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Pure Ball Striker Training Aid....


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ok i've read all the posts and i'm gonna order one when i get home.....i'm not knowledgable in tgm but from reading all the posts there are 4 pressure points and the pbs focuses on pp #3. my question is should there be pressure on the other 3 pressure points?


Yes there will always be some kind of pressure on your pressure points. How much is up to you. The pbs doesn't teach you to put pressure on #3. You already have at least a little. The PBS teaches you to sense the pressure so you can control it to your liking. Controlling it your liking means good golf shots!

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Snow is melting, temperature is rising.... I was finally able to go out and do the 32 chips drill every day for a week. I'm starting to feel the lag!! Went to the range for the first time yesterday, forgot to bring my PBS, but gradually buil my momentum from chips to full swing. Hit a full bucket with only my PW, then did a small bucket with 7 and 5 iron. It went great. I was very accurate for a guy who haven'T hit a ball in months....


One thing I notice though is that my trajectory is a lot higher. I even tried to move the ball back in my stance (almost to my back foot with the PW) and still result in strong high shots. Distance seemed about par to last year, but it was about 50 degrees outside.


Would better lag increase trajectory or is it just me?

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Snow is melting, temperature is rising.... I was finally able to go out and do the 32 chips drill every day for a week. I'm starting to feel the lag!! Went to the range for the first time yesterday, forgot to bring my PBS, but gradually buil my momentum from chips to full swing. Hit a full bucket with only my PW, then did a small bucket with 7 and 5 iron. It went great. I was very accurate for a guy who haven'T hit a ball in months....


One thing I notice though is that my trajectory is a lot higher. I even tried to move the ball back in my stance (almost to my back foot with the PW) and still result in strong high shots. Distance seemed about par to last year, but it was about 50 degrees outside.


Would better lag increase trajectory or is it just me?


Yes, you are able to sustain the line of compression.

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Well I have my PBS now and I'm just starting to use it. I'm also taking lessons at the same time.


So the pro giving me the lessons has given me two problem areas to work on. One I lift my right foot off the ground before impact. Did not know I was doing this. Also my arms were not lose and relaxed during the swing they were stiff. Which makes me leave the club face open coming through the ball. This gave me a slice and no distance on any of my shots. I also have a big problem getting the club face square coming through the ball. I can square it with my irons most of the time but still have issues with the driver.


So from what I understand in using the PBS my goal will be to use a aiming point in front of the ball. I will try to draw a mental line from the PBS at the top of my back swing to a point in front of the ball. Then I should work on feeling the pressure on me right hand index finger that is over the PBS. I'm thinking this should help me bring the club from the inside to out by trying to hit a spot in front of the ball? Will this also help me to square the club face coming through the ball? Or will it just be easier to square because I'm coming more from the in to out path?


Or am I all wrong about this? I really think the PBS will help me.



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Wish I would have read all of this sooner but better late than never....


Just ordered a PBS after reading all of this and getting hooked on the possibilities of getting that feeling of a pure strike. Occasionally I will get that feeling several times during a round and there is nothing like it. One of my many swing faults is swinging too much from the inside out. Does anyone else have a similar issue and have used the PBS to resolve that? I appreciate all of the guys in here helping out us fellow hackers!!


-Logan I noticed in one of your post of your swing at the driving range. That is one of my favorite spots to go to. Not many around here like that!!

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what do u think of using PBS for putting too? i saw TW making practise putting strokes yesterday with only his right hand on the grip. and his putting face is definitely dead square to the arc, even butch harmon said so. his putting is just indescribably good, off the charts

TM Stealth Plus 10.5 Ventus TR Red 5

Ping G425 Max 5 FW Ventus Velocore Red 7

Srixon MKii DI 3 Axiom 105

Mizuno JPX 921 SEL 4-PW KBS Tour 

Yururi Tataki 52.5, 56.5 and 60.5 DG S200
Ping Anser 2
MCC +4 Grips
Titleist AVX

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OK, after 29 pages I'm sold! Just ordered my Pure Ball Striker...but first a little history. I currently play to a 4.3 index. My air game went into the tank about 10 years ago when my son started playing. I spent more time chipping and putting than anything. My grip went to pot and I started flipping at the thing. I always feared getting over the top, and I actually used to joke that I invented coming over the top. Turns out that I now come too far from the inside and flip. Anyways, my grip is so bad that I let go of the club at impact, mid flip, and re-grip it by jamming the handle between my right thumb and index finger. When i return the club to the address position after hitting a shot, the blade is 45 or 50 degrees closed. I have severe and chronic damage to the skin just beyond the knuckle of my thumb.


