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MD/VA/DC Golfers - Ten Seconds or Less


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We have a little over 300 members at OCGC.


101! of them signed up for the Member Guest.


The most we've ever had is 84 teams, so we're now over by 17 teams. So they send a letter out that states the following (paraphrased for brevity):


"We have received your application. Thank for your interest in the OCGC Member Guest! We have had 101 applications turned in for 84 spots available. The Tournament committee is exploring all options at this time, including the possiblility of upping the tourney to 96 teams, but please be aware that most options will include a waitlist. Its a difficult situation for all of us, but thank you for your interest.


So all the talk Saturday was "Hey, I'm in ! I got a letter about it!"

Me: "Did you read it?????"

So it will be interesting to see how this plays out. I worry about the pace of the tournament if there are that many teams involved.


Very jealous most of you got to play Memorial Day. It was solid rain all day here in OC.

Hive Tour Titles: 0
Capitol Cup Singles Record: Undefeated.
Suck it, Ceejay.
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How about them Tar Heels! Men's and women's champs. :)


Don't you work for NIH? I'm going to make a wild assumption that you value academics and education? Aren't you embarrassed that your university has turned itself into a sham?


If you were channeling UNC you never beat Sully you just told everyone you did.


I do work at NIH and one of the things I'm most proud of is my doctorate from UNC. The academic scandals at Carolina are extremely embarrassing. But it was a few rogue people in one department (Af-Am studies) including that department chair. I don't believe that it diminishes my degree in computer science. If you feel otherwise you are welcome to review or criticize the research I have done at UNC or since then.


The only thing that I can take a bit of solace in is that no other school would have investigated such a situation to the extent that UNC has. Most big time athletic programs would have completely swept it under the rug. First there was a report commissioned by the former Governor of North Carolina and then an independent report by a former DoJ official. Do you think Alabama or Penn State do anything more than shrug?


Dave it doesn’t diminish your work or research so I will drop it after this.


I totally disagree that UNC worked harder than other school would to investigate. UNC “found” more allegations this year to push off the results of the investigation until the men’s basketball season had finished because they thought there was a chance they would win a title. It was beyond shameless.


Sorry to derail the thread. I think my favorite thing about this thread is that it doesn’t have the typical message board internet awfulness that I hate so much. I certainly don’t want to introduce that element to the thread

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City posted



Is there some reason to believe that people who occupy the administrative halls of the place you went have higher morals than the people who occupy the administrative halls of the place you didn't go?



No. I do not have any greater faith in their morals. That would be crazy.


The University of Maryland system has (until about five years ago) not placed anywhere near the same level of importance on athletics as other university's.


Bad stuff is more likely to happen at schools that place a higher emphasis on athletics. It gets exponentially worse when coaches are turned into heros who can do no wrong.

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FTR, I don't think it diminishes a degree at all.


The NCAA and the athletic departments at Universities are just a colostomy bag hanging off the side of otherwise, generally healthy, institutions. I'd be MORE MAD at the athletic department of a place I went for something like this.


I went to a D3 school undergrad. Athletic Scholarships are prohibited there. But believe me, I knew lacrosse players there on academic scholarships who were dumber than a sachet of smegma. We're really the only country who ties athletics into university like this. It's very weird when you step back and think about it.

Ping G400 LST 10º XTORSION Copper 60
RBZ Stage 2 4W 17º
Strong torso
Cobra f6 Hybrid
Mizuno JPX-900 Forged 4I-GW
Vokey 54º/14º F-grind
Vokey 60º/04º. "The Scalpel"
Odyssey Stroke Lab Black Ten
Oncore Elixir Neon Green

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Wasn't there some bad stuff they happen at Yale with their basketball captain?


It happens at every college and it's on the institute to stand up or cover. Some will stand up and others will cover not to protect the athletes but to save face.


I don't think it matters if they spend billions on their athletic department or not.

