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Sorry but just HOW far did you say you hit your driver ? (Merged)


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My average 250, I keep teack with GPS . Of all the drives I have ever measured for other folks about 1 out of 20 hit "their average" over a round. At my club we have the "prove it" hole. It's a dog leg par 4, if you cut over the water it a 285 CARRY to dry land from the tips........the princess of the pond has a nice collection of Pro V's......I garrantee ya!

Average on the tour is 290 ish..........

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215, sometimes 230. I am realistic about my distances and I don't under club (the score card doesn't care what club I use). My HI is 8.9. Thankfully I have a decent short game and putt very well. My swing speed is in the low 90s.

I am working on my swing and starting to see some results, but I have to be patient. LOL!

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love talking about myself...

SS ~118
Carry ~ 280

Natural shot is a draw, bad swing is a 240 yrd power gross hook, either way it runs alot, and gets me into trouble sometimes

Really working on a fade and when I do hit the fade my carry goes up 5-15yrds, run comes down, or at least is perdictable, unlike my draw.

The D1 has really helped with the fade, but now that I can hit it, I still don't like looking at it, so going back to a D2

Someone questioned 300yrd drives and compared to pros... well that's apples to oranges, I play every course I go to from the tips, and the fairways are probably twice as wide on most courses compared to a pga setup. Go to an NCAA golf event... young and flexible... means LONG BALL

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talking carry only ...and given I have only played a year my avg are as follow off the tee:

1. Driver....240-250...longest is 275...shortest is just beyond ladies tee box. LOL But I am inconsistent so went to irons. Add 15-20 yards for roll.

2. 3iron....215-220 off tee with another 10 yards of roll on average.

Getting a 2i to try and see if I can get back up to my driver lengths and be more consistent since I definately hit the 3i much better than any of my woods.

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Depends on where I am in the country. When I was stationed in Tucson, 270-280 carry wasn't too uncommon, with some drives upwards of 340 total with a bit of run.

In Mississippi so far, the furthest I've carried one (that I've paid attention to) is 263ish (lasered the bunker at 260 and carried it by a few yards as far as I could tell).

Those are hit really well of course.

Longest ever was a 340ish carry (420 total) in Cali. That one was downhill down wind though. Never played the course before and was hitting it about 280-290 most of the day. I ask if the group in front of us is out of range and they look at me like I'm crazy and say to hit it. It bounced off the top of one of that groups' carts. Oops. :yes:

p.s. And I'm not really a long hitter or anything... /shrug

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SS ~ 106 MPH
Carry ~ 260 yds

My natural shot is a fade, however if I really muscle after it I will either slice it or hit a rope hook so bad I swear its going to hit me in the back of the head.

The thing that bothers me the most is I seem to hit my 6-iron 180-190 with a SS of 88-90MPH, it seems (to me) that I've got a lot to work on with my driver, I'm losing speed somewhere (maybe I'm wrong, probably am).

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for distance comparisons why not measure your ball speed and post that


its the best thing to compare in my opinion for relative power


swing speed and quality of strike


two guys may hit the same ball speed but have completely different averages due to conditions



tiger is 185mph when he belts it there is a nice starting point



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  • 1 month later...

I get a kick ut of lots of the posts here.


I'm 42, an official 4.6 index. I can't carry the ball more than 230 yards, and will get more or less 20 -25 yards roll. OK occasionally I'll hit the ball really pure, and get an extra 10 yards. I usually hit my 7 iron around 150 carry, can push it to 160 ( with the risk of worse dispersion). My wedges will backspin on the green if the greens are in that kind of condition (but it is pointless, since I don't necessary aim that extra 3 feet behind the pin, so if i'm short, I end up 3 feet further away from the pin).


Oh and My SS with a driver maxes out at 100mph (closer to 95-96 mph)....


The people I play with are rarely much longer than I am (except a few of the youngsters that will be an extra 15 yards longer on both driver and irons) - and the very rare semi-pro, that is more like 30 yards more with the driver, and 20 with irons.


