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I did 40 days worth - then the Holiday's hit and they hit me HARD. I am restarting the second phase on Sat. Bottom line - this works. They have EVERTHING mapped out for you. I suggest you follow it as close as you can for maximum results. The nutrition part is key - if you don't follow that it will be hard to shed the fat, or at least reach your full potential.

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OK, I bit, and ordered it last week. It arrived last night and at 6:00 AM this morning I started the "Lean" version. The first DVD was Core Snynergistics, and man, did it beat up this out of shape 57-year old. I did what I could and will get up tomorrow morning and hit "play" for the Cardio X workout. It was hard, this morning, but I felt I really accomplished something, and oh yeah, the recovery formula tasted really good.


I am really embarrased by how out of shape I let myself get, but I am determined to make it through the entire program. One good thing, though, after busting my butt like that, I have no desire to ruin it by eating a Hershey Bar.


It is a rough one. Did you become the banana?


Banana rolls, OMG! I did as many as I could.

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I did Day 5 yesterday--legs and back, and ab ripper. Today is Kenpo X and tomorrow is a rest day. I'll still do X Stretch though.


I'm really liking the program so far even though (maybe because) it's kicking my arse. Super convenient that I don't have to leave home.


Yoga X was HARD!


In all the programs, I've been taking it probably a tiny bit easy this first week. I'm still pushing myself but am being very sure not to overdo anything to the point where I could injure myself. I have a very specific plan for this next year in terms of exercise and golf lessons and an injury would really mess that up.


Anyway, it seems like a great program and I'm looking forward to seeing how I improve my performance over the coming weeks.

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I did Day 5 yesterday--legs and back, and ab ripper. Today is Kenpo X and tomorrow is a rest day. I'll still do X Stretch though.


I'm really liking the program so far even though (maybe because) it's kicking my arse. Super convenient that I don't have to leave home.


Yoga X was HARD!


In all the programs, I've been taking it probably a tiny bit easy this first week. I'm still pushing myself but am being very sure not to overdo anything to the point where I could injure myself. I have a very specific plan for this next year in terms of exercise and golf lessons and an injury would really mess that up.


Anyway, it seems like a great program and I'm looking forward to seeing how I improve my performance over the coming weeks.

Day 9 for me, had arms and shoulder + abb ripper not too sure what tomorrow is, gota go check, I'm on the lean version and love it.

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I lost 35lbs over the 90 days. Strangely enough, I struggled to lose much over the first 3/4 weeks, probably 2 or 3 pounds at most. I adapted the programme to suit my own needs, I mainly used Core Synergistics, X stretch, Plyo and Cardio X. Every now and then we would do Chest and Arms to mix it up. As a 52 year old I was finding myself getting more and more out of shape, this programme works, it's tough, but you do what you can as Tony says and you will get results.

Prior to going to the golf course I now spend 10/20 mins doing X Stretch to loosen up and it works.

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So it would be best to start out with Power 90 instead of P90x if you haven't been doing much working out over the past few years? For those who have done Power 90, what kind of results did you get? I'd like to try P90x, but I'm afraid if it's too hard then I'll just get burned out and not use it.


I haven't tried Power90 but I just do the best I can with P90X. I don't see why a person couldn't start with it unless they have some more serious health problems, but everyone should of course check with their doctor to make sure.

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Question, is there a p90x forum or user group?

Also, if these workouts are onlu supposed to be an hour a day, why do they lump in the ab x with some of the other exercises? I just got the dvd set but no instructions.


thanks in advance.


it saves you from having to swap dvds since ab ripper x is supposed to be done with any of the weight/chin up related days.


i think there is a message board over at beachbody.com but i've never checked it out.

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There is a set of forums at beachbody and weightlosshq.


The weightlosshq forums are not that large or super active but seems decent.


The Beachbody one has plenty of posts and activity but it is different. Alot of people seem to gravitate to a 'home' thread. That 'home' thread is where people ask questions and try to motivate each other. I've never seen anything like it before.

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I;m 95% sure that those chunananga run things can be considered torture in most countries. Sweet lord. my body is dead.

