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Michelle Wie Fires her caddie today

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...soooo much big/aggressive talk, but nobody wants to back it up with a wager...JD

There are plenty of gambling websites on the internet, JD......this is not one of them.


damn, and here I thought this was a gambling site this whole time...thx for clearing that up for me.


we could make it a friendly wager between gentlemen...


...for example, the bet could be my six-pack of Brooklyn Lager against your quart of fine Tx barbecue - or a dozen proV1's - or a dollar - or a ball marker - or a pencil from your favorite course...anything.


but let's start putting some paramaters/numbers around all these predictions...as opposed to all this "flop/never won" rhetoric.


problem is, this would require some research into the facts, and that seems to be in short supply around here...



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(A.) The sheer length of this thread and the emotional debate about this girl make it very clear that many may not like her and others may think is the next big thing after Tiger but one thing is for sure:


(B.) Nobody is indifferent about her.


(C.) Controversy is part of the game. I was not much of a fan of Pressel's brahsness or Craemer's pinkness but the LPGA has obviously arrived. Even the hardcore golf nuts in this forum talk about it.


(D.) I love it. I think she will do fine and in the process enrage many and dazzle most.


I agree on A., B., most of C., all of D.


I just wish I could get someone to actually make a bet on:

- she will win

- or she won't win

- or she'll only win X number of events

- etc...


soooo much big/aggressive talk, but nobody wants to back it up with a wager...




Simply because one does not wager on an opinion or belief does not render that said opinion or belief invalid.

Often its those who are insecure in their own beliefs that feel the need to try to wager on them, in a futile attempt to create a false sense of self confidence. Or often the tactic is used as a tool to attempt to stife discussion when the person offering the wager has run out of ammunition or has become so hopelessly lost in their argument they have reached their last resort.


You humor me with your "soooo much big/aggressive talk" comment directed at others when in fact you are the one daring others to wager, accusing them of not backing up their comments, beliefs, etc. If anyone is being a big, loud talker here, its you sir.


You asked of me how many events I thought it would take for MW to win, and I can't tell you that, it honestly depends on how she approaches next year. If she applies for and accepts LPGA tour membership, she will win early next year. If she continues this joke of a schedule, it may be 2008 before we see her on top of the leaderboard at the end of an event.


so what's your number? 5? 10? 25?


put a number to it...



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(A.) The sheer length of this thread and the emotional debate about this girl make it very clear that many may not like her and others may think is the next big thing after Tiger but one thing is for sure:


(B.) Nobody is indifferent about her.


(C.) Controversy is part of the game. I was not much of a fan of Pressel's brahsness or Craemer's pinkness but the LPGA has obviously arrived. Even the hardcore golf nuts in this forum talk about it.


(D.) I love it. I think she will do fine and in the process enrage many and dazzle most.


I agree on A., B., most of C., all of D.


I just wish I could get someone to actually make a bet on:

- she will win

- or she won't win

- or she'll only win X number of events

- etc...


soooo much big/aggressive talk, but nobody wants to back it up with a wager...




Simply because one does not wager on an opinion or belief does not render that said opinion or belief invalid.

Often its those who are insecure in their own beliefs that feel the need to try to wager on them, in a futile attempt to create a false sense of self confidence. Or often the tactic is used as a tool to attempt to stife discussion when the person offering the wager has run out of ammunition or has become so hopelessly lost in their argument they have reached their last resort.


You humor me with your "soooo much big/aggressive talk" comment directed at others when in fact you are the one daring others to wager, accusing them of not backing up their comments, beliefs, etc. If anyone is being a big, loud talker here, its you sir.


You asked of me how many events I thought it would take for MW to win, and I can't tell you that, it honestly depends on how she approaches next year. If she applies for and accepts LPGA tour membership, she will win early next year. If she continues this joke of a schedule, it may be 2008 before we see her on top of the leaderboard at the end of an event.


so what's your number? 5? 10? 25?


put a number to it...




