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Golf Pet-Peeves


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Dan, I have never seen those types of yardage markers. Do they really say those......?



Since moving to Atlanta I have yet to see one, but when I lived in CT I used to see them all over.

Fairway: Srixon ZX MKII 13.5* w/ GD TOUR AD M9003
Hybrid: Srixon ZX MKII 16* w/ Nippon GOST

Utility: Srixon ZX MKII 20* w/Nippon GOST
Wedges: RTX6 50* and 56*
Putter: Frontline Elite RHO

Ball: Z-Star XV Divide

All with Bad@$$ headcovers

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#1 Elitists. If you have a problem with someone who can only 'hack' the ball 20 yards, get on the tour and show everyone how it's done.


#1.5 The same elitists who vocalize this asinine point of view. Would you rather nobody start playing the game unless they are extremely athletic? Furthering the problem of less people playing? Think about it.


#2 People who think that because I am not a great player, I should be playing cheap, garage sale junk. I work hard for my money, I'll spend it on whatever I want. Thank you kindly.


#3 Fast players who won't take you up on your invitation to play through you. Then you see them every hole, hitting at you while you're on the green.



#4 People who think that just because 'normally' you don't drive 250 yards, that you should tee off the second the group ahead of you is over 200 yards away. You only have to connect with that drive properly once, and have it land 10 feet away from the people playing ahead of you to feel like a real schmutz.


#5 Players from peeve #3 who heavily sigh while you're getting ready to hit the ball. (If you don't want to play ahead of me, put a cork in it. I paid no less for my green fee than you.)


Most really good pet peeves were taken. But almost all were from the point of view of being a very good player, with perfect course etiquette. Those things take time, and someone willing to share that knowledge rather than just rant about it. I chose some that come up once in a while but are definintely from a different point of view. It's game folks. Share it, get people to love it like you do. Treat the facility with the utmost respect, and promote the fun side of the game. It becomes infectious when you do and we all benefit from that.

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My biggest pet peeve is...


golfers with too many pet peeves! :-)


I agree.


I hate golfers with too many and too ridiculous pet peeves !


I mean come on - if a guy using a brush tee can piss you off, you most certainly will be pissing me off and I will tell it to your face directly :) :drinks: ;)



my pet peeve is: these ^ posts not up earlier.




BTW, a through line. are you friggin kidding me. plus, I've used a brush tee. and also, most of you guys

obviously can golf all day every day to, have that many pet peeves. try not having golf. to many of you

taking this game for granted. IT'S JUST GOLF. NEGATIVE, NEGATIVE, NEGATIVE. i think i'm gonna

"GO GOLFING". LOL :D :cheesy: :cheesy:


that bein said. i'm happier than a tornado in a trailer park.

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beyond a pet peeve was what I saw my good friend do at a fairly decent public san diego course, not TP.


: my friend is a pretty good player who hits the ball a super long way. For his size, I've never seen anybody who makes better contact and hits the ball farther. He had a blow up hole and while we were walking off the green somewhere in between the collar and the fairway, he slammed his wedge into the turf burying the head. I was horrified and told him that I would never play with him again if he did that again.


That is obviously well beyond bad etiquette.


as umnetioned pet peeves:


when you're a single joined with a threesome and not once for the entire round do they offer you the honor of teeing off first.


guys who never tend the flag


guys who always mark putts e.g. 1.5 footers with no money on the line


when for whatever reason you're trapped in a situation where you have to listen to one horrible player give another horrible player horrible swing advice

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Ok I am only going to list 2.


1) Being a golf coach I hate other golfers always blaming my kids for everything that they find wrong on the course. Not fixing ball marks, I have a rule that all the kids fix 3 marks every hole( my way of saying thank you to the course) still get people complaining about ball marks.(only 1 example)


2) I hate when guys put to many tees and change in 1 pocket and start shaking it all while you ready to hit a drive or putt.


ok 1 more sorry. I hate people that dont play the ball down and then brag about beating other guys in the group that played it down all the way around.



Scotty B

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People with ball retrievers in their bag......hack!

People that stand over the ball for a minute, then shank it into a pond.

People that play by honor. Golf is slow enough, and you're not helping out with the pace, so hurry up and duff the goddamn thing

People that mark putts under 5 feet

People that leave their clubs on the previous green, hole after hole

People that say nice shot after you hit a bad one

People that say dormy

People that don't pay on bets

People that won't bet

People that bet 25 cents a hole...what the hell is the point?

