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Hurricane Harvey


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I just read it is up to 11 trillion...and would fill Lake Michigan!


168 million gallons a minute overflowing the Lake Houston spillway.


Some on the left are saying Texas deserved it for supporting Trump. One was a university professor, who was promptly fired by the university.


The images I have seen show people helping people. I am very impressed with the folks of Texas, their resiliency, and their willingness to help one another under the most trying conditions, regardless of color, creed, or politics. This is the kind of thing that makes me proud to be an American.


Semper Fi!


Ditto Sean.


Lost in all of this is the fact that once the water recedes the real work and the real challenges will begin.


Water borne diseases such as cholera, typhus, West Nile, and the like will start popping up.


Tetanus will run short from injuries in the debris - better have plenty of those inoculations around.




And the clean-up and rebuilding.


This one is going to be a marathon and not a sprint. But as I said before it sure seems to me that "Don't Mess With Texas" really does apply and this incredible state and its people are up to the task. With a little help from their friends that is. (Florida Fish and Game took 60 boats; USAR Team 3 out of Tampa is there - and I am sure there are others)

The very best of this great nation comes out in times like this. I truly feel sorrow for anyone who cannot see and appreciate that.


Don't know if you actively served or not, but I've read enough of your posts to know you're a great dude and currently serve in your day to day. Thank you to you as well!


And you're not wrong. I stated earlier that the tales of widespread looting ala N.O. are not out there. This is a community that is close knit and truly looking out for each other. I'm not knocking N.O. But this feels different. I'm sure there's crappy people doing crappy things just like in all other areas of life. I hate city life but if I had to live in a major metro area I'd be ok with living there. There's a ton more good things going on than bad, and this is the worst time this place has ever encountered. I've never set foot there but I know beyond a shadow, you don't mess with Texas. It's the America that I know and love. Don't read this as political, it's not. But that's one nice country they have down there and despite the disaster I'm still jealous. Help and support them where and when you can, but know that after this long road back they'll be ok. Probably better than ok.


The Chief of Police of Houston made no bones about what would happen to looters. A real zero tolerance policy.

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I just read it is up to 11 trillion...and would fill Lake Michigan!


168 million gallons a minute overflowing the Lake Houston spillway.


Some on the left are saying Texas deserved it for supporting Trump. One was a university professor, who was promptly fired by the university.


The images I have seen show people helping people. I am very impressed with the folks of Texas, their resiliency, and their willingness to help one another under the most trying conditions, regardless of color, creed, or politics. This is the kind of thing that makes me proud to be an American.


Semper Fi!


Ditto Sean.


Lost in all of this is the fact that once the water recedes the real work and the real challenges will begin.


Water borne diseases such as cholera, typhus, West Nile, and the like will start popping up.


Tetanus will run short from injuries in the debris - better have plenty of those inoculations around.




And the clean-up and rebuilding.


This one is going to be a marathon and not a sprint. But as I said before it sure seems to me that "Don't Mess With Texas" really does apply and this incredible state and its people are up to the task. With a little help from their friends that is. (Florida Fish and Game took 60 boats; USAR Team 3 out of Tampa is there - and I am sure there are others)

The very best of this great nation comes out in times like this. I truly feel sorrow for anyone who cannot see and appreciate that.


I was wondering about the "after storm" aftermath too...especially those water born diseases you mentioned. That water won't be going away over night. Not to mention: 4 out of 5 homeowners don't have flood insurance. And what about jobs they can't get back to? And, schools they can't go to? The elderly? The list is endless. However, there seems to be a determination, and resiliency that will not only see these people through all this, but perhaps be an important lesson for us all.

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They showed a stat on local DC news. The amount of rain that has fallen is equal to all the water in the Chesapeake Bay. Wow.


This is heartbreaking to watch. The people in Texas will be in recovery for many, many years. I bet many leave and relocate.


That won't happen!


I agree. If anything, it will bring people closer together. All that nonsense, for example, CNN criticizing the shoe Mrs. Trump wore, will be seen as just that: nonsense. I see a young black man with dreadlocks helping an old white man walk through the water, or a white man carrying a mother and child "of color". When it comes down to it, we are all just people. I hope the dividers quietly go away.

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For those that know the Houston area, I'm in Baytown. For those that don't, I live about 30 minutes east of downtown houston, where Exxon was started and has one of the (if not the) largest refineries in the country. My house is a little over 1/4 mile from one of the hardest hit neighborhoods in this city. There is a Bayou that runs by that neighborhood, and it completely swallowed it. The neighborhood between us and that one flooded quite bad as well. My neighborhood got hit hard, but thankfully our house was spared. Our friends on the street behind us weren't so lucky, they flooded out overnight. We managed to avoid taking on water and somehow kept our power. Our neighbor has been here for 26 years and has never seen water cover the street. I launched my kayak from my driveway this morning and paddled down to the hard hit neighborhood to check on some friends. They had 30" of water in their house when they were evacuated by boat earlier today. At one point today, a boat came down my street. The only way in or out of our area today has been by boat.


