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Tour Striker


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[quote name='Matt10' timestamp='1306735099' post='3272036']
Keeping your hands ahead is great, and I'm starting to hit some pretty solid shots - but my swing is abbreviated. Are there any tips/swing thoughts that will help me not only keep my hands ahead, but also keep my extension in the follow through?

Extension is something that is involuntary. If you are "extending" you are doing something that should be happening for you. The clubs mass should extend you. It sounds to me like you might be "blocking" your finish and not allowing your left elbow to bend so the club can naturally overtake, re-hinge and finish.

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[quote name='Mack17' timestamp='1306771632' post='3272590']
Well the tour striker seems like it was built for me! The problem i have is that I dont hit down on the ball, so I lose out on lots of distance. I saw your ad somewhere saying that the TS gurentees 20 more yards. For real?[quote name='Cmartingolf' timestamp='1306730463' post='3271948']
[quote name='Mack17' timestamp='1306723603' post='3271751']
Does the tour striker actually work? Seems like a genius idea...but...i don't know.

Hi Mack,

I invented it. It has helped many while some have not liked it. Find a demo somewhere and give it a try. If you buy one from my site and don't like, you can return it before 30 days, but you risk the shipping fees.

Funny, some folks buy it and still try and scoop to get the ball in the air. Some habits are REALLY hard to get past.

By getting the club in a sound position with a slightly leaning shaft, you deloft the face a bit and the strike is less oblique. The extra yardage comes from a stronger loft and the sequence required to deliver the stronger loft.

[quote name='Mack17' timestamp='1306771723' post='3272593']
Also could someone clarify the "crushing the grape" trick? Thanks.

No trick:) Just awareness. The club does not want to make a downswing. It wants to keep on going back and back and back... When your body influences the change of direction, the club not wanting to go with the body, puts a lot of pressure in the hands (crushing the grape). Keep your awareness on this feeling and let your arms and pivots deliver this feeling to the ball. Don't drop the grape!

[quote name='JSmall' timestamp='1306788550' post='3273032']
Martin, do you have a video out there that explains the 9 to 3 drill? I've read up on it and watched a few videos, but I've found that I really comprehend your instruction methods so I would like to see the 9 to 3 in one of your videos and I would like to hear you explain it.

I teach a ton of 9 to 3 stuff. My mentor, George Knudson, had a couple of drills he used with most students. One was called, "The toe in the air is square," and "the elbows folding drill." I go over this in my tribute DVD to George. I'd call him "Mr. Knudson," but we were a lot closer than that...

I also mention it in the video, "The Golfing Machine Demystified." The fancy expression, accumulated motion, is basically a 9 to 3 drill.

Most folks do pretty well from 9 to 3 and lose it after 9:15:) I'll post some thoughts. I have a busy couple of days coming up, so it may be a few days.

Thanks for the kind words.

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I'm a 1.7 index who can easily break par or shoot 88. In fact this past weekend I shot 86 on saturday and 72 sunday which makes me want to drown myself in a shallow pool:) When I'm playing well my iron play is so so. When I'm playing poor its crappy but its never ever very good. So I recently purchased the TS Pro 7 iron to see if it would give me more consistency. On the course my misses seem to be thin so I thought this would help me fix that. Anyway, after two range sessions with the TS my misses are fat. What I've found is I'm unknowingly? hitting down on the ball very hard on the range with the TS instead of my hands leading the club into impact. I think I'm doing this subconsciously so as not to blade it. Hitting down on it hard enables me dig the rounded edge into the dirt so as to hit it on the face but then I get in that groove and when I go to my clubs I'm taking 2" deep divots that are wrist breakers and I'm hitting them heavy.

Is there a drill or something that I can do to stop this insanity? I think this is a great aid and there have been a few times where I've done it correctly and the ball just rockets off the face with a great trajectory but those are few and far between.



