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Tom Slighter's new signature logo Japrechaun


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Last month, Tom Slighter introduced the Japrechaun. His explanation of how he came about it and how he's going to advance forward is described in the pic below.





We normally do not go into social issues but, would like to hear feedback from the community on his latest marketing efforts. Please keep the discussion civil as past slighter threads seem to go south because of personal biases.

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Hmmmm.....Well I can understand Tom is of mixed Irish and Japanese racial backgrounds, I can't see how his new "logo" if you can call it that, drawn as a typical charicature of racial stereotypes (slant eyed, yellow skin, leprechaun outfit) and using a name that starts with "Japan" can advance any social issues.


Like many people in Hawaii, I'm of mixed race. I've been a long time fan of Slighter and owner of his putters. I just have a problem with the term "Japrechaun".......the "Japan" part especially. I have had four Uncles who fought in WW II in the famed and multi-decorated 442nd and 100th Battalions. Some of my relatives were interned against their wishes in Japanese concentration camps during the war. I don't think any of them would agree that the use of the word "Japan" to make a name for a whimsical character was a nice thing to do. They all fought hard to battle the term "Japan". To use it in today's "modern world" is just something that I have a hard time sitting back and watching. I know that Tom's part Japanese but really that term "Japan" even if affectionately used to name his new character is really demeaning.


I just think there could have been a classier thing to do to be proud of his heritage. If he's trying to move his company forward into the World market, he might think to use something more sensitive to the world market.


I think he could learn from these two guys about making something recognizable and not offend.......



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They couldn't have figured out a better way to use the name combos? How about Lepranese?

9° Titleist TSi2 HZRDUS Smoke RDX 60 6.5
15° Titleist TSi2 HZRDUS Smoke RDX 70 6.0
19° PXG 0317 X Gen 2 Fujikura Pro 2.0 HB 85S
22° PXG 0317 X Gen 2 Fujikura Pro 2.0 HB 85S
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I'm pretty indifferent, but what to you call a person from Japan? Japanese. Which starts with "Japan."


Every word isn't a veiled insult or racial slur. I understand the history and pain of times and events past, but why must people create issues where non exist? Stop looking for a reason to be insulted - enough real reasons exist in the world.


Having said that, I think Tom is opening himself up for some issues.


P.S. I am of Irish descent - if there is a cool stamp, can I get one on my Portland?

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I'm pretty indifferent, but what to you call a person from Japan? Japanese. Which starts with "Japan."


Every word isn't a veiled insult or racial slur. I understand the history and pain of times and events past, but why must people create issues where non exist? Stop looking for a reason to be insulted - enough real reasons exist in the world.

Having said that, I think Tom is opening himself up for some issues.


P.S. I am of Irish descent - if there is a cool stamp, can I get one on my Portland?



Because those that never remember the past are doomed to repeat it. I think it's more then words too that are being discussed. The charicature if based on stereotypes.

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WOW. You guys need to calm down and play some golf for a change.

I have visied WRX often & enjoyed the equipment reviews, Tour gossip, etc. I haven't posted on here before, but am finally doing so because this sort of thing is rediculous...I have tended to stay away from the putter forums anymore, because the threads & topics are so nitpicky and juvenile and every manufacturer that either deviates from the 'accepted' putter norm with new ideas or tries something familiar ala Scotty or Bob Bettinardi is instantly lambasted.

I have been collecting putters and golf equipment for nearly 25 years. I have a Slighter and working with Tom was a great experience. I admire Tom for trying something new and breaking the mold. The only ones that are taking the Japrechaun out of context are the ones that are looking for fault for whatever reason....reading into it too much. It is not a 'Japan' it is a Japrechaun. he is having fun with his heritage, guys...In no way is it disrespectful.

My sister is a parapalegic. should I get all bent out of shape because Scotty uses the term 'dancing'?!!

I respect the reason for the original complaint with Tom's logo, and the politically correct backlash with something like this is inevitible. everyone is entitled to their opinion. If Tom wasn't half-Japanese this would be an issue...Honestly, I can't wait to see more original stuff like this from other manufacturers.




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I'm pretty indifferent, but what to you call a person from Japan? Japanese. Which starts with "Japan."


