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NEW Monte Power Shift Video - Wow!


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16 minutes ago, Ex Blade User said:

So then the shot in the right is zoomed in different like I said. It’s not debateable that the trees are different in the background because of the different zoom levels but that keeps the lines the same. It’s not a personal attack dude.


Did you watch the video? It's not zoomed in at all. The camera does not move, the camera does not zoom. Nothing changes in the video — I scroll the still frame of the video left or right in Analyzr (the middle splitter can move, too). The points I marked on the left are the same on the right. I'm not taking it as a personal attack — I'm taking it as you not knowing what you're talking about.


16 minutes ago, Ex Blade User said:

and still I said hips square with shoulders and ball at impact….that’s crystal clear


Again, it was unclear, and the evidence of that was how many people showed you pictures of golfers with their shoulders square to closed at impact.


16 minutes ago, Ex Blade User said:

except your need to be “right”. 


That's rich coming from a guy who keeps arguing about a camera. 🤪

Edited by iacas

Erik J. Barzeski | Erie, PA

GEARS • GCQuad MAX/FlightScope • SwingCatalyst/BodiTrak

I like the truth and facts. I don't deal in magic grits: 29. #FeelAintReal


"Golf is the only game in which a precise knowledge of the rules can earn one a reputation for bad sportsmanship." — Pat Campbell

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I think Power Shift may be already starting to help me. I've been doing the wall drill off and on throughout my day and it feels like I may be using a more correct shift at times on the course. I will not say I'm doing it completely right but better than in the past. It's still very sporadic, I'm pretty sure most swing still have my normal slide in it but when it feels like I get more pressure left the ball just takes off.


The biggest change I have noticed is with irons. I'm hitting very high baby draws that are going further than normal for me. No more weak push fades. I think this is the best Monte video for my game to date. I'm very excited to see what kind of improvement happens with my ball striking as I devote more time and energy into these drills. 

Edited by bortass
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I'll hide what should be embarrassing to EBU below in a spoiler and just leave that video up there. The one he repeatedly insists (this time because he "works in photography") "zooms" or moves or something.



23 minutes ago, Ex Blade User said:

So just revert to a whole post of personal attacks

Uhhh, no. Nothing I said is a personal attack unless pointing out a fact to you is both "personal" and "attacking."


23 minutes ago, Ex Blade User said:

the photo you posted is now with circles any one with eyes can tell the edges with the trees are DIFFERENT.


Did you watch the video I posted? You can, in Analyzr, move the video left or right in the "viewer."



This is a video showing this. Pay close attention to the parts where I move the video left and right. The camera does not move.



There's yet another look, this time showing the full frame. I marked the crane and the side of the tee marker to show once again that the camera does not move. Pretty interesting hill on which you've chosen to die, but hey… whatever.


23 minutes ago, Ex Blade User said:

I agreed that the lines don’t move so must be the zooms are different.


The lines are drawn by software after the fact. If the camera zoomed, the lines wouldn't move with the zoom. Beside the point though: the camera doesn't move. It doesn't zoom. Everything stays the same for Louis' whole swing.


23 minutes ago, Ex Blade User said:

I work in photography so I DO know what I’m talking about.




23 minutes ago, Ex Blade User said:

Was trying to be nice and ask but you’ve been a nozzle the whole time.


I'm pretty comfortable with what I've had to say here. And I always find it funny when someone says that I'm behaving badly… while they're calling me names and such. Cool.


23 minutes ago, Ex Blade User said:

again I think you have comprehension issues hips are not square to shoulders as I said in the first post.


All I said is that you were not very clear, and I wasn't the only one who misunderstood what you were trying to say, as others posted similar images.


23 minutes ago, Ex Blade User said:

hey everyone go buy his book. It’s basically a decade ripoff but at least it’s not a subscription so you can save some money. 


You do realize our book came out well in advance of DECADE, no?


Have a great day, EBU. You're on the ignore list now.

