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Junior only - Callway X Tour Wedge Give away


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All you have to do is write...the wife picks a winner!!
In honor of the new offerings from Callaway being revealed today....and since golf season is coming up for most juniors...I thought I would put together a little give away.

The winner receives a 60 degree Callaway X Tour wedge (this is "tour" issued....with the Killer MD grooves of course). It measures 35.125" and has a D4 swingweight (this is how I ordered it, I never checked to make sure the specs were spot on, but it feels right to me). It has rusting on it...but it is not the Vintage finish...it was a Satin Chrome model that had the finish stripped completely off of it. It has a grind on it (I don't know what grind it is to be 100% honest, I simply said what I was looking for, and it was made for me. It also has a touch of heel and a touch of toe relief...also what I asked for.) It comes with the Black Chrome S400 shaft, and the GP New Decade Multicompound Blue grip.

So...now that the description of it is out of the way...now for the contest part. Let's go until the 25th of January (10 days should be plenty of time). All you have to do is write what your goals for this upcoming season are, what you are doing to achieve these goals, and how you think getting a new wedge will help you get there (if at all)...and post them in this thread. The only thing I ask, to the winner is, that you post some pictures of the club in your bag after you receive it. You can do whatever you want with it after that...play it, sell it, trade it on something else; it is 100% yours...just put up some pictures of it in your bag is all that I ask.

I will close the topic on the 25th, and my wife will read all of the entries to ensure total fairness and unbiasedness (if that is a word). Whoever she picks gets the club. And puts up pictures. That is it. Nothing else to it!

This is open to all junior golfers...be you junior high, high school, college, etc etc. Across the ponders...and everyone overseas actually...it is open to you all to. All you have to do is post a little bit about working towards your goals...and the winner gets a wedge. With B's all over it. And all of us at GolfWRX get pictures of it...in a new home. Fair enough? Good luck to all who enter!


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My goals for the upcoming season are to get my competitive scoring average down 3 strokes. I also want to add 15 yards to my drive so I can keep up on those long courses. Win 2 tournaments this summer. And in the fall, finish in the top 10 of a college event.

How I plan to achieve these goals are to continue my three day a week workout plan to gain those 15 yards. Also dedicate half of my practice time to short game, as well as, continue to get instruction from my local club pro. This will help me with my other goals of 2 tournament wins, dropping three strokes, and finishing in the top ten of a college event.

If I win this wedge it will help me because if I like it I will keep it . On the other hand if I do not like it I would sell it and put the money towards some more lessons from my pro.


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I have quite a few goals this season, which include get better inside 50yards, make it to state, get #1 in conference shoot out. get down to a 3 handicap and improve my ball striking quite a bit. Right now i'm around an 8. I think this wedge would improve my game because I don't have a 60* therefore I have to hit 56's inside 50 yards where if I had a 60* I could use this. Also, because there are some shots in greenside bunkers that i need a 60*. For example I was in conference, I was in a greenside bunker. The bunker was very hard, I didn't have a 60 so I had to use my 56 and I proceeded to hit 2 balls into the water which was infront of the green. I took a 10 on this hole. This 60* would only make my game better. This club would only make my short game more precise. I'm not the greatest golfer so I am just trying to get better and this club would make this goal happen.I also appericate you putting your club up here its greatly appericated.
I plan to acheive my goals by practicing everyday and hitting alot of balls.Like most people say PRACTICE EQUALS PERFECT. In the summer I will be entering quite a few tournaments. I will probably even go on the Callaway Jr Tour. I will spend 1 1/2hours each day hitting 100 yards and in and practicing short game which will lower my handicap and help me get into state. Then, I will proceed to hit range balls until I get my ball striking where I can hit my irons consistent enough to my standards.

Thank you once again,


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Having just completed my final year of high school in Australia, and taking a significant amount of time off from golf because of study, my game has become a little rusty. However, this year, my first year of university, I shall have much more time to play and practice.

