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Tyson Lamb Putters & Crafts

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This is probably going to be taken the wrong way but how is it a one man show like Byron Morgan can kick out 20-30 custom orders a month (even with out sourcing certain finishes) on top of all the bulk orders he takes for the Asian market, and a 2 person show can't even return emails to everyone let alone turn out putters at anything but a snails pace?


I get that guys like Byron have the occasional mistake, sloppy stamping, etc, but for a thread as long as this one there's hardly any putters in it.



I bet Byron receives his heads from somewhere else, made to his specs of course. He does all the finishing work in house, including stamping, welding, hand finishing work or work requiring hand milling.


Tyson, as far as I can tell is running everything from start to finish for each putter which is much more time consuming and probably the reason he can't scale.


This. Byron receives raw heads and finishes them. Some more than others and some do take a very long time. Also at times he has still had a good bit of wait depending on finish.


I love Byron and have owned many of his putters. That said I can't wait to get my hands on a Lamb putter been waiting for the right one to pop up but unfortunately it has not yet and I unfortunately couldnt make it up for the trip a few weeks ago. That said I will continue to wait patiently and admire his work because I truly do appreciate what he is bringing to the table.


How does a guy like Lajosi fit in? Makes all his own Damascus, his own putters from start to finish, all as a side job to a full time engineering business. Putters go out at about 1/5 to 1/3 the cost of a Lamb, and while he isn't the quickest, the longest wait I have had is 3.5months.


Not sure if Lajosi does all his own finishes or not?


Also I agree Lamb is creating a brand but I think that is refreshing. His work speaks for itself but you need to create a brand to have behind the work as well. For sure he still has some growing pains that he is going through but I think all manufacturers have something you can point to that they need to work on.

This is all opinion but I don't think Tyson thought he would explode as fast as he did. We have all had times where we have work piled up and it keeps coming and getting worse no matter what we do. I think once he gets a bit more streamlined things will start being a bit quicker.


He is still new to the game (although imo making the best looking new stuff out there even being new) he will have growing pains and how he responds to those will be ultimately how Lamb does. I have faith and think he is taking the right steps slowly that is my opinion and I fully expect the other side as well.


Lambcrafted is not Scotty they are not bettinardi, Lajosi, Mannkrafted, Byron etc. lambcrafted is lambcrafted and ultimately another choice in high end putters which we all love. Each brand will hit home with some and run some the wrong way but in the end options are good for us all as it will push each maker to come up with better and better equipment.

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Ah boys, boys, boys, (and some girls of course),...It's all about the art of marketing, social media manipulation, and most importantly, artificial scarcity.


Jim Butler, owner of Table rock distribution owns ALL of the distribution rights to Lambs putters. He decides when and how many putters get released to the public, not Tyson. Yes. I know. Hard to believe and many of you will call me a liar or a troll or both. Oh well. So be it. I've been on these boards quite a while and many here know that's not the case. How do I know this? I am golf buddies with a hardcore Scotty collector that happens to be an attorney that specializes in contracts and has direct knowledge of the deal that went down.


Why Jim? Because he has a massive list of clients that bought custom Scotty's over the years, as he was a huge distributor of Scotty tours for ages. That list is absolute gold to a certain new upstart very gifted putter maker....Tyson. Jim Makes a call every now and then to a hard core collector on his list and offers them a special opportunity to buy a custom Lamb. Yes. That's how it's been working for quite a while now and why the average joe can't get one. That's also why Jim always has a few on his web site.


Jim is the puppet master behind the artificial scarcity that surrounds Tysons's putters. He could absolutely, unequivocally make them at a greater pace if he needed to,...or rather, was allowed to. He can't. It would violate his agreement with Jim.


Legal disclaimer.....as stated earlier, this info comes from a good friend that I have Absolutely no reason to doubt as he has absolutely nothing to gain by making it up. He's just a hard core putter aficionado who happens to be in the loop. We've just been discussing this topic the last couple of times we played. I found the whole thing pretty interesting as I studied marketing and advertising in college.


Ok. Feel free to attack, discuss, ruminate, whatever....I've got to go watch this so called "fight " now. Probably going to be a disaster.


Edit...wow. That fight was actually pretty entertaining. Surprise, surprise.

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Ah boys, boys, boys, (and some girls of course),...It's all about the art of marketing, social media manipulation, and most importantly, artificial scarcity.


