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Hogan's Secret...what is it? what is it not? (Hogan Threads Merged)


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Guys. Look at the link to the e-book I posted. The new scales show more weight is on the lead foot at impact..The other two studies from a looong time ago were wrong due to improper measuring devices. A whole lot of info about the foot torquing as well in that study. take the time to read it DTS.

Even Hogan said he had 90% of his weight on front foot at impact. The real point to measure per the Sevam1 debate would be where is the weight when the hands are passing the right foot in the downswing. Stack and Tilt guys could be equal to Hogan at impact and it wouldn't mean a hill of beans as to where they were earlier in the downswing.

TM Stealth Plus 10.5 Ventus Velocore Blue 5

Ping G425 Max 5 FW Ventus Velocore Red 7

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jduncan the study tells you that...did you read it. Sevam/dts happen to be wrong on this one according to the recent studies using accurate measuring devices..but hey thats only science right ;). Actually the true measure would be impact position, and the secret would be how to get there. We've already come to this conclusion and Sevam is dead wrong..end of discussion IMO.

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Where, please?................. Even Hogan said he had 90% of his weight on front foot at impact.

Not 100% sure, but I think it was in Five Lessons. Sevam mentions it in one of his videos, that's where I heard it.

TM Stealth Plus 10.5 Ventus Velocore Blue 5

Ping G425 Max 5 FW Ventus Velocore Red 7

Srixon MKii DI 3 Axiom 105

Mizuno JPX 921 SEL 4-PW KBS Tour 

Yururi Tataki 52.5, 56.5 and 60.5 DG S200
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jduncan the study tells you that...did you read it. Sevam/dts happen to be wrong on this one according to the recent studies using accurate measuring devices..but hey thats only science right ;). Actually the true measure would be impact position, and the secret would be how to get there. We've already come to this conclusion and Sevam is dead wrong..end of discussion IMO.

Where? I thought the study measures impact. Show me where it measures weight when hands are passing right foot.


And btw, even it it measures the point where the hands pass the right foot, THAT STILL DOESN'T MEAN that's what Hogan did. It means it's the average of their study group, which of course has a bias. For example, what if the group contained a preponderance of Stack N Tilters? Only way we'd know where BH's weight was would be to measure him.

TM Stealth Plus 10.5 Ventus Velocore Blue 5

Ping G425 Max 5 FW Ventus Velocore Red 7

Srixon MKii DI 3 Axiom 105

Mizuno JPX 921 SEL 4-PW KBS Tour 

Yururi Tataki 52.5, 56.5 and 60.5 DG S200
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i'm glad the debate has moved away from baseball. i don't think Hogan wanted to learn how to hit it out of the park. he wanted to learn how to hit it to a particular person in the crowd and i don't think baseball players were quite that fastidious.


in my opinion Hogan arrived at ways to change 1. his path prior to impact and then 2. his clubface at impact and into the follow through. get these elements under control and you have reliable golf shots.


1. getting onto his left side so early meant that he had to do something with his power angles so as not to be excessively in to out. i believe he did this with his right hip, right shoulder and right arm. it is a less obvious version of snead's squat move to reorient the body with an on-plane motion so the right side doesn't have to dip down. it also has benefits as far as lowering the apparent plane to elbow plane even though in space not much has happened to the club (ie if i move my body closer to the target line my plane looks lower while if i move my body further from the target my plane looks steeper even though the club itself has done nothing).


2. into the follow through he found ways to curb the inclination of the clubface to roll. what would happen if the left arm brushed the plane into the follow through? that is, instead of folding below the plane as "conventional" swings would have it. it would not allow the right to cross over and the clubface would remain perpendicular to this plane provided the pivot continues to rotate. to do this i think the whole left side needs to lengthen and stretch out vertically otherwise the left arm will have to leave the chest prematurely to stay on the plane. the wrists will not recock until later in the follow through because the speed of the pivot and the high left arm will out-race this occurrence.


in a nut shell, keep the left arm brushing the plane on the backswing AND into the follow-through and, at least for me, it feels like Hogan. the right side will stay in place and 3 right hands would not go astray because the arms are working along the plane of glass as opposed to rotating away from the plane of glass.

