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Ever been in a fight on a course?

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I've never been in a fight on a course before. But I came really close once.

I was playing a nice local course with two buddies and another guy that we got teamed up with. Come hole #8 some older fellow decided to go bats**t insane as we are driving away from the tee boxes. It was obvious that he was upset about waiting on us, which was never more than about 1 minute per hole on the tee boxes for 2 holes(we had someone in front of us as well causing us to wait an acceptable amount of time per hole).

In stead of returning craziness back to him we wave his 4som on to play through. How this hole was shaped is an elevated tee box and about a 150 yard carry over a mini ravine. I had duffed my ball into the ravine and walked down the side(grass covered), far out of sight of the tee boxes. Mr. Insane did see me walk down there. He hit his tee shot and sliced it hardcore in the the woods. That was all he needed. Apparently, it was my fault he sliced. He flew down, not waiting on his buddies to play their tee shots, and started towards me in his cart. He was screaming all kinds of absurdities at me. He was being a very foul old man. I think it was obvious he had also been drinking.

I began very calmly explaining that we were waiting just as they had and that if he does not calm down or get out of my face he was going to have more problems than a slice. I am no huge guy. But at 28 years old, 5'9" and 175# of gym trained body, and him being about 65 years old of skinny drunk jackass, he had a choice to make. I was also keeping a solid hold on my 6 iron. If he decided to come at me I have no issue defending myself against some drunk slob. *I feel it's important to note that I have no desire to fight anyone. I was trying to scare him off more than antagonize him. If I wanted to fight him I know it would not have taken more than a few words to go there.

Despite what I said he kept up with the absurdities. I raised my voice and told him he was acting like a child. I told him he needed to move along RIGHT NOW.

About that time my buddies were tired of hearing it to. One of them does not hold his tongue very well and gave him some choice words back.

The 4th guy we had been playing with told the guy to "get lost". The old man started at him aggressively with his cart. The old guy stopped and acted as if he was about to charge him. The guy in our 4som told him if he hit him he would press charges and sue him. The old man ACTUALLY TRIED TO HIT HIM!! The 4th on our 4som had to more or less dive out of the way!

The old guy just drove off.....

The guys that were with him were mortified. They apologized and just said they were frustrated. We explained that we had been waiting just as they had and it was out of our hands. They again apologized and drove off.

We called the club house and told the staff. They sent a manager out to meet us and he told us the guy always has anger issues but this was far beyond his usual antics.

I hope by saying "old guy"/"old man" I don't offend anyone. I use that term the same as I use the term, "young guy" or "kid". I would have said "older gentleman" had he earned being called a gentleman.

What's your story?
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Sorry, never even been remotely close to a fight on a golf course... or anywhere in the last 20 years...


People need to take the high road... i guess that comes with age though...


At what age do you think the 65 yo I encountered should acquire such skills?


It has less to do with age and more with how you are raised and your thought process as far as I am concerned.

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Never a fight on the golf course.


Race track...now that's another story.


Never flung a club at anyone but I can tell you how far a Hoosier A40 on a Real Racing chrome beadlock will go when you pitch it over the top of an Outlaw Modified.....not that I've ever done that, just heard..... :secret:

Takomo IGNIS D1 9° HZRDUS Smoke Blue 60g / Callaway Epic Flash SZ 9° HZRDUS Smoke Black 70g
Callaway Epic Flash SZ 15° HZRDUS Smoke Black 70g
Callaway Apex '19 3H HZRDUS Handcrafted HYB 85g
PXG 0311P Gen 6 Black Label Elite 4-G KBS Tour Lite S / Miura Baby Blades 3-P Steelfiber 110cw / PING ISI Nickel 1-L G Loomis reg flex
Callaway Jaws Raw 54.10S / 58.8Z
PING Anser 2 Jim Wells 36" / Bettinardi BB-1 (2022) 35" / PING Anser 2 1981 35" / Scotty Cameron CT Squareback Proto 35" 375g
Outlaw Golf Association #21
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A few years ago I was playing our local state park course and was playing by myself. I got stuck behind a foursome of old guys who would not let me play through. So, after 5 holes of this (nobody in front of them BTW) I did the immature thing and hit into them. I drove the ball at least 40 yards passed the longest of their tee shots, and jumped in my cart to go make my approach. As I approached the group of old guys, one of them stuck his golf club out as I was passing on the cart path. I struck the club with the cart's windshield, slammed on the brake, jumped out and we had some words. I drove up to my ball, hit my approach shot, and one putted for birdie. Afterwards, I shouted down from the green "I made birdie you A##H$LES!"