Jim Butler, owner of Table rock distribution owns ALL of the distribution rights to Lambs putters. He decides when and how many putters get released to the public, not Tyson. Yes. I know. Hard to believe and many of you will call me a liar or a troll or both. Oh well. So be it. I've been on these boards quite a while and many here know that's not the case. How do I know this? I am golf buddies with a hardcore Scotty collector that happens to be an attorney that specializes in contracts and has direct knowledge of the deal that went down.


Why Jim? Because he has a massive list of clients that bought custom Scotty's over the years, as he was a huge distributor of Scotty tours for ages. That list is absolute gold to a certain new upstart very gifted putter maker....Tyson. Jim Makes a call every now and then to a hard core collector on his list and offers them a special opportunity to buy a custom Lamb. Yes. That's how it's been working for quite a while now and why the average joe can't get one. That's also why Jim always has a few on his web site.


Jim is the puppet master behind the artificial scarcity that surrounds Tysons's putters. He could absolutely, unequivocally make them at a greater pace if he needed to,...or rather, was allowed to. He can't. It would violate his agreement with Jim.


Legal disclaimer.....as stated earlier, this info comes from a good friend that I have Absolutely no reason to doubt as he has absolutely nothing to gain by making it up. He's just a hard core putter aficionado who happens to be in the loop. We've just been discussing this topic the last couple of times we played. I found the whole thing pretty interesting as I studied marketing and advertising in college.


Ok. Feel free to attack, discuss, ruminate, whatever....I've got to go watch this so called "fight " now. Probably going to be a disaster.


I don't think you're a troll or a bad guy. But I can tell you that you and your source are 100% incorrect. Jim is a distributor for Tyson. That is true. But jim doesn't decide when or how many putters are released. Essentially jim buys putters in consignment and then sells them through his site and at the golf shows. Tyson sells and distributes dozens of putters without any discussion or input from jim.


I don't own any of Tyson's company and have no direct business dealings with him (although I would if I could in a heartbeat). But being somewhat on the inside on many things with Tyson I can tell you this is incorrect. I'm stating a fact. Your friend misunderstood their arrangement. Not a big deal but I don't want anyone to think Jim is pulling any strings. Jim sells putters for Tyson and Tyson sells putters for himself. What gets to market is solely Tyson's decision and no one else's. Trust me as I'm a pretty reliable source.

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Raiders, or Tony, or raidernation51 on IG, I realize you have played golf with Tyson, have a beautiful collection of his putters, and consider him a friend.


I think that's really great, i honestly do, but I also know you've drank quite a bit of the coolaid.


There is a marketing and sales agreement in place with Jim and artificial scarcity is absolutely, definitely at work here.


Do you honestly believe Tyson has custom $3000-4000 dollar putters backordered for a year?


Do you honestly believe he cant just crank up his milling equipment and pump out a few hundred $75+ dollar divot tools?


Do you honestly believe he can't pump out hundreds of $55 dollar ball markers a week?


He is not selling enough product to justify seemingly ALWAYS be out of everything. He just isn't. No matter what he's telling you personally, there is simply no way he is actually that busy.


Let me clarify something as well. I'm not bashing Tyson personally or his work in the least. I think his stuff is very nice. Quite artistic. I genuinely like it. I am however, seriously questioning how long he's going to ride this "I'm out of everything" Business plan.


I'm just letting people know that this constant "out of stock" and "books closed on putter orders" is really getting old. It's NOT real. It's very deliberately creating desire through artificial scarcity...."Marketing of unnecessary luxury goods 101".....Rolex did it for years, Patek still does it with watches, De beers still does it with diamonds by controlling 90% of the market and stockpiling millions of carats.


On one hand it's a masterful manipulation of reality that the business side of me finds impressive, but I must admit the golf nut WRX side of my brain is starting to find it irritating.


He and Jim better be careful how long they keep it up, because at some point people will get frustrated start to say "screw it". I believe it will backfire on them if it goes on too long and they don't start leaking out a little more product a little faster.

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Raiders, or Tony, or raidernation51 on IG, I realize you have played golf with Tyson, have a beautiful collection of his putters, and consider him a friend.


I think that's really great, i honestly do, but I also know you've drank quite a bit of the coolaid.


There is a marketing and sales agreement in place with Jim and artificial scarcity is absolutely, definitely at work here.


Do you honestly believe Tyson has custom $3000-4000 dollar putters backordered for a year?


