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Jimmy Ballard

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Gary, I am much better at performing the swing than I am at looking at other swings in real time and making suggestions, so take this accordingly.


There is a lot to like about what you are doing, in my view. I’ll bet that the shot that you hit in the video was a pretty good one. The setup is pretty good. As near as I can see you are keeping your upper body joints under control throughout the swing - elbows down, good connection. The left arm is folding on the downswing as it should be and the right arm is coming around to square the club face and apply power. Straight and balanced finish with all the weight on the left side - nice! I cant see the position of your thumbs at the top. One check that I have on my backswing is that my thumbs should basically point toward my right ear at the top if I’ve done everything else right, and yours can’t be too far off this.


I think that you could get a stronger coil into your back leg, which would increase your power. A bit wider stance, turn the left toe out. Start the backswing by bumping your left knee away from the target and letting the heel come up a bit, this should get a really strong coil into the back leg.


That’s what I see. Speedster is the real master of this swing, and I’ll get to see how close I came, grin.


So, was it a pretty good shot?

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Do you guys see any similarities between this swing and the Venetos swing? I know it's totally random, but for whatever reason I see similar principles.


Does Ballard propose keeping his weight on the left foot during the BS?


I think the Venetos swing is much closer to SnT or Minimalist golf swing in concept versus Ballard.

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Yes, pretty good shot and thanks for the reply. I was just wondering if I was even close to a real Ballard swing. I do agree about the stronger coil and I wish I couls stop the overswing.


Well, I think that it would take a real Ballard instructor to say exactly what you have. I am 100% self-taught on this, and I have enough problems of my own that I don’t spend a lot of time evaluating other swings, so take it for what it’s worth. ;-)


Yup. When you get to a straight and upright finish like that, and you’ve kept connected, it is hard to believe that that ball could get far off line.


How is this swing different that what you have been doing previously? How has affected your on-course performance/consistency? I am thinking that if you are relatively new to this method and you keep working to make yourself better you aren’t going to be a 15 handicap for very long. You are going to be hitting fairways consistently, and that’s the name of the game. Only Phil and friends can recover from hitting out of the rough and behind trees all the time. We mortals need to hit fairways if we want to have any chance to turn in good scores. I have never understood why some of my friends seem to take more pleasure from hitting a 180 yard 7 iron than from hitting a dead straight shot down the middle of a fairway.

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Don, sorry about the video. There were about four Ballard instructional videos that somebody put up on YouTube in the last couple of weeks. I suppose that the content owner (Ballard?) had them taken down due to copyright considerations. These videos had a lot to say. I would pay for them if I knew where to find them. What I wanted you to see was the swing of his assistant, who was an extreme example of passive arms and hands on the takeaway.


Your questions:


Width of stance: Ballard teaches inside heels = outside shoulder width, for all "normal, full shots". This includes the wedges. So it is what I do. I think that having this right is very important to your progress, so I suggest that you get out a yardstick and have somebody measure your shoulder width, and put the yardstick on the ground and get a sense of what this means. This spacing is the middle ground between too wide (hard to get a complete weight transfer) and too narrow (too much twisting/rotation). We have 12" tile in a room, so I use it as a reference to practice my width.


Ball location: I position the club face behind the ball with the club shaft not pressed toward or away from the target, and I hold it in this position with my trailing hand, and from here I position my body with respect to the club shaft such that the butt of the club is pointing at my belly button, my lead elbow is on my chest, my spine is not tipped toward or away from the target, and my knees, hips, waist, shoulders are all basically square to the target. I do this for all clubs. The ball is wherever it is at the end of this operation, and I pay no further attention. This process ensures that when I am at address everything is "centered" with respect to the core of my body; Ballard wants everything centered - "no angles".


If I seem to be anal about the setup it is because I am anal about the setup. I figure that, as a pre-swing thing, it is a freebee and if I don't get it right everything else is going to be a series of compensations. For me the essence of this method is proper setup, proper footwork, and keeping my lead elbow down/connected.



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Do you guys see any similarities between this swing and the Venetos swing? I know it's totally random, but for whatever reason I see similar principles.


Absolutely nothing similar. Venetos wants total stillness and Ballard has about as much movement in the swing as anybody. Venetos keeps the weight on the front and Ballard coils into the back foot. Really, what would you even say are similar?

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Yes, pretty good shot and thanks for the reply. I was just wondering if I was even close to a real Ballard swing. I do agree about the stronger coil and I wish I couls stop the overswing.