I'm not proud of it, and I felt terrible afterwards. However, the pro shop did refund my cart fee because they had been receiving a lot of complaints about this particular foursome in the preceding weeks. BTW....they were rangers at the course.

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Not on the course, but in the scoring tent.


Played in a state level competition about 10 years ago and didn't have a good day. The guys I was playing with kind of just let me do my thing and left me to my misery, which I thought was very considerate and towards the middle of the back 9 I was back in the groove and playing OK. On the 14th hole I pushed a drive right which crossed a OB line which was drawn around a stand of trees between two fairways. As the OB was like around an "Island" of trees, and I was in the other fairway, with a clear line of play to the green, I hit my 2nd shot. Everybody saw what I did, and nobody said anything about it.


After finishing up on the 18th green, we were picked up and driven to the clubhouse by a couple of officials in carts. On the drive to the scoring area, I asked about the OB on the 14th and questioned why it was just an island of OB. At this time the local official told me that it wasn't an island, but was deemed by local rules (which were not printed on the scorecard, but were posted in the clubhouse) as a OB boundry. At this time I knew I had made a mistake.


As we got to the scoring tent I asked my scorer to come with me to a rules official and I told him what I had done, where I had played from, and requested that I be DQ'ed because of the infraction. At this time one of the guys who had played in the group started screaming at me that I was just trying to gain an advantage for myself through a DQ. I was trying to gain an ADVANTAGE by DQing myself.


This jerk just didn't understand what was going on. He got really loud, and by this time there was 20 people in the tent and I wasn't too happy. I (and the official scorer) tried to explain to the guy but he wasn't listening, and worked himself into a rage...calling me a cheater and lots of other things which I can't write here. Then he took a swing at me.


I'm 5'4" and 140 lbs. was in the Army (not behind a desk) and have been in fights before, but I never expected something like this to happen on a golf course. He hit me in the side of my head and I saw stars for about 3 seconds before my ingrained training and survival instict took over, and I jumped on him. It wasn't nice, and I'm ashamed of myself even as I write this.


Needless to say nobody wins a fight, somebody just gets less broken and in this case I would like to think that I gotter the better end of the deal. I still see this guy sometimes in big competitions and we both would like to carry on where we left off, the guy is and remains a jerk, and everybody who witnessed the scuffle knows just what an idiot he is. Thats enough for me.

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So from what I can tell, nobody has actually been in a fight on the course........until now. I'm certainly old enough that I should have the wisdom to not get into a fight on the course, or anywhere else for that matter, but s$%t happens some time. Let me preface by saying there was a pretty substantial amount of beer being consumed that fateful day. On the 12th hole, I asked my brother-in-law if he saw where my approach shot had ended up and he said he did not. I mumbled something under my breath about me watching where his crappy shots go, so it would be nice if he might keep an eye on mine. This must have struck a nerve because when I got to the green he was unstrapping his bag from the cart and heading to the house. I said your seriously quitting over that? We had a few words and he walked over and got in my face. He then grabbed me by the throat and held me at arms length, so I punched him in the face. After several punches being exchanged we ended up on the ground and the group in front of us had to break us up. Fortunately they were younger guys and thought it was pretty funny. I drove in on the cart and he walked in. Later that afternoon he called to apologize and said his face was sore, mine was too.


Perhaps the most interesting part of the story is that was the last time I ever saw him. The following morning I got a call from my sister saying she had come across undisputable evidence that he was cheating on her. She kicked him out of the house and filed for divorce, and he moved out of the stat within a week. I regret fighting on the course, but I don't regret punching that bastxxx.

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No, but almost on the range a few years back. I was really struggling and just off by myself hitting balls. A few shanks, a few solid, a few shanks, etc.


