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how does everyone say motivated to stay on p90x?


You've got to change you mindset/perspective. At this point my feeling is why would I ever stop doing (P90X/exercising/eating healthy)? In the end, the hard work you put in will translate into increased energy, better focus, better performance in all areas of life. If you look better, people will treat you better (sad but true). It's not just about golf, but improving everything about your life.


For me and my wife, it is about changing our bad habits that will carry on to our 2 boys. I want to be the dad that can keep up with my sons when they are in HS. Not one of those guys who just sits there and claps while I watch them play sports, etc.


Plus, I know that when I am done, my golf game will improve even if I don't practice much. The increased energy and stamina will translate into less fatigue physically and mentally near holes 12-16 (where I normally blow up a round).


Just envision what your life might be like if you become very fit. Even if only half of it happens, isn't it worth it?

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whoever is doing phase 2 now let me know how you like chest, shoulder, and triceps and also the back and biceps workouts. i do these 2 with resistance bands and i like them A LOT better than the two upper body workouts from phase 1.

Ping G400 Max 9* Tensei Pro Orange 70TX
Ping G400 3 crossover Alta stiff
Callaway Apex 4-SW recoil 780 stiff
Cleveland cbx 60* recoil stiff
Biomech Acculock
Snell MTB Black

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how does everyone say motivated to stay on p90x?


If I put the DVD in there, I seem to be motivated just from that. /shrug


whoever is doing phase 2 now let me know how you like chest, shoulder, and triceps and also the back and biceps workouts. i do these 2 with resistance bands and i like them A LOT better than the two upper body workouts from phase 1.


I started week 5 on Monday. I liked the workouts better than those in Phase 1 just because I like not doing the same thing over again. I had to skip a couple of the bicep sets near the end though...I would've hurt myself. :)


yoga was a bear. and i didnt even do it right. THe mini core they had in yoga killed my abs, legs, and back. I am not looking forward to the abx and cardio workouts. I guess now is a good time to quit smoking.. :)


Yoga is a b****. I like it a lot but I did X-Stretch today instead. There is never a BAD time to quit smoking! :drag:

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So, based on this thread, I bought the DVD's. I think that reading about actual people (golfers) doing the workouts instead of reading on a Beachbody sponsored forum was key, at least for me.


So, I've only done day 1 (chest and back, ab ripper x) and already, I'm noticing some weaknesses. I got through chest and back alright (it was tough, don't get me wrong) but on ab ripper x, I noticed that I'm very tight in the hip flexor region and my hamstrings. I'm anxious to try out x stretch to see how I do with that because that's where I obviously need to improve the most. Overall, I'm very excited to continue with the workouts. I'm doing plyo today after a light workout with my workmates.


Let me just add that I've never been anxious to begin a new workout EVER. P90X has done that to me and hopefully I can finish the 90 days with no injuries.

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I started mentioning P90X to my wife, and she ended up getting it for me for my birthday. I start on it tonight. We'll see how it goes.


We should almost start a P90X support thread..lol..."just think of those 300 yard drives!!"


I really like the idea of starting a support. I'm plannin on starting the week of 2/23 if anyone wants to start up. I think I will also test my swing speed at the same time I take pictures to see if there is a direct correlation between these workouts and swinging a bit faster.

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Played my 1st round after starting P90X. Just starting week 4 and already a big difference in flexibility and stamina. I walked while my playing patners rode. My drives were getting longer as the day went on. We were driving about the same distance through nine holes. By the end on the round, I was 35-40 yards past them. My form held up throughout the round and my follow through was noticeably stronger and longer. Ended up with my 2nd lowest score ever, including 2 water balls. By the time I get to week 12, I think I might be breaking 80.