There is NO ONE, absolutely no one, aside from MW, BJ Wie, and her agent that has any clue as to how many events and on what tour she will play next year, and even they may not know for certain, yet I am supposed to wager with you on how many events it will take? I'll get right on that after I place my wager on peace in the middle east.

Clearly logic is escaping your grasp.

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Well since this is such a hot topic I might as well throw in my 2 cents. She's young and has a lot of maturing to do. She needs the input from different caddies throughout her career until she finds the perfect fit. I understand the Wie's objective. What I don't understand is the way they went aobut it. This was definitely BJ's doing.

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(A.) The sheer length of this thread and the emotional debate about this girl make it very clear that many may not like her and others may think is the next big thing after Tiger but one thing is for sure:


(B.) Nobody is indifferent about her.


(C.) Controversy is part of the game. I was not much of a fan of Pressel's brahsness or Craemer's pinkness but the LPGA has obviously arrived. Even the hardcore golf nuts in this forum talk about it.


(D.) I love it. I think she will do fine and in the process enrage many and dazzle most.


I agree on A., B., most of C., all of D.


I just wish I could get someone to actually make a bet on:

- she will win

- or she won't win

- or she'll only win X number of events

- etc...


soooo much big/aggressive talk, but nobody wants to back it up with a wager...




Simply because one does not wager on an opinion or belief does not render that said opinion or belief invalid.

Often its those who are insecure in their own beliefs that feel the need to try to wager on them, in a futile attempt to create a false sense of self confidence. Or often the tactic is used as a tool to attempt to stife discussion when the person offering the wager has run out of ammunition or has become so hopelessly lost in their argument they have reached their last resort.


You humor me with your "soooo much big/aggressive talk" comment directed at others when in fact you are the one daring others to wager, accusing them of not backing up their comments, beliefs, etc. If anyone is being a big, loud talker here, its you sir.


You asked of me how many events I thought it would take for MW to win, and I can't tell you that, it honestly depends on how she approaches next year. If she applies for and accepts LPGA tour membership, she will win early next year. If she continues this joke of a schedule, it may be 2008 before we see her on top of the leaderboard at the end of an event.


so what's your number? 5? 10? 25?


put a number to it...




There is NO ONE, absolutely no one, aside from MW, BJ Wie, and her agent that has any clue as to how many events and on what tour she will play next year, and even they may not know for certain, yet I am supposed to wager with you on how many events it will take? I'll get right on that after I place my wager on peace in the middle east.

Clearly logic is escaping your grasp.


I completely understand that nobody knows her sched at this point.


that's why a few posts ago I suggested that we not think about it in the context of a calendar year...


...but rather "how many more LPGA events will she have to play before she wins one?"


10 events? 25? 50? never? (regardless of how many years it takes her to play that many events)


for example, I predict she'll win:

- at least one of her next 10 LPGA events.

- 3 of her next 25.

- and at least 8 of her next 50.


what does everyone else predict?


also, consider this statement:


if I walked up to you out of the blue 5 years ago and said...


"in 2006 this 16 year old girl is going to win over $700,000 in seven LPGA events with 6 top 5 finishes"


...what would your reaction have been? I highly doubt anyone would say "oh man that chick is a flop".


FYI...in '01 #10 on the money list won $748,000 in 29 events - and before you start down the purse inflation trail be aware that in '05 #10 on the money list won $777k, and in '05 #2 on the money list actually won less money than #2 in 2001.


so, there you have:

A. a numerical prediction.

B. a statement to consider.

C. some money list facts to back it up.


good day.



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Did she not get along with Fanny?