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jduncan the study tells you that...did you read it. Sevam/dts happen to be wrong on this one according to the recent studies using accurate measuring devices..but hey thats only science right ;) . Actually the true measure would be impact position, and the secret would be how to get there. We've already come to this conclusion and Sevam is dead wrong..end of discussion IMO.

Where? I thought the study measures impact. Show me where it measures weight when hands are passing right foot.


And btw, even it it measures the point where the hands pass the right foot, THAT STILL DOESN'T MEAN that's what Hogan did. It means it's the average of their study group, which of course has a bias. For example, what if the group contained a preponderance of Stack N Tilters? Only way we'd know where BH's weight was would be to measure him.


You want me to do your research for you..Your post is full of cop outs. "Well even if the study says its this, then it doesn't matter because its not that..and that..and I can't see things any other way". The study was a mix of handicaps, and its not the only one (Just the only one I found after doing a quick search). My friend, are you willing to accept that there is a possibility Sevam is dead wrong..because I'm telling you the evidence points heavily in that direction. Impact is king..

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jduncan the study tells you that...did you read it. Sevam/dts happen to be wrong on this one according to the recent studies using accurate measuring devices..but hey thats only science right ;) . Actually the true measure would be impact position, and the secret would be how to get there. We've already come to this conclusion and Sevam is dead wrong..end of discussion IMO.

Where? I thought the study measures impact. Show me where it measures weight when hands are passing right foot.


And btw, even it it measures the point where the hands pass the right foot, THAT STILL DOESN'T MEAN that's what Hogan did. It means it's the average of their study group, which of course has a bias. For example, what if the group contained a preponderance of Stack N Tilters? Only way we'd know where BH's weight was would be to measure him.


You want me to do your research for you..Your post is full of cop outs. "Well even if the study says its this, then it doesn't matter because its not that..and that..and I can't see things any other way". The study was a mix of handicaps, and its not the only one (Just the only one I found after doing a quick search). My friend, are you willing to accept that there is a possibility Sevam is dead wrong..because I'm telling you the evidence points heavily in that direction. Impact is king..

I don't know definitively where Hogan's weight was at those times and neither do you. That's the point. If anything there's been a slight of hand trying to go from a study of a group of non-Hogan golfers and morphing that into what Hogan was doing. I'm calling BS on that. And I take it from your post that the study didn't address weight at the point where the hands cross the right foot. So it seems like another slight of hand is going on morphing impact to a different point in the swing. Calling BS on that too. :busted2:

TM Stealth Plus 10.5 Ventus Velocore Blue 5

Ping G425 Max 5 FW Ventus Velocore Red 7

Srixon MKii DI 3 Axiom 105

Mizuno JPX 921 SEL 4-PW KBS Tour 

Yururi Tataki 52.5, 56.5 and 60.5 DG S200
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Baseball more off the rear leg (ball up in air) Golf more off the lead leg..(Ball on ground.) Rotation and leverage are strikingly similar though, but those two facts will change things accordingly.


Accept it or reject it.. your choice.. but golf more off the right leg than many here believe is at

the heart of Mike Maves beliefs and I concur. The appearance of a preponderance of weight

displaced to the left early in transition is an accepted reference point whenever this debate

arises. Fact or fiction. Many many years ago as chronicled in Joe Novak's book Golf Can Be An Easy Game the issue of weight transference was taken up by a a major university and they

measured the best players of the day. Their findings........... more weight registered on the right side at impact then on the left. Novak was somewhat shocked at these findings so much

so that he went to work to offer an explanation that he at least could live with. Still the scales

weren't impacted by Joe's explanation. Many years later Golf Digest revisited this same testing

an surprise, surprise................. same results! Oh well, what's science got to do with it anyway! dts


I reject your notion that the feet being an active factor involved in weight staying on the right side. Simply put of course there is weight there from the head and parts of the body ,arms etc etc being behind the ball at impact..called the need to have some 2nd tilt ( axis tilt).

