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[quote name='somaplr' timestamp='1398869101' post='9203175']
[quote name='sanjaygolf' timestamp='1398867828' post='9203035']
[quote name='somaplr' timestamp='1398829323' post='9201281']
It's a slippery slope. Some claim religious beliefs...so where is the line drawn. Can Silver ban anyone now with a little bit of pressure? If an owner makes an off color comment at a cocktail party is that going on the record? How many of us have said something stupid after a few cocktails before?

I fully support Silvers decision I'm just not sure where you draw the line. The difference between Silver and the Magic owner is that Sterling has a very developed history of behavior. It amazes me that people in the media are shocked by this - as Sterling has been like this for 3 decades. I'm very supportive of all equal rights, but I'm just not sure where you draw the line.

That's my problem with such a big penalty. If the ban was for an accumulation of Sterling being a d-bag then I'm fine with the outcome but if it was for this one isolated incident of him being privately taped, saying racist stuff then it's a little harsh. I'm sure plenty of players and others say the N-word and homophobic slurs (Kobe) but it shouldn't be a rule that everybody should like everyone else. Now if he's actively discriminating then that's a different thing. The NBA and Clippers are better off without Sterling but it does make it a slippery slope.

Yeah - that's the thing though. Adam Silver said yesterday that they didn't take into consideration any prior actions - they said they were using the evidence in front of their face. It was a Cover Your Butt move by the NBA, but it inadvertently set a precedent for years to come.

Silver got it right. The punishment was swift and just. I don't care if they say they didn't consider prior actions because that's BS. They can say that but they had to have discussed his prior and current actions as well as any possible future actions by a moron that will never change, as well as the financial impact on the league. When it comes down to it, I hope ethical standards came into play, but it's about money and image. Within 24 hours of the story breaking 7 sponsors pulled out of sponsoring the Clippers. If the owners were to show support for him you don't think they would start losing sponsors as well? Of course they would. It's bad for business to be associated with a racist and his supporters. Plus, rumor had it that every team was going to walk out during tip off of their respective games last night if the punishment wasn't heavy. You think the league can have that and deal with more questions and criticism as well as financial loss from rescheduling games, etc? This went from scandal to praise for the new commish and the league. Silver also said he would have the votes to force a sell. You don't say that unless that discussion has taken place and you've already got the votes.

As far as anyone bringing up freedom of speech and the 1st ammendment that applies to a person being able to state their beliefs without persecution from the government. That doesn't mean you can yell fire in a movie theater or incite a riot. It has nothing to do with your employer. If I say something about my boss or the organization I work for, guess what? I'm looking for a new job. If a franchise location does something to tarnish the image of the brand that franchise is going to get new management or get shut down. If you're part of a club, men's club or country club or whatever, and you do something to tarnish the image of your club you're out. Same thing here. The idiot was part of a league and he hurt it in a multitude of ways so he had to go. This didn't inadvertently set a precedent. It was intentional. It says if you want to own a team and be part of this league you better not do anything to ruin our brand. That means shut your mouth about gay players if you can't support it and shut your mouth about anyone religious affiliation.

As far as off collar comments these weren't bad jokes. This wasn't the one off slur or even something without precedent. This was a racist spewing out his crazy hypocritical nonsense and he was an owner.

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The NBA is also a private company, not the government. They are run by their own rules and regulations that are fine as long as they don't break any laws. If they have something in their by-laws that states they can get rid of an owner who is adversely affecting their league then they have a right to get rid of that owner (i.e. loss of sponsorships, players refusing to play, etc...). Now if sterling challenges that in court, that's on him. Like I said before, I believe he will eventually sell but it could take years before that happens.

There's a local radio guy that used to play for the clippers (Tom Tolbert) and he said that the NBA already hurt him more than any monetary fine could ever do. Apparently sterling loved being in the front row, rubbing shoulders with celebrities/players, hanging out in the locker, media room, etc... before and after games, basically, he loved being a part of the whole NBA "experience"... now that's gone and i say good riddance

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Anybody heard about Shaq making fun of a disabled person? What kind of person does that? Seriously. So disappointing. Let's see if he gets any punishment from the league and TNT.


