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ASK QUESTIONS NOW: Srixon Z STAR and Z STAR XV Live Q&A! Friday, February 8th 12PM ET / 9AM PT!

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I currently play the Zstar XV and love it's all round performance. From what I understand the compression on the 2019 Z Star XV has been lowered. Does lowering the compression have any impact on its spin, launch angle, or distance characteristics?


Good question, and yes. Off the tee, the lower compression will reduce spin and increase launch angle slightly. Both of those help distance. Typically lower compression also reduces ball speed, but with our new FastLayer core, we have the same ball speed. So overall the new version is longer.


Around the green though, spin is more related to cover than compression, and the new cover spins more than the previous generation.

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Long time user of the Z Star XV. 2 part question here.


How do you continue to push out a great product at a price point cheaper than other large competitors? With that, thank you so much for keeping them at $39.99 a dozen here in the US!


With the addition of many direct to consumer balls to the market, where do you see the ball market going in the future?


Glad to hear you’re a long-time user! We truly believe in our golf ball performance, and want everyone to try them out and see for themselves. Our pricing is slightly below competitors and it helps us drive more trial and golfers into the brand that may have not played Srixon before. We’ve found most people who try them stick with them, so the more we can get them out there the better.

The direct to consumer balls are interesting. I think time will tell what happens there, but we focus and stay committed to our retail partners and golf pros who support our brand.


I'm wondering why the xv is supposed to have a higher ball flight than the standard ZSTAR ? the older models were opposite right?


Good question, and it comes down to launch angle vs. peak height vs. trajectory, and those three aren’t exactly the same. In general, softer golf balls launch higher, but spin less (on longer shots like tee shots). Firmer balls launch lower, but with more spin. So off the the tee, the Z-STAR has a higher launch angle, but lower spin. The Z-STAR XV has a lower launch angle, but more spin, and a slightly higher peak height, which is why the “trajectory” is slightly higher.


What are the spin characteristics of the new line vs. the previous version? For example the new Z star spins ______ than the old one for driver.


I love how Srixon's play in the wind. Thank you!


We rarely publish this type of data because “your actual mileage may vary.” Spin and launch characteristics vary based on swing speed and impact characteristics (attack angle, loft). On the driver, the launch conditions for both balls don’t vary too much compared to the previous generation (the Z-STAR has ~50rpm lower spin than previous generation on the driver). The most difference you’ll see is on higher lofted irons and wedge shots, where spin increases about 50-150rpm.

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Were you able to retain the durability of the XV while making it softer feeling and lower compression?


Srixon has had one of the thinnest and softest covers in golf for many years now - this isn’t something new. We’ve also always had a great reputation for durability. Both of those things will continue to be the case. It comes from an extremely long history of working with these materials and having one of the largest patent portfolios in the industry (which allows us to do things others can’t).

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Long time user of the Z Star XV. 2 part question here.


How do you continue to push out a great product at a price point cheaper than other large competitors? With that, thank you so much for keeping them at $39.99 a dozen here in the US!


With the addition of many direct to consumer balls to the market, where do you see the ball market going in the future?


Glad to hear you’re a long-time user! We truly believe in our golf ball performance, and want everyone to try them out and see for themselves. Our pricing is slightly below competitors and it helps us drive more trial and golfers into the brand that may have not played Srixon before. We’ve found most people who try them stick with them, so the more we can get them out there the better.

The direct to consumer balls are interesting. I think time will tell what happens there, but we focus and stay committed to our retail partners and golf pros who support our brand.

I'm wondering why the xv is supposed to have a higher ball flight than the standard ZSTAR ? the older models were opposite right?


Good question, and it comes down to launch angle vs. peak height vs. trajectory, and those three aren’t exactly the same. In general, softer golf balls launch higher, but spin less (on longer shots like tee shots). Firmer balls launch lower, but with more spin. So off the the tee, the Z-STAR has a higher launch angle, but lower spin. The Z-STAR XV has a lower launch angle, but more spin, and a slightly higher peak height, which is why the “trajectory” is slightly higher.

What are the spin characteristics of the new line vs. the previous version? For example the new Z star spins ______ than the old one for driver.


I love how Srixon's play in the wind. Thank you!


We rarely publish this type of data because “your actual mileage may vary.” Spin and launch characteristics vary based on swing speed and impact characteristics (attack angle, loft). On the driver, the launch conditions for both balls don’t vary too much compared to the previous generation (the Z-STAR has ~50rpm lower spin than previous generation on the driver). The most difference you’ll see is on higher lofted irons and wedge shots, where spin increases about 50-150rpm.

