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i don't know about all of you guys, but this p90x was ridiculously tough, basically impossibe, the very first workout was chest and back, and throughout the first workout they ended up doing around 80 pullups and like 200 pushups, i dont personally know anyone who can do that, i think i can do 5 pullups, anyway, they do give you resistence band alternatives for every exercise, i got mine free online, if you plan on following exactly what the trainers do in p90x, all i can say is, good luck to you

Ping G425 Max 9*

Ping G425 Max 14.5*

Ping G425 17* & 19*

Titleist T100 4-6

Titleist 620MB 7-PW

Cleveland RTX Zipcore 52* & 58*

Odyssey White Hot OG 7s

Sun Mountain Mid Stripe

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need some exercise to stretch and strengthen my shoulder. I'm always injuring it playing football.. so you guys think this will help or hurt my throwing motion? I want to get stronger but not bulk up. How intense are the core exercises?




get some tubing and some small weights(they 1-10 lbs in one pound increments). Rehab your shoulder and strengthen it first before committing to something as intense as hard circuit training, you will better off in the long run and not to get bored you can strengthen your hips knees, etc and really be ready to hit it hard, improve your balance, etc.

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less then 45 degrees? That means barely any knee bend... lunges are usually performed to about 45 degrees right?


Lunges are typically done to 90 degree knee bend. Think of a straight leg as 0 degrees. When you are sitting in a chair, your knee bend is close to 90 degrees. So 45 degrees is halfway between these.


i don't know about all of you guys, but this p90x was ridiculously tough, basically impossibe, the very first workout was chest and back, and throughout the first workout they ended up doing around 80 pullups and like 200 pushups, i dont personally know anyone who can do that, i think i can do 5 pullups, anyway, they do give you resistence band alternatives for every exercise, i got mine free online, if you plan on following exactly what the trainers do in p90x, all i can say is, good luck to you


The point isn't to copy exactly what they are doing, it is to try your best. You do what you can and over time you will be able to do more. Yes, you do have to push yourself if you want to build strength and endurance.

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if your just trying to do your best than it isn't wise to spend 100 bucks on this program, i don't need 100 dollars out of my pocket to go from 3 pullups to 10 pullups, am i wrong?

Ping G425 Max 9*

Ping G425 Max 14.5*

Ping G425 17* & 19*

Titleist T100 4-6

Titleist 620MB 7-PW

Cleveland RTX Zipcore 52* & 58*

Odyssey White Hot OG 7s

Sun Mountain Mid Stripe

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I do think you are wrong. Like you put it, going from 3 pullups to 10 pullups is a huge improvement that will show itself in many ways. You will feel and be stronger. You will have more energy. You're golf game will improve. Yes, this style of working out is not for everyone. Maybe you would rather be in a gym or workout with a trainer. Then do that. But this workout program will work for everyone. You just have to put the effort into it. It's not one of the workouts that promises to get you in shape with little effort. It uses the proven method of hard work over time to build strength and lose fat. No magic pill.


Let's also put the price in perspective. You will spend this much money for 2-3 months membership to a gym. You will spend this much for a couple of sessions with a trainer. You spend a little less than this on a single wedge. You spend this much in less than a month on greens fees. You spend 3 times this on a driver. Really, it's not that expensive, unless you don't do the workout.


If this type of workout is not for you, then don't do it. But if it is, it will work.

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if you get through this program, more power to you, i just dont think you need a 150 dollar dvd to get in golf shape, proper diet and exercise should do the trick

Ping G425 Max 9*

Ping G425 Max 14.5*

Ping G425 17* & 19*

Titleist T100 4-6

Titleist 620MB 7-PW

Cleveland RTX Zipcore 52* & 58*

Odyssey White Hot OG 7s

Sun Mountain Mid Stripe

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Well I ordered P90X this weekend and they say it shipped today.


I agree with the comment that this program isn't needed to get in shape for golf. This goes beyond getting in better shape for golf. The time commitment is large but the results appear to be worth it.


I will say that reading some of the P90X forums makes me wonder how much koolaid some people have been drinking...