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[quote name='gambit' timestamp='1398877317' post='9204319']
Anybody heard about Shaq making fun of a disabled person? What kind of person does that? Seriously. So disappointing. Let's see if he gets any punishment from the league and TNT.


shaq also stepped in a garbage can on a TNT broadcast and ended up sprawled all over the floor. Not cool that he made fun of a disabled kid (remember when he mocked yao with his fake chinese giberish). The guy is a big dork... someone should talk to him before he gets banned from the NBA for life!

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Ok other than watching the playoffs and a few regular season games I am unfamiliar with some of the on-goings of the NBA, so hopefully yall can help me.

Can the NBA actually force him to sell his team?? What happens if everyone votes for him to sell it and he just says NO??

I dont know that I agree with the lifetime ban. Maybe a big fine, public apology, and a season long ban or something like that. I agree that this is a slippery slope but that bad thing is, to me, that this will not be enforced consistently. Someone, maybe not an owner, will do/say something similar and the punishment will be different. I do know that Sterling has been labeled a racist before so Im guessing he isnt the best person ever. Ha I do like that idea that Mayweather is interested in buying the team.

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[quote name='blaird' timestamp='1398877831' post='9204383']
Ok other than watching the playoffs and a few regular season games I am unfamiliar with some of the on-goings of the NBA, so hopefully yall can help me.

Can the NBA actually force him to sell his team?? What happens if everyone votes for him to sell it and he just says NO??

I dont know that I agree with the lifetime ban. Maybe a big fine, public apology, and a season long ban or something like that. I agree that this is a slippery slope but that bad thing is, to me, that this will not be enforced consistently. Someone, maybe not an owner, will do/say something similar and the punishment will be different. I do know that Sterling has been labeled a racist before so Im guessing he isnt the best person ever. Ha I do like that idea that Mayweather is interested in buying the team.

What you described is essentially a slap on the wrist to me for what he said and has been accused of doing in the past. I get the fact that a precedent was set, but it wasn't just an off color comment or joke, it was much much bigger than that. If he only got a season long ban heres what would've happened. Warriors/Clippers wouldn't have played last night and who knows what other teams wouldn't play, many clipper players would refuse to play for him and ask to become free agents, free agents don't sign with the clippers, sponsors leave the clippers for good, and who knows what else happens. If any owner says what he said then they deserve the same thing that Sterling got. If an owner makes a joke at a party that they shouldn't have made that;s something completely different.

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Anybody see Larry Johnson's comments:

[color=#292F33]Black people your Focusing on the wrong thing. We should be focusing on having our own, Own team own League! To For Self!![/color]

He's currently an exec with the Knicks. Any repercussions.

Driver: Titleist TS3, 8.5°

2 Wood: Adams InSight XTD, 10.5°

Fairway: Callaway Rogue ST Max LS, 18°

Utility Iron: Cleveland UHX, 20°

Irons: Titleist 718 AP1, 5-GW, 24°-48°
UW: Titleist Vokey SM8, 52°F

LW: Titleist Vokey SM8, 60°D
Putter: Bettinardi inovai 6.0 slant neck, 34"
Ball: Bridgestone Tour B RX
Bag: Sun Mountain Metro Sunday Bag

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it's going to be a long offseason in OKC man. They're not winning this series. I said earlier in the thread that they wouldn't make changes....but i can't imagine Scotty Brooks being back after their offense has been embarrassingly bad. No way to get the ball to Durant, too many broken offensive trips.

Westbrook has basically had the worst possible series he could've had. Shot terribly, [i]terribly...[/i]And last night shot more then Durant

I still don't think they seriously entertain trading him, but they need a coach who will work with them, and hopefully get through to Russell

Srixon ZX5 w/PX Hzrdus Red 60

Srixon ZX 15 w/PX Hzrdus Red 70

Srixon ZX 19h w/PX hzrdus Red 80

Mizuno MP241 4-PW w/KBS Ctaper LITE

Mizuno MP24 52 w/KBS Ctaper LITE

Cleveland RTX6 60/10--Spinner

Deschamps Crisp Antique 

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[quote name='MtlJeff' timestamp='1398895737' post='9206749']
it's going to be a long offseason in OKC man. They're not winning this series. I said earlier in the thread that they wouldn't make changes....but i can't imagine Scotty Brooks being back after their offense has been embarrassingly bad. No way to get the ball to Durant, too many broken offensive trips.

