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Rounds with a Vintage Bag

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[quote name='Gusboh' timestamp='1451558127' post='12783738']
Hey ladies and gents.

Going out tomorrow for a round. Start the year off properly. Penna TP2 driver, Cleveland TC 15 3 wood, Wilson tour blade ace. Mac VIP limited 2-11, cobra wedge, custom Lajosi mini putter.

Just turned 33, and as far as I'm concerned, this is golf. The other thing is just pretend. Especially because the course I'm playing was built 50 years ago. What's the point of the hazards being out of play? What's the point of cutting the corner? [b]I score what I score, and it's ok. The fun is in the doing, not the gloating.[/b]

Plus, I get to buy new clubs for less than what I carry in cash. And I have zero remorse if they're terrible.

Anyway, enjoy 2016. Hope you all achieve your goals. Hopefully they're all related to having more fun, not to an arbitrary number.

- Gus.

Welcome board Gus. Your comment is spot on relative to how we approach things here. The best to you as well for 2016 as you begin your classical journey. Lots of enjoyment to be found in taking this tack. And discovering it at the ripe old age of 33. A digital tip of the cap to you.

P.S. You now must return and provide us an update once you have played said round. "This is not 'Nam. This is <golf>. There are rules."

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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[quote name='Gusboh' timestamp='1451558127' post='12783738']
Just turned 33, and as far as I'm concerned, this is golf. [b]The other thing is just pretend.[/b] Especially because[u][i] the course I'm playing was built 50 years ago. [/i][/u]What's the point of the hazards being out of play? What's the point of cutting the corner? [/quote]
I completely agree with this attitude.

Although I might take it a step further and call it 'cheating'. But that would mean any of it matters.

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Terrible. But I smiled lots.

Shot 85, should have been more like 75 if I'd remembered how to have any form of short game. Putting was disgraceful. Chipping was worse.

But, practice makes perfect. So I'll have to get more leave passes for golf.

Had one "is this made of timber?". Had one "how can you hit blades". The blade guy got a swing with my five iron. Then talked my ear off about getting a set. :)

Was 35c when I walked off. Hot day.

Hope you all had a good start to the year.
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[quote name='Gusboh' timestamp='1451629798' post='12787412']

Terrible.[b] But I smiled lots.[/b]

Shot 85, should have been more like 75 if I'd remembered how to have any form of short game. Putting was disgraceful. Chipping was worse.

But, practice makes perfect. So I'll have to get more [b]leave passes [/b]for golf.

Had one "is this made of timber?". Had one "how can you hit blades". The blade guy got a swing with my five iron. Then talked my ear off about getting a set. :)

Was 35c when I walked off. Hot day.

Hope you all had a good start to the year.

Thanks for the update on your round. "Smiled lots" is the right attitude to have. If your not enjoying yourself, why bother.

Are you in the service (leave passes)? If so, thank you for your service. Several veterans are regular contributors to these chronicles. And where the heck were you playing with temps of 35*C (95*)? That's borderline to hot to play golf for this old boy. (On second thought, I would play today in those temps if I could.)

We all have those "shoulda been" rounds. Myself, more often than I choose to admit. But that's the hook that keeps us coming back. The quest for that day when it all comes together and we shoot the "lights out" round. We know that its within us, almost there. With that said, an 85 is still a very respectable round in my book. Especially while using classic clubs (which you may not be entirely familiar with).

As for the upcoming New Year, we're healthy, happy and blessed to be able to pursue those activities that bring us enjoyment with family and good friends. For thats what's important.

As for a good [b]start to [/b]the New Year, well not so much. A highly anticipated "big game" turned into a 38-0 whoop'n. Life goes on, not important in the grand scheme of things, tomorrow is a better day, etc. But I'm going to stew about it for a bit this a.m. before moving on.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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[quote name='Fellaheen51' timestamp='1451656924' post='12787852']

As for a good [b]start to [/b]the New Year, well not so much. A highly anticipated "big game" turned into a 38-0 whoop'n. Life goes on, not important in the grand scheme of things, tomorrow is a better day, etc. But I'm going to stew about it for a bit this a.m. before moving on.