Well, I think that it would take a real Ballard instructor to say exactly what you have. I am 100% self-taught on this, and I have enough problems of my own that I don't spend a lot of time evaluating other swings, so take it for what it's worth. ;-)


Yup. When you get to a straight and upright finish like that, and you've kept connected, it is hard to believe that that ball could get far off line.


How is this swing different that what you have been doing previously? How has affected your on-course performance/consistency? I am thinking that if you are relatively new to this method and you keep working to make yourself better you aren't going to be a 15 handicap for very long. You are going to be hitting fairways consistently, and that's the name of the game. Only Phil and friends can recover from hitting out of the rough and behind trees all the time. We mortals need to hit fairways if we want to have any chance to turn in good scores. I have never understood why some of my friends seem to take more pleasure from hitting a 180 yard 7 iron than from hitting a dead straight shot down the middle of a fairway.


I'm not even using the Ballard swing now. This is from last year. I go back to it now and again if I hit a slump or just get bored. It's a problem of mine that I don't stick to one swing, I like to experiment, often to my own detriment. I'm about a 12 hdcp now, I just never change my stats on here. Been as low as an 8 up to the 15.

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I have my inside heels at shoulder width for a standard 5 iron and the ball is positioned 3 inches inside my left heel. With a driver, my feet are slightly wider than shoulder width and as the club gets shorter my stance progressively gets slightly narrower which also makes the ball "appear" like it is farther back in my stance, but in essence it is still 3 inches inside my left heel. I have heard Ballard's assistants say that all full shots should be made from a shoulder width stance, but you do not see the best short iron and wedge players in the world doing this, and Ballard has never told me to make my short iron stance wider.... I don't consciously try to make it narrower, as the club gets shorter, this is just something that I instinctively do gradually as the club gets shorter, but it obviously is not significant enough to cause Jimmy to mention it as a problem. I always maintain the relationship with the butt end of the club and my sternum (center), the butt never gets too far behind or ahead of center, but at impact I do feel a very slight amount of shaft lean coupled with a full release.


If you are bottoming out too soon when you make split grip practice swings then you are getting too far underneath the plane on the downswing which is causing your right shoulder to drop too much. Stick with trying to get your impact in the correct place, opposite of where the ball would be positioned in your stance, then your right side will groove staying higher through the shot which will also aid in helping you release the club in the right sequence. Put a tee in the ground and make a split handed practice swing while trying to clip the top half of the tee, you will soon feel how this instinctively makes your right side stay higher in the downswing and through the ball. The swing is definitely controlled from the ground up, not vice versa.


The only difference from hitting a 9 iron versus a 4 iron is the lie angle and length of the club, you essentially have one swing and 14 different clubs. The same swing principles even apply to the putter; ie: butt of the putter always points at center and releases through impact. The best way to groove and learn the correct putting stroke I have found is by practicing my putting with the True Pendulum Motion (TPM), it will teach you the correct set-up with the butt of the club always in center and a full and proper release: https://www.amazon.c...f/dp/B018K41T1G. I gave Ballard a TPM as a gift late last year and he loves it (he had never seen or heard of one, but said it trains you to stroke it exactly how he teaches putting)!


I am going to meet with Jimmy tomorrow for a lesson and lunch so if you have any reasonable questions you want clarified I will try to ask him for you. I will tell you this, Jimmy has a method he teaches and he is unreal at communicating what he teaches, but it is not the same as his assistants teach, his eye for his teaching is so much better than the second hand info I have heard from others that try to teach his method. That's not a knock on any of them, but Jimmy is just that much better and his eye for getting to the direct root of the problem is astounding.


WOW....what a post!

Where your ball is positioned and the detail is exactly what I was wondering, and you answered it in such detail. Cant thank you enough!!

My ball is maybe 1 inch inside of my left heel.....that seems to be an issue, based on your description. Have any pics of your setup that you can message me?


Went out Saturday morning and used a wider stance for all clubs. The ball striking was MUCH BETTER, but I was just missing greens within 10 yards left/right. I'm just learning the swing, so I will take those results. Had 2 fat shot, but that was because I rushed the backswing and didnt coil into the right leg correctly. Feels odd to have the butt of the club pointing at my belly button.....almost like I am adding loft to the club.


As for hooks, how can it be fixed and my hands not rotate the clubhead closed before impact? Same for pushed right shots. Those 2 seem to be my misses, more so the push to the right 10 yards off target.



