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Clubhouse Grille (*** NO LIV DISCUSSIONS ***) (*** NO POLITICS/RELIGION ***)

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Forgot to mention I got off work early yesterday afternoon and went to my dermatologist as I was saying the other day I was gonna do. She removed 'biopsilly speaking' from my upper left arm, a small sample of moi to send off to small patchland to get it analyzed/opinionated. In the meantime, I have to keep it Vaselined up and covered with a band aid. I almost asked her if she just wanted me to cover it with Crisco or something, but she was in a hurry, had some surgery to go to, so I let it go for now. Not sure if I'll leave it au natural or try 325* and bake. I wonder if WD40 would work for oily wrists? T'would be quite convenient. And it would smell a bit alluring too, for those who hang out in their garage and spray crap down. If you changed oil on your car as a kid (anybody younger than now), you certainly have had oily wrists at least at one time in your life. That's all it takes is one time to be dumb enough to get right under the plug, or the filter while removing them, especially if the oil is still hot, you learn pretty quick there must be better ways to get oily wrists. Another good way is to coat the outside of the turkey on Thanksgiving morning with olive oil or some kind of oil, or butter...the key word was coat, then reach for the paper towels, the empty towel tube, 'honey, do we have any more paper towels? Honey? Anybody?'


Guess this calls for the "secret" - heretofore known only by Ben Hogan, Ben's great grandson (Shmogan Hogan) and me.


In trying to keep it on the KISS level, I wasn't going to go there. But the secret is clearly called for. Here goes.


On the downswing side of the ball, the shaft and lead arm form what could be called the letter "L" as the hands approach waist-high. On the opposite side of the ball is this handshake thing. So it's technically an "L" to a "handshake". The more oily the wrists, the more a correct motion is possible.


According to Shmogan, you ask Marlon Brando to get butter from the fridge. Your wrists and a whole lot more will be as slick as snot on a door knob. :)


Therein lies the issue. The timing (or is it sequencing, IDK) of the transition. Holding the "L" to a certain point then release the wrists just prior to impact. Why I only wanted to focus on wrist set and release when I was practicing this at the dome the other day. Had to stop thinking about what my arms were doing during the backswing. Why I started pausing at the top, feeling the wrist c0ck only. Then down and release the wrists. Over thinking the two events created ugliness. Snap hooks and/or hosel rockets. Post impact was about extension.


Focusing only on the wrist action enabled me to start hitting some effective shots. Only irons were utilized. But I was pounding balls one after another, off mats. So understandable that I could hit a few with the necessary wrist "pop". But a long way from a prime time swing thing if I was to take into the wild. The fear of the snap hook is strong. Need to ingrain swing mods to the point where I no longer have think about it while playing. Using my head all to often gets me into trouble. To be continued for further evaluation. And confidence building.


Going back to see how OMP and The Dick do it. They're my new golf role models. (LOL) The Dick seems to have this slash at the ball while stepping in the bucket (baseball reference) move that's unique. I digress.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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Cold, and a little bit of snow on the ground. Just taking it easy, still have a cold, seems to be in a stagnant mode. No fever, just a bit of sneezing, a slight running nose, and a mild sore throat. The same kind of illness turned into pneumonia at Fort Knox in January 1972. No such luxury of laying around for a week existed in basic training.


I may have commented that the US Army gives no treatment to such maladies, just aspirin, etc. When it turns into pneumonia, a patient is treated as well as a General.

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Funny how we still think we are 20/30/40 years younger shopping on Wednesday, filled the bags as usual, here we have to take our own bags as the single use plastic have been banned so I fill them up but one was way too heavy, ignored it loaded into car and at the other end pulled a back muscle lifting it onto the kitchen bench. Lesson learned, in future I will take extra bags and fill them less. Was going to golf tomorrow, first time for a while but now I cannot swing a club.


Painting day today, almost finished my next painting, hope to have a go tomorrow, this one has given me some trouble as it requires a certain attitude that is eluding me, you will understand when I post it.


Sleep tight Grillers.

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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Therein lies the issue. The timing (or is it sequencing, IDK) of the transition. Holding the "L" to a certain point then release the wrists just prior to impact. Why I only wanted to focus on wrist set and release when I was practicing this at the dome the other day. Had to stop thinking about what my arms were doing during the backswing. Why I started pausing at the top, feeling the wrist c0ck only. Then down and release the wrists. Over thinking the two events created ugliness. Snap hooks and/or hosel rockets. Post impact was about extension.