I don't follow US college football, but when I saw the match-up featuring Michigan State, I thought of you Fella. It would appear that my quiet good luck did nothing for the team. It's never fun to be on the wrong end of one of those types of games. Been there; felt that... :(

A hearty New Year's wish to you and all the other folks who frequent our corner of the web! :wave:

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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So, second round of the year. 75. Should have been 80 or more, but I got in the rhythm of missing greens and chipping things close


Funny, both rounds have been as enjoyable as the other.


Really want to get an 8802 style putter. Heel shafted, flat, short, heavy, pretty. I might need to talk to kari lajosi. 8802s aren't thick on the ground over in aus.



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Fun game this morning, partly in the rain, at Lake Chabot. That's the one with a closing par 6 hole.


Driving is getting better again - straighter. 10 fairways this time.


Used the heavier PC this time. It's been a while and I'm not used to them but had a few shots I'm proud of. I think I'll play them more often this winter since they've got rubber grips. Using them will improve my game, too. Last year I was getting pretty accurate with those and I'd like to get that back.


It was great being the only guy out there.

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Well, weird round yesterday. Hit all 14 fairways. All but one on the correct side. The other one in the middle. Was really getting it out there too. Had no more than a seven iron into par fours. Two par fives were easily reachable in two with an iron.


But (and it's a big one) couldn't hit an iron to save my life. Missed absolutely everything. Putted nothing either. Off the tee, I was looking at 68-72. Shot 86. In fact, the guys behind me assumed I'd shot in the sixties because of my tee shots. On thinking through the round, if I'd hit the middle of every green and putted even slightly ok, I'm shooting 70 (two pins were dead centre). Good putts, or good wedges, and I'm looking at sixty something.


Still, had to smile. Haven't driven it that good for years. Out drove the technology guys. By 20 - 30 metres on occasions. My irons will come good. Practice does that.


So I know that I can get into the sixties, with a bit of practice. I'm thinking the next thing I do is going to be deciding if I bother worrying. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Last thing I want is to be that guy that spends too much time caring about golf, when he's not a pro.


My instinct at the moment is to practice short game stuff. It's fun, relatively quick, and I can do lots of it at home with the kids. That'll make things less frustrating really quick. Nothing like being three metres from the pin in two, and taking a five to test your attitude. :)


Hope your weekends were great.

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Back at Tilden last Friday morning. So early, so dark, I couldn't make good contact with the tee shot. Hit 5 balls, topping them all.


5-8 minutes later I teed up again, and realized that the 2 wood I was using had a much higher face than the '51 M23, so I teed up higher and started once and for all. Still nobody behind me at all! lol


First hole is tough - a 4/5 that is uphill all the way, probably more than 100 feet of gain. And it's beyond 400 yards. AND steepest before the green... Second shot was crap, like the wet grass was really just 2 feet of water. But tried again with my 4 wood (I mostly bag that because of the hilly courses I play) and almost got on the green, just a bit short.


Teed on the second hole - nice and straight. I think two things are happening - stiffer shaft is keeping the club face more square, and I'm really focusing on loading my feet and accelerating through and beyond the ball. Even used the 2 wood off the deck, which I don't like as much with this other Jack Nicklaus wood with its sharp edge, and it was too straight!


Irons that morning were better than the previous game at Lake Chabot in that I allowed for the length of the shaft. Had a couple of fun fades - one around a tree with a five iron, and one just over the oaks on the #2 rated hole to about 5 feet right of the hole. I enjoyed the Medallion Equalizer, I think at 56 degrees, again. It used to be my favorite club but I haven't gamed the Hogan set for months. Felt better with pitching using these Hogans than chipping. Faces too big and shafts too long for chipping I guess?


Was on the fairway often again from my drives (going to take this 2 wood to Tokyo with me next week, love it). But one shot put me on a slope behind the trees in light rough... Grrr... However, I used the 1960's Mac something 4 wood, allowed for all my normal outside-in swing path and aimed to a tree on the left side of the fairway. Perfect strong fade / slice that just bent into the center of the fairway and soared right towards the green. It's nice how two slices make a good shot!


Got a bit frustrated when the late-starting 'early birds' did the back nine and crowded me a bit. The super super soggy back nine holes along the forest tree line, including the rubber tees on a couple of the holes (rats!) bummed me out, too.


But my nemesis hole - a slightly uphill with a massive basin in front of a mean green 180 yards away blocked by two bunkers - put an end to all my negativity. Used the 2 wood again and nailed the tongue of short grass between the bunkers in front of the green. It's all just newly repaired so my ball made a 2 inch deep divot and bounced back a bit instead of rolling up onto the green. But I was very happy. I've done nothing but slice into the trees on that hole the last several times I played this course.


