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Garmin S20 GPS Watch

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Thanks "opgolfguy". I think your post was really helpful for many of us wondering about the autoshot feature. The way you described how it worked was pretty much how I thought it would be, without owning the watch yet. My only question about checking the club stats after round on Garmin Connect is, can you only check the club stats by hole? Or will it in fact give you a total or average of all your drives you took that round? If you play 10+ rounds will it give you all your stats from those rounds or is it only for the last round you played?


I didn't see anything relating to club stats summarized after a round, 10+ rounds, etc. Right now, it looks like Club Stats are only available on a per hole basis. However, on any hole, there's a little Historical View button. When you hit that, it gives you a drop down list giving you about 3 options (last 5 rounds, last 10 rounds or last 20 rounds. Presumably, it'll then show all your shots for that hole for the number of rounds specified. Anyway, so far, I haven't found anything relating to summarized Club Stats. I'd think that wouldn't be too hard for Garmin to address, but I haven't seen anything yet. Nonetheless, this is one cool device! Does everything except improve my putting!!!

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This is how Garmin markets the autoshot feature:


Looks nice, I guess, but I'm not able to get that view in Garmin Connect. Anyone got that nice course view to work? Is it just the usual Garmin vapor ware?

If so, I'll return the watch...


If you had Stat Tracking and Club Tracking turned on, and sync'd your watch with Garmin Connect, when you pull up your round and then pull up the score card for the round, if you click (or maybe it was double-click) on a hole, that hole overview should then be shown. Let me know if you're still having problems getting it to show, and I'll try and be more specific. Hope this helps.


Sadly, NONE of this stuff is in the rather sketchy user manual. Go figure.


Thanks for taking the time to write the review and explanation! :) I actually managed to get that hole view... For some reason the link in Garmin Connect did not work using Safari in OS X. Tried Firefox and I got the view I was looking for! Do any one now if it is possible to trigger a shot manually, so to speak? If the autoshot function does not detect the shot, that would be handy. The experience so far is that, for me, the autoshot function does NOT properly detect small chips, pitches or putting...

I'm having a hard time deciding if the autoshot and stats in Garmin Connect are just gimmicks or actually valuable. As compared to GG, that is. What do you guys think?


Well, I don't know about GG, but after the round is over, if you go to the hole overview you'll see that you can edit a shot and change the club used. Not sure if this is what you're after; just thought I'd mention it.


As per whether the stats are gimmicks or not.....one thing that struck me is that after the round you can go through the round on a hole by hole basis to see results. I was really surprised to see how far, for example, I hit my driver on each hole......and yeah, it was much less than I expected!!! The historical view would be handy too to show you where you tend to miss on a hole -- might provide good insight for how better to play the hole? Hey, this thing isn't going to engender a better swing or anything like that. However, it might help with the course management aspect of the game? Lots of options as to how to use this thing. That said, it's not the end-all, be-all of golf devices.....but it does give you a nice palette of golf stats with little effort.

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This is how Garmin markets the autoshot feature:


Looks nice, I guess, but I'm not able to get that view in Garmin Connect. Anyone got that nice course view to work? Is it just the usual Garmin vapor ware?

If so, I'll return the watch...


You have to into garmin connect, select the course and a scorecard appears. Click on the hole and that view shows up.

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I'll try and chime in on my experience.


I got mine last week, played 2 9's so far.


One gripe I'll get out of the way now is there's no haptic feedback, only a chime, I don't like that.


I charged mine 3? days ago, played 9 holes, bluetooth on and notifications and all that stuff, I'm at 94% battery still.


Shot tracking works ok, a little buggy. A couple swings didn't detect my swing. After a shot is detected a list of clubs will come up, it usually defaults to a club 1 or 2 away from the one I would select. It doesn't start at driver and make you go to Lob Wedge when your 50 yards away. Online I added a few clubs I use that aren't in the default list so I have all mine in there now. The autoshot round analyzer feature doesn't seem to be working yet so really this shot tracking is useless right now. However I'm still trying to use it so when it is available hopefully all the data will be there.


