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Q-link Vs. Phiten Vs. TrionZ

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Yes they do work- I believe the instructions read-drink a couple beers prior to putting them on and you'll feel nice and relaxed without pain in your back, wrists..etc... thank you for handing over your hard earned money for stunning bracelet that look great and does nothing, but we convienced the Pro's to wear them too and they love'em(and love cashing our checks too!)!!!!

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I've used Phiten and Trion Z which are both totally different than Q-link. The reason Phiten works is that it encourages blood circulation and yes it really does work for some despite what the doubters say (most of whom haven't even tried a product). At the very least you will feel the effect of the Phiten necklace. Most describe it as a "tingling feeling". My friend who coaches in the minors found out about it a long time ago from a Japan baseball player who brought it over with him. At the time Randy Johnson was the only big leaguer to use it. Next time you watch a MLB game on TV you'll lose count of how many players use it now.


As far as I know Phiten pays almost no players to use their products aside from those in their advertising. The rest are probably given freebies though to use if they want. I know Ernie Els was using it before he was paid to, a local rep here gave it to him when he was playing at the Sony Open.

8.5* Nike Vapor Speed - 7m3
15* Cobra Amp Cell - Fubuki 70x
18* Adams A12 - GD DI 85x
20* Adams Super 9031 - UST VTS 100x
54*, 58* Nike VR Forged
5-PW Mizuno MP64 - PXi 6.0

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My dad is a general surgeon MD and is very involved with med tech, let me tell you what he tells me. Non of this stuff works, period.


Seriously think about it, if it really did anything the FDA would get involved, trust me, my dad has more idea of how the FDA and drugs work than most people in the world ever will.


No offense to your dad, but has he tried any of the 3 products mentioned? Which in particular and what was his experience and findings? Why would the FDA get involved in a wholistic healing approach that has nothing to do with drugs? That would be like them being involved in aromatherapy candles. Better yet, what are your direct experiences with any of the products?


I'm sorry if I come off combative, but it's statements like these that I have a problem with. You say it doesn't work because your dad said so (although I do recognize he's a credible source in his profession), but where are the real-world experiences? I welcome anyone who has used any of the 3 products to please voice their opinion if it didn't work. What was the reason you tried it, was it for something in particular, and how long did you give it before it didn't work.


I think those opinions will give the original poster the first-hand reviews he wants both positive and negative so he can make a somewhat educated decision. I know if I was asking for a review of the SUMO2 and FT-I, I wouldn't want someone responding that all square drivers were junk because someone told them so. I would want a first-hand review.

8.5* Nike Vapor Speed - 7m3
15* Cobra Amp Cell - Fubuki 70x
18* Adams A12 - GD DI 85x
20* Adams Super 9031 - UST VTS 100x
54*, 58* Nike VR Forged
5-PW Mizuno MP64 - PXi 6.0

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I think those opinions will give the original poster the first-hand reviews he wants both positive and negative so he can make a somewhat educated decision. I know if I was asking for a review of the SUMO2 and FT-I, I wouldn't want someone responding that all square drivers were junk because someone told them so. I would want a first-hand review.


If lets say you had an engineering company that was the leader in making golf clubs go as far as possible, like what nasa is to space, and they told you that a square driver wouldn't work, you probably should believe them. Why because they spend billions of $ in R&D and the propulsion companies come to them for answers. The golf industry doesn't have anything like this until the USGA thinks that things might be getting to easy for us golfers. The medical community works different.


Why would the FDA get involved in a wholistic healing approach that has nothing to do with drugs?


Ok now I should explain myself a little more, things that can alter the way a person feels, change blood gas, oxigenation, and so forth are looked at very carefully. In the US we have at least 2 (that I know of) places that test elements like plants, magnets, radiation and if it was anything that could change you significantly or alter you, a household name company would have a hand in it. Trust me you have their stuff in your house, everybody does.


example remember LSD, same deal


The reason why the FDA doesn't get involved is because that stuff doesn't work, if it did, they would. It's all placebo. I don't know if you would know this or not, but DO's used to practice a more wholistic approach it didn't work, and the DO teachings are more like the MD teachings.


No, he hasn't tried any of the 3, if he feels bad he wouldn't use one of those things to make him feel better, he would use the real thing. When his knee went bad, he didn't do shots of wheat grass, he went and got it replaced. I tend to trust what ever he says, he is one of the higher ups in the med technology field, and he is still strong enough to kick my Word not allowed,

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I have a "Titan" minus ion wristband. Whether it actually affects my blood flow or relieves my wrist inflammation- I can't say I'm miraculously cured or anything.


BUT, it does at the very least remind to "check" my wrists and hands out to see how they feel. And by "check" I mean stretch them out to see if they are stiff or sore, which probably is what is making them feel better.