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[quote name='jabrch' timestamp='1304816405' post='3215535']
[quote name='Cwing' timestamp='1304812489' post='3215413']
[quote name='jabrch' timestamp='1304808209' post='3215309']
[quote name='jabrch' timestamp='1304464744' post='3205841']
I had 20 min of spare time today between appointments - got to work with my TS Wedge...

Hit 80 balls from 10 yards behind a 10 yard trap with another 10 yards of rough to the green.

Results - 20 balls stuck in trap. Half of them I didnt get the face on - the other half I didnt follow through.

1 ball was too long.

58 were on the green - 30 were balls I should 1 putt. The rest were two putters.

And 1 lonely ball found the cup!!!!

Im looking forward to seeing improvements with practice>>>>


Went out again today....

Looking better - more gimmies - more balls that were definitely 1 putts. Had a bad streak and put 5 in the trap, but generally was better. Only shanked 1.

Love the TS 56!


I assume you are using the TS while chipping/pitching ----- Have you done the drill without using the TS since you started this? Just wondering what your results will be when you go back to you wedges.

That's twice with my TS. Next week, weather permitting, I'll hit a bucket with my regular wedges and let you know. When I played last week, I know I was much better than before...

So I went out today and had time to hit a small bucket - not my usual 80 balls out of the shag bag, but a small bucket worth...


1 in the bunker, 2 in the hole, the rest on the green or just off the back (short) side. Most of them were 1 putt distance. Significantly better than my early season sessions!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ping G30 Tour 65
Callaway XR Pro 3 Wood
Callaway Xhot 3 and 4 Hybrid
Callaway XR 5-AW - Recoil 680 F4 shafts
Vokey 60 degree
STX Putter

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I have been working with the 7X. I have been taking lessons and the Tour Striker has helped me a great deal as far as learning to hit down and it has cured a nasty flipping action I had developed just prior to impact. This afternoon I was at the range and I have a few questions regarding a certain ball flight. When aiming at my target my ball flight was starting right of target and would drift left right on target. A nice little draw action that I can live with and this has always been my natural ball flight. The trajectory was fine. The issue came in when my ball flight would start again right of target but would then hold the line which saw them landing about 10 yards to 20 yards right of my target. It is nothing to get in a twist about as I belive this maybe a result of alignment. The contact on all of these shots is solid. Anyone have any similar ball flights? What could this be a result of? Of course I will ask my Pro next week when we meet again but at the moment I’M curios? I tend to think it might be my shoulder alignment but I’M no Pro. I will bring some alignment sticks to check my set up at tomorrows practice session. Anyway, what about this ball flight issue with the 7X?

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I follow this thread off and on but haven't done a search yet. That being said. If you are going to a backyard set up and hitting off a mat (tight lie) into a net, is the 56 the best choice? Would like to have one of each, but I gotta a gift certificate and it is only going to buy 1. Pretty crappy ballstriker stuck at 10.5 index and working on my swing currently. Short game is actually my strength. Thanks in advance Martin or whoever chimes in.

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If you already have a good short game and are a 10.5, I'd start with the 7X. I think you'd see more gains relative to more of the shots you hit that are problems if your short game is good.


Ping G30 Tour 65
Callaway XR Pro 3 Wood
Callaway Xhot 3 and 4 Hybrid
Callaway XR 5-AW - Recoil 680 F4 shafts
Vokey 60 degree
STX Putter

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[quote name='Floratine' timestamp='1306974175' post='3278626']

I'm a 1.7 index who can easily break par or shoot 88. In fact this past weekend I shot 86 on saturday and 72 sunday which makes me want to drown myself in a shallow pool:) When I'm playing well my iron play is so so. When I'm playing poor its crappy but its never ever very good. So I recently purchased the TS Pro 7 iron to see if it would give me more consistency. On the course my misses seem to be thin so I thought this would help me fix that. Anyway, after two range sessions with the TS my misses are fat. What I've found is I'm unknowingly? hitting down on the ball very hard on the range with the TS instead of my hands leading the club into impact. I think I'm doing this subconsciously so as not to blade it. Hitting down on it hard enables me dig the rounded edge into the dirt so as to hit it on the face but then I get in that groove and when I go to my clubs I'm taking 2" deep divots that are wrist breakers and I'm hitting them heavy.