People that throw their clubs

People that don't fix their divots on the greens

People I see with persimmon woods in the bag...not a good sign before teeing off with a stranger

People that use the brush tee

People with staff bags with their names on them, that are not pros

People with iron covers.....you may not have a full set after playing with me. I had to clean those sons of bitches at one time



Golf etiquette is undertaught and underestimated. I'm not very conservative, but with golf I definitely am.

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People that mark putts under 5 feet

People that say dormy

People that won't bet

People that bet 25 cents a hole...what the hell is the point?

People I see with persimmon woods in the bag...not a good sign before teeing off with a stranger

People that use the brush tee


What is your problem with these? So you never mark inside 5 feet?

What's wrong with dormy? Why don't you like people who bet $.25 a hole? Some people just use tha for inspiration, while not wanting to lose a lot if they play bad.

Persimmon woods? I find nothing wrong with them, you are stereotyping there.

And brush tee? What tee would you have us all play? Once he doesn't go spouting like an infomercial about it then leave him alone. Seems to me like you're looking for excuses to play bad

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People with ball retrievers in their bag......hack!

People that stand over the ball for a minute, then shank it into a pond.

People that play by honor. Golf is slow enough, and you're not helping out with the pace, so hurry up and duff the goddamn thing

People that mark putts under 5 feet

People that leave their clubs on the previous green, hole after hole

People that say nice shot after you hit a bad one

People that say dormy

People that don't pay on bets

People that won't bet

People that bet 25 cents a hole...what the hell is the point?

People that throw their clubs

People that don't fix their divots on the greens

People I see with persimmon woods in the bag...not a good sign before teeing off with a stranger

People that use the brush tee

People with staff bags with their names on them, that are not pros

People with iron covers.....you may not have a full set after playing with me. I had to clean those sons of bitches at one time



Golf etiquette is undertaught and underestimated. I'm not very conservative, but with golf I definitely am.


1. do you hate all hacks or just the ones that carry ball retrievers...

2. is it okay if they stand over it for a minute and dont shank it into a pond

3. golf is not a game of honor it's a game of speed.... i completely agree.........good one

4. personally i only mark it if it's outside of 25 feet.... those 5 footers are never missed... they shouldnt be lined up or analyzed at all...TAP IN really.... who misses 5 footers????

7. nothing worse than someone saying Dormy.... always seems to bring down hail and brimstone... end of the world if you ask me

9. nothing worse than someone who doesn't want to risk money on a game they havent mastered.... why cant everyone be a sucker???

10. .25cents.... are you kidding it's 500 a hole minimum....who let's these POOR, Hacks in to our world.....

13. yeah like this one time i saw this guy with persimmon and i was like fool what you doing.... get out of here with that 69... would a been a 59 if you had GBURGS driver and fw metals

14. brush is for your hair not your tee... got to use the wooden one to be taken serious....less resistance; go to the gym and build some muscle you weaklings

15. yeah... staff bags with names on it thats a pro thing only....thats not cool; you shouldn't be allowed to spend your money on whatever you want....same thing with people who have Camerons Tour use only putters and dont play on tour.... get real, im not fooled by that circle t and engraved staff bag....you just a hack wannabe.... you aint no gburg

16. iron covers are for sissies.... irons are suppossed to bang together. i dont care if you did spend 1500 bucks on the set, let them beat against each other the way gburg does... or stick with the mini golf .



.....dude, you should seriously consider some therapy....there's a part of you that's unhappy with you and it's manifesting itself here in your post.


i dont use iron covers, brush tees, tour use only anything, bags not engraved.... tell us did you start off shooting 85??? i didnt


I have absolutely no problems with most anything you do...except club throwing and the sort that shows no respect for the game or the course.




to the guy that said he doesnt like it when a single joins a threesome and is never given the honors on the tee box....


simple solution....Win a hole, earn the honors.... you shouldn't want them given to you out of sympathy or compassion.... if its a kid that's one thing but as an adult i want to earn the box.


just my .02

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People that mark putts under 5 feet

People that say dormy

People that won't bet

People that bet 25 cents a hole...what the hell is the point?