A bonus about this whole game is I paid $17.

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I had the day off today and took my 12 Y/O nephew out with me today to a short flat 4808 yard course. He had yet to play a complete 18 hole course. I loaded the Button Backs in the bag along with a set of W/S II woods that I had yet to play with, along with a older Ping B 60 putter. The course was soggy from the weekends rain. This course was built in 1925 along the green river. The same green river that the killer dumped his murder victims. On the other side of the river is a animal rendering works, yeah it stinks. The wind was't bad today so the stench was light.

I wasn't expecting much with the conditions and my nephew's inexperience. I guess not really worried about my game helping Justin I just swung easy and hit my shots. + 2 on the front and +2 on the back with 2 birdies and 6 bogies. 62% fairways/ 56% GIRS / 1.8 putts. The round can be seen on game golf with this link.


Here are a few pics of the sticks along with Justin and I.

Jimmy B :smilie_wilson:

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Beautiful set of clubs, Jimmy! :good:

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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I had the day off today and took my 12 Y/O nephew out with me today to a short flat 4808 yard course. He had yet to play a complete 18 hole course. I loaded the Button Backs in the bag along with a set of W/S II woods that I had yet to play with, along with a older Ping B 60 putter. The course was soggy from the weekends rain. This course was built in 1925 along the green river. The same green river that the killer dumped his murder victims. On the other side of the river is a animal rendering works, yeah it stinks. The wind was't bad today so the stench was light.

I wasn't expecting much with the conditions and my nephew's inexperience. I guess not really worried about my game helping Justin I just swung easy and hit my shots. + 2 on the front and +2 on the back with 2 birdies and 6 bogies. 62% fairways/ 56% GIRS / 1.8 putts. The round can be seen on game golf with this link.


Here are a few pics of the sticks along with Justin and I.

Jimmy B :smilie_wilson:

Nice sticks there Jimmy even if they are Wilson LOL just had to say that. You keep playing like that your 12 handicap will be a single digit!! even if it was a shorter course. Good round

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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71 today.


Par 67 course. :)


Should have been more like 75 again, but I got lucky. I'm not hitting as many really bad shots, so I'm not far off playing the way I remember when I played lots.


Used my MacGregor VIP limited irons, and Cleveland tc15 woods. They're not as nice as the Pennas.

Now you are cooking with gas so to speak Mac VIP and Penna woods and the Clevelands are not bad either. Actually I am biased I never saw an older club I did not like no matter the brand oh wait unless they are Cleveland VAS. Now that I though about it it is scary to think VAS are old enough to be called classic too

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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Played a solo game in Tokyo, along the river which is like a links environment.


Had a couple draws and one 20 yard hook that went over a tall net. Haven't gone left since last June in FL. Guess I'm finally getting inside and tilting my spine again!


The course was short - good for me since I'm not at all a long hitter. Nailed several greens today. Unfortunately, even with the serious storms in the last week, the greens were rock hard and the balls rolled too much. One shot bounced probably 5 feet in the air...


The bunkers on the course http://www.kawaguchi-golf.co.jp/golf.html were the deep, gaping maws I see in Scotland videos. Stayed out of them until 18, where a slice put me in one, then an overly-eager scoop off hard sand put me in the opposite bunker. LOL.

(Amazingly still only got a 6 on that one, even adding 100 yards by teeing off way back).


The course set up is to play 6 holes, the next 6 holes, and then repeat the first 6 holes. First six is all par 4 with one 5. Second 6 has 3 par 3s, but the final really should be a 3 because it's 200 yards.

There are signs asking players to use like a 5-iron or less, or a 7-iron or less off the tee. Since I'm a short hitter I used my 2-wood on all the 4s and 5s.

I did use my 2 iron on the second 6 final hole, playing from the forward tee it was 175 yards. Carried all the way (one of the better, straighter shots with that 2 iron) but hit the left bunker (no fade at all). Still, it bounced out and was pin high within putting distance over short, dry grass. Par ;-)


Best part - I got their by subway early am. In fact they didn't open up until 8am so I waited around for 45 minutes, but it was great to get out there and miss all the crowds.