Fanny didn't want any part of being on her bag, and they wanted her on it pretty badly. They auditioned her for it earlier this season. And I think the reasons why are pretty obvious. You need a kevlar jumpsuit to be her caddy. Its pretty obvious that the Wie camp has taken the path of scapegoating and excuse making (the blame others approach) and certainly a caddie with as much experience and reputation as Fanny would have no desire to deal with that crap. She tried the young superstar golfer thing after splitting with Faldo when she worked briefly for Sergio. Didn't work then either. No need to come out of her semi retirement to deal with that crap. She carried for Poulter at the Masters, and I think for Mark Hensby one or twice earlier this year when she was over in the U.S. but it seems that she did quite well with Faldo all those years and seems to be enjoying life with no apparent need to caddy regularly.


This is a HORRIBLE move for MW. Getting a caddie with Johnston's experience will be difficult at best and maybe even virtually impossible. I think the picture is becoming pretty clear, that its anyone's fault but Michelle's and that is only going to make it more difficult to find a new caddie. I am sure that BJ Wie's over bearing presence can't help matters either. The next victim is probably some poor assistant at Leadbetter's school, who will get pressed into service for the balance of the year and get canned from both gigs at the end when MW fails some more.


When you look at that bag from a caddies point of view, even with all the circus crap aside, its not a great gig right now. 10-12 events a year, with a legit chance of cashing in only 7 of them, and cashing at the LPGA purse rate is not exactly great money. Unless their is a crapload of base salary and guaranteed money in the deal, its not a bag worth carrying money wise.




but in general, I'd love to get ahold of some of the stuff you "flop" meisters are smoking, because it must be really really really good.


2006: 7 LPGA starts (mostly the top events), 6 top 5 finishes, well over $700,000 in earnings, will get to $1,000,000 in earnigns faster than any pro in LPGA history and at a younger age than any pro in history...


...go take a look at Joe Ogilvie's comments on the subject, I suspect he may qualify as an "expert" on the topic.


if you all are ever in front of a judge with your freedom hanging in the balance I hope you muster an argument more compelling than this "flop" line of reasoning, because if not you are going to jail - straight to jail - do not pass go.




Joe must have made those comments after he had a few cocktails, right before he got in his courtesy car and got picked up for DUI. And really, Joe's comments have ZERO to do with her success as a player, only with her impact upon the gate at a PGA tour event and the business side of it all, more than anything else. As a member of the policy board I would expect him to say something along those lines, and nothing less.


Her 2006 numbers are interesting on paper, certainly. The most telling stat ZERO. The number of wins. We have been told over and over by her PR and spin machines that this is the best female golfer in the world, most talented, etc. And she has done nothing this year except throw chances to validate that spin in the garbage. She has the potential to be a great player certainly, but it seems the crowning of her as the queen has been far too premature.


The dollars and cents of how fast she gets to a mill is a pointless fact. The way purse money has increased across all the tours in the past few years, its not a true measure of anything but a nice piece of bar trivia. 9 years ago Tiger earned a mill and it was sensational, now it takes nearly that amount to even keep your card on the tour. Its a fact that is so far out of context as to be useless.


and FYI...Joe Durant got the DUI in his courtesy car in Charlotte, not Joe Ogilvie.


but I guess a little details like that really don't matter huh?




I'm pretty sure it was Ogilvie and not Durant actually.


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Did she not get along with Fanny?



Fanny didn't want any part of being on her bag, and they wanted her on it pretty badly. They auditioned her for it earlier this season. And I think the reasons why are pretty obvious. You need a kevlar jumpsuit to be her caddy. Its pretty obvious that the Wie camp has taken the path of scapegoating and excuse making (the blame others approach) and certainly a caddie with as much experience and reputation as Fanny would have no desire to deal with that crap. She tried the young superstar golfer thing after splitting with Faldo when she worked briefly for Sergio. Didn't work then either. No need to come out of her semi retirement to deal with that crap. She carried for Poulter at the Masters, and I think for Mark Hensby one or twice earlier this year when she was over in the U.S. but it seems that she did quite well with Faldo all those years and seems to be enjoying life with no apparent need to caddy regularly.