Thanks for the reply , can't wait to try the xv in this model even thought I usually okay the non xv ZSTAR
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How has the performance packs helped the brand and recognition? It seems to be a great marketing tool to allow consumers to try out a ball such as the Z Star or Z Star XV.


We really believe in in the performance of our golf balls, and want to get them in the bags of as many golfers as possible to try. The performance packs are a way of doing so at launch so more golfers can test them and make the switch. It’s been great for us to grow our brand, trial, and recognition.

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Besides Spin Numbers do the balls launch differently and in testing are there additional gains in distance over the prior generation?


Launch is pretty similar. The new FastLayer core has helped ball speed for both balls, especially the Z-STAR (the XV too, but it was already really long). They both go longer, which is a reason almost all of our tour staff has made the switch.


One thing that sets us apart from competitors is our cover. It’s softer and thinner than most others. This thin cover allows us to create a larger core, which is the engine of the ball. The large core helps the new Z-STAR XV be the longest ball on tour.

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I don't quite understand why golf governing bodies allow so much leeway in golf ball performance manufacturing characteristics. In baseball, football, tennis, etc. every player is playing with a ball with same characteristics, but in golf matches players use all sorts of golf balls with different characteristics like 2 piece, 3 piece, 4 piece, low spin, high spin, soft, hard cover etc. Thoughts? Thanks.


Good question, and we like the leeway. In those other sports, players are interacting with each other (pitchers throwing to the batter, tennis players hitting back and forth, etc), but in golf we’re all playing against the course. The other players never touch our equipment. Since it’s so individual, the governing bodies want every player to play the equipment right for his or her own game so they can play their best. Everyone has a different playing style which is why we have a full range of balls to fit every golfer.

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How has the performance packs helped the brand and recognition? It seems to be a great marketing tool to allow consumers to try out a ball such as the Z Star or Z Star XV.


We really believe in in the performance of our golf balls, and want to get them in the bags of as many golfers as possible to try. The performance packs are a way of doing so at launch so more golfers can test them and make the switch. It’s been great for us to grow our brand, trial, and recognition.


It worked on me! I would have never given them a thought without the trial packs. Now the XV is all I’ve played for 2 seasons.

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Can you guys break down how the balls would presumably differ for swing ranges. For example, would someone with 105+ lose anything playing the Z vs XV. At what point does a player lose the benefits of a ball based on swing speed?


Swing speed is the most obvious way to differentiate performance between the balls, but it's very general and doesn’t always hold up. This is because there are other factors that need to be considered for optimal performance like spin, launch angle, etc.

In general though, higher swing speeds (105+) that can compress the golf ball more efficiently get more distance out of the Z-STAR XV. The tradeoff is a slightly firmer feel and very minute differences in greenside performance. Players with a 90-105 mph swing speed will generally see greater performance with the Z STAR because of a more efficient energy transfer and more optimal launch conditions.

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What is a common theme you hear from pleased tour or college players about the ball performance. Amongst the Srixon sponsored players in my area they all rave about the wind play and general flight.


Wind performance is definitely one of the most often cited factors we hear from better players. Stability in the wind, ability to cut through the wind, etc. They also love the distance consistency, which is also partially attributed to great wind performance. Other than that, especially on this latest generation, there is extremely positive feedback on the Z-STAR XV regarding ball speed and distance. The ball is likely to be played by the longest drivers on 5 major tours around the world. Lastly, I’d say durability (Tour players have actually told us to stop giving them so many balls - they don’t use all of them) and the increase in spin they’re seeing with SeRM.

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We know with the advances of launch data how spin rates can affect distance and the roles that balls can play on those numbers. But for those of us that "fight" hooks/slices, can the spin characteristics of the ball also help lessen the side spin curve? If so, which new model will help more in this? Thanks for your time and great products.


Yes indeed. To talk physics here for a second, the ball doesn’t really have “backspin” or “sidespin” so much as it has total spin and a spin axis. If you fight a slice or a hook, it means your spin axis isn’t parallel to the ground. When we cut down your total spin through whatever new design or technology, we reduce both backspin and sidespin. So...in general...lower spin balls fly straighter. That’s why technologies like FastLayer core help distance but also accuracy. As a general rule, lower compression balls spin less off the driver, so balls like the Q-STAR TOUR are a great alternative to the Z-STAR series if accuracy on the driver is the most important factor in your game (the Q-STAR is lower compression than the Z-STAR and Z-STAR XV).