But why is it that just about everybody here has a SS of 120 mph, a smash factor of 1.6 and carries the ball 300 yards ( on tour, the average carry is around 270)? What makes it more interesting is that I usually card scores of 75-79, which is decent as an amateur, and if I had the swings they say they have, I should be carding 59 every round......


Sounds like lots of people measure their drives on a concrete runway ( which shouldn't even influence carry) and confuse mph and km/h, or they really can't putt worth crap ( or they'd b e playing 59 too)..... Hell Tiger Woods rarely hits the ball much further than 300 yards even though he physically can, mainly because he is unsure to keep it straight over those distances..... I'll bet he'd feel like a wimp if he was reading most of the posts here....


And I bet all these big hitters must play on video games when they measure, cause I never see em on the courses ( and I travel alot).....


Come on everybody - get real . Take a rangefinder every now and then and check the measures yourself ( don't try to calculate it by judgement between the tee box and the 150 yard marker)...., or take out the 60 yards roll when you hit your 7 iron too thin and it went 200 yards........

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Your two years old than me, swing speed is about the same, handicap is about the same, but it seems your carry distances are shorter than mine for the driver and the seven iron. I don't claim to carry my driver 300 and seven iron 190, but my distances are a little longer than yours which each club, respectively. I am guessing it is because of one thing and that is equipment, mainly shafts. I found something that works for me and is fitted to my type of swing. Driver heads can be optimized, by selecting a tool which increases ball speed and decreases spin; iron trajectory can be adjusted to increase or decrease distance. Example, I use the R5, because I like the ballflight, distance, and ballspeed on the club. If i wanted, i could switch to the FT-5 tour model and pick up more distance because it would increase ball speed and reduce spin, but I like second shot yardages with the R5 better. So, when these things are married to the correct shaft you can control distances, depending on how you want the finished result.


I know your post appeared to call into question the accuracy of "claimed distances" of most golfers, but there are some of us on here who take purchasing, understanding, and capturing the benefits of golf technology seriously. The results are real. My point, most of us do not play clubs directly off the shelf. Please factor that in as well.

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I feel good with a smooth 8 iron from 155, am confident with a 5 iron from 200, a 55* SW from 105, and hit my driver in the 285 area a good deal of the time (I hit some that roll out to 300, some that are mishit and travel only 260, so 285 sounds like a nice average--that's total distance, not carry...there's NO way I'd attempt to carry a hazard 285 away). I also play with some of the top amateur golfers in the state of Georgia pretty regular, and never play with anyone any longer than myself with short and mid irons, am at MOST bested by 5 yards with longer irons (4 and 5), and can count on one hand the guys that outdrive me by more than 10 yards.


I have a long swing, and rely on tempo now more than ever. I've given up a good 10 yards off the tee over the last few months in exchange for 2 times the fairways hit--and I would recommend anyone else to do the same if they were presented with the opportunity to do so.


I know there are some good golfers on here, some long drive guys and all, but I understand what you're saying. I have played alongside many of the tour pros from GA, a ton of mini tour guys, and pretty much every one of the top amateurs and know that they usually aren't any longer than I am, and I don't even measure up to many of the tall tales on here!

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I agree Phil. I'm 3 yrs younger than you and my index is 5.8 and my driver speed is 96-98 with my driver, although honestly I think i carry my driver about 240 with about 20 yds roll, although to be honest on rare occasion when I'm pumpbed up and the conditions are ideal, I have hit drives that carry about 255 to 260. I can remember when I was in my mid to late 20s I think i was at about 101-102 mph. 7 iron goes about 155-159ish. I'm also floored by the no. of people who claim 118-120 MPH Driver speeds. Thats near the top of most of the young guns on Tour. Not that I think anybody is lying, maybe its true, not sure. Most really good amateurs in my option, especially older than 30 have slower swing speeds IMO and rely on Fairways hit.


I also think some people don't really understand how far 305 yards really is. I play with a guy in the summer who is a legit 1 handicap and has an absolute perfect golf swing and he's built line a NFL Linebacker and has been playing golf for 20 years and he absolutely crushes the you know what out of it 98 percent of the time dead straight. He hits it about 15 yds longer than I. I had a conversation with him once and he said to me " I'd say I hit it about 270 to 275". I was like, "wow, finally somebody with legit numbers", I thought he was right on.