Maybe we should start a Golfwrx thread on their message board... All I know if my day 0 picture is gonna be embarrasing.

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I think i'm going to order this, I have dumbells but was wondering if the resistence band is needed or if its preferred? If so, any recommendations on which brand?

The same goes for the pull up bars, does any of the p90x vets out there have a preference in which bar to buy? Ive seen a few different models on ebay.


Have a look.








the second one looks more heavy duty and provide more space for the hands/arms.

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they both say p90x pull up bar. The second one just looks a little more sturdy and looks alittle wider for the wider pull ups. The first one looks a little tight with the hand position.


I wanted to stay away from the wall one that mounts to the frame in the wall bc the wife would kill me if she saw that permanently stuck to the wall/ceiling. :o

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The pull up bars should just have brackets that mount into the wall. The bar itself can be removed when not using. How else would you close your door?


Some of the door pullup bars don't have any mounting hardware. They rely on friction and your door frame to stay in place. Kinda slick. My only problem is I don't think I have any doors in my house that can be used with that type. So I'll have to mount one to my ceiling.

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i just did the first day of p90x which was chest and back plus ab ripper x. holy **** im hoping every day isn't like that! there was some exercises in ab ripper x i physically could not do because of leg and hip flexibility issues but i did my best. as far as the chest and back that was pretty brutal as well.

Ping G400 Max 9* Tensei Pro Orange 70TX
Ping G400 3 crossover Alta stiff
Callaway Apex 4-SW recoil 780 stiff
Cleveland cbx 60* recoil stiff
Biomech Acculock
Snell MTB Black

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i just did the first day of p90x which was chest and back plus ab ripper x. holy **** im hoping every day isn't like that! there was some exercises in ab ripper x i physically could not do because of leg and hip flexibility issues but i did my best. as far as the chest and back that was pretty brutal as well.



I actually like chest and back, but abb ripper is "interesting". I find the really first hard one is yoga. Good luck, I'll be restarting on the 1st

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  • 2 weeks later...

just a little update on how i am doing on p90x.


i really like the plyometrics, legs and back, kenpo x, and ab ripper x workouts so far.


i do not like the shoulders and arms workout whatsoever. furthermore since i am trying to get into golf shape even though i like the chest and back workout it seems like it would be detrimental to a good golf swing so i will only do that every once in a while to shock the muscles.


for some reason neither of my 2 computers will play yoga x or stretch x at the moment, too bad because i am guessing these would be great for golf.


instead of going full out on the chest, arms and shoulders workouts i will mix in a few of the workouts i like from the dvds, but mostly be working on my forearms and using weighted clubs during the days i should be doing those dvds.

Ping G400 Max 9* Tensei Pro Orange 70TX
Ping G400 3 crossover Alta stiff
Callaway Apex 4-SW recoil 780 stiff
Cleveland cbx 60* recoil stiff
Biomech Acculock
Snell MTB Black

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Provx, what don't you like about the shoulders and arms workout? Also, while chest might not be all THAT important for golf, back is essential. At least do some rowing type exercises and maybe some lat pulldown stuff. Back is important I think. I also want to do some lighter chest work. I don't think getting bulky in the chest would be good for golf, but it doesn't look like P90x is designed to build that unwanted bulk anyway. I could be wrong of course.


I bought the DVDs a few months ago and let them gather dust until just the other day. Now I'm wanting to commit to a fitness routine and am considering dusting off P90x. Just to try it, I put X-Stretch in the DVD player and did that yesterday morning. It was GREAT.


P90x seems like an excellent program. I watched a friend do a few of the workouts and it seemed pretty intense. I used to do Body for Life and really liked that program. P90x has the advantage of not having to leave home. BFL has the advantage of being a bit more customizable (like for golf).


Both programs are kind of similar in how long they take (about an hour a day, 6 days a week). I'm still toying with the idea of building a more golf specific BFL program and doing that....hmm...that might deserve its own thread though.