How is SeRM (Slide Ring Material) different from conventional urethane?


SeRM is an additive to our urethane coating, and is a really cool material. We have the exclusive rights to use it in golf balls too. It helps the molecules stretch more to make the cover more elastic and ultimately provide more spin.


How it works is pretty complicated, but basically the molecules are connected through rings and can slide against each other when being pulled (hence Slide-Ring-Material), which allows them to stretch more. Conventional urethane is more rigid so it can’t stretch as much.


As you’d expect, we can get more spin around the greens. But what it actually does too is allows us to make the cover thinner, so we can make a bigger core and get more ball speed (and distance)

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why should I buy your ball over the others?


What is your most confident value of your ball?


The proof is in the pudding; Srixon golf balls win more professional tournaments around the world than any other brand out there except one. Is it because our Tour staff is larger? No. Because we go and buy the best players? Nope. It’s better performance.

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How much of a difference is there in the softness of the cover of the new ball with SeRM vs. the previous versions is there, if there is any? Are the covers on the XV and the Z Star the same?


For Z-STAR, the cover is the same “softness” but with SeRM it’s more elastic and will spin more. For Z-STAR XV, the cover is a little softer than the previous generation, and it has SeRM, so it actually spins a lot more around the green than the previous generation.

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Are these new balls rated for a player based on driver swing speed? Which model would you recommend for swingspeed around 95 mph player looking for more distance with the driver?


Tough question without knowing your launch conditions. I would suggest trying to get on a launch monitor to know for sure, but if you’re a player who tends to spin the ball a lot (or play a fade/slice) the Z-STAR will likely give you the best launch conditions. This is due to a better compression with your swing speed, but more importantly you will get lower spin (which gives you more distance). If you’re a player who hits a draw or someone who might need more spin to get the ball in the air, the Z-STAR XV will give you more spin, but you’ll also see more ball speed (more distance).

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I have played a version of the Z-Star since 2015. I found that I preferred the Z-Star in that iteration, but moved to the Z-Star XV with the 2017 version. I have really liked the feel of the XV off the face, particularly with driver, woods, and hybrids. It is great in the wind, and the overall durability is fantastic. I always switch to a yellow ball for the winter months, and was only able to find Z-Stars this year. Now I have found that I have appreciated the wedge spin and the softer feel i get off of a milled putter face with the Z-Star. I believe I read that the difference in compression between the new versions has been narrowed (slightly firmer for the Z-Star and slightly softer for the XV). What performance changes are most noticeable with the updates? Help me decide which version to play!


Glad to hear you’re a loyal Z-STAR user. The compression has narrowed. Z-STAR has gotten longer, and the Z-STAR XV is now slightly longer and spins more around the greens. Testing them both is best, but I’d start with the Z-STAR XV. All of our tour players love the feel of it, the spin, and mostly how long it goes. Start there, and if you’re looking for a softer feel you can move into the Z-STAR.

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What role does the putter play in designing a new ball? Most mention distance and spin but the putter performance can make a big impact


Our tour staff plays a big role in not only helping us find the best performance, but also the best feel. Part of the “feel” testing is trying to find the right sound and feel off the putter. Though this is personal and different for everyone, this is something we certainly test with our tour players to make sure we get two golf balls that sound and feel right off the putter.

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I have played a version of the Z-Star since 2015. I found that I preferred the Z-Star in that iteration, but moved to the Z-Star XV with the 2017 version. I have really liked the feel of the XV off the face, particularly with driver, woods, and hybrids. It is great in the wind, and the overall durability is fantastic. I always switch to a yellow ball for the winter months, and was only able to find Z-Stars this year. Now I have found that I have appreciated the wedge spin and the softer feel i get off of a milled putter face with the Z-Star. I believe I read that the difference in compression between the new versions has been narrowed (slightly firmer for the Z-Star and slightly softer for the XV). What performance changes are most noticeable with the updates? Help me decide which version to play!


Glad to hear you’re a loyal Z-STAR user. The compression has narrowed. Z-STAR has gotten longer, and the Z-STAR XV is now slightly longer and spins more around the greens. Testing them both is best, but I’d start with the Z-STAR XV. All of our tour players love the feel of it, the spin, and mostly how long it goes. Start there, and if you’re looking for a softer feel you can move into the Z-STAR.


Have you had any XV players on tour switch to the Z-Star (or vice versa), or are you finding most players are just updating their preferred model?

