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So what exact P90x program are you guys buying? There seems to be a few different versions. What is the "lean" version? I just don't want to order the wrong thing. Thanks.



There is only one thing you can buy for p90x, then you can decide weather or not which way to go , such as classic, doubles, or lean, the difference is different dvds on different days.

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Yup just one package. There's 12 or 13 DVDs that get used throughout the 90 days. The lean program swaps out some of the muscle building days for a cardio workout.


One nice thing is that the 6 workout that may up the week for normal P90X during the first 3 weeks are all different. I'm almost done with 2 weeks and the workouts don't feel old because everyday is different. Maybe that will change later.


If you are thinking about getting this program and know you'll follow it, pull the trigger. This is the best thing I've ever done for myself in a long time. My flexibility already seems to be better, the pain in my knee is almost gone, I definately have more energy. What I got out of this program within the 1st week made this program worth the cost of admission. Can't wait to see what day 90 will look like.


Some people get the program off ebay or Craigslist. There's a chance the DVDs are pirated copies and they don't always include the two books. The books cost something like 20 or 30 to replace I think from Beachbody. You want to make sure you have those books. The fitness one lays out the workouts and when to do them. The nutrition guide is probably the key one. I've read a number of times that nutrition is 80% of the programs results.


Order it, bring it, and you will see results.

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Yup just one package. There's 12 or 13 DVDs that get used throughout the 90 days. The lean program swaps out some of the muscle building days for a cardio workout.


One nice thing is that the 6 workout that may up the week for normal P90X during the first 3 weeks are all different. I'm almost done with 2 weeks and the workouts don't feel old because everyday is different. Maybe that will change later.


If you are thinking about getting this program and know you'll follow it, pull the trigger. This is the best thing I've ever done for myself in a long time. My flexibility already seems to be better, the pain in my knee is almost gone, I definately have more energy. What I got out of this program within the 1st week made this program worth the cost of admission. Can't wait to see what day 90 will look like.


Some people get the program off ebay or Craigslist. There's a chance the DVDs are pirated copies and they don't always include the two books. The books cost something like 20 or 30 to replace I think from Beachbody. You want to make sure you have those books. The fitness one lays out the workouts and when to do them. The nutrition guide is probably the key one. I've read a number of times that nutrition is 80% of the programs results.


Order it, bring it, and you will see results.




And I also would recommend ordering the Recovery drink.

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The other common recovery drink is chocolate milk. The recipe I use from a nutrition forum at beachbody is 10 oz skim milk and 2 TBSP of the hershey Dark chocolate syrup.


Make sure you use some sort of recovery drink. You can research it a bit online.


I'm not feeling as much muscle pain as I expected and I think that's why

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The other common recovery drink is chocolate milk. The recipe I use from a nutrition forum at beachbody is 10 oz skim milk and 2 TBSP of the hershey Dark chocolate syrup...


Seriously? Wow. How is that a "recovery drink?" I'm not being a smarta**, I'm really curious. I know their recovery drink, which I don't have, has some creatine, glutamine and some other stuff in it, right? Surely chocolate milk doesn't do the same thing for you? If so, I won't be ordering their Recovery Drink like I was planning. LOL


i dont have any books or anything can anyone tell me what i should be doing for the lean version?


Weeks 1-3:

1. CS

2. CX

3. S&A, ARX

4. YX

5. L&B, ARX

6. KX

7. rest or XS


Week 4:

1. YX

2. CS

3. KX

4. XS

5. CX

6. YX

7. rest or XS


Week 5-12:


....by now you should be satisfied with the program and have ordered the books.. ;)

