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009, is it just me?


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The best players in the world trust their Tour Camerons to make a living. They can choose to play anything they want, how do you put a price on the confidence that produces?

Did you ever consider that they play Tour Camerons because they can play anything they want?


What would they play if they had to purchase their own gear with their own, meager funds? That is the real question...


I'm not sure if we're on the same page here? A tour player can play anything they want, a majority of them choose a Cameron, therefore Cameron must produce one hell of a putter for players who play for a living to choose them.


I don't know what they would play if they had to pay for it, some may spend the cash for a Tour Cameron because it's that important, others may not. I think it just all boils down to a personal decision.

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The best players in the world trust their Tour Camerons to make a living. They can choose to play anything they want, how do you put a price on the confidence that produces?



But then, the best players in the world don't pay for them.


Gosh, the 009 looks like a great piece of kit and if it fit my stroke, I'd love to buy one. But then, the $2,500 would make me say, "whoa, what am I paying for and do I consider that important?"


Well, even though the 009 does fit my stroke, stampings are not important to me, the antique finishes are not important to me and the exclusivity is not important to me. How about results? Putting confidence? Well, I'd look around at the market and say, "are there other makers that will give me as much confidence for a better price? For me, the answer is a resounding "yes!" and I will buy that putter custom fit for me with the weight, material, hosel, finish, etc that I want for 1/6 the price.


Cameron lovers won't respond with the same answers as I did - more power to them. They have a different set of values.


That's what makes the world go round.


The best players don't have to pay for them, but since they're playing for a living, one could guess they would make the investment if they believed it would help them more cash in the long run. I don't think tour players choose a Cameron because it's "an expensive putter they don't have to pay for" but because it is the best choice from all the free putters they have at their hands.


Now for the amateur, like you state, it's completely different. I think you have very good reasons for not owning a tour Cameron. Personally, for me, as a complete putter ho, spending that much money on a putter that's known as the "best in the business" (or one of) was inspiration to stop buying so many different putters, stick with one, and just concentrate on the hole. For some, it's a mental thing, and others it is a artpiece/collection/investment game.


Anyway you go, it's disappointing some people are so critical of how others choose to spend their money.

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Aren't the "why spend $2,500 on an 009", "what is so special about an 009", "the 009 is a copy of the DaleHead" and similar threads getting just a touch old?


Bottom line is that there are those who want one and will pay the price, and there are those who won't for whatever reason. Maybe it's the price, maybe their OTR is better for their, maybe Scotty Cameron stole their high school girlfriend, etc.


But really, guys, IMO this discussion is so freaking tired. If I had to guess, this is probably one of the single most discussed topics taking up bandwidth here. And given we pay nothing to use this site, maybe we should move on to a different, fresher discussion, one in which there seems to be a more constructive outcome.


Just my 2 cents!

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that has nothing to do with what a 009 costs versus what you pay for your tour clubs......first noone really cares how much you spent on your clubs, second there are less than 500 009's out there, all unique in their own way, they will never ever come to retail or be an OTR model so there is no pricepoint to do a ratio to as you have done. I agree prices are steep on 009's, but for the rareness, stamps, and craftmanship they are the best putters out there IMHO, yes I collect camerons and may sound biased, but I am sure there is something you do or collect that I would probably haggle you over as well, but I dont so why all of the hate and griping on the 009's lately? I think if you want to try one then fork out the 2500 and buy one, if you dont like it a few months or weeks down the road you can always put it up here, the cameron collector, or ebay and get your money back without a problem. I know for sure you will not take a loss like you would if you tried to sell your 2000 dollar tour irons you have invested in :crazy:

First, is there a reason that you are being a wanker? Comments like

first noone really cares how much you spent on your clubs
make you look like an a**. I didn't put the prices there to impress you, I put them there as an example - see, that's one of the things one uses when making an argument.