TSR2 8*, Diamana BG 60TX

TSR1 15*, Diamana BF 80TX

TSR1 20°, Atmos TS Blue HB 8x 
Mizuno MP Fli Hi 21°, Recoil 110

JPX 923 Forged  5-P, DG120 X100
RTX6  50, 54, 58 MID (AMT White X100)
Odyssey Eleven S
Tour BX

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Of course we'd love to hear the specific performance improvements or changes between the 2019 and old models. I'm curious also as to who you view each ball would be for in terms of swing speed, performance, launch, and other factors whether performance or feel based? And as much as we want to talk about the upsides always, it be great to hear the trade-offs/downsides between one ball and the other, like what or how much am I giving up for some other aspect of performance?


Personally I've been mostly gaming the Z-Star the last few years due to the amazing green side spin/control. However I've been testing the XV and TP5/TP5x lines to get a bit more launch/height off full shots. Will be interested to see where I end up between the 4 (though I've still got like 4 boxes of the old Z-Stars that I need to go through regardless).


Sounds like you are gonna be doing some good testing and analysis out there, which makes me jealous as I sit here in the office! The main trade-off I would cite is ball speed - the Z-STAR XV will have more ball speed than the Z-STAR, and that’s probably going to cost you a bit in distance, but not much. In a similar sense, the Z-STAR will have more greenside spin - but again, the difference is not all that significant. Tough to breakdown all the various differences in performance...in general, the Z-STAR XV is really going to feel best and have better launch/spin (especially on the driver) for the highest swing speed players. If you’ve been tempted to switch to the Z-STAR XV in the past, I think you’re going to make the move in this generation, because the SeRM has upped the greenside spin and the compression has come down a bit, so this Z-STAR XV might have addressed some of the reasons you stayed in the Z-STAR in the past.

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Are these new balls rated for a player based on driver swing speed? Which model would you recommend for swingspeed around 95 mph player looking for more distance with the driver?


Tough question without knowing your launch conditions. I would suggest trying to get on a launch monitor to know for sure, but if you’re a player who tends to spin the ball a lot (or play a fade/slice) the Z-STAR will likely give you the best launch conditions. This is due to a better compression with your swing speed, but more importantly you will get lower spin (which gives you more distance). If you’re a player who hits a draw or someone who might need more spin to get the ball in the air, the Z-STAR XV will give you more spin, but you’ll also see more ball speed (more distance).

Thank you for the response. Always thought softer meant more spin. I'm learning quite a bit today. This Q&A sessions are very informative.

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How do the guys on tour view the updated ball? How quickly did they switch, if they did?


Thank you,


They love it. Almost all have switched, and we’ve gotten quite a few requests from non-staffers too which is always nice validation of the performance. It varies by player, but most take a couple weeks of testing to get their distances down, then make the switch in tournaments too.


Have there been any changes to the dimples to affect the flight characteristics?


We continue to run tests on different dimple patterns, but the 338 Speed Dimple Pattern is still the best performing dimple pattern on the market. Its performance in the wind is unsurpassed and this is largely due to the dimples.

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I am curious about the construction of the Z-Star, i.e. one piece core with a urethane cover. Most premium balls have multiple inner layers. How does the solid core give it spin around the green while still achieving good distance off the tee?

I have been using this ball since the first version was introduced, and prefer the softer feel compared to the XV. The Z-Star feels similar to a ProV1, but why does the seemingly simpler construction compared to the ProV1 give similar results and better (for me) scoring?


Just to clarify, the Z-STAR is a 3-piece ball and the Z-STAR XV is a 4-piece ball. The Z-STAR does have a single core, but it also has a mid-layer (or mantle) and a cover. The Z-STAR XV has a dual core. However, both the Z-STAR and Z-STAR XV have FastLayer core technology, which means the stiffness of the core varies from inside to out. It’s almost like there are infinite layers in both cores. This is how the Srixon balls can perform so well from tee to green.

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I am a long time loyalist of the Z Star XV yellow and I am excited and nervous about this new version. In my opinion the 2017 XV was a perfect ball for my high speed game so if this ball is improved I cannot wait to try it.


Has spin skin been affected at all? In version previous to 2017 version, I always noticed that your ball seems to "slide" up the face of my scoring clubs. The 2017 version really dialed in the cover to be able to produce the low flighted, high spinning wedge shots. Is SeRM going to be even better? Am I going to want to trade my 2017's in for the 2019?

Does the new design featuring a seamless cover?