Playing off a handicap of 5 under the Australian Golf Union handicapping system (which I believe to be the same as the European system), I am currently on the fringe of making the pennant team for my club. For those who do not know about this pennant competition run by the Victorian Golf Association, it consists of weekly matches between different golf clubs in your division. It is very similar to the Presidents Cup except that it only consists of singles matches! Our club is currently in Division 1 in both the Colts (under 24) and the Seniors (Open). This competition has a great depth of talent, including leading Australian Amateurs and past players going on to becoming professionals including Geoff Ogilvy and Aaron Baddely.

Now it is my goal to make the colts team, of which the highest marker last season was off a handicap of 2. If I make it, it will be a great honour to finally represent my club, not only because of the talent and skill in the competition, but because it means that I have achieved more than any of the others in the team in terms of golf AND study. For me, that means considerably improving my short game because it once used to be the best facet of my game by far. In recent times I have realized that the bane of my lobbing and chipping and bunker shots (for those that require it), has been my 6 year old lob wedge. I love my Cleveland 900 RTG but the grooves are literally gone, so my shots don't spin as I expect them to.

My practice routine consists of a majority of short game practice around our club's short game area. Bunker shots, pitches, chips. To make it interesting (and since the green on this practice green is as good as any other green on the course), I play 18 holes of short game. That is I give myself a typical up and down shot and I try to make the up and down, whether it be easy, moderate or difficult. At the moment my score for 18 is averaging around 46 but I really need to get it down to at least 40 according to my coach. (That means missing only 4 up and downs)


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I'm going to start off by saying that Im 16 years old, and a 6 or 1 handicap depending on which handicapping system you use. My goals for this season are as follows:
Improve my driving and all tee shots
Improve my short irons
Improve my wedge game
Improve my chipping and pitching
Improve my putting
Get noticed by US college coaches

Now you're probably saying to yourself that htis kid is a dreamer, no way is he going to do all this, but I will. And, most importantly, I [b]will[/b] do this because I [b]know[/b] I will. I know I have the fire and drive within me to do this, and for me this is the year that I pretty much have to perform. I'm in junior year, and my dream is to get a golf scholarship to a college in the US and play and practice with the best facilities and have the best coaches to help me in my drive to improve. I have just joined a new club, fees coming out of my own pocket I may add, in an attempt to surround myself by better players, a better standard golf course and more adequate facilities for what I want out of my game. Already I spend 2 nights a week on the driving range, and both weekend days are spent at the golf course, playing and practicing short game (there's a practice green that already this year I've spent 4 hours at a time, just chipping and putting with my iPod, totally cut off from the world), and this is deepest darkest winter! When summer comes, I just live down at the course, working (the real serious people know that this is an appropriate verb :)) and working on improving myself. I'll be honest now, if I get this wedge, I'm most likely gonna give it to my bro or dad because I have no use for a Tour Issue wedge, cool as it looks, I'm happy enough with the wedge I have. But I do know that the money generated would help me with range balls, gloves and other such expenses that living for golf is all about, because one way or another, I'm getting better in 08.

As a postscript, I gotta say that that wedge looks ubercool, I love what you're doing for us juniors as it's rare you'll find a person in this day and age who'll do such a thing for anyone, let alone somebody he has never physically met. Oh and Mrs.TheLama? You rock! :(

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There are a few goals that I am trying to achive this year. My mine focus for the entire year is to qualify for both the US Junior Amuteur and the Public Links Championship. On top of that it would be nice to place top five in a AJGA tournament. Other than that it would be nive to win 7 or 8 tournaments through different organizations throughout the state. Lastly I want to try and improve my wedge along with my ball striking.



Cobra Speedzone 9* w/ Tensei Pro White 70x
Mizuno ST200 15* w/Accra TZ5 100x Prototype
Taylormade P790 2i w/Recoil 120x Prototype
Mizuno JPX 919 Hot Metal Pro 4i-5i w/DG X7
Mizuno JPX 919 Forged 6i-PW w/DG X7
Mizuno S18 50*/57* w/DG X100
Callaway MD5 64* w/DG S400
Kevin Burns Custom 9304

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Well I have a lot of goals for 2008.