Focusing only on the wrist action enabled me to start hitting some effective shots. Only irons were utilized. But I was pounding balls one after another, off mats. So understandable that I could hit a few with the necessary wrist "pop". But a long way from a prime time swing thing if I was to take into the wild. The fear of the snap hook is strong. Need to ingrain swing mods to the point where I no longer have think about it while playing. Using my head all to often gets me into trouble. To be continued for further evaluation. And confidence building.


Going back to see how OMP and The Dick do it. They're my new golf role models. (LOL) The Dick seems to have this slash at the ball while stepping in the bucket (baseball reference) move that's unique. I digress.


You discovered it. Not sorta-kinda, but precisely it! The indication is that you say right out loud that focus on your arms ruins it while focus on the wrists revealed it. The pause is a GREAT thing. Allows you more time to do it smoothly yet with acceleration and fully in the downswing with that extension you felt. And, if you can do this on mats, you can absolutely do it on turf.


Congrats. If you had any doubt about doing it right or wrong... fear not! You did it!

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Ever notice how Tony Finau (a bomber) rarely takes the club all the to the top of the backswing?


How is it possible he might easily blow it past Jon Daly who takes it so far back he sees the clubhead wrapping around him?


LMAO - We don't hit the ball at the top of the backswing. Last time I checked the ball is down there in front of us waiting to be whomped toward the target. It's the release of the wrists that gets it done, not how far back the arms travel.


What I'm trying to point out is that as we age our swing is going to shorten and slow a bit.


That's NOT a death sentence. Take a 3/4 swing if you want. Doesn't matter. What matters is taking the focus off of ever-tensing arms and letting the clubhead fly thanks to the wrists hinging all the way to a handshake on the way to your final finish.


IMHO - the conceptual, complex, confusing, round-ruining mental overload born in so many swing tips all have one common goal.... we need to LET (not force) the clubhead release through that stupid ball. THE WRISTS WILL DO THAT ONCE WE LET THEM. Right here we all at one point spoke of grip pressure being a key. It frees up the wrists!


Yes - Long bomber Tony has an Old Man's swing. You heard it here. Lmao. Anyone remember the skinny little 19-year old Tiger Woods? He crushed that ball. And this was long before his days of bulking up in the gym.


How do you suppose that was possible?


Nothing wrong with great physical conditioning. Don't get me wrong. It's tried and proven in terms of stamina, and performance. But we can at least pull the same trigger with our wrists.


Hashtag - a little less morning coffee may be in order here. Lol

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What really surprises me is how far the backswing goes with some of the young Asian ladies, and they never seem to miss hit. If my back swing went that far I would fall over.


I have only ever had a 3/4 back swing but I know what you mean with the slick wrists, I have always been able to lag and pull though with my hands on a drive but find it difficult to do the same with the irons. My own theory is that when I drive I let go but find it difficult to find the same mind set with other clubs.

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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I can't comment much on the slick wrists. I do recall having the sensation in the past, but i think that somehow has been lost with various compensations over the years. If anything I maybe guilty of overcooking the release into the snap hooks as I mentioned earlier. Not sure what sort of swing I'm going to have when I get back out there.




I had an acupuncture treatment yesterday. I had started with them back in October, but got side tracked when the swimming foray went awry and set me back a couple of months or so. I swear, it felt as though he hit a nerve with every needle. A couple of them really sent me, especially the one just above the right SI joint. It hurt worse coming out than it did going in. My physiotherapist said that's good as we know that he was sensitizing the areas with soreness. :wacko: I was wondering if i was going to be able to get off the table and walk afterward, but that wasn't an issue although I was pretty sore. I iced the area last night and am feeling reasonable this morning. I slept pretty well too, only getting up once, so we shall see.

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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I haven't been posting much of late though I have continued to read along and enjoy the discussions.

For lack of a better term Cobi and I are on what I'm calling a "retiremoon", lol. We've been working

around the house and yard by day and binge watching TV dramas by night on Neflix.


After watching 4 seasons of "Hart of Dixie", we just finished watching 10 seasons of "Heartland". For

$10 a month Netflix is well worth the money. We would never have the desire to watch any show on

a week by week basis in "real time", so to speak, but love watching like this where can watch episode

after episode, without commercials, at a time we choose....aka.....binge watching.


I have to take a moment and rave about Heartland. I had no idea that the Canadian government (CBC)

made such great shows like this. The scenery is spectacular; in the foothills and mountains west of

Calgary in Alberta, the characters authentic, the acting very good and is a show any age can watch and



Unlike Hart of Dixie which was cancelled after 4 seasons, this one is still ongoing. We watched 10 seasons

and are waiting for Netflix to get season 11. Meanwhile, season 12 has just started airing on CBC so the

beat goes on. We don't want to watch week to week so we'll just wait til these and future seasons show up

to be binge watched on Netflix.


