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Kicked off golf course today!!!!

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...I would tell you your first mistake was taking matters in your own hands. Never a good idea. When the course is that busy given the fact it was a holiday weekend, patience is your best friend. Sounds to me like you may lack in that area a little.

We live in a era where everyone carries a cell phone. [A] quick call to the club house would have been much better than teeing off when they had not cleared the fairway and taking the key was not your best move. You should have hung on to the book and gave it a good read...

Sorry, but I have to agree with CO.


You seem like a good guy, but hitting into them wasn't the right thing to do. I just try to laugh it off the small stuff and not take life personally.



I guess I don't really consider what we did, "hitting into them". They were 40 yards to the right and only about 150 out. We all went left. I guess we should have waited, in retrospect, but I think that the Marshall's had their chance to make this right and chose not to for profit.

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That sucks. I had an incident just yesterday at the course too. A twosome was about 330+ yards ahead, so I hit my drive out about 270. The guy thought it was too close and I was hitting into them and he got all upset about it pretty much overreacting and started to threaten to get me kicked off the course. I just apologized. I'll be sure and wait now till the group is at least up on the green. First incident I've had in two years or so of playing.


I figure if you play golf, it's inevitable that you'll be involved in some sticky situation at some point or another. It always puts a damper on the day. I guess if harry situations happen regularly then it might be time to have a look in the mirror. But one every few years or so is probably common, unfortunately.


Not to bash you or anything, but that sort of thing bothers me almost as much as actually being hit into. I can't begin to count how many times I've heard a thud in my backswing and damn near had a heartattack thinking the thing would hit me. Just my 2 cents.


Oh I know. From now on, I'm just gonna wait till there is no question that the group in front is well out of range. I've been getting too relaxed with that kinda thing i guess. Plus they were new golfers, and the last thing I want to do is make new golfers feel more uncomfortable then they already are on the course.

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GREED caused that entire situation.


I've worked at a club that used dual tee times and averaged 220 rounds a day in season. Once the morning sheet is full that's it. Load it up and do it all over again after lunch. No walk-ups. Otherwise they had no good reason for using dual tee times in the first place.


You cannot take walk-ups and send them off on the front when your back nine starters are making the turn.


I would of had a calm chat with the golf pro about my opinion of that situation.


Great point!

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On one hand the course did you no favors by sending you out on the backside and expecting you to somehow work your way into the front side. And it would be frustrating to be stuck between slow golfers who had no business playing from the tips.


But I still can't see any reason to ever take it upon yourself and play through by hitting over the other group. Even though you knew you would clear them, it's pretty presumptuous to play through without and invite AND hit into the group. Even though you were technically hitting over them, I imagine most golfers would take issue with a group teeing off before they hit their approach shots.


I'm kinda surprised the situation didn't escalate worse than it did with the whole ball/key taking standoff.


It seems like a situation where everybody - the course, the other group and you have handled it a little bit better...

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while i can understand your frustration, you should not have teed off while they were in the woods looking for their ball...


you started the animocity, and only continued it by stooping to his level and taking his cart key...


frankly you are looking to blame this on someone else, when you clearly have noone to blame but yourself...


the fact that they let a 5-some go out at a semi private club, tells you what kind of place it really is...

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Oh I know. From now on, I'm just gonna wait till there is no question that the group in front is well out of range. I've been getting too relaxed with that kinda thing i guess. Plus they were new golfers, and the last thing I want to do is make new golfers feel more uncomfortable then they already are on the course.



I can respect that! :good:



Being hit by a ball on the golf course is one of my biggest fears. I don't know why, but whenever I feel as though I'm in danger of being hit, I get shaken up pretty badly. I was the same way in baseball. And the thing is, whenever I did get hit, I never got hurt. I even took a line drive to the chest when I was pitching and I just shook it off.

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On one hand the course did you no favors by sending you out on the backside and expecting you to somehow work your way into the front side. And it would be frustrating to be stuck between slow golfers who had no business playing from the tips.


But I still can't see any reason to ever take it upon yourself and play through by hitting over the other group. Even though you knew you would clear them, it's pretty presumptuous to play through without and invite AND hit into the group. Even though you were technically hitting over them, I imagine most golfers would take issue with a group teeing off before they hit their approach shots.


I'm kinda surprised the situation didn't escalate worse than it did with the whole ball/key taking standoff.


It seems like a situation where everybody - the course, the other group and you have handled it a little bit better...



That is really the only part that I regret, but I wasn't sure how I was going to get my ball back. I was not overly concerned about the situation escalating though. I had absolutely no intention of a physical altercation with the guy in the group in front of us, but had something escalated, I think that I could have stopped it very quickly.