Is there a drill or something that I can do to stop this insanity? I think this is a great aid and there have been a few times where I've done it correctly and the ball just rockets off the face with a great trajectory but those are few and far between.



Hi Justin,

Here's a little story for you, that might help. The "marketing guys" wanted to pound in the "hit down" idea to help sell the TS as that is what the market wants to hear. I don't like the thought of hitting down and I don't teach people to "hit down" per se as down is already a part of the correct path. The only time you have to feel like you "hit down" is when you manipulate the path enough for the need to override it. I like to teach a fairly shallow strike with forward lean. The only deep divots I take are a result of the turf (wet bent grass, wedges, etc), most are pretty shallow "bacon" strips after impact.

This gizmo is going to help you a TON. Try and "pick" the ball with FORWARD lean. The forward lean will get the edge low enough to present loft and you'll rid the the steep path that is driving you nuts. Path and face are the seesaws of golf; we are always adjusting to find the right balance.

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[quote name='jabrch' timestamp='1307056098' post='3280909']

1 in the bunker, 2 in the hole, the rest on the green or just off the back (short) side. Most of them were 1 putt distance. Significantly better than my early season sessions!!!!!!!!!!!!

Atta boy! Improvement! Love it.

[quote name='secondary' timestamp='1307058062' post='3280962']
I follow this thread off and on but haven't done a search yet. That being said. If you are going to a backyard set up and hitting off a mat (tight lie) into a net, is the 56 the best choice? Would like to have one of each, but I gotta a gift certificate and it is only going to buy 1. Pretty crappy ballstriker stuck at 10.5 index and working on my swing currently. Short game is actually my strength. Thanks in advance Martin or whoever chimes in.

I agree with Jabrch, you'll see the best gains from the Pro or X.

[quote name='jabrch' timestamp='1307081594' post='3281680']
If you already have a good short game and are a 10.5, I'd start with the 7X. I think you'd see more gains relative to more of the shots you hit that are problems if your short game is good.



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I've always struggled with high irons with no distance and flipping. I don't flip to get the ball in the air, I flip to get more power and square the clubface. Before this my sand wedge would usually only go about 50-60 yards and my 7 iron I average 135, 150 on a really good swing, driver anywhere from 220-280.

So I got my TS Pro 7i a couple weeks ago. Took me a couple days at the range to figure out how to hit it on the face with a full swing. I've watched all of Martin's and Slicefixers and Former Flipper videos multiple times. So I've been working on pivoting and keeping the hands ahead of the club, my grip and ball position. I make good contact about 60% of the time with the TS. I don't think I'm flipping anymore. The problem is the shots are straight but they are medium low height and only carry about 115 yards and then roll out about 20 yards. Now all my irons 4-P are the same distance with the same trajectory. SW I've picked up maybe 10-20 yards. So I'm basically playing with 6 clubs now Driver, 3W, 3H, Iron, SW, Putter :lol:

I'm thinking of going back to my old swing. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I feel like I'm hitting my irons with the correct motion now but the distance isn't there. The divot is shallow and after the ball when I make good contact. I don't know of a good instructor and I don't want to spend hundreds just trying to figure out if an instructor is good or not. The instructor I did go to wanted you to spend thousands before you'd even get to work on impact.

I'll try to post up a vid later.

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I really appreciate the reply.

I went out yesterday with the (don't crush the grape) thought in my head and also took a lie board with as per your suggestion to another member. I put the lie board 3" behind the ball and hit that sucker probably 20 times before I started to "get" it. I had been using an exaggerated one piece take away with a late wrist ****. It appears the late wrist **** leads to early release. Using the lie board behind the ball made me **** my wrist sooner and it seems to help me hold that angle further into the downswing. I hit about 100 balls then went and played nine. I had some ups and downs but shot 37 with two 3 putts. The odd thing is that I found my driver was more consistent, which is a great thing but didn't anticipate that using this method.