When I get close to the greens the scorecard feature automatically comes up. This annoyed me at first but I'm starting to like it. This way I dont have to go to the menu, select score card, then enter the data. You can select score, putts and fairway hit, left or right. Hazards info is pretty simple to navigate and the pin placement is straight forward.


On the notifications, I'm getting them for my games, clash of clans, boom beach. My email thru gmail, primary messages only which is nice, not the junk email. Messages come up also. There isn't really much detail to the notifications though, it's basically a very short description of the notification so you can see if it's worth checking your phone or not. Also on my Iphone 6s it auto detects when I'm in the car and has learned my habits so it'll give me gps data with route times, this info is sent to my watch also.


Important, You'll need to go into settings on your watch and turn on stat tracking, scoring and club tracking for all the features to work.


I want to try truswing with this also. for $150 it has the potential to be a nice add on but I want to get it from somewhere with a good return policy incase it's just gimmicky.


I had a apple watch with golfshot pro for awhile, the gps was inaccurate on a few holes and the touch screen on the watch would drive me nuts sometimes. So I actually like the buttons on the s20, they have a good feel and respond really well. By the way mine hasn't locked up on me at all. I can't do the course update with garmin express either, I'm sure a update down the road will fix that.


So, so far I like it, nice improvement over the S1 that I was still using, battery seems great. Hopefully the autoshot round analyzer will be available soon, and I'm looking forward to trying truswing with this.


Tink, you said that you got onlne to add/change the default club options. Do you need the TruSwing device to do this?

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Ok, got in 18 today and here's what I found:


- GPS side was spot on, as I expected from Garmin. Verified a couple of times with playing partner using laser, and always within a yard or 2.

- Scorecard took a few holes of getting used to, but was almost automatic. When you approach the green, it switches to score mode and you can enter your score, putts, and fairways hit, missed right or left.

- With Autoshot enabled, after you hit it asks which club you hit. You then walk to your next shot, hit, and it asks you again. I messed this up the first few holes, but got it figured out pretty quickly.

- Was able to get the overhead hole view to show up when I got home and hooked up to Garmin Connect.

- Have not experienced any "freeze-ups" that others were reporting.

- Had 94% battery charge when round started, ended with 77% after 4:15 round with everything turned on (Autoshot, notifications, scoring, etc.)

- I didn't try the "Measure Shot" feature today, but will when I get a chance.

- I did notice 2 holes incorrectly register the par for the hole, and since you still can't apparently do a course software upgrade, hoping that gets corrected soon.


Overall I was very happy with it for the first time out. I saw someone post a few posts back that they could customize their clubs that would show up on the watch for Autoshot. I haven't figured that out, so would appreciate any help from anyone who has been able to do that.

Mizuno GT/ST-180 Dr w/ EvenFlow White 6.0 75
Mizuno GT-180 3wd w/ Tensei CK White 75
TM UDI 1, 3 w/ KBS C-Taper Lite S
TM P770 4-PW w/ TT Tour Concept Satin
TM Milled Grind 52* LB and 58* SB
Odyssey O-Works 7S Tank

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I used mine yesterday in my event. I kept score and auto shot. came home and tried to upload/syncit locked up. All of my stats and info from my G6 are not showing up, over 300 rounds! possibly something with connect and myself? I was also using my G6 for score and GPS and it won't upload either.

Thanks to the other users that are sharing their info with us all!

Jimmy B

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Got mine friday and went out for 9 holes. Then also played 18 holes on both Saturday and Sunday. My findings are almost identical to a previous post.


Very short review:

+ Competent range finder

+ Light, sleek design

+ Responsive and intuitive interface

+ Hazards information

+ Manual score keeping works well


- The "automatic" shot tracking isn't automatic

- The autoshot feature misses quite a few swings (This happened alot!)