Cobra Fly Z+ 8.5* w/ Diamana D+ 70x
Tour Edge CB Pro 14.5* w/ Speeder 757x
Mizuno MP-H4 2i w/ C-Taper 130
Cobra Fly Z+ 3i-5i w/ C-Taper 130
Cobra Fly Z Pro 6-PW w/ C-Taper 130
Callaway MD2 50*/S and 56*/T
Bettinardi Sabbatini Flow Neck Proto
[url="http://www.golfwrx.com/forums/topic/145720-jakebarnes-witb-updated-828/page__hl__%20jakebarnes"]WITB Link[/url]

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I am on day 3 right now and it has been a pretty good workout so far. The chest and back was pretty intense. I think it is one of those things that your only going to get out of it what you put into it. Meaning when you do pull ups and pushups, if your not going to failure or dogging it with a chair when you could be doing it without it, you will not get the same results. I know i fell on my face the last three sets of pushups.

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Finished day 8 and have lost 3 lbs. It is a really good program. Lie Bortass said, the DB @ Beachbody is one where most people gravitate to a "home" thread. It really makes you accountable and keeps you motivated. I know that when I work as hard as I do on the exercises, I really feel like I've wasted it if I eat poorly.


The workouts are fun, yet demanding, and the really beat the crap out of me (in a good way), and I feel like I've really accomplished something when they are completed.

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I've completed 10 days. I have Yoga tonight, that will be painful.


I've lost a few pounds but I've noticed some muscle development too. The best part so far is the tendonitis in my right knee is alot better now. I jump alot since I play volleyball and that aggravates it. I don't know what part of this program did it but my knee was feeling better after 4 days. I can't wait to see what the full 90 days may do to help my golf game.


Maybe I'll hit my 5i more the 150!


So far I have to say if you are willing to put in the time and effort, P90X is worth it.

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My wife and I just started this past week. We are on day 4 and this is a difficult program (we are only doing the lean). We are in fairly decent shape, but after doing these first four days, you realize that you are not is as good of shape as you thought.


I hit balls after day two and it was comical. It took me 10 balls or so to get fully/partially stretched and to start making decent contact.


This program appears to be well designed and I am looking forward to progressing forward with it.

Driver: TM M4 Tour Issue
3W: Rogue
Hybrid: TEE
Irons: Callaway Apex Pro
54, 58 TM MG tour issue raw
Putter: PXG Gunboat H

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ive started but not completely. I'm doing the chest/arms/bi/tri/back exercises as a warm up. The real fun begins on monday. Im dreading the ab and kenpo workouts only bc my knee (patella tendon) hurts then i move it, bend it, stretch it.


Too much bball and vball in my 20's Im hoping this will strengthen my knees and I would avoid surgery on the patella.


Bortass, let me know if the pain in your knee has left you completely...



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My wife and I just started this past week. We are on day 4 and this is a difficult program (we are only doing the lean). We are in fairly decent shape, but after doing these first four days, you realize that you are not is as good of shape as you thought.


I hit balls after day two and it was comical. It took me 10 balls or so to get fully/partially stretched and to start making decent contact.


This program appears to be well designed and I am looking forward to progressing forward with it.


Thats why the lean version is better its alot more sctreching and core

Just my 2 cents

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ive started but not completely. I'm doing the chest/arms/bi/tri/back exercises as a warm up. The real fun begins on monday. Im dreading the ab and kenpo workouts only bc my knee (patella tendon) hurts then i move it, bend it, stretch it.


Too much bball and vball in my 20's Im hoping this will strengthen my knees and I would avoid surgery on the patella.


Bortass, let me know if the pain in your knee has left you completely...





Kenpo's not that bad. Still a great work out. Yoga's tuff, legs are a son of a gun, core I just did its pretty good.

I think you'll be happy with it.

If there are old injuries nagging you, just do the best you can. They pretty much echo that throughout the series. No good reason to hurt yourself trying to get into condition.

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My wife and I just started this past week. We are on day 4 and this is a difficult program (we are only doing the lean). We are in fairly decent shape, but after doing these first four days, you realize that you are not is as good of shape as you thought.


I hit balls after day two and it was comical. It took me 10 balls or so to get fully/partially stretched and to start making decent contact.


This program appears to be well designed and I am looking forward to progressing forward with it.


I have a history of training hard and losing muscle memory. Back in highschool this was a problem as it took me 2 months to get my pitching release point back. But I am thinking about taking advantage of this issue. I have ingrained some poor swing habits (hip thrusting towards the ball, right hand rolling, etc.) I hope that if I follow the plan for a month then start swinging again, I can rebuild a proper swing without fighting bad habits.....we will see :black eye:

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My wife and I just started this past week. We are on day 4 and this is a difficult program (we are only doing the lean). We are in fairly decent shape, but after doing these first four days, you realize that you are not is as good of shape as you thought.