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while i can understand your frustration, you should not have teed off while they were in the woods looking for their ball...


you started the animocity, and only continued it by stooping to his level and taking his cart key...


frankly you are looking to blame this on someone else, when you clearly have noone to blame but yourself...


the fact that they let a 5-some go out at a semi private club, tells you what kind of place it really is...



So, asking a slower group to allow my group to play thru is starting animocity? I am not tracking that at all.

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I don't mind playing with beginners. I don't mind playing with horrible golfers. I don't mind an errant shot flying my way once in a while. I don't mind much. BUT...I hate people who don't know what etiquette is on the golf course. If you're slow, let me play through. AND FOR GOD'S SAKE......IF YOU DIDN'T HIT THE STOOPID BALL, DON'T TOUCH IT!!!! IT AIN'T YOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Etiquette is way-y more important than skill. And unfortunately most of those who lack skill also lack the required respect for the game to know display proper etiquette. It's like infringing upon my constitutional right to enjoy my round of golf. Sometimes I wish I could carry one of those riot control guns in my bag, you know the ones that shoot those "non-lethal" rubber bullets. That would be quite effective as a teaching tool for some of the yayhoos I've encountered on the course.

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Sorry, but you NEVER intentionaly hit into someone. It all started with that. I can't stand it when people get so up tight about pace of play, if you have somewhere to be, go there. Did you ever think maybe these guys don't get to play that much golf and just wanted to enjoy it.


Your reaction tells me this isn't the first time you've been bent qnou pace of play, and have unrealistic expectations ofnhow fast a round should be played in

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Was there even any room for your group to go in front of them? I imagine there would be many groups ahead of you at that point--where did you expect to go? If there were 6 holes open I can't imagine a marshal not taking care of that.


In any case, the other poster's point about you starting it was that you hit into them. That's an aggressive move, and most people here would take it as a threat or as a challenge, or as an insult.


Watching duffers slash at the ball from the tips is mind-numbingly frustrating, but you made a wrong move taking it upon yourself to "play through" uninvited. At the very least, skip a hole and go around them.

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It would have been more fun just to have all 5 players tee off at the same time (sad to say when I was younger we did this on occasion)!! I could see the gentleman trying to pick up everyones balls!


Was there any holes open in front of the slow group? How many holes did they have the course backed up on? When people do not pick up there pace of play or let faster groups thru, it can ruin everyone's day of fun at the golf course. I wish people had a better understanding of etiquette and realize that is not a "bad" thing or make you any less of a man to let faster players thru. I think that is a lot of the reason people dont let others play thru.

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To the OP


I feel your pain, living in southern california we are all used to 5 hour or more rounds when I play a public course. But I have to say the marshal was wrong for kicking you off the course, you clearly warned the guy that pulled into the fairway and when he chose not to "duck" you gave him a more stern warning considering you didn't want his stupidity to get him hurt.


I was holding one of my TGA junior golf camps at a public course here and had 3 student's, we tee off on the 5th and here comes the senior citizen marshal saying "I'm going to need you to leave right now!" when I ask why he continues to tell me that these 3 young students are not allowed to be spectating/or playing without supervision and said if I don't leave immediately I would be banned from playing there ever again. I begin to explain the situation to him, and he apologizes to me numerous times, needless to say the owner of the course was waiting for me at the 18th green to make sure everything was okay considering we hold 10+ weekly camps there a year.


So I think the marshal shouldn't have kicked you out, you shouldn't have hit a shot past the slow pokes even though they were a 9 iron away from the tee box but I understand your frustration 10 minutes is the MAX. time you should spend looking for your ball and at that time they should have went into the woods and let you play through. Sorry you had a crappy day but nice job on giving the vouchers to the young man!

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Is there a chapter in that golf etiquette book about hitting up on people. IMO you should not have been tossed off the course but you were certainly in the wrong. It sucks playing behind slow players but it happens. You should never drive a golf ball when the group in front of you is reachable. It happened once to me. I calmly walked over and teed the ball up in the fairway and drove it straight into the woods. The guy did not do that again.

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Sorry, but you NEVER intentionaly hit into someone. It all started with that. I can't stand it when people get so up tight about pace of play, if you have somewhere to be, go there. Did you ever think maybe these guys don't get to play that much golf and just wanted to enjoy it.


Your reaction tells me this isn't the first time you've been bent qnou pace of play, and have unrealistic expectations ofnhow fast a round should be played in


So what is a reasonable expectation for pace of play? Just because these don't get out that much to play doesn't give them the right to back up the entire golf course looking for balls and shooting 100. You can shoot 100 and still get around in 4-4.5 hours. I see it all the time at our course.