This is a HORRIBLE move for MW. Getting a caddie with Johnston's experience will be difficult at best and maybe even virtually impossible. I think the picture is becoming pretty clear, that its anyone's fault but Michelle's and that is only going to make it more difficult to find a new caddie. I am sure that BJ Wie's over bearing presence can't help matters either. The next victim is probably some poor assistant at Leadbetter's school, who will get pressed into service for the balance of the year and get canned from both gigs at the end when MW fails some more.


When you look at that bag from a caddies point of view, even with all the circus crap aside, its not a great gig right now. 10-12 events a year, with a legit chance of cashing in only 7 of them, and cashing at the LPGA purse rate is not exactly great money. Unless their is a crapload of base salary and guaranteed money in the deal, its not a bag worth carrying money wise.




but in general, I'd love to get ahold of some of the stuff you "flop" meisters are smoking, because it must be really really really good.


2006: 7 LPGA starts (mostly the top events), 6 top 5 finishes, well over $700,000 in earnings, will get to $1,000,000 in earnigns faster than any pro in LPGA history and at a younger age than any pro in history...


...go take a look at Joe Ogilvie's comments on the subject, I suspect he may qualify as an "expert" on the topic.


if you all are ever in front of a judge with your freedom hanging in the balance I hope you muster an argument more compelling than this "flop" line of reasoning, because if not you are going to jail - straight to jail - do not pass go.




Joe must have made those comments after he had a few cocktails, right before he got in his courtesy car and got picked up for DUI. And really, Joe's comments have ZERO to do with her success as a player, only with her impact upon the gate at a PGA tour event and the business side of it all, more than anything else. As a member of the policy board I would expect him to say something along those lines, and nothing less.


Her 2006 numbers are interesting on paper, certainly. The most telling stat ZERO. The number of wins. We have been told over and over by her PR and spin machines that this is the best female golfer in the world, most talented, etc. And she has done nothing this year except throw chances to validate that spin in the garbage. She has the potential to be a great player certainly, but it seems the crowning of her as the queen has been far too premature.


The dollars and cents of how fast she gets to a mill is a pointless fact. The way purse money has increased across all the tours in the past few years, its not a true measure of anything but a nice piece of bar trivia. 9 years ago Tiger earned a mill and it was sensational, now it takes nearly that amount to even keep your card on the tour. Its a fact that is so far out of context as to be useless.


and FYI...Joe Durant got the DUI in his courtesy car in Charlotte, not Joe Ogilvie.


but I guess a little details like that really don't matter huh?




I'm pretty sure it was Ogilvie and not Durant actually.



I stand corrected...I was dead wrong on that one.


apologies to Cleveland59 for my misstatment there.



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The sheer length of this thread and the emotional debate about this girl make it very clear that many may not like her and others may think is the next big thing after Tiger but one thing is for sure:


Nobody is indifferent about her.


Controversy is part of the game. I was not much of a fan of Pressel's brahsness or Craemer's pinkness but the LPGA has obviously arrived. Even the hardcore golf nuts in this forum talk about it.


I love it. I think she will do fine and in the process enrage many and dazzle most.


Good point. Fortunately, most members are like you, make a point and move on.


Unfortunately there are some or one in every Michelle Wie thread that can't move on without egging on another member and beating a dead horse.


But instead of locking a MW thread....again...let's try something else and the thread can go on...for now.

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I think we should have a permanent locked post with everyones opinion and just keep bumping it. I never see anyone change their minds and it really goes nowhere. More than half these posts seem like deja vu.



The sheer length of this thread and the emotional debate about this girl make it very clear that many may not like her and others may think is the next big thing after Tiger but one thing is for sure:


Nobody is indifferent about her.


Controversy is part of the game. I was not much of a fan of Pressel's brahsness or Craemer's pinkness but the LPGA has obviously arrived. Even the hardcore golf nuts in this forum talk about it.


I love it. I think she will do fine and in the process enrage many and dazzle most.


Good point. Fortunately, most members are like you, make a point and move on.