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Played my 1st round after starting P90X. Just starting week 4 and already a big difference in flexibility and stamina. I walked while my playing patners rode. My drives were getting longer as the day went on. We were driving about the same distance through nine holes. By the end on the round, I was 35-40 yards past them. My form held up throughout the round and my follow through was noticeably stronger and longer. Ended up with my 2nd lowest score ever, including 2 water balls. By the time I get to week 12, I think I might be breaking 80.


congrads on the improvement

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I was hoping to find a cheap used set of dvds, but I think I'm going to order this through Beach Body, not Ebay. Has anybody had any problems with Beach Body? Did you get charged the right amount of money? I know some of these things that you see on tv sometimes don't turn out lilke you think. Extra charges, hidden fees...that sort of thing.

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not to endorse illegal pirating... and im sure purchasing the set is much better as it comes with the supplements and guide etc.. but I was able to get a few discs on limewire, and use some of the routines in my own workout, I started 1 month ago, i was 148 pounds (im 6'2).. i'm now sitting at 158(Mind you I eat a LOT, but all healthy).


After a workout when I get my swell on I legitimately look ripped and its extremely exciting... i'm hoping in 1 month more time I'll look like that before a workout.

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not to endorse illegal pirating... and im sure purchasing the set is much better as it comes with the supplements and guide etc.. but I was able to get a few discs on limewire, and use some of the routines in my own workout, I started 1 month ago, i was 148 pounds (im 6'2).. i'm now sitting at 158(Mind you I eat a LOT, but all healthy).


After a workout when I get my swell on I legitimately look ripped and its extremely exciting... i'm hoping in 1 month more time I'll look like that before a workout.


do you use creatine? or just natural healty foods and lots of it?

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not to endorse illegal pirating... and im sure purchasing the set is much better as it comes with the supplements and guide etc.. but I was able to get a few discs on limewire, and use some of the routines in my own workout, I started 1 month ago, i was 148 pounds (im 6'2).. i'm now sitting at 158(Mind you I eat a LOT, but all healthy).


After a workout when I get my swell on I legitimately look ripped and its extremely exciting... i'm hoping in 1 month more time I'll look like that before a workout.

I'm as heavy as you and I'm 5'7 haha.

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not to endorse illegal pirating... and im sure purchasing the set is much better as it comes with the supplements and guide etc.. but I was able to get a few discs on limewire, and use some of the routines in my own workout, I started 1 month ago, i was 148 pounds (im 6'2).. i'm now sitting at 158(Mind you I eat a LOT, but all healthy).


After a workout when I get my swell on I legitimately look ripped and its extremely exciting... i'm hoping in 1 month more time I'll look like that before a workout.


Thanks. I'm done with Limewire for now, I got a nasty virus on there. BTW, your swing looks great. Nice job!

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high reps and low weights is best for golf.


The wife and I are in week 2 of the orginal p90, we have both and will complete p90 before switching to p90x. I think the workouts are great, it works for us.


As for helping the golf game, it is still too early to tell. I will say that I feel the best I have felt in a long time and I know it is due to the 45 min work outs.

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I was hoping to find a cheap used set of dvds, but I think I'm going to order this through Beach Body, not Ebay. Has anybody had any problems with Beach Body? Did you get charged the right amount of money? I know some of these things that you see on tv sometimes don't turn out lilke you think. Extra charges, hidden fees...that sort of thing.


I ordered through beachbody and didn't have a problem. However you need to pay attention. You'll get asked a number of times if you want other items through the checkout process. Some of them are along the lines of 'Get a free bottle of vitamins with your order' and the fine print says they'll ship you another bottle every month for $xx + shipping and handling. It kinda made me wonder what kind of company I was dealing with since I've never ever run into that kind of thing ordering other stuff online before.


I'm the type that would forget to cancel anything like that. So I just clicked no to everything. They did seem to have a not bad offer on their pullup bar if you need that though.


So just pay attention and read what you may be saying yes to.

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So I think I'm about 37 days in. Here's a small update. I've lost about 13.5 lbs since day 0. My goal was to drop 20 in 90 days. I don't see this being a problem at all. I'm hoping to get closer to 25 down.


I don't have a great body fat % measuring device, my scale says I've been at 27% for weeks now, I started at 29.5 according to it. I had it measured via calipers by a trainer close to 4 weeks ago and that said 23%.