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Plenty of people can bust it 300. Technology today allows for it, and of course the condition of the fairways. The problem is for most amateurs/weekend golfers is that is all they can do. If you duff your 2nd shot into a trap, take 2 shots to get out, then 3 putt, how much did all that distance matter?


Edit: I have a 120+ Mph ss with my putter........beat that.

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Golf is a game of integrity, if they say the hit it that long they hit it that long.


The only reason I drive the ball 300+ is that I play at 6000+ ft above sea leave.


I hit my pw 150 up to 250 with a 3 hybrid


I have an average. ss of 105 - 110 with driver


at sea leave in GA my longest drive is around 300 yards average about 270. 270 in Colorado Springs in what I average with my 3 wood have hit it 300 off elevated tee box.


But saying that I shot in the 90s, have shot in the high 80 several times. Only been play since march06 no lessons and play a college course (USAF ACADEMY) witch probably has some of the hardest green to put on any where.


The only time I have called some one out is when a kid said he hit the ball 425 yards. I had a thread call longest drive lets be honest that kind of explains why I called him out.

JDM TMade SLDR set @ 11.5* w/Speeder 757
Adams Tour LS 15* w/DI7x
Adams Tour LS 19* w/DI8x & 23* 9031
Adams MB2 5-GW w/Black Nickle KBS Tour S
Machine M6 Inspirer
50*/54*/58* Satin Puglielli wedge kbs tourS
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As said previously, if someone claims to hit 300 yards, I believe them. Its just that after playing golf for over 45 years, I can count on one hand the number of times I have witnessed a 300 yard drive by anyone I've been paired with. That is probably due to the people I play with. One guy I play with pretty regularly, crushes the ball, but if he gets 280 from his driver, that is a lot!


This forum however is visited by some VERY sophisticated golfers, who take their equipment and games very seriously. I'm sure many tweak their equipment to get every bit of yardage/accuracy possible. Not your normal, ordinary, "take two practice swings and let's go," Saturday morning foursome guys.

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I see this thread come up too often. I'll keep my reply short. I'm approaching the old fart's category and don't mind it.


I carry my drives around 250-260 but nearly always in the fairways. I often hit my approach shots first since I always get outdriven by 30+ yards regularly but no complaints from my end. The guys I play with are strong dudes and very good players. They are honest with their yardages(280-290 carry easily and can push past 300 yds at times) and I know exactly where the yardages are on my home course which often is all carry due to soft fairways. They can carry the bunkers that I can't even reach so I often don't worry about them unless I hit a sprinkler or two to reach them. They often hit mid iron to par 5's where I might struggle to hit 3 wood on. That's life, I guess.


Despite my lack of length those guys often are my scramble partners and they aren't that great with their wedgesor irons so they need help in that category. Really comical to see some of those guy's short shots, too close to green and can't even get them to the greens.


There are plenty guys that can haul the ball long ways, maybe few here hasn't played with them yet. I've played with couple LDA'ers and I can see the huge difference between them and just regular every day long drivers.


Of course, there's always few forum guys that grossly overestimate their distances with 2 yards dispersion. ;)

63 yr old's Bag of Hacking Utensils

TM Qi10 9*, GD XC-6 stiff

TM Qi10 Tour 15*

SIM2 Max 21* Diamana 75-S

Qi10 Rescue 25* & 28* UST V2

TM P770 5-PW, DG120 S300

TM MG4 52* & 58* DG 120 S300

Odyssey White Ice DART 46"

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My internet stats:


Handicap: +2


3-wood carry 280 yards.


Driver carry: 300 yards.


7-Iron: 200 Yards


GIR: 16


Fairways: 14


Putts per round: 26



My real life stats:


Handicap: ~7


3-wood carry 240 yards.


Driver carry: 260 yards.


7-iron: 170 Yards Max


GIR: 9


Fairways: 8


Putts per round: 32.5

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My friend take a hard rip at the ball with the driver. Actually, he takes a hard trip at the ball with almost every club, using less club with a harder swing to make up the difference. Sometimes the lengths of his drives are amazing, but often times a ball will get sprayed OB or end up in some kind of jail and the round is really ruined by only a couple of holes.