As for questions for Jimmy - on the coil does the weight go to the back foot heel area on the backswing and then forward to the front foot toes or does the weight go to the middle of the back foot then to the front toes?'

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If any of you Ballard experts get a chance take a look at this video of me trying the Ballard swing. I'd just like to know what I got right and what I got wrong.




The swing motion itself looks pretty good from the front angle, but I can't see your swing plane from that camera angle. I think your biggest thing to fix is your set up.... your feet are both too square then you have to rotate your left foot open on the way down to get out of your own way. It would be better if you opened your left foot to approximately 45* so you don't have to clear your lower body by spinning your left foot more open on the downswing. When I make a correct swing, there is no movement of the left foot other than my left heel coming off the ground slightly on the way back, then on the way down the left heel goes back on the ground and I finish the swing while maintaining a FLAT left foot that does not spin.


In a nutshell, make sure your heels (not your toes) are pointed parallel to your target, your right foot is turned toward the target about 10* and your left heel is flared out 45* with braced knees that feel like you are gripping the ground with your feet. This will be a good start.


Watch Rocco's foot work, especially his left heel and how flat his left foot stays into his finish:


Another thing that Ballard and I have worked on is keeping a little flex in the left knee into the finish position.... Jimmy says if you post up and lock the left knee it leads to spinning out and all sorts of problem so I finish with my left foot flat and turned out the same as it was at address along with a soft left knee that has a little bit of bend in it still.


Thanks for the reply. One of the reasons I go away from the Ballard swing is I need another set of eyes. I get to a point on my own but that's a s far as I'll get without help. I'd love to try Bill Abrams in Chicago some day.

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If any of you Ballard experts get a chance take a look at this video of me trying the Ballard swing. I'd just like to know what I got right and what I got wrong.




The swing motion itself looks pretty good from the front angle, but I can't see your swing plane from that camera angle. I think your biggest thing to fix is your set up.... your feet are both too square then you have to rotate your left foot open on the way down to get out of your own way. It would be better if you opened your left foot to approximately 45* so you don't have to clear your lower body by spinning your left foot more open on the downswing. When I make a correct swing, there is no movement of the left foot other than my left heel coming off the ground slightly on the way back, then on the way down the left heel goes back on the ground and I finish the swing while maintaining a FLAT left foot that does not spin.


In a nutshell, make sure your heels (not your toes) are pointed parallel to your target, your right foot is turned toward the target about 10* and your left heel is flared out 45* with braced knees that feel like you are gripping the ground with your feet. This will be a good start.


Watch Rocco's foot work, especially his left heel and how flat his left foot stays into his finish:


Another thing that Ballard and I have worked on is keeping a little flex in the left knee into the finish position.... Jimmy says if you post up and lock the left knee it leads to spinning out and all sorts of problem so I finish with my left foot flat and turned out the same as it was at address along with a soft left knee that has a little bit of bend in it still.


Thanks for the reply. One of the reasons I go away from the Ballard swing is I need another set of eyes. I get to a point on my own but that's a s far as I'll get without help. I'd love to try Bill Abrams in Chicago some day.


Gary, here is the best set of eyes you could ever put on your swing, and it is affordable:




I'll bet that Ballard would give you your money's worth, and a lot more. When I get my swing as good as I think that I can get it, I am going to send Jimmy a video. I think that it is incredible that I can get a critique directly from the person who has worked with champions.


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If any of you Ballard experts get a chance take a look at this video of me trying the Ballard swing. I'd just like to know what I got right and what I got wrong.




The swing motion itself looks pretty good from the front angle, but I can't see your swing plane from that camera angle. I think your biggest thing to fix is your set up.... your feet are both too square then you have to rotate your left foot open on the way down to get out of your own way. It would be better if you opened your left foot to approximately 45* so you don't have to clear your lower body by spinning your left foot more open on the downswing. When I make a correct swing, there is no movement of the left foot other than my left heel coming off the ground slightly on the way back, then on the way down the left heel goes back on the ground and I finish the swing while maintaining a FLAT left foot that does not spin.


In a nutshell, make sure your heels (not your toes) are pointed parallel to your target, your right foot is turned toward the target about 10* and your left heel is flared out 45* with braced knees that feel like you are gripping the ground with your feet. This will be a good start.