You come around a little with

but for the rareness, stamps, and craftmanship they are the best putters out there IMHO
and actually make some sense - thank you for that. You realize that stampings on a putter may make it more collectable, or slightly more attractive, but they don't help you roll the ball any better, right? Well, I'm not a putter collector - although I probably have over 40 putters, that doesn't make me a collector, it makes me a guy who is still looking for the right putter.


I think if you want to try one then fork out the 2500 and buy one
I never said I hadn't tried one, you're assuming that, and you are wrong. While I agree that they may hold there value better than my tour irons, I use my tour irons every time I practice or play. Don't expect prices to continue to rise - people have been doing that for a long time with other things - stocks, real estate, etc, and have gotten burned. Since you don't have any information in your profile, it's hard to tell how old you are - your post makes it seem as if you are pretty young, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.


I expressed no "hate" for the clubs, their maker, or owners - I gave my opinion on value - it's a putter, bud - just trying to make some of the real "haters" see how other people might think.


Have a nice day. ;)


edit for spelling/grammer - try it sometime :kewlpics:

really, there is nothing quite as good as someone spelling grammar as grammEr while being a sactimonious Word not allowed about spelling/grammar. This is also the same guy who thinks that ridiculous is spelled rEdiculous. Even though half the dimwits here spell it the same way, they don't try to be the spelling police.


He shoots..............he scores!



Wow....that was amazing. You are my new hero.



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Lot of jealous people if you ask me. People who own 009's buy them to collect them and sometime use them. It's the same for people who collect baseball cards, coins, stamps or anything else. It's what is important to you that matters. It's really that simple. I bet the same people who bash Cameron collectors wish they had that much disposable income to spend on a putter (or other items in life). If you ask me a $2,500 putter is a better investment than a $2,500 baseball card. What the heck can you do with a baseball card?


And the guy who listed all the expensive golf clubs he bought, how is that any different than spending a couple of grand for a 009? Your analogy did not make any sense.



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Aren't the "why spend $2,500 on an 009", "what is so special about an 009", "the 009 is a copy of the DaleHead" and similar threads getting just a touch old?


Bottom line is that there are those who want one and will pay the price, and there are those who won't for whatever reason. Maybe it's the price, maybe their OTR is better for their, maybe Scotty Cameron stole their high school girlfriend, etc.


But really, guys, IMO this discussion is so freaking tired. If I had to guess, this is probably one of the single most discussed topics taking up bandwidth here. And given we pay nothing to use this site, maybe we should move on to a different, fresher discussion, one in which there seems to be a more constructive outcome.


Just my 2 cents!



best thing said in this thread all day long :crazy:

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Hey, like I said earlier, if $2500 putters float yer boat, then by all means get as many as you can. Personally, I don't think I could ever bring myself to play with a $2500 putter. I wouldn't be able to concentrate on my game in fear that I'd either drop it on the cart path or scratch it up somehow.


On second thought, that's pretty good "strategery": The next time I play someone for money, I'll see if they have an 009 in their bag. If they do I'll ask to see it, and like a hack, accidentally drop it on the cart path or practice my putting stroke with it and scuff the bottom on the cart path, and the match will be mine! They won't be able to see because of the tears that'll be flowing! There could also be a fight as well! :crazy:

Sim 9° Diamana Limited 
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Adams Idea Pro 22°
Hogan Icons 4-P
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The best players in the world trust their Tour Camerons to make a living. They can choose to play anything they want, how do you put a price on the confidence that produces?



But then, the best players in the world don't pay for them.


Gosh, the 009 looks like a great piece of kit and if it fit my stroke, I'd love to buy one. But then, the $2,500 would make me say, "whoa, what am I paying for and do I consider that important?"


Well, even though the 009 does fit my stroke, stampings are not important to me, the antique finishes are not important to me and the exclusivity is not important to me. How about results? Putting confidence? Well, I'd look around at the market and say, "are there other makers that will give me as much confidence for a better price? For me, the answer is a resounding "yes!" and I will buy that putter custom fit for me with the weight, material, hosel, finish, etc that I want for 1/6 the price.