Either way, they feel better and I have no lingering pain after a day at the range.



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The Food and Drug Administration, unfortunately, only has authority over...food and drugs. Magnetic bracelets and the like would probably be the domain of the surgeon general, if anyone. In addition, there's little to no education in medical schools on this kind of stuff, and most doctors would have no idea about any of it, having already discounted the idea that they work. Not that I believe they do work, but being a doctor doesn't make you an expert on anything besides conventional medicine, unless he actually reads or does his own studies on the effects of these bracelets, in which case, I apologize.

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No, he hasn't tried any of the 3, if he feels bad he wouldn't use one of those things to make him feel better, he would use the real thing. When his knee went bad, he didn't do shots of wheat grass, he went and got it replaced. I tend to trust what ever he says, he is one of the higher ups in the med technology field, and he is still strong enough to kick my Word not allowed,


See the majority of people who are against any bracelet have NOT used it, tried it, studied it, or anything. It's not meant to help you if you tore a tendon or need knee replacement surgery, it's for aches and pains. You believe in Western medicine and only Western medicine, great. Good for you and I mean that. But, opinions like dorfblee's are more valuable. He actually tried it and made an opinion from there.


Your engineer analogy doesn't work for me, because an engineering company that was a leader in making golf clubs go farther specifically studies the technology behind golf clubs. Your father does not specifically study magnetic/titanium bracelets and their effects.


I'm not even saying he's wrong, he could be 100% correct, but I have a problem with people writing anything off just because it's different, without trying it first. But it's not like Western medicine has not been wrong before. I bet if your dad was interested in research he could probably get a grant to study the effects of these bracelets (if it hasn't been done already). That would be interesting and very valuable.

8.5* Nike Vapor Speed - 7m3
15* Cobra Amp Cell - Fubuki 70x
18* Adams A12 - GD DI 85x
20* Adams Super 9031 - UST VTS 100x
54*, 58* Nike VR Forged
5-PW Mizuno MP64 - PXi 6.0

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I imagine that some people "think" that it works, and some "think" that is will not work and it is a bunch of hooey.


Medical science will say that it does not. Hollistic stlye of medicine will say that it will.


I would compare it to the new latest driver, or something like that....When you get that 460cc monster in your hands you "feel" like you are going to hit it better, tension goes away, fear exits, you feel less anxious on the tee...etc. Even though you most likely will still hit it in the woods sometimes, that club gives you the feeling that you can hit it awesome!!! I think these gadgets work in the same way....they give you the sense/mindset of protection/healing or sense that you put this thing on and bam, I am better because of it, whether it is actually truely working or not. The mind is super strong and although I am not a Doctor or a brain specialist by any stretch of the imagination, I can bet that there are studies that are out there where they go over issues of the mind giving you the illusion that something is working, wheter it is or it is not. (placebo effect or something like that)


But heck if people want to buy them and it makes them feel better when they wear them regardless if they actually do anything....it is a free country, they can spend their cash anyway they want to.


Just my 2 centos



Driver: TM M4 Tour Issue
3W: Rogue
Hybrid: TEE
Irons: Callaway Apex Pro
54, 58 TM MG tour issue raw
Putter: PXG Gunboat H

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voonie, you are very wrong, just because a guy is a GS or MD does not mean that he isn't on the board of medical companies, or involved with politics,


You guys can argue with me all you want, my dad is in a position to know, he is not just an MD or GS, but really someone who would be in the know about stuff like this.


All I am saying is do what you want, but a guy who is an expert in the field of health science says none of this stuff works, in his words " don't be silly"

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I personally have a q-link and think it helps alot. Just like DG said maybe it is me just thinking it is working or maybe it actually does, I think it does.



Scotte, why don't you just tell us your dad's position or name and we can really know whether or not he's in a position to know. Because I know many MD and many wholistic doctors and I don't know of any positions that MDs would have that would allow them to know whether or not these things work.

Taylormade M3 440
Taylormade M3 15
Titleist 716 T-MB 2
Mizuno MP18
Vokey SM7
Scotty Studio Stainless Newport 2

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Seriously, I am not going to argue with you guys, if you think it works then great, but it's all in your head. I even asked my dad today about this stuff and he said "don't be silly".


Just ask yourself why do you think DO's got onboard with todays meds and left the wholistic stuff to the witch doctors.


I know your average MD's can be argued with and some are not very bright, but I assure you this info that I am passing onto you is not on that level.


As for my dads name and position I hope you will understand, I am not going to say, because Q-link or what ever could probably sue him. I know you guys will say " but your saying it" well I am not going to take any chances.

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Have a TrionZ bracelet....doesn't do anything.

I wear it because I think it looks pretty good, and it does a good job at breaking up my "glove tan" line.


For those that it helps...great!