I'll be practicing a lot over the next few weeks to try and make these movements permanent. I'll also be keeping the TS Pro in my bag with a lie board to warm up with prior to any round and I plan on purchasing the SW and 5iron.

Thanks again for taking time to answer questions.

[quote name='Cmartingolf' timestamp='1307119325' post='3282426']
[quote name='Floratine' timestamp='1306974175' post='3278626']

I'm a 1.7 index who can easily break par or shoot 88. In fact this past weekend I shot 86 on saturday and 72 sunday which makes me want to drown myself in a shallow pool:) When I'm playing well my iron play is so so. When I'm playing poor its crappy but its never ever very good. So I recently purchased the TS Pro 7 iron to see if it would give me more consistency. On the course my misses seem to be thin so I thought this would help me fix that. Anyway, after two range sessions with the TS my misses are fat. What I've found is I'm unknowingly? hitting down on the ball very hard on the range with the TS instead of my hands leading the club into impact. I think I'm doing this subconsciously so as not to blade it. Hitting down on it hard enables me dig the rounded edge into the dirt so as to hit it on the face but then I get in that groove and when I go to my clubs I'm taking 2" deep divots that are wrist breakers and I'm hitting them heavy.

Is there a drill or something that I can do to stop this insanity? I think this is a great aid and there have been a few times where I've done it correctly and the ball just rockets off the face with a great trajectory but those are few and far between.



Hi Justin,

Here's a little story for you, that might help. The "marketing guys" wanted to pound in the "hit down" idea to help sell the TS as that is what the market wants to hear. I don't like the thought of hitting down and I don't teach people to "hit down" per se as down is already a part of the correct path. The only time you have to feel like you "hit down" is when you manipulate the path enough for the need to override it. I like to teach a fairly shallow strike with forward lean. The only deep divots I take are a result of the turf (wet bent grass, wedges, etc), most are pretty shallow "bacon" strips after impact.

This gizmo is going to help you a TON. Try and "pick" the ball with FORWARD lean. The forward lean will get the edge low enough to present loft and you'll rid the the steep path that is driving you nuts. Path and face are the seesaws of golf; we are always adjusting to find the right balance.

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[quote name='mnshooter' timestamp='1307120336' post='3282469']
I've always struggled with high irons with no distance and flipping. I don't flip to get the ball in the air, I flip to get more power and square the clubface. Before this my sand wedge would usually only go about 50-60 yards and my 7 iron I average 135, 150 on a really good swing, driver anywhere from 220-280.

So I got my TS Pro 7i a couple weeks ago. Took me a couple days at the range to figure out how to hit it on the face with a full swing. I've watched all of Martin's and Slicefixers and Former Flipper videos multiple times. So I've been working on pivoting and keeping the hands ahead of the club, my grip and ball position. I make good contact about 60% of the time with the TS. I don't think I'm flipping anymore. The problem is the shots are straight but they are medium low height and only carry about 115 yards and then roll out about 20 yards. Now all my irons 4-P are the same distance with the same trajectory. SW I've picked up maybe 10-20 yards. So I'm basically playing with 6 clubs now Driver, 3W, 3H, Iron, SW, Putter :lol:

I'm thinking of going back to my old swing. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I feel like I'm hitting my irons with the correct motion now but the distance isn't there. The divot is shallow and after the ball when I make good contact. I don't know of a good instructor and I don't want to spend hundreds just trying to figure out if an instructor is good or not. The instructor I did go to wanted you to spend thousands before you'd even get to work on impact.

I'll try to post up a vid later.

I'm a good instructor and available for online lessons. If you are interested, send me a note to [email protected]. If you aren't 100% satisfied with the instruction, don't pay me.

A lot of golfers seem to think that they have to "hold" positions in order to get the hands ahead. Not the case. Here is a video of a recent lesson with a guy who was a classic weak grip flipper. This is his second lesson and he's doing much better. He's no "great shakes" yet, but he sure can compress the odd shot now. I'm trying to get him to allow the club to seek the right alignment.