I hit balls after day two and it was comical. It took me 10 balls or so to get fully/partially stretched and to start making decent contact.


This program appears to be well designed and I am looking forward to progressing forward with it.

I'm just finishing Phase 3 of Round 1. I'm taking a week off, then starting a "doubles" round. Good luck to both of you. There are lots of successful husband/wife teams active on the beachbody message boards.


Hopefully your improved lung capacity and arm strength will help you at Mavericks!


Nice Avatar!

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My wife and I just started this past week. We are on day 4 and this is a difficult program (we are only doing the lean). We are in fairly decent shape, but after doing these first four days, you realize that you are not is as good of shape as you thought.


I hit balls after day two and it was comical. It took me 10 balls or so to get fully/partially stretched and to start making decent contact.


This program appears to be well designed and I am looking forward to progressing forward with it.

I'm just finishing Phase 3 of Round 1. I'm taking a week off, then starting a "doubles" round. Good luck to both of you. There are lots of successful husband/wife teams active on the beachbody message boards.


Hopefully your improved lung capacity and arm strength will help you at Mavericks!


Nice Avatar!


Thanks for the well wishes. This work out regimen is no joke, but we like it. Hard but you can feel that it is working the next day (due to the pain!!!), so that is a good thing. Tony Horton is a funny guy to boot...can't help but crack up at some of the things he says. Love the "He's an actor, hire him"...classic.


Great pick up on the avatar. Mavericks is not to far from the house (used to live closer, but moved to the east bay) and it is something to see.

Driver: TM M4 Tour Issue
3W: Rogue
Hybrid: TEE
Irons: Callaway Apex Pro
54, 58 TM MG tour issue raw
Putter: PXG Gunboat H

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Man this program is really good! This is the best $100 I ever spend in training stuff, and this is not infomercial. In fact it is cheap to get that kind of motivation, structured efficient program. Think about how important is your body compare to the damn golf equipment we think will solve every bit of our inconsistency. 13 dvd's set, so you'll not get bored as fast as many of those DVD programs and minimal equipment(space efficient) is required. You set your goals before each exercice and you go where you can with the intensity but the main goal is to improve like it has been said before. I am completing the first week tomorrow in the classic level. DRGJR72, if you haven't trained as hard as this program the weeks before, it is normal that you feel pain and generaly speaking, 48 hours after the first training session is the worst day. Basicaly when you train, the objective is to damage your muscle fibers so it can rebuild stronger(and gain mass or resistance depending on what you want/need), so you see where you are now after 2 days. Just keep up, it will fade away very fast in few days and you'll get back your coordination. Doing the stretch part of each dvd's is the key to not get bulky and not loose fleibility. In fact that is the best thing about this program, the fact that there is a huge part of this program focusing on flexibility, that we all know is key to golf. Also the "in moves" (majority of the exercices) are key to improve stability and coordination compare the same kind of movement done on a fitness equipement that often remove that part of the equation. Any sport demanding flexibility, stability and strenght can benefit from this program. Is golf demanding in terms of stability, flexibility and strenght? Plenty of you can answer this better than me but the answer is clear for my weekend golfer swing.


For those who are doing it, are you feeling as good as I am after a training session????

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ive started but not completely. I'm doing the chest/arms/bi/tri/back exercises as a warm up. The real fun begins on monday. Im dreading the ab and kenpo workouts only bc my knee (patella tendon) hurts then i move it, bend it, stretch it.


Too much bball and vball in my 20's Im hoping this will strengthen my knees and I would avoid surgery on the patella.


Bortass, let me know if the pain in your knee has left you completely...




I'm hoping it leaves me completely. I played VB last night and I did not feel pain in my knee after or while playing. It is not 100% though. I can still feel some minor pain at times. Also it's still a little tender to touch. No where near as bad as before though.


I'm curious to see if it helps your knee out. A guy in the beachbody thread I frequent also has knee issues and he's noticed an improvement as well.

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Finished day 9 this morning and I really feel great. I've lost 4 lbs, and my clothes are fitting better. I feel stronger, and have more energy than I've had in a long time.


The second week has been interesting, because you can see if you've made any progress. So far, I've done core, and cardio twice, and while the progress is small, it is there. I think it is also important to use the recovery drink after your workouts. Hopefully, I can maintain this enthusiasm, and P90X will become a way of life.


"Bring it!"

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