Thanks guys, best ball on the market at the best price on the market, I don't understand how anyone can argue ZStar line is not the absolute best value in premium golf balls. I'm trying to get people to make the switch on a daily basis


As a longtime gamer of the Z-STAR XV myself, I am confident in telling you that the new Z-STAR XV is the best version yet. A lot of golfers who play the Z-STAR XV like it because of the firmer feel it gives. I like to say its soft, yet responsive. This new version will be slightly softer (105 to 102 compression), but will virtually feel the same. What you’ll see is this allows the spin to come down marginally (more distance). Now, with SeRM we are able to achieve two things: 1) The best greenside spin the Z-STAR XV has ever had (one issue in the past that some brought up) 2) SeRM’s performance has allowed us to make the cover thinner, which means a larger core. A larger core means more ball speed. So you will see more greenside spin and more distance than the previous version. And to address your comment about the ball sliding up the club face, the new SpinSkin with SeRM should actually prevent this from happening. Hope this helps and go test it out for yourself!

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Hi, Srixon Team! I am long time Z-Star fan... (especially since my initials are "ZZ") but I would like to know more about what your team is most proud of with this new generation of the line. What is the biggest breakthrough or engineering feat that the team was able to accomplish that translated to enhanced performance?


Additionally, what does your tour seeding process look like? Do you get many requests from non Srixon Staffers that want to "shop out" the ball?


Thanks for your time and I really look forward to trying out the new line.




Thanks for being a fan! This will get a little technical, but typically there are tradeoffs with launch conditions. To get more ball speed off the tee, you also get more spin. One helps distance the other hurts it.


We’re really proud of the FastLayer core because it’s unlocked, or broken, this trend. We’ve been able to get more ball speed, without increasing spin for exceptional distance. It’s helping Cameron Champ lead the PGA Tour in driving distance this year. We’ll see how it goes this year, but there’s a decent chance the leader in driving distance on 5 major tours will be playing this ball.

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Some great questions here, one thing i am confused on. I have always fought high spin off the driver with a high swing speed , so i assumed the xv would be good to try because of all the talk about it being a great ball for high swing speeds off the driver and higher compression.


However in reading it seems the standard z star spins less off the driver? Which ball do you recommend for 115+ swing speed also fighting too much spin. Thanks

Ping G400 Max 9* Tensei Pro Orange 70TX
Ping G400 3 crossover Alta stiff
Callaway Apex 4-SW recoil 780 stiff
Cleveland cbx 60* recoil stiff
Biomech Acculock
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I'm a big fan of the Z Star and XV, I only have 1 issue with last years Z Star line of balls. I get maybe 6 or 7 holes out of them before the seam on the cover starts to reveal itself. I've brought this up to customer service and they've told me that they have had similar complaints and assure me that the performance will not be hindered. Though it is really bothersome to me to look down and see what looks like a crack in the cover at times and be confident that its going to perform. My question is have you addressed this with the 2019 version and if so what have you done differently to make these more durable? see below for a few quick pics i took last year.



First of all, feedback from the field is always critical to our design process, so this is great stuff. We’re always working to improve performance, be it physical durability or cosmetic durability (like this). While we don’t hear about this issue often, we have seen this phenomenon - both in Srixon balls and others in the market. Rest assured that what you’re seeing there is just cosmetic, not something structural or material, so the performance isn’t affected.


How many of your tour staff are playing the regular Z-star vs the XV? What is the reason they prefer the standard Z Star?


The breakdown is about 80% in the Z-STAR XV on the PGA Tour. It’s hard to say why because different players have different reasons for liking one ball to another. The percentage in the Z-STAR was actually higher in the past, but as we’ve built more approach and greenside spin into both balls (with SeRM SpinSkin), I think that’s causing more players to move to the Z-STAR XV (which has slightly more ball speed and distance).


Do you recommend fitting the ball from the green back to the tee or the other way around? I know I have a tendency to want more distance so probably spend too much time chasing distance.


Just like in club fitting, ball fitting should be about minimizing your miss. So you should evaluate what your biggest “bugaboo” is and start there. If you think greenside spin is an issue or you like having more control around the greens, then the Z-Star is a good play for you. But, if you think distance is a problem, the XV might be a better choice. If you’re taking less club into a green, this might be more important to you than having the best greenside spin. It all depends on your game and where you think you need the most help or what you think will give you the best advantage. Hope this helps!