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Lean: weeks 1 - 3 day 1 core syngergistics, d2 cardio x, d3 shoulders and arms, ab ripper X, d4 Yoga X, d5 legs&back, ab ripper, d6 kenpo, d7 Xstretch or rest


week 4 d1 yoga, d2 core syng, d3 kenpo, d4 X stretch, d5 cardio X, d6 Yoga, d7 rest or X stretch


weeks 5 - 7 d1 core syng, d2 cardio, d3 chest, shoulders, & triceps ab ripper, d4 yoga, d5 legs & back, ab ripper, day 6 kenpo, day 7 rest or X streych


week 8 d1 yoga, d2 core syng, d3 kenpo, d4 x stretch, d5 cardio x, d6 yoga x, d7 rest or stretch


week 9 & 11 d1 chest& back ab ripper, cardio , d3 shoulder and arms ab ripper, d4 yoga, d5 core syng, d6 kenpo, d7 rest or X stretch


week 10 & 12 d1 chest, shoulder $ tri ab ripper, d2 cardio x, day 3 back & biceps ab ripper, day 4 yoga, day 5 core syng, day 6 kenpo, d7 rest or stretch


week 13 d1 yoga, d2 core syng, d3 kenpo, d4 x stretch, d5 cardio, d6 yoga, d7 rest or stretch

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The other common recovery drink is chocolate milk. The recipe I use from a nutrition forum at beachbody is 10 oz skim milk and 2 TBSP of the hershey Dark chocolate syrup...


Seriously? Wow. How is that a "recovery drink?" I'm not being a smarta**, I'm really curious. I know their recovery drink, which I don't have, has some creatine, glutamine and some other stuff in it, right? Surely chocolate milk doesn't do the same thing for you? If so, I won't be ordering their Recovery Drink like I was planning. LOL



Ok, here is my understanding and I'm not an expert by any means. The key things with a recovery drink is to get a 4:1 carb to protein ratio within 1 hour of finishing your workout. That gives your body carbs to replace the glycogen you just burned along with some protein. That choco milk recipe pretty much mimics that 4:1 ratio which is the key. It doesn't have any thing like creatine and the other amino acids may or may not be there( no clue what the proteins in milk contain). I did that for 2 weeks( I ran outta hersheys syrup today) and I didn't have any major pain. I've lost weight too and it tastes real good. It's also cheaper and P90X has set me back over $400 because I got adjustable dumbells and a heart rate monitor( all very worth it)


I ran across chocolate milk on a couple P90X forums. I think it's commonly used by marathon runners per what I read. I know it sounds odd but there are alot of recovery drink recipes out there. I've seen some that used apple juice and protein powder. the 4:1 ratio is the key part. That other stuff is bonus material. Some people will buy creatine locally and just add it to their recovery drink. I saw creatine for about $15 locally and I think it was a 30 day supply.


I have not read anything bad about the P90X recovery drink. I have seen/read a couple people that decided to try the P90X recovery drink after they were a few weeks into P90X and they wished they used it starting on day 1.


I am using the Body Fortress protein powder from Walmart for about $14 and that does have creatine and that other stuff added in. My multivitamin also has glutamine in it as well. So I'm getting some of that stuff from other sources.

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Thanks Bortass, ill definitely keep you posted.


Im starting with the classic first (might switch to the one for bulk later)


I was one of those that got it from craigslist, no books. but he did give me a dvd with the nutrition/workout guides. What else does the book offer? Should I invest in the books from beachbody or am I not missing much with the books?


Finally got a good over the door pull up bar mounted. Its alot sturdier then the moveable iron gyn bar that attaches itself under the door.

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I purchased P90X in January of 08. I was pushing 260 lbs (6"4) and a 40 inch waist. Following the workouts and some of the diet I was 220 lbs and down to a 36 inch waist by mid-April. Just in time for golf season. I play a short summer tour on the hooters and tight lies tour as an amateur and many of the ASGA (Arkansas Amateur Golf Assoc.) events. It was amazing how good I felt last summer. Many of the tournaments you have to walk and I use to have problems coming down the stretch (holes 14-18). Last summer, after 18-holes I felt like staying around and practicing for a couple of hours. I really didn't hit the ball further, but did hit it more consistent and never felt tight. There is a great stretching dvd.


I will say this, it is not for the weak. It is intensive and you have to stay committed. Can Tony Horton be a little over the top sometimes, sure. But, he and whoever else helped produce these videos are genius.


I would recommend this workout for anyone that is above ground. It is great for golfers also, because it will help young kids get stronger, middle aged men/women to lose weight/get in shape, and help older adults regain that flexibility they once had. (or never had)


P90X gets 5 stars.......

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The other common recovery drink is chocolate milk. The recipe I use from a nutrition forum at beachbody is 10 oz skim milk and 2 TBSP of the hershey Dark chocolate syrup...