Here's the link if you want to watch: [size=2]http://www.box.net/shared/static/6nfqj3me8b.mp4[/size]

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Well after getting fed up with constantly emailing the uk distributors for about 2 weeks with not 1 reply i decided to bite the bullet and order from the US. Very quick dispatch by the TS guys, kudos to you, then had some trouble with USPS after them saying they tried to deliver it on tuesday, when they hadnt, couldnt get any sense out of them as to who they used or where it was, i eventually found out it was with a local parcel delivery company awaiting customs charges to be paid. Why the USPS or the tracking didnt tell me this instead of saying they tried to deliver it i dont know. I also didnt realise i was going to have to pay customs charges as thought that would have been covered in the higher shipping fee. Anyway 4 days later and another 25 quid ($40ish) out of my wallet i finally have the 7x in my hands. man i hope this is worth the trouble lol

Driver: Taylormade M2 10.5* w/ Hzrdus Black 6.0 62g
3 Wood: Callaway Rogue Sub Zero 15* w/ Hzrdus Yellow 6.5 76g
2 & 4 iron: Callaway X Utility 18* & 24* w/ Project X Pxi 6.0
5-PW: Callaway X Forged '13 w/ Project X Pxi 6.0
Wedges: Callaway Forged 50, Vokey SM7 54S & 60L - DG wedge flex
Putter: Odyssey 2 ball XG 40" Armlock w/ winn grip and triple track alignment

Ball: looking for chrome soft replacement

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[quote name='jabrch' timestamp='1307081594' post='3281680']
If you already have a good short game and are a 10.5, I'd start with the 7X. I think you'd see more gains relative to more of the shots you hit that are problems if your short game is good.


Thanks. No driving range in town (leaving Tucson ) but big back yard! Appreciate the feedback.

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I just heard you get interviewed on the golf channel on the radio. It was an excellent interview and you sounded great. It was fun watching your product take off and following the threads from the beginning. You are a great asset to this forum and I wish you continued success. Not only a great product, but an inventor who cares more than just about the dollar. Thank you.


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[quote name='Scottk' timestamp='1307210111' post='3284454']
I just heard you get interviewed on the golf channel on the radio. It was an excellent interview and you sounded great. It was fun watching your product take off and following the threads from the beginning. You are a great asset to this forum and I wish you continued success. Not only a great product, but an inventor who cares more than just about the dollar. Thank you.


Scott, thanks for the kind words. I really appreciate it. John Maginnes is a great guy and it was a pleasure being on his show. Hopefully I can do more of that, it is fun!

I got a kick out of his "Tee it Forward" question. Not sure the average Saturday guy wants to take the driver out of the hands. Most guys love pounding driver and moving forward will help scores and pace, no doubt, but hitting the driver well is a drug and more fun than laying up:)

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Hay Martin, I have a quick question. I have been using the TSP for some time now but, I feel that I am holding the lag too much now and causing a lot of carry with the woods and driver. when do you advise the right wrist hinge to start to release? after impact? gradually from the top, or when the club is parallel? thanks for all your help...Eugene

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I am a 13 handicap who is trending up and am having issues with consistent ball striking. I have demoed the pro 7 in a simulator and was able to get the hang of it in a couple of swings. Would I be better served to get the pro 7 or step up to the pro x? The warning on the site about the pro x has me worried, but my thought is that if I can figure out how to hit the hardest tour striker, then I would be better served. Do I have false hopes about being able to hit the pro X, or should I go big or go home? Any help would be appreciated.

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[quote name='eugd' timestamp='1307313978' post='3286595']
Hay Martin, I have a quick question. I have been using the TSP for some time now but, I feel that I am holding the lag too much now and causing a lot of carry with the woods and driver. when do you advise the right wrist hinge to start to release? after impact? gradually from the top, or when the club is parallel? thanks for all your help...Eugene

Eugene, I'm not sure I understand? You said, "carry with the woods and driver." What is the problem?