Mr Hogan creates his 2nd Tilt very late which you and other proponents dont seem to understand...the belt buckle and how mr Hogan gets it there seems to provide the answers


Excellent Eightiron...right on the money...Hoganfan came up with an excellent point also regarding the GDigest using scales too slow to show anything valid at all. Eight, you and this belt buckle thing ... very interesting...you are making very good discoveries.


Please break down your theory interested in an explanation.



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jduncan..were you reading the thread. The study was posted in response to dts claimed more that more weight was on the right side during the downswing and at impact..or he at least referenced some studies that showed that to be true. So I took the time to find some more recent studies, and shared them, which show quite the opposite. You can easily examine hogans pivot and tell where his weight is during his swing, or at least get a decent idea. Bottom line is Mike looks nooooottthiiiiing like Hogan and he's the biggest proponent of his little (once profitable) secret. So if Mike's using the torque/inversion deal..and he doesn't look like hogan in any of his videos (even the ones where he claims to) then how the hell could that even have a remote possiblity to be the secret. Its a bunch of crap IMO and people are looking to rid themselves of literal and metaphorical buyers remorse.

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Where, please?................. Even Hogan said he had 90% of his weight on front foot at impact.

Not 100% sure, but I think it was in Five Lessons. Sevam mentions it in one of his videos, that's where I heard it.


Hogan definitely felt a majority of weight was on his front foot at impact, I guess we will never know for sure, but I would estimate the guy knew what he was doing better than anyone to play the game.


In Power Golf it is written that 85% of the weight in on the left foot when his hands get near hip level on the downswing. Now this is the pre-accident swing, but I think it is still credible. He also says similar stuff in Five Lessons about the weight being sufficiently transferred to the left to not cramp the arc on the way down.


A lot of these discussions on here are answered by Hogan himself in his books. Although Power Golf is a tedious read, almost will put you to sleep.

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jduncan..were you reading the thread. The study was posted in response to dts claimed more that more weight was on the right side during the downswing and at impact..or he at least referenced some studies that showed that to be true. So I took the time to find some more recent studies, and shared them, which show quite the opposite. You can easily examine hogans pivot and tell where his weight is during his swing, or at least get a decent idea. Bottom line is Mike looks nooooottthiiiiing like Hogan and he's the biggest proponent of his little (once profitable) secret. So if Mike's using the torque/inversion deal..and he doesn't look like hogan in any of his videos (even the ones where he claims to) then how the hell could that even have a remote possiblity to be the secret. Its a bunch of crap IMO and people are looking to rid themselves of literal and metaphorical buyers remorse.

Responding to this post of yours: "jduncan the study tells you that...did you read it. Sevam/dts happen to be wrong on this one according to the recent studies using accurate measuring devices..but hey thats only science right . Actually the true measure would be impact position, and the secret would be how to get there. We've already come to this conclusion and Sevam is dead wrong..end of discussion IMO."


You are commenting on Sevam directly and now it's clear from your last post Hogan as well ... you've gone well beyond the study DTS posted. At this point I'm neither defending nor supporting Sevam, I am saying these tests prove nothing as far as Hogan. Only tests of HOGAN PROVE HOGAN. Unless the guy is standing on one leg you don't definitively know where his weight is. Period. Now if I want to defend Sevam directly I would say that his theory is that Hogan differentiated himself by retaining active backshift pressure into his downswing longer than other players, good or bad. So in that sense, one could conclude that a test of other golfers shifting earlier than what Sevam says Hogan lends support to the theory this is what differentiated Hogan.