People I see with persimmon woods in the bag...not a good sign before teeing off with a stranger

People that use the brush tee


What is your problem with these? So you never mark inside 5 feet?

What's wrong with dormy? Why don't you like people who bet $.25 a hole? Some people just use tha for inspiration, while not wanting to lose a lot if they play bad.

Persimmon woods? I find nothing wrong with them, you are stereotyping there.

And brush tee? What tee would you have us all play? Once he doesn't go spouting like an infomercial about it then leave him alone. Seems to me like you're looking for excuses to play bad



No motivation playing for a quarter a hole. If $.25 a hole motivates you to play better, then nothing wrong with it. Just pointless to me. I'd rather spend the money on beer and have a good time, or play for some decent money, say 20 a man, and stay sober and play with some purpose.

Only mark putts under 5 feet if your playing in competition. That's common courtesy.


You got me on your last point though...I do need an excuse lately for playing like a dog.

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Thanks for stroking my ego ;)

I'm no better than anyone else bro, but I know etiquette. Sounds like you may need to "brush" up :)


People with ball retrievers in their bag......hack!

People that stand over the ball for a minute, then shank it into a pond.

People that play by honor. Golf is slow enough, and you're not helping out with the pace, so hurry up and duff the goddamn thing

People that mark putts under 5 feet

People that leave their clubs on the previous green, hole after hole

People that say nice shot after you hit a bad one

People that say dormy

People that don't pay on bets

People that won't bet

People that bet 25 cents a hole...what the hell is the point?

People that throw their clubs

People that don't fix their divots on the greens

People I see with persimmon woods in the bag...not a good sign before teeing off with a stranger

People that use the brush tee

People with staff bags with their names on them, that are not pros

People with iron covers.....you may not have a full set after playing with me. I had to clean those sons of bitches at one time



Golf etiquette is undertaught and underestimated. I'm not very conservative, but with golf I definitely am.


1. do you hate all hacks or just the ones that carry ball retrievers...

2. is it okay if they stand over it for a minute and dont shank it into a pond

3. golf is not a game of honor it's a game of speed.... i completely agree.........good one

4. personally i only mark it if it's outside of 25 feet.... those 5 footers are never missed... they shouldnt be lined up or analyzed at all...TAP IN really.... who misses 5 footers????

7. nothing worse than someone saying Dormy.... always seems to bring down hail and brimstone... end of the world if you ask me

9. nothing worse than someone who doesn't want to risk money on a game they havent mastered.... why cant everyone be a sucker???

10. .25cents.... are you kidding it's 500 a hole minimum....who let's these POOR, Hacks in to our world.....

13. yeah like this one time i saw this guy with persimmon and i was like fool what you doing.... get out of here with that 69... would a been a 59 if you had GBURGS driver and fw metals

14. brush is for your hair not your tee... got to use the wooden one to be taken serious....less resistance; go to the gym and build some muscle you weaklings

15. yeah... staff bags with names on it thats a pro thing only....thats not cool; you shouldn't be allowed to spend your money on whatever you want....same thing with people who have Camerons Tour use only putters and dont play on tour.... get real, im not fooled by that circle t and engraved staff bag....you just a hack wannabe.... you aint no gburg

16. iron covers are for sissies.... irons are suppossed to bang together. i dont care if you did spend 1500 bucks on the set, let them beat against each other the way gburg does... or stick with the mini golf .



.....dude, you should seriously consider some therapy....there's a part of you that's unhappy with you and it's manifesting itself here in your post.


i dont use iron covers, brush tees, tour use only anything, bags not engraved.... tell us did you start off shooting 85??? i didnt


I have absolutely no problems with most anything you do...except club throwing and the sort that shows no respect for the game or the course.




to the guy that said he doesnt like it when a single joins a threesome and is never given the honors on the tee box....


simple solution....Win a hole, earn the honors.... you shouldn't want them given to you out of sympathy or compassion.... if its a kid that's one thing but as an adult i want to earn the box.


just my .02

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.....dude, you should seriously consider some therapy....there's a part of you that's unhappy with you and it's manifesting itself here in your post.




I think I am going to kill myself now..and you're responsible. How does that make you feel?




Just kiddin...still here :drinks:



I guess I struck a nerve...sorry y'all. Send me your address and I'll send you some sanitary wipes.

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.....dude, you should seriously consider some therapy....there's a part of you that's unhappy with you and it's manifesting itself here in your post.