Every word isn't a veiled insult or racial slur. I understand the history and pain of times and events past, but why must people create issues where non exist? Stop looking for a reason to be insulted - enough real reasons exist in the world.

Having said that, I think Tom is opening himself up for some issues.


P.S. I am of Irish descent - if there is a cool stamp, can I get one on my Portland?



Because those that never remember the past are doomed to repeat it. I think it's more then words too that are being discussed. The charicature if based on stereotypes.

Remembering the past is not the same as creating issues where issues don't exist. I am well aware of history - I teach history and human beings are capable of doing amazingly evil and almost unspeakable things to each other. That still does not change the fact that every word is not a veiled insult.


Yellow skin and slanted eyes are the genetic make-up of native Japanese people. How else should someone of Japanese descent be drawn? While it may be politically incorrect to point this out, many stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason. The Irish are often portrayed as drunks. While I am not an alcoholic, guess what, many Irish are due to a genetic predisposition in individuals of Irish descent.


I turn a cold shoulder to political correctness - it is dishonest and stiffles discussion and people with no intent of ill will. I will always oppose acts of true ill will towards other people regardless of the motivation behind those acts, I will remember and ask others to remember the past, but I will not participate in witch hunts by the politically correct.


I respect the opinions expressed here, but I respectfully disagree that there is anything to be insulted about here.


I also refuse to participate anymore in this discussion in this venue. Last word to you guys.

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A couple of questions:


1) The caricature is supposed to be of Tom.


2) Modern day caricatures of Japanese characters are usually not yellow.


3) Political Correctness does have its place if you want to succeed in a globalized world. Posing an ethnic centered campaign has it pitfalls. Would people have a problem if terms involving WASP, DIEGO, etc. etc were mixed together?


4) People are already starting to bring the fact that people habitually criticize Tom. This topic is about this specific Marketing image he is trying to portray.

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When I saw it initially on the site before this thread was posted. I didnt really think much of it. I thought they were just trying to be funny or playful if you will. I guess its only for lack of better humor or marketing approach. Hey im sure theyre not up to offending anyone. If not I think its just thinking outside the box. I agree with TY MARAN, Lets go play some golf boys! Or watch some golf if its too cold where you are.

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WOW, here comes the paper thin skin again. So how is not remembering the past the issue here? I know that it won't lead to the problems that we had in the past, because now there are far too many watch dog groups that are watching everything to make sure that nobody gets hurt feelings. So what I am getting at, is that Tom is talking about himself. So he made the "Japrechaun where green pants and suspenders. Ummm, maybe that is because that is what a leprechaun wears. If he wanted to make fun or be mean spirited towards his Irish heritage, then he could have done some crazy stuff like putting potatoes in his pockets or have him holding a pint of beer, but he didn't. he made the character have black hair and slits for eyes, because maybe if you look back, the only people of Japanese decent that have hair color other than black are the ones that dye it. Also how many Japanese have you seen without almond shaped eyes? It would be hard to draw the almond shaped eyes from a side view anyways. It is ridiculous that people can't take anything and laugh at it. Instead they get offended and need to call the local community action group. All I can say about this is thank you to all of the politicians that have supported the stupid mindset of "everybody is a winner and everybodies feelings need to be considered". This is the problem.


I say to Tom, "Drive on with what YOU want to do. If people get offended tell them to not look."


If you don't like it or are truley that offended, then don't buy the product.


You know what, I am white, so I think that I am going to go and picket in front of every Cracker Barrel, or sue the CrackerJacks company. Please find something better to complain about.

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"People habitually criticize Tom"


No kidding.....now his marketing technique is under scrutiny?


Either buy his putters or don't....stop the whining and needling and let the guy do his thing.


And I suggest to everyone to do yourself a favor & have a chat with Tom someday. He's an exeptionally nice guy.


This constant critique promotes a perpetually increasing negative environment. "his marketing image" So what?!....Did you guys have this problem with the steotype-eyed 'Camico' character?


For the record, you know what insults me? charging $80 for a $15 AM&E headcover!!


off to the driving range....


relax and have fun, guys.





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Camico cover




Tom Slighter.




You guys are right that the market will always be the deciding factor.