Edited by iacas
Put it al(most al)l in a spoiler.
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Erik J. Barzeski | Erie, PA

GEARS • GCQuad MAX/FlightScope • SwingCatalyst/BodiTrak

I like the truth and facts. I don't deal in magic grits: 29. #FeelAintReal


"Golf is the only game in which a precise knowledge of the rules can earn one a reputation for bad sportsmanship." — Pat Campbell

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1 hour ago, Ex Blade User said:

the photo you posted is now with circles any one with eyes can tell the edges with the trees are DIFFERENT. I agreed that the lines don’t move so must be the zooms are different.  I work in photography so I DO know what I’m talking about. Was trying to be nice and ask but you’ve been a nozzle the whole time.  


1 hour ago, Ex Blade User said:


Are you trying to imply that these reference marks you made somehow show anything about the zoom level of the video? The green line in front of his head shows that he hasn't moved his head much of anywhere besides maybe an inch down towards the ball, and the green line behind shows that his rear hip has moved forwards towards the ball (which tends to happen when the hips rotate towards the target, you can see his leg is much more upright as well. The tree that was circled on the left is a weird reference point to compare, considering the fact that anybody with photography experience would know how much of a pain in the a** it is to get good still shots of a tree in even a light breeze much less the tree looking the same in both position and lighting for multiple different frames of a video capturing high-speed footage. The circled tree on the right (and what you're describing on the left there as well) appears to be nothing more than horizontal cropping by whatever editing software was used to place the swings side by side, just making it fit whatever aspect ratio it was configured to output.


Let's take a look at the same photo instead using reference marks to concrete and unmoving points within the scene, such as divots, tree trunks, and bunkers/waterlines, which would show clearly whether or not there was any zoom because their positions relative to one another would be distorted around the edges of the image. The left/right side would see distortion along the horizontal axis and the top/bottom would see distortion in the vertical axis if optical zoom were being utilized to change the view in the scene.




As we can clearly see here, at the bottom of the screen there is a horizontal line across both screens. If digital zoom was used, the line would cross in different points on each photo but that is not the case, as the line crosses the same points within each of the photos. If optical zoom was used, the line would be in a different position relative to the two circled divots within each individual photo - the left of the two divots would appear in the same place (being that it is near the center of the frame L/R) but the divot to the right would appear to shift up/down relative to the line when you compared the frames against one another. Clearly this is not the case in this example.


On the left side of each frame you can see a vertical line drawn from a reference point near the middle (in terms of up/down) of the frame, directly underneath the split in the tree trunks (which will not move in any wind short of a Category 5 hurricane). If there was optical zoom being used, you would see the circled reference divot appear to shift left/right relative to the line when comparing one photo to the other. Clearly it does not do so in this example.


So what we have here is a case of the individual frames being the exact same picture with the exact same angle and zoom, just a slightly different cropping on the outer edges. The left photo had the left side slightly cropped to fit the produced output aspect ratio, and the right photo had the right side slightly cropped to fit the produced output aspect ratio. A single digital crop on a single edge, as you well know from all your photography experience, doesn't change anything about the angles.


Or you could just watch the video and you'd see the same thing for yourself (clearly without any changes in optical or digital zoom from start to finish), but that takes all the fun out of analyzing photographs to check for distortion caused by optical or digital zoom!

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On 2/27/2023 at 6:16 AM, MonteScheinblum said:

These guys won $2.5 million yesterday.  As golfers we have to stop judging our swings by ridiculous arbitrary standards like open hips and lag.  How much these things happen is individual and more is not better.  Positive change is a global thing, not nitpicking 1 metric and saying the improvement is diminished by the shortcoming of one metric.  I had a post on Instagram this week where a setup change completely change his swing and someone commented that he was now across the line.  He was, by like 2*, but his hand path improved significantly as did path and club speed.  It’s like telling someone who lost 20 pounds that the back of their pants are now crinkled at the belt line because the belt is now 3 notches tighter.  That’s without even saying you can’t fix everything at once.  He couldn’t rotate because his arms were trailing and that’s what his body is used to doing.  The change was a day ago and his body hasn’t had time to adapt.