I think I am going to kill myself now..and you're responsible. How does that make you feel?




Just kiddin...still here :drinks:



I guess I struck a nerve...sorry y'all. Send me your address and I'll send you some sanitary wipes.



Going to Kill yourself, well the I press.

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I have only one that really bothers me - people leaving the course in worse shape then they found it. Not fixing divot marks, raking bunkers, etc.., that is just wrong. Other than that, I am just happy to be out playing on a nice day.

TM Stealth 2+ 10.5deg Hzrdus Smoke 4G Black 60 6.0

Titleist TSi2 16.5deg Hzrdus Smoke Black 70 6.0

TM Stealth 2+ 3 Hybrid Project X Black 80 stiff

TM P770 5-AW DG 105 S300

TM MG4 54/58 DG 105 S300

SC Newport Select 34" (rotate them)


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Guys who hit crap shots and act like they meant to play them that way...


E.g. They hit a 9 iron or something which is heading miles right of the green then say, "How come the wind affects my bad shots, but when I want it to bring the ball round on a good shot it does nothing?" when there's no wind at all...


If you miss a short putt and say something like "Where's the break?"


Guys who stereotype juniors and try to introduce rules saying juniors can't wear Lindeberg clothing, pink shirts or white belts... AT LEAST WE'RE WEARING GOLF CLOTHING!


Guys who make long lists of things to do with golf that annoy them because they think they're being funny... ;)

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People who peer into my bag and, spying a blade 2 iron say "Huh.. I don't know why you carry one of those. If Tiger woods doesn't carry one etc etc..."


The only saving grace is, I get to nail one and then give them a nonchalant "perhaps you're right" type reply...


Also, Dana Quigley in the Golf Digest WITB section makes a similar remark relating to his hybrids. "Tell me again why you carry a 3 iron and I don't..?"


He may be a milliionaire and a sucessful golfr, but, Mr Quigley, just because YOU can't hit a long iron, don't assume no-one else can. Perhaps Nicklaus and Watson should have dumped theirs in their heyday? No. And I'm keeping mine....


I'm not an arrogant or in-your-face type person, but, it really, REALLY annoys me.

Nike Ignite 410 10.5° Grafalloy Blue X

Nike T60 15° Fujikura Speeder 757 X

Titleist 913F 19° Mitsubishi Diamana BB 83X or Titleist 712U 2-iron 19° KBS Tour S

Titleist 712U 3-iron 22° KBS Tour S

Titleist 681 4-iron to 9-iron KBS Tour S

Titleist SM5 48.08F Raw 49° KBS Tour S

Titleist SM5 56.10M Raw 56° KBS Tour S

Ping Eye 2 Gorge L Wedge 60° KBS Tour S  &  Ping Anser 2



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Couple more, most important ones.


People that leave their cigar ashes and cigarette butts on the course.

People that walk all over your putting line.

People that don't fix their ball marks on the green.


The last one in particular is number one. Nothing peeves me more than someone that leaves a crater in the green after an approach shot. I even look around the green if I have time and fix marks that other people have ignored.

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People with ball retrievers in their bag......hack!

People that stand over the ball for a minute, then shank it into a pond.

People that play by honor. Golf is slow enough, and you're not helping out with the pace, so hurry up and duff the goddamn thing

People that mark putts under 5 feet

People that leave their clubs on the previous green, hole after hole

People that say nice shot after you hit a bad one

People that say dormy

People that don't pay on bets

People that won't bet

People that bet 25 cents a hole...what the hell is the point?

People that throw their clubs

People that don't fix their divots on the greens

People I see with persimmon woods in the bag...not a good sign before teeing off with a stranger

People that use the brush tee

People with staff bags with their names on them, that are not pros

People with iron covers.....you may not have a full set after playing with me. I had to clean those sons of bitches at one time



Golf etiquette is undertaught and underestimated. I'm not very conservative, but with golf I definitely am.


I agree to all of your points - but I still don't get it why so many in here hate brush tees ;) :)

Why did you have to clean irons covers - they're not yours :drinks: :cheesy:

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People that mark putts under 5 feet

People that say dormy

People that won't bet

People that bet 25 cents a hole...what the hell is the point?

People I see with persimmon woods in the bag...not a good sign before teeing off with a stranger

People that use the brush tee


What is your problem with these? So you never mark inside 5 feet?