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Tom and any other person/company that wants to coin terms based on heritage it opening themselves up to criticism or worse. That's just they way it goes which is why you see very few companies venture down this slippery slope. The huge majority of companies know it's not about intentions or how good natured you are...a few people view things differently and very quickly you find out it's not worth the headache.


Bottom line is, it's not for any of us to decide what is racially offensive to someone else. If someone is truly offended by a term or by an act, then the answer is to show some respect and have a respectful dialog, not resort to name calling like thin-skinned.


That being said, I wonder what the putter would look like if Tom wants to honor the hip-hop culture to see if they will embrace golf. The Afrimerican with a longer heel to toe measurement? And why not pay homage to the fastest growing economy and their respect for luck? Should there be a putter called the Chinechaun? Perhaps a stubby mallet?


Now if I am offending anyone, that is the point. And if not, I could keep going until I do. But the point really is that in business it's difficult to control perception, so why take unnecessary risks?


And seriously, if I have offended...my apologies.

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We are not picketing Tom Slighter or petitioning him to take down something. We are just saying "Hey, if this raises concern with some, does it for you?"


If you believe your bottom line will not be hurt by this perception, by a supposed few, then "Keep doing what you do best."


The point of this post was not to make it adversarial but to ask if this was the best approach to take for marketing Slighter putters. Ultimately its Tom's decision but, makes for some good honest conversation.

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Tom and any other person/company that wants to coin terms based on heritage it opening themselves up to criticism or worse. That's just they way it goes which is why you see very few companies venture down this slippery slope. The huge majority of companies know it's not about intentions or how good natured you are...a few people view things differently and very quickly you find out it's not worth the headache.


Bottom line is, it's not for any of us to decide what is racially offensive to someone else. If someone is truly offended by a term or by an act, then the answer is to show some respect and have a respectful dialog, not resort to name calling like thin-skinned.


That being said, I wonder what the putter would look like if Tom wants to honor the hip-hop culture to see if they will embrace golf. The Afrimerican with a longer heel to toe measurement? And why not pay homage to the fastest growing economy and their respect for luck? Should there be a putter called the Chinechaun? Perhaps a stubby mallet?


Now if I am offending anyone, that is the point. And if not, I could keep going until I do. But the point really is that in business it's difficult to control perception, so why take unnecessary risks?


And seriously, if I have offended...my apologies.


I know it was tongue in cheek, but I'll point out that:

  • Tom is honoring his heritage. Not anyone else's. Why should he have to honor that in a way others see fit?
  • The "Afrimerican" putter would be a compliment, no? And shouldn't it be "Africhaun" if we are keeping to the theme?
  • The name Chinechaun is not offensive in itself. The stubby putter probably would be. But since Tom is neither Chinese nor has he chosen to focus on negative stereotypes, but positive (unlike so many others who have commented in this thread) I don't see an issue.

Other than that, I agree with everything you said.


Now I will try and honor what I said and refrain from commenting in this thread. Maybe I shouldn't even read it :)

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"The point of this post was not to make it adversarial but to ask if this was the best approach to take for marketing Slighter putters."



With all due respect, It is not your place to do so. Do you work for Tom? Are you genuinely concerned with the success of Slighter Golf?


Everyone is entitled to their own styles and opinions. There is room for everything and everyone. this is an unconstructive waste of time and, regardless of your intentions, will inevitably get ugly.


You'd be wise to end the political posturing and close this thread.


This is not 'good honest conversation'


If the Japrechaun was a Scotty Cameron character, this 'best approach' issue wouldn't be open for debate.



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Didn't know there'd be such a heated response. All I'm saying is that you open yourself up with that one because of the first part of the name. As a businessman you've got to be aware of your marketing--a negative perception is going to cost you much more than any type of positive press will help. As for the logo itself, I think it looks cool.