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i just think most the workouts in shoulder and arms "stupid." i really like the chair dips and the two angle shoulder flys, but most the others are either detrimental for golf or hard to me to do because of my lack of flexibility. so it probably isn't a bad workout but for me it is useless.


i do agree that rows and lat pulldowns are good, i have a lat machine that gets good use, and i really like to rows with resistance bands; however, i broke all my bands :/ thats what i get for going to target i guess.

Ping G400 Max 9* Tensei Pro Orange 70TX
Ping G400 3 crossover Alta stiff
Callaway Apex 4-SW recoil 780 stiff
Cleveland cbx 60* recoil stiff
Biomech Acculock
Snell MTB Black

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Provx, what don't you like about the shoulders and arms workout? Also, while chest might not be all THAT important for golf, back is essential. At least do some rowing type exercises and maybe some lat pulldown stuff. Back is important I think. I also want to do some lighter chest work. I don't think getting bulky in the chest would be good for golf, but it doesn't look like P90x is designed to build that unwanted bulk anyway. I could be wrong of course.


I bought the DVDs a few months ago and let them gather dust until just the other day. Now I'm wanting to commit to a fitness routine and am considering dusting off P90x. Just to try it, I put X-Stretch in the DVD player and did that yesterday morning. It was GREAT.


P90x seems like an excellent program. I watched a friend do a few of the workouts and it seemed pretty intense. I used to do Body for Life and really liked that program. P90x has the advantage of not having to leave home. BFL has the advantage of being a bit more customizable (like for golf).


Both programs are kind of similar in how long they take (about an hour a day, 6 days a week). I'm still toying with the idea of building a more golf specific BFL program and doing that....hmm...that might deserve its own thread though.


I too have done BFL and just started P90X. It has only been two weeks with P90X, but I feel better when hitting the golf ball. I am thinking that it is just because of a change of pace with the workouts and hitting muscles a little differently. You are correct, the X-Stretch is awesome, as is the YogaX.


You do have a good idea for creating a BFL/Golf specific routine, that has real potential :good: .

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Not sure about flexablity in the schedule. Part of it is commiting to a workout that your going to do. Do it and you'll get results. My problem would be altering the workout, then I'ld be skipping workouts. I just find it easier to commit and bit the bullet.

I agree. Don't alter the program. And don't second guess a bunch of professional trainers who put this together. After the first few days I was questioning some of the workouts, complaining about this and that. I'm starting my 10th week tomorrow, and I'm glad I sucked it up and just "pushed play". Those of you just started recently will know what I mean after just a couple of weeks.

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OK, I bit, and ordered it last week. It arrived last night and at 6:00 AM this morning I started the "Lean" version. The first DVD was Core Snynergistics, and man, did it beat up this out of shape 57-year old. I did what I could and will get up tomorrow morning and hit "play" for the Cardio X workout. It was hard, this morning, but I felt I really accomplished something, and oh yeah, the recovery formula tasted really good.


I am really embarrased by how out of shape I let myself get, but I am determined to make it through the entire program. One good thing, though, after busting my butt like that, I have no desire to ruin it by eating a Hershey Bar.

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OK, I bit, and ordered it last week. It arrived last night and at 6:00 AM this morning I started the "Lean" version. The first DVD was Core Snynergistics, and man, did it beat up this out of shape 57-year old. I did what I could and will get up tomorrow morning and hit "play" for the Cardio X workout. It was hard, this morning, but I felt I really accomplished something, and oh yeah, the recovery formula tasted really good.


I am really embarrased by how out of shape I let myself get, but I am determined to make it through the entire program. One good thing, though, after busting my butt like that, I have no desire to ruin it by eating a Hershey Bar.


It is a rough one. Did you become the banana?

Cobra Fly Z+ 8.5* w/ Diamana D+ 70x
Tour Edge CB Pro 14.5* w/ Speeder 757x
Mizuno MP-H4 2i w/ C-Taper 130
Cobra Fly Z+ 3i-5i w/ C-Taper 130
Cobra Fly Z Pro 6-PW w/ C-Taper 130
Callaway MD2 50*/S and 56*/T
Bettinardi Sabbatini Flow Neck Proto
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