Callaway Epic Speed Triple Diamond LS *9.0 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *15 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *18 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway 19' Apex Pros 4-Pw/ UST Recoil 125 Protos F4 
Callaway MD5 50W & 54W & 58X w/ UST Recoil 125
protos F4

Tyson Lamb Customed Long Neck Allendale 
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I'm not taking sides. It was pretty contentious there for a bit. He was suspended, and people came to his defense, which ticked off other people.


The college disciplinary board found him guilty. No comment from me on whether those boards are better or worse at "justice" than a court of law.

Ping G400 LST 10º XTORSION Copper 60
RBZ Stage 2 4W 17º
Strong torso
Cobra f6 Hybrid
Mizuno JPX-900 Forged 4I-GW
Vokey 54º/14º F-grind
Vokey 60º/04º. "The Scalpel"
Odyssey Stroke Lab Black Ten
Oncore Elixir Neon Green

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FTR, I don't think it diminishes a degree at all.


The NCAA and the athletic departments at Universities are just a colostomy bag hanging off the side of otherwise, generally healthy, institutions. I'd be MORE MAD at the athletic department of a place I went for something like this.


I went to a D3 school undergrad. Athletic Scholarships are prohibited there. But believe me, I knew lacrosse players there on academic scholarships who were dumber than a sachet of smegma. We're really the only country who ties athletics into university like this. It's very weird when you step back and think about it.


It really makes no sense. And I LOVE Maryland basketball.

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Wasn't there some bad stuff they happen at Yale with their basketball captain?


Unclear. From what I recall reading, it was a acquaintance/date rape "he said, she said" where they were dating, he denied and she didn't even file an accusation, but rather someone else at school she confided in reported what she told them and he was kicked out/off the team.


But your point is accurate. I know Harvard had an issue a couple years ago, similar to UNC (but on a much smaller scale) in that it was an academic issue that involved a few athletes (hockey players) but they were just a portion of the accused.

TSR2 10* w/Atmos TS 60X

Sim2 Max 18*

Sim2 Max 4h

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Apex/Apex Pro Smoke '19 blend 5i-PW
SM8 50*
SM8 58*
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I don't think you're muddying the waters, 2more. We've proven time and again our ability to get into debates on things (some might call them thread wars), then teeing it up with each other right after.


FAbb's Cliff Notes:


The athletes playing the sports are generally no more or less criminal than the remainder of the population. They're also generally no more or less suitable to be role models than the remainder of the population. However, people like to watch sports. There is a lot of money to be made by making sporting events available for viewing, at both the "amateur" and professional level. People like to look up to athletes as role models. As such, the organizations engaging in the sporting enterprise are going to cross moral boundaries to protect their revenue stream. It's difficult at best to pass any judgement on what organizations are crossing those boundaries more or less than the others. As city said, it could be the case that the ones you hear about least are just the best at covering it up. It might be that the ones you hear about the least are actually being run with a strong moral compass. We can't really know.

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Yeah, Maryland players from more than 5 years ago are totally not cheaters!!!!




Corollary - I went to Syracuse, a schoool that didn't place anywhere near the amount of emphasis on D1 sports that UNC and many large public universities do. So clearly we have no academic or disciplinary issues with our sports teams. None whatsoever.

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This is one of my favorite recent WRX humblebrag posts: http://www.golfwrx.c...fing-the-couse/

Same guy starts a thread in rules, gets shut down in seconds. . .





Ping G400 LST 10º XTORSION Copper 60
RBZ Stage 2 4W 17º
Strong torso
Cobra f6 Hybrid
Mizuno JPX-900 Forged 4I-GW
Vokey 54º/14º F-grind
Vokey 60º/04º. "The Scalpel"
Odyssey Stroke Lab Black Ten
Oncore Elixir Neon Green

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I never really followed up with this, although some of you mentioned it. For those with shoulder ailments, did you have any success with cortisone shot(s)? I obviously don't expect a guy like Domes that dislocated and tore the labrum to have done cortisone, but maybe some other folks have.