I'm finally about ready to start selling off my "overstock" of golf clubs and "things", including the Ping i20

irons. Oddly, and somewhat to my surprise, I haven't played any golf yet. Don't feel the need to get in a

round for it's own sake and going out in cold and/or damp weather just to do so. I actually want to start

going to the range for a bit before I start to play again regularly.


In my mind I'm kinda looing at this as a fresh start and don't want to just go out and fall back into old

habits........so I'm going to spend a little time as a range rat first and retrain my mind and body to do

and think a little differently than before......new tricks for the old dog, hahaha. Well, what can I say?

Turning 66 next month but still have this perhaps "misguided" notion that there is some good golf yet

residing in me....................just have to find it.............it's in there somewhere.............I get all oily just thinking about it. :rolleyes:

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I can't comment much on the slick wrists. I do recall having the sensation in the past, but i think that somehow has been lost with various compensations over the years. If anything I maybe guilty of overcooking the release into the snap hooks as I mentioned earlier. Not sure what sort of swing I'm going to have when I get back out there.




I had an acupuncture treatment yesterday. I had started with them back in October, but got side tracked when the swimming foray went awry and set me back a couple of months or so. I swear, it felt as though he hit a nerve with every needle. A couple of them really sent me, especially the one just above the right SI joint. It hurt worse coming out than it did going in. My physiotherapist said that's good as we know that he was sensitizing the areas with soreness. :wacko: I was wondering if i was going to be able to get off the table and walk afterward, but that wasn't an issue although I was pretty sore. I iced the area last night and am feeling reasonable this morning. I slept pretty well too, only getting up once, so we shall see.


Do you have to be punctual when you go for an acupuncture appointment? Do they puncture you more if you're not? Are they accurate? Have you ever actually accused them of being punks? Had an uncle that had it done once accidentally. He was headed out to Vegas... only made it out to Needles... :swoon:


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Funny you should mention Heartland, Rad. I don't think that I've seen a half dozen episodes in the dozen years it has been on the air and even then I wasn't really paying attention. My wife has the shows that she likes to watch so by default that's what I watch if I'm not on the computer or asleep in the recliner! :lol:


When I was on my morning walk I was thinking about my own overstock selection of clubs and the best way for me to unload as many as possible easily and get a bit to play with for any future Old Man Golf clubs as that is likely to be my reality going forward.


Lastly, there is no doubt that you have good golf left in you. Just look at OMP; he's 78 and still handing out the beatings to his golf mates!

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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Sheesh Sco. Stabbing nerves with needles as a form of therapy? Gives me the heebie-jeebies just reading about it. Hope the gain was worth the pain.


I don't think the idea is to hit the nerves. They are trying to stimulate the tissue around the nerves and unlock that which is blocking healing. My PT is quite careful in mapping out where he wants to place the needles before they are inserted


I had two treatments done years ago for tennis elbow and it worked wonders. The back thing, I don't know yet, although I've been given assurances from other sufferers that it will work. I had the two treatments in October and I was feeling pretty good that month so I figured that I wanted to give it a try again. I remember being particularly sore after the first treatment, but this one was the worst yet. I'm scheduled to go back in a couple of weeks so we're going to see how I respond.

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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Some company evidently made a pitch to the North Carolina government this week. They were selling a train that would make the trip from Charlotte to Raleigh in 30 mins. Takes 2 1/2 hours by car. This train supposedly runs through a vacuum tunnel to eliminate air friction.


Guess my only question is, does your liver squirt out of your ears en route? I'd sacrifice an appendix but some parts need to stay put. One or two doo-dads might benefit from a little swelling but I'm not interested in popping any balloons.

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Sounds really crazy Reason...like something from a 1950's comic book. UNTIL.......You think about the current biggest event of Virgin Airlines owner,who will soon be making monthly trips to outer space and back,with the public buying tickets. Now THATS what I have on my bucket list ! That would be awesome !


Rad, the Missus and I do the same thing..we just finished West Wing....and before that it was Nurse Jackie...Working shift work,we never

watched TV,and there are some good programs on Netflix,and we agree with the non-commercials.

About to start on Longmire,I think, or Bosch,We have Amazone also now...Lots of good viewing.

Certified Orginal Member#2
Outlaw Golf Association
To Heck with the USGA

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Never been to Spain. But I kinda like the music.


Never been porcupine-poked, either. But like hearing it just might help out Scomacer.