Cameron lovers won't respond with the same answers as I did - more power to them. They have a different set of values.


That's what makes the world go round.


The best players don't have to pay for them, but since they're playing for a living, one could guess they would make the investment if they believed it would help them more cash in the long run. I don't think tour players choose a Cameron because it's "an expensive putter they don't have to pay for" but because it is the best choice from all the free putters they have at their hands.





I don't know about that... given a wide selection of very capable putters, I'd always choose the one that was free and rare as a perk of my job.

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Lot of jealous people if you ask me. People who own 009's buy them to collect them and sometime use them. It's the same for people who collect baseball cards, coins, stamps or anything else. It's what is important to you that matters. It's really that simple. I bet the same people who bash Cameron collectors wish they had that much disposable income to spend on a putter (or other items in life). If you ask me a $2,500 putter is a better investment than a $2,500 baseball card. What the heck can you do with a baseball card?


Well... (assuming you are actually buying the putter as an investment) about as much as you can with the putter.


And the guy who listed all the expensive golf clubs he bought, how is that any different than spending a couple of grand for a 009? Your analogy did not make any sense.




Actually, it made perfect sense. I don't necessarily agree, but it made sense.

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With regard to the price and whether or not an 009 or any other tour putter is "gamed", I think you'll find that many people actually use these putters and don't just leave them in a putter rack.


With the Custom Shop's capabilities to restore a putter to its original glory, finish wear, slight dings and other blemishes can be removed for under $200.


Here's a question I always like to ask? Would you buy an expensive sports car (Porsche, Ferrari, etc.) and just park it in the garage, or would you drive it?

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With regard to the price and whether or not an 009 or any other tour putter is "gamed", I think you'll find that many people actually use these putters and don't just leave them in a putter rack.


With the Custom Shop's capabilities to restore a putter to its original glory, finish wear, slight dings and other blemishes can be removed for under $200.


Here's a question I always like to ask? Would you buy an expensive sports car (Porsche, Ferrari, etc.) and just park it in the garage, or would you drive it?

Me personally, I'd drive it.


I'd also game the 009.


Since I can't afford either, its moot. I do know that many Cameron collectors do not play their sticks - a refinish lowers the value. And many Ferrari's never see pavement. They live in climate controlled garages under perfect lighting.


Just like the Ferraris and Porsches, if a Tour Cameron is what floats your boat, who the hell cares. It's your money. If you promise not to spend mine, I don't care how you spend yours :crazy:

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Aren't the "why spend $2,500 on an 009", "what is so special about an 009", "the 009 is a copy of the DaleHead" and similar threads getting just a touch old?


Bottom line is that there are those who want one and will pay the price, and there are those who won't for whatever reason. Maybe it's the price, maybe their OTR is better for their, maybe Scotty Cameron stole their high school girlfriend, etc.


But really, guys, IMO this discussion is so freaking tired. If I had to guess, this is probably one of the single most discussed topics taking up bandwidth here. And given we pay nothing to use this site, maybe we should move on to a different, fresher discussion, one in which there seems to be a more constructive outcome.


Just my 2 cents!


You are right about this site being free to use, and I don't want to appear rude, however if you think the topic is tired you don't have to continue to post on this topic. (don't take this the wrong way)

I personally like the look of the putter and I believe that many people that like an Anser style putter, can appreciate the 009. Is it worth the money? Who know's or cares

It very much fits the Cameron "1st of 500" high price marketing theme along with the Cameron museum for jewellery presentation.