I've been operating at a state of "manageable until later this year" up to this point in 2016, but the pain has roared back to about the worst it has been over the past 2 weeks. I'm taking some time to rest it, and seeing the doc for the first time in 2016 on Thursday. Last visit was to go over MRI results in December. Neither the ortho or the radiologist picked up on any tears. Basically, he said there aren't any major "whoa" kind of things they have to fix, but that there could very well be stuff they just can't see on MRI. There was inflammation at the biceps and pec attachments. He said he could give me a cortisone shot, but was of the opinion that would just mask an issue more than it would help me. I was on-board with that train of thought. He asked me if I'd be willing to try PT again, which I half-heartedly was. I was already doing shoulder exercises given for an at-home routine by a PT, so I never ended up going. I feel like I missed out on their "treatments" more than anything, since I was doing the exercise portion of PT on my own. His last thing was that if it just won't go away, we could do arthriscopy.


So far this year, I've just been doing my exercises, and "saving myself" for one round a week. Like I said, it's been passable to this point, but it's not the kind of lifestyle modification I'm willing (or think I should have to) make at 28 years old. I don't want to be afraid to play too much, or afraid to hit a bucket of balls. Heading back to the doc this week, I'm really not sure what I want to do. Part of me feels like I should just bite the bullet and go for arthriscopy, even though it's the most aggressive option. A year later, and no quality of life improvement - there's got to be something wrong in there. Depending on the findings and what they do, I could be out of commission for a good chunk of time again. The hope would be that I could actually return healthy though. The other part of me wonders if it's not too severe an issue (maybe it's become more severe the past couple weeks), should I just try the last non-surgical option of a cortisone shot and see how far that gets me? I'm sort of beyond the "go back to PT" option. I've been exercising it, and I'm not sure any of their treatment techniques are going to disappear my pain for good.

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I'll get the my answer out of the way.


I enjoy golf and its fun but it's stops at every being the best day of anything for me.


Now "our" tourneys are a hoot and I have a good time but it's just golf and just another day.



Maybe I should get better at golf ;)

Callaway Epic Speed Triple Diamond LS *9.0 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *15 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *18 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway 19' Apex Pros 4-Pw/ UST Recoil 125 Protos F4 
Callaway MD5 50W & 54W & 58X w/ UST Recoil 125
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Tyson Lamb Customed Long Neck Allendale 
#lookatthebaby #teamcallaway

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Bangas -- I went to Ithaca College. What did I do there? I used to mountain bike, and run, and do Hash Runs. Used to swim a lot back then. I ran a lot in graduate school (and used to play a lot of poker, too).


back to the question that was sort of GTT-


the golf round that was nearest the best day of your life... what was so good about it?


How you played? Who you played with? Where you played?

As I mentioned before, I don't have a list of "best days" of my life, but golf in general has been very good.


I had a great trip with Domes and Hoop last year to Bethpage (and I played well).


I had a great trip to Bandon with BIL (didn't play well). So any one of those days was great.


The first time I broke 80, I'd really been working on my game and couldn't break through. I was on a Carolina trip with the Work Jerks and did it at Pine Needles. I was on a high for the rest of the golf trip after that.


One day in member-guest with my dad, he had two birdies that skinned and we walked away with like $700 cash that day. I didn't play well, but we had a ton of fun.


I don't know how to compare days. How do you compare that stuff to the first few months of meeting your wife when you're doing it two times a day and falling more in love each day? That's 90 days right there. Playing pond hockey after school until it got dark? Like Domes said. . .doing acid for the first time at a Rush concert with your best friends.


I don't know. Out of all those things, I'm still playing golf on the regular, and I'm not doing acid, or playing pond hockey, or doing it two times a day. So, I must like golf. I must think those days were pretty special. I'm not going to discount them because "it's just golf".