Seriously? Wow. How is that a "recovery drink?" I'm not being a smarta**, I'm really curious. I know their recovery drink, which I don't have, has some creatine, glutamine and some other stuff in it, right? Surely chocolate milk doesn't do the same thing for you? If so, I won't be ordering their Recovery Drink like I was planning. LOL



Ok, here is my understanding and I'm not an expert by any means. The key things with a recovery drink is to get a 4:1 carb to protein ratio within 1 hour of finishing your workout. That gives your body carbs to replace the glycogen you just burned along with some protein. That choco milk recipe pretty much mimics that 4:1 ratio which is the key. It doesn't have any thing like creatine and the other amino acids may or may not be there( no clue what the proteins in milk contain). I did that for 2 weeks( I ran outta hersheys syrup today) and I didn't have any major pain. I've lost weight too and it tastes real good. It's also cheaper and P90X has set me back over $400 because I got adjustable dumbells and a heart rate monitor( all very worth it)


I ran across chocolate milk on a couple P90X forums. I think it's commonly used by marathon runners per what I read. I know it sounds odd but there are alot of recovery drink recipes out there. I've seen some that used apple juice and protein powder. the 4:1 ratio is the key part. That other stuff is bonus material. Some people will buy creatine locally and just add it to their recovery drink. I saw creatine for about $15 locally and I think it was a 30 day supply.


I have not read anything bad about the P90X recovery drink. I have seen/read a couple people that decided to try the P90X recovery drink after they were a few weeks into P90X and they wished they used it starting on day 1.


I am using the Body Fortress protein powder from Walmart for about $14 and that does have creatine and that other stuff added in. My multivitamin also has glutamine in it as well. So I'm getting some of that stuff from other sources.


Thank you very much. I'll think I'll give the apple juice/protein powder a shot. I didn't realize the powder from Walmart had creatine in it.



i agree i really really like the streching dvd


Likewise. I've done that one a couple of times even when it's not called for. I think it'd be awesome if they had like a 15 or 20 minute stretching routine though. Hmm...I need to hunt down a 15-ish minute golf specific flexibility routine that works well with P90X and doesn't require any special equipment or another person. Maybe I'll dig around the TPI site a bit.

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Not to stray from P90x, but Tony Horton also has a more time-efficient product called "10-Minute Trainer". I asked for P90x for Christmas, but received 10MT instead.


The reviews are great and the intensity is out of this world, this coming from an ex soccer player who did cardio for 50 mins every other day.


So for those of you short on time (like me), check out 10-Minute Trainer, it's just 10 minutes and they fly. I like that the guide has a breakdown for suggested week by week exercise - I think there is a bit of muscle confusion concept included in there somewhere as well.

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I started Power 90 2 weeks ago and will order P90x once I am through with that first. I felt like it would be a good stepping stone for me to be in pretty good condition and then start x. So far Power 90 is working well for me and I can tell already that my clothes (pants especially) are fitting better. I am a 36" waist and want to get back to a comfortable 34" --- that seems to be a good spot for me. I cannot ever recall being less than a 34" waist. But, once I start and complete P90x I expect that will change as well.

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I have a question, do you guys stick to the diet plan? Anyone do it without sticking to the diet plan? WHat results?


And second, did anyone lose flexibility doing the classic version? I understand there is stretching dvds but looking over the calendar,

it does not look like the stretching is called for that often.


I just got my CDs and I am wondering if I should do lean or classic. I am not very tall, so I am afraid to do lean and end up

looking like a twerp...

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alot of people seem to be doing p90x, just wondering, how many pull ups are ya'll doing, during the chest and back workout each time? And are ya'll using a chair? how about push ups? what are ya'lls goals?



I'm using a chair and I can only do 4 leg assisted pullups. I have never ever been able to do even 1 pullup my entire life. My goal is to be able to do 1 unassisted pullup by day 90. I know it sounds pretty unimpressive but it's a big step in the right direction for me.


As for pushups it depends on which ones. I'm up to 20 for my first set of regular ones, it was 15 when I started on 1/5. No goal for those.