Originally the topic wasn't about the putter but about the putter topics appearing on this forum, I still think Caligula has a point!! :crazy:

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that has nothing to do with what a 009 costs versus what you pay for your tour clubs......first noone really cares how much you spent on your clubs, second there are less than 500 009's out there, all unique in their own way, they will never ever come to retail or be an OTR model so there is no pricepoint to do a ratio to as you have done. I agree prices are steep on 009's, but for the rareness, stamps, and craftmanship they are the best putters out there IMHO, yes I collect camerons and may sound biased, but I am sure there is something you do or collect that I would probably haggle you over as well, but I dont so why all of the hate and griping on the 009's lately? I think if you want to try one then fork out the 2500 and buy one, if you dont like it a few months or weeks down the road you can always put it up here, the cameron collector, or ebay and get your money back without a problem. I know for sure you will not take a loss like you would if you tried to sell your 2000 dollar tour irons you have invested in :crazy:

First, is there a reason that you are being a wanker? Comments like

first noone really cares how much you spent on your clubs
make you look like an a**. I didn't put the prices there to impress you, I put them there as an example - see, that's one of the things one uses when making an argument.


You come around a little with

but for the rareness, stamps, and craftmanship they are the best putters out there IMHO
and actually make some sense - thank you for that. You realize that stampings on a putter may make it more collectable, or slightly more attractive, but they don't help you roll the ball any better, right? Well, I'm not a putter collector - although I probably have over 40 putters, that doesn't make me a collector, it makes me a guy who is still looking for the right putter.


I think if you want to try one then fork out the 2500 and buy one
I never said I hadn't tried one, you're assuming that, and you are wrong. While I agree that they may hold there value better than my tour irons, I use my tour irons every time I practice or play. Don't expect prices to continue to rise - people have been doing that for a long time with other things - stocks, real estate, etc, and have gotten burned. Since you don't have any information in your profile, it's hard to tell how old you are - your post makes it seem as if you are pretty young, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.


I expressed no "hate" for the clubs, their maker, or owners - I gave my opinion on value - it's a putter, bud - just trying to make some of the real "haters" see how other people might think.


Have a nice day. ;)


edit for spelling/grammer - try it sometime :kewlpics:

really, there is nothing quite as good as someone spelling grammar as grammEr while being a sactimonious Word not allowed about spelling/grammar. This is also the same guy who thinks that ridiculous is spelled rEdiculous. Even though half the dimwits here spell it the same way, they don't try to be the spelling police.

LOLOLOLOL!!! Guess I should check a little closer before being a dimwitted a**!! Great 2nd post!

In my defense, it's a tad harder to do when the freaking post is way too long! Good catch - I can't even go and change it now! LOL!


Any thoughts on the discussion? :idhitit:

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And the guy who listed all the expensive golf clubs he bought, how is that any different than spending a couple of grand for a 009? Your analogy did not make any sense.




Sorry you didn't get it, Steve - I was trying to show the difference in cost between retail and tour - if the retail irons would have cost me $1000, and I paid $2000, I paid twice retail for them. If a retail Cammy were available for $350, and I had to spend $2500 for a tour, that is over 7 times retail - too much in my opinion - I hope that makes more sense, and that I spelled everything correctly...

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Let's be honest. Everyone on this forum is smart enough to know that people spend money on their hobbies, whatever they may be, and people collect things. I like to spend money on new and vintage stereo equipment, for example. People on this site would think I am crazy if they knew how much I will spend on a set of speakers or a tuner from the 1970's. I trade them too, just like people trade Camerons. There are websites devoted to buying, selling and trading vintage stereo equipment.


If people want to talk about why they like or dislike the 009, that seems appropriate. But why are we discussing collecting things generally and spending lots of money on golf equipment? Is it simply to get a rise out of people (which is my speculation)? The fact that we are posting on this forum already shows that we are into golf equipment way beyond the average player. It's analagous to a comic book collector making fun of other people who collect comics (albeit different ones) at a comic book convention.

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Aren't the "why spend $2,500 on an 009", "what is so special about an 009", "the 009 is a copy of the DaleHead" and similar threads getting just a touch old?


Bottom line is that there are those who want one and will pay the price, and there are those who won't for whatever reason. Maybe it's the price, maybe their OTR is better for their, maybe Scotty Cameron stole their high school girlfriend, etc.