Both him and I were paired with an older gentleman who couldn't hit the ball nearly as far as either of us, but he struck it pure every. single. time. At the end of the round HE was the one that ended up shooting 76, while we cried about our 80-something scores.


Another kid I remember playing high school golf with was just a really small kid. Thin, not too tall, maybe lucky if he was able to get 200 yds out of a drive. But no matter what club he hit, it was straight down the middle. He was constantly beating everyone else.


I've never been that obsessed with my driver distance. I know there are plenty of people that can bomb it past me, but I have to stay within my own game and work with what I have. I think the distance is great if you want to show someone how far you can bash it, but it should never be a measure of how good a golfer someone is.

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My internet stats:


Handicap: +2


3-wood carry 280 yards.


Driver carry: 300 yards.


7-Iron: 200 Yards


GIR: 16


Fairways: 14


Putts per round: 26



My real life stats:


Handicap: ~7


3-wood carry 240 yards.


Driver carry: 260 yards.


7-iron: 170 Yards Max


GIR: 9


Fairways: 8


Putts per round: 32.5


Very good!!!! ;)


Happens too often with few that won't play with fellow forum members!

63 yr old's Bag of Hacking Utensils

TM Qi10 9*, GD XC-6 stiff

TM Qi10 Tour 15*

SIM2 Max 21* Diamana 75-S

Qi10 Rescue 25* & 28* UST V2

TM P770 5-PW, DG120 S300

TM MG4 52* & 58* DG 120 S300

Odyssey White Ice DART 46"

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I can see your point and to some extent I agree with it, but the flip side of everybody claiming to hit 300 yards is that when you can hit the ball that distance no body will believe you!


I'm no LD monster but I'm a fairly big unit and I've played sport at international level so I should be able to put it out there. I know that I am a long ball hitter who can hit it over 300 yards if I really swing out of my shoes but I'm also painfully aware that there are people who can hit it past me (I have an LD'er at my club and I've seen him drive it 20 yards through a straight 320 yard par 4) but many, many more who can outscore me as I play to a 12 due to inaccuracy and an average short game.


But as far as claimed distances go, I agree that most people have a comfortable 10-15 yards tacked on their real distances.

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I'll admit that I'm occasionally skeptical when I read some of the yardage claims, but I've played numerous times with people who can carry it 300+ so it isn't beyond the realms of fantasy that 'ordinary' golfers are capable of hitting the ball a long way. I'm most skeptical when I hear a mid-handicapper claim to average a big distance from the tee, or with a particular club. The mid handicappers I know don't hit the ball anywhere near consistently enough to claim any sort of genuine 'average' distance with a driver or any other club. A typical pair of hits can vary by 80 yards in distance with a driver in my experience.


For what it's worth, I'm a UK 0.6 handicap, have a swing speed of around 112 or so, and I get about 265 carry out of a driver. How far it ends up going depends hugely on the type of shot I hit and the firmness of the course. My 7 iron carries about 160. Not 200. 160. If it goes 200 yards, it's had a big bounce, from a flier lie, and has run 30-odd yards at least. Or it's been down-hurricane.


Even with my weak lofts and modest distances, I'm about average in terms of distance for my handicap level, and I outhit a good proportion of golfers I play with - including people who will swear, with their dying breath, that they 'average 300 with a driver and can hit a 7 iron 180.'


When it comes to internet claims I won't call someone out who I've never seen hit a ball though, since I don't know them or their game and have never seen them play. If someone is massaging their distances, good luck to them - since my experience is the people who do that also need to massage their scores since they generally aren't as good as they like to think they are. Most really good players I know are honest and realistic about how far they hit the ball and expend more energy on hitting it properly than they do hitting it further.