Great examples and most of us, IMO, need to understand what "some" means and that most of us don't have trained eyes or necessarily know what to look for when looking or trying to understand 2D pics let alone swing vids.  Hard to get over our own misconceptions.


For me (so all IMO) these vids get into illustrations (drills aren't just drills, they also demonstrate if you think about them) of the concepts related to pressure shift that are really helpful to my understanding.  


The belt thing?  LOL, I've lost almost 30 and . . . . just bought some new 501s to display the new number, haha, no crinkly a** going on here!

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12 minutes ago, ZGriswold83 said:

My lead knee is starting to hurt after doing the wall drill and practice swings with this shift concept. What am I doing wrong?


There are many, many ways you could be doing it wrong, and/or possibly you could have a weakness or other sort of issue. Nobody can really answer that with any certainty.


Show a video of you doing it and people could help. Otherwise…

Erik J. Barzeski | Erie, PA

GEARS • GCQuad MAX/FlightScope • SwingCatalyst/BodiTrak

I like the truth and facts. I don't deal in magic grits: 29. #FeelAintReal


"Golf is the only game in which a precise knowledge of the rules can earn one a reputation for bad sportsmanship." — Pat Campbell

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1 hour ago, iacas said:


There are many, many ways you could be doing it wrong, and/or possibly you could have a weakness or other sort of issue. Nobody can really answer that with any certainty.


Show a video of you doing it and people could help. Otherwise…

I'll definitely post a video, thought it could be a common fault that always causes knee issues.

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On 2/27/2023 at 7:07 AM, Ex Blade User said:

Ok there’s one of the guy in yellow! 


The "guy in yellow" is Nick Price and one of the top 10 ball strikers, ever.

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The answer to better golf is work your butt off and learn how to hit it better, farther, and make more putts.


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12 hours ago, Pretzel said:


Are you trying to imply that these reference marks you made somehow show anything about the zoom level of the video? The green line in front of his head shows that he hasn't moved his head much of anywhere besides maybe an inch down towards the ball, and the green line behind shows that his rear hip has moved forwards towards the ball (which tends to happen when the hips rotate towards the target, you can see his leg is much more upright as well. The tree that was circled on the left is a weird reference point to compare, considering the fact that anybody with photography experience would know how much of a pain in the a** it is to get good still shots of a tree in even a light breeze much less the tree looking the same in both position and lighting for multiple different frames of a video capturing high-speed footage. The circled tree on the right (and what you're describing on the left there as well) appears to be nothing more than horizontal cropping by whatever editing software was used to place the swings side by side, just making it fit whatever aspect ratio it was configured to output.


Let's take a look at the same photo instead using reference marks to concrete and unmoving points within the scene, such as divots, tree trunks, and bunkers/waterlines, which would show clearly whether or not there was any zoom because their positions relative to one another would be distorted around the edges of the image. The left/right side would see distortion along the horizontal axis and the top/bottom would see distortion in the vertical axis if optical zoom were being utilized to change the view in the scene.




As we can clearly see here, at the bottom of the screen there is a horizontal line across both screens. If digital zoom was used, the line would cross in different points on each photo but that is not the case, as the line crosses the same points within each of the photos. If optical zoom was used, the line would be in a different position relative to the two circled divots within each individual photo - the left of the two divots would appear in the same place (being that it is near the center of the frame L/R) but the divot to the right would appear to shift up/down relative to the line when you compared the frames against one another. Clearly this is not the case in this example.


On the left side of each frame you can see a vertical line drawn from a reference point near the middle (in terms of up/down) of the frame, directly underneath the split in the tree trunks (which will not move in any wind short of a Category 5 hurricane). If there was optical zoom being used, you would see the circled reference divot appear to shift left/right relative to the line when comparing one photo to the other. Clearly it does not do so in this example.