What's wrong with dormy? Why don't you like people who bet $.25 a hole? Some people just use tha for inspiration, while not wanting to lose a lot if they play bad.

Persimmon woods? I find nothing wrong with them, you are stereotyping there.

And brush tee? What tee would you have us all play? Once he doesn't go spouting like an infomercial about it then leave him alone. Seems to me like you're looking for excuses to play bad


I agree.

Guys who hate other guys because of brush tees and iron covers are guys I would lover to hate and love to beat the crap out of - both ON and OFF the course ;) :) :drinks:

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People with ball retrievers in their bag......hack!

People that stand over the ball for a minute, then shank it into a pond.

People that play by honor. Golf is slow enough, and you're not helping out with the pace, so hurry up and duff the goddamn thing

People that mark putts under 5 feet

People that leave their clubs on the previous green, hole after hole

People that say nice shot after you hit a bad one

People that say dormy

People that don't pay on bets

People that won't bet

People that bet 25 cents a hole...what the hell is the point?

People that throw their clubs

People that don't fix their divots on the greens

People I see with persimmon woods in the bag...not a good sign before teeing off with a stranger

People that use the brush tee

People with staff bags with their names on them, that are not pros

People with iron covers.....you may not have a full set after playing with me. I had to clean those sons of bitches at one time



Golf etiquette is undertaught and underestimated. I'm not very conservative, but with golf I definitely am.


1. do you hate all hacks or just the ones that carry ball retrievers...

2. is it okay if they stand over it for a minute and dont shank it into a pond

3. golf is not a game of honor it's a game of speed.... i completely agree.........good one

4. personally i only mark it if it's outside of 25 feet.... those 5 footers are never missed... they shouldnt be lined up or analyzed at all...TAP IN really.... who misses 5 footers????

7. nothing worse than someone saying Dormy.... always seems to bring down hail and brimstone... end of the world if you ask me

9. nothing worse than someone who doesn't want to risk money on a game they havent mastered.... why cant everyone be a sucker???

10. .25cents.... are you kidding it's 500 a hole minimum....who let's these POOR, Hacks in to our world.....

13. yeah like this one time i saw this guy with persimmon and i was like fool what you doing.... get out of here with that 69... would a been a 59 if you had GBURGS driver and fw metals

14. brush is for your hair not your tee... got to use the wooden one to be taken serious....less resistance; go to the gym and build some muscle you weaklings

15. yeah... staff bags with names on it thats a pro thing only....thats not cool; you shouldn't be allowed to spend your money on whatever you want....same thing with people who have Camerons Tour use only putters and dont play on tour.... get real, im not fooled by that circle t and engraved staff bag....you just a hack wannabe.... you aint no gburg

16. iron covers are for sissies.... irons are suppossed to bang together. i dont care if you did spend 1500 bucks on the set, let them beat against each other the way gburg does... or stick with the mini golf .



.....dude, you should seriously consider some therapy....there's a part of you that's unhappy with you and it's manifesting itself here in your post.


i dont use iron covers, brush tees, tour use only anything, bags not engraved.... tell us did you start off shooting 85??? i didnt


I have absolutely no problems with most anything you do...except club throwing and the sort that shows no respect for the game or the course.




to the guy that said he doesnt like it when a single joins a threesome and is never given the honors on the tee box....


simple solution....Win a hole, earn the honors.... you shouldn't want them given to you out of sympathy or compassion.... if its a kid that's one thing but as an adult i want to earn the box.


just my .02





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that brings up a good point...


I hate when people don't respect the tee box honor. Its not that I have a stick up my butt about getting to tee off first, actually I hate tee'ing of first into a par three. Its just that it makes it such a hassle to figure out who's going to hit. It works so much better when there is some order to it.


Now its one thing if the person with honors is messing around with his bag and not on the box, but it just complicates things when it is completely ignored.

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The thiung I hate the most is playing with someone who tries to talk down my game and talk up their own game that is worse than mine. "Ouch, what kind of swing was that?" is said to me as I hit a wedge to 20 ft. Trust me folks, I know it's not the result I wanted. This is then followed by them pitching the ball from a good lie to 15 ft. and them saying that they made a perfect swing and can't understand what happened. "Your swing sucked" that's what happened.

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