My brother and his wife & 2 kids lost their house. He was stuck at work for 3 days (at Exxon) while his wife and kids were stranded in their flooding house. They too were rescued by boat yesterday and are safe at my mom's now.


The devastation is unimaginable. Seeing it on tv sucks (our cable went out Saturday, so Facebook has been the only place I've seen pictures), but seeing it in person is a whole different ballgame. I was sitting in my kayak in about 5 feet of water in someone's front yard today, holding on to a tree while 2 rescue boats passed, and it was a numb feeling. A neighborhood that has been here for 60+ years is destroyed. Thousands of people in that neighborhood no longer have homes to go to. And that is just one neighborhood in one town. I paddled past a truck parked in the street and could only see about 3 inches of the roof.


This will be a very long and hard road to recovery for this area. I've been here for 36 of my 37 years and have never seen anything like this. Ike was bad, Allison in 03 was bad. This is far worse than either. Please keep everyone in your thoughts and if you can spare anything, please donate to help. JJ Watt has a donation fund set up. Gallery Furniture probably has one. Those 2 are the only organizations I would trust to put all of the money into the relief efforts. Jim Mackinvale (or however you spell his name, Mattress Mac as those in Houston know him) has opened both of his furniture stores as shelters. Families, first responders and national guard are currently sleeping on his display furniture. He is a life long Houston resident and does more for the city than more could imagine.


Best of luck to you and yours! When I watch the coverage on television, I know it cannot even begin to do justice to what is actually happening there. Empathetically trying to place myself in the shoes of those who are there, what they must be thinking, feeling, and wondering, is heart wrenching to say the least. I find your courage, resiliency, and hard work to be extremely admirable.

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They showed a stat on local DC news. The amount of rain that has fallen is equal to all the water in the Chesapeake Bay. Wow.


This is heartbreaking to watch. The people in Texas will be in recovery for many, many years. I bet many leave and relocate.


That won't happen!


I agree. If anything, it will bring people closer together. All that nonsense, for example, CNN criticizing the shoe Mrs. Trump wore, will be seen as just that: nonsense. I see a young black man with dreadlocks helping an old white man walk through the water, or a white man carrying a mother and child "of color". When it comes down to it, we are all just people. I hope the dividers quietly go away.


Well said Sean...

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I'm on the west side of houston in katy. The rains have finally stopped but the releases of water from the reservoirs around here are causing houses that didn't flood during the downpours to flood out now. It might take a week or more for this water to recede!

We had water up to our front door on Sunday night when it wouldn't stop dumping rain all day. Half my neighborhood had water in their homes but has since went down. It's the scariest thing to watch water just back up your entire driveway. Told my wife and kids to get everything upstairs and off the floor and pack a bag in case we have to leave.

Roadways are finally opening up but a lot of the city is still hard to get around. Words truly cannot express the things we've seen here.

With the sun finally coming out yesterday, we took our golf cart out to see how the course fared. There are a lot of downed tree branches and silt over the cart path but it doesn't look too bad. It's playable later today or tomorrow granted it hasn't been mowed.


And neither can television coverage. Best of luck!

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There are so many places to give to help out, so this is just an example, your choice, you can give as little as $10, and a lot of them take PayPal, it's very easy, no other info needed, they won't hound you for more.


Also, not giving doesn't mean you don't care of course, you wouldn't be reading this thread if you didn't :)




Thanks for posting this. :-)

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I just read it is up to 11 trillion...and would fill Lake Michigan!


168 million gallons a minute overflowing the Lake Houston spillway.


Some on the left are saying Texas deserved it for supporting Trump. One was a university professor, who was promptly fired by the university.


The images I have seen show people helping people. I am very impressed with the folks of Texas, their resiliency, and their willingness to help one another under the most trying conditions, regardless of color, creed, or politics. This is the kind of thing that makes me proud to be an American.


Semper Fi!

Hope you realize and remember that plenty on the right have said various natural disasters over the years were due to people "turning away from god" or being gay or some other such nonsense.

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I was out for a walk last night after work and we have a retention basin near us that holds rain water coming down the desert washes from the mountains behind us. I was sitting there trying to correlate just how much rain has fallen in Houston. That basin would be nearly 4-5 feet deep with an inch of rain over 24 hours. If we had back to back storms it would be overhead. I also heard another stat that Houston received more rain from this storm than Phoenix has had in the last 5 years. It is mind blowing.