- The post round analysis simply isn't there (at least not the fancy map...), or I have not been able to find it.


Now I also saved all 3 scorecards, however when syncing to Garmin Connect, I have absolutely no data available.


No Golf stats, no scorecards, nothing.


That is really disappointing. I made sure to save the round on the watch. Once saved, it showed me all the statistics at the end of the round which was cool, however nothing uploaded back to the Garmin Connect app.

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"- The "automatic" shot tracking isn't automatic

- The autoshot feature misses quite a few swings (This happened alot!)

- The post round analysis simply isn't there (at least not the fancy map...), or I have not been able to find it.


Now I also saved all 3 scorecards, however when syncing to Garmin Connect, I have absolutely no data available."



Not sure if any of this will help, but thought I'd post anyway to see if it helps out djayyy:

- The Autoshot feature is definitely not "automatic" - without placing sensors on each club, not sure how this would be possible. It does do a reasonable job of "guessing" what club might have been used, and you usually only have to scroll up or down once or twice to correct club.

- I've only played one 18 hole round, but mine didn't miss a swing (in fact, a couple of times was asking for a club selection when I hadn't even taken a swing - I ascribed that to hitting a shot, walking a distance, then waiting for someone else to hit, then start walking towards my ball again).

- On the overhead map view for post-round analysis, I have done exactly as another member posted and my round, scorecard, etc. showed up just fine.


I'm not sure if it matters or not, but worth trying for djayyy and jbucher - I assume you both downloaded Garmin Express to your PC? If so, what I did was plug in the watch, then Garmin Express automatically opens (that's a setting I selected during initial installation/setup of the Garmin Express software). Then from within Garmin Express it lists all of the devices you have registered to Express. Select the S20, and it goes into an "auto-sync". Once the sync is finished (less than 20 seconds), you then go into Garmin Connect from the button within Express, and my round, course, scorecard, etc were all there. You then select a scorecard, and click on a specific hole, and the overhead map opens.


I can't explain why jbucher's rounds from G6 disappeared, unless there was some weird combination Connect showing only rounds from the S20, but if none had been synced, nothing would show up? Also will note, my S20 is on software version 2.20, and Express version (you can go to Garmin Express->Settings->About to see what version you have). You might want to try and make sure you have the latest versions of each. This may also help any users who are experiencing "lock-up" issues. As of last night, the course update download still isn't working, but I believe it will still push the latest software version to your watch.


I also set up my watch for "Ask Every Time" for scorecard and shot tracking, which may help, but I'm also thinking that "Ask Every Time" may mean that even if you have those features turned off, it will ask if you want to turn them on while starting a new round?


**edit** If someone who has customized their available clubs can chime in, that would be greatly appreciated! By default it gives you Driver, 3Wd., 5Wd., 3Hy., 4-PW, SW, and LW. Doesn't match my setup at all on upper and lower ends of bag!

Mizuno GT/ST-180 Dr w/ EvenFlow White 6.0 75
Mizuno GT-180 3wd w/ Tensei CK White 75
TM UDI 1, 3 w/ KBS C-Taper Lite S
TM P770 4-PW w/ TT Tour Concept Satin
TM Milled Grind 52* LB and 58* SB
Odyssey O-Works 7S Tank

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Got mine friday and went out for 9 holes. Then also played 18 holes on both Saturday and Sunday. My findings are almost identical to a previous post.


Very short review:

+ Competent range finder

+ Light, sleek design

+ Responsive and intuitive interface

+ Hazards information

+ Manual score keeping works well


- The "automatic" shot tracking isn't automatic

- The autoshot feature misses quite a few swings (This happened alot!)

- The post round analysis simply isn't there (at least not the fancy map...), or I have not been able to find it.


Now I also saved all 3 scorecards, however when syncing to Garmin Connect, I have absolutely no data available.


No Golf stats, no scorecards, nothing.