9° Titleist TSi2 HZRDUS Smoke RDX 60 6.5
15° Titleist TSi2 HZRDUS Smoke RDX 70 6.0
19° PXG 0317 X Gen 2 Fujikura Pro 2.0 HB 85S
22° PXG 0317 X Gen 2 Fujikura Pro 2.0 HB 85S
5-PW Srixon ZX5 Project X LZ 6.5
Artisan Golf 50/54/58 Project X LZ 6.5
Artisan Golf 0418

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You seem to have a great passion for Tom and he has a great following. To say Cameron never gets criticized, or anybody else here is a little extreme. GolfWRX is just a golf forum to talk about golf and things that relate to it. As for being heated, I think there are a few Tour vs Retail, Tiger, Nike and Wie threads that have gotten far worse so far. Political Correctness has been taken to extremes but we are talking about global marketing and perception. Doesn't really matter if its Nike, TM, or Titleist. Its all about image and perception.


"The point of this post was not to make it adversarial but to ask if this was the best approach to take for marketing Slighter putters."



With all due respect, It is not your place to do so. Do you work for Tom? Are you genuinely concerned with the success of Slighter Golf?


Everyone is entitled to their own styles and opinions. There is room for everything and everyone. this is an unconstructive waste of time and, regardless of your intentions, will inevitably get ugly.


You'd be wise to end the political posturing and close this thread.


This is not 'good honest conversation'


If the Japrechaun was a Scotty Cameron character, this 'best approach' issue wouldn't be open for debate.



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If the Japrechaun was a Scotty Cameron character, this 'best approach' issue wouldn't be open for debate.


Since the Japanese market is both lucrative and important to Scotty, he would never be so stupid as to try it. So you are right, there wouldn't be a debate.


It may not be fair, but Slighter has not built up enough goodwill in his business to get a free pass on this. If Scotty had done something with equal potential for being offensive, and somehow that got by the Titleist/Acushnet people, then he may get away with it. But he might not, and that's why you don't see the arrogance of trying something like that because it's simply not worth the risk.


I guess Slighter has a slight advantage in this aspect of the putter market because outside a few golf forums, no one cares.

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I have a putter from Tom on order. My experience has been nothing more than positive. I believe this post has taken the spirit of his website out of context. The man and his putters are simply awesome.


Mind if I ask what the issue has been with his putters in the past?



Do a search on Tom, bringing it out here will only stir people up.

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A couple of questions:


1) The caricature is supposed to be of Tom.


2) Modern day caricatures of Japanese characters are usually not yellow.


3) Political Correctness does have its place if you want to succeed in a globalized world. Posing an ethnic centered campaign has it pitfalls. Would people have a problem if terms involving WASP, DIEGO, etc. etc were mixed together?


4) People are already starting to bring the fact that people habitually criticize Tom. This topic is about this specific Marketing image he is trying to portray.


Is it possible the only color available to provide a decent flesh tone was slightly yellow? There seems to be a lot being read into this character. Anyway, I am certain Tom did not intend to offend anyone. By the way, I just polled my half Japanese fiancee about the whether or not the character, as drawn and named, was degrading to her. Her comment...."No, but its kind of a freaky looking little guy."

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The logo is terrible.


Also, as far as putters go, I do not respect Slighter for copying Cameron with the jumbled style lettering and snow and other junk that Cameron does.


To get my respect Slighter would have to do some original, innovative product designs.


It's not just Slighter. I do not respect Cameron , or Bettindardi, or David Mills, or any of these other guys out there copying Karstens Solheim's designs.


I respect people like John Reuter Jr. ( designer of the bullseye) and Karsten Solheim (designer of the Anser putter and the Eye 2 iron).

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I teach history and human beings are capable of doing amazingly evil and almost unspeakable things to each other. That still does not change the fact that every word is not a veiled insult.

Yellow skin and slanted eyes are the genetic make-up of native Japanese people. How else should someone of Japanese descent be drawn? While it may be politically incorrect to point this out, many stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason. The Irish are often portrayed as drunks. While I am not an alcoholic, guess what, many Irish are due to a genetic predisposition in individuals of Irish descent.


I turn a cold shoulder to political correctness - it is dishonest and stiffles discussion and people with no intent of ill will. I will always oppose acts of true ill will towards other people regardless of the motivation behind those acts, I will remember and ask others to remember the past, but I will not participate in witch hunts by the politically correct.


I respect the opinions expressed here, but I respectfully disagree that there is anything to be insulted about here.


I also refuse to participate anymore in this discussion in this venue. Last word to you guys.