Watch Rocco's foot work, especially his left heel and how flat his left foot stays into his finish:


Another thing that Ballard and I have worked on is keeping a little flex in the left knee into the finish position.... Jimmy says if you post up and lock the left knee it leads to spinning out and all sorts of problem so I finish with my left foot flat and turned out the same as it was at address along with a soft left knee that has a little bit of bend in it still.


Thanks for the reply. One of the reasons I go away from the Ballard swing is I need another set of eyes. I get to a point on my own but that's a s far as I'll get without help. I'd love to try Bill Abrams in Chicago some day.


Gary, here is the best set of eyes you could ever put on your swing, and it is affordable:




I'll bet that Ballard would give you your money's worth, and a lot more. When I get my swing as good as I think that I can get it, I am going to send Jimmy a video. I think that it is incredible that I can get a critique directly from the person who has worked with champions.

I need more than that. I need someone who says "do this" then watches and confirms that I'm actually "doing that". But if I was to go to the Ballard swing for good, I think having Jimmy critique your swing would be cool as a souvenir. As in having a legend comment on video about your swing. I saw him in person in a group of about 20 people. He explained his swing , but we didn't get to swing and have him look at it, that would've been cool.

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WOW....what a post!

Where your ball is positioned and the detail is exactly what I was wondering, and you answered it in such detail. Cant thank you enough!!

My ball is maybe 1 inch inside of my left heel.....that seems to be an issue, based on your description. Have any pics of your setup that you can message me?


Went out Saturday morning and used a wider stance for all clubs. The ball striking was MUCH BETTER, but I was just missing greens within 10 yards left/right. I'm just learning the swing, so I will take those results. Had 2 fat shot, but that was because I rushed the backswing and didnt coil into the right leg correctly. Feels odd to have the butt of the club pointing at my belly button.....almost like I am adding loft to the club.


As for hooks, how can it be fixed and my hands not rotate the clubhead closed before impact? Same for pushed right shots. Those 2 seem to be my misses, more so the push to the right 10 yards off target.



As for questions for Jimmy - on the coil does the weight go to the back foot heel area on the backswing and then forward to the front foot toes or does the weight go to the middle of the back foot then to the front toes?'


The weight goes right heel back and left toes on the through swing. I can post some images later of my set up, but below is Hogan at address, impact and release with the butt of the club back in center.


Hooks can be fixed by either getting the face more toe down in the backswing (if in fact it is shut) or by not flipping the clubface and controlling the face better through impact.


Jimmy called me yesterday after spending the night in the ER so I won't know until later this morning if he is going to feel up to going out in the heat today to give me a lesson :(.


Hope he is OK!


Those pics are gold. Weird that having the butt of the club pointed back to the belly button will still produce a delofted club at impact.

The pics seem to indicate that the right shoulder dips, but in fact it does not! That was an issue that I fixed by essentially just swinging like I am throwing sidearm from SS to 2B.....Is that the correct way, or should I be more underhand like a softball pitcher?


I notice I get flippy at impact when the lower body weight is NOT correct.......what about the pushed shot to the right, how can that be fixed?


If you can, please post or message me some pics & videos of your swing. Would love to compare them to what I am doing.


Anyway I can get lessons from Jimmy (in-person)? I am in Parkland :)

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I was able to meet with Jimmy today so I had him take a few pictures of my set-up... he had a little health scare two nights ago, but this morning he wanted to get together just so he could get out of the house.


We worked on a few of the same things we always seem to work on and we had a discussion about Stenson and Annika's head rotation through impact. Jimmy told me that early in her career Annika told him she used to keep her head down and hit low hooks, then she she read his book and has never tried to keep her head down since.


I don't suppose you got any video of your swings? Always fascinated to see someone swinging with the Ballard denominators.

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I was able to meet with Jimmy today so I had him take a few pictures of my set-up... he had a little health scare two nights ago, but this morning he wanted to get together just so he could get out of the house.


We worked on a few of the same things we always seem to work on and we had a discussion about Stenson and Annika's head rotation through impact. Jimmy told me that early in her career Annika told him she used to keep her head down and hit low hooks, then she she read his book and has never tried to keep her head down since.


97 - great pics and thank you! The pics open up a world of "ah-ha".

What iron are you hitting in the pics???



My ball position is way farther towards the front foot than you. I get a lot of height on my balls, but it doesn't feel comfortable at address....awesome to see where it should be.

I also see your right shoulder is just a touch lower than the left.....sometimes I try to keep them too level and wind up keeping the weight forward.

