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Tipping the Starter ? ? ?

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BTW, it's ridiculous to start comparing salaries of teachers with bag boys. If teachers feel they aren't making enough then they should quit and get a different job where they feel they are adequately compensated. don't take it out on a bag boy because you think that they are overpaid. it's a free country!


That's laughable. You say a teacher should quit and get a different job if they feel underpaid. Yet you are inherently defending a bag boy who relies on the generosity of others and their tips. Trust me, our country would be just fine without bag boys. Take away teachers and see where we end up. :russian_roulette:


the two have nothing to do with each other. you feel like teachers are underpaid, so therefore you're going to take it out on everybody who you think are overpaid? i think i'm underpaid, so i shouldn't tip my hairdresser or the waitress?


teachers know that teachers don't get paid much. yet they still choose the profession. good for them, it's a noble career. but don't then complain about how underpaid you are. you chose the career.


reminds me of some of my doctor friends who complain about their student loans. they all knew that med school would be expensive. they all chose to go to med school. no surprises. yet they still complain about the loans.


Now you're putting words in my mouth. I never said anything about taking it out on everybody else because I think they're overpaid. Frankly, until that guy posted the information about what his cart guys make, I never knew it was so lucrative. I choose to tip or not to tip based solely on the service I receive. I've never asked to see a person's W-2 or 1099 before making a decision on a tip.


I brought up teachers simply as a comparison. I could use numerous others including military personnel, police, fire fighters, etc. Yes, those people all chose their professions and probably knew going in that they would be underpaid compared to other professions. But those are ALL critical professions. Please don't tell me that you think the cart boy profession (if there is such a thing) is critical.



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I have only seen one time when the starter was tipped, and it is whenever he gets a particular group of regulars out when they walk in on a crowded day. the group usually tips him $10, but that is the ONLY time I have ever seen a starter tipped.


Ok, I work as a cart attendant at a public golf course. I am a teenager in high school


1. If you dont want your clubs cleaned, just say so

2. We split tips and in season there is usually 4 of us working, so $100 in tips is actually $25 a person

3. The towels your clubs are cleaned with are usually changed a few times a day to keep em clean.

4. Water used is also changed quite often

5. If your clubs are pretty dirty, a $1 tip doesnt hurt :)


And lastly just a pretty cool experince: While working a morning shift in season last year I got to meet Brian Mitchell (as an Eagles fan, it was pretty cool). He was very nice. I made sure I was on 18 when his group was finishing up so I could talk to him again :) (tip might have also had a little to do with it)


Cart attendants 99% of the time make minimum wage, tips always help. In my case I am saving for college (thank you mom and dad for no college fund!) if every person gave a $1 tip, it would be nice.


Also, I have noticed, people usually tip more when playing with someone else, when alone 99% of the time it is either nothing or a $1 tip. Just something i have noticed, not looking for anybody's reaction.


ALSO the average day is about $10-20 in tips NOT $100 (most tips I have ever gotten is $50)

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Ok, I work as a cart attendant at a public golf course. I am a teenager in high school


1. If you dont want your clubs cleaned, just say so


2. We split tips and in season there is usually 4 of us working, so $100 in tips is actually $25 a person


3. The towels your clubs are cleaned with are usually changed a few times a day to keep em clean.


4. Water used is also changed quite often


5. If your clubs are pretty dirty, a $1 tip doesnt hurt :)


And lastly just a pretty cool experince: While working a morning shift in season last year I got to meet Brian Mitchell (as an Eagles fan, it was pretty cool). He was very nice. I made sure I was on 18 when his group was finishing up so I could talk to him again :) (tip might have also had a little to do with it)


Cart attendants 99% of the time make minimum wage, tips always help. In my case I am saving for college (thank you mom and dad for no college fund!) if every person gave a $1 tip, it would be nice.


Also, I have noticed, people usually tip more when playing with someone else, when alone 99% of the time it is either nothing or a $1 tip. Just something i have noticed, not looking for anybody's reaction.


ALSO the average day is about $10-20 in tips NOT $100 (most tips I have ever gotten is $50)

Keep up the good work, many of us have been there, hell I used to sneak on a private club in LA as a kid and they threw me out so many times they finally offered me a job in the cart barn so I wouldnt sneak out anymore lol


I would say you seem like you are on the right path to college and its good to see a young guy with your work ethic

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you sound kind of grumpy? are these experiences you've had at "resort" type of courses? when i'm at a resort type of golf course i'm on vacation and generally in a good mood. so if the staff does something nice beyond the minimum required i will tip. if you don't want your clubs clean just say, "no thanks, don't need them cleaned." but if the guy cleans them for you give him a couple of bucks. i have family memebers who are in the service industry who rely on tips as part of their income, so i'm biased and generally a big tipper.


Yes, upscale and resort courses, many times. There are some nice layed back ones which I like very much but many times they get really pushy with fake friendliness and unnecessary services when what they're really doing is looking for cash for themselves, classic Eddie Haskell routine. They clean your clubs without even asking, and are looking to do all kinds of things for you without asking, because they know if they asked you'd have the opportunity and would probably take it to say no and they selfishly don't want that. They want you to feel bad about stopping them in the middle of their fake nice activity and then you feel obligated and guilted into giving them money, and people who are gullible will fear being called "cheap" or 'financially challenged". It's unethical.