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Can't say it was a round because, its 2/3 and I live in MI. But the temp yesterday was 52* and I needed to hit some golf balls. Even if it was at the range. The only one I knew for sure was open was at a LGS in the area. Certainly wasn't alone in my thinking on such a nice day. Range was crowded with people taking some swings and trying out new stuff. (Clangity clang went the metal drivers seemingly everyone was trying. Annoying.)


I grabbed some clubs for a comparison shootout. The recently overhauled and anxious to try Apex II with FCM 5.5, '99 Apex with Nippon 950GH, '88 Apex with Apex 4 and i20 with CFS. Used the 6i and 9i. Used the Pings for warmup, hadn't hit a ball in two months. Needless to say the swing was rusty. While the temps were O.K., there was a 20+ mph quartering wind that really was impacting distance. Be that as it may.


After sufficiently loose, gave the Apex II's their first trial. Really was pleasantly surprised by the results. Always was a fan of the old Rifle FCM shafts. Paired with the Apex II's, seemed to offer the lower trajectory that I was after (naturally tend to be a high ball hitter). Most of the shots tended left so a lie adjustment, as expected, is in order. Compared to the '99 Apex with Nippons, that I had played most of last season, there was something about the Apex II's that I found favorable. Can't quite put my finger on it. Alternated shots between the two. The Apex II's just felt better. The extra heft to the Rifles? Not enough of a shaft guru to articulate the nuances of what I was experiencing. More than satisfied with the refurb results, at minimal investment.


Proceeded on to trying out the '88 Apexs. Had high aspirations for these given their somewhat "iconic" status amongst the Hogan crowd. However, they did not offer up a positive experience. Somewhat disappointed. Granted, was hitting these unmodified. Meaning that they were 1"+ to short, with Tour Wrap grips which I never much cared for (slippery). But something else. The Apex (4) shafts I'm thinking. To stiff. Even on relatively well struck balls, felt harsh. Had a difficult time getting the ball elevated with the Redlines. I'll reserve further judgement until I extend a couple of clubs, different grips and retry. But I'm not going to reshaft, so maybe not keepers.


Used the Pings as a warmup club only, a familiarity factor for no other reason. But after the experience of hitting a few pure shots with the Apex II's, they felt extraordinarily dull and lifeless. The "feel" of a well struck golf ball off the face of a forged golf iron is unique and pleasurable. The Pings continue to be a dilemma, keep them as a backup (for those days when the swing is not up to playing the Hogans) or finally, once and for all cut them loose.


All this was performed off of mats with range balls. So perhaps not the full representation of things until played off of grass in warmer temps and with a preferred ball. But all in all, an enjoyable way to spend and hour and a half in the dead of winter. Hitting some golf balls, trying a few clubs. Sore muscles latter.


Back to the regular scheduled programming by those of you that are still able to go out an play. Like on a real golf course. In warm weather.


Note - Had to take the obligatory stroll through the store afterwards. Visit the used/trade in bins for anything of interest. Try some putters. Etc. My goodness, the new batch of drivers and fairways are stone a** ugly. All manner of gizmos to do this and adjust that. And loud, "look at me" colors. A $450 Cobra driver had something called a "Space Port" affixed on the bottom. Near as I could tell, just a translucent plastic thingy so that one could see inside the head. Asked the salesman, who happened by at that point, what it was for. He just shrugged his shoulders and said he really didn't know. LOL. Probably worth 10 extra yards. Guess I'm just to old school now days, don't get what the "kool" kids play.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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I'm guessing the "Space Port" is where your paycheck docks and you wave goodbye to it. ;)

All Forged, all the time.
The Sets that see regular playing time...
67 Spalding Top-Flite Professional, Cleveland Classic Persimmon Driver, 3 & 4 Spalding Top-Flite Persimmon Woods, TPM Putter.
71 Wilson Staff Button Backs, Wilson System 3000 Persimmon Driver, 3 & 5 Woods, Wilson Sam Snead Pay-Off Putter.
95 Snake Eyes S&W Forged, Snake Eyes 600T Driver, Viper MS 18* & 21* Woods, 252 & 258 Vokeys, Golfsmith Zero Friction Putter.
2015 Wilson Staff FG Tour F5, TaylorMade Superfast Driver, 16.5* Fairway, & 21* Hybrid, Harmonized SW & LW, Tour Edge Feel2 Putter.

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I skipped out of the office at lunch yesterday with a co-worker for just my second round of golf in the last 3 months. Temperature was in the 40's with a stiff breeze but the sun was shining so we thought, what the heck.


