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I recv'd my P90x package last week friday but unfortunately I've been very sick the last 8 days. Unable to workout has afforded me the time to read and review the documentation and the DVD's. After reading all the P90x threads, I've chosen to start with the Lean program then start the P90x program. I'm 53 years old, 5'9", 218lbs (most of the weight in my midsection) and poor flexibility. My plan is to lose about 40-45 pounds by my birthday (June). I feel I need to get the heart and lungs functioning better before I jump into the P90x program and struggle.


That's an ambitious goal. Be careful. I think starting with the Lean routine is a good idea. Just do your best and do a really good job of following the nutrition plan (or another good nutrition plan).


Good Luck!

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I recv'd my P90x package last week friday but unfortunately I've been very sick the last 8 days. Unable to workout has afforded me the time to read and review the documentation and the DVD's. After reading all the P90x threads, I've chosen to start with the Lean program then start the P90x program. I'm 53 years old, 5'9", 218lbs (most of the weight in my midsection) and poor flexibility. My plan is to lose about 40-45 pounds by my birthday (June). I feel I need to get the heart and lungs functioning better before I jump into the P90x program and struggle.


Good Luck golfquest. I will be starting mine later in the week. I'm 48, 6'2" and 225. I hope to lose about 25 lbs and improve on my golf game. I'm sure it can't hurt. I know my flexability is hurting my consistancy.

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I have a question,

Can someone tell me if DVD 12 Ab ripper X is the same thing as the ab ripper x exercises at the end of the chest and back DVD? I was not able to view DVD 12. I guess the copy of p90x I bought from craigslist isnt the original but rather a bootleg copy :(


I hate dishonesty...



they are the same

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I recv'd my P90x package last week friday but unfortunately I've been very sick the last 8 days. Unable to workout has afforded me the time to read and review the documentation and the DVD's. After reading all the P90x threads, I've chosen to start with the Lean program then start the P90x program. I'm 53 years old, 5'9", 218lbs (most of the weight in my midsection) and poor flexibility. My plan is to lose about 40-45 pounds by my birthday (June). I feel I need to get the heart and lungs functioning better before I jump into the P90x program and struggle.



Just to clarify a potential misconception, whether you do the classic program or the lean program, you are doing P90X. Today was legs and arms, and it was very hard. Yoga is a killer. The lean just doesn't focus on nearly as much strength training, but you work just as hard. You are not not doing P90X with the lean program.

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I recv'd my P90x package last week friday but unfortunately I've been very sick the last 8 days. Unable to workout has afforded me the time to read and review the documentation and the DVD's. After reading all the P90x threads, I've chosen to start with the Lean program then start the P90x program. I'm 53 years old, 5'9", 218lbs (most of the weight in my midsection) and poor flexibility. My plan is to lose about 40-45 pounds by my birthday (June). I feel I need to get the heart and lungs functioning better before I jump into the P90x program and struggle.



Just to clarify a potential misconception, whether you do the classic program or the lean program, you are doing P90X. Today was legs and arms, and it was very hard. Yoga is a killer. The lean just doesn't focus on nearly as much strength training, but you work just as hard. You are not not doing P90X with the lean program.


Good point there. When you get P90X you can do:


P90X Classic

P90X Lean (less resistance/weight training, more cardio)

P90X Doubles (adds more cardio to Classic)

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I started P90X exactly 3 weeks ago to the day...today is my rest day, I have followed the program each day as well and have not missed an exercise yet. As mentioned before, yoga is very difficult, but it does get easier with each time you do it. I have seen an incredible amount of flexibility gain since the very first day, and definitely look and feel much better, starting to see noticeable changes. Started out having to use a chair to do every pull-up but now I can do about 8-10 without any help before using the chair on the exercises. Also feel better with the swing, as I am a slicefixer student, it really benefits the core muscles (Ab Ripper X kicks my tail, especially those crunchy frogs, bicycles, and mason twist). Another important thing I have noticed is my mental strength has improved. Most people do not realize how strong mentally you have to be to complete this program, let alone 1 workout! If you are able to do this and get through it while following it rigorously, I really feel you can do just about anything. More advantages than just strength/conditioning!