Ping G400 LST 10º XTORSION Copper 60
RBZ Stage 2 4W 17º
Strong torso
Cobra f6 Hybrid
Mizuno JPX-900 Forged 4I-GW
Vokey 54º/14º F-grind
Vokey 60º/04º. "The Scalpel"
Odyssey Stroke Lab Black Ten
Oncore Elixir Neon Green

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I never really followed up with this, although some of you mentioned it. For those with shoulder ailments, did you have any success with cortisone shot(s)? I obviously don't expect a guy like Domes that dislocated and tore the labrum to have done cortisone, but maybe some other folks have.


I've been operating at a state of "manageable until later this year" up to this point in 2016, but the pain has roared back to about the worst it has been over the past 2 weeks. I'm taking some time to rest it, and seeing the doc for the first time in 2016 on Thursday. Last visit was to go over MRI results in December. Neither the ortho or the radiologist picked up on any tears. Basically, he said there aren't any major "whoa" kind of things they have to fix, but that there could very well be stuff they just can't see on MRI. There was inflammation at the biceps and pec attachments. He said he could give me a cortisone shot, but was of the opinion that would just mask an issue more than it would help me. I was on-board with that train of thought. He asked me if I'd be willing to try PT again, which I half-heartedly was. I was already doing shoulder exercises given for an at-home routine by a PT, so I never ended up going. I feel like I missed out on their "treatments" more than anything, since I was doing the exercise portion of PT on my own. His last thing was that if it just won't go away, we could do arthriscopy.


So far this year, I've just been doing my exercises, and "saving myself" for one round a week. Like I said, it's been passable to this point, but it's not the kind of lifestyle modification I'm willing (or think I should have to) make at 28 years old. I don't want to be afraid to play too much, or afraid to hit a bucket of balls. Heading back to the doc this week, I'm really not sure what I want to do. Part of me feels like I should just bite the bullet and go for arthriscopy, even though it's the most aggressive option. A year later, and no quality of life improvement - there's got to be something wrong in there. Depending on the findings and what they do, I could be out of commission for a good chunk of time again. The hope would be that I could actually return healthy though. The other part of me wonders if it's not too severe an issue (maybe it's become more severe the past couple weeks), should I just try the last non-surgical option of a cortisone shot and see how far that gets me? I'm sort of beyond the "go back to PT" option. I've been exercising it, and I'm not sure any of their treatment techniques are going to disappear my pain for good.

I had a cortisone shot in my right AC joint once a year for four years in a row. This held off surgery for about 3 years. The fourth shot ended up doing little to nothing and the inflammation was too much. The MRI showed no cartilage in the AC joint and some bone spurs had started to form. Cortisone shots helped me, but really just masked the issue. My joints have gone through tons of abuse during athletics growing up and then powerlifting and later bodybuilding. PT has kept me functioning by strengthening imbalances of smaller stabilizing muscles. If I could go back and do it over, I would have done surgery long ago and saved myself multiple breaks (each of which was longer than the one before). Good luck. (I still haven't had my surgery, but will this winter most likely)

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I can see that is a subjective question to some - but i dont think it is to all


I can imagine seeing someone saying that there best golfing day was X when they played at Y and with W.


That all being said - I dont know what number one is.. ive got breaking 80 at TPC Sawgrass, and breaking 90 at Old Course when i was in middle school which seem like obvious choices, but i also played a fun round with no real score with my wife caddying while on our honeymoon - and that may be my favorite golf day

Cobra Bio Cell + with Speeder vc 7.2 tour spec
Diablo Tr Edge 13
909H 15
AP2 PX 6.0
Odyssey Metal-X #2
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I can see that is a subjective question to some - but i dont think it is to all


I can imagine seeing someone saying that there best golfing day was X when they played at Y and with W.