While reading this thread it occurred to me that I only experience lag when I chip. I choke well down the grip for most standard chips, and I keep my hands ahead of the ball. My chipping is exemplary, and if I had read this thread years ago my game would be way different. I practiced yesterday just hitting little pitches and feeling the pressure on the trigger finger. When I chip it feels exactly like what you guys are describing. What this means to me is a complete overhaul of my grip. I always thought my right hand was too weak when chipping, but you have convinced me that my right hand is perfect when chipping. Now I have to take it to my long game.


As I said, my Pure Ball Striker is on the way. I can't wait to get cracking and report back to you. I am 2 years shy of being a Senior Amateur, and I'll be dedicating the next 2 years to this project. What better way to get good than an improved grip, some serious lag, a better understanding of impact dynamics, and some diligent practice.


Thank you all!

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jeff -- nice product. every time i play now i get a little better each time making the proper release. from about 20% of my swings 1st time out, to about half of them now. 1st time out i had the joyous experience of developing a callous on the buttpads of my trailing hand's middle fingers! never had that happen before. and it's really made me a lot more confident on half wedge shots too.


question: is the PBS more about getting the right feel in the 2 middle fingers of the trailing hand, or in the buttpad of the index finger? relatedly, how do you interpret hogan's comments on trailing hand pressure points at the end of this video:

TM Stealth Plus 10.5 Ventus TR Red 5

Ping G425 Max 5 FW Ventus Velocore Red 7

Srixon MKii DI 3 Axiom 105

Mizuno JPX 921 SEL 4-PW KBS Tour 

Yururi Tataki 52.5, 56.5 and 60.5 DG S200
Ping Anser 2
MCC +4 Grips
Titleist AVX

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For those of you thinking about trying the Pure Ball Striker for the rest of the month of March any order placed by 11:59 P.M. March 31st 2009 will receive a second Pure Ball Striker for FREE! Just go to this WEBSITE.




I ordered the PBS today. Do I need any promo codes in order to get the free PBS? I wasn't sure what to put on the promo code box. Thanks.



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Well I have my PBS now and I'm just starting to use it. I'm also taking lessons at the same time.


So the pro giving me the lessons has given me two problem areas to work on. One I lift my right foot off the ground before impact. Did not know I was doing this. Also my arms were not lose and relaxed during the swing they were stiff. Which makes me leave the club face open coming through the ball. This gave me a slice and no distance on any of my shots. I also have a big problem getting the club face square coming through the ball. I can square it with my irons most of the time but still have issues with the driver.


So from what I understand in using the PBS my goal will be to use a aiming point in front of the ball. I will try to draw a mental line from the PBS at the top of my back swing to a point in front of the ball. Then I should work on feeling the pressure on me right hand index finger that is over the PBS. I'm thinking this should help me bring the club from the inside to out by trying to hit a spot in front of the ball? Will this also help me to square the club face coming through the ball? Or will it just be easier to square because I'm coming more from the in to out path?


Or am I all wrong about this? I really think the PBS will help me.




Anyone have any idea if this is the correct way to use the PBS? Thanks

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Dear Jeff and other good people


I received my PBS in the mail (Australia) today - fast delivery USPS - thanks Jeff - even though the 'sports medicine' doctor told me this morning that I probably had a ruptured achilles tendon (right) (I've had it for nigh on three months, anyway); I strapped it up and went out into the paddock after work to practise the 9/3 drill and try out the PBS.