So what we have here is a case of the individual frames being the exact same picture with the exact same angle and zoom, just a slightly different cropping on the outer edges. The left photo had the left side slightly cropped to fit the produced output aspect ratio, and the right photo had the right side slightly cropped to fit the produced output aspect ratio. A single digital crop on a single edge, as you well know from all your photography experience, doesn't change anything about the angles.


Or you could just watch the video and you'd see the same thing for yourself (clearly without any changes in optical or digital zoom from start to finish), but that takes all the fun out of analyzing photographs to check for distortion caused by optical or digital zoom!

Or that explanation could’ve been given when I asked him nicely why the frames were different. I acknowledged the lines drawn were not moving and asked then why are the edges of the frames different. he chose to be jerk about it - asked me if I knew about how breeze moves trees. GMAFB That is uncalled for 

Edited by Ex Blade User
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bought this yesterday as my coach has told me my shifting needs work. This series seems really good. If i can utilize the shift points here and the arms down to start the down swing I can be in for a big year.

Driver: Callaway Epic Max LS with KBS TD Cat 4 44.5" 

4w: '22 Rogue ST LS 16.5  Tensei AV Blue 75x

7w: '22 Callaway Apex UW 21 80s MMT

DI: Caley 01X 18* with KBS PGH 95

4-AW: PXG OG 0211  with KBS Tour Stiff 2.5* up 3/4" long MOI matched

Wedges: Cleveland Zipcore 54 Full/58 Mid 

Putter: DF2.1 35"69* in blue

Ball: Snell Prime 4.0



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This is my first range session after watching the power shift series. I had some really great strikes, but was fighting pushes. I have always had a problem with too long of backswing and I think it leads to a lot of my inconsistency. I feel like I am still early extending here.



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8 minutes ago, ZGriswold83 said:

This is my first range session after watching the power shift series.


I'd work on some other things first.




Plus, the better angle to see what the video is about… is the face-on.

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Erik J. Barzeski | Erie, PA

GEARS • GCQuad MAX/FlightScope • SwingCatalyst/BodiTrak

I like the truth and facts. I don't deal in magic grits: 29. #FeelAintReal


"Golf is the only game in which a precise knowledge of the rules can earn one a reputation for bad sportsmanship." — Pat Campbell

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3 minutes ago, ZGriswold83 said:


It was pretty crowded at the range and my son was in front of me, so wasn't able to get a front on... What's the cause of getting so far off the 'wall'?

On the backswing, your right hip should go back more than the left hip comes forward. Your left hip comes forward so far that it pulls the right hip along with it. 


Your shoulder turn is pretty flat as well. 

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6 minutes ago, ZGriswold83 said:


It was pretty crowded at the range and my son was in front of me, so wasn't able to get a front on... What's the cause of getting so far off the 'wall'?

  1. You probably set up with your weight too far toward your heels (I just commented elsewhere about this — it's pretty common).
  2. You pivot around your right hip in the backswing moreso than around the center of your hips.
  3. You probably shift forward too early during the backswing without first shifting back (away from the target).


Erik J. Barzeski | Erie, PA

GEARS • GCQuad MAX/FlightScope • SwingCatalyst/BodiTrak

I like the truth and facts. I don't deal in magic grits: 29. #FeelAintReal


"Golf is the only game in which a precise knowledge of the rules can earn one a reputation for bad sportsmanship." — Pat Campbell

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Your backswing probably looks something like this from above:



Erik J. Barzeski | Erie, PA

GEARS • GCQuad MAX/FlightScope • SwingCatalyst/BodiTrak

I like the truth and facts. I don't deal in magic grits: 29. #FeelAintReal


"Golf is the only game in which a precise knowledge of the rules can earn one a reputation for bad sportsmanship." — Pat Campbell

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19 minutes ago, iacas said:
  1. You probably set up with your weight too far toward your heels (I just commented elsewhere about this — it's pretty common).
  2. You pivot around your right hip in the backswing moreso than around the center of your hips.
  3. You probably shift forward too early during the backswing without first shifting back (away from the target).

I think I am now so focused on my right hip in my backswing that it's become the center of my swing. I'm also trying intentionally to get my weight on my lead foot toes before the end of my backswing. I about one more swing fault away from hanging it up, I feel like I have tried everything and I still have a terrible swing.