Jason, did you see how I accurately knew you were from a resort course in Vegas. I didn't even look at your location that I just noticed now says skin city. I could tell by your biased bs efforts defending tipping and that you were hoping people would think it's cool to be a 35 year old bag boy sponging off careless, rich, guilted vacationers. And with logic as deep as "it is what it is". It is a total con game. It's a successful con game, it works well, but please, don't pretend it's not a con game resulting in undeserved selfish money being made by cart boys, and understand it's obnoxious for people who don't get conned by it. You have nothing of logic to say to the contrary just an attempt at a guilt trip with the financially challenged comment. Like the reasonable person tparrif said, it's not the money it's the principle. Valets in Vegas are overpaid con artists as well, let's not pretend that's not true either. And there is nothing wrong with discussing and having a problem with what jobs are underpaid and overpaid. That is a smart topic of conversation. You just biasedly don't want to touch it since you're on the overpaid side. I've been on both sides btw.


llumpire. That is a good insight that people alone don't tip like people in a big group. A good example of how tipping is largely an ego thing and a guilt thing of not wanting to look cheap in front of people. It's great you want to go to college and I assume you don't get all pushy with the attempts at getting tipped and understand that people are not obligated to donate to your scholarship fund. But working as a cart boy and starter too, is mind numbingly easy. I've done both. It doesn't deserve much pay and is really more about the free golf.

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But working as a cart boy and starter too, is mind numbingly easy. I've done both. It doesn't deserve much pay and is really more about the free golf.


I understand not everyone will tip, and am perfectly fine that. Heck before I started working as a cart attendant, when my Dad and I would go golfing I would ask him why he tips the people at bag drop.


I cant argue with that quote, my previous job was at a 7-Eleven (I had to "resign" because my Dad worked in a different market, they dont like 2 members of a family working for them), this is the easiest job I could imagine. And I would do it without pay for the golf, I was simply clarifying that unlike someone said, I nor does any cart attendant I have ever met make $8.50 an hour or $100 in tips.

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you sound kind of grumpy? are these experiences you've had at "resort" type of courses? when i'm at a resort type of golf course i'm on vacation and generally in a good mood. so if the staff does something nice beyond the minimum required i will tip. if you don't want your clubs clean just say, "no thanks, don't need them cleaned." but if the guy cleans them for you give him a couple of bucks. i have family memebers who are in the service industry who rely on tips as part of their income, so i'm biased and generally a big tipper.


Yes, upscale and resort courses, many times. There are some nice layed back ones which I like very much but many times they get really pushy with fake friendliness and unnecessary services when what they're really doing is looking for cash for themselves, classic Eddie Haskell routine. They clean your clubs without even asking, and are looking to do all kinds of things for you without asking, because they know if they asked you'd have the opportunity and would probably take it to say no and they selfishly don't want that. They want you to feel bad about stopping them in the middle of their fake nice activity and then you feel obligated and guilted into giving them money, and people who are gullible will fear being called "cheap" or 'financially challenged". It's unethical.


Jason, did you see how I accurately knew you were from a resort course in Vegas. I didn't even look at your location that I just noticed now says skin city. I could tell by your biased bs efforts defending tipping and that you were hoping people would think it's cool to be a 35 year old bag boy sponging off careless, rich, guilted vacationers. And with logic as deep as "it is what it is". It is a total con game. It's a successful con game, it works well, but please, don't pretend it's not a con game resulting in undeserved selfish money being made by cart boys, and understand it's obnoxious for people who don't get conned by it. You have nothing of logic to say to the contrary just an attempt at a guilt trip with the financially challenged comment. Like the reasonable person tparrif said, it's not the money it's the principle. Valets in Vegas are overpaid con artists as well, let's not pretend that's not true either. And there is nothing wrong with discussing and having a problem with what jobs are underpaid and overpaid. That is a smart topic of conversation. You just biasedly don't want to touch it since you're on the overpaid side. I've been on both sides btw.


llumpire. That is a good insight that people alone don't tip like people in a big group. A good example of how tipping is largely an ego thing and a guilt thing of not wanting to look cheap in front of people. It's great you want to go to college and I assume you don't get all pushy with the attempts at getting tipped and understand that people are not obligated to donate to your scholarship fund. But working as a cart boy and starter too, is mind numbingly easy. I've done both. It doesn't deserve much pay and is really more about the free golf.

Billy did you eat paint chips as child? you are very bitter over someone performing a service and getting paid for it. maybe if you had 2 nickels to rub together you wouldnt be so hostile towards a part of society. You are obviously a cheak skate charley and bitching and complaining about it proves it.

ever notice that its the people that pay the least that complain the most


Billy you have identified yourself as the frugal person in this thread, now move along and go pick up some extra hours so you can afford to get out of the house

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Is that really the way you think? If it is, then man you are warped. The guy doesn't see the value in this alleged "service" that is performed, and therefore doesn't see the need to tip. And then you go off on the guy calling him a cheap skate.


If you'd like, you and I can post our tax returns for the last few years and let everyone see who has more nickels to rub together. If you work in the golf industry, I'm 100% confident I make more than you. Let's just say I pay more in taxes than many people make in a year. I'm not saying that to pound my chest, but rather to show you that it has absolutely nothing to do with one's income.


You're in the business, so you think it's great. Fine. But don't call people cheap or frugal because they don't want your services.




P.S. I'm sure the PGA would be very proud of the way you represent the industry. :huh:

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Is that really the way you think? If it is, then man you are warped. The guy doesn't see the value in this alleged "service" that is performed, and therefore doesn't see the need to tip. And then you go off on the guy calling him a cheap skate.


If you'd like, you and I can post our tax returns for the last few years and let everyone see who has more nickels to rub together. If you work in the golf industry, I'm 100% confident I make more than you. Let's just say I pay more in taxes than many people make in a year. I'm not saying that to pound my chest, but rather to show you that it has absolutely nothing to do with one's income.