Do you honestly believe he cant just crank up his milling equipment and pump out a few hundred $75+ dollar divot tools?


Do you honestly believe he can't pump out hundreds of $35 dollar ball markers a week?


He is not selling enough product to justify seemingly ALWAYS be out of everything. He just isn't. No matter what he's telling you personally, there is simply no way he is actually that busy.


Let me clarify something as well. I'm not bashing Tyson personally or his work in the least. I think his stuff is very nice. Quite artistic. I genuinely like it. I am however, seriously questioning how long he's going to ride this "I'm out of everything" Business plan.


I'm just letting people know that this constant "out of stock" and "books closed on putter orders" is really getting old. It's NOT real. It's very deliberately creating desire through artificial scarcity...."Marketing of unnecessary luxury goods 101".....Rolex did it for years, Patek still does it with watches, De beers still does it with diamonds by controlling 90% of the market and stockpiling millions of carats.


On one hand it's a masterful manipulation of reality that the business side of me finds impressive, but I must admit the golf nut WRX side of my brain is starting to find it irritating.


He and Jim better be careful how long they keep it up, because at some point people will get frustrated start to say "screw it". I believe it will backfire on them if it goes on too long and they don't start leaking out a little more product a little faster.


Dam bro you calling out Raiders name and IG account sounds like we have a Tyson Lamb/raiders stalker hahah... I bet you sat and thumbed through all his and Tysons IG accounts/Pics like a creeper lolhHah J/K...


Tyson creating putters and signing over all rights and an exclusive distribution deal is ridiculous... He's not a rapper who needs a recored deal and a label to promote and print music hahaha....


Your golf bud sounds like hes serving you the "Koolaid" not Tyson serving it to Raiders...


He may have signed a deal to allow Jim to retail his putters as the only one other then him to retail (exclusive reatiler) as he seems to be a high end boutique putter seller... sounds like a good fit...I had to guess Jim's customer base used to buy High end SC putters... Would you think him signing with Golf Galxy would have been a better choice???


Just because he made an agreement to allow Table

Rock to be the only retailer doesn't mean he owns all rights and is calling the shots! Jim needs Tyson more then Tyson needs him when it comes to Tysons Putters... Plus Tlamb is doing all the home grown marketing him self...Playing with fans, give aways on IG, customers input on stamping... Just wouldnt make since for him to be doing all the work to grow his company while this "puppet master" pulls all the strings on how many putters he can make sand sell...


If this whole "books are closed for now" and selling out of stuff is a marketing Ploy like Rolex and PateK like you mentioned how are those companies doing now? Im sure if it is part of the plan its Tysons plan not Jims... TABLE ROCK HAS PLENTY OF STUFF STILL AVAILABLE ON HIS WEBSITE DONT'T YOU THINK HE WOULD MARK ALL HIS STUFF "SOLD OUT" ?????



I think those that follow T-Lamb and see that hes a good dude want a putter made by him for them (custom made ordered) not a stock putter sold at Table Rock... Tyson is the brand and people want to buy from the guy him self...

Im Not going to lie I was not a fan at first(loved the putters) but didnt look to far into the business and thought Tyson was just a cocky kid trying to be the new SC... I have since changed that thought....

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How is it not? Your trying to let people know some "insider info" that Tlamb has basically gave away all distribution rights to his company and his current way of doing business as you see it or have manufactured in your own brain not "the golf side of your brain" is going to backfire and people are going to get sick of it???


Maybe the dude really has sold out of everything... Not unheard of and do you know whats involved with making a custom putter? I have a small idea but dont know how long it takes...


Plus from everything I gathered he wants every putter to be perfect not just burn out a bunch of putters and then have just one person unhappy or get bad press for a mistake on a putter... Hes already under a bunch of scrutiny and I bet having to feel like he lives up to all the things people are saying he is or will be like the next SC ... Or prove all the haters he's the real deal....

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When people passionately support a person and/or a product, it becomes very difficult to have productive discussion on a message board.


I said the marketing strategy has been quite impressive to this point. I think his putters are quite nice.


I was trying to educate people as to why he always seems to be out of everything. The scarcity of product Is not real. It's very carefully created.


Believe it or don't believe it, but dissemination of knowledge isn't "hating".


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"Dissemination of knowledge"" you mean Dissemination of your opinion or propaganda wich ever you prefer lol...