So he made the "Japrechaun where green pants and suspenders. Ummm, maybe that is because that is what a leprechaun wears. If he wanted to make fun or be mean spirited towards his Irish heritage, then he could have done some crazy stuff like putting potatoes in his pockets or have him holding a pint of beer, but he didn't. he made the character have black hair and slits for eyes, because maybe if you look back, the only people of Japanese decent that have hair color other than black are the ones that dye it. Also how many Japanese have you seen without almond shaped eyes? It would be hard to draw the almond shaped eyes from a side view anyways. It is ridiculous that people can't take anything and laugh at it. Instead they get offended and need to call the local community action group. All I can say about this is thank you to all of the politicians that have supported the stupid mindset of "everybody is a winner and everybodies feelings need to be considered". This is the problem.


I say to Tom, "Drive on with what YOU want to do. If people get offended tell them to not look."


If you don't like it or are truley that offended, then don't buy the product.


You know what, I am white, so I think that I am going to go and picket in front of every Cracker Barrel, or sue the CrackerJacks company. Please find something better to complain about.



Those are HUGE very SAD generalizations.


I purposefully left out the names because I don't want to point a finger at anyone and start a debate. I'm done with this thread after this post. Unlike others who have said it and came back to add their 3rd cent.


I guess when most people in America think of racism they only know black/white. The "N" word is awful. To Japanese, the word "Japan" in any shape and form and cause the same pain. When it comes to Asians, it's easier to think that they're all short people good with calculators. Oh sorry..this is a golf forum..they forge the best clubs because they're little yellow skin slanty eyed hard workers that are good craftsman. I wouldn't doubt that many white americans could even tell the difference between a Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese and Korean.


Thank goodness Tom wasn't part african american. I can only imagine the name and the character he'd come up with. But I'm sure...no one would have anything to say, because "Hey...he's part and everyone knows african american's have huge afro's. He should put a hand gun in his pocket too!". Actually maybe if he was part African American, the caucasians would have an easier time understanding the gist of this topic.




I didn't say it in my first post.....but I am a fan of Slighter. One of the reasons I first became enamored of him is that I knew he was part Japanese and I felt I shared something in common with him. I still am a fan even because of this debacle but I'm a bit disappointed in his thought process. I don't care for the name, I'm disgusted by the illustration using stereotypes. Stereotypes that asians have fought for ages. From the looks of those two post.....it's a fight that won't be ending soon.

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I teach history and human beings are capable of doing amazingly evil and almost unspeakable things to each other. That still does not change the fact that every word is not a veiled insult.

Yellow skin and slanted eyes are the genetic make-up of native Japanese people. How else should someone of Japanese descent be drawn? While it may be politically incorrect to point this out, many stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason. The Irish are often portrayed as drunks. While I am not an alcoholic, guess what, many Irish are due to a genetic predisposition in individuals of Irish descent.


I turn a cold shoulder to political correctness - it is dishonest and stiffles discussion and people with no intent of ill will. I will always oppose acts of true ill will towards other people regardless of the motivation behind those acts, I will remember and ask others to remember the past, but I will not participate in witch hunts by the politically correct.


I respect the opinions expressed here, but I respectfully disagree that there is anything to be insulted about here.


I also refuse to participate anymore in this discussion in this venue. Last word to you guys.




So he made the "Japrechaun where green pants and suspenders. Ummm, maybe that is because that is what a leprechaun wears. If he wanted to make fun or be mean spirited towards his Irish heritage, then he could have done some crazy stuff like putting potatoes in his pockets or have him holding a pint of beer, but he didn't. he made the character have black hair and slits for eyes, because maybe if you look back, the only people of Japanese decent that have hair color other than black are the ones that dye it. Also how many Japanese have you seen without almond shaped eyes? It would be hard to draw the almond shaped eyes from a side view anyways. It is ridiculous that people can't take anything and laugh at it. Instead they get offended and need to call the local community action group. All I can say about this is thank you to all of the politicians that have supported the stupid mindset of "everybody is a winner and everybodies feelings need to be considered". This is the problem.


I say to Tom, "Drive on with what YOU want to do. If people get offended tell them to not look."


If you don't like it or are truley that offended, then don't buy the product.