You're in the business, so you think it's great. Fine. But don't call people cheap or frugal because they don't want your services.



When that idiot is calling me a con artist im going to take it personal , Nobody is telling him he has to tip, im informing him how society works, because clearly he hasnt a clue. Dont complain about people in a position that earn a tip.


Its not my service, I dont work for tips

congrats you make more than me, yay, wanna play for some of it.


I atleast know how to be a productive part of society and take care of those that take care of me.



You guys can make all the excuses in the world for not needing a service, but cheap is cheap plain and simple

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My old golf teacher told me that you don't tip a starter unless they do something extra for you, like squeeze you in as a walk-on on a crowded day.


So last year, we're at a semi-private club, and the starter keeps standing there waiting. And my buddy is whispering to me asking if we should tip him. Eventually, one of the guys tosses him a couple of bucks, and we all feel cheap.


Then somebody else told me that this is more common at private clubs. Any comments would be appreciated.


Part two: Do you tip when you drop your clubs off at the bag drop, or when you pick them up?


I've NOT seen anybody in my two upscale pvt clubs where I've been a member tip. We had no tipping rules for specific reasons, but despite those rules a few members do so quietly. Also the other private clubs I've visited had NO tipping rules too. That said there's always people that think they are above the rules.


Where I've noticed poorly trained club employees with their hands out has been at high end resort clubs. I don't tip unless someone does something that's beyond their job description that effects me in a good way.

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Is that really the way you think? If it is, then man you are warped. The guy doesn't see the value in this alleged "service" that is performed, and therefore doesn't see the need to tip. And then you go off on the guy calling him a cheap skate.


If you'd like, you and I can post our tax returns for the last few years and let everyone see who has more nickels to rub together. If you work in the golf industry, I'm 100% confident I make more than you. Let's just say I pay more in taxes than many people make in a year. I'm not saying that to pound my chest, but rather to show you that it has absolutely nothing to do with one's income.


You're in the business, so you think it's great. Fine. But don't call people cheap or frugal because they don't want your services.



When that idiot is calling me a con artist im going to take it personal , Nobody is telling him he has to tip, im informing him how society works, because clearly he hasnt a clue. Dont complain about people in a position that earn a tip.


Its not my service, so I dont take it personal, I dont work for tips

congrats you make more than me, yay, wanna play for some of it.


I atleast know how to be a productive part of society and take care of those that take care of me.



You guys can make all the excuses in the world for not needing a service, but cheap is cheap plain and simple


If I don't need the service, then how am I (or anyone else) being cheap? Seriously man! Do you just throw money at people for doing nothing? If so, I'll give you some commercial real estate finance advice that you don't need and you can send me some money.


When I play golf, I carry a large towel. Half is wet, and half is dry. After every shot, I take about 2 seconds and wipe the club face. So when I'm done with my round, I don't need some guy running over to my clubs to clean them when they are already clean. So where's the "service" in that? And how many times do these guys rub their towels over my already clean clubs like they actually did something? Call it cheap if you want, but I don't need someone doing a job when I already did it.


C'mon. This has gotten way out of line. If someone chooses not to tip, then it's their prerogative. Tipping is OPTIONAL the last time I checked. If your employees aren't making enough, then give them raises. And the attitude your put forth is one that makes people post like they do about tipping.


I'd be happy to play you for cash. There's a certain amount of money that gets anyone off their game. I'd just need to find yours! ;)



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My old golf teacher told me that you don't tip a starter unless they do something extra for you, like squeeze you in as a walk-on on a crowded day.


So last year, we're at a semi-private club, and the starter keeps standing there waiting. And my buddy is whispering to me asking if we should tip him. Eventually, one of the guys tosses him a couple of bucks, and we all feel cheap.


Then somebody else told me that this is more common at private clubs. Any comments would be appreciated.


Part two: Do you tip when you drop your clubs off at the bag drop, or when you pick them up?


I've NOT seen anybody in my two upscale pvt clubs where I've been a member tip. We had no tipping rules for specific reasons, but despite those rules a few members do so quietly. Also the other private clubs I've visited had NO tipping rules too. That said there's always people that think they are above the rules.


Where I've noticed poorly trained club employees with their hands out has been at high end resort clubs. I don't tip unless someone does something that's beyond their job description that effects me in a good way.


Thank you! That's the point of a tip. Not to pay someone for doing his/her job, but to reward exceptional service.


You must be cheap like the rest of us who don't throw $5 to everyone we see. :cheesy:



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Is that really the way you think? If it is, then man you are warped. The guy doesn't see the value in this alleged "service" that is performed, and therefore doesn't see the need to tip. And then you go off on the guy calling him a cheap skate.


If you'd like, you and I can post our tax returns for the last few years and let everyone see who has more nickels to rub together. If you work in the golf industry, I'm 100% confident I make more than you. Let's just say I pay more in taxes than many people make in a year. I'm not saying that to pound my chest, but rather to show you that it has absolutely nothing to do with one's income.


You're in the business, so you think it's great. Fine. But don't call people cheap or frugal because they don't want your services.



When that idiot is calling me a con artist im going to take it personal , Nobody is telling him he has to tip, im informing him how society works, because clearly he hasnt a clue. Dont complain about people in a position that earn a tip.


Its not my service, so I dont take it personal, I dont work for tips

congrats you make more than me, yay, wanna play for some of it.


I atleast know how to be a productive part of society and take care of those that take care of me.



You guys can make all the excuses in the world for not needing a service, but cheap is cheap plain and simple


If I don't need the service, then how am I (or anyone else) being cheap? Seriously man! Do you just throw money at people for doing nothing? If so, I'll give you some commercial real estate finance advice that you don't need and you can send me some money.