I have played a version of the Z-Star since 2015. I found that I preferred the Z-Star in that iteration, but moved to the Z-Star XV with the 2017 version. I have really liked the feel of the XV off the face, particularly with driver, woods, and hybrids. It is great in the wind, and the overall durability is fantastic. I always switch to a yellow ball for the winter months, and was only able to find Z-Stars this year. Now I have found that I have appreciated the wedge spin and the softer feel i get off of a milled putter face with the Z-Star. I believe I read that the difference in compression between the new versions has been narrowed (slightly firmer for the Z-Star and slightly softer for the XV). What performance changes are most noticeable with the updates? Help me decide which version to play!


Glad to hear you’re a loyal Z-STAR user. The compression has narrowed. Z-STAR has gotten longer, and the Z-STAR XV is now slightly longer and spins more around the greens. Testing them both is best, but I’d start with the Z-STAR XV. All of our tour players love the feel of it, the spin, and mostly how long it goes. Start there, and if you’re looking for a softer feel you can move into the Z-STAR.


Have you had any XV players on tour switch to the Z-Star (or vice versa), or are you finding most players are just updating their preferred model?


About 10-20% of players have moved from the Z-STAR to the Z-STAR XV on the PGA Tour. For some players - especially lower spin players - they were in the Z-STAR to keep their approach spin numbers up. Now, with the SpinSkin + SeRM on the XV ball, the approach spin has increased, so some players are now switching into that ball...they are getting similar approach spin as their previous Z-STAR but added ball speed and distance around the course.

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With the new softer cover, is there any durability loss to previous years model?


Love what you guys are doing as a company and glad you are getting the exposure you guys deserve.

Driver: Cobra LTD Pro 7.5o - Kuro Kage DC XT 70 TX - Tipped 1"

UDI: 2019 TaylorMade P790 2i

Irons: 3-PW: Srixon z745 with Modus 130x

Wedges: 52o/56o/60o - Cleveland RTX4s

Putter: Ping Kushin 4

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Were you able to retain the durability of the XV while making it softer feeling and lower compression?


Srixon has had one of the thinnest and softest covers in golf for many years now - this isn’t something new. We’ve also always had a great reputation for durability. Both of those things will continue to be the case. It comes from an extremely long history of working with these materials and having one of the largest patent portfolios in the industry (which allows us to do things others can’t).


Thanks guys! I’ve been convincing people that Srixon makes the best ball out there, and I always reference you holding a large number of patents as the X factor!




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      Michael Block - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Patrick Reed - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Cam Smith - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Brooks Koepka - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Josh Speight - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Takumi Kanaya - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Kyle Mendoza - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Adrian Meronk - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jordan Smith - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jeremy Wells - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jared Jones - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      John Somers - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Larkin Gross - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Tracy Phillips - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jon Rahm - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Keita Nakajima - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Kazuma Kobori - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      David Puig - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Ryan Van Velzen - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Pullout Albums
      Ping putter covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Bettinardi covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Cameron putter covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Max Homa - Titleist 2 wood - 2024 PGA Championship
      Scotty Cameron experimental putter shaft by UST - 2024 PGA Championship
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    • 2024 Wells Fargo Championship - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 Wells Fargo Championship - Monday #1
      2024 Wells Fargo Championship - Tuesday #1
      2024 Wells Fargo Championship - Tuesday #2
      WITB Albums
      Akshay Bhatia - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Matthieu Pavon - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Keegan Bradley - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Webb Simpson - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Emiliano Grillo - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Taylor Pendrith - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Kevin Tway - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Pullout Albums
      Rory McIlroy - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      New Cobra equipment truck - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Eric Cole's custom Cameron putter - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Custom Cameron putter - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Matt Kuchar's custom Bettinardi - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Justin Thomas - driver change - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Rickie Fowler - putter change - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Rickie Fowler's new custom Odyssey Jailbird 380 putter – 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Tommy Fleetwood testing a TaylorMade Spider Tour X (with custom neck) – 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Cobra Darkspeed Volition driver – 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
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      • 2 replies
    • 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Monday #1
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Monday #2
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Tuesday #1
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Tuesday #2
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Tuesday #3
      WITB Albums
      Pierceson Coody - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Kris Kim - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      David Nyfjall - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Adrien Dumont de Chassart - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Jarred Jetter - North Texas PGA Section Champ - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Richy Werenski - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Wesley Bryan - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Parker Coody - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Peter Kuest - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Blaine Hale, Jr. - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Kelly Kraft - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Rico Hoey - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Pullout Albums
      Adam Scott's 2 new custom L.A.B. Golf putters - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Scotty Cameron putters - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
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      • 11 replies

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