You are a more "bent" towards the ball than I am.....I guess I try to have my back straight to the sky and get caught on my heels at address.

Left foot is turned outwards, but not as much as mine. Lately I haven't had as much outward positioning....which has helped me stay balanced and not "spin out"....good to see my thinking was right.


I love how straight your right arm is going to the shaft.......also love how both of your arms are connected! I went to the range today and even though it feels weird, when I keep both elbows on top of my chest and swing with my body (backswing AND downswing) - the balls fly deadly accurate.


Do you have any videos of your swing? Those would be awesome to see!


Thanks for the informative post.

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I was able to meet with Jimmy today so I had him take a few pictures of my set-up... he had a little health scare two nights ago, but this morning he wanted to get together just so he could get out of the house.


We worked on a few of the same things we always seem to work on and we had a discussion about Stenson and Annika's head rotation through impact. Jimmy told me that early in her career Annika told him she used to keep her head down and hit low hooks, then she she read his book and has never tried to keep her head down since.


I don't suppose you got any video of your swings? Always fascinated to see someone swinging with the Ballard denominators.


Me too,helps a lot. I'd love to see some good swings of Jim Colbert. Had some at one time but can't find them now.

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I was able to meet with Jimmy today so I had him take a few pictures of my set-up... he had a little health scare two nights ago, but this morning he wanted to get together just so he could get out of the house.


We worked on a few of the same things we always seem to work on and we had a discussion about Stenson and Annika's head rotation through impact. Jimmy told me that early in her career Annika told him she used to keep her head down and hit low hooks, then she she read his book and has never tried to keep her head down since.


97 - great pics and thank you! The pics open up a world of "ah-ha".

What iron are you hitting in the pics???



My ball position is way farther towards the front foot than you. I get a lot of height on my balls, but it doesn't feel comfortable at address....awesome to see where it should be.

I also see your right shoulder is just a touch lower than the left.....sometimes I try to keep them too level and wind up keeping the weight forward.

You are a more "bent" towards the ball than I am.....I guess I try to have my back straight to the sky and get caught on my heels at address.

Left foot is turned outwards, but not as much as mine. Lately I haven't had as much outward positioning....which has helped me stay balanced and not "spin out"....good to see my thinking was right.


I love how straight your right arm is going to the shaft.......also love how both of your arms are connected! I went to the range today and even though it feels weird, when I keep both elbows on top of my chest and swing with my body (backswing AND downswing) - the balls fly deadly accurate.


Do you have any videos of your swing? Those would be awesome to see!


Thanks for the informative post.


The only video I have access to right now is 6 years old. The video is very grainy (taken with an out of date cell phone camera), but below are picts of the video in positions of Address, half way back, top of backswing (was still over swinging at this point) and at impact (It was a good shot, impact position is really good I think).


Again, I apologize for the grain. It's amazing the photo/video technology that has happened over the last 6 years.

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97 - great pics and thank you! The pics open up a world of "ah-ha".

What iron are you hitting in the pics???



My ball position is way farther towards the front foot than you. I get a lot of height on my balls, but it doesn't feel comfortable at address....awesome to see where it should be.

I also see your right shoulder is just a touch lower than the left.....sometimes I try to keep them too level and wind up keeping the weight forward.

You are a more "bent" towards the ball than I am.....I guess I try to have my back straight to the sky and get caught on my heels at address.

Left foot is turned outwards, but not as much as mine. Lately I haven't had as much outward positioning....which has helped me stay balanced and not "spin out"....good to see my thinking was right.


I love how straight your right arm is going to the shaft.......also love how both of your arms are connected! I went to the range today and even though it feels weird, when I keep both elbows on top of my chest and swing with my body (backswing AND downswing) - the balls fly deadly accurate.


Do you have any videos of your swing? Those would be awesome to see!


Thanks for the informative post.


The address pictures in the previous post were taken with a 7 iron. I like to play off of a constant left foot and ball position, even with my short game.... that is why my constant is 3 inches inside my left heel and then the only thing that changes according to the shot and length of the club is my right foot position.... even for a low shot or a chip, the left foot and ball position is the same, I just move my right foot closer to the left which in essence makes the ball appear like it's farther back. On a chip my left foot and ball position are the same, but my right toe is on the ball position line.


Do your shoulders stay closed on the downswing? Sometimes I have a tendency to open them and cut across the ball.

Feel like I am releasing early at impact.....anyway to fix that?