I don't want you to "hold" lag. Never have. I want you to "aim" your angles (transport); the cocked left wrist, bent right wrist and bent right elbow. The angles will want to release themselves. When they do, you can add some energy to the strike. "Free Wheel," is the feeling I want you to have...with the correct sequence that presents great alignments to the ball.

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[quote name='m2daRizzle' timestamp='1307382470' post='3288160']
I am a 13 handicap who is trending up and am having issues with consistent ball striking. I have demoed the pro 7 in a simulator and was able to get the hang of it in a couple of swings. Would I be better served to get the pro 7 or step up to the pro x? The warning on the site about the pro x has me worried, but my thought is that if I can figure out how to hit the hardest tour striker, then I would be better served. Do I have false hopes about being able to hit the pro X, or should I go big or go home? Any help would be appreciated.

The X has a smaller striking surface but they have the same leading edge height. So, the challenge is greater with regard to centeredness of strike. Either club will be fine for you as long as you put in some time. While mats are okay, turf, closely mown, is the best for TS practice.

Thanks for the questions.

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I haven't tried your product but I have a friend who started using it this year. No joke he just shot his low round ever by several shots which was a net under par for the course rating. More importantly he now unserstands what it means to hit down on it, with low point ahead of the ball and what lag feels like. I'll see if I can get him to post.

TM Stealth Plus 10.5 Ventus TR Red 5

Ping G425 Max 5 FW Ventus Velocore Red 7

Srixon MKii DI 3 Axiom 105

Mizuno JPX 921 SEL 4-PW KBS Tour 

Yururi Tataki 52.5, 56.5 and 60.5 DG S200
Ping Anser 2
MCC +4 Grips
Kirkland Performance+ Ball

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[quote name='JD3' timestamp='1307510871' post='3292038']
I haven't tried your product but I have a friend who started using it this year. No joke he just shot his low round ever by several shots which was a net under par for the course rating. More importantly he now unserstands what it means to hit down on it, with low point ahead of the ball and what lag feels like. I'll see if I can get him to post.

Make him post it!

Thanks for sharing the story. It is amazing what a tiny concept shift can do.



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[quote name='GeauxLSUtigers7' timestamp='1307580614' post='3293941']

I am a very high hdcp around a 25, but I also swing the club extremely fast (driver 120). Should I get the 8 iron or the 7 iron pro? Also does the stiffness correlate to swing speed as well. For example, with normal clubs I would hit a steel stiff. Would I do the same with the TS? Thanks

You'd do well with the TSP 7 stiff. I'm jealous of your speed!

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[quote name='Cmartingolf' timestamp='1307668515' post='3296833']
[quote name='GeauxLSUtigers7' timestamp='1307580614' post='3293941']

I am a very high hdcp around a 25, but I also swing the club extremely fast (driver 120). Should I get the 8 iron or the 7 iron pro? Also does the stiffness correlate to swing speed as well. For example, with normal clubs I would hit a steel stiff. Would I do the same with the TS? Thanks

You'd do well with the TSP 7 stiff. I'm jealous of your speed!

Thank you for your help. My speed is sometimes untamed unfortunately. Luckily I am a big strong guy with great flexibility due to the natural movements shared by both the golf and baseball swing. I've watched your infomercial on your website and am going to try out your product. I'm having an extremely hard time swinging down on the ball creating the necessary lag to compress the ball creating a divot out in front instead of behind. Hopefully this helps along with your drills.

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[quote name='GeauxLSUtigers7' timestamp='1307669663' post='3296884']
[quote name='Cmartingolf' timestamp='1307668515' post='3296833']
[quote name='GeauxLSUtigers7' timestamp='1307580614' post='3293941']

I am a very high hdcp around a 25, but I also swing the club extremely fast (driver 120). Should I get the 8 iron or the 7 iron pro? Also does the stiffness correlate to swing speed as well. For example, with normal clubs I would hit a steel stiff. Would I do the same with the TS? Thanks

You'd do well with the TSP 7 stiff. I'm jealous of your speed!