But really, guys, IMO this discussion is so freaking tired. If I had to guess, this is probably one of the single most discussed topics taking up bandwidth here. And given we pay nothing to use this site, maybe we should move on to a different, fresher discussion, one in which there seems to be a more constructive outcome.


Just my 2 cents!


You are right about this site being free to use, and I don't want to appear rude, however if you think the topic is tired you don't have to continue to post on this topic. (don't take this the wrong way)

I personally like the look of the putter and I believe that many people that like an Anser style putter, can appreciate the 009. Is it worth the money? Who know's or cares

It very much fits the Cameron "1st of 500" high price marketing theme along with the Cameron museum for jewellery presentation.




Originally the topic wasn't about the putter but about the putter topics appearing on this forum, I still think Caligula has a point!! :crazy:


No offense taken, and I hope you don't take any with this comment. You registered as a user only a few months ago and have about 65 posts. It's pretty obvious you haven't seen as many of these threads as I and many others have. If you do a search for "Cameron 009" or "Cameron tour putter" you will find countless threads involving the topics discussed in this thread.


Maybe I didn't specify it, but before someone starts a new thread on a topic, perhaps it's best to search and see if said topic has already been discussed. That's one of the benefits of having a "search" function. And in this case, the 009 debate has been discussed several times with the same type posts from people on both sides of the fence. This particular thread is just a re-hash of everything that's been discussed for the last year or two.

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Aren't the "why spend $2,500 on an 009", "what is so special about an 009", "the 009 is a copy of the DaleHead" and similar threads getting just a touch old?


Bottom line is that there are those who want one and will pay the price, and there are those who won't for whatever reason. Maybe it's the price, maybe their OTR is better for their, maybe Scotty Cameron stole their high school girlfriend, etc.


But really, guys, IMO this discussion is so freaking tired. If I had to guess, this is probably one of the single most discussed topics taking up bandwidth here. And given we pay nothing to use this site, maybe we should move on to a different, fresher discussion, one in which there seems to be a more constructive outcome.


Just my 2 cents!


You are right about this site being free to use, and I don't want to appear rude, however if you think the topic is tired you don't have to continue to post on this topic. (don't take this the wrong way)

I personally like the look of the putter and I believe that many people that like an Anser style putter, can appreciate the 009. Is it worth the money? Who know's or cares

It very much fits the Cameron "1st of 500" high price marketing theme along with the Cameron museum for jewellery presentation.




Originally the topic wasn't about the putter but about the putter topics appearing on this forum, I still think Caligula has a point!! :crazy:


No offense taken, and I hope you don't take any with this comment. You registered as a user only a few months ago and have about 65 posts. It's pretty obvious you haven't seen as many of these threads as I and many others have. If you do a search for "Cameron 009" or "Cameron tour putter" you will find countless threads involving the topics discussed in this thread.


Maybe I didn't specify it, but before someone starts a new thread on a topic, perhaps it's best to search and see if said topic has already been discussed. That's one of the benefits of having a "search" function. And in this case, the 009 debate has been discussed several times with the same type posts from people on both sides of the fence. This particular thread is just a re-hash of everything that's been discussed for the last year or two.


No problem mate, I understand you point about my limited experience on the forum, and you are right. However my original post would have been hard to search for, as it related to relationships between new threads and not directly about the 009. I hope this makes sense.


Perhaps we actually agree about endless arguments on this subject but in an open forum people can comment about what is relevant to them now. And some can read reply or ignore. If My original post had been left to 2 or three replies it would have run it's course.


As a side note:

If I said that I had just bought a putter (any type) would you suggest that I visit old posts to discuss or view the spec?

IMO people would happily jump in and comment and not politely suggest that I search the forums. however regarding this subject different conditions seem to apply.

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If someone is interested in a topic, searching first and seeing if a recent topic exist is a reasonable request. Adding a comment to an existing thread keeps the topic alive and lets others read and understand where people are coming from or already weighed in.