Productive discussion?? Come on bro you through a bunch of stuff out there you cant say with a 100% fact is true..And presented it as so...but its all good


Thats all im saying.. If you dont see your post is being a little haterish maybe its just me just sounded a little bit...


I agreed with you that he maybe doing the sold out thing as a marketing plan.. I just didn't agree that some how hes handcuffed to Jim and he gave up all rights to distribution to him. Its also a good possibility he is back logged with orders and has really sold out of everything... I think this is more likely the case..


Your funny dude

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Bottom line for me is the Lamb putters are very nice but nothing original that anyone else has not done just as good or better. I don't see that he has earned respect but wants it given to him and assumes everyone will rejoice at having the opportunity to own one.


Not to mention the $$$$$ cost of the brand. I'll stick with Byron's or David Mills putters, thanks!

Titleist TSR2 GD UB 6S
TEE CB5 4 wood Fubuki Tour
Srixon ZX7 5-pw Nippon Modus 120
Miura custom raw 50 54, 56 Nippon WV 125

David Mills SG Dale Pencil flowneck
David Mills Custom torched Heritage SS flow neck
David Mills Custom Carbon flow neck Hertitage V2 with Nitride finish
David Mills Carbon Ming V3 pencil flow neck
Byron Rincon DH89

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Funny I was preaching the same thing as you but after looking more into his brand and him hes cool dude and a lot of what people think of him is because they haven't taken the time to see what hes about... But cant change anyone's mind not here to do that just think its funny i was posting the same stuff few months ago hahaha

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I'll give credit where it's due. Initially, I was put off by the brand, but respect the craft and initiative. He has some of the best designs/quality headcovers I've seen lately.


What's most troubling for me, is that I can't bring myself to purchase headcovers, markers, shirts, for a putter maker that I don't own a putter from. Whether that's my OCD or not. Just doesn't make sense. Unresponsed inquiries and "books closed" on custom orders makes this impossible. Sure, I could purchase from Jim, but that takes away the custom appeal for me.


Just seems that he needs to focus on cranking out putters, and get them in the hands of players. The rest of the merchandise can follow.


Just my thoughts.

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When people passionately support a person and/or a product, it becomes very difficult to have productive discussion on a message board.


I said the marketing strategy has been quite impressive to this point. I think his putters are quite nice.


I was trying to educate people as to why he always seems to be out of everything. The scarcity of product Is not real. It's very carefully created.


Believe it or don't believe it, but dissemination of knowledge isn't "hating".


I don't believe you're hating on Tyson at all. I think it's an interesting point you brought up about his arrangement with Jim Butler. I am not very business savvy but I get the scarcity ploy as SC does it with each release. Limited amounts of this and that and everyone is rushing the doors to get their chance.


Hard part is we may never truly know if this is actually the situation or not. I doubt Jim or Tyson would divulge this type of information if an inquiry was made. Not to say that what your friend told was false, I'm just gonna take your claim as a theory.


I do have one of his putters, I waited some time for it. Having the opportunity to have him hand it to me in person, I could tell he was excited and nervous for my reaction. He repeated a few times he was nervous I wouldn't like it. My putter was basic and meant to be a gamer, nothing glitzy about it. I'm not a low handicapper or play on some nice country club. Just a random golf who liked his products and he was worried about my approval. To me, that spoke a lot about Tyson because that's a genuine response. He wants everyone to enjoy / like / play his gear. He felt bad it took as long as it did for him to get me my putter. I'm more than pleased with my putter and his covers / markers / divot tools. Quality and detail shines throughout this products.


Back to your theory... I'm going to devil's advocate it and say that he's out of product so often is because he's a small business operating on tight budgets and can't afford more staff, another CNC, overhead. He probably sells it as fast as he gets it to feed more money back into the business, not making product and stashing a stock pile to release slowly as your theory states.

[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Cobra F8+[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Adams Tight Lies Tour 14.5[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Cobra AMP 18[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Bridgestone J40 Combo [/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Callaway MP3 52/58[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma, geneva, sans-serif]Tyson Lamb Custom Bridgeport[/font][/size]
[font="tahoma, geneva, sans-serif"]Vice Pro +[/font]

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I'll give credit where it's due. Initially, I was put off by the brand, but respect the craft and initiative. He has some of the best designs/quality headcovers I've seen lately.