Thoughts are with all the WRX'ers and everyone else in the impacted areas.


It has been declared the greatest natural disaster in the history of the United States. Yes, mind blowing indeed.

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I just read it is up to 11 trillion...and would fill Lake Michigan!


168 million gallons a minute overflowing the Lake Houston spillway.


Some on the left are saying Texas deserved it for supporting Trump. One was a university professor, who was promptly fired by the university.


The images I have seen show people helping people. I am very impressed with the folks of Texas, their resiliency, and their willingness to help one another under the most trying conditions, regardless of color, creed, or politics. This is the kind of thing that makes me proud to be an American.


Semper Fi!

Hope you realize and remember that plenty on the right have said various natural disasters over the years were due to people "turning away from god" or being gay or some other such nonsense.


Yes, whack jobs, not college professors, and other professionals who should know better. And, this is a disaster of truly Biblical proportions. Our hearts, minds, and prayers should be with everyone who is going through this right now.

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I just read it is up to 11 trillion...and would fill Lake Michigan!


168 million gallons a minute overflowing the Lake Houston spillway.


Some on the left are saying Texas deserved it for supporting Trump. One was a university professor, who was promptly fired by the university.


The images I have seen show people helping people. I am very impressed with the folks of Texas, their resiliency, and their willingness to help one another under the most trying conditions, regardless of color, creed, or politics. This is the kind of thing that makes me proud to be an American.


Semper Fi!

Hope you realize and remember that plenty on the right have said various natural disasters over the years were due to people "turning away from god" or being gay or some other such nonsense.


Yes, whack jobs, not college professors, and other professionals who should know better. And, this is a disaster of truly Biblical proportions. Our hearts, minds, and prayers should be with everyone who is going through this right now.

Does "whack jobs" include TV "evangelists"?

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I just read it is up to 11 trillion...and would fill Lake Michigan!


168 million gallons a minute overflowing the Lake Houston spillway.


Some on the left are saying Texas deserved it for supporting Trump. One was a university professor, who was promptly fired by the university.


The images I have seen show people helping people. I am very impressed with the folks of Texas, their resiliency, and their willingness to help one another under the most trying conditions, regardless of color, creed, or politics. This is the kind of thing that makes me proud to be an American.


Semper Fi!

Hope you realize and remember that plenty on the right have said various natural disasters over the years were due to people "turning away from god" or being gay or some other such nonsense.


Yes, whack jobs, not college professors, and other professionals who should know better. And, this is a disaster of truly Biblical proportions. Our hearts, minds, and prayers should be with everyone who is going through this right now.

Does "whack jobs" include TV "evangelists"?




What, are you now measuring who's [expletive deleted] is bigger? I suppose you think the Antifa is a peace group, and CNN is the arbiter of truth. lol

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I just read it is up to 11 trillion...and would fill Lake Michigan!


168 million gallons a minute overflowing the Lake Houston spillway.


Some on the left are saying Texas deserved it for supporting Trump. One was a university professor, who was promptly fired by the university.


The images I have seen show people helping people. I am very impressed with the folks of Texas, their resiliency, and their willingness to help one another under the most trying conditions, regardless of color, creed, or politics. This is the kind of thing that makes me proud to be an American.


Semper Fi!

Hope you realize and remember that plenty on the right have said various natural disasters over the years were due to people "turning away from god" or being gay or some other such nonsense.


Yes, whack jobs, not college professors, and other professionals who should know better. And, this is a disaster of truly Biblical proportions. Our hearts, minds, and prayers should be with everyone who is going through this right now.

Does "whack jobs" include TV "evangelists"?




What, are you now measuring who's [expletive deleted] is bigger? I suppose you think the Antifa is a peace group, and CNN is the arbiter of truth. lol

You brought politics into it. I'm not of the mood to let you people get away with spewing nonsense.

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I thought this was pretty funny:




They showed a stat on local DC news. The amount of rain that has fallen is equal to all the water in the Chesapeake Bay. Wow.


This is heartbreaking to watch. The people in Texas will be in recovery for many, many years. I bet many leave and relocate.


That won't happen!


I agree. If anything, it will bring people closer together. All that nonsense, for example, CNN criticizing the shoe Mrs. Trump wore, will be seen as just that: nonsense. I see a young black man with dreadlocks helping an old white man walk through the water, or a white man carrying a mother and child "of color". When it comes down to it, we are all just people. I hope the dividers quietly go away.


Well said Sean...


Thank you!

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