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The high price is largely a marketing tool. Price is linked to quality in most people's minds; higher price = better quality. The exact same putter priced @ $800 would not garner the attention it does. It is the same phenomena with Ozik shafts, a $1,000 shaft simply has to be more advanced, higher quality, and just generally better in people's minds.


From a collectability/rareness standpoint, the prices are staying up there and the investment is a good one. From a purely playing standpoint it isn't. A fully custom Mills or Byron has the weight, lie and length the player needs. It also has whatever stamps, paintfill and often finish the player wants. A 009 probably doesn't. The quality being made one at a time by true craftsmen is every bit as good as the 009 at a mere fraction of the price.


That being said, if someone wants to lay down their $2500 for an 009, more power to them. It is their money and they aren't hurting anyone.

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We are all here because we love golf and we love golf equipment.


Buying camerons or anything golf for the matter is no different from a stamp collector spending 100's or even 1000's of dollars just to have the stamp to look at. That is enjoyment.


Using another analogy, why do people spend millions for a painting? Because they can and it's a pleasure to look at. I buy Camerons and Bettinardis not necessary to game them, but it's sheer pleasure just looking at them sometimes.


IMO if you can afford it, go for it. If you can't don't bash others. If you can afford and don't want to, it's your choice.




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The high price is largely a marketing tool. Price is linked to quality in most people's minds; higher price = better quality. The exact same putter priced @ $800 would not garner the attention it does. It is the same phenomena with Ozik shafts, a $1,000 shaft simply has to be more advanced, higher quality, and just generally better in people's minds.


From a collectability/rareness standpoint, the prices are staying up there and the investment is a good one. From a purely playing standpoint it isn't. A fully custom Mills or Byron has the weight, lie and length the player needs. It also has whatever stamps, paintfill and often finish the player wants. A 009 probably doesn't. The quality being made one at a time by true craftsmen is every bit as good as the 009 at a mere fraction of the price.


That being said, if someone wants to lay down their $2500 for an 009, more power to them. It is their money and they aren't hurting anyone.

One of the most well stated posts I've ever read. Thanks!


The marketing tipping point for golf products is so low that it only takes a few people to influence the masses. The 009 is a great putter and found it's place in the public mind very easily. Cameron/Titleist are marketing masters.

Many Byron Putters
Scratch Don Whites
Scratch Jeff McCoys
[url="http://www.golfwrx.com/forums/topic/646544-finalists-witb-452013-damascus-byron-scratch-td/page__hl__%20finalist"]WITB Link[/url]

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What I notice now is the other manufactures are rolling out more expensive putters in the $300 range (Nike, Taylor Made, Ping, Mizuno). They realize that many golfers will pay that amount for a Scotty so they are coming out with new putter lines to try and take some of that high end market. Maybe Ping will come out with a limited Tour model putter someday and try and sell it for $2000. When they do I hope all you Cameron bashers remember this post and bash Ping and their consumers for "spending foolishly".


I think this is a silly topic to bash 009's and the people who buy them. No one is saying a 009 games or is 10 times better quality than a typical putter. Even the biggest Cameron fans in the world would admit that. It's all about the have and have nots. Some people have $2,000 to spend on a putter and some don't. The 009 is considered putter art, it's a classic. The same reason why some people buy Mercedes and others buy a Ford. Not really that difficult to figure out...



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Not many posts for me, but I need to chime in here. Those 009s are purdy but there are more expensive Scottys out there. The GSS and garage putters all sell for over $5k. Are they worth that much money for a putter? Of course not. But who cares? It should only matter to the people who are spending the money on them. I do wish that Scotty would make a OTR carbon Newport. :)

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What I notice now is the other manufactures are rolling out more expensive putters in the $300 range (Nike, Taylor Made, Ping, Mizuno). They realize that many golfers will pay that amount for a Scotty so they are coming out with new putter lines to try and take some of that high end market. Maybe Ping will come out with a limited Tour model putter someday and try and sell it for $2000. When they do I hope all you Cameron bashers remember this post and bash Ping and their consumers for "spending foolishly".