That is really disappointing. I made sure to save the round on the watch. Once saved, it showed me all the statistics at the end of the round which was cool, however nothing uploaded back to the Garmin Connect app.


"Djayyy": Did you enter the scores manually after each hole? The autoshot feature seems to have nothing to do with the scorecard. Autoshot alone does not prepare a valid scorecard and GC does not recognize the round. That's my theory, anyway!


"Halliedog": When I complained about the autoshot feature not being as automatic as I have hoped it was about scorekeeping, FW percentage and stuff. My expectations may have been all wrong...

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- The Autoshot feature is definitely not "automatic" - without placing sensors on each club, not sure how this would be possible. It does do a reasonable job of "guessing" what club might have been used, and you usually only have to scroll up or down once or twice to correct club.


What I would like to see was my shots tracked, one by one, without any need for user interaction. The selection of club is a fine feature, but I would like it to be optional and not mandatory. One very easy way of solving this would be to let the S20 default to the proposed club after x seconds, if I don't respond to it's proposal. Same with score.


Basically I don't understand the need to confirm something that is already correct. Why do I have to spend my time pressing OK to club selection and to score if it's already OK. I only want to do anything if it's wrong, and if I care about it being wrong.



I also set up my watch for "Ask Every Time" for scorecard and shot tracking, which may help, but I'm also thinking that "Ask Every Time" may mean that even if you have those features turned off, it will ask if you want to turn them on while starting a new round?


What are the alternatives to "Ask Every Time" for the scorecard and shot tracking settings?

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My score cards show up in connect online and in the app. I can see gir, fairways hit and putts. As far as auto club selection on shots, that would suck. I play in Colorado and all club selections are 2 clubs off. Yesterday I hit a 80 yard punch 6 under trees, it wanted to select lob.


If your not seeing data. Make sure activity tracking, stat tracking, club selection and scoring are all set to on.

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My score cards show up in connect online and in the app. I can see gir, fairways hit and putts. As far as auto club selection on shots, that would suck. I play in Colorado and all club selections are 2 clubs off. Yesterday I hit a 80 yard punch 6 under trees, it wanted to select lob.


If your not seeing data. Make sure activity tracking, stat tracking, club selection and scoring are all set to on.


Two rounds now... no data. Software v2.20 and Express v4.1.17.0 No scorecards or golf data whatsoever. Absolutely positive I saw the watch "save" the round.


Edit: Apparently there are 3 course updates available that won't install. Keep getting "There was an error installing the update".


Edit #2: Garmin support says this is a "known issue" and they are working to fix it. No idea when/how. Just keep trying and hopefully it starts working. :(

917 D2 8.50* - Tensei CK Pro White 60
917 F2 13.5* - Rogue Max 70
816 H2 19.0* - D+ Plus 90
716 T-MB (3i, 4i) - Modus 120
716 CB (5-PW) - Modus 120
Hogan TK15 - 49, 55
Edel Deschutes

[url="http://www.golfwrx.com/forums/topic/1457364-pitchinwedges-witb/page__p__15152218#entry15152218"][color=#0000ff][b]Photo WITB[/b][/color][/url]

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This is how Garmin markets the autoshot feature:


Looks nice, I guess, but I'm not able to get that view in Garmin Connect. Anyone got that nice course view to work? Is it just the usual Garmin vapor ware?

If so, I'll return the watch...


You have to into garmin connect, select the course and a scorecard appears. Click on the hole and that view shows up.


Just got off the phone with Garmin customer support. The rep had no idea this feature existed.

917 D2 8.50* - Tensei CK Pro White 60
917 F2 13.5* - Rogue Max 70
816 H2 19.0* - D+ Plus 90
716 T-MB (3i, 4i) - Modus 120
716 CB (5-PW) - Modus 120
Hogan TK15 - 49, 55
Edel Deschutes

[url="http://www.golfwrx.com/forums/topic/1457364-pitchinwedges-witb/page__p__15152218#entry15152218"][color=#0000ff][b]Photo WITB[/b][/color][/url]

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You can edit the club settings in the gear section of Garmin express


There is a tab for clubs and you can add gear and remove.....for some reason though you have to enter shaft length?