What's most troubling for me, is that I can't bring myself to purchase headcovers, markers, shirts, for a putter maker that I don't own a putter from. Whether that's my OCD or not. Just doesn't make sense. Unresponsed inquiries and "books closed" on custom orders makes this impossible. Sure, I could purchase from Jim, but that takes away the custom appeal for me.


Just seems that he needs to focus on cranking out putters, and get them in the hands of players. The rest of the merchandise can follow.


Just my thoughts.


... I hope Dustin Johnson can get his hands on a T-Lamb putter instead of just rocking a T-Lamb head cover maybe Taylor Made would have a problem with him not using TM putter... I guess if the Lamb crafted Head covers with out a putter are cool enough for DJ maybe I can see my self gaming one on my SC putter hahaha


But yea I much rather have the putter then the head cover or at least have the putter before the rest of the stuff... I agree

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Raiders, or Tony, or raidernation51 on IG, I realize you have played golf with Tyson, have a beautiful collection of his putters, and consider him a friend.


I think that's really great, i honestly do, but I also know you've drank quite a bit of the coolaid.


There is a marketing and sales agreement in place with Jim and artificial scarcity is absolutely, definitely at work here.


Do you honestly believe Tyson has custom $3000-4000 dollar putters backordered for a year?


Do you honestly believe he cant just crank up his milling equipment and pump out a few hundred $75+ dollar divot tools?


Do you honestly believe he can't pump out hundreds of $55 dollar ball markers a week?


He is not selling enough product to justify seemingly ALWAYS be out of everything. He just isn't. No matter what he's telling you personally, there is simply no way he is actually that busy.


Let me clarify something as well. I'm not bashing Tyson personally or his work in the least. I think his stuff is very nice. Quite artistic. I genuinely like it. I am however, seriously questioning how long he's going to ride this "I'm out of everything" Business plan.


I'm just letting people know that this constant "out of stock" and "books closed on putter orders" is really getting old. It's NOT real. It's very deliberately creating desire through artificial scarcity...."Marketing of unnecessary luxury goods 101".....Rolex did it for years, Patek still does it with watches, De beers still does it with diamonds by controlling 90% of the market and stockpiling millions of carats.


On one hand it's a masterful manipulation of reality that the business side of me finds impressive, but I must admit the golf nut WRX side of my brain is starting to find it irritating.


He and Jim better be careful how long they keep it up, because at some point people will get frustrated start to say "screw it". I believe it will backfire on them if it goes on too long and they don't start leaking out a little more product a little faster.


sorry just saw this. i go by many names as i am a man of many hats. raiders, raidernation51, tony, Santo (a bunch of othernames my wife calls me not suitable for the boards)


i totally understand every point that you have made. now again i am not a part of Tyson's business and i would venture to guess your correct that anyone in business who understands supply and demand will regularly be "out of stock" on items they can produce more of. im sure to some extent that plays into a part of Tyson's business model (which i believe is working well for the most part), the only thing i was 100% refuting was the statement you made that Jim Butler, who is also a personal friend of mine along with Kathy and the rest of the family, have any control over the amount of product or distribution Tyson does. Tyson is completely his own business. he is not business partners with Jim butler aside from Jim being a distributor and retailer for some of Tyson's work. I would also venture a guess because of that when Tyson produces things he gives Jim early access to many items, but i am not 100% on that.


One of the things Tyson does and does well in my eyes are the fact when he says he is making "X" number of items that is the case. he isnt making 500 items and saying he made 250 and then after those 250 are sold releasing more. he also isnt making more of things he has told his collectors wont be available again. that limits quatities and keeps values up for his collectors. this i have spoken with him about extensively being a collector.


as far as drinking the cool-aide i am ok with you saying that. i feel its fairly accurate. i also drank the cool-aide with Scotty Cameron. i became one of his biggest collectors and was given a dishonorable discharge from his brand. i am still one of his biggest collectors by the way....i think. i dont think Scotty makes bad putters because i was ostracized from TCC. i still buy things i like and still get together with my cameron buddies. but obviously once you get out of his hemisphere you see a bit more clearly. perhaps the same will happen with Tyson although i think my releationship with Tyson is based around more then my collecting his stuff. he was generally excited for me when he found out Lamont Mann was making me a putter as i have said before. but yes i think Tyson is on par with the best makers out there. and yes like you i would like to see more people get putters in their hands, mainly because it allows for more get togethers of golf which is what collecting is all about in my humble opinion. the putters and accessories are just stuff. people and the connections are what im in it for.