So these guys come up and set up shop right next to me (yeah....we're the only ones there and they set up right next to me - to my right) and proceed to start hitting the ball worse than I was. Hey, it didn't bother me. It's a practice area...work on your game. We're not tour pros!


All of a sudden, Joe Driving Range Pro (the first guy's friend who was probably a 18 'cap unless he had a fabulous short game) starts screaming at me that I almost hit them. I explained that I came nowhere near them. I was firing wedges at the 65 yard flag ahead of me and probably 5-10 to my right. If the ball comes up short right of that pin, it's nowhere near them...but he insisted I was going to hit them and I needed to get "the hell off of this range because I (he) know the owner!".


So...then I did what any calm person would do. Started hitting hooks at the same flag vs. little straight/cut shots. That got him REAL pissed off. He came over, kicked my bag over and I got out my cell phone and called the owner (whom I also know). He was escorted away shortly after.


Cooler heads do seem to prevail.



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Funny stuff with the squirrel,


Sad to say I have been in a fight on the course, I believe it was for good reason, but its something I wish I would have saved for a better time and location.


To start the story this was a long long time ago, when Dui laws were not so strick especially with underage dui's. After a party one night in high school one of our better players on the golf team decided that he was ok to drive home after having too many beers. Not sure how it all happened but he ended up going off the road and a girl I had known and been friends with since the 3rd grade was ejected out the back window and killed. Of course the drunk guy was barely hurt and was only given 3 weeks house arrest(in his parents multi million dollar home).


Fast forward a month or so when he is off house arrest and on the course with us for a practice round. It was pretty slow going and we were on a par 5 and it looked like we had plenty of room to hit so one of my teamates told this guy to go ahead and let one fly. His response was "Nah last thing I need right now is another lawsuit" followed by laughter.

Well I didnt think it was too funny and told him so followed by a right cross to his jaw. He tried to get a couple punches in but I was having none of it and landed a few solid blows before my other teammates decided he had had enough.


My only regret is not waiting until another party to do it, instead of the course, but my emotions got the best of me and I think rightfully so. The bad news was it ended my season when I was ranked 8th in the conference and starting to play some solid golf.

10.5 Aeroburner TP Fujikura Speeder Pro XLR8
14.5 X2 Hot 3 Deep Tour Green
18* X2 Hot Pro Hybrid
RSI TP 4-PW KBS Tour 120
Byron Morgan DH89 Rincon Neck deep mill or Circa 62 No 2
Vokey 52/56/60 SM5/TVDK/TVDVgrind DG S300
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Saw two people come as close as possible, and this was on my golf league.


My partner at the time wasn't exactly what you'd call a "people person", and neither was our opponent. First hole, opponent hits into a lateral hazard, and drops probably 30 yards in front of where he crossed. Mr. People Person bluntly tells him that there's no way he should drop there, and he has to drop 30 yards back. Opponent proceed to hack up the hole.


Two holes later, par 5, opponent is hacking his way up to the green. Finishes out, and says he made a six. Mr People Person says something like "there's no way in the world you made a 6". Opponent gets in his face and in a not so friendly way says he's not an f'ing cheater, and if he has a problem with it, they can settle it right there.


Mind you, these are two guys in their late 40's-mid 50's acting like little babies.


There were about 5 words said for the rest of a very frigid round of golf.


The capper was that the majority of our league got rained out that day, canceling the entire round, and we had to play them again the following week!! LOL!

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I saw a good one 35 years ago. I was 13 playing at my local golf course. There was an outing that day. My dad and I decided to walk up ahead of the first group (on 11th hole) and start playing (3rd shot on par 5 12th hole). Another group (foursome) decides to do the same thing only skip in front of us. In the meantime the first group of the outing comes flying up in their carts to confront this foursome. It turns ugly and it was 8 guys in full fist fight. They are tripping over my bag... kicked my ball in the creek. My dad yells at me to grab my bag and lets go. Not sure how it turned out. I vividly remember a 150 lb guy doing straight boxing 1-2's on this 250 LB guy as his head was bopping back and forth.


I remember it pretty clearly after 35 years. Funny!

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When I was like 15 I got in and argument with a kid my age and he stomped me on my shin with steel spikes and yelled karate. I hit him with my best right up against his head he went down got up crying and ran to the clubhouse.