So far my experience has been similar to many. I'm impressed with what it offer for the price point.


I think the biggest problem is that not make CH is explained and the software isn't very intuitive...... Having used the running watches in the past this doesn't surprise me and the instructions hardly cover anything


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You can edit the club settings in the gear section of Garmin express


There is a tab for clubs and you can add gear and remove.....for some reason though you have to enter shaft length?


So far my experience has been similar to many. I'm impressed with what it offer for the price point.


I think the biggest problem is that not make CH is explained and the software isn't very intuitive...... Having used the running watches in the past this doesn't surprise me and the instructions hardly cover anything


Just to clarify, the Gear settings is in Garmin Connect, not Express. If you hit the list button in the upper lefthand corner of Connect, one of the tabs presented below it is entitled Gear. The club settings show up when you select that tab/button. Thanks for the insight, Fletch13!!!

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For the one not seeing score cards, did you download the courses in connect? That might be your issue.


Another update on battery. I started today at 82% after walking 18 yesterday. I just played 27 holes walking and I'm at 57% battery left. So I'm guessing 4 rounds on one charge maybe.


update: so after my 27 holes today, I played well, 78 and then 36 on the extra 9, I was really looking forward to looking at my stats and my scorecards aren't loading for today. I like the watch for the battery life, ease of use and accuracy but they need to get the software fixed to be at full potential. I like it, like it a lot, but the "extras" aren't ready yet.

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I'm guessing this is going against most opinions, but this is my first GPS "watch", and for $200 it seems to be pretty spot on for actual GPS readings, has OUTSTANDING battery life, and some (many) additional features (limited activity tracking, Autoshot, which is working for me, smart notifications for texts/calls).


Sure it's not perfect at this point, but seems it could be pretty awesome with a software/firmware update or 2. It was rushed to market, and they probably should've spent more time in R/D and testing the software. Then again, I'm much more happy with this the "way it is" than I would have been paying $150-$170 for an S2/S3 from a retailer. According to some posts in this topic, they are aware they have some software issues, and are working on them. I'm willing to give them some time, since they (the same engineers) are probably also trying to figure out glitches with G10 and TruSwing. I seriously doubt this even functions with TruSwing at this point, since TruSwing hasn't even been officially released yet. I think they have most of the stuff in place for this watch to work as advertised, but want to tweak things to make sure it will work properly with TruSwing whenever they roll that out.


To each their own, but I'm happy with it as is, and will be patient (for a month or so!) for them to roll out a new software version.


Also, thanks to the guys who posted how to customize your clubs within Connect - will try shortly.

Mizuno GT/ST-180 Dr w/ EvenFlow White 6.0 75
Mizuno GT-180 3wd w/ Tensei CK White 75
TM UDI 1, 3 w/ KBS C-Taper Lite S
TM P770 4-PW w/ TT Tour Concept Satin
TM Milled Grind 52* LB and 58* SB
Odyssey O-Works 7S Tank

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All thanks for the replies, much appreciated.

Ok, so I went and played another 9 holes last night after work. Definitely saved the scorecard, watch showed me all the stats from the round. I have synced it this morning following Halliedog's recommended way and nothing, no scorecards, no golf data nothing.


The autoshot possibly picks up around 50% of my shots which to be honest i'm not particularly worried about. But not syncing the scorecards is annoying. I also downgraded my Garmin Express app to as it was on but that has made no difference either unfortunately.


I do also have Activity Tracking, Stat tracking and club tracking enabled.


Thinking about taking it back as i'm concerned it may be faulty?

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All thanks for the replies, much appreciated.

Ok, so I went and played another 9 holes last night after work. Definitely saved the scorecard, watch showed me all the stats from the round. I have synced it this morning following Halliedog's recommended way and nothing, no scorecards, no golf data nothing.