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Just "finished" my first week of P90X. Man, this stuff is hard! I couldn't get through any of the workouts without hitting the pause button multiple times. Even the yoga was killer. I've also got some limitations due to my left knee quadriceps tendonitis so I can't do the plyometrics or some of the leg work. I think I'll substitute cardio or kenpo on the plyometric day.


I think I'll be wearing out the pause button!

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For the guys that has started, which program did you start, classisc, lean or doubles? I watched the first classic dvd and said no way, 200 push ups and 130 pull ups in 1 hour, day 1, NOT YET!!! I think I'm going to start on the lean program and then maybe switch to classic in phase 2. Build up a little strength and a little endurance first.

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For the guys that has started, which program did you start, classisc, lean or doubles? I watched the first classic dvd and said no way, 200 push ups and 130 pull ups in 1 hour, day 1, NOT YET!!! I think I'm going to start on the lean program and then maybe switch to classic in phase 2. Build up a little strength and a little endurance first.



I started straight into P90X Classic. Some info on me. I was 234 6'1 the day before I started. I play about 4 hours of volleyball a week, so I was already moving around some prior to starting.


Don't let those numbers scare you. Pushups and pullups are max rep excercises. You do as many as you can do. No way am I doing as many as Tony and the kids. I can't even do 1 normal pullup. So I do as many as I can with my legs assisting, sometimes that's 7, sometimes it's 4 depending on the pullup. Pushups are the same way, I only eek out about 7 clapping pushups from my knees, I almost face planted when I first tried that. You don't hit clapping pushups till week 5.


I recommend the Classic version to start with. You'll build some muscle which will help you lose weight better then just cardio will. Also they are serious when they say do your best and forget the rest. Tony mentions that throughout all the dvds. They want you to be intense within your limitations, not stupid intense and hurt yourself. You'll build up strength faster and your endurance definately improves.


Plyometrics and Kenpo will be rough at first but you'll see some fast improvement. The first time I did plyo my max heart rate was 103% which isn't good. I had to take alot of breaks etc. It's alot easier to do now. I have a harder time staying between 75 and 85% max hr and I recover much quicker. Amazing that I'm into week 7 and still alive. So it can be done ;)

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For the guys that has started, which program did you start, classisc, lean or doubles? I watched the first classic dvd and said no way, 200 push ups and 130 pull ups in 1 hour, day 1, NOT YET!!! I think I'm going to start on the lean program and then maybe switch to classic in phase 2. Build up a little strength and a little endurance first.


The lean version is not easier. It is just more cardio. I was 5' 11"/220 lbs when I started the lean version. I've been pretty fit in my day but let myself go. The first workout in the Lean program is Core, and it absolutely KICKED MY Word not allowed! I could barely do 1/3 of all of the exercises. Day 2 was Cardio which starts out with a good 10 minutes of Yoga (very difficult if you've never done it). It beat me up as much as Core. Day 3 was Shoulders & Arms, and I got throught that pretty well, but, when you do resistance workouts, you add Ab Ripper X. Ab Ripper X is the most intense 15 minutes you will ever go through! The first time I did Ab Ripper X, I cramped so badly, I could barely do any of the exercises. Oh yes, you will be sore during that first week.


I am now ending my 6th week on the program, and it does work. I've lost 13 lbs, 2" off my waist, gained flexibility and strength. I'm no kid (57 years old), but I really look forward to working out each morning. After I finish the Lean version, I'm going to go on to the Classic version. But, if you are looking for an easier workout, I don't think you'll find it with the Lean. It's just different.

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For the guys that has started, which program did you start, classisc, lean or doubles? I watched the first classic dvd and said no way, 200 push ups and 130 pull ups in 1 hour, day 1, NOT YET!!! I think I'm going to start on the lean program and then maybe switch to classic in phase 2. Build up a little strength and a little endurance first.


I am doing the classic. On the second week of Phase 2.


You do not have to do 200 push ups or 130 pull ups. The object is to do your best and forget the rest. The first time i did pull ups i only did like 30 the whole time, 6 trips to pull up bars. Saturday doing the same workout leg/back i did 100 pull ups. Pull ups can be done with the help of a chair and pushups can be done on your knees until you start to build your strength up.

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What's up Kev? Man, i Just started week 2 and the hip flexor soreness is gone. I did chest/back yesterday and I have some soreness but nothing bad. I'm having some knee pain so I might just substitute stretch x in place of plyo. We'll see how I feel.