When I play golf, I carry a large towel. Half is wet, and half is dry. After every shot, I take about 2 seconds and wipe the club face. So when I'm done with my round, I don't need some guy running over to my clubs to clean them when they are already clean. So where's the "service" in that? And how many times do these guys rub their towels over my already clean clubs like they actually did something? Call it cheap if you want, but I don't need someone doing a job when I already did it.


C'mon. This has gotten way out of line. If someone chooses not to tip, then it's their prerogative. Tipping is OPTIONAL the last time I checked. If your employees aren't making enough, then give them raises. And the attitude your put forth is one that makes people post like they do about tipping.


I'd be happy to play you for cash. There's a certain amount of money that gets anyone off their game. I'd just need to find yours! ;)



Kev, I was not implying that everyone should tip, read billys posts, he is belittling anyone that does tip or works for tips, he simply doesnt get it. I do the same as you, keep a clean towel, wash all my own clubs etc. I tip guys at the bag drop, the starter only if he goes out of his way to get us out early on a busy day, and the kid that lets us drive down to the lot and takes the cart from us so he can clean it.

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it sounds like some people are too timid to say "no" then complain that con artists are taking advantage of them. if the guy starts cleaning your clubs and you don't need them cleaned just say, "appreciate it, but I don't need my club cleaned." end of story. he stops, you don't tip. if you're too afraid to say "no" then tip out of guilt, well that's really your problem. when a stock broker calls you to buy stocks do you just rollover and say yes, then complain about how they hustled you into buying stocks you didn't want/need?


the bag boy is just like you and me, out to make a living. he's making an honest living, not stealing, not begging. he's trying to provide you some service in return for a gratuity. what's the big deal?


you guys do sound really grumpy and/or cheap. saying these bag boys try to hustle people is a bit too much. are you guys the same people who don't say "thank you" for services rendered because, well, it's part of the job? is this anger at tipping just toward bag boys or everybody (bell hops, waiters, hairdressers, etc.)?

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is there really much of a difference between an over aggressive bag boy who just starts washing your clubs and a homeless guy who starts washing your windshield at a red light?



I'm sure there are some golfers out there that would probably throw a fit and complain if the bag boy didn't wash up the clubs after your round though too.

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is there really much of a difference between an over aggressive bag boy who just starts washing your clubs and a homeless guy who starts washing your windshield at a red light?



I'm sure there are some golfers out there that would probably throw a fit and complain if the bag boy didn't wash up the clubs after your round though too.


huge difference. when i say "thanks but no thanks" to the bag boy he stops and moves on (and if he doesn't then he can't expect a tip). try getting a homeless guy to stop cleaning your windshield--good luck. they won't stop and will damage your car if you don't tip them.

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it sounds like some people are too timid to say "no" then complain that con artists are taking advantage of them. if the guy starts cleaning your clubs and you don't need them cleaned just say, "appreciate it, but I don't need my club cleaned." end of story. he stops, you don't tip. if you're too afraid to say "no" then tip out of guilt, well that's really your problem. when a stock broker calls you to buy stocks do you just rollover and say yes, then complain about how they hustled you into buying stocks you didn't want/need?


the bag boy is just like you and me, out to make a living. he's making an honest living, not stealing, not begging. he's trying to provide you some service in return for a gratuity. what's the big deal?


you guys do sound really grumpy and/or cheap. saying these bag boys try to hustle people is a bit too much. are you guys the same people who don't say "thank you" for services rendered because, well, it's part of the job? is this anger at tipping just toward bag boys or everybody (bell hops, waiters, hairdressers, etc.)?


Are you seriously trying to draw an analogy between saying "thank you" and foregoing the club cleaning / tip? "Thank you" is a common courtesy and just plain good manners. It's not optional IMO. Tipping, however, is optional.


I tip very well where the service is rendered and necessary (waiters, hair stylist, valet). I can't serve myself in a restaurant unless it's a buffet; I can't cut my own hair, or at least I choose not to; and often times, I don't park my own car because the lot is too full, it's raining, or I'm just in a hurry or too lazy. In all of those cases, it's a choice I make and not one that is pushed on me.


But in the case of the club washers, as I posted earlier, I don't need this service, yet it is often pushed on me and others. I've seen cases where there are guys hanging out by the 18th hole. When you leave your cart to go to the green, they swarm the cart and start "cleaning" your clubs. Do I have the option of passing on that service? If I yell from the green, "hey, my clubs are fine. Thanks." then guys like you will say I'm cheap because I choose to pass on the "service" I don't need because my clubs are already clean.


It's really a no-win situation for the golfer. You really have 3 choices:


1. Let the guy "clean" your clubs and tip him.

2. Let the guy "clean" your clubs and don't tip him. Guys like you will say that person is grumpy or cheap.

3. Pass on the "service". Again, guys like you will say that person is grumpy or cheap.


The bottom line is that there are people who see value in this service and tip for it. And there are people who see no value in it and choose to pass on it. I don't think either is wrong.



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BTW, it's ridiculous to start comparing salaries of teachers with bag boys. If teachers feel they aren't making enough then they should quit and get a different job where they feel they are adequately compensated. don't take it out on a bag boy because you think that they are overpaid. it's a free country!


That's laughable. You say a teacher should quit and get a different job if they feel underpaid. Yet you are inherently defending a bag boy who relies on the generosity of others and their tips. Trust me, our country would be just fine without bag boys. Take away teachers and see where we end up. :russian_roulette:


+1 on that. My GF is a teacher and she makes half way decent money, but no where near what she probably should. Plus it is not up to the teachers as to how much they get paid, they have teachers unions (don't even get me started on that crap). Bag boys don't spend 4+ years in college and credential programs earning a degree for the privilege to schlep bags.