Unfortunately there are some or one in every Michelle Wie thread that can't move on without egging on another member and beating a dead horse.


But instead of locking a MW thread....again...let's try something else and the thread can go on...for now.

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Some how my original post got way out of hand. The point I was trying to make is that NO ONE in the Wie camp had the guts to tell the caddie that he is fired. I just find that a BIG mistake on their part. Sure caddies and players split all the time but I think you would find that most are confronted and told by the players and not the agents. Thanks again, Mike

Cobra LTD X LS 9.0 Fuji Atmos Black 6S

Cobra King LTD 14.5 Rogue Black 70S

Callaway Big Bertha II 5 wood RCH Firm

Taylormade 3 iron UDI Kuro Kage Black

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(A.) The sheer length of this thread and the emotional debate about this girl make it very clear that many may not like her and others may think is the next big thing after Tiger but one thing is for sure:


(B.) Nobody is indifferent about her.


(C.) Controversy is part of the game. I was not much of a fan of Pressel's brahsness or Craemer's pinkness but the LPGA has obviously arrived. Even the hardcore golf nuts in this forum talk about it.


(D.) I love it. I think she will do fine and in the process enrage many and dazzle most.


I agree on A., B., most of C., all of D.


I just wish I could get someone to actually make a bet on:

- she will win

- or she won't win

- or she'll only win X number of events

- etc...


soooo much big/aggressive talk, but nobody wants to back it up with a wager...




Simply because one does not wager on an opinion or belief does not render that said opinion or belief invalid.

Often its those who are insecure in their own beliefs that feel the need to try to wager on them, in a futile attempt to create a false sense of self confidence. Or often the tactic is used as a tool to attempt to stife discussion when the person offering the wager has run out of ammunition or has become so hopelessly lost in their argument they have reached their last resort.


You humor me with your "soooo much big/aggressive talk" comment directed at others when in fact you are the one daring others to wager, accusing them of not backing up their comments, beliefs, etc. If anyone is being a big, loud talker here, its you sir.


You asked of me how many events I thought it would take for MW to win, and I can't tell you that, it honestly depends on how she approaches next year. If she applies for and accepts LPGA tour membership, she will win early next year. If she continues this joke of a schedule, it may be 2008 before we see her on top of the leaderboard at the end of an event.


so what's your number? 5? 10? 25?


put a number to it...




There is NO ONE, absolutely no one, aside from MW, BJ Wie, and her agent that has any clue as to how many events and on what tour she will play next year, and even they may not know for certain, yet I am supposed to wager with you on how many events it will take? I'll get right on that after I place my wager on peace in the middle east.

Clearly logic is escaping your grasp.


I completely understand that nobody knows her sched at this point.


that's why a few posts ago I suggested that we not think about it in the context of a calendar year...


...but rather "how many more LPGA events will she have to play before she wins one?"


10 events? 25? 50? never? (regardless of how many years it takes her to play that many events)


for example, I predict she'll win:

- at least one of her next 10 LPGA events.

- 3 of her next 25.

- and at least 8 of her next 50.


what does everyone else predict?


also, consider this statement:


if I walked up to you out of the blue 5 years ago and said...


"in 2006 this 16 year old girl is going to win over $700,000 in seven LPGA events with 6 top 5 finishes"


...what would your reaction have been? I highly doubt anyone would say "oh man that chick is a flop".


FYI...in '01 #10 on the money list won $748,000 in 29 events - and before you start down the purse inflation trail be aware that in '05 #10 on the money list won $777k, and in '05 #2 on the money list actually won less money than #2 in 2001.


so, there you have:

A. a numerical prediction.

B. a statement to consider.

C. some money list facts to back it up.


good day.




If she were to make 20 starts on the LPGA tour, which is not a sure thing, I'd guess she'd win probably somewhere between start 7-12 on the season. If she continues on this current path, I'd say it will be 10 or 12 more starts at a minimum before wins, which puts it somewhere late in 2008.