The autoshot possibly picks up around 50% of my shots which to be honest i'm not particularly worried about. But not syncing the scorecards is annoying. I also downgraded my Garmin Express app to as it was on but that has made no difference either unfortunately.


I do also have Activity Tracking, Stat tracking and club tracking enabled.


Thinking about taking it back as i'm concerned it may be faulty?


Sorry to hear that. At the time I posted, I didn't realize they had a newer version of Express, that's why I said it worked with I just upgraded mine to and was still able to sync. I don't have any new scorecards to sync, but was able to sync my updated club list from Connect.


Seems like maybe you did get a faulty unit if you are not picking up 50% of your shots. If everything is indeed turned on during your round, which it sounds like it is. I still can't update course info, and noticed mine is using Red tees for Par on my scorecard, and I always play White or Blue, so will be contacting support today to inquire about this. I'll ask about your situation as well and report back.

Mizuno GT/ST-180 Dr w/ EvenFlow White 6.0 75
Mizuno GT-180 3wd w/ Tensei CK White 75
TM UDI 1, 3 w/ KBS C-Taper Lite S
TM P770 4-PW w/ TT Tour Concept Satin
TM Milled Grind 52* LB and 58* SB
Odyssey O-Works 7S Tank

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An update just got "pushed" to my S20. Software version is 2.30 and Express is Express now shows everything up to date with Coverage of N and S America 4.90, etc.


Started a new round of golf and then saved it. Opened Garmin Connect, and voila, a new scorecard now showed up. All data for previous rounds that I wanted to see are gone. Hopefully the golf data keeps working now.

917 D2 8.50* - Tensei CK Pro White 60
917 F2 13.5* - Rogue Max 70
816 H2 19.0* - D+ Plus 90
716 T-MB (3i, 4i) - Modus 120
716 CB (5-PW) - Modus 120
Hogan TK15 - 49, 55
Edel Deschutes

[url="http://www.golfwrx.com/forums/topic/1457364-pitchinwedges-witb/page__p__15152218#entry15152218"][color=#0000ff][b]Photo WITB[/b][/color][/url]

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This is how Garmin markets the autoshot feature:


Looks nice, I guess, but I'm not able to get that view in Garmin Connect. Anyone got that nice course view to work? Is it just the usual Garmin vapor ware?

If so, I'll return the watch...


You have to into garmin connect, select the course and a scorecard appears. Click on the hole and that view shows up.


Just got off the phone with Garmin customer support. The rep had no idea this feature existed.


I didn't actually play golf but started and stopped a round to see how this works. Unfortunately, I was unable to get to this view.


I clicked on the scorecard and it displays the Hole, Par, You, and Round Stats. The dark green row at the top titled, "Hole" is simply text. There are no links to anything. Matter of fact, there are no hyperlinks or links of any kind other than "You" on this scorecard screen.


Has anyone else been able to get arial images of the holes played? Maybe I just need to play a real round for the data to populate? My screen looks like this:

917 D2 8.50* - Tensei CK Pro White 60
917 F2 13.5* - Rogue Max 70
816 H2 19.0* - D+ Plus 90
716 T-MB (3i, 4i) - Modus 120
716 CB (5-PW) - Modus 120
Hogan TK15 - 49, 55
Edel Deschutes

[url="http://www.golfwrx.com/forums/topic/1457364-pitchinwedges-witb/page__p__15152218#entry15152218"][color=#0000ff][b]Photo WITB[/b][/color][/url]

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This is how Garmin markets the autoshot feature:


Looks nice, I guess, but I'm not able to get that view in Garmin Connect. Anyone got that nice course view to work? Is it just the usual Garmin vapor ware?

If so, I'll return the watch...


You have to into garmin connect, select the course and a scorecard appears. Click on the hole and that view shows up.


Just got off the phone with Garmin customer support. The rep had no idea this feature existed.