1st off is the gym aspect. I've been going for a couple months now and I want to make sure to go the rest of the year, in order to become stronger and more toned. Which will help my golf game and just improve life in general, cause it's always good to be healthy. Which is why I'm going is cause I'm in pretty good shape and want to stay that way the rest of my life and golf until I pass away.

Next is get my handicap to a 9 or better, hopefully a 7. I'm at a 16.4 index right now. I plan on doing it like this..
1. I want to get lessons from a local pro.
2. Go to the indoor golf training center as much as I can the next few months.
3. Practice short game, short game, and more short game, and I don't currently have a 60* which would be great
cause I can see were it would come in handy.
4. Play and practice as much as I can, so I can get better and practice makes perfect.
5. Play more competive golf, as in High School and local events so I can get more experience so in a year or 2 so I
can do AJGA events and what not.
6. Have fun doing it, I love playing with my friends and my dad and practice. Cause I love doing it and want to
make a career out of it (head pro)

We'll I'd say those are my goals as far as golf goes. Another one is to end up with an overall average of 92 or better and that's about it. Thanks for giving me and the rest of the junior golfers here an opportunity like this, it's so cool that your willing to do this for us.

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I'm 14 and have been playing for a year. I am the only one in my family that golfs and my parents dont show any interest into it at all. For christmas i asked for a 60* wedge and lessons. My mom said i didnt need either one of them and i ended up getting clothes for christmas. Aside from that golf is the most enjoyable game i play. In New Jersey its been around 40-50* for the last month or so and i have been out every week. My main goal this summer is too just manage to get around a course without carding an 8 or more on a hole pther than getting my driving and iron and basically my whole game in sync. I would also like to sharpen my game inside 60 yeards and with this wedge i think it will be vital to helping me approve my goal. I can always take 1/2 and 1/4 swings with a sand wedge but i do not think i have hit 2 1/2 shots that had the same distance and trajectory. Honestly i am a much better full swing player. I am not the best player by any means but i just try to do a little bit better each time. Thanks for including us juniors in on a contest.

- Jaden

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Hi thank you for being nice to give a cool, wedge club to junior golfs. I'm 8 years old and right now I'm a 9.3 handicap. I love to playi golf and I won many tornamints. I win like 11 tornimients in the summer. I take som lessins about 1 every two months. I love playing golf, and I always come to the range and putting green for 1 our after scool each day to practic. On weekend I practice alot and i always play on the golf corse from the 5,975 yard golf tees. I average about 84-86 on the cours.

My goal in this years are

. To start to shhot into the 70's consistently.
. to win alot more torniments in the summer on JGANC tour
. to get a better short game, i hit the ball very great and i putting okay too, but chiiping i get messed up sometimes.
. to eat healthy food. i am in good shape for my age, but i eet lots of unhelty like sugar candy and chips
. my weekest part of the game is shot game and weges. I work on them alot, but i still mess up on the real course.

[/color][/size][size=3][color="#000000"]This wegde will help me alot[/color][/size][size=3][color="#000000"] (after I get new shaft: XPC J Junior Wedge Steel in it and it is my size), I will work on my short game more then aver. The grind seems pritty awsume. It will be cool to hit flop shots with it like Phil Mickleson does with his Callawy wegdes. Also, this wedg is sooo cool looking. The brown is i've never seen before on Callloway wegdes all the R's look awesome to show my friends.

I hope that you and your wife will be ncie enouff to choose me and help me to get my golfing to a better level. Maybe one day, i coud even be a pro! I could i think, i'v already won some hard turnimints thouhg.

Please help a young future star out! Thank you so much for this oppertunity!


