomas - driver change - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Rickie Fowler - putter change - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Rickie Fowler's new custom Odyssey Jailbird 380 putter – 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Tommy Fleetwood testing a TaylorMade Spider Tour X (with custom neck) – 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Cobra Darkspeed Volition driver – 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
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