But at the end of the day I DON'T DEFINITIVELY KNOW WHO'S RIGHT OR WRONG, NEITHER DO YOU. Given that I know YOU ARE DEFINITIVELY wrong calling Sevam's theory a "bunch of crap" and that he's "dead wrong."

TM Stealth Plus 10.5 Ventus Velocore Blue 5

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jduncan the study tells you that...did you read it. Sevam/dts happen to be wrong on this one according to the recent studies using accurate measuring devices..but hey thats only science right ;) . Actually the true measure would be impact position, and the secret would be how to get there. We've already come to this conclusion and Sevam is dead wrong..end of discussion IMO.

Where? I thought the study measures impact. Show me where it measures weight when hands are passing right foot.


And btw, even it it measures the point where the hands pass the right foot, THAT STILL DOESN'T MEAN that's what Hogan did. It means it's the average of their study group, which of course has a bias. For example, what if the group contained a preponderance of Stack N Tilters? Only way we'd know where BH's weight was would be to measure him.


You want me to do your research for you..Your post is full of cop outs. "Well even if the study says its this, then it doesn't matter because its not that..and that..and I can't see things any other way". The study was a mix of handicaps, and its not the only one (Just the only one I found after doing a quick search). My friend, are you willing to accept that there is a possibility Sevam is dead wrong..because I'm telling you the evidence points heavily in that direction. Impact is king..

I don't know definitively where Hogan's weight was at those times and neither do you. That's the point. If anything there's been a slight of hand trying to go from a study of a group of non-Hogan golfers and morphing that into what Hogan was doing. I'm calling BS on that. And I take it from your post that the study didn't address weight at the point where the hands cross the right foot. So it seems like another slight of hand is going on morphing impact to a different point in the swing. Calling BS on that too. :busted2:


The study shows that the point where the most pressure on the front foot was found midway on the downswing. It would be hard to believe that weight would go immediately left so early, go back right, then left again by impact in that short amount of time. This pattern was in the lower handicap players, the higher handicaps didn't show as much of a shift.


Also interesting that weight was measured 80/20 on the rear foot BEFORE the top of the backswing, and at the top (or where they measured the top), the weight had already started to go to the forward foot (I think it was 65/35).


Would it convince you more if I find another study? Or would any amount of studies not convince you?


Would it not convince you to take these studies in consideration that Hogan found that if he spun his hips faster he could swing faster, and that he found he could spin his hips faster the earlier he got his weight left?


I don't like to get into these kind of debates, but I find it interesting that you believe an old GD article using poor measuring devices and Sevam's word over updated studies using very effective measuring devices and Hogan's own words describing what he felt.

8.5* Nike Vapor Speed - 7m3
15* Cobra Amp Cell - Fubuki 70x
18* Adams A12 - GD DI 85x
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54*, 58* Nike VR Forged
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Mike looks nooooottthiiiiing like Hogan



That would be like saying Slicefixer is wrong ...., You do n't have the credentials to say that ...


"Very good IMOP . There is lot of Hogan in that swing , except the release ( Slice on Mike 's swing on ealier threads )...


To be fair to Sevam, he was the only reason I signed up on this forum, because I wanted to easily view pictures, etc... I like what he had to say about how he presets his feet and all that talk, and I have tried it out myself. But I don't think it's the secret that Hogan wanted to sell for $100k back in the day, I forget to which magazine. Although, this footwork almost feels natural to me, to keep the feet turning clockwise in the backswing, downswing transition. Please correct me if I got that quick summary wrong.


Who knows why Hogan had an extra spike on his shoe, and I would be okay never knowing that one. He can still swing a golf club decently in the Coleman video, and I don't think he is wearing his own shoes in that....

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jduncan the study tells you that...did you read it. Sevam/dts happen to be wrong on this one according to the recent studies using accurate measuring devices..but hey thats only science right ;) . Actually the true measure would be impact position, and the secret would be how to get there. We've already come to this conclusion and Sevam is dead wrong..end of discussion IMO.