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it sounds like some people are too timid to say "no" then complain that con artists are taking advantage of them. if the guy starts cleaning your clubs and you don't need them cleaned just say, "appreciate it, but I don't need my club cleaned." end of story. he stops, you don't tip. if you're too afraid to say "no" then tip out of guilt, well that's really your problem. when a stock broker calls you to buy stocks do you just rollover and say yes, then complain about how they hustled you into buying stocks you didn't want/need?


the bag boy is just like you and me, out to make a living. he's making an honest living, not stealing, not begging. he's trying to provide you some service in return for a gratuity. what's the big deal?


you guys do sound really grumpy and/or cheap. saying these bag boys try to hustle people is a bit too much. are you guys the same people who don't say "thank you" for services rendered because, well, it's part of the job? is this anger at tipping just toward bag boys or everybody (bell hops, waiters, hairdressers, etc.)?


Are you seriously trying to draw an analogy between saying "thank you" and foregoing the club cleaning / tip? "Thank you" is a common courtesy and just plain good manners. It's not optional IMO. Tipping, however, is optional.


I tip very well where the service is rendered and necessary (waiters, hair stylist, valet). I can't serve myself in a restaurant unless it's a buffet; I can't cut my own hair, or at least I choose not to; and often times, I don't park my own car because the lot is too full, it's raining, or I'm just in a hurry or too lazy. In all of those cases, it's a choice I make and not one that is pushed on me.


But in the case of the club washers, as I posted earlier, I don't need this service, yet it is often pushed on me and others. I've seen cases where there are guys hanging out by the 18th hole. When you leave your cart to go to the green, they swarm the cart and start "cleaning" your clubs. Do I have the option of passing on that service? If I yell from the green, "hey, my clubs are fine. Thanks." then guys like you will say I'm cheap because I choose to pass on the "service" I don't need because my clubs are already clean.


It's really a no-win situation for the golfer. You really have 3 choices:


1. Let the guy "clean" your clubs and tip him.

2. Let the guy "clean" your clubs and don't tip him. Guys like you will say that person is grumpy or cheap.

3. Pass on the "service". Again, guys like you will say that person is grumpy or cheap.


The bottom line is that there are people who see value in this service and tip for it. And there are people who see no value in it and choose to pass on it. I don't think either is wrong.




the job of a waiter is to serve you food. that's a waiter's job. why would you tip him? he's not doing anything beyond his job description! yet when it comes to a bag boy you think it's part of his job so you don't tip? come on, be consistent.

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it sounds like some people are too timid to say "no" then complain that con artists are taking advantage of them. if the guy starts cleaning your clubs and you don't need them cleaned just say, "appreciate it, but I don't need my club cleaned." end of story. he stops, you don't tip. if you're too afraid to say "no" then tip out of guilt, well that's really your problem. when a stock broker calls you to buy stocks do you just rollover and say yes, then complain about how they hustled you into buying stocks you didn't want/need?


the bag boy is just like you and me, out to make a living. he's making an honest living, not stealing, not begging. he's trying to provide you some service in return for a gratuity. what's the big deal?


you guys do sound really grumpy and/or cheap. saying these bag boys try to hustle people is a bit too much. are you guys the same people who don't say "thank you" for services rendered because, well, it's part of the job? is this anger at tipping just toward bag boys or everybody (bell hops, waiters, hairdressers, etc.)?


Are you seriously trying to draw an analogy between saying "thank you" and foregoing the club cleaning / tip? "Thank you" is a common courtesy and just plain good manners. It's not optional IMO. Tipping, however, is optional.


I tip very well where the service is rendered and necessary (waiters, hair stylist, valet). I can't serve myself in a restaurant unless it's a buffet; I can't cut my own hair, or at least I choose not to; and often times, I don't park my own car because the lot is too full, it's raining, or I'm just in a hurry or too lazy. In all of those cases, it's a choice I make and not one that is pushed on me.


But in the case of the club washers, as I posted earlier, I don't need this service, yet it is often pushed on me and others. I've seen cases where there are guys hanging out by the 18th hole. When you leave your cart to go to the green, they swarm the cart and start "cleaning" your clubs. Do I have the option of passing on that service? If I yell from the green, "hey, my clubs are fine. Thanks." then guys like you will say I'm cheap because I choose to pass on the "service" I don't need because my clubs are already clean.


It's really a no-win situation for the golfer. You really have 3 choices:


1. Let the guy "clean" your clubs and tip him.

2. Let the guy "clean" your clubs and don't tip him. Guys like you will say that person is grumpy or cheap.

3. Pass on the "service". Again, guys like you will say that person is grumpy or cheap.


The bottom line is that there are people who see value in this service and tip for it. And there are people who see no value in it and choose to pass on it. I don't think either is wrong.




the job of a waiter is to serve you food. that's a waiter's job. why would you tip him? he's not doing anything beyond his job description! yet when it comes to a bag boy you think it's part of his job so you don't tip? come on, be consistent.


I am VERY consistent. I CHOOSE to go to a restaurant and CHOOSE to tip the server if he/she did a good job. I CHOOSE to get my hair cut by someone else and tip her accordingly. Keep in mind that my hair stylist is self employed. She rents a booth and doesn't have a salary. Beg (oops, bag :tongue: ) boys do have hourly pay. But when I CHOOSE to pass on what I think is a BS service, then I shouldn't be persecuted or called "cheap" or "grumpy" for not tipping.