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hey hows it going, im 16 years old from Brisbane Australia, i think i deserve the wedge coz with it i ll bring world peace and stop poverty in Africa haha. just kidding i play off a handicap of 3 so i would consider myself a decent player however when it comes to big junior tournaments my nerves get the better of me resulting in a poor performance.

so this would be one of my goals, to strengthen my mental side and gain more confidence wen i play. Another weakness i share with most golfers is accuracy off the tee (or anywhere for that matter lol) so i rely strongly on my short game and a 60* x tour wedge would be a perfect tool to have in the bag.

i come from a pretty average golf course, not that popular around the district its located in. not a lot of members and often overlooked as a golf course (in my opinion). however it does the job, 170metre range, average short game area, relatively small putting green. it doesnt concern me im just happy enough to live really close to the golf course (on the ninth!) and this gives me really accesible practce facilities. so for the upcoming season i would like to take advantage of this and practice harder and smarter at the same time.

i would also like to learn how to relax more on the golf course and learn to really enjoy the game in competition rather than striving to win all the time. i always see myself to be a great player when im older, i just know with a lot of hard work im destined to over come my mental flaws and long game errors to make a proffesional golfer,

Thanks for your time, :)

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I just wanted to say that this is a great gesture....while I would love to enter and possibly win the wedge.....I don't exactly NEED it.....I have had the great opportunity of usually getting what I need in terms of clubs.....so good luck to every one else....I'm sure someone will put it to good use.

Again, great gesture Brian!!!


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I have quite a few goals going into this season. For the highschool team, I want to get our team to play more like a team and not an individual everyman for themselve team. I want to take leadership and play like i deserve to be the spot im in (#1 position) as well as get my team to play together. On an individual note, i want to make it to the state championships. My number 1 goal is use AJGA exemptions usefully andstart to show top notch colleges that i can play. I want to also qualify for the US Amateur championship and junior Amateur.

thanks for the great oppurtunity

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First off, I'd like to give a big thank you to you and your wife for being so generous to us juniors who sometimes don't get alot of new golf things.

I'm 15 years old and I'm a 0.8 handicap right now. I started playing golf two years ago, and I am primarily self taught. I've taken a total of three lessons in my life. Two begginer ones, and one refresher. As you can tell, I work really hard you might have seen in some other threads. It's pretty difficult to get better when you can't really afford lessons all the time like other juniors. In the summers, I practice for 6-7 hours a day to improve my game.

Some of my goal for this years are:

-Make the Varsity golf team at my school this year. Last year, I'd only been playing for a few months when tryouts rolled around, but I still made the JV. Also, this is very difficult because I go to De La Salle in California, the school with the best golf team in the state. Also, there are already 9 returning Varsity players, and only 7 can be on the team, so 2 guys already on varsity will sit out. I practice very hard every day and play with the guys I will be going against to get on the team.

-Improve my short game. If my short game was decent, I'd easily be a scratch player. Sometimes, I'm hust too worried about the full swing too have time to practice short game. I have a great set of clubs, but my dad said it is pretty much all I get for like 5-6 years. My wedge is pretty rusty and worn out, as it it the same type of finish that's on this wedge. The grooves are shot, so this would be a great replacement. it'd help spin the ball more for shots closer to pins and knock off a few strokes. I think I could make the team this year with the additing of this 60* wedge. I am always trying to make an effort to practice more and spend more time on my short game. Chipping, bunker, full wedgea and other shots. With me, I use a 60* wedge from anywhe 75 yards and in, including chips and everything unlike some people, so I need a good 60* wedge like yours to accomplish all my shots.

-Having more shots in my game. As you can tell from my aignature, I have a Cleveland with the Dynamic Sole Grind for hitting flops. I like opening the face and being creative. It looks like the grind on this will be perfect suited for my needs.

Thank you so much for a great oppurtunity to get a new wedge and improve so much in our games. You are really doing a great thing here, and it is definitely much appreciated from all of us juniors on Golfwrx.