Where? I thought the study measures impact. Show me where it measures weight when hands are passing right foot.


And btw, even it it measures the point where the hands pass the right foot, THAT STILL DOESN'T MEAN that's what Hogan did. It means it's the average of their study group, which of course has a bias. For example, what if the group contained a preponderance of Stack N Tilters? Only way we'd know where BH's weight was would be to measure him.


You want me to do your research for you..Your post is full of cop outs. "Well even if the study says its this, then it doesn't matter because its not that..and that..and I can't see things any other way". The study was a mix of handicaps, and its not the only one (Just the only one I found after doing a quick search). My friend, are you willing to accept that there is a possibility Sevam is dead wrong..because I'm telling you the evidence points heavily in that direction. Impact is king..

I don't know definitively where Hogan's weight was at those times and neither do you. That's the point. If anything there's been a slight of hand trying to go from a study of a group of non-Hogan golfers and morphing that into what Hogan was doing. I'm calling BS on that. And I take it from your post that the study didn't address weight at the point where the hands cross the right foot. So it seems like another slight of hand is going on morphing impact to a different point in the swing. Calling BS on that too. :busted2:


The study shows that the point where the most pressure on the front foot was found midway on the downswing. It would be hard to believe that weight would go immediately left so early, go back right, then left again by impact in that short amount of time. This pattern was in the lower handicap players, the higher handicaps didn't show as much of a shift.


Also interesting that weight was measured 80/20 on the rear foot BEFORE the top of the backswing, and at the top (or where they measured the top), the weight had already started to go to the forward foot (I think it was 65/35).


Would it convince you more if I find another study? Or would any amount of studies not convince you?


Would it not convince you to take these studies in consideration that Hogan found that if he spun his hips faster he could swing faster, and that he found he could spin his hips faster the earlier he got his weight left?


I don't like to get into these kind of debates, but I find it interesting that you believe an old GD article using poor measuring devices and Sevam's word over updated studies using very effective measuring devices and Hogan's own words describing what he felt.

Should be clear by now I don't give a rat's bunghole on what a non-Hogan study says about Hogan. As far as Hogan's words, the only I recall about weight on the downswing is that 90% was on front foot at impact. If he wanted to communicate it got there prior to impact I think he would have said something like "I feel a majority of weight on my front leg at the top of my backswing." Or "I feel 90% of the weight on my front foot prior to impact, at a point where my hands are passing my right foot." I am unaware of any references he made to weight in the downswing other the "90% at impact" comment. If there are others from credible sources I'd like to see them.

TM Stealth Plus 10.5 Ventus Velocore Blue 5

Ping G425 Max 5 FW Ventus Velocore Red 7

Srixon MKii DI 3 Axiom 105

Mizuno JPX 921 SEL 4-PW KBS Tour 

Yururi Tataki 52.5, 56.5 and 60.5 DG S200
Ping Anser 2
MCC +4 Grips
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EZgolfer..I don't think so buddy. If you care to read the Encyclopedia ..You'll realize there are two major ways to classify golf swings in Slices opinion..and its all in the release. So if his release is different..his impact is different..thats pretty damn big in my book. BTW i'm always referencing impact..I'll post it again Impact is king.


jduncan..I may not know whos right..DTS might be right, who knows (I still have to take a good look at what he's saying). But after reading the many posts..watching TONS of video..doing my own research..I'm pretty confident I know who is dead wrong.


And what I can tell you for sure, is that no one has produced more convincing evidence that he knows hogan better than Geoff..and he has never tried to cash off of Hogan or his "secret".

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EZgolfer..I don't think so buddy. If you care to read the Encyclopedia ..You'll realize there are two major ways to classify golf swings in Slices opinion..and its all in the release. So if his release is different..his impact is different..thats pretty damn big in my book. BTW i'm always referencing impact..I'll post it again Impact is king.


jduncan..I may not know whos right..DTS might be right, who knows (I still have to take a good look at what he's saying). But after reading the many posts..watching TONS of video..doing my own research..I'm pretty confident I know who is dead wrong.