That all being said - I dont know what number one is.. ive got breaking 80 at TPC Sawgrass, and breaking 90 at Old Course when i was in middle school which seem like obvious choices, but i also played a fun round with no real score with my wife caddying while on our honeymoon - and that may be my favorite golf day

I agree. I was sort of responding to Tex, and in general, too.


It would almost be a disservice to my Dad to say "Bethpage", but that round and the whole day. . .the parking lot, the mad rush, the golf, the course conditions, the weather, the lack of toilet paper, rolling in putts, was pretty special.


That's also because I can't remember a ton of specific rounds with my Dad (that was 30 years ago).


Bethpage. . .



Ping G400 LST 10º XTORSION Copper 60
RBZ Stage 2 4W 17º
Strong torso
Cobra f6 Hybrid
Mizuno JPX-900 Forged 4I-GW
Vokey 54º/14º F-grind
Vokey 60º/04º. "The Scalpel"
Odyssey Stroke Lab Black Ten
Oncore Elixir Neon Green

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did the cortisone shot last august i believe. it didn't do much at first, but the shoulder got progressively better. played a bunch of golf since then and it can flare up if i play back to back, but nothing like it was before. at it worst, i kinda had to cradle my arm so it didn't pull on my shoulder. would wake me up during the night if i rolled wrong. awful. all that stuff is gone now, thankfully.


my best guess is that you have tendonitis, which can be debilitating.


good luck man, sorry to hear this is so bad.



edit: actually, it was september.


TM M5 10.5°
TEE XCG4 3w 15°
Cobra BioCell 3h
Titleist AP3 4-GW

Bstone J15 52°

Cally MD3 58° Tour Grind
Bettinardi Queen Bee #5

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Played 11 holes at Rocky Point Friday evening. Was out that way anyway and needed water views and breezes. I carted around the front nine in 1:10 and shot 38 from the blues. Course is in good shape--greens are always a bit slow but were rolling pretty nice the evening. Best time was standing on 11 tee and just taking in the scene. That land would be worth a fortune.

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Abb, I'm not igoring your shoulder inquiries; I just have nothing useful to add.


I had knee surgery, and it has helped in the long run for most things, but I've never been able to run again.


I've got another knee that I'm almost sure is going to have to be replaced some day. I'm just hoping I can get another 10 years out of it and the tech improves.


I have shoulder and neck pain. I've got knuckle pain (don't laugh) that will not go away. It's on my gripping ring finger.


I'm PROBABLY, but not necessarily, an idiot : I always "play through the pain". Maybe it's not as bad as yours. Maybe I don't care because I'm older. Maybe I ruin something so bad that I can't golf after the age of 48. Generally, I just pop a couple IBU's when I'm golfing and then deal with the pain when it wears off. Sounds like you've kind of tried that, though.


There's just no right answer I don't think.

Ping G400 LST 10º XTORSION Copper 60
RBZ Stage 2 4W 17º
Strong torso
Cobra f6 Hybrid
Mizuno JPX-900 Forged 4I-GW
Vokey 54º/14º F-grind
Vokey 60º/04º. "The Scalpel"
Odyssey Stroke Lab Black Ten
Oncore Elixir Neon Green

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I would be somewhat pleased, but mostly pissed if it really is just tendonitis. That is really all they could point to based on MRI and other physical evaluations up to my last visit in December. Doc said there could be small tears they weren't able to see on the MRI, but there really wasn't anything glaring. I hate the idea of it being something that requires me to get surgery, but I hate the idea of having a condition that is requiring life modifications I don't want to make at only 28 years old a whole lot more. I don't mean to break out into a "woe is me" routine here. It's just getting really f*cking old at this point. I thought I would (and still very well might be able to with some rest) make it through this season playing once a week until I had to re-evaluate.

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I never really followed up with this, although some of you mentioned it. For those with shoulder ailments, did you have any success with cortisone shot(s)? I obviously don't expect a guy like Domes that dislocated and tore the labrum to have done cortisone, but maybe some other folks have.