Nike Ignite 410 10.5° Grafalloy Blue X

Nike T60 15° Fujikura Speeder 757 X

Titleist 913F 19° Mitsubishi Diamana BB 83X or Titleist 712U 2-iron 19° KBS Tour S

Titleist 712U 3-iron 22° KBS Tour S

Titleist 681 4-iron to 9-iron KBS Tour S

Titleist SM5 48.08F Raw 49° KBS Tour S

Titleist SM5 56.10M Raw 56° KBS Tour S

Ping Eye 2 Gorge L Wedge 60° KBS Tour S  &  Ping Anser 2



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Agreed. When I first bought my rangefinder, my first objective was to figure out how far I carry every club. I have a 95 mph SS and carry my driver at 240, 7 iron 155.


When my buddies play, they measure their yardage by what it says on the range or take the yardage they have left on a hole, and simply subtract that from the total hole yardage. They used to tell me "oh man, I think I just hit that ball 280!" then of course I would bring out my rangefinder and usually prove them wrong by about 30-40 yards.


I'm sure there are plenty of long ball hitters on these forums. I know I am not one of them. I rely on my short game and putting to get my scores. I do suggest that everyone should get a rangefinder, or at least borrow one at the driving range to figure out how far you carry each club exactly.

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I get a kick out of these forums, and some of the claims I read. Honestly I dont worry about my driver distance all that much. I am much more concerned with hitting more fairways. My irons are not terribly long, but are usually pretty accurate, and i know about what range to pick which one. Distance with an iron has more (for me) to do with what the wind is doing, or what kind of a lie i have than just knowing the distance (maybe im just a feel player).


I play enough to be consistent, but failed last year to practice anywhere near as much as i should. Not this year baby....this year its more practice time, short game short game short game!! you keep your 300 yard drive, and ill figure out how to pitch it close to the hole from 40 yards.

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As far as "internet stats" go I take people's word for it, even when it seems unreasonable. I don't know the people, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. If lieing on the internet makes them feel better about themselves, then I'll give them that. I look at it this way.... there's a lot of long drive contest guys that hit the ball a mile, that are still shooting in the mid 80's. Just because someone hits the ball "tour long" doesn't mean it's going that distance with any accuracy. Plus, we all know the short games is what can really seperate skill levels.


Personally, I'm a 10 handicap. I'm 24 years old. My swingspeed varies between 105-109mph. I carry the ball about 260 and usually don't have much rollout, maybe 5-10 yards. I hit my 7 iron about 165 ish on a descent swing. I average around 36-37 putts per round (impressed? ;) ) I'm an absolutely horrible putter.


Likewise, I have a friend that I frequently play with, who is about 20 yards longer than me with his irons (which might actually be weaker lofts). He's also about an 18 handicap, yet he'll hit a PW from 150 yards. I can only imagine what his swingspeed is. What's with the handicap? He's horrable with a driver in his hands. Give him an iron and he'll hit a gentle draw. Give him a driver and it's an all out hook. BUT he's very long WHEN it does go straight. He also has a horrible short game. Descent irons player though...... and he hits them a mile, and fairly consistantly.


To each their own. Golf is a funny game.... and I don't mean "haha" funny.

Titleist 917 D2 10.5* Diamana D+ 70X

Taylormade SIM Max 15* HZRDUS Smoke Black 70 6.5

Ping G410 18.5* Tensei CK Orange 70X

Mizuno MP-20 HMB 4-PW NS Pro Modus 3 120S

Mizuno T20 50*, 54*, 58* NS Pro Modus 3 120S

Scotty Cameron Phantom X 7.5

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I'm honestly getting SICK of these threads. stop worrying about how far other people hit it. stop worrying about whether people are lying or exagerating. no one cares that you think everyone else here is lying, NO ONE.


your the fourth or fifth person this month to start a thread like this. get over it. get over your ability to score even with your inability to hit it long. its just as bad, in my opinion as the people who claim to hit it way far. how is saying "I can't hit it as far as you, but I score far better in the face of my shortcomings, because I'm sooo awsome" any different than saying "I can blow it over that fairay bunker at 290, because I'm sooo awsome."


if your playing against someone, try to beat them. if your practicing, try to get better. in the end, thats all there is. you can get a kick out of a golf forum. I get a kick out of playing golf.


I'm sorry, I'm having a bad day, but I'm being honest.

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I have some quick comments to add to the discussion...