And what I can tell you for sure, is that no one has produced more convincing evidence that he knows hogan better than Geoff..and he has never tried to cash off of Hogan or his "secret".


That's Yet from what I understand someone is holding off a redone pdf because of a book that is coming out later this year and I know the book will not be free. Cash will come later bet on that and don't blame Geoff for doing it but the key word is YET!!!



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EZgolfer..I don't think so buddy. If you care to read the Encyclopedia ..You'll realize there are two major ways to classify golf swings in Slices opinion..and its all in the release. So if his release is different..his impact is different..thats pretty damn big in my book. BTW i'm always referencing impact..I'll post it again Impact is king.


jduncan..I may not know whos right..DTS might be right, who knows (I still have to take a good look at what he's saying). But after reading the many posts..watching TONS of video..doing my own research..I'm pretty confident I know who is dead wrong.


And what I can tell you for sure, is that no one has produced more convincing evidence that he knows hogan better than Geoff..and he has never tried to cash off of Hogan or his "secret".


I give you props there brother. Slice gives info free of charge and he can break your swing down and give you detailed feedback and it's all free. :drinks:


Cashing in on Hogan's "secret" is another animal all its own, isn't it the American dream of doing things?


Business tycoons are always cashing in one way or another, it's a dog eat dog business that needs no conscious. Not my style though, I'll have too much to answer for when I'm dead. :hi:

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EZgolfer..I don't think so buddy. If you care to read the Encyclopedia ..You'll realize there are two major ways to classify golf swings in Slices opinion..and its all in the release. So if his release is different..his impact is different..thats pretty damn big in my book. BTW i'm always referencing impact..I'll post it again Impact is king.


jduncan..I may not know whos right..DTS might be right, who knows (I still have to take a good look at what he's saying). But after reading the many posts..watching TONS of video..doing my own research..I'm pretty confident I know who is dead wrong.


And what I can tell you for sure, is that no one has produced more convincing evidence that he knows hogan better than Geoff..and he has never tried to cash off of Hogan or his "secret".


That's Yet from what I understand someone is holding off a redone pdf because of a book that is coming out later this year and I know the book will not be free. Cash will come later bet on that and don't blame Geoff for doing it but the key word is YET!!!





Who said the book has anything to do with Hogan? I'm sure hogan's swing will be used as a reference in the book, but I'd be willing to bet (I have no insider information) that Hogan's name will not be in the title. It is one thing to use Hogan's name to sell a book and it is another thing all together to use Hogan's swing as a reference to get your methodology across.

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EZgolfer..I don't think so buddy. If you care to read the Encyclopedia ..You'll realize there are two major ways to classify golf swings in Slices opinion..and its all in the release. So if his release is different..his impact is different..thats pretty damn big in my book. BTW i'm always referencing impact..I'll post it again Impact is king.


jduncan..I may not know whos right..DTS might be right, who knows (I still have to take a good look at what he's saying). But after reading the many posts..watching TONS of video..doing my own research..I'm pretty confident I know who is dead wrong.


And what I can tell you for sure, is that no one has produced more convincing evidence that he knows hogan better than Geoff..and he has never tried to cash off of Hogan or his "secret".


That's Yet from what I understand someone is holding off a redone pdf because of a book that is coming out later this year and I know the book will not be free. Cash will come later bet on that and don't blame Geoff for doing it but the key word is YET!!!





Who said the book has anything to do with Hogan? I'm sure hogan's swing will be used as a reference in the book, but I'd be willing to bet (I have no insider information) that Hogan's name will not be in the title. It is one thing to use Hogan's name to sell a book and it is another thing all together to use Hogan's swing as a reference to get your methodology across.