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Did she not get along with Fanny?



Fanny didn't want any part of being on her bag, and they wanted her on it pretty badly. They auditioned her for it earlier this season. And I think the reasons why are pretty obvious. You need a kevlar jumpsuit to be her caddy. Its pretty obvious that the Wie camp has taken the path of scapegoating and excuse making (the blame others approach) and certainly a caddie with as much experience and reputation as Fanny would have no desire to deal with that crap. She tried the young superstar golfer thing after splitting with Faldo when she worked briefly for Sergio. Didn't work then either. No need to come out of her semi retirement to deal with that crap. She carried for Poulter at the Masters, and I think for Mark Hensby one or twice earlier this year when she was over in the U.S. but it seems that she did quite well with Faldo all those years and seems to be enjoying life with no apparent need to caddy regularly.


This is a HORRIBLE move for MW. Getting a caddie with Johnston's experience will be difficult at best and maybe even virtually impossible. I think the picture is becoming pretty clear, that its anyone's fault but Michelle's and that is only going to make it more difficult to find a new caddie. I am sure that BJ Wie's over bearing presence can't help matters either. The next victim is probably some poor assistant at Leadbetter's school, who will get pressed into service for the balance of the year and get canned from both gigs at the end when MW fails some more.


When you look at that bag from a caddies point of view, even with all the circus crap aside, its not a great gig right now. 10-12 events a year, with a legit chance of cashing in only 7 of them, and cashing at the LPGA purse rate is not exactly great money. Unless their is a crapload of base salary and guaranteed money in the deal, its not a bag worth carrying money wise.




but in general, I'd love to get ahold of some of the stuff you "flop" meisters are smoking, because it must be really really really good.


2006: 7 LPGA starts (mostly the top events), 6 top 5 finishes, well over $700,000 in earnings, will get to $1,000,000 in earnigns faster than any pro in LPGA history and at a younger age than any pro in history...


...go take a look at Joe Ogilvie's comments on the subject, I suspect he may qualify as an "expert" on the topic.


if you all are ever in front of a judge with your freedom hanging in the balance I hope you muster an argument more compelling than this "flop" line of reasoning, because if not you are going to jail - straight to jail - do not pass go.






Well said JD! The first thing that came to MY mind was Joe Ogilvie's comment also.

Taylormade 430 r15 10.5*
Taylormade r7 tp TS
Taylormade Dual Rescue tp 19*
Taylormade Dual Rescue tp 16*
Taylormade forged mb rac tp 4-pw
Taylornade rac tp 56* sw
Taylornade rac tp 60* lw
Scotty Cameron oilcan 009 (A004787)

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Interesting little article on cnnsi about the caddy situation... Can someone say Jennifer Capriati?



Ping G400 LST Ping Tour Stiff 63
Callaway Epic Fash Sub Zero 15 Hzrdus Smoke 6.5
Titleist 818 H1 19 Evenflow Blue 6.5 85
Titleist T100s Black 4-PW Dynamic Gold AMT Tour White
Titleist SM8 52 Dynamic Gold S200
TM High Toe 58 KBS Hi Rev 115 Stiff
TM High Toe 64 KBS Hi Rev 115 Stiff
TM Spider X

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Interesting little article on cnnsi about the caddy situation... Can someone say Jennifer Capriati?




I must have missed something in Capriati's career? Did she go through a bunch of caddies? Coaches? Towel boys?


Capriati was a young pehnom, immature, got bored, smoked pot and shoplifted for thrills. She lost interest in tennis, then grew up, realized she has no other talent, and made another run at it.


What in the world does that have to do with Michelle Wie?


Ya sure it sucks the caddy was fired by the agent. Life is rough when you carry a bag for a living. It's obviously not that great of a job with a ton of benefits/perks. VJ's caddy made a $1M in a year then he quit before he could get fired on a whim because he knew what all caddies should know - you carry a bag for a living, it's a rough job. And people not named Michael Jordan with big endorsement contracts are generally not all that friendly. What a surprise!