It's more than likely a "placebo effect" but who really cares?

If you feel better, more power to you.

Callaway GBB Epic 9* w/ Ahina 70x
Taylormade SIM Ti 15* w/ Ahina 80x

Srixon Z U85 18* Driving Iron w/ Ahina 80x
Callaway XHot Pro Hybrid w/ Ahina 80x
Mizuno MP60 3-PW w/ DG X100
Odyssey Black Series i #2
Mizuno MP-T4 52*, 60*, Vokey 64*

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Wow when I read the title I knew there would be trouble, but being someone who owns the Phiten stuff, I decided to reply. I don't pretend to know (or care to know for that matter) why it does what it says it does. I only need to know that when I messed up my wrist at Sports Authority (the part-time gig) over the holidays throwing around game tables I decided to try the bracelet. Before the bracelet my wrist hurt. Not excrutiating, but annoying. After the bracelt, no more pain. So I bought the necklace as well. 1st time i wore the combo on the course I shot my career low of 87 at a course I had never played before (that is normally a bad thing for me to do). Call it placebo, call it snake oil, I don't care. I call it effective.

Ping Rapture 14 Stiff Saishin (sp)
Ping Rapture 21 vs Proto Stiff
Ping Zing 4-SW Stiff
Ping Eye 2 Plus LW
Ping Cadence B65

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Once does not have to try the product first. Unless the claims are put through a peer-reviewed double blind test, the claim is without merit. The claims are being made by the manufacturers, thus the burden of proof is on them.


Personal opinions are worthless in this case - I don't care if it is from a tour pro. Like they say, if you believe that it will work, it probably will.

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See the majority of people who are against any bracelet have NOT used it, tried it, studied it, or anything. ...


I've never tried playing with crystals stuck up my nose, but I'm pretty sure it won't help.


Y'all have GOT to be kidding me. Has anybody actually read the "technology" section at Phiten's website? Titanium particles embedded in some metal are supposed to miraculously "enhance" the energy level of every cell in the body? Do you seriously believe this garbage? The fact that they have pro athlete endorsers just goes to show once and for all that pro athletes are endorsement whores, who will do anything for money.


All of these products are total malarkey. It just baffles me that, in a modern age where myth and folklore can be put to rest with a simple bit of research, people continue to believe in astrology and magnet bracelets and all manner of hooey. Oh, and alien abductions and crop circles and visits from the beyond and...


Somebody already said it, but I'll say it again. Stupid ain't illegal.

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The post by Flyfish is the only logical argument that I have seen in this post.


The gold standard for efficacy in anything that involves people is a double-blind study. If you don't have one, then you can take all of your "if you haven't tried it, so how do you know" arguments and stick it in the circular file.


I am not saying that this stuff does or does not work. All I am saying is that any "results" that you talk about without a double-blind study to back it up are purely subjective opinions and conjecture. Nothing more. Period. End of story.

Old stuff:
1962 Tommy Armour AT2W Driver   1953 Macgregor M65W EOM 3 wood   1978 H&B PowerBilt Citation 4 wood
1984 Ben Hogan Apex PC 2-E   1968 Wilson Dual Wedge
1964 Acushnet O-SET M6S Bullseye Putter

New stuff
Cobra ZL 10.5 driver (Matrix HD6 s-flex)  Titleist TSR2 18* fairway wood (Matrix Code-8 s-flex)   Adams A2P 20* hybrid (Rombax 8D07HB s-flex)
Titleist 716 MB irons 4-PW (Apex 4 soft-stepped)    Callaway Mack Daddy wedges 52, 56, 60 (DG S200)
Odyssey ProType 9 putter

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I bought a trion-z because I thought it would look cool and if it helped me with my concentration (as it claims) - GREAT! I've never had wrist pain or discomfort and did not buy it for this reason, but after one week of wearing it the wrist I have it on is uncomfortable and stiff. Thanks Trion-Z! It still kind of looks cool though. :tongue:

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Seriously, I am not going to argue with you guys, if you think it works then great, but it's all in your head. I even asked my dad today about this stuff and he said "don't be silly".


Just ask yourself why do you think DO's got onboard with todays meds and left the wholistic stuff to the witch doctors.


I know your average MD's can be argued with and some are not very bright, but I assure you this info that I am passing onto you is not on that level.


As for my dads name and position I hope you will understand, I am not going to say, because Q-link or what ever could probably sue him. I know you guys will say " but your saying it" well I am not going to take any chances.


I am not going to say anything about the products in question, I am merely going to say that I have YET to come across a board certified medical doctor that would be considered "not very bright". Are some smarter than others? Sure. But none of them are dumb.