Exactly Logan. Geoffs website isn't going to be centered around Hogan..But he'll have a section i'm sure...hogan had a huge influence on his beliefs. Same with the book. Big difference between putting out Youtube videos which by the way is a simple internet marketing tool used by tons of people to sell e-books (most are just for affiliate networking) stating that you know Hogans secret.

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The study shows that the point where the most pressure on the front foot was found midway on the downswing. It would be hard to believe that weight would go immediately left so early, go back right, then left again by impact in that short amount of time. This pattern was in the lower handicap players, the higher handicaps didn't show as much of a shift.


Also interesting that weight was measured 80/20 on the rear foot BEFORE the top of the backswing, and at the top (or where they measured the top), the weight had already started to go to the forward foot (I think it was 65/35).


Would it convince you more if I find another study? Or would any amount of studies not convince you?


Would it not convince you to take these studies in consideration that Hogan found that if he spun his hips faster he could swing faster, and that he found he could spin his hips faster the earlier he got his weight left?


I don't like to get into these kind of debates, but I find it interesting that you believe an old GD article using poor measuring devices and Sevam's word over updated studies using very effective measuring devices and Hogan's own words describing what he felt.

Should be clear by now I don't give a rat's bunghole on what a non-Hogan study says about Hogan. As far as Hogan's words, the only I recall about weight on the downswing is that 90% was on front foot at impact. If he wanted to communicate it got there prior to impact I think he would have said something like "I feel a majority of weight on my front leg at the top of my backswing." Or "I feel 90% of the weight on my front foot prior to impact, at a point where my hands are passing my right foot." I am unaware of any references he made to weight in the downswing other the "90% at impact" comment. If there are others from credible sources I'd like to see them.


Ok, since it seems like you also think that Hogan is very precise in the words he uses (as I do), here's a Hogan quote and you can check it in 5 lessons:


"To begin the downswing, turn your hips back to the left. There must be enough lateral motion forward to transfer the weight to the left foot."


Note that he talks about having the weight transferred to the left foot to "begin the downswing," he was not talking about impact.


I couldn't find where I saw the other thing he mentioned before, I have it in a book somewhere and don't remember where I saw it and don't want to bother looking for it.

8.5* Nike Vapor Speed - 7m3
15* Cobra Amp Cell - Fubuki 70x
18* Adams A12 - GD DI 85x
20* Adams Super 9031 - UST VTS 100x
54*, 58* Nike VR Forged
5-PW Mizuno MP64 - PXi 6.0

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i'm glad the debate has moved away from baseball. i don't think Hogan wanted to learn how to hit it out of the park. he wanted to learn how to hit it to a particular person in the crowd and i don't think baseball players were quite that fastidious.


maybe sam byrd was the one getting the tips ?



The best point of all and the most logical.

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i'm glad the debate has moved away from baseball. i don't think Hogan wanted to learn how to hit it out of the park. he wanted to learn how to hit it to a particular person in the crowd and i don't think baseball players were quite that fastidious.


maybe sam byrd was the one getting the tips ?



The best point of all and the most logical.


its probably being debated on a baseball forum :D

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I think the main reason Hogan felt almost all his weight on is left leg at impact had to do with his grip. The weak grip made Hogan move his body(especially the upper body)more onto his left side in order to start pivoting. If you stay back with your upper body with a weak grip you dont have time to square the face and the centrifugal forces throw the club out "dtl". This is what allowed Hogan to post up on his left side after he figured out the secret. You don't see him falling back like he did pre-secret.

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Love the clubface position here...absolute perfection.



i'm glad the debate has moved away from baseball. i don't think Hogan wanted to learn how to hit it out of the park. he wanted to learn how to hit it to a particular person in the crowd and i don't think baseball players were quite that fastidious.


maybe sam byrd was the one getting the tips ?



The best point of all and the most logical.


He looks so.......tranquil and still in this pic. A violent home run slash with a little bunt impact? Anyway I think some, including I fear myself, are becoming a bit like Gollum...."the precious, we wants it....we needs it."

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