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Interesting little article on cnnsi about the caddy situation... Can someone say Jennifer Capriati?




I must have missed something in Capriati's career? Did she go through a bunch of caddies? Coaches? Towel boys?


Capriati was a young pehnom, immature, got bored, smoked pot and shoplifted for thrills. She lost interest in tennis, then grew up, realized she has no other talent, and made another run at it.



Exactly, Wie is a young pehnom who is immature, and with the parents she has it is very concieveable that she could end up burning out. I think this is just the tip of the iceburg. Just about every young pehnom that has had overbearing parents like this has fizzled. And I don't put Earl Woods or Archie Manning in this subject. They did not do the things the Wie's are doing...


Also, it was crack that Capriati got into, a little more serious than pot.

Ping G400 LST Ping Tour Stiff 63
Callaway Epic Fash Sub Zero 15 Hzrdus Smoke 6.5
Titleist 818 H1 19 Evenflow Blue 6.5 85
Titleist T100s Black 4-PW Dynamic Gold AMT Tour White
Titleist SM8 52 Dynamic Gold S200
TM High Toe 58 KBS Hi Rev 115 Stiff
TM High Toe 64 KBS Hi Rev 115 Stiff
TM Spider X

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Interesting little article on cnnsi about the caddy situation... Can someone say Jennifer Capriati?




I must have missed something in Capriati's career? Did she go through a bunch of caddies? Coaches? Towel boys?


Capriati was a young pehnom, immature, got bored, smoked pot and shoplifted for thrills. She lost interest in tennis, then grew up, realized she has no other talent, and made another run at it.



Exactly, Wie is a young pehnom who is immature, and with the parents she has it is very concieveable that she could end up burning out. I think this is just the tip of the iceburg. Just about every young pehnom that has had overbearing parents like this has fizzled. And I don't put Earl Woods or Archie Manning in this subject. They did not do the things the Wie's are doing...


Also, it was crack that Capriati got into, a little more serious than pot.


It was not crack, so no need to perpetuate untruths. She was charged and pled to possesion of 20 grams of mary jane. Others in the hotel room were charged with possession of crack and/or heroin, but not Capriati.


Again, this has zero to do with Michelle Wie.

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Sorry for trying to put a connection of burnouts and possible burouts together. The thought never crossed your mind that Wie could burnout? The likely connection for her is Capriati. Just like any male in sports who is raised by dictator parents is compared to that USC quarterback, Todd Marinovich. Is it wrong to make this comparison? I don't think so. This article shows that she isn't in control of things in her life. That is never a good thing.



And sorry for not believeing that just because she was charged with pot clears of doing crack. I've never known anyone that just smokes pot but hangs out with crack heads because they are just that cool and fun to hang out with. You hang out with crackheads to smoke crack...


Anyway, like you said the pot/crack is off subject.


I'll shut up again after this, cause I'm tired of being attacked...

Ping G400 LST Ping Tour Stiff 63
Callaway Epic Fash Sub Zero 15 Hzrdus Smoke 6.5
Titleist 818 H1 19 Evenflow Blue 6.5 85
Titleist T100s Black 4-PW Dynamic Gold AMT Tour White
Titleist SM8 52 Dynamic Gold S200
TM High Toe 58 KBS Hi Rev 115 Stiff
TM High Toe 64 KBS Hi Rev 115 Stiff
TM Spider X

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If she wants to play with grown-ups, she should start acting like one. Where do the high profile athletes get off by having their agent be there sounding boards. If she wanted to fire her caddie, she should be professional enough to do it herself face to face. I guess we have to listen to Kelly on the Golf Channel put her spin on this for about four weeks.

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Wow, it's been a trip reading what all you guys are posting about Ms. Wie. You boys sure are passionate about her!


Frankly, I'm tired of hearing about her... and about Tiger too... I really enjoy it when other people win on their respective tours.