It was all very interesting: so subtle - I've been thinking about 'retaining the "same" right wrist angle throughout the swing' - I was just groovin' around, and feeling the PBS amplified lag, I adjusted the wrist **** to be 90 degrees in a practice BS, and set the right wrist angle to its address angle, and immediately felt a definite (potentially measurable) increase in lag pressure - extraordinary/amazing... all of a sudden in my next swing I was in another place, almost, as is oft quoted 'a game with which I was not (quite) familiar'. All the angles slightly changed but it felt good and solid...all those years of looking at pictures of the desirable shaft angle at the top that I had retained in my cortex were synched with what I could see from the corner of my eye and my mind's eye. Simply by recreating the angle of the right wrist at address, and not allowing it to bend back (as was my want in my misguided greed for distance) I felt an increase in lag pressure.


One session - worth every cent - cheap at twice the price, just for the feeling...


Regards, and may you strike the ball purely



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I have a Drill for you, this is really for people who strugle with casting as i do and dont really know what lag feels like.


This is just a well known drill with the pbs thrown in.


First part is the good old Drag n lag. which is basicly a one piece takeaway, but really feel like your upper body core is starting the swing, if done right the club will lag a little bit behind your hands (can take practice to re programe the brain to let this happen)


Your wrists should feel really loose, so dont intentionaly try and go for an early wrist ****, just rotate the core as normal. take the feeling the only way your ending your back swing is by starting the down swing. i mean you have to think if you dont start the down swing with the hips the back swing will go on forever :)


as you start the down swing the change of direction and the weight of the club head gravity will make the wrists **** and the angle of your left wrist /shaft will increase a ton. (float loading)


you do this correctly there is just no way you will cast it or the club get ahead of your hands unless you intentionally throw them.


So with the PBS just as you feel that weight as the transtion starts and the angles increase put as much pressure as you can on it (this does not mean grip the club as tightly as you can ) aim that pressure at your aiming point.


If you dont create shaft lean and lag doing this i will eat my brand new mizuno cap!


Now if you want to control the lag dont ask me, but this will help you know what lag is :)


Try it it might help it might not. but dont give up :)


Josh. Thank you for this. This is a GREAT drill and has introduced me to the concept of float loading. Tried this today with and without the PBS and had dramatic results. Seriously, I gained 15 yards per club and my striking was better than it's ever been. I've always struggled with my back swing, particularly being tall, and this feels so much more relaxed and smooth yet MUCH more powerful. It really has been my own eureka moment.


The best part is, I still think there's a lot more to get out of the PBS. I still struggle to feel that extreme pressure in the right forefinger (I get mild pressure at most) so I know there is much more lag potential.


Thanks again and more updates to follow!

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For those of you thinking about trying the Pure Ball Striker for the rest of the month of March any order placed by 11:59 P.M. March 31st 2009 will receive a second Pure Ball Striker for FREE! Just go to this WEBSITE.


We have extended the above offer until 11:59 PM EST, Friday, April 3rd, 2009. Just go to above website.

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Well I have my PBS now and I'm just starting to use it. I'm also taking lessons at the same time.


So the pro giving me the lessons has given me two problem areas to work on. One I lift my right foot off the ground before impact. Did not know I was doing this. Also my arms were not lose and relaxed during the swing they were stiff. Which makes me leave the club face open coming through the ball. This gave me a slice and no distance on any of my shots. I also have a big problem getting the club face square coming through the ball. I can square it with my irons most of the time but still have issues with the driver.


So from what I understand in using the PBS my goal will be to use a aiming point in front of the ball. I will try to draw a mental line from the PBS at the top of my back swing to a point in front of the ball. Then I should work on feeling the pressure on me right hand index finger that is over the PBS. I'm thinking this should help me bring the club from the inside to out by trying to hit a spot in front of the ball? Will this also help me to square the club face coming through the ball? Or will it just be easier to square because I'm coming more from the in to out path?


Or am I all wrong about this? I really think the PBS will help me.




Anyone have any idea if this is the correct way to use the PBS? Thanks


Is this site just about selling the product? I can not seem to get any answers after buying one.



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