Kinda feeling better about the whole situation as a PT who used to work at the clinic I go to curls with DW on Friday nights. She told me that it works and so did her husband/partner as she has done the procedure on him and he confided that it hurts like heck when she puts the needles in, so I guess I'm going down for the torture... :blink:

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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I can't comment much on the slick wrists. I do recall having the sensation in the past, but i think that somehow has been lost with various compensations over the years. If anything I maybe guilty of overcooking the release into the snap hooks as I mentioned earlier. Not sure what sort of swing I'm going to have when I get back out there.




I had an acupuncture treatment yesterday. I had started with them back in October, but got side tracked when the swimming foray went awry and set me back a couple of months or so. I swear, it felt as though he hit a nerve with every needle. A couple of them really sent me, especially the one just above the right SI joint. It hurt worse coming out than it did going in. My physiotherapist said that's good as we know that he was sensitizing the areas with soreness. :wacko: I was wondering if i was going to be able to get off the table and walk afterward, but that wasn't an issue although I was pretty sore. I iced the area last night and am feeling reasonable this morning. I slept pretty well too, only getting up once, so we shall see.



DW had acupuncture for maigrain many years ago, worked well but they never hurt in or out, took several treatments but eventually they stopped being so bad. At the very worst time for them she could be out of action for two days, not had one now for many years thank goodness. Very much sympathy to anyone suffering from them.

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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I haven't been posting much of late though I have continued to read along and enjoy the discussions.

For lack of a better term Cobi and I are on what I'm calling a "retiremoon", lol. We've been working

around the house and yard by day and binge watching TV dramas by night on Neflix.


After watching 4 seasons of "Hart of Dixie", we just finished watching 10 seasons of "Heartland". For

$10 a month Netflix is well worth the money. We would never have the desire to watch any show on

a week by week basis in "real time", so to speak, but love watching like this where can watch episode

after episode, without commercials, at a time we choose....aka.....binge watching.


I have to take a moment and rave about Heartland. I had no idea that the Canadian government (CBC)

made such great shows like this. The scenery is spectacular; in the foothills and mountains west of

Calgary in Alberta, the characters authentic, the acting very good and is a show any age can watch and



Unlike Hart of Dixie which was cancelled after 4 seasons, this one is still ongoing. We watched 10 seasons

and are waiting for Netflix to get season 11. Meanwhile, season 12 has just started airing on CBC so the

beat goes on. We don't want to watch week to week so we'll just wait til these and future seasons show up

to be binge watched on Netflix.


I'm finally about ready to start selling off my "overstock" of golf clubs and "things", including the Ping i20

irons. Oddly, and somewhat to my surprise, I haven't played any golf yet. Don't feel the need to get in a

round for it's own sake and going out in cold and/or damp weather just to do so. I actually want to start

going to the range for a bit before I start to play again regularly.


In my mind I'm kinda looing at this as a fresh start and don't want to just go out and fall back into old

habits........so I'm going to spend a little time as a range rat first and retrain my mind and body to do

and think a little differently than before......new tricks for the old dog, hahaha. Well, what can I say?

Turning 66 next month but still have this perhaps "misguided" notion that there is some good golf yet

residing in me....................just have to find it.............it's in there somewhere.............I get all oily just thinking about it. :rolleyes:


Not taken you long to find out what retirement really means, freedom to do what you want when you want (Coby permitting). It’s nice to be able to stay up, lie in a little longer and still get through all the chores without a time constraint. You will find as it goes on your priorities will change, subtle but definite changes that will make all the difference to your life. Enjoy.

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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I haven't been posting much of late though I have continued to read along and enjoy the discussions.

For lack of a better term Cobi and I are on what I'm calling a "retiremoon", lol. We've been working

around the house and yard by day and binge watching TV dramas by night on Neflix.


After watching 4 seasons of "Hart of Dixie", we just finished watching 10 seasons of "Heartland". For

$10 a month Netflix is well worth the money. We would never have the desire to watch any show on

a week by week basis in "real time", so to speak, but love watching like this where can watch episode

after episode, without commercials, at a time we choose....aka.....binge watching.


I have to take a moment and rave about Heartland. I had no idea that the Canadian government (CBC)

made such great shows like this. The scenery is spectacular; in the foothills and mountains west of

Calgary in Alberta, the characters authentic, the acting very good and is a show any age can watch and



Unlike Hart of Dixie which was cancelled after 4 seasons, this one is still ongoing. We watched 10 seasons

and are waiting for Netflix to get season 11. Meanwhile, season 12 has just started airing on CBC so the

beat goes on. We don't want to watch week to week so we'll just wait til these and future seasons show up

to be binge watched on Netflix.