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15 minutes ago, ZGriswold83 said:

I think I am now so focused on my right hip in my backswing that it's become the center of my swing. I'm also trying intentionally to get my weight on my lead foot toes before the end of my backswing. I about one more swing fault away from hanging it up, I feel like I have tried everything and I still have a terrible swing.


You're an 8.2. So, not a terrible swing.


Here's a video of it done pretty well:

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Erik J. Barzeski | Erie, PA

GEARS • GCQuad MAX/FlightScope • SwingCatalyst/BodiTrak

I like the truth and facts. I don't deal in magic grits: 29. #FeelAintReal


"Golf is the only game in which a precise knowledge of the rules can earn one a reputation for bad sportsmanship." — Pat Campbell

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Thank you for this visual. I saw in one of Padraig Harrington's videos, he mentioned that he feels like his hips are moving 'up' and I think that's a key for me. I have been trying this up against a wall keeping my butt in contact throughout. I think I have been way over exaggerating the move.


I have been searching for my swing for over a year now, I did a lot of work over the winter trying new things and I thought Monte's video finally was the key. After seeing video from my range session, it seemed like another fail, resulting in major frustration yet again. So thanks again for your analysis.

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2 minutes ago, ZGriswold83 said:


I have been searching for my swing for over a year now, I did a lot of work over the winter trying new things and I thought Monte's video finally was the key. After seeing video from my range session, it seemed like another fail, resulting in major frustration yet again. So thanks again for your analysis.


You're likely trying to make changes at way too fast a speed.


It's one thing to say you can't do something. It's another entirely to say "I can't do this at near game speed right away." Nobody can really do the latter for most things.


Slow down. Exaggerate.

Edited by iacas
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Erik J. Barzeski | Erie, PA

GEARS • GCQuad MAX/FlightScope • SwingCatalyst/BodiTrak

I like the truth and facts. I don't deal in magic grits: 29. #FeelAintReal


"Golf is the only game in which a precise knowledge of the rules can earn one a reputation for bad sportsmanship." — Pat Campbell

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I've worked with these new feels on the range with really good results. However when I went out to play a round yesterday I had trouble committing to really loading the lead leg. I felt kind of caught in-between and had too many technical ideas competing for space in my brain. 

Pretty typical situation for anyone trying to commit to something new. It's a lot harder when you have to care where the ball ends up. 🙂 

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3 hours ago, ZGriswold83 said:


Thank you for this visual. I saw in one of Padraig Harrington's videos, he mentioned that he feels like his hips are moving 'up' and I think that's a key for me. I have been trying this up against a wall keeping my butt in contact throughout. I think I have been way over exaggerating the move.


I have been searching for my swing for over a year now, I did a lot of work over the winter trying new things and I thought Monte's video finally was the key. After seeing video from my range session, it seemed like another fail, resulting in major frustration yet again. So thanks again for your analysis.


Notice your right foot at the top the weight looks on the outside of the foot. You should be feeling roughly 50/50 at this point. 


In terms of EE and the right hip try this odd one which seems counter intuitive. To start backswing feel like you pull your left foot straight back as you turn the shoulders. Downswing try and pull your right foot straight back as you keep your back to the target


You should see so much more room for the arms to swing through. It will seem like you are miles away from the ball.


I've spent most of my golfing life on my toes in the downswing.

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2 hours ago, Hilts1969 said:

Notice your right foot at the top the weight looks on the outside of the foot. You should be feeling roughly 50/50 at this point. 

because his pelvis has pivoted out toward his toes and toward the target which angles his right leg too much.

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Erik J. Barzeski | Erie, PA

GEARS • GCQuad MAX/FlightScope • SwingCatalyst/BodiTrak

I like the truth and facts. I don't deal in magic grits: 29. #FeelAintReal


"Golf is the only game in which a precise knowledge of the rules can earn one a reputation for bad sportsmanship." — Pat Campbell

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