We didn't warm up, just went straight to the first tee since we both had things to do later in the afternoon, and the first several holes were pretty brutal. I think I started out bogey-double-bogey-triple-double. After the 4th hole where I made a triple and actually won the hole by two strokes (!) we decided for our sanity to just keep track of the match play. I was having a ton of trouble just making solid contact and when I did, they tended to be weak slices.


After the fifth hole I peeled off my gloves and jacket and started playing a little better (hate playing with so many layers!) and somewhere around the 12th hole I figured out my swing. Reconstructing my scorecard afterwards, I think I played the last 7 holes in 2 over, including a lot of satisfying shots with my Hogan Precision irons. Overall, shot 48-41 (I think) but won the match.


Best shot of the day might have been my drive on #15. My opponent had just clouted his 45" titanium driver high and long but when we got to our balls I was only a few yards behind him. I was hitting my Spalding Model 38 persimmons. I also was very happy with my putter on this day. I recently shortened my flanged Bullseye to my preferred 32" and added a round leather grip, the same as I have on my irons and woods. For a total investment of about $30 I outputted my friend with his $500 Scotty (he payed this amount for a set of titlest cavity-back-pseudo-forged irons last year and then traded them recently for the putter... after paying $300 for his last custom-fit putter, lol).


One final note: it was crazy how short our golf balls were (not) flying. Even after finding my groove, I was consistently having to overclub 2 clubs. Case in point, on the 14th I had 115 to the pin and smashed a 7 iron -- pin high lol. Then on the 15th I had 135 to the hole and hit a very solid 6 iron that barely made it on (125 yards). Hit another clean 6 iron on #16 that went 125 yards, then a 7 iron on #17 from 110 that went about 10 yards long. Finally, on my approach on #18 I hit a 5 iron from 138 that landed pin high.


I guess I should take offseason conditioning more seriously :)

And if you play persimmon, you're my friend

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HC; your account reminds me of what my first few rounds are like in the spring. I doubt conditioning has much to do with it in those sorts of temperatures with typical mid winter conditions. Last year I had a 2 to 3 club swing in carry from Florida to home conditions in March/April.

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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You guys are scaring me. We start our Lowcountry seniors tournament season this coming Thursday and the forecast is for temps around 38-40 for game time and not going above 45 for the day.

I will be testing out the Duo Spin. Not sure what clubs I will be using. Don't think it's going to be the Buttonbacks. Don't want to chance a mishap with them in the cold.

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+/- 40*.....sounds like the first few weeks of league play in April. Multiple layers, winter gloves, hiking shoes, the Polartec beanie are the order of the day. So much for a fluid backswing. Usually try to shorten things up, with most swings becoming something of a punch shot. Always so much fun to play at golf in these conditions. Last spring played thru snow squalls (easy points as the other team no showed). Was going to crack wise about our Southern gentleman but refrained. Cold is cold, no matter where you're at.


Probably a prudent move to not play anything resembling a blade (i.e. Buttonbacks). Grab the most forgiving clubs in your arsenal. Mishit a blade on a cold day......takes two holes to regain the feeling in your hands thereafter. Even with playing a "soft" ball. Good luck in the tourney.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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Thanks Guys, I appreciate you reminding me of why I moved down here. ;)

I also played today. Temp 72 with little to light breeze. Had the Mizzy's out. Hit well when the back cooperated and poorly when it didn't. Very up and down round. Greens were playing fast and my chipping and putting were off... which wasn't a good combination. Hopefully will have a better round on Monday which is my next tee time.

Warm Wishes from SoFlo,



All Forged, all the time.
The Sets that see regular playing time...
67 Spalding Top-Flite Professional, Cleveland Classic Persimmon Driver, 3 & 4 Spalding Top-Flite Persimmon Woods, TPM Putter.
71 Wilson Staff Button Backs, Wilson System 3000 Persimmon Driver, 3 & 5 Woods, Wilson Sam Snead Pay-Off Putter.
95 Snake Eyes S&W Forged, Snake Eyes 600T Driver, Viper MS 18* & 21* Woods, 252 & 258 Vokeys, Golfsmith Zero Friction Putter.
2015 Wilson Staff FG Tour F5, TaylorMade Superfast Driver, 16.5* Fairway, & 21* Hybrid, Harmonized SW & LW, Tour Edge Feel2 Putter.