I'm finally about ready to start selling off my "overstock" of golf clubs and "things", including the Ping i20

irons. Oddly, and somewhat to my surprise, I haven't played any golf yet. Don't feel the need to get in a

round for it's own sake and going out in cold and/or damp weather just to do so. I actually want to start

going to the range for a bit before I start to play again regularly.


In my mind I'm kinda looing at this as a fresh start and don't want to just go out and fall back into old

habits........so I'm going to spend a little time as a range rat first and retrain my mind and body to do

and think a little differently than before......new tricks for the old dog, hahaha. Well, what can I say?

Turning 66 next month but still have this perhaps "misguided" notion that there is some good golf yet

residing in me....................just have to find it.............it's in there somewhere.............I get all oily just thinking about it. :rolleyes:

Well believe it or not I have been doing the exact opposite to you Rad--- busting my balls!!! We had gotten a little slack between Thanksgiving and Christmas in fact I had 2 five day weekends in a row. Now we are wide open. I have been having to help with trucking ops on top of driving too since our General Manager has been very sick and in the hospital. Got a big contract for me with the dump trailers plus a couple of special ops deals going involving the step deck. But I did only run one trip Tuesday due to having a flat on the drive axle. Went club hoeing in the bins and found a beautiful full set of Eye2 red dots with Apollo shafts amongst 30 other clubs. Actually walked 9 Tuesday afternoon with the Eye2s and hit them really well. Took off yesterday afternoon and walked 9 more with them. Have gotten on the exercize kick because laying around during the holidays I gained back some weight. The weather has been rainy all during Christmas and New Years so I have just been sitting around. The holidays got me seriously thinking about not retiring at the end of 19. I do not know what I would do. I really do not want a job at a course dealing with the public. Besides I have realized the fact I still like being in a truck doing it like I do it now. Even though I had 2 afternoons off this week I still had around 1700 miles. We are planning on playing today at TPC MB since we have some free passes due to the fact they ticked us off a few months back. I gotta call this Am to see if they are CPO if they are we are not playing. I know my course has went to riding the fairways. TPC can be tough when it is CPO. Just think me hitting Pings--- The 56s did not work out it was the shafts but I have them put back in the future I may do a shaft change

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

Irons 4 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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I can't comment much on the slick wrists. I do recall having the sensation in the past, but i think that somehow has been lost with various compensations over the years. If anything I maybe guilty of overcooking the release into the snap hooks as I mentioned earlier. Not sure what sort of swing I'm going to have when I get back out there.




I had an acupuncture treatment yesterday. I had started with them back in October, but got side tracked when the swimming foray went awry and set me back a couple of months or so. I swear, it felt as though he hit a nerve with every needle. A couple of them really sent me, especially the one just above the right SI joint. It hurt worse coming out than it did going in. My physiotherapist said that's good as we know that he was sensitizing the areas with soreness. :wacko: I was wondering if i was going to be able to get off the table and walk afterward, but that wasn't an issue although I was pretty sore. I iced the area last night and am feeling reasonable this morning. I slept pretty well too, only getting up once, so we shall see.


Do you have to be punctual when you go for an acupuncture appointment? Do they puncture you more if you're not? Are they accurate? Have you ever actually accused them of being punks? Had an uncle that had it done once accidentally. He was headed out to Vegas... only made it out to Needles... :swoon:



Mock if you will we the recipients are not listening.


I once tried it, the doctor said it would help my hair grow, I know mock me if you want. However I tried it and I was one of those few who could not have acupuncture. The needles went in and I went out, it reduced my blood pressure to a state where I passed out. Apparently he snatched those critters out of me real quick, never tried it again after that.

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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I haven't been posting much of late though I have continued to read along and enjoy the discussions.

For lack of a better term Cobi and I are on what I'm calling a "retiremoon", lol. We've been working

around the house and yard by day and binge watching TV dramas by night on Neflix.


After watching 4 seasons of "Hart of Dixie", we just finished watching 10 seasons of "Heartland". For

$10 a month Netflix is well worth the money. We would never have the desire to watch any show on

a week by week basis in "real time", so to speak, but love watching like this where can watch episode

after episode, without commercials, at a time we choose....aka.....binge watching.


I have to take a moment and rave about Heartland. I had no idea that the Canadian government (CBC)

made such great shows like this. The scenery is spectacular; in the foothills and mountains west of

Calgary in Alberta, the characters authentic, the acting very good and is a show any age can watch and



Unlike Hart of Dixie which was cancelled after 4 seasons, this one is still ongoing. We watched 10 seasons

and are waiting for Netflix to get season 11. Meanwhile, season 12 has just started airing on CBC so the

beat goes on. We don't want to watch week to week so we'll just wait til these and future seasons show up

to be binge watched on Netflix.