Driver: Taylormade SIM 2  
3W: Honma TR21  
4-6: Honma TR-21V  

7-10: Honma TR21B  
52*: Vokey 52F
58*: Vokey 58D
64*: Vokey 64M (62 bent to 64)
Putter: Depends on the day and which ones are in time out
Ball: ProV1x

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The post by Flyfish is the only logical argument that I have seen in this post.


The gold standard for efficacy in anything that involves people is a double-blind study. If you don't have one, then you can take all of your "if you haven't tried it, so how do you know" arguments and stick it in the circular file.


I am not saying that this stuff does or does not work. All I am saying is that any "results" that you talk about without a double-blind study to back it up are purely subjective opinions and conjecture. Nothing more. Period. End of story.


Here you go.



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Thanks Trav1, I rest my case :tongue:

Old stuff:
1962 Tommy Armour AT2W Driver   1953 Macgregor M65W EOM 3 wood   1978 H&B PowerBilt Citation 4 wood
1984 Ben Hogan Apex PC 2-E   1968 Wilson Dual Wedge
1964 Acushnet O-SET M6S Bullseye Putter

New stuff
Cobra ZL 10.5 driver (Matrix HD6 s-flex)  Titleist TSR2 18* fairway wood (Matrix Code-8 s-flex)   Adams A2P 20* hybrid (Rombax 8D07HB s-flex)
Titleist 716 MB irons 4-PW (Apex 4 soft-stepped)    Callaway Mack Daddy wedges 52, 56, 60 (DG S200)
Odyssey ProType 9 putter

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I've never tried any of them and have no clue about the science - however, I do know that the brain is a mighty powerful thing that has the ability to heal etc.


If people think/believe it works and that in turn has an actual effect on how they actually feel - i.e. no pain etc then I think its great.


Better than being the cleverest most cynical person in the world who sits there with pains all over their body because they don't believe in anything apart from science!


Additionally, there are many things in this world we humans don't undertsand and doctors/scientists still don't have a clue about and I say if something works for someone - good on them and lucky them!

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I guess more than just Doctors believe they don't work either....




Q-Ray Ordered to Forfeit Profits, Refund Consumers



Posted on: 10/16/2006


WASHINGTON—A federal court has ruled in favor of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in its case against the marketers of the Q-Ray ionized bracelet, ordering the defendants to turn over $22.5 million in profits and refund up to $87 million to its customers. Following a bench trial held earlier this summer, the court issued its decision Sept 8, finding advertising by Que Te (Andrew) Park and his companies was false and misleading in representing that the bracelet provides immediate, significant, and/or complete pain relief, and that scientific tests proved that it relieves pain. The court also found that the defendants deceptively advertised their refund policy.

While the court has not issued its final judgment on penalty, it established the monetary profit seizure and refund amounts, and promised to impose a permanent injunction to prevent them from engaging in such deceptive conduct in the future.


“This is an egregious example of false advertising,†said Lydia Parnes, director of the FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection. “These defendants lied about the so-called medicinal benefits of their product, and deceived people in pain. The judgment against them is a real victory for all consumers.â€


In its original May 2003 case, FTC alleged the defendants had misrepresented that the Q-Ray ionized bracelet “provides immediate significant or complete relief from various types of pain, including, but not limited to, musculoskeletal pain, sciatic pain, persistent headaches, sinus problems, tendinitis, or injuries,†and that “tests prove that the Q-Ray bracelet relieves pain.â€


It also accused the defendants of misrepresenting its 30-day guarantee program and refund policy.


At that time, the court found that defendants QT Inc., Q-Ray Co., and Bio-Metal Inc., located in Illinois, and their owner, Park, had engaged in misleading and false advertising in violation of Sections 5 and 12 of the FTC Act. The court did not find defendant Jung Joo Park (Que Te Park’s wife) liable.

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I hesitate to even get into this topic but here is my $.02


i have worn both the TrionZ and the Phiten necklace (wearing the necklace as I type this). I bought the Phiten before i heard about the Trionz. The Phiten helped me with my sore lower back and other minor aches and pains. A buddy of mine worn it to sleep (around his ankle) after injuring his ankle during a hockey game and also noticed improvement. I wear the Phiten every day and my back is generally feeling good. I think at least a little bit of merit needs to be given to the Phiten with the number of professional athletes wearing them.


The TrionZ I found did not really help with aches and pains, but more so with a heightened awareness on the course to not let a missed putt or bad shot effect me for more than a few seconds. I notice this often during a round. Again, i think at least a little bit of merit is needed here given the extremely high number of professional golfers wearing them.



All that being said, the Phiten is about $20 and you can win a TrionZ in the contest here thanks to the continuing generosity of Jim. If you spend $20 and it helps, great. If not, its not the end of the world. All the scientific evidence is the world is great....no matter what it says, i wear the Phiten necklace every day and add the TrionZ sometimes when i play. see for yourself, that is the only way to get your answers.

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