Thank you for your help. My speed is sometimes untamed unfortunately. Luckily I am a big strong guy with great flexibility due to the natural movements shared by both the golf and baseball swing. I've watched your infomercial on your website and am going to try out your product. I'm having an extremely hard time swinging down on the ball creating the necessary lag to compress the ball creating a divot out in front instead of behind. Hopefully this helps along with your drills.

Somewhere your angles are getting compromised. Usually I see an over bent right arm/soft left arm combo. This usually causes an early expansion of the angles making it tough to carry any decent angle of attack into the ball.

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Picked up a TS at my local gc pro shop last Thursday, and wish I'd seen this thread first. I hit the 56 degree pretty well after making some adjustments, the shots were very high and about 125 avg carry. Then I tried the regular TS (which I bought) and had pretty good success with it also. I liked the feeling of hitting very high shots around 150-170 with such a nice trajectory, with what seemed like a half effort 3/4 swing. I was even able to hit some like that off hard pan and out of divots. About every third shot was a line drive or a skull because the urge to throw the clubface at the ball is a strong one (which I'm sure everyone who flips the clubs knows all too well). Anyway, the wheels fell off when I tried to hit my irons (FG 51's\TT dynamic stiff) after hitting nothing but the TS and my driver for three days. I had scheduled a fitting session with the titleist rep, and the guy probably thought I was a complete idiot. lol I felt like I had never hit a ball in my life. I know we all have bad days, but that was getting pretty embarrassing, he finally said that I just needed to practice more before trying to get fit. Couldn't blame for that from he saw, there was really no point in trying to explain that I normally hit my irons very high and string straight, the only real problem I have is trying to stop the flip. I was wondering if anyone else has had any trouble hitting their usual clubs after hitting hundreds of balls with the TS only. Maybe I'm the only one dumb enough to do that? lol Was also wondering if it's the reg flex shaft in the TS that's throwing me off by getting used to new swing "feels" with it then trying to hit with my clubs. Wondering if I should put a stiff shaft in it, because I can hit my wedges that have reg flex shafts in them just fine.

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[quote name='bamboobender' timestamp='1307749496' post='3299124']
Picked up a TS at my local gc pro shop last Thursday, and wish I'd seen this thread first. I hit the 56 degree pretty well after making some adjustments, the shots were very high and about 125 avg carry. Then I tried the regular TS (which I bought) and had pretty good success with it also. I liked the feeling of hitting very high shots around 150-170 with such a nice trajectory, with what seemed like a half effort 3/4 swing. I was even able to hit some like that off hard pan and out of divots. About every third shot was a line drive or a skull because the urge to throw the clubface at the ball is a strong one (which I'm sure everyone who flips the clubs knows all too well). Anyway, the wheels fell off when I tried to hit my irons (FG 51's\TT dynamic stiff) after hitting nothing but the TS and my driver for three days. I had scheduled a fitting session with the titleist rep, and the guy probably thought I was a complete idiot. lol I felt like I had never hit a ball in my life. I know we all have bad days, but that was getting pretty embarrassing, he finally said that I just needed to practice more before trying to get fit. Couldn't blame for that from he saw, there was really no point in trying to explain that I normally hit my irons very high and string straight, the only real problem I have is trying to stop the flip. I was wondering if anyone else has had any trouble hitting their usual clubs after hitting hundreds of balls with the TS only. Maybe I'm the only one dumb enough to do that? lol Was also wondering if it's the reg flex shaft in the TS that's throwing me off by getting used to new swing "feels" with it then trying to hit with my clubs. Wondering if I should put a stiff shaft in it, because I can hit my wedges that have reg flex shafts in them just fine.

What do you mean by the wheels falling off?? Top, thin, shanks, chunky?? Let me know, I can likely help you. You might be a perfect picker and all the work with the TS had you touching the ground. As I've said many times in this thread. The learning is two part; one to touch the ground with some forward lean and then to be able to do it consistently.

I had to smile a little reading this. I appreciate you good humor.

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