before Lamb Jam this year i really was unaware what went into making anything let alone putters from scratch. when we were at the event Tyson was behind in making some sticks for guys who were supposed to be playing with them at the event and picking them up. Tyson was nervous and bummed out he didnt have them done (and this was for his close friends and biggest spenders). we got to watch him complete a putter post milling. i remember the donut putter was one of the sticks to be completed. i also remember the 3 other attempts at making that putter in the scrap pile. these were essentially finished putters milled out and ready for finishing work and stamping. they didnt meet his high standards and were being thrown out. we had to convince him to use these "screw ups" to give away as prizes or something. he ended up making the winners trophies from 2 of them and throwing number 3 in the thrash bin because it was "too bad". my gambler putter also had multiple attempts that were scrapped. one of them was made into a thank you gift for me. it was hammered and stamped and the neck was welded on.....most other makers would have sold it to me, but it wasnt good enough for tyson so he made me a "better" one. when tyson makes a putter for someone this happens almost every time. its why it takes him a while to make a putter. they need to be perfect for it to leave his shop. at lamb jam he and i stayed at his shop long after everyone else went to sleep for our 8am round. we were there until almost 3 am so one of the guys putter could be torched, shafted, paintfilled and gripped for the next morning round. he didnt need to do that. but in his mind he did. to me that speaks volumes and makes me sit back and sip the cool-aide a bit. its the ectra mile he is willing to go for a customer.


that level of attention cant be given to everyone if your making 100 putters a month. im sure Tyson could send out his milling to someone else and have heads sent to him ready for his finishing touches, but thats just not him. plus i agree if that was the case he wouldnt be able to charge what he does because then it would be worth it. you are paying usually 1500-2500 for something made by Tyson and only Tyson. if you dont want to wait anyone can go pay Jim 3k+. some people arent patient and do that. with cameron covers for instance we all new that a cover would come down in price if you waited a year for the honeymoon to pass, but many of us paid the premium to have it NOW. i know because i was one of them. collectors are a funny bunch.


i harbour no insult or malice for you my friend. i think you make lots of good points. i think Tyson needs another machine to make more accessories to keep up (so does Tyson) but money isnt easy when you want to do it yourself. i have offered to buy Tyson a machine, offered to be his partner, offered my own services if needed, but he wants to do it himself and do it his way. i can respect that. your lawyer buddy got a version of the truth im sure. but i can tell you with certainty that Jim has 0 influence on what Tsyon wants to do. Jim, like myself and many others, offer Tyson and Tana recommendations based on our personal experiences in the market. Jim obviously offers better advice then myself when it comes to selling things, but when it comes to collecting and keeping the collectors happy i like to think of myself as one of Tyson's trusted advisers. but when the dust settles, like any good football coach will tell the press, it was his call to make good or bad and he will accept and be held accountable for the compliment or condemnation of his actions and brand.


hopefully i make sense in my 2am ramblings. Go Raiders


-Santo aka Tony aka Raiders aka Raidernation51 aka Otnas aka worthless piece of **** (my wife Talia's pet name for me)

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Bottom line for me is the Lamb putters are very nice but nothing original that anyone else has not done just as good or better. I don't see that he has earned respect but wants it given to him and assumes everyone will rejoice at having the opportunity to own one.


Not to mention the $$$$$ cost of the brand. I'll stick with Byron's or David Mills putters, thanks!


fair enough. but betwenn you, me and everyone else on WRX......has anyone aside from Karsten really reinvented the putter wheel? can it even be reinvented in terms of blade style putters? and even if could who would have the financial backing to get it out on tour with out an OEM backer placing it there. with blades they can only be so forgiving and the technology of MOI can only extend so far. everyone has tried new materials from copper, to lead, to wood, to brass and so on and so forth.....is tempered glass the answer? im sure its been tried. you are correct that sticks can be had by other great craftman for less money, thats not even disputable.....but what have they done on tour or in the golf market? does the regular weekend warrior golfer not on a forum even know who byron, piretti, mann, mills, buzzelli, edel, bradley, lamb even are? doubtful. they may know Toulon now with the callaway deal, but even then most only know odysey, ping, and cameron. because thats what is in their face at Dicks etc. they can barely fathom spending $350 let alone 4k on a cameron. most people dont even know what a tour cameron is and Scotty has been around 20+ years. this market is a niche market and a gamble. buy what you like and collect what you like. but dont ever get mad at someone charging somehting you cant fathom paying when there are plenty of others who have no issue with it.....and not because of the makers.....because it marginalizes us who spend these ungodly sums as dope heads. and perhaps we are, but i buy Audemars because it makes me feel cool when my wife tells me im not. i buy boutique putter makers for the same reason. i like fuctional art and i rather spend my money on those rather then IBM and Apple stock or frozen orange juice concentrate commodities.