I'm with Bluefan75 on yoga. I also only lasted 45 minutes. It was certainly eye-opening. I have a new found respect for yogies (or whatever they call themselves).


Anyone else notice that ab ripper x gets harder? For some reason, I struggled with it last night. I couldn't do the crunchy frogs to save my life!

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There are some companies that are advertising P90X for less than $60.00 with free shipping such as TigerDVD, DVDtag.com, giftgoodidea.com and MyDVDonsale.com. Has anyone had any luck with these companies. I have been considering purchasing the program and you can't help but wonder about these companies.

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There are some companies that are advertising P90X for less than $60.00 with free shipping such as TigerDVD, DVDtag.com, giftgoodidea.com and MyDVDonsale.com. Has anyone had any luck with these companies. I have been considering purchasing the program and you can't help but wonder about these companies.


I bought mine brand new from a personal trainer on Craiglist for $70. All the DVD's were original. Unfortunately, I can't comment on the sites you provided. I would be leary if I didn't at least read some reviews from independent websites.

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Upon finishing the first week, the only workout that I could get all the way through without stopping was the Kenpo X. It was pretty fun actually (although I cannot do the giant jumping jacks - too hard on the knee). I didn't even get 1/2 way through the yoga before I collapsed in a heap on the floor! Respeck - Booyah kasha! lol


I think the yoga is going to be really good for my back. I'm going to substitute Kenpo for the Plyometrics workout - jumping is completely out of the question for me. Feels like my knee is going to explode when I land. Bad stabbing pain at the top of the kneecap due to quadriceps tendonitis.


For anyone that hasn't tried P90X it is definitely the real deal. Extremely difficult advanced workouts. Not for the faint of heart!

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Did Kenpo last night, legs and back the other day, so I am through my first week. I am feeling some soreness, but overall feeling pretty good. I'm looking forward to another week or so to establish the base and then really start seeing the benefits.


For whatever reason I'm not looking forward to the X Stretch tonight....

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My girlfriend and I have been working out for 11 and a half months now, and are about to complete our 1 year workout plan. I've been looking around for something else we could work on, that would be a change from our current plan and that led me to this product. Because of all the reviews, we have decided to give it a try. Thanks to everyone who gave their input.


A question though ... If we want to workout at the same time, does this mean we will have to buy 2 pull up bars?

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My girlfriend and I have been working out for 11 and a half months now, and are about to complete our 1 year workout plan. I've been looking around for something else we could work on, that would be a change from our current plan and that led me to this product. Because of all the reviews, we have decided to give it a try. Thanks to everyone who gave their input.


A question though ... If we want to workout at the same time, does this mean we will have to buy 2 pull up bars?


It will all depend on just how many you can do. My wife and I can share the bar since I cannot do enough to take up the whole time they spend there. They tend to be there for a minute to a minute and a half, so if you can do pullups the whole time, you will need either another bar, or get a resistance band. If you can anchor it to a point above and use it on an angle(you'll see what I mean in the video), you can get benefits there.

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My girlfriend and I have been working out for 11 and a half months now, and are about to complete our 1 year workout plan. I've been looking around for something else we could work on, that would be a change from our current plan and that led me to this product. Because of all the reviews, we have decided to give it a try. Thanks to everyone who gave their input.


A question though ... If we want to workout at the same time, does this mean we will have to buy 2 pull up bars?


It will all depend on just how many you can do. My wife and I can share the bar since I cannot do enough to take up the whole time they spend there. They tend to be there for a minute to a minute and a half, so if you can do pullups the whole time, you will need either another bar, or get a resistance band. If you can anchor it to a point above and use it on an angle(you'll see what I mean in the video), you can get benefits there.


there is also a pause button if you need it. I would start with just one pull up bar and see how it goes. I normally do 10-15 at a time and it only takes like half the time

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A question though ... If we want to workout at the same time, does this mean we will have to buy 2 pull up bars?


I'd just go with 1 and pause the DVD. I always pause during the pullups. Not because I can rip a bunch off but cuz I'm a bit slow with them. I can't do a normal pullup still, so I have to leg assist and I just can't go as fast as the people on the DVD. Someday I hope to though.

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