I didn't actually play golf but started and stopped a round to see how this works. Unfortunately, I was unable to get to this view.


I clicked on the scorecard and it displays the Hole, Par, You, and Round Stats. The dark green row at the top titled, "Hole" is simply text. There are no links to anything. Matter of fact, there are no hyperlinks or links of any kind other than "You" on this scorecard screen.


Has anyone else been able to get arial images of the holes played? Maybe I just need to play a real round for the data to populate? My screen looks like this:


I emailed garmin support. They're working on it was the official answer.

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I just got off the phone with Garmin support, and would highly recommend anyone having issues to call them. They are very courteous and seem like they genuinely want to help. Their call center is 1-800-800-1020 and their hours are 8-6 M-Th and 8-5 F C.S.T.


pitchinwedge: I think you probably have to have actually tracked some shots for them to show up on the card/hole overview like pictured in the marketing, i.e. hit a shot and select a club, then proceed to next location, etc. My round I played Sunday with shot tracking turned on shows up perfectly.


djayyy: I told them I had a buddy whose watch was only picking up about 50% of his shots, and was also having trouble getting anything to upload to Express/Connect. They said it was possible the unit was faulty, but urged me to have you call them prior to returning. They said they would work with you as long as it took to get it resolved or get you a new unit.


joergensen: I was told that "On" means it stays on even if not playing a round. If you turn it off for some reason when not playing, "Always Ask" will prompt you every time you start a new round whether or not to turn it on. It has nothing to do with in-round selections, just a reminder to turn it on if you have it off at the start of a round. I'm not sure of the benefit of using "Always Ask" over just leaving it "On" all the time is, unless it maybe eats a little more battery in standard watch mode.


A few things I have them working on that I noticed from my round Sunday:


- The course I played has 2 holes with different pars from the Red tees vs. the Golds, Whites, and Blues. The scorecard used the Reds, which I never play, so it showed I made a bogey 4 on a Par 3, which is actually a Par 4 from the Whites, and also made a par 5 on a Par 5, which is actually a Par 4 from the Whites. I explained to him, and we both agreed that their should be an option to select which set of tees you are playing when starting a round.

- On number 10, I pulled my drive dangerously close to OB, but it hit a few pine trees and none of us saw it come down. My autoshot asked what club and I said driver. I then hit a provisional, and it again asked what club and I again selected driver. Still not sure which shot it used, although I guess I could go in and look at the hole in the scorecard/hole overview and see what it registered. He said that was a good question on how it handles provisionals and penalty shots, and he didn't have the answer, but would get back to me. What happens if you hit you ball in the middle of a lake? You obviously can't go stand next to it, so how does it record where the shot went to show in the hole overview or record it as a penalty?


Anyway, if you have a problem or general question, I'd definitely call them up. They seem like good people, and calls are handled in the U.S. with no time on hold, not sent to a call center in India with Habeeb asking you questions in broken English that you can't understand. (No offense to India or Habeeb, but it sucks to wait on hold for 20 minutes to get someone with English as their 3rd language)

Mizuno GT/ST-180 Dr w/ EvenFlow White 6.0 75
Mizuno GT-180 3wd w/ Tensei CK White 75
TM UDI 1, 3 w/ KBS C-Taper Lite S
TM P770 4-PW w/ TT Tour Concept Satin
TM Milled Grind 52* LB and 58* SB
Odyssey O-Works 7S Tank

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Finally received mine. Won't be able to test the golf side of things until at least Sunday, but so far, so good.


Really the only snag I've hit was that Connect claims I have an update available (The Americas course update) yet when I try to install, it tells me that I don't have enough room.


Mine arrived today and Im having the same issue.

TSR2 10* w/Atmos TS 60X

Sim2 Max 18*

Sim2 Max 4h

T-200 3i
Apex/Apex Pro Smoke '19 blend 5i-PW
SM8 50*
SM8 58*
Meridian Tybee

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