I'm finally about ready to start selling off my "overstock" of golf clubs and "things", including the Ping i20

irons. Oddly, and somewhat to my surprise, I haven't played any golf yet. Don't feel the need to get in a

round for it's own sake and going out in cold and/or damp weather just to do so. I actually want to start

going to the range for a bit before I start to play again regularly.


In my mind I'm kinda looing at this as a fresh start and don't want to just go out and fall back into old

habits........so I'm going to spend a little time as a range rat first and retrain my mind and body to do

and think a little differently than before......new tricks for the old dog, hahaha. Well, what can I say?

Turning 66 next month but still have this perhaps "misguided" notion that there is some good golf yet

residing in me....................just have to find it.............it's in there somewhere.............I get all oily just thinking about it. :rolleyes:

Well believe it or not I have been doing the exact opposite to you Rad--- busting my balls!!! We had gotten a little slack between Thanksgiving and Christmas in fact I had 2 five day weekends in a row. Now we are wide open. I have been having to help with trucking ops on top of driving too since our General Manager has been very sick and in the hospital. Got a big contract for me with the dump trailers plus a couple of special ops deals going involving the step deck. But I did only run one trip Tuesday due to having a flat on the drive axle. Went club hoeing in the bins and found a beautiful full set of Eye2 red dots with Apollo shafts amongst 30 other clubs. Actually walked 9 Tuesday afternoon with the Eye2s and hit them really well. Took off yesterday afternoon and walked 9 more with them. Have gotten on the exercize kick because laying around during the holidays I gained back some weight. The weather has been rainy all during Christmas and New Years so I have just been sitting around. The holidays got me seriously thinking about not retiring at the end of 19. I do not know what I would do. I really do not want a job at a course dealing with the public. Besides I have realized the fact I still like being in a truck doing it like I do it now. Even though I had 2 afternoons off this week I still had around 1700 miles. We are planning on playing today at TPC MB since we have some free passes due to the fact they ticked us off a few months back. I gotta call this Am to see if they are CPO if they are we are not playing. I know my course has went to riding the fairways. TPC can be tough when it is CPO. Just think me hitting Pings--- The 56s did not work out it was the shafts but I have them put back in the future I may do a shaft change


If you really enjoy your work and can also take time off to do the things you like you definitely have the best of both worlds, why spoil a good thing if it makes you happy.

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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Some company evidently made a pitch to the North Carolina government this week. They were selling a train that would make the trip from Charlotte to Raleigh in 30 mins. Takes 2 1/2 hours by car. This train supposedly runs through a vacuum tunnel to eliminate air friction.


Guess my only question is, does your liver squirt out of your ears en route? I'd sacrifice an appendix but some parts need to stay put. One or two doo-dads might benefit from a little swelling but I'm not interested in popping any balloons.


Should be OK once they are up to speed but the acceleration would be scary. Just imagine being shoved back into the seat and your face skin being round the back of your head.

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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I can't comment much on the slick wrists. I do recall having the sensation in the past, but i think that somehow has been lost with various compensations over the years. If anything I maybe guilty of overcooking the release into the snap hooks as I mentioned earlier. Not sure what sort of swing I'm going to have when I get back out there.




I had an acupuncture treatment yesterday. I had started with them back in October, but got side tracked when the swimming foray went awry and set me back a couple of months or so. I swear, it felt as though he hit a nerve with every needle. A couple of them really sent me, especially the one just above the right SI joint. It hurt worse coming out than it did going in. My physiotherapist said that's good as we know that he was sensitizing the areas with soreness. :wacko: I was wondering if i was going to be able to get off the table and walk afterward, but that wasn't an issue although I was pretty sore. I iced the area last night and am feeling reasonable this morning. I slept pretty well too, only getting up once, so we shall see.


Do you have to be punctual when you go for an acupuncture appointment? Do they puncture you more if you're not? Are they accurate? Have you ever actually accused them of being punks? Had an uncle that had it done once accidentally. He was headed out to Vegas... only made it out to Needles... :swoon:





Mock if you will we the recipients are not listening.


I once tried it, the doctor said it would help my hair grow, I know mock me if you want. However I tried it and I was one of those few who could not have acupuncture. The needles went in and I went out, it reduced my blood pressure to a state where I passed out. Apparently he snatched those critters out of me real quick, never tried it again after that.