Way too much snow to swing a club up here still but my core is so much stronger now. I'm still overweight so my abs are still hidden but I'm starting to develop the initial stage of my six pack, I'd call it a 2 pack. The band of ab muscle that starts right under my rib cage is starting to take shape and I can see it even though it's covered up still.

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I was hoping to find a cheap used set of dvds, but I think I'm going to order this through Beach Body, not Ebay. Has anybody had any problems with Beach Body? Did you get charged the right amount of money? I know some of these things that you see on tv sometimes don't turn out lilke you think. Extra charges, hidden fees...that sort of thing.


I ordered through beachbody and didn't have a problem. However you need to pay attention. You'll get asked a number of times if you want other items through the checkout process. Some of them are along the lines of 'Get a free bottle of vitamins with your order' and the fine print says they'll ship you another bottle every month for $xx + shipping and handling. It kinda made me wonder what kind of company I was dealing with since I've never ever run into that kind of thing ordering other stuff online before.


I'm the type that would forget to cancel anything like that. So I just clicked no to everything. They did seem to have a not bad offer on their pullup bar if you need that though.


So just pay attention and read what you may be saying yes to.



In some ways, I almost wonder if P90X etc., are the vehicles to actually sell the other(potentially higher margin) items? They really push that other stuff, which leads me to believe they make quite a mint on it. I'm real glad my wife got it at a fitness store and didn't have to deal with all that crap.


The workout program is great, but I could do without some of the near-hard sell of the "peripherals".

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Did the Chest/Back workout last night, to be followed by Ab Ripper. I think it may be partly my DVD player, because the "Bring It" DVD played upstairs, but not in the basement, but I did have a couple of issues with the DVD spinning and skipping. Beyond that though, holy cow. I didn't even last 5 minutes into the Ab Ripper. I was so wasted from the first workout.


I really just tossed it in, and didn't think too much about what I was going to do, but I think that I will actually do the lean program. Strength isn't really my issue, flexibilty is. I think dropping some weight and improving flexibilty will get me the additional distance. The chest/abs ia great workout, and i may do the classic next winter, but for this season. pounds disappearing is the biggest thing I think.

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So I think I'm about 37 days in. Here's a small update. I've lost about 13.5 lbs since day 0. My goal was to drop 20 in 90 days. I don't see this being a problem at all. I'm hoping to get closer to 25 down.


I don't have a great body fat % measuring device, my scale says I've been at 27% for weeks now, I started at 29.5 according to it. I had it measured via calipers by a trainer close to 4 weeks ago and that said 23%.


Way too much snow to swing a club up here still but my core is so much stronger now. I'm still overweight so my abs are still hidden but I'm starting to develop the initial stage of my six pack, I'd call it a 2 pack. The band of ab muscle that starts right under my rib cage is starting to take shape and I can see it even though it's covered up still.



We are about at the same place. I've just completed 5 weeks and have lost 12 lbs. I also don't have a body fat measureing device but I've lost about 2" around the waist and am more flexible.

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So, at what point in this program does the soreness become "less noticeable?" I've lifted before and the soreness was always there to some degree, it just became a non-issue. After yesterday's Plyo, my hip-flexors are freaking sore like a mofo. I'm doing shoulder and arms tonight so this should be a little bit of a rest, for the hips at least.

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I skipped the plyo last night bc of my knee, but i'm doing shoulders/arms tonight as well..


Might hit the range for an hour prior to the workout...


As for the soreness, I still get sore after chest/back/arms/shoulders/legs..

I think the reason for this is, completing the exercises until failure. You do it until you cant do anymore. My arms bascially has to buckle before I stop.

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So, at what point in this program does the soreness become "less noticeable?" I've lifted before and the soreness was always there to some degree, it just became a non-issue. After yesterday's Plyo, my hip-flexors are freaking sore like a mofo. I'm doing shoulder and arms tonight so this should be a little bit of a rest, for the hips at least.


I was so sore my first week. Muscles I didn't know that I had just ached. Each day, a different muscle group would be sore. However, after the first week, the soreness was gone.

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