Westbrook has basically had the worst possible series he could've had. Shot terribly, [i]terribly...[/i]And last night shot more then Durant

I still don't think they seriously entertain trading him, but they need a coach who will work with them, and hopefully get through to Russell

Durant needs somebody like Deron Williams at the point. Don't think OKC can make consistant deep runs in the postseason with Westbrook.

Driver: Titleist TS3, 8.5°

2 Wood: Adams InSight XTD, 10.5°

Fairway: Callaway Rogue ST Max LS, 18°

Utility Iron: Cleveland UHX, 20°

Irons: Titleist 718 AP1, 5-GW, 24°-48°
UW: Titleist Vokey SM8, 52°F

LW: Titleist Vokey SM8, 60°D
Putter: Bettinardi inovai 6.0 slant neck, 34"
Ball: Bridgestone Tour B RX
Bag: Sun Mountain Metro Sunday Bag

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[quote name='tatertot' timestamp='1398895576' post='9206717']
Anybody see Larry Johnson's comments:

[color=#292F33]Black people your Focusing on the wrong thing. We should be focusing on having our own, Own team own League! To For Self!![/color]

He's currently an exec with the Knicks. Any repercussions.


-every white person in the media who knows if they say anything about this they will be called racists and made pariahs

Srixon ZX5 w/PX Hzrdus Red 60

Srixon ZX 15 w/PX Hzrdus Red 70

Srixon ZX 19h w/PX hzrdus Red 80

Mizuno MP241 4-PW w/KBS Ctaper LITE

Mizuno MP24 52 w/KBS Ctaper LITE

Cleveland RTX6 60/10--Spinner

Deschamps Crisp Antique 

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[quote name='tatertot' timestamp='1398896540' post='9206859']
[quote name='MtlJeff' timestamp='1398895737' post='9206749']
it's going to be a long offseason in OKC man. They're not winning this series. I said earlier in the thread that they wouldn't make changes....but i can't imagine Scotty Brooks being back after their offense has been embarrassingly bad. No way to get the ball to Durant, too many broken offensive trips.

Westbrook has basically had the worst possible series he could've had. Shot terribly, [i]terribly...[/i]And last night shot more then Durant

I still don't think they seriously entertain trading him, but they need a coach who will work with them, and hopefully get through to Russell

Durant needs somebody like Deron Williams at the point. Don't think OKC can make consistant deep runs in the postseason with Westbrook.

Well, i used to be of the opinion that they were much better with Westbrook. But since his return overall he has not been good. In this series he has been everything that people have critisized him for.

Ibaka was 6-10 yesterday, Butler was 5-10, Reggie Jackson took 7 shots after scoring 30+ last game. Westbrook took 31 shots while shooting 32%. That is a major problem when guys around you are able to knock down shots, and you have the athleticism to create for them

A) They will never trade him without Durant's blessing, which i wonder if he is willing to give.
B) It would be tough to get equal value for him given his remarkable talent, but checkered recent injury history

My guess would be if they do seriously look at moving him (which i don't think they will) they would keep Reggie Jackson at PG, and go for a center/shooting guard combo.

A trade that would have seemed crazy 3 months ago (and still is, but less so i think) that me and my friend talked about today is Lance Stephenson and Roy Hibbert, for Westbrook , Perkins and maybe like a Perry Jones

Am i crazy or does that make sense for both teams?

Somaplr's head is going to explode!

Srixon ZX5 w/PX Hzrdus Red 60

Srixon ZX 15 w/PX Hzrdus Red 70

Srixon ZX 19h w/PX hzrdus Red 80

Mizuno MP241 4-PW w/KBS Ctaper LITE

Mizuno MP24 52 w/KBS Ctaper LITE

Cleveland RTX6 60/10--Spinner

Deschamps Crisp Antique 

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they just mentioned that Tony Parker had a son during the series....OK, the most important question, whose wife was it with?