You know what, I am white, so I think that I am going to go and picket in front of every Cracker Barrel, or sue the CrackerJacks company. Please find something better to complain about.



Those are HUGE very SAD generalizations.


I purposefully left out the names because I don't want to point a finger at anyone and start a debate. I'm done with this thread after this post. Unlike others who have said it and came back to add their 3rd cent.


I guess when most people in America think of racism they only know black/white. The "N" word is awful. To Japanese, the word "Japan" in any shape and form and cause the same pain. When it comes to Asians, it's easier to think that they're all short people good with calculators. Oh sorry..this is a golf forum..they forge the best clubs because they're little yellow skin slanty eyed hard workers that are good craftsman. I wouldn't doubt that many white americans could even tell the difference between a Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese and Korean.


Thank goodness Tom wasn't part african american. I can only imagine the name and the character he'd come up with. But I'm sure...no one would have anything to say, because "Hey...he's part and everyone knows african american's have huge afro's. He should put a hand gun in his pocket too!". Actually maybe if he was part African American, the caucasians would have an easier time understanding the gist of this topic.




I didn't say it in my first post.....but I am a fan of Slighter. One of the reasons I first became enamored of him is that I knew he was part Japanese and I felt I shared something in common with him. I still am a fan even because of this debacle but I'm a bit disappointed in his thought process. I don't care for the name, I'm disgusted by the illustration using stereotypes. Stereotypes that asians have fought for ages. From the looks of those two post.....it's a fight that won't be ending soon.

Okay, I'll bite, since you quoted my post. If you are going to attack my post directly I am going to respond. I changed my mind after reading some of the posts. I didn't realize that was such a faux pas to change your mind around here.


What is the genetic makeup of most native Japanese? It isn't racism to point out the obvious. You quoted me but didn't answer the question - how else should someone of Japanese descent be drawn? I'm willing to learn something new - educate me.


I notice nobody took exception to "...feisty competetive spirit and luck of the Irish" or "...meticulouse & precise focus and Zen of the Japanese." Isn't it a little intellectually dishonest to ignore those stereotypes that are positive while attacking those you find negative?


I guess when most people in America think of racism they only know black/white. The "N" word is awful. To Japanese, the word "Japan" in any shape and form and cause the same pain. When it comes to Asians, it's easier to think that they're all short people good with calculators. Oh sorry..this is a golf forum..they forge the best clubs because they're little yellow skin slanty eyed hard workers that are good craftsman. I wouldn't doubt that many white americans could even tell the difference between a Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese and Korean.


This whole line of reasoning is disengenuous. Nobody here has said any of these things. If attributing words to people who never said them is the best argument you can come up with then it isn't much of an argument. I will ask, how do you tell the difference between Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese and Koreans if there are no stereotypes to go by?


By the way, the word being debated isn't "Japan." Unless you want to ban the use of the word Japanese you don't have any real argument.

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      2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic - Monday #3
      WITB Albums
      Nate Lashley - WITB - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
      Hayden Springer - WITB - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
      Jackson Koivun - WITB - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
      Callum Tarren - WITB - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
      Luke Clanton - WITB - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
      Pullout Albums
      Jason Dufner's custom 3-D printed Cobra putter - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
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      • 11 replies
    • Tiger Woods - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Tiger Woods - WITB - 2024 US Open
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      • 52 replies
    • 2024 US Open - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 US Open - Monday #1
      WITB Albums
      Tiger Woods - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Edoardo Molinari - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Logan McAllister - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Bryan Kim - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Richard Mansell - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Jackson Buchanan - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Carter Jenkins - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Parker Bell - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Omar Morales - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Neil Shipley - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Casey Jarvis - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Carson Schaake - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Pullout Albums

      Tiger Woods on the range at Pinehurst on Monday – 2024 U.S. Open
      Newton Motion shaft - 2024 US Open
      Cameron putter covers - 2024 US Open
      New UST Mamiya Linq shaft - 2024 US Open


      • 5 replies
    • Titleist GT drivers - 2024 the Memorial Tournament
      Early in hand photos of the new GT2 models t the truck.  As soon as they show up on the range in player's bags we'll get some better from the top photos and hopefully some comparison photos against the last model.
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