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I'm 16 years old carrying an approximate handicap of 12. I would love to cut it down to single digits, but the lack of practise time limits my scoring average. I am a very competetive rugby player, as I play provincial rugby in Ontario. My goals for this upcoming season will be to try my hardest to lower my handicap into single digits, and train to get into better physical shape. I think that my goals as a rugby player will help my golf game, both physically and mentally. The mental challenge that you receive when you play in front of big crowds will hopefully help me around the green where I tend to lose many strokes. Physically, even though I hit the ball quite far, I think that with the physical conditioning I will be going through, I will tighten up my swing to hopefully be more accurate both off the tee and the turf. My current lob wedge, a Cleveland 588 58*, was thoroughly used by a friend of mine that is one of the top juniors in Ontario. Hopefully, if I happen to win this contest and the new wedge, it will help me around the greens as my chips, pitches, and bunker shots do not check up as I would like. I would also like to add more variety to my short game, and work more on the flop shot that I love. This can be my first customized club, where a finish has been stripped and left to rust, and a grind was added. I dream of the day where I have the money to get fit for clubs, so I am hoping golfwrx will help me make a dream come true. Thank you for the opportunity of a life-time.

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well my goals for this year are simple yet will require work that is not physical
i play off of a 11 handicap
im quite happy with this
i can hit a ball on command with a draw, or fade or dead straight
the first five holes im golden, but after that i crumble like a bad suffle
the one part of my game that needs improvement is the mental part of if,
as much as i try to change my swing, or how i attack the course
the 6 inches between my ears become more like 2 feet and a complete disconnect occurs
though a new club might help for a little while, a honeymoon only lasts so long
i can ramble on about how i plan to practice 3 times a week in 2 hour sessions, and work out until im completely fit, but i know i wont be able to stick to this, since i have school, and that this would become boring to me
to improve the mental part of my game, and this is where it gets cheesy, will improve my life in a way (i warned you).
I do not have ADD or any mental disorder, but i dont stay focused long, and to concentrate on a little white ball for hopfully less than 85 strokes and 18 holes a round is almost an accomplishment in its self.
by this time all ive told you is what i want to accomplish, the only question left is the how.
now if i was slicing the ball badly i would make the necessary adjustments,
but to change the way i think, and change the impulses ive developed might be a bit tougher
maybe instead of trying to play the back tees, with a full bag, play the whites with a 7 iron, wedge and putter to learn course managment and to resist the urge to try and pull of the perfect shot that im not capable of
but talking through this on a internet post that a stranger will read, in hopes of a new wedge coming my way, has made me realize, all i do is think, think too much, i become a scientist with a compass and calculator trying to devise the perfect shot, instead of using feel and sensablilty,
well by know i think ive rambled on enough about how my mind is messed not only in the golfing sense, but the root of the problem again is thinking, so maybe ill stop thinking and in turn will bring an end to this.

ps. thanks for the opportunity and sorry for the ramblings of a 16 years old head case, but im fine, no worries

pps. thanks for making me decide what i need to change, and good luck to the winner

Jonny O

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First of all, I must say that this is a great gesture to make to all the junior golfers. It is one of my goals in life to be successful enough to have the opportunity to share my means with enterprising young golfers and people in general. My name is Andrew Gentle, I am 17 years old, and I live in a long distant land called New Zealand. I will share my goals for this year 2008, and the steps I put in place to achieve those goals.

Overall, 2007 was a moderately successful year for me on the course. The biggest step I made was making an effort to play in as many tournaments as I could. I figure the only way to be the best is to beat the best! In my first tournament of the year I was a bundle of nerves and I managed to amass three consecutive scores of 83, 83 & 83, thus earning the name “The Pizza Hut Kid”. After the shocking start, I managed to finish the year with a scoring average of 75.38 – all things considered, not bad.