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Srixon ZX 19h w/PX hzrdus Red 80

Mizuno MP241 4-PW w/KBS Ctaper LITE

Mizuno MP24 52 w/KBS Ctaper LITE

Cleveland RTX6 60/10--Spinner

Deschamps Crisp Antique 

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[quote name='MtlJeff' timestamp='1398897598' post='9207001']
[quote name='tatertot' timestamp='1398896540' post='9206859']
[quote name='MtlJeff' timestamp='1398895737' post='9206749']
it's going to be a long offseason in OKC man. They're not winning this series. I said earlier in the thread that they wouldn't make changes....but i can't imagine Scotty Brooks being back after their offense has been embarrassingly bad. No way to get the ball to Durant, too many broken offensive trips.

Westbrook has basically had the worst possible series he could've had. Shot terribly, [i]terribly...[/i]And last night shot more then Durant

I still don't think they seriously entertain trading him, but they need a coach who will work with them, and hopefully get through to Russell

Durant needs somebody like Deron Williams at the point. Don't think OKC can make consistant deep runs in the postseason with Westbrook.

Well, i used to be of the opinion that they were much better with Westbrook. But since his return overall he has not been good. In this series he has been everything that people have critisized him for.

Ibaka was 6-10 yesterday, Butler was 5-10, Reggie Jackson took 7 shots after scoring 30+ last game. Westbrook took 31 shots while shooting 32%. That is a major problem when guys around you are able to knock down shots, and you have the athleticism to create for them

A) They will never trade him without Durant's blessing, which i wonder if he is willing to give.
B) It would be tough to get equal value for him given his remarkable talent, but checkered recent injury history

My guess would be if they do seriously look at moving him (which i don't think they will) they would keep Reggie Jackson at PG, and go for a center/shooting guard combo.

A trade that would have seemed crazy 3 months ago (and still is, but less so i think) that me and my friend talked about today is Lance Stephenson and Roy Hibbert, for Westbrook , Perkins and maybe like a Perry Jones

Am i crazy or does that make sense for both teams?

Somaplr's head is going to explode!

Not Enough for Westbrook. A Few Ideas on what teams could offer for Westbrook

Lakers - Nash and This year's pick for Westbrook and Perkins
Kings - Cousins+ McLemore+Jason Terry for Westbrook and Perkins
Bullls - Noah+Boozer+Butler for Westbrook and Perkins
Magic - Nelson,Afflalo,Vucekic,Oladipo for Westbrook and Perkins

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I feel like some of those are too much to give up for him.

The Magic would make sense, but i doubt would include Oladipo in anything. But a Vucevic/Afflalo/Harkless package would probably make the Thunder think if they were inclined to deal him.

I don't think the Lakers deal would make sense because they need to win now, or risk losing Durant. I think the Chicago deal is too much. No way they'd deal Noah IMO , who is arguably as good as Westbrook on his own. But i'd certainly listen to Mirotic, Butler, Gibson

Another one i've thought of, is if Toronto was going to lose Lowry, a sign and trade for Lowry and Valenciunas. I consider myself impartial on that one because i'm an OKC and Toronto homer, and i'd do that deal on both sides

but....they aren't trading Westbrook. Just fun to discuss

Srixon ZX5 w/PX Hzrdus Red 60

Srixon ZX 15 w/PX Hzrdus Red 70

Srixon ZX 19h w/PX hzrdus Red 80

Mizuno MP241 4-PW w/KBS Ctaper LITE

Mizuno MP24 52 w/KBS Ctaper LITE

Cleveland RTX6 60/10--Spinner

Deschamps Crisp Antique 

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in the Toronto deal if i was Presti though i'd try and coax him into adding Lamb and asking for Ross as part of that deal. I mean let them say to that at least first right?

But the Toronto fan in me wouldn't give up both Ross and JV

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Srixon ZX 15 w/PX Hzrdus Red 70

Srixon ZX 19h w/PX hzrdus Red 80

Mizuno MP241 4-PW w/KBS Ctaper LITE

Mizuno MP24 52 w/KBS Ctaper LITE

Cleveland RTX6 60/10--Spinner

Deschamps Crisp Antique 

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So since we're all tired of talking about Sterling...here's another fun debate that me and my friend argued about at work today for maybe an hour LOL

So Dallas/SA has a ton of very solid vets, some of whom were superstars back in the day. If you were to re-draft the Dallas/SA teams today, but you'd have them from the beginning of their careers until the end...what would the draft order be?