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There is so much wrong in this thread it borders on insane.


I've been there... it's one thing to play slow, but it's another thing altogether to be a slow playing dick. The OP was certainly in the wrong for blowing one past him, but that's about it.


The whole situation was fumbled and muddled to begin with. No amount of "blame the OP" attitude is going to change that, despite how many of the one day a week marshalls and armchair pretenders chime in.


I wouldn't play there again either.

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you got dealt a pretty raw deal there.


im really impressed that after that ordeal you all gave your golf rebates to a kid who probably needs them. im willing to bet a lot of people would have kept them and never used them, or just thrown them away. you all showed a lot of class by going out like that. props.

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yeah one time i was at my uncles country club and it was myself, my uncle and my cousin (3some) and we played about 11 holes and then caught up to this 7 some. we gave them 2 holes before i had it. the last guy was driving away from the green just as i hit from like 140. he must have forgot something cuz he drove back as my ball was in the air and then flipped out when the ball landed 4 feet from him.


He picked it up yelled some words and then drove off. when we got to the next tee my ball was on a tee all chewed up from the concrete. so i hit it at them and actually hit the guy square in the back. Needless to say it was the best feeling ever. :D


so he calls the pro shop and the pro rolls out and realizes my uncle is there (my uncle is his doctor lol) asks the guy to accept his money back and resign his club membership. either way who tries to get away with a 7some

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At the very least, skip a hole and go around them...


IMO the best solution and an option that you might have used on the first par 3. Nothing kills a golf round more than slow play, and I myself have lost my patience more times than I can count. A friend of mine got hit in the head with a ball (made a sound like a ball hitting a tree, dry and hollow) while he was shaking hands on the 18th green with his partners, but luckily didn't really get hurt.


I know how slow he plays and I'd like to know how slow his group was before the incident. Maybe they deserved it...maybe not.

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I feel for you man. Slow Play is a total bummer. CallawayOnly, once again, we are at a disagreement. In the Rules of Golf slow play will cause you to be stroked and in match play cause the loss of a hole. At my course, the rules state to "Yield to quicker golfers" meaning, giving up your spot to the golfers behind you if they happen to be playing at a quicker pace than you until they are on your tail, not waiting until you find it most convenient to invite them in front of you (besides, by the time that occurs, the group behind you is likely steaming with impatience). While giving up your spot through invitation is common (I partake in it myself when I tee it up with my pals who dont play anywhere near as frequently as I do) however with that said, It is obvious that these people had no business on a golf course and did not know the true rules of etiquette and to invite the group to go ahead and play through (along with every other once a year golfer) and also they were slowing play down not only with slow play, but also with playing at the inappropriate tees for beginners. These people should yield to the quicker group behind them when the group behind asks. It will be more enjoyable for the quick group, as they get ahead and play their desired pace, but also for the lolligaggers, who will no longer feel rushed or flustered. I encourage those of you who are in opposition to my and the OP's viewpoint to read the link below. It reminds us that in the golden days of golf, a round took under 4 hours. Not over 5. And also, calling the pro shop first seems to be the "tattletale" route. Remember that kid everybody hated in Middle School that would run to the teacher over everything, rather than discuss things like gentleman? You should definitely try to talk things out first before running to mommy. Besides if the Marshall doesn't allow you to play though, the group behind you will then be alerted to your insubordination and incompetence to talk things out and will be less likely to allow you to play through later down the road, and could also possibly cause them to antagonize you further by playing slowly on purpose. Talk it out before you walk it out.



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Sounds like you had really crappy day on the golf course,but one of the few places

outside of an emergency where a cell phone comes in handy,just call the starter.


A few years ago back in SoCal,where most muni's are notoriously slow anyways,

we had some goof ball in front our foursome who split off from his pairing and decided

to go it alone.

This weeny head is hitting two or three balls a hole,and playing some serious army golf.

After holding us up for about 3 holes,one of the guys in my foursome calls the starter.

Within 5 mins. a marshal comes out and escorts this hack out to the parking lot.