I've been operating at a state of "manageable until later this year" up to this point in 2016, but the pain has roared back to about the worst it has been over the past 2 weeks. I'm taking some time to rest it, and seeing the doc for the first time in 2016 on Thursday. Last visit was to go over MRI results in December. Neither the ortho or the radiologist picked up on any tears. Basically, he said there aren't any major "whoa" kind of things they have to fix, but that there could very well be stuff they just can't see on MRI. There was inflammation at the biceps and pec attachments. He said he could give me a cortisone shot, but was of the opinion that would just mask an issue more than it would help me. I was on-board with that train of thought. He asked me if I'd be willing to try PT again, which I half-heartedly was. I was already doing shoulder exercises given for an at-home routine by a PT, so I never ended up going. I feel like I missed out on their "treatments" more than anything, since I was doing the exercise portion of PT on my own. His last thing was that if it just won't go away, we could do arthriscopy.


So far this year, I've just been doing my exercises, and "saving myself" for one round a week. Like I said, it's been passable to this point, but it's not the kind of lifestyle modification I'm willing (or think I should have to) make at 28 years old. I don't want to be afraid to play too much, or afraid to hit a bucket of balls. Heading back to the doc this week, I'm really not sure what I want to do. Part of me feels like I should just bite the bullet and go for arthriscopy, even though it's the most aggressive option. A year later, and no quality of life improvement - there's got to be something wrong in there. Depending on the findings and what they do, I could be out of commission for a good chunk of time again. The hope would be that I could actually return healthy though. The other part of me wonders if it's not too severe an issue (maybe it's become more severe the past couple weeks), should I just try the last non-surgical option of a cortisone shot and see how far that gets me? I'm sort of beyond the "go back to PT" option. I've been exercising it, and I'm not sure any of their treatment techniques are going to disappear my pain for good.


Maybe you should try that sound wave targeted steroid therapy again--for the shoulder. It's more generalized than a shot which could miss a lot of the inflammation

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I would be somewhat pleased, but mostly pissed if it really is just tendonitis. That is really all they could point to based on MRI and other physical evaluations up to my last visit in December. Doc said there could be small tears they weren't able to see on the MRI, but there really wasn't anything glaring. I hate the idea of it being something that requires me to get surgery, but I hate the idea of having a condition that is requiring life modifications I don't want to make at only 28 years old a whole lot more. I don't mean to break out into a "woe is me" routine here. It's just getting really f*cking old at this point. I thought I would (and still very well might be able to with some rest) make it through this season playing once a week until I had to re-evaluate.


get the cortisone shot and rest it for a few weeks. not sure if ice packs are a part of your current regimen, but add 'em in if you can. numbed up the whole area for me, and gave a bit of relief for that reason alone. i tried to do 3-4x a day, which included 1-2 at work.



halcyan brings up something too: they put the shot in the back of my shoulder when the majority of the pain was in the front. i didn't understand it, or question it. maybe i should have. you definitely should, if you go that route. they said the steroid would work it's way to the front. kinda happened fast i didn't really stop and think about it, i just wanted to stop feeling crappy.

TM M5 10.5°
TEE XCG4 3w 15°
Cobra BioCell 3h
Titleist AP3 4-GW

Bstone J15 52°

Cally MD3 58° Tour Grind
Bettinardi Queen Bee #5

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Get scoped. Will cost you some $, but so will everything you try.


Best case: They find out what it is and you can have a discussion on how to fix it.


Worst case: They don't find anything, and while that doesn't solve your shoulder problem, at least you know you did everything possible to figure it out. Recovery from that would be a couple weeks max.

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      Eric Cole's newest custom Cameron putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      New Super Stroke Marvel comic themed grips - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Ben Taylor's custom Cameron putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Tyler Duncan's Axis 1 putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Cameron putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Chris Kirk's new Callaway Opus wedges - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      ProTC irons - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Dragon Skin 360 grips - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Cobra prototype putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      SeeMore putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
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