Mine was

1) Duncan (obviously)
2) Dirk
3) Marion
4) Parker
5) Carter

the last 3 are tough, i argued Marion's versatile defense in his prime put him above Parker

Srixon ZX5 w/PX Hzrdus Red 60

Srixon ZX 15 w/PX Hzrdus Red 70

Srixon ZX 19h w/PX hzrdus Red 80

Mizuno MP241 4-PW w/KBS Ctaper LITE

Mizuno MP24 52 w/KBS Ctaper LITE

Cleveland RTX6 60/10--Spinner

Deschamps Crisp Antique 

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[quote name='MtlJeff' timestamp='1398902452' post='9207521']
So since we're all tired of talking about Sterling...here's another fun debate that me and my friend argued about at work today for maybe an hour LOL

So Dallas/SA has a ton of very solid vets, some of whom were superstars back in the day. If you were to re-draft the Dallas/SA teams today, but you'd have them from the beginning of their careers until the end...what would the draft order be?

Mine was

1) Duncan (obviously)
2) Dirk
3) Marion
4) Parker
5) Carter

the last 3 are tough, i argued Marion's versatile defense in his prime put him above Parker

1. Duncan
2. Dirk
3. Carter
4. Parker
5. Marion

Ping G25 w/ RIP Phenom
Adams Super LS Hybrid 17*
Adams SS Super Hybrid 19*
i20 4-UW
Taylormade TM-110
Cleveland CG14 56 & 60

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[quote name='TheGameChanger' timestamp='1398908622' post='9208199']
[quote name='mnplayer' timestamp='1398908298' post='9208167']
Glad he is gone, such a stupid decision to hire him in the first place.

He will be a good assistant coach somewhere. Just not a Head Coach. Lakers should hire Hollins or George Karl imo.

How is George Karl still unemployed? Forget all about him.

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[quote name='TheGameChanger' timestamp='1398909260' post='9208257']
This could mean Kobe and Melo with Steve Kerr as coach

Is there a rule change coming where there will be two balls in play? :)

In regards to Sterling and making him sell, is there a definitive price for the team. What if the offers are below what he feels the team is worth? Just seems to go against everything forcing someone to sell something they own. Does the NBA have a by law in place for this situation? Otherwise it sure seems like a long, long legal battle is in the future.

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[quote name='deadsolid...shank' timestamp='1398911350' post='9208541']
[quote name='TheGameChanger' timestamp='1398909260' post='9208257']
This could mean Kobe and Melo with Steve Kerr as coach

Is there a rule change coming where there will be two balls in play? :)

In regards to Sterling and making him sell, is there a definitive price for the team. What if the offers are below what he feels the team is worth? Just seems to go against everything forcing someone to sell something they own. Does the NBA have a by law in place for this situation? Otherwise it sure seems like a long, long legal battle is in the future.

It would be an auction.

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[quote name='deadsolid...shank' timestamp='1398911350' post='9208541'][quote name='TheGameChanger' timestamp='1398909260' post='9208257']
This could mean Kobe and Melo with Steve Kerr as coach

Is there a rule change coming where there will be two balls in play? :)

In regards to Sterling and making him sell, is there a definitive price for the team. What if the offers are below what he feels the team is worth? Just seems to go against everything forcing someone to sell something they own. Does the NBA have a by law in place for this situation? Otherwise it sure seems like a long, long legal battle is in the future.[/quote]

The league cannot force him to sell the team. What the league can and may do is rescind his franchise rights, meaning the team he owns is no longer part of the NBA. The value of the team would plummet, and I'm sure the league would void the contacts of all players on the team, making them free agents.

Also, I'm sure there is a provision in the team's lease agreement with the Staples Center and in the broadcast agreements that dissolve the contracts if the team is no longer part of the league. So, Sterling would basically own the name of the Clippers. I bet the league would grant a new franchise to a prospective buyer.

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[quote name='TheGameChanger' timestamp='1398910535' post='9208421']
[quote name='scratchswinger' timestamp='1398910215' post='9208379']
How about Rick Fox, Fisher, Rambis?

Kobe as a player coach?

I've seen Fox acting in some shows.

My first choice would probably be Kevin Ollie.

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