I proceeded to hide his clubs in the swamp about two hundred yards and finished the round.


My Dad refused to ask, I told several people I left them there. It was funny because my Dad had seen the cut on my leg. Then this kids Dad got in his face and my Dad came close to kicking his a**.



About two weeks later the club manager convinced me to show him where the clubs were, with a promise he would never say how he found them.


grins ahhhhhhhhhh the good old days

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Needless to say nobody wins a fight, somebody just gets less broken and in this case I would like to think that I gotter the better end of the deal. I still see this guy sometimes in big competitions and we both would like to carry on where we left off, the guy is and remains a jerk, and everybody who witnessed the scuffle knows just what an idiot he is. Thats enough for me.


Best line of the thread......


While some of you have had the "Throw down on the Fairway", it is good to see that most recognize how silly it is to come to blows......


Fortuantely never happened to me.....some gruff words here and there but that's it.



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When I was like 15 I got in and argument with a kid my age and he stomped me on my shin with steel spikes and yelled karate. I hit him with my best right up against his head he went down got up crying and ran to the clubhouse.


:cheesy: :cheesy:


Love fighting the guy who watched one too many Bruce Lee movies.......

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I have NEVER seen a fight much less an intense argument in my golfing experience. hopefully I will NEVER see one in my lifetime. golfing etiquette plays an important part for why this is. unfortunally our country is headed in a very dangerous path with so much crimes on the rise, and with more peole joining golf, there is no telling what morons or those who just don't have any civility will bring to the golf course.


it's unfortunate enough we now have to read on here about people having their golf bags stolen at their local golf course.

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  • 1 month later...

Playing at our teams home course, another kid from our team wants to play. Hacker, 6 man on JV btw, this guy is. So he works at the course so we were allowed a cart. Round goes decent, but on number 9 he hits a bad shot, so he decides to take his club and hit my bag with it. I said don't do that again. He does it again and football tackles me, we were on the ground. Needless to say, I picked the kid up, had his arm out straight and twisted, so if he moved I could dislocate his shoulder, I also had my other hand behind his head and had his head pinned to the cart. I calmly said I was done, picked my clubs are the cart and walked into the clubhouse.

Weird thing is, kid always says hi to me now.

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Playing at our teams home course, another kid from our team wants to play. Hacker, 6 man on JV btw, this guy is. So he works at the course so we were allowed a cart. Round goes decent, but on number 9 he hits a bad shot, so he decides to take his club and hit my bag with it. I said don't do that again. He does it again and football tackles me, we were on the ground. Needless to say, I picked the kid up, had his arm out straight and twisted, so if he moved I could dislocate his shoulder, I also had my other hand behind his head and had his head pinned to the cart. I calmly said I was done, picked my clubs are the cart and walked into the clubhouse.

Weird thing is, kid always says hi to me now.


He says Hi to you now because he respects you (because you remained calm and didn't kick his a** when you could have).


A long time ago, me a couple of buddies and one buddies Dad were playing the new "hot" course in Mid-Michigan (Can't remember the name anymore, might have been the thoroughbred). My buddy is driving our cart and as we tee off on the first hole I'm the only one that notices a small sign by the tee that says "90 deg. rule." The starter and the pro shop guys didn't mention it (and it's not stated on the scorecard) so both cart drivers aren't observing it on the first few holes. I mention to my bud that I'm pretty sure they don't want him driving down the fairways. He ignores this.


On about the 8th hole, some older white haired, purple shoed hot head (looks like Judge Smails) in the group behind us yells at him for driving down the fairway. He does it again on the next hole. On about the 11th hole, the old guy comes storming up the fairway right for our cart with club in hand. I'm expecting the worst. While I'm preparing to hit my shot, this guy comes up and takes the cart key out of our cart and walks away! Then my buddies Dad goes chasing after him and a big argument ensues. After things calm down, we start carrying our bags as he refuses to return the key. Then a marshall comes over after this episode (same hole) and tells us to "move things along" as we're now falling behind. I tell him something to the effect of "Well, if that old M' effer hadn't taken our cart key we wouldn't be behind. Why don't you go get it back from him?" He says, "Well, if he weren't the owner of the course, I would!" LOL!

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