As for the left elbow DOWN AT IMPACT - how is that even possible?!?!?



If you can, please upload some videos of your swing :)

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97 - great pics and thank you! The pics open up a world of "ah-ha".

What iron are you hitting in the pics???



My ball position is way farther towards the front foot than you. I get a lot of height on my balls, but it doesn't feel comfortable at address....awesome to see where it should be.

I also see your right shoulder is just a touch lower than the left.....sometimes I try to keep them too level and wind up keeping the weight forward.

You are a more "bent" towards the ball than I am.....I guess I try to have my back straight to the sky and get caught on my heels at address.

Left foot is turned outwards, but not as much as mine. Lately I haven't had as much outward positioning....which has helped me stay balanced and not "spin out"....good to see my thinking was right.


I love how straight your right arm is going to the shaft.......also love how both of your arms are connected! I went to the range today and even though it feels weird, when I keep both elbows on top of my chest and swing with my body (backswing AND downswing) - the balls fly deadly accurate.


Do you have any videos of your swing? Those would be awesome to see!


Thanks for the informative post.


The address pictures in the previous post were taken with a 7 iron. I like to play off of a constant left foot and ball position, even with my short game.... that is why my constant is 3 inches inside my left heel and then the only thing that changes according to the shot and length of the club is my right foot position.... even for a low shot or a chip, the left foot and ball position is the same, I just move my right foot closer to the left which in essence makes the ball appear like it's farther back. On a chip my left foot and ball position are the same, but my right toe is on the ball position line.


Do your shoulders stay closed on the downswing? Sometimes I have a tendency to open them and cut across the ball.

Feel like I am releasing early at impact.....anyway to fix that?


As for the left elbow DOWN AT IMPACT - how is that even possible?!?!?



If you can, please upload some videos of your swing :)


The answer to both of your questions is the same.. chances are you're pulling the club through the ball. You can't keep your left elbow down at impact if you're pulling the club through the ball. And when you pull the club you will open your shoulders.


And also, chances are, you're opening your shoulders because you may not be returning to your left side laterally. I'm guessing, as I can't see your swing, but I'm willing to bet you might be spinning out (which would cause you to pull the butt of the club too.).

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      WITB Albums
      Michael Block - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Patrick Reed - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Cam Smith - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Brooks Koepka - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Josh Speight - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Takumi Kanaya - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Kyle Mendoza - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Adrian Meronk - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jordan Smith - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jeremy Wells - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jared Jones - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      John Somers - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Larkin Gross - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Tracy Phillips - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jon Rahm - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Keita Nakajima - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Kazuma Kobori - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      David Puig - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Ryan Van Velzen - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Pullout Albums
      Ping putter covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Bettinardi covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Cameron putter covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Max Homa - Titleist 2 wood - 2024 PGA Championship
      Scotty Cameron experimental putter shaft by UST - 2024 PGA Championship
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    • 2024 Wells Fargo Championship - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 Wells Fargo Championship - Monday #1
      2024 Wells Fargo Championship - Tuesday #1
      2024 Wells Fargo Championship - Tuesday #2
      WITB Albums
      Akshay Bhatia - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Matthieu Pavon - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Keegan Bradley - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Webb Simpson - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Emiliano Grillo - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Taylor Pendrith - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Kevin Tway - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Pullout Albums
      Rory McIlroy - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      New Cobra equipment truck - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Eric Cole's custom Cameron putter - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Custom Cameron putter - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Matt Kuchar's custom Bettinardi - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Justin Thomas - driver change - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Rickie Fowler - putter change - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Rickie Fowler's new custom Odyssey Jailbird 380 putter – 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Tommy Fleetwood testing a TaylorMade Spider Tour X (with custom neck) – 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Cobra Darkspeed Volition driver – 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
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      • 2 replies
    • 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Monday #1
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Monday #2
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Tuesday #1
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Tuesday #2
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Tuesday #3
      WITB Albums
      Pierceson Coody - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Kris Kim - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      David Nyfjall - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Adrien Dumont de Chassart - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Jarred Jetter - North Texas PGA Section Champ - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Richy Werenski - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Wesley Bryan - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Parker Coody - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Peter Kuest - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Blaine Hale, Jr. - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Kelly Kraft - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Rico Hoey - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Pullout Albums
      Adam Scott's 2 new custom L.A.B. Golf putters - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Scotty Cameron putters - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
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      • 11 replies

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