In 2008, I plan to step my game up a level. I feel that with the experience from last year, I can now focus on scoring some solid finishes in the same tournaments I played last year. The biggest difference I noticed between the way I played in those tournaments compared with the players that were successful was, surprise surprise – the short game. Over the course of 2007, I learned that the short game truly is where the money is made.

The biggest change I set out to make in 2008 is to make my practice time more enjoyable. Too often when I practice I end up getting mentally tired and result in drawing nothing from the entire practice session. I want to make my practice a learning experience, and I will achieve this by incorporating games with myself on the range and practice green, and engaging in competition with the better players at our course. As I said before, the only way to be the best is to beat the best, even if it is only a putting competition for $2.

If I were to win the aforementioned Callaway X-Tour wedge, I feel that I could use it further increase my short game arsenal. The Mack-Daddy grooves featured on this wedge will definitely help my game, especially on the hard and fast courses that I encounter in the tournaments in my area. If I won the wedge, I would love to be able to run a similar competition to gift the club it will be replacing to another deserving junior.

Thanks again for this great opportunity; I am sure whoever wins this wedge will be grateful and use it to fulfill their dreams and goals for 2008.


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Firstly, a big thank you to Mr/Mrs Lama, for donating such a good prize, both valuable and hard to find. Also for opening the competition up to worldwide juniors we appreciate this very much.

I am going to state the same goals which i wrote in the other thread:

"Get down to around 2 (UK handicap) this year.
Get a consistent swing before the season starts so im not working on things throughout.
Somehow improve my putting, even if it means belly putter.
Keep working at short game.
Win some junior comps, like county champs. Last year of junior golf need a few wins.
Try and get in the U18 county line up."

To sum up my goals it is basically hard work which is needed, and a lot of practice, i think this is the same as nearly all other juniors on here.

The reason why this wedge would be a great benefit to me is not really the fact that is a tour issue club but the grind which the club has. In the UK we see a great variance of turf conditions from summer (rock hard) to winter (a swamp). the grind would allow me to use the club at all locations and all throughout the year. This is in fact what i currently do, but i feel as if i am leaving shots on the table when playing with specific equipment. I currently own the same x-tour wedge which is getting worn as it was a hand me down from my coach, i love the way it sits and the grooves well when they were sharp. this grid will also enable me to increase my arsenal of shots as the grind will allow different shots. I could go out and try and find a clubmaker to make a grind for me but these are hard to come by in the UK and very expensive, or could buy 2 sets of wedges, that would be expensive also.

Well thats my reason, but i hope that you and your wife choose the best candidate for a great gift.

Thanks Nathan

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Im going to keep this short and sweet.

Last year around this time i started playing really well, getting better and better, getting my handicap down, beating people i had never beat before, doing great at school, had great friends, life was great! Then i dipped in form a little bit, started loosing shots every round. Then it came to the junior opens where i played absolutly terrible. I went out in one tournement and didnt even bother putting my card in after shooting over what i would through 18 through just 9! That night i split up with my girlfriend and also found out my mum wasnt too well. All of that combined with not so good results at school didnt make things very fun. Things kept going from bad to worse with the golf until the end of the year when i found some form.
A year on and i have left school and am working full time. I have wonderful new friends at work, dont have the worries of school, the golfs going really well at the moment, and finally starting to get somewhere.

My goals for 2008 are simple, to have FUN! I want to go on the golf course and smile, just hit golf shots and have fun with my friends instead of thinking i have to hit this shot perfect or my world is over. I want to get my handicap as low as i can and have a great time doing it.

Just want to say this is increadibly genourous of you Brian, and i think shows what golf is all about. Good luck to everyone and reading through all of your goals just remember, whilst there all great aims, have fun achiving them! Thats what its all about!


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I am off 18 (about 12 in the USA).