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I have a question, do you guys stick to the diet plan? Anyone do it without sticking to the diet plan? WHat results?


And second, did anyone lose flexibility doing the classic version? I understand there is stretching dvds but looking over the calendar,

it does not look like the stretching is called for that often.


I just got my CDs and I am wondering if I should do lean or classic. I am not very tall, so I am afraid to do lean and end up

looking like a twerp...


I am trying to follow the diet plan. I took the protein/carb/fat ratios and plugged them into myfitnesspal, along with a goal of 2400 calories a day. Some days are better then others and getting 300 grams of protein a day is interesting ie not super easy for me. I enter food as that I eat, so I know where i am with regard to those targets.


I have read a number of times that the nutrition plan accounts for 70% of the results that you get. It's designed for this workout to help get those results. I'd try to follow it as closely as possible.


I wouldn't worry too much about losing flexibility. None of the workouts are designed to bulk you up like a bodybuilder. Remember that 8 - 10 reps to build size, 13 - 15 for toning, so you can play around with the reps based on the results you want. Yoga will help flexibility. You can use the stretch DVD as much as you want.


I'd do classic if it's your first time through. It will increase your lean muscle mass more then the lean version. That will boost your metabolism more. The lean version is mostly cardio. I may do lean after I'm done my first round of P90X unless I decide to stick with classic for round 2.


What are your goals from this program?

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I have a question, do you guys stick to the diet plan? Anyone do it without sticking to the diet plan? WHat results?


And second, did anyone lose flexibility doing the classic version? I understand there is stretching dvds but looking over the calendar,

it does not look like the stretching is called for that often.


I just got my CDs and I am wondering if I should do lean or classic. I am not very tall, so I am afraid to do lean and end up

looking like a twerp...


I am trying to follow the diet plan. I took the protein/carb/fat ratios and plugged them into myfitnesspal, along with a goal of 2400 calories a day. Some days are better then others and getting 300 grams of protein a day is interesting ie not super easy for me. I enter food as that I eat, so I know where i am with regard to those targets.


I have read a number of times that the nutrition plan accounts for 70% of the results that you get. It's designed for this workout to help get those results. I'd try to follow it as closely as possible.


I wouldn't worry too much about losing flexibility. None of the workouts are designed to bulk you up like a bodybuilder. Remember that 8 - 10 reps to build size, 13 - 15 for toning, so you can play around with the reps based on the results you want. Yoga will help flexibility. You can use the stretch DVD as much as you want.


I'd do classic if it's your first time through. It will increase your lean muscle mass more then the lean version. That will boost your metabolism more. The lean version is mostly cardio. I may do lean after I'm done my first round of P90X unless I decide to stick with classic for round 2.


What are your goals from this program?


Just added strength and flexibility, tone up, but not get too skinny. I was always skinny, but now that I am getting toward 30, the pounds stay on a little easier. Not always a good thing, but at least I dont look like I am in highschool anymore.

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What do you all do to stay motivated? I have started p90x twice now and I really want to stay dedicated, but for one reason or another I lose motivation.


Also I have decided to do the lean version as I am a little overwieght but plenty strong. I mainly want to focus on my flexibility, stamina, and shed the excess baggage I have been carrying around. I did core senergistics last night and it kicked my a**. Those boats to bow things are brutal for a guy with a bit of a gut, short legs and short arms.


Congrats to those of you who have finished! This program isn't easy!

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I think that if you need a "program" to motivate yourself or to guide you for the results you want , then this is a great system and $100 isn't too expensive.


The ideas are sound and it is easy to not "bulk up" if you don't want to. I don't use this program but when I used to workout i was a huge proponent of pullups and pushup to acheive a "total body" workout and the core work+yoga in it rounds out the rest so If you follow it the results shown are realistic.


I used to be into working out much more and always worked doing pullups and pushups. Once you lay down some intial results they stay with you and that helps a lot with burning fat over the years and retaining strength. I can even still do 1 handed pullups like I did in highschool and im about to be 29 and I don't workout much at all now.


BTW for a awesome pre or post workout drink try some green tea or like said above chocolate milk. The milk is more of a post workout drink, but the green tea has a lot of benefits for recovery also has fat burning properties along with appitite controlling aspects.

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