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a group shot of 4 very similar headshaped camdens. you can see the general shape is the same but the finishing really sets each one very much apart. obviously the wave neck doesnt have a step down like the other three but still a camden and a very fine example of original design with the neck. unlike most swan necks or wave necks that many people do this one was created by building the bead weld up and then layering it. after the weld was buffed smooth and made to flow into the heel and topline. i think this is one of tysons collest sticks. because of the way the neck is it also makes the stick completely face balanced.

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I'll give credit where it's due. Initially, I was put off by the brand, but respect the craft and initiative. He has some of the best designs/quality headcovers I've seen lately.


What's most troubling for me, is that I can't bring myself to purchase headcovers, markers, shirts, for a putter maker that I don't own a putter from. Whether that's my OCD or not. Just doesn't make sense. Unresponsed inquiries and "books closed" on custom orders makes this impossible. Sure, I could purchase from Jim, but that takes away the custom appeal for me.


Just seems that he needs to focus on cranking out putters, and get them in the hands of players. The rest of the merchandise can follow.


Just my thoughts.


... I hope Dustin Johnson can get his hands on a T-Lamb putter instead of just rocking a T-Lamb head cover maybe Taylor Made would have a problem with him not using TM putter... I guess if the Lamb crafted Head covers with out a putter are cool enough for DJ maybe I can see my self gaming one on my SC putter hahaha


But yea I much rather have the putter then the head cover or at least have the putter before the rest of the stuff... I agree


Lol. But I also don't have near the swagger of DJ.



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Some interesting theories floating around in here.


Some on the in and other speculating or he/she said. It is natural that will happen when a few people know and majority doesn't.


I just stumbled upon Lamb end of last year and bummed I didn't know about his stuff earlier.


Been a member on here for awhile but never go outside my realm of threads too much. It wasn't until I joined the gram that I took notice. Amazing stuff.


I was able to meet Tyson & co recently and he is one of the most humble but confident person I have met.


His stuff is amazing but it was how he was that made become a instant fan. To hear him talk about the passion, insane details he puts into the pieces, and even the money aspect of it. A guy sharing with people he just met was cool and I feel thats how people should do business.


His family owned company (momma lamb is a great painter) has grown dare I say, beyond or faster than they expected..


Texas made is a big plus to me (Texan are very proud people). I won't ever get to the level of a collector (don't make enough for that) but I will get pieces here and there.


You see people say support your local business.. well he is as local as you can get and so are the others.. low tide, machinehead, Lamont, etc.


So after all of this.. I can say one thing for sure.. Lamb & Co are people I would run with anyday..Just good people that have tons of passion for golf and enjoy life


However, that Santo guy...you need to watch out for ;)

Callaway Epic Speed Triple Diamond LS *9.0 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *15 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *18 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway 19' Apex Pros 4-Pw/ UST Recoil 125 Protos F4 
Callaway MD5 50W & 54W & 58X w/ UST Recoil 125
protos F4

Tyson Lamb Customed Long Neck Allendale 
#lookatthebaby #teamcallaway

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These putters seem to force everyone to curse more. What's up with that?

TC Callaway Epic Sub Zero / Fujikura Ventus Black 7 X

TA Callaway Rogue ST Triple Diamond-T 14° / Fujikura Ventus Black 10 X 

Callaway UW 17° / Fujikura Ventus Black 10 X

Titleist TSi3 21° / Fujikura Ventus Black 10 TX

Callaway X Forged UT '21 25°/ Nippon Modus 125-X HS1x 

Srixon Z785 6-PW / Nippon Modus 125-X HS1x

50F Vokey SM8 Jet Black / Nippon Super Peening Blue X

54K Vokey Tour Design Raw / Nippon Super Peening Blue X

58K Vokey SM8 Jet Black / BGT ZNE 130

Piretti Potenza Cu plated 360g / BGT Stability Shaft  

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