My goals are
Get to single figures. I am a good putter and ball striker but the odd bad shot puts me in trouble.I have never actually broken 90 but I am sure I can do it. Just need to think my way round a bit. The odd ripped drive would help as well.
Improve my short game. I have recently read a few of Rotella's books and WOW! They put in perspective the importance of short game. I get up and down maybe a few times per round but sand saves are terrible. I can usually get it out but can't get the ball close.I need to take less putts but if I can knock the ball close with the wedge that should be easy.(Yeah, :(:) )

Get into good physical shape. I am pretty fit (don't like saying that) but you can always get fitter.

Get into my club team and hopefully get us into the top 5 in our league. My mate's team just came second in Britain. Sooooo jealous. :stinker: I AM going to be better than him!

Have fun. Too often I can get caught up in scoring to remember it is just a game. So what if I hit a bad shot or putt. It isn't the end of the world.It is just a game.

I think the wedge would help me because:
My old one (Benross forged) is rusting when it shouldn't.

One of my courses is short and hard. A wedge into almost every green is possible but without good grooves stopping the ball is impossible. Even some of our low guys(1,2) can't get spin.

My other course (hope that doesn't make me sound stuck up) Is longer but has no par 5' ,long 4's (450/460)and long 3's. Only one under 200. Getting up and down is crucial here as it is a tough course and scoring is tough. Being about a 7 iron from the sea is certainly a factor. :stinker:

I'd like to thank Mr/Mrs Lama for this oppertunity. :stinker:

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I would like to say thank you first and that this is a wonderful gift to anyone.
My goal for 2008 is quite simple. I would like to win an official golf tournament. I have won small tournaments that haven't counted for anything, but I want to win a real tournament. Here in Western Pennsylvania we do not have many golf tours or tournaments and when we do the competition is very strong. Most tournaments are for juniors from 12-18 so it's tough to even play competitive golf before the age twelve. I am fourteen years old and I have played in tournaments before but I was not as serious as about I am now. The best finish I have in a tournament is 7th, but I am not happy with that; I want to win.
To achieve my goal of winning an official tournament I am working very hard. I am working out everyday and gaining strength. I am putting around my house multiple times each day. I am also going to the driving range, playing golf, and chipping/pitching in my backyard. It is very hard to practice in the Pittsburgh winter with it being cold and snowy.
To achieve my goal I have also been learning about golf. I have been on this website every day and for several hours. I have also been reading golf magazines as well.
With this wedge it will go in to my bag immediately. I love the Callaway wedges and especially the MD grooves. I have other wedges but they are getting worn out very fast from all this practicing I am doing.


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thanks for the oppurtunity

some of my goals are:
get highschool scoring average down to evan par or better, was 38.3 last year
go to states and do well
help my teamates out with their game
become all-state
play college golf

what i am doing to accomplish this is that i am working with my swing instructor all through winter. i also have just started to lift weights for golf. practice as much as possible inbetween school. i think a new wedge would help my game by just having it. equipment has been changing so much, that if you do have the latest equipment i beleive it will help your game. i am also a big callaway fan.

thanks again

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Well to start, thanks for the great offer.

This year, my main goals are to improve my wedge play and putting. My ultimate goal for the year is to maintain a + handicap. I am going to try to save up my money for more tournaments this year, instead of equipment. To help achieve my goals, I will attempt to hit the practice green for at least and hour and a half a day. To help save up the money, I have asked my parents to keep possession of it.

I think this wedge will help me because it will be more versatile from tough lies and it will help me to save my money for more tournaments.

Once again, thanks for the offer,


<br />2017 M2 10.5 HZRDUS Black<br />2017 M2 HL HZRDUS Black<br /> 910h Tour AD-DI 85<br />P750 4-PW KBS C-Taper<br />Vokey SM-6<br />Edel E-2 Torque Balance<br />

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First off, I'd like to thank you for giving all of us this oppurtunity, and best of luck to everyone.

These are my goals-

To become a better putter.

To take my golf to the next level. (AJGA events and such things as that)

To Break par a few times.

To achieve these goals I am going to start working out twice a week, practicing every day (come spring), and focus more as I play.