Not mocking at all, sorry, the intent was to add a little humor. Glad it works for all who use it. ---------------------------------------------> Penalty Box [me]

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Sounds really crazy Reason...like something from a 1950's comic book. UNTIL.......You think about the current biggest event of Virgin Airlines owner,who will soon be making monthly trips to outer space and back,with the public buying tickets. Now THATS what I have on my bucket list ! That would be awesome !


Rad, the Missus and I do the same thing..we just finished West Wing....and before that it was Nurse Jackie...Working shift work,we never

watched TV,and there are some good programs on Netflix,and we agree with the non-commercials.

About to start on Longmire,I think, or Bosch,We have Amazone also now...Lots of good viewing.


Just remember what the song said, "You may leave here for four (?) days in space, but when you return, it's the same old place."


Like my late mother used to say, "What's the use of going on vacation? You have to come home." She always told of the story when my Dad was stationed in Fort Monmouth, NJ during WW2. He went to Europe soon after that. My Mom and Aunt Mildred decided on a surprise visit. They travelled in a very crowded train, standing most of the trip. When they got to their destination, no rooms were to be gotten, and they spent an awful night in a train terminal. After seeing my Dad for few hours, the two travelers were back on a train home.


That was the first and last "vacation" for Mom. Aunt Mildred was a "world" traveler by comparison. Her and husband George took many trips: Canada, NY, Florida, Washington DC, among others.


I inherited my Mom's stay at home nature.

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I can't comment much on the slick wrists. I do recall having the sensation in the past, but i think that somehow has been lost with various compensations over the years. If anything I maybe guilty of overcooking the release into the snap hooks as I mentioned earlier. Not sure what sort of swing I'm going to have when I get back out there.




I had an acupuncture treatment yesterday. I had started with them back in October, but got side tracked when the swimming foray went awry and set me back a couple of months or so. I swear, it felt as though he hit a nerve with every needle. A couple of them really sent me, especially the one just above the right SI joint. It hurt worse coming out than it did going in. My physiotherapist said that's good as we know that he was sensitizing the areas with soreness. :wacko: I was wondering if i was going to be able to get off the table and walk afterward, but that wasn't an issue although I was pretty sore. I iced the area last night and am feeling reasonable this morning. I slept pretty well too, only getting up once, so we shall see.


Do you have to be punctual when you go for an acupuncture appointment? Do they puncture you more if you're not? Are they accurate? Have you ever actually accused them of being punks? Had an uncle that had it done once accidentally. He was headed out to Vegas... only made it out to Needles... :swoon:





Mock if you will we the recipients are not listening.


I once tried it, the doctor said it would help my hair grow, I know mock me if you want. However I tried it and I was one of those few who could not have acupuncture. The needles went in and I went out, it reduced my blood pressure to a state where I passed out. Apparently he snatched those critters out of me real quick, never tried it again after that.

Not mocking at all, sorry, the intent was to add a little humor. Glad it works for all who use it. ---------------------------------------------> Penalty Box [me]


That was not humour, that was very LOL funny. After my trial for the hair loss, the doctor was telling us all sorts of things it will cure, did not believe most of them.


Carry on being your funny self, or at least your mildly amusing self :o:

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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I haven't been posting much of late though I have continued to read along and enjoy the discussions.

For lack of a better term Cobi and I are on what I'm calling a "retiremoon", lol. We've been working

around the house and yard by day and binge watching TV dramas by night on Neflix.


After watching 4 seasons of "Hart of Dixie", we just finished watching 10 seasons of "Heartland". For

$10 a month Netflix is well worth the money. We would never have the desire to watch any show on

a week by week basis in "real time", so to speak, but love watching like this where can watch episode

after episode, without commercials, at a time we choose....aka.....binge watching.


I have to take a moment and rave about Heartland. I had no idea that the Canadian government (CBC)

made such great shows like this. The scenery is spectacular; in the foothills and mountains west of

Calgary in Alberta, the characters authentic, the acting very good and is a show any age can watch and



Unlike Hart of Dixie which was cancelled after 4 seasons, this one is still ongoing. We watched 10 seasons

and are waiting for Netflix to get season 11. Meanwhile, season 12 has just started airing on CBC so the

beat goes on. We don't want to watch week to week so we'll just wait til these and future seasons show up

to be binge watched on Netflix.


I'm finally about ready to start selling off my "overstock" of golf clubs and "things", including the Ping i20

irons. Oddly, and somewhat to my surprise, I haven't played any golf yet. Don't feel the need to get in a

round for it's own sake and going out in cold and/or damp weather just to do so. I actually want to start

going to the range for a bit before I start to play again regularly.