Back to the topic at hand... having an agent tell Greg at the airport that he was fired is just bush league. Plain and simple.


And, it's no wonder David Leadbetter's students are the way they are - take a look at him - talk about robotic!



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Another point; what caddie could possibly be good enough to satisfy BJ Wie? They've gone through Johnston who was with Julie for 11 years and several majors, Fanny who was with Faldo through 6 majors, and worked with Fluff Cowan who was with Tiger and now Jim Furyk. It doesn't get any better than that.


I guess none of them are as good as BJ, at least in his mind...

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Another point; what caddie could possibly be good enough to satisfy BJ Wie? They've gone through Johnston who was with Julie for 11 years and several majors, Fanny who was with Faldo through 6 majors, and worked with Fluff Cowan who was with Tiger and now Jim Furyk. It doesn't get any better than that.


I guess none of them are as good as BJ, at least in his mind...


Fanny actually looped for her once and didn't take the job permanent (Can you blame her)


Quite frankly, they're going to go through caddies like a John Daly through a pack of smokes, they may never realize it's not the caddie, it's the person swing the clubs, and the father pulling the strings behind her.


I feel we're being robbed of a great talent thanks to a moronic father who didn't do what was best for his daughter, he did what was best for his bank account, he's just like Sean O'Hare's father minus the boot camp training and beatings.

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No big deal. Players and caddies change dance partners all the time.


Now back to regular programming...





The best post in three pages.


What is the big deal. Johnson was payed well for what he did and it's time for him to find a new job.


People get fired every day. He's lucky he didn't get fired by TEXT MESSAGE.


Why is everyone getting worked up over a matter they have no idea about. For all we know Johnson touched her innappropriately. Pure nonsense on my part, but so is the majority of comments I've read with absolutely no factual evidence in the firing. Of course it's easy to blame the parents, so many kids have been led astray by their pushy parents. BJ...oh yeah...overbearing. :D On one hand the family is called rich and spoiled....save a few bucks and caddy for your daughter and you're overbearing. Then to top it off the comparisons to Capriati, Tryon...what next...Barbaro? Ridiculous....the girls summer is spent golfing. Just like most other kids....except she's winning thousands to do it. Then she goes back to school. A regular school, not home schooled ala Morgan. No offense but basing your not being a fan on the way a caddy was fired is laughable.


The caddy got fired. Who care's. It's just one of dozens that happen every year on the tour. Did we say it was the end of Tiger when Fluff got fired??? Ridiculous. There's a line of caddies wishing to be on her bag. Just like there is a bunch of teachers wanting to be associated with her swing.


Move on fellers....the PGA's next week! :D

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No big deal. Players and caddies change dance partners all the time.


Now back to regular programming...





The best post in three pages.


What is the big deal. Johnson was payed well for what he did and it's time for him to find a new job.


People get fired every day. He's lucky he didn't get fired by TEXT MESSAGE.


Why is everyone getting worked up over a matter they have no idea about. For all we know Johnson touched her innappropriately. Pure nonsense on my part, but so is the majority of comments I've read with absolutely no factual evidence in the firing. Of course it's easy to blame the parents, so many kids have been led astray by their pushy parents. BJ...oh yeah...overbearing. :D On one hand the family is called rich and spoiled....save a few bucks and caddy for your daughter and you're overbearing. Then to top it off the comparisons to Capriati, Tryon...what next...Barbaro? Ridiculous....the girls summer is spent golfing. Just like most other kids....except she's winning thousands to do it. Then she goes back to school. A regular school, not home schooled ala Morgan. No offense but basing your not being a fan on the way a caddy was fired is laughable.


The caddy got fired. Who care's. It's just one of dozens that happen every year on the tour. Did we say it was the end of Tiger when Fluff got fired??? Ridiculous. There's a line of caddies wishing to be on her bag. Just like there is a bunch of teachers wanting to be associated with her swing.


Move on fellers....the PGA's next week! :D



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