I don't tip because the person does his/her job, I tip because they go above and beyond. Geez, if I tipped every time someone did their job, I'd be broke. Hey Mr. Postman, here's a fiver for delivering my mail today. Oh, and Mr. Sanitation Worker, here's a fiver for you too for picking up my trash. Which reminds me, I need to head down to the police station and give all the people who protect and serve a little $5 tip today for keeping me safe. I figure that should cost me a few hundo, but hey, I don't want to be cheap now, do I?



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Wow, I never heard so many cheap excuses in my life, these are probably the same guys who always find something wrong with their meal oe cocktail to avoid tipping the waiter...


Tipping is a reward for good service no matter what that service is. I golf over 130 rounds a year at over 20 different courses. I have never heard of tipping the starter but would not hesitate if he went out of his way for some reason.


I do tip the bag boys a couple of bucks in if they make an effort to come and get my bag, set up a cart if I am taking one, and asks if I need anything else etc. I always tip the cart girl, the 1/2 shack server and the back boy if they clean my clubs and promise to watch my clubs while I go in for a 19th hole cold one or 2 (who I tip as well)


The whole day cost me an extra 10 -15 bucks or so, cmon if you can afford the 2000.00 worth of equiptment a 125.00 a round and 50.00 worth of beer you can afford the tip.


At my home club I tip the same as at a resort club, some of the grumpier, cheaper members comment how the staff seem to treat me better (go figure), I always ask how they are, learn their names, treat them with respect, and yes a tip never hurt....

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Wow, I never heard so many cheap excuses in my life, these are probably the same guys who always find something wrong with their meal oe cocktail to avoid tipping the waiter...


Tipping is a reward for good service no matter what that service is. I golf over 130 rounds a year at over 20 different courses. I have never heard of tipping the starter but would not hesitate if he went out of his way for some reason.


I do tip the bag boys a couple of bucks in if they make an effort to come and get my bag, set up a cart if I am taking one, and asks if I need anything else etc. I always tip the cart girl, the 1/2 shack server and the back boy if they clean my clubs and promise to watch my clubs while I go in for a 19th hole cold one or 2 (who I tip as well)


The whole day cost me an extra 10 -15 bucks or so, cmon if you can afford the 2000.00 worth of equiptment a 125.00 a round and 50.00 worth of beer you can afford the tip.


At my home club I tip the same as at a resort club, some of the grumpier, cheaper members comment how the staff seem to treat me better (go figure), I always ask how they are, learn their names, treat them with respect, and yes a tip never hurt....


Good for you, Mr. Big Shot!!! :ok:


Your blanket statement about making excuses to avoid a tip is so far from true. In case you haven't read the whole thread, there are those who just don't see the point of someone attempting to wipe clubs that are already clean.


Let me pose this question. What do you do when the gratuity is already included but you receive bad service? At my club, they add 18% to every food and beverage purchase, including the beverage cart, as an automatic gratuity. I've never had an issue with it because the beverage cart provides a valuable service in bringing drinks to us on the course. Nor do I take issue with the automatic gratuity in the clubhouse grill and restaurant because I leave 15% to 20% or more anyway for good service.


But let's say you get bad service. Do you just leave the automatic 18%, or do you get a manager to discuss it? I'd love to hear from the big tippers because I'm apparently a cheap and grumpy person. :cheesy:



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Wow, I never heard so many cheap excuses in my life, these are probably the same guys who always find something wrong with their meal oe cocktail to avoid tipping the waiter...


Tipping is a reward for good service no matter what that service is. I golf over 130 rounds a year at over 20 different courses. I have never heard of tipping the starter but would not hesitate if he went out of his way for some reason.


I do tip the bag boys a couple of bucks in if they make an effort to come and get my bag, set up a cart if I am taking one, and asks if I need anything else etc. I always tip the cart girl, the 1/2 shack server and the back boy if they clean my clubs and promise to watch my clubs while I go in for a 19th hole cold one or 2 (who I tip as well)


The whole day cost me an extra 10 -15 bucks or so, cmon if you can afford the 2000.00 worth of equiptment a 125.00 a round and 50.00 worth of beer you can afford the tip.


At my home club I tip the same as at a resort club, some of the grumpier, cheaper members comment how the staff seem to treat me better (go figure), I always ask how they are, learn their names, treat them with respect, and yes a tip never hurt....


Good for you, Mr. Big Shot!!! :ok:




Hey I thought you were the big shot around these parts, didnt you want to show off your W2s

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Wow, I never heard so many cheap excuses in my life, these are probably the same guys who always find something wrong with their meal oe cocktail to avoid tipping the waiter...


Tipping is a reward for good service no matter what that service is. I golf over 130 rounds a year at over 20 different courses. I have never heard of tipping the starter but would not hesitate if he went out of his way for some reason.


I do tip the bag boys a couple of bucks in if they make an effort to come and get my bag, set up a cart if I am taking one, and asks if I need anything else etc. I always tip the cart girl, the 1/2 shack server and the back boy if they clean my clubs and promise to watch my clubs while I go in for a 19th hole cold one or 2 (who I tip as well)


The whole day cost me an extra 10 -15 bucks or so, cmon if you can afford the 2000.00 worth of equiptment a 125.00 a round and 50.00 worth of beer you can afford the tip.


At my home club I tip the same as at a resort club, some of the grumpier, cheaper members comment how the staff seem to treat me better (go figure), I always ask how they are, learn their names, treat them with respect, and yes a tip never hurt....