As the guy drives by us,he says,"hey I was having a bad day anyway"! :wave:

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i feel for you but at the end of the day you were probably in the wrong. last year i almost got in 2 fights at my course bc i hit into people. first time i was playing with 2 friends and after hitting into the hacks in front of us twice mistakenly (blind shots that we allotted plenty of time for) the guys took our balls. so on 18 i buzzed their tower and almost got killed by one of the dudes in the parking lot who was absolutely roided out (which we unfortunately didnt know beforehand). the next week im with my dad and two other men and there are 2 absolute hacks in front of us. long story short i accidentally hit into them twice (truly accidental) and after them taking my balls and playing games with me we get into a confrontation on the 7th green where the dude threatens to stick a club down my throat...which was funny considering he was the most unintimidating ****** ive ever seen and it happened in front of my dad. thankfully nothing happened in either situation...but goes to show you how crazy some people get when you hit into them. i get pissed too but in both my situations they were mistakes (until 18 in the first case) and when you take 20 minutes per hole and there are blind shots you have to figure there is only so much time the group behind you is going to wait before they assume its clear to hit. so youre not alone there man...

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Being hit by a ball on the golf course is one of my biggest fears. I don't know why, but whenever I feel as though I'm in danger of being hit, I get shaken up pretty badly. I was the same way in baseball. And the thing is, whenever I did get hit, I never got hurt. I even took a line drive to the chest when I was pitching and I just shook it off.



man up a little bit? :secret:

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While I emphatize with the OP I don't agree with his actions. Always call a marshal. So many things can go wrong if you don't.


It has been mentioned that we do not know the capabilities of the other individual. They could all be survivors of open heart by pass surgeries and playing their first rounds in 12 months since surgery. They could be mafia bodyguards told by their boss to learn to play golf.


The marshals get paid/get free or discounted rounds to control/patrol the course. Make them work.

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Being hit by a ball on the golf course is one of my biggest fears. I don't know why, but whenever I feel as though I'm in danger of being hit, I get shaken up pretty badly. I was the same way in baseball. And the thing is, whenever I did get hit, I never got hurt. I even took a line drive to the chest when I was pitching and I just shook it off.



man up a little bit? :secret:



That's a joke, right?

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You kindly (I assume) asked to play through which should have been the end of it, it is wrong for them to decline if they are holding you up all the time, you are allowed to look for a ball for 5 minutes maximum. Sounds to me as if they marshal should have spoke to the guys in front of you rather than you.


......and you should never have been put in a 5 ball! (but I dread to think how long you would have been waiting as a 3 ball!).

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So, let me paint this picture for you. Today, we had an 0832 tee time at one of my favorite golf courses. We get there at 0740 and hit the range. Our 4th backed out, so we went off as a 3-some today. There was a lot of rain last night and early this morning, so they sent us on our way starting at #10. We teed off at 0825 and had a great first nine. We made the turn at about 1015 and saw that there was a lot of groups waiting on #1, so went into the clubhouse and got some water and an egg salad sandwich. After buying our snacks, we head to #1 and go up to the starter and inform him that we are making our turn because we were sent out on 10 in the morning.


Well, he just put us in line of walk-ups. There were four groups in front of us and two behind us that we could see. A foursome, a twosome, a threesome, a twosome, us, a twosome and a foursome(in that order). The foursome and twosome looked to be fairly decent golfers. The threesome hitting two groups in front of us was a whole different story. There were three men, playing from the tips, none of them looking like they have ever been to a range, much less played a round of golf. The first guy in said threesome gets up and tops the hell out of his drive and doesn't clear the red box. The 2nd took three full swings before he made contact and the 3rd shanks his really high and right. At this point we knew that we were in trouble. The starter asked the twosome in front of us if they minded joining with us to create a 5-some and they agreed, so we proceeded at the starters request as a group of 5. After a few holes, my patience was completely gone with the group in front of us. They were constantly looking for their balls in the woods and stuff and we were playing considerably faster than them. Finally after being behind them for 3 holes, I drove up to their carts and asked if they minded if we played thru them. They said no since there was 5 of us and said that they would pick up the pace. It was then that I noticed that one guy had a Driver and a 6 iron in his bag. That was it, two freaking clubs in his entire bag. I drove back to our group and said that they didn't want us to play thru, but we would work it out. The next hole is a par 3, followed by a 4. We played the 3 amazingly with 5 pars and proceeded to number 6's tee box. Well, the group in front of us is about 150 yards ahead of us and all three of them are in the woods on the right hand side of the fairway, searching for two balls. We waited for 10 minutes on the box when I decided I had waited long enough. I said screw it and teed off, followed by two of my playing partners.