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Tim V. You funny. A shame that your game was off today. Don't you just hate that, a wonderful day spoiled by suspect play. Best wishes for another "great" round in 72* temps when next you play.




Forecast for the low teens and snow next week, Fella. :blind:

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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Played a local 9 holer on the weekend. Funny course, some easy holes, some that will happily take your lunch money, then give you a wedgie for giggles. Played two balls rather than go around twice (something about going back to the first never had excited me). At least made par every hole with one ball, never made more than bogey with the other. Drivable par 4 for me in a normal day was out of range (20 knot head wind), so I decided to pay the hole two different ways. Get as close as I could with driver, and then half wedge, and a 2 iron, full wedge. Both ended up as par. Burned the edge with both birdie putts. Got me back into thinking golf, rather than teenage golf (driver off any tee possible). Par 5 that's short and relatively easy to reach in two - played driver for both, then 4 iron for the green, one as an intentional cut to get the ball to chase into the hole, one straight up. Both birdies, though the straight shot was within eagle range, and I burned the edge. Was nice to be back in the groove of thinking then hitting. Haven't done that in ages. Nicer to be hitting shots like I used to. Now, to figure out how to do it everyday! (He says in complete jest and sarcasm)

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  • 3 weeks later...

So Saturdays round was played with:

Spaulding tour edition Metal woods

W/S Button backs

56 &60* wedges

Ping B60 (nicknamed PAWG because of it's shape)

Course is a track i played a lot back when it oped in 1989 when it opened,6328 yards from the blues slope of 121.

Front 8 were good 4 over going on to 9th tee. Yanked the drive left into a group of trees. Setup to hit a low worm burner draw.The shot got snuffed short from a root about 5 feet out in front of the ball. Ok it's out from the trees and 160+ out.6 iron fat and chunky over the top and hey way short. Next up was the famous Bucher thin 60* shot over the green. 56* back towards the green intercepted by the sand trap.Made it out of the trap and 2 putt for an 8. Back nine was normal until 18. 3 wood off the tee in the fairway.Second shot fat opened face 3 wood into the pond drop and swing for the fences and my wife was even laughing at me for wiffing. 3 wood back in the bag, one iron out and knocked it to the 100 yard marker and on the green with a 9 iron for a 1 putt. Forgetting the 2 blow up holes it would have been a good round. Happy with the 3 wood and the couple of shots with the 1 iron.. This is the last round for a bit for the classic sticks since handicap cards getting turned in starting on 3/1. Weather was in the mid 50's with a lite breeze. Course was soggy from the night before.Lots of folks on the course!

Jimmy B

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Jimmy, now if you are truthful, wasn't it a good round even with the blow up holes? Don't feel like the Lone Ranger with those diabolical couple a round that creep up. Mine show up when lulled into a false sense of security my golfing sensibility is overwhelmed by a vaguely remembered youthful bravado of immortality. The result leaves me head scratching, ***kicking and dumbfounded. Insanity I say, of which I am chief among the practitioners.

Don't forget the vintage clubs need love too.

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Old school, I did enjoy the round even the 2 blowup holes! I didn't even mention the mental mind miscalculation on #5. Zapped my yardage and pulled out the 9 iron, short and right but not in the trap. looked at the bottom of the club yep 9 iron. off by one club due to loft difference between modern and Button Backs. I laughed at my self on that one.

I had to work Saturday morning and had a 11:30 tee time, my wife met me at the course with a breakfast sandwich for me. Saturdays at work can be good, start at 5 work til 10 and have the rest of the day to whatever else.

Until the classics get played again, Jimmy B

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Blowup holes. Why is it they seemingly appear out of nowhere? One can be cruising along, playing respectably, then they show up. Like you've never hit a golf ball before. Flop and flounder your way to a ridiculous score for the hole (I stop counting and pickup at 10). One of life's great mysteries. Something that I've worked hard on avoiding. Learning to take my medicine, trying to not compound a bad situation (shot) with another. But they still show up from time to time. Usually leaves me steamed for a couple of holes thereafter. Scratching my head, wondering what that was all about. And before its mentioned......easier said than done.


But.....only a little complaining is allowed. After all, at least you're getting out and playing. Blowup holes aside. I've yet to get this season underway. To experience said travails on my very own. Soon. This season is going to be different, got a good feeling.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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