Good for you, Mr. Big Shot!!! :ok:




Hey I thought you were the big shot around these parts, didnt you want to show off your W2s


I did when you and I were discussing things and to prove a point that tipping has nothing to do with one's income. That's a totally different discussion, and my offer still stands.


But I've been called cheap by more than one person here, so I'm in no way a Big Shot in the eyes of the tippers on this board. :rolleyes:



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I am VERY consistent. I CHOOSE to go to a restaurant and CHOOSE to tip the server if he/she did a good job. I CHOOSE to get my hair cut by someone else and tip her accordingly. Keep in mind that my hair stylist is self employed. She rents a booth and doesn't have a salary. Beg (oops, bag :tongue: ) boys do have hourly pay. But when I CHOOSE to pass on what I think is a BS service, then I shouldn't be persecuted or called "cheap" or "grumpy" for not tipping.


I don't tip because the person does his/her job, I tip because they go above and beyond. Geez, if I tipped every time someone did their job, I'd be broke. Hey Mr. Postman, here's a fiver for delivering my mail today. Oh, and Mr. Sanitation Worker, here's a fiver for you too for picking up my trash. Which reminds me, I need to head down to the police station and give all the people who protect and serve a little $5 tip today for keeping me safe. I figure that should cost me a few hundo, but hey, I don't want to be cheap now, do I?





no one is calling you cheap if you pass on the club cleaning. but if you do elect to get your clubs cleaned then tip, just like you'd tip a waiter or hairdresser. how easy is that? you may find club cleaning a useless service, but i like it. i also like it when the guy sits me down and clean my shoes. and i tip them for it.

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I am VERY consistent. I CHOOSE to go to a restaurant and CHOOSE to tip the server if he/she did a good job. I CHOOSE to get my hair cut by someone else and tip her accordingly. Keep in mind that my hair stylist is self employed. She rents a booth and doesn't have a salary. Beg (oops, bag :tongue: ) boys do have hourly pay. But when I CHOOSE to pass on what I think is a BS service, then I shouldn't be persecuted or called "cheap" or "grumpy" for not tipping.


I don't tip because the person does his/her job, I tip because they go above and beyond. Geez, if I tipped every time someone did their job, I'd be broke. Hey Mr. Postman, here's a fiver for delivering my mail today. Oh, and Mr. Sanitation Worker, here's a fiver for you too for picking up my trash. Which reminds me, I need to head down to the police station and give all the people who protect and serve a little $5 tip today for keeping me safe. I figure that should cost me a few hundo, but hey, I don't want to be cheap now, do I?





no one is calling you cheap if you pass on the club cleaning. but if you do elect to get your clubs cleaned then tip, just like you'd tip a waiter or hairdresser. how easy is that? you may find club cleaning a useless service, but i like it. i also like it when the guy sits me down and clean my shoes. and i tip them for it.


That's something I agree with, and has been my point all along. If I CHOOSE a service, then I'm tipping according to the level of service received. I think the contention all along with this thread and my involvement in the discussion is how this "service" is in many cases almost "forced" on us as golfers.


With regard to shoe cleaning, I'd love to have this service at my club and would tip for it. Nothing looks better than a fresh shine on a pair of Classics, especially if I don't have to do it! It's worth it to me to not have to buy the supplies and clean up the mess. We have the shoe cleaning area with all the supplies, but only staff it for major events like the member/guest.



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Wow, I never heard so many cheap excuses in my life, these are probably the same guys who always find something wrong with their meal oe cocktail to avoid tipping the waiter...


Tipping is a reward for good service no matter what that service is. I golf over 130 rounds a year at over 20 different courses. I have never heard of tipping the starter but would not hesitate if he went out of his way for some reason.


I do tip the bag boys a couple of bucks in if they make an effort to come and get my bag, set up a cart if I am taking one, and asks if I need anything else etc. I always tip the cart girl, the 1/2 shack server and the back boy if they clean my clubs and promise to watch my clubs while I go in for a 19th hole cold one or 2 (who I tip as well)


The whole day cost me an extra 10 -15 bucks or so, cmon if you can afford the 2000.00 worth of equiptment a 125.00 a round and 50.00 worth of beer you can afford the tip.


At my home club I tip the same as at a resort club, some of the grumpier, cheaper members comment how the staff seem to treat me better (go figure), I always ask how they are, learn their names, treat them with respect, and yes a tip never hurt....


Good for you, Mr. Big Shot!!! :ok:




Hey I thought you were the big shot around these parts, didnt you want to show off your W2s


I did when you and I were discussing things and to prove a point that tipping has nothing to do with one's income. That's a totally different discussion, and my offer still stands.


But I've been called cheap by more than one person here, so I'm in no way a Big Shot in the eyes of the tippers on this board. :rolleyes:



I will take that offer, lets make a fun trip of it, im willing to travel and play for what ever you are comfortible with
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Is that really the way you think? If it is, then man you are warped. The guy doesn't see the value in this alleged "service" that is performed, and therefore doesn't see the need to tip. And then you go off on the guy calling him a cheap skate.


If you'd like, you and I can post our tax returns for the last few years and let everyone see who has more nickels to rub together. If you work in the golf industry, I'm 100% confident I make more than you. Let's just say I pay more in taxes than many people make in a year. I'm not saying that to pound my chest, but rather to show you that it has absolutely nothing to do with one's income.


You're in the business, so you think it's great. Fine. But don't call people cheap or frugal because they don't want your services.



When that idiot is calling me a con artist im going to take it personal , Nobody is telling him he has to tip, im informing him how society works, because clearly he hasnt a clue. Dont complain about people in a position that earn a tip.


Its not my service, so I dont take it personal, I dont work for tips

congrats you make more than me, yay, wanna play for some of it.