At this point, one of the guys that was searching for his ball drove out to my ball(pro v1) and picked it up. This is where things started going downhill. I drove out and asked him why he picked my ball up. He said it was because we hit it at them(my drive cleared them by 100 yards and was down the left side of the fairway). I told him that we were just playing thru since they were pre-occupied. He said that it didn't matter and I could get my ball out of his pocket if I wanted it. I walked up to his cart, took the key to his cart and told him when he was ready to give me my ball back, he could have his key. He tossed me my ball, then got his key back and went back out and put my ball back down. They went ahead and played the rest of the hole out quickly and went on. Well, then we get to #7's tee box. I guess they sped thru 7 and were already teeing off on 8. Realize that 7 and 8 are right next to each other with 7's green being next to 8's tee box and 8's green being right next to 7's tee box with only a thin layer of trees separating the two fairways. Since I butchered 7, I was last on the box. Just as I finish teeing up and going thru my normal drive routine, I notice that the guy that I talked with previously was driving thru the trees towards our fairway. I think that surely he is going to wait until after I swing. Well I swing and he doesn't wait. Just about the time I make contact, he jumps out of his cart to hit his ball.


My drive is heading directly for him down the left side. I yell "FOUR" and the guy throws his hands up at me as if I am just yelling at him. I realize that he is right in my landing zone, so I yell "DUCK GOD DA#$IT" about a second before my ball crashes down on top of his cart, 4 feet from him. Just my luck, a course marshall is there and asks me to leave due to me yelling obscenities. I couldn't believe it. I had a few choice words with the marshall(he was in his 60's and I am in my late 20's, so they weren't confrontational) basically telling him that he had caused this and it wasn't my fault. Then I drove out to pick up my ball. The guy that I almost killed was pissed and asked why I hit it at him. I just laughed and said that if someone is on the box, you probably shouldn't drive into their fairway. I have a golf etiquette book in my bag that was given to me about 2 years ago when I started, so I just tossed it to him and asked that he and his friends read it, then I left. I talked with the club pro(along with the 4 guys I was golfing with) and we ended up all getting refunds for our round and apologized to a few times by various people at the course, but I will never go back there. Found a young kid(15 or so) on the way out and we all gave him our credits. He has a lot of free golf coming his way. Anyway, sorry for the long rant, but I just couldn't believe the experience I had today.


"Well, the group in front of us is about 150 yards ahead of us and all three of them are in the woods on the right hand side of the fairway, searching for two balls. We waited for 10 minutes on the box when I decided I had waited long enough. I said screw it and teed off, followed by two of my playing partners."



I will first say that I am 46 - and not as young as you. But with all due respect - based on what you wrote - you started it and you got what you deserved. I don't care if it takes 20 minutes - you don't hit into people. You can kill them. Not just hurt them...kill them. Every bit of honor you gained while fighting in Iraq (is that what you mean by being in the desert?) is going to be lost over a hot-head move. Hitting into someone intentionally is a cardinal sin imho as it relates to golfers. Based on what you wrote you are in the wrong absolutely. What is most offensive is that you admit that your original act was a deliberate, intentional, pre-meditated act for which there is simply no excuse. Everyone has been tempted to do what you did - but "slow play" imho is not adequate provocation to intentionally hit into someone.


Yes - it is entirely frustrating to be behind Mr. and Mrs. Haversham...anyone who is a golfer has been there, and we empathize sincerely with you. Ever play behind a group of Japanese golfers? It is slower than watching hair grow. You want to kill yourself...I have been there many times. When I play in Japan these days - I literally bring a book with me or an Ipod since it takes so long.


I totally understand.


But sir - you don't intentionally hit into people. Ever.



Your options imho:


1) Wait.

2) Alert the pro shop or a marshall and ask for assistance.

3) drive up and ask them to hurry/or allow you to play through.

4) Quit


But as infuriating as it may be to wait - you don't resort to "self help".



Sorry you had an ultra slow round - but you were wrong, imho.

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      Sami Valimaki - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Pullout Albums
      Eric Cole's newest custom Cameron putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      New Super Stroke Marvel comic themed grips - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Ben Taylor's custom Cameron putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Tyler Duncan's Axis 1 putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Cameron putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Chris Kirk's new Callaway Opus wedges - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      ProTC irons - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Dragon Skin 360 grips - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Cobra prototype putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      SeeMore putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
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    • 2024 PGA Championship - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put  any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 PGA Championship - Monday #1
      WITB Albums
      Michael Block - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Patrick Reed - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Cam Smith - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Brooks Koepka - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Josh Speight - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Takumi Kanaya - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Kyle Mendoza - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Adrian Meronk - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jordan Smith - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jeremy Wells - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jared Jones - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      John Somers - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Larkin Gross - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Tracy Phillips - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jon Rahm - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Keita Nakajima - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Kazuma Kobori - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      David Puig - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Ryan Van Velzen - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Pullout Albums
      Ping putter covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Bettinardi covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Cameron putter covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Max Homa - Titleist 2 wood - 2024 PGA Championship
      Scotty Cameron experimental putter shaft by UST - 2024 PGA Championship
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