I think this is a silly topic to bash 009's and the people who buy them. No one is saying a 009 games or is 10 times better quality than a typical putter. Even the biggest Cameron fans in the world would admit that. It's all about the have and have nots. Some people have $2,000 to spend on a putter and some don't. The 009 is considered putter art, it's a classic. The same reason why some people buy Mercedes and others buy a Ford. Not really that difficult to figure out...





You're "it's all about the have and have nots" philosophy is a bit too elitist for me. :)


Some would also say that a Fool and his Money are soon departed.


And this is probably the case for many . . . but justify it any way you like for your peace of mind. :)


But for many of us, have and have nots is an idiotic analogy -- it assumes that if we "had it," that we'd buy a 009. Well, many of us "have it," but choose not to buy it because we believe another putter really "has it."

Father, Wannabe Golfer, Novelist


  • Ping G430 Max 9/TPT 19Hi @45.25
  • Ping G430 3 wd/TPT 19 Hi
  • Callaway Paradym 18 w/TPTGolf 18 Hi
  • Ping G430 4H & 5H w/TPTGolf Hybrid Shaft
  • Ping i230 6-PW Recoil Dart 90
  • Artisan 50, 55, 59 w/ Nippon 105 Wedge
  • Putter:  LAB Cobalt Blue DF3 w/TPT Shaft
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    • Tiger Woods - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Tiger Woods - WITB - 2024 US Open
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    • 2024 US Open - Discussion and Links to Photos
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      General Albums
      2024 US Open - Monday #1
      WITB Albums
      Tiger Woods - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Edoardo Molinari - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Logan McAllister - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Bryan Kim - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Richard Mansell - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Jackson Buchanan - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Carter Jenkins - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Parker Bell - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Omar Morales - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Neil Shipley - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Casey Jarvis - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Carson Schaake - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Pullout Albums

      Tiger Woods on the range at Pinehurst on Monday – 2024 U.S. Open
      Newton Motion shaft - 2024 US Open
      Cameron putter covers - 2024 US Open
      New UST Mamiya Linq shaft - 2024 US Open


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    • Titleist GT drivers - 2024 the Memorial Tournament
      Early in hand photos of the new GT2 models t the truck.  As soon as they show up on the range in player's bags we'll get some better from the top photos and hopefully some comparison photos against the last model.
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    • 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Discussion and Links to Photos
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      General Albums
      2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Monday #1
      2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Tuesday #1
      2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Tuesday #2
      2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Tuesday #3
      WITB Albums
      Keith Mitchell - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Rafa Campos - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      R Squared - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Martin Laird - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Paul Haley - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Tyler Duncan - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Min Woo Lee - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Austin Smotherman - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Lee Hodges - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Sami Valimaki - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Pullout Albums
      Eric Cole's newest custom Cameron putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      New Super Stroke Marvel comic themed grips - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Ben Taylor's custom Cameron putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Tyler Duncan's Axis 1 putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Cameron putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Chris Kirk's new Callaway Opus wedges - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      ProTC irons - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Dragon Skin 360 grips - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Cobra prototype putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      SeeMore putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
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    • 2024 PGA Championship - Discussion and Links to Photos
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      General Albums
      2024 PGA Championship - Monday #1
      WITB Albums
      Michael Block - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Patrick Reed - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Cam Smith - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Brooks Koepka - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Josh Speight - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Takumi Kanaya - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Kyle Mendoza - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Adrian Meronk - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jordan Smith - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jeremy Wells - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jared Jones - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      John Somers - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Larkin Gross - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Tracy Phillips - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jon Rahm - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Keita Nakajima - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Kazuma Kobori - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      David Puig - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Ryan Van Velzen - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Pullout Albums
      Ping putter covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Bettinardi covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Cameron putter covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Max Homa - Titleist 2 wood - 2024 PGA Championship
      Scotty Cameron experimental putter shaft by UST - 2024 PGA Championship
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