In my mind I'm kinda looing at this as a fresh start and don't want to just go out and fall back into old

habits........so I'm going to spend a little time as a range rat first and retrain my mind and body to do

and think a little differently than before......new tricks for the old dog, hahaha. Well, what can I say?

Turning 66 next month but still have this perhaps "misguided" notion that there is some good golf yet

residing in me....................just have to find it.............it's in there somewhere.............I get all oily just thinking about it. :rolleyes:

Well believe it or not I have been doing the exact opposite to you Rad--- busting my balls!!! We had gotten a little slack between Thanksgiving and Christmas in fact I had 2 five day weekends in a row. Now we are wide open. I have been having to help with trucking ops on top of driving too since our General Manager has been very sick and in the hospital. Got a big contract for me with the dump trailers plus a couple of special ops deals going involving the step deck. But I did only run one trip Tuesday due to having a flat on the drive axle. Went club hoeing in the bins and found a beautiful full set of Eye2 red dots with Apollo shafts amongst 30 other clubs. Actually walked 9 Tuesday afternoon with the Eye2s and hit them really well. Took off yesterday afternoon and walked 9 more with them. Have gotten on the exercize kick because laying around during the holidays I gained back some weight. The weather has been rainy all during Christmas and New Years so I have just been sitting around. The holidays got me seriously thinking about not retiring at the end of 19. I do not know what I would do. I really do not want a job at a course dealing with the public. Besides I have realized the fact I still like being in a truck doing it like I do it now. Even though I had 2 afternoons off this week I still had around 1700 miles. We are planning on playing today at TPC MB since we have some free passes due to the fact they ticked us off a few months back. I gotta call this Am to see if they are CPO if they are we are not playing. I know my course has went to riding the fairways. TPC can be tough when it is CPO. Just think me hitting Pings--- The 56s did not work out it was the shafts but I have them put back in the future I may do a shaft change


Wow Stu, not only Pings but Eye 2s...........with offset measured in feet....... ;) :D. Well, along with

your pal there are 1000s of golfers still playing Eye 2s. Methinks at your skill level you could play

well with any iron, given time to adjust to them.

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Thought the same thing when I read about Stuey's latest Junkyard acquisitions over in Classic. That he could play with anything. He didn't mention here that the 9 he played with the E2's resulted in a +3 score. First time out. The Master. "Just hit the damn ball". With anything.


I'd like to see the Aussie Blades he picked up off the scrap pile. Had a set of those briefly, thrift store find from a few years back. Zero offset, a topline so thin, could get a clean shave with one. Way beyond my skill set. Couldn't hit them worth a damn.


Don't mind some offset in irons. Don't really pay much attention to it. But E2's? Playing them, could have the oily wrist release, full extension and into the follow through, and the clubhead has yet to make contact with the ball. A lotta offset.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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Thought the same thing when I read about Stuey's latest Junkyard acquisitions over in Classic. That he could play with anything. He didn't mention here that the 9 he played with the E2's resulted in a +3 score. First time out. The Master. "Just hit the damn ball". With anything.


I'd like to see the Aussie Blades he picked up off the scrap pile. Had a set of those briefly, thrift store find from a few years back. Zero offset, a topline so thin, could get a clean shave with one. Way beyond my skill set. Couldn't hit them worth a damn.


Don't mind some offset in irons. Don't really pay much attention to it. But E2's? Playing them, could have the oily wrist release, full extension and into the follow through, and the clubhead has yet to make contact with the ball. A lotta offset.


As my wife would say (and frequently does); it's all in your head! :lol:


You and I seem to have success with similar styles of clubs and I can say that I didn't have any issues hitting those BeCu clones that I have. The PW has so much offset it's like holding a toy train by the engine and expecting to hit the ball with the caboose yet somehow the ball ends up where you're aiming. :smilie_ping:

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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Thought the same thing when I read about Stuey's latest Junkyard acquisitions over in Classic. That he could play with anything. He didn't mention here that the 9 he played with the E2's resulted in a +3 score. First time out. The Master. "Just hit the damn ball". With anything.


I'd like to see the Aussie Blades he picked up off the scrap pile. Had a set of those briefly, thrift store find from a few years back. Zero offset, a topline so thin, could get a clean shave with one. Way beyond my skill set. Couldn't hit them worth a damn.


Don't mind some offset in irons. Don't really pay much attention to it. But E2's? Playing them, could have the oily wrist release, full extension and into the follow through, and the clubhead has yet to make contact with the ball. A lotta offset.


Reminds me of my other sports, some of us strive for years and get no where, the Stues of this world have natural talent and it’s always fascinating to watch them play, the ease with which they perform.

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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