I think this wedge would help me because the grooves on my 58* are wearing down and I am going to switch to a 60*. My bunker play has gone dowhill since the fall and I think the wedge would boost my confidence in bunkers and help me become better in bunkers.

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I would have to say that my goal for 2008 has nothing to do with golf, but more with a relationship with the big man upstairs. Becuase I believe that through [b]worship, prayer, hard work, and dedication[/b], anything is possible. The last year was rough, therefore I want to take time to look at things that are really important in life, which does include golf within reason in my life because I have such a passion for it.

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I just started college this year and didn't get to play in the fall as my school i WAS at folded it's team, but I learnt a lot, regrouped and moved down to NC to play. Before all the goals, as my parents remind me constantly, schooling comes first, and I've owned upto this for them maintaining a 3.85 GPA through my first two terms, but would love to get to 4.0 for the first time ever in my schooling career, I have been working really hard here so far and believe I can do it, as schooling does come first since I'm here for my education. AFTER my education, then comes the fun part:D.

My current goals for the year include:

Shooting under 70 in tournament play (multiple times, but got to get the first one outta the way);
Win at least 2 tournaments;
Not to finish outside the top 10;
Lead my team through the conference tournament;

Once I'm done at school this year, summer goals are to:

Qualify for BC Amateur;
Qualify for Canadian Amateur;
Get handicap to at least +.6.

Ways I am working on my game are mostly chipping and driving, my two weakest areas. Working with the pro here at the school once a week, and am on the course everyday since I got here, and will be on the course (at least practise green) every single day for minimum 2 hours. On top of the practise I workout everyday and want to get in the best shape possible to go along with practising my game.

My class schedule is optimal for this, morning classes, up everyday at 7 for breakfast then head to classes, out the classroom by 1pm, then back to my dorm, grab a quick bite on my way out and spend the rest of daylight on the course. Usually practising for about an hour after dark falls, then back to my room, change, and hit the gym for an hour and a half minimum. After the gym I have plenty of time for my homework, which I get done right after my workout, even if I have a few days to do it I like to get it out of the way, as if it's out of the way, the possibility for more of either sleep or practise opens up.

I do not take my college career lightly, I believe I am here to better myself in mind and in golf, there is no point in wasting the money I do not have on partying and such, also why I am applying for this wedge contest, my 60* wedge is almost completely worn and unfortunately do not have the money to replace it, as chipping is already a weak point of my game I firmly believe a new wedge can really help me in my goal of getting that ball closer to the hole on the times I miss the green.

Thanks for this opportunity,


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Hi all,
My name is Hannah, I am currently 12 going on 13 in junior high. I started golf, (with my dad)about 4 years back, and I am with a program called "The First Tee". I have been with them for about 3 years, and I am pretty satisfied with it, because I have learned a lot and improved SO much.

Being with the first tee another year, things actually start to change. There are a lot more oppurtunities for example: 13 and up get to go try out for Pebble Beach, and if we qualify, we get to go play in I believe is it the Walmart Open?? Well- yes this is one of my goals. My coach says that I can try out this year, and I want to be the one to qualify this year!! Of course, hard work WILL take place. This callaway wedge can help me- because chipping/pitching is one of my weak spots and the new wedge can help me stengthen this area. Right now, I have a Cleavland, and it is working fine, but as I go to try out for Pebble Beach, the Callaway Wedge can help me exceed even more!

Another goal- is to get in a lot more practice. :clapping: I haven't been the most consistent in practicing and I feel guilty about it. But I need the practice is because I want to at least be in the low 80's. I have broke 90, but I haven't been able to keep that up. I believe that maybe this new wedge (and practice with it!) can help me take off some strokes off! To achieve this again is basically- more practice. [b]consistently.[/b]

So totalling it all up, I am a "young golfer" but I hope to achieve as many goals now, so in the future, anything in golf maybe possible for me to achieve- including with a new wedge hopefully!!

Thanks again,

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