1. I get a kick out of the comments as well from locals that I play with when they mention that they CARRY 285 and roll out to 300+. When I end up playing them they are usually a good 20 to 25 yards behind me...like the poster above there is no way I would attempt to carry a hazard 285 yards! I am built like a middle linebacker (former national level shot putter and hammer thrower) and I have won a few local long drive contests which is pretty good for someone just over 40. I too am learning the value of temp and the game truly is much easier from the short stuff! ;)


2. Elevation really does have an affect. I take a week and play in the Dominican in the winter and I have to adjust my yardages by as much as 20 yards for my three wood and driver.


3. The area I live in is semi-arid so the fairways can get a little hard...believe me I can get A LOT OF ROLL from our fairways towards the latter part of the summer.


4. Their equipment is often older or does not really fit them while many of the people on this board have current technology and recognize the value of fitting (or at least ho'ing until they find what works for them) and you cannot underestimate the value in that.


Are the claims a bit off...probably...but I am quick to recognize different conditions, equipment, etc.


Keep it in the short stuff!!



Hmm...Today the bag will be...<br /><br />Cobra F9 or Ping 400 LST<br /><br />F9 w/ HZRD Yellow or 16* 3446-f-Matrix 8M2<br /><br />Cobra Baffler w/ HZRD<br /><br />Machine M2A Long Neck SS Copper Insert Hand Peened<br /><br />Mizuno MP-55 & MP-5 w/ SF 110 CW<br /><br />SRIXON 765/965 5-PW w SF i95 Stiff

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I have played golf with a member here and several of his claims state he hits it over 300+ yet I out drive him EVERY time and my average drive is 265 carry......hmmm PS I do use a skycaddie to measure yardage, I have hit it over 300 but for sure not my average! Most of the guys I play with are YEARS younger than me so does my ol heart good to hit it up with them! Last year played through a collage golf team foursome, playing at the tips (I was riding and they were walking) heard them muttering something about the old guy playing back here...hit my best of the day and blew it by them.... then it was "have a great day sir" and wispering "he just hit the sh!T out of that!" ;) ;)

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      Kevin Tway - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Pullout Albums
      Rory McIlroy - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      New Cobra equipment truck - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Eric Cole's custom Cameron putter - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Custom Cameron putter - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Matt Kuchar's custom Bettinardi - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Justin Thomas - driver change - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Rickie Fowler - putter change - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Rickie Fowler's new custom Odyssey Jailbird 380 putter – 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Tommy Fleetwood testing a TaylorMade Spider Tour X (with custom neck) – 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Cobra Darkspeed Volition driver – 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
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    • 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Monday #1
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Monday #2
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Tuesday #1
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Tuesday #2
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Tuesday #3
      WITB Albums
      Pierceson Coody - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Kris Kim - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      David Nyfjall - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Adrien Dumont de Chassart - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Jarred Jetter - North Texas PGA Section Champ - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Richy Werenski - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Wesley Bryan - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Parker Coody - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Peter Kuest - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Blaine Hale, Jr. - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Kelly Kraft - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Rico Hoey - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Pullout Albums
      Adam Scott's 2 new custom L.A.B. Golf putters - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Scotty Cameron putters - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
        • Haha
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      • 11 replies
    • 2024 Zurich Classic - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 Zurich Classic - Monday #1
      2024 Zurich Classic - Monday #2
      WITB Albums
      Alex Fitzpatrick - WITB - 2024 Zurich Classic
      Austin Cook - WITB - 2024 Zurich Classic
      Alejandro Tosti - WITB - 2024 Zurich Classic
      Davis Riley - WITB - 2024 Zurich Classic
      MJ Daffue - WITB - 2024 Zurich Classic
      Nate Lashley - WITB - 2024 Zurich Classic
      Pullout Albums
      MJ Daffue's custom Cameron putter - 2024 Zurich Classic
      Cameron putters - 2024 Zurich Classic
      Swag covers ( a few custom for Nick Hardy) - 2024 Zurich Classic
      Custom Bettinardi covers for Matt and Alex Fitzpatrick - 2024 Zurich Classic
      • 1 reply

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