I atleast know how to be a productive part of society and take care of those that take care of me.



You guys can make all the excuses in the world for not needing a service, but cheap is cheap plain and simple


If I don't need the service, then how am I (or anyone else) being cheap? Seriously man! Do you just throw money at people for doing nothing? If so, I'll give you some commercial real estate finance advice that you don't need and you can send me some money.


When I play golf, I carry a large towel. Half is wet, and half is dry. After every shot, I take about 2 seconds and wipe the club face. So when I'm done with my round, I don't need some guy running over to my clubs to clean them when they are already clean. So where's the "service" in that? And how many times do these guys rub their towels over my already clean clubs like they actually did something? Call it cheap if you want, but I don't need someone doing a job when I already did it.


C'mon. This has gotten way out of line. If someone chooses not to tip, then it's their prerogative. Tipping is OPTIONAL the last time I checked. If your employees aren't making enough, then give them raises. And the attitude your put forth is one that makes people post like they do about tipping.


I'd be happy to play you for cash. There's a certain amount of money that gets anyone off their game. I'd just need to find yours! ;)



Kev, I was not implying that everyone should tip, read billys posts, he is belittling anyone that does tip or works for tips, he simply doesnt get it. I do the same as you, keep a clean towel, wash all my own clubs etc. I tip guys at the bag drop, the starter only if he goes out of his way to get us out early on a busy day, and the kid that lets us drive down to the lot and takes the cart from us so he can clean it.


Yes, you were, you say anyone who doesn't tip these super easy and unnecessary services is cheap, poor, and basically a bad person. The tips we are speaking of are largely a con game where the employee is forcing their service on you and looking to get paid much more than the easy service they provide is worth anyway. I explained this clearly and logically and you have nothing to say that logically refutes it and just resort to calling me cheap and making up a fantasy that I'm poor. I'm not poor haha, I'm just not a pawn, and I do things based on priniciple, and I also have a bachelor's degree in economics. You are biased, unintelligent, and can't take criticism.

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Is that really the way you think? If it is, then man you are warped. The guy doesn't see the value in this alleged "service" that is performed, and therefore doesn't see the need to tip. And then you go off on the guy calling him a cheap skate.


If you'd like, you and I can post our tax returns for the last few years and let everyone see who has more nickels to rub together. If you work in the golf industry, I'm 100% confident I make more than you. Let's just say I pay more in taxes than many people make in a year. I'm not saying that to pound my chest, but rather to show you that it has absolutely nothing to do with one's income.


You're in the business, so you think it's great. Fine. But don't call people cheap or frugal because they don't want your services.



When that idiot is calling me a con artist im going to take it personal , Nobody is telling him he has to tip, im informing him how society works, because clearly he hasnt a clue. Dont complain about people in a position that earn a tip.


Its not my service, so I dont take it personal, I dont work for tips

congrats you make more than me, yay, wanna play for some of it.


I atleast know how to be a productive part of society and take care of those that take care of me.



You guys can make all the excuses in the world for not needing a service, but cheap is cheap plain and simple


If I don't need the service, then how am I (or anyone else) being cheap? Seriously man! Do you just throw money at people for doing nothing? If so, I'll give you some commercial real estate finance advice that you don't need and you can send me some money.


When I play golf, I carry a large towel. Half is wet, and half is dry. After every shot, I take about 2 seconds and wipe the club face. So when I'm done with my round, I don't need some guy running over to my clubs to clean them when they are already clean. So where's the "service" in that? And how many times do these guys rub their towels over my already clean clubs like they actually did something? Call it cheap if you want, but I don't need someone doing a job when I already did it.


C'mon. This has gotten way out of line. If someone chooses not to tip, then it's their prerogative. Tipping is OPTIONAL the last time I checked. If your employees aren't making enough, then give them raises. And the attitude your put forth is one that makes people post like they do about tipping.


I'd be happy to play you for cash. There's a certain amount of money that gets anyone off their game. I'd just need to find yours! ;)



Kev, I was not implying that everyone should tip, read billys posts, he is belittling anyone that does tip or works for tips, he simply doesnt get it. I do the same as you, keep a clean towel, wash all my own clubs etc. I tip guys at the bag drop, the starter only if he goes out of his way to get us out early on a busy day, and the kid that lets us drive down to the lot and takes the cart from us so he can clean it.


Yes, you were, you say anyone who doesn't tip these super easy and unnecessary services is cheap, poor, and basically a bad person. The tips we are speaking of are largely a con game where the employee is forcing their service on you and looking to get paid much more than the easy service they provide is worth anyway. I explained this clearly and logically and you have nothing to say that logically refutes it and just resort to calling me cheap and making up a fantasy that I'm poor. I'm not poor haha, I'm just not a pawn, and I do things based on priniciple, and I also have a bachelor's degree in economics. You are biased, unintelligent, and can't take criticism.

you are pure comedy

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But working as a cart boy and starter too, is mind numbingly easy. I've done both. It doesn't deserve much pay and is really more about the free golf.


I understand not everyone will tip, and am perfectly fine that. Heck before I started working as a cart attendant, when my Dad and I would go golfing I would ask him why he tips the people at bag drop.


I cant argue with that quote, my previous job was at a 7-Eleven (I had to "resign" because my Dad worked in a different market, they dont like 2 members of a family working for them), this is the easiest job I could imagine. And I would do it without pay for the golf, I was simply clarifying that unlike someone said, I nor does any cart attendant I have ever met make $8.50 an hour or $100 in tips.


You seem like a fairly unselfish, reasonable person. If anything I would tip you for that.

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