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OPB'S East Lothian and St Andrews adventures (pic heavy)

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Long winded thread sorry but plenty of pics for those non readers out there.


Just returned home from a bucket list trip. 8 Days in Scotland. Went over with my folks as my 40th Bday present. We have been planning the trip for close to a year and decided on just focusing on the Edinburgh and St Andrews area to avoid losing to much time to travel across the country. Next time I go back I will focus on the West and North. I had 5 golfing days in which I played 8 rounds. There was 1 day lost on arrival at 7:55 am due to jet lag spent half the morning asleep even though I tried to fight through it. Spent 2 other days seeing some sights a walking tour around Edinburgh and a trip through Glencoe into the highlands and back through Pitlochry.


I was playing as a single since my folks dont play. As a single I did not have the Old or any of the St Andrews courses pre booked, but I left 2.5 open days in St Andrews to figure out the Old and a few others. Ever since a little kid I have always had a fascination with links golf and Scotland to say it was a dream to get over there was an understatement. The bad news was I had totally lost my game starting in January even quit for almost 2 months before the trip. Handicap had nearly tripled from a 1.4 to 4.5. Thankfully working with my pro and a few last minute range sessions before I left I was able to find a little something to give me a boost in confidence and feel like I would not be a total embarrassment.


Day 1 pretty much lost to jet lag as mentioned before. We were staying right off North Bridge in a great hotel called the Scotsman.


Day 2 Gullane No 1 in the AM followed by North Berwick West Links in the afternoon


Gullane No:1 Weather wise it was the worst day of the trip. My hat would not even stay on my head it was so windy so I switched to the beanie. The forecast was for very little rain so I thought I would do my caddie a favor and leave my rain pants in the the locker a mistake I would not make again. Had two different massive downpours where even members were taking shelter. Honestly even without rain pants it was not too terrible since the wind was so strong and I was wearing decent pants that dried out quickly.


The course: Great intro to links golf playing out towards the Forth and back in both up and over a large hill. Course was pretty much right there in front of you not a ton of blind shots tee or approach.












Given that it was my first round on true links golf and windy conditions was not my best score ended up with an 81 with a couple doubles. Highlight of the round was reaching one of the par 5's in two with a great look at eagle but narrowly missed leaving a tap in birdie.



Caddie review, I had a member named Andy. He was about my age and ended up being my favorite caddie of the trip. We just got along great. He was solid tee to green and very good on the greens. Super nice guy even invited me back to play again as his guest. Sadly I did not have time to make it back as the No 2 course looked very good as well.


View from Gullane looking back over Muirfield



Day 1 round 2 North Berwick West Links. I was legitimately hyped to play this one. Reading about it and seeing tons of pics it just looked super quirky and fun. Rain had passed but the winds were still there but down to 15-20 slightly stronger gusts. My round at Gullane took longer than expected we were waiting on almost every shot. I had to call N.B from 13 at Gullane to let them know I would be about 10 min late to my tee time. The starter said "Mr OPB you do not need to worry just play well and close out strong at Gullane we have you all taken care of here" Incredibly wonderful staff that make you feel like a member. Handshake greetings from everyone in the clubhouse pro shop and starters.

Front 9 pics did not come out all that great here due to the low light and clouds so here is what I have





My approach into the wall hole



The Redan green playing 178 was between 6/5 irons caddie said 5 as long was better hit a pure shot that just ran through the green chipped up and had a tap in par



Biarritz. My ball pin high left right were caddie said to miss putted up the slope and made par.




The driveable par 4 18th 270ish yards hit driver just short of green hit a little chip up to 4 feet to close with a birdie


View from behind the green



Played a great back nine at N.B. Made a great par on 1 after a shaky wedge approach then went double double playing through a couple groups. Caddie was probably thinking oh great this is gonna be a long day, but I ended up finding a little rythym and closed out very strong incl pars on wall hole redan and biarrittz plus the birdie on 18 ended up going 40-36 for a 76


Caddie review

Steve was very good tons of good stories about the design history of the course and fun stories about pros playing there including Phil making a mess of the Biarritz because he kept trying to hit flop shots. Best green reader of my entire trip. I made everything inside 10 feet all round he was dead on. said aim exactly 1 ball 1 cup etc and boom they dropped.

Cool panoramic of the beach at NB




Day 3 Walking tour of Edinburgh and Edinburgh Castle. Also caught the Tattoo that evening and it was spectacular


Day 3 trip to the Highlands Beautiful cannot even begin to describe it. Great weather day too







Day 4 Drive to St Andrews and played Kingsbarns. This course was on the bubble. Yes there has been golf played on the property for a long time but this version of the course was new and also the most expensive round of the trip. Everyone I talked to said I had to play it and they were not wrong. The Womens open being played there about 10 days before I played also helped my decision. Kingsbarns gives you tons of room off the tee for a links course and the best backdrop of the trip. Greens were a bit too contrived for my tastes but it was an excellent golf course













Decent round 77 no birdies because it was tough to get it to the correct level on the greens for good birdie look.


Caddie review Ben a younger Australian guy great dude very very good tee to green close but not exact on the greens. Sincere conversation during the round. Between him and the 3 gentleman from Aberdeen that I played with it was an incredibly enjoyable round. I left Ben my info as he is looking to caddie near me this winter.


Day 5 Originally was an open day to try and get on the Old(more on that later) had 36 planned then realized 3 straight 36 hole days might be a bit too much after all the walking we had done sightseeing plus my 3 previous rounds. Also wanted to leave my self a little time to see the town and popular spots.


Ended up booking a 12:40 time at Crail Balcomie that morning. Could not get a caddie but thankfully a member was teeing off at 12:20 and playing solo so he invited me to join him. This was a blessing because I would have been lost on many shots here without someone showing me the way. By far the quirkiest course of the trip and no joke even though it is 5900 yards.






One of my top 5 green designs of the trip. The par 3 3rd 176 Ocean right bunkers left a bit of a valley green. Tremendous use of slope here







Then you have a couple cape style holes that make you choose how much yardage you want to take on to carry. Take on more yardage have a short approach, guess wrong you are OB on the beach.





Lowest gross score was here +6 75 Par 69 Fog was rolling in pretty strong to end the round moderate winds 10-15


Dinner at the Dunvegan that night caught the end of the US Am.




Followed by a pint at the Jigger and my very first look at the Old




Day 6 Carnoustie in the mid morning followed by Jubilee

Weather was downright awful in the early AM pouring rain 30-40 MPH winds but it was forecast to calm as the day went. Sure enough teed off in high winds and a few holes in the winds kept dropping down to negligible. Even in good scoring conditions it is one tough tough golf course. Best greens of the trip













Worst bunker break I had all trip but not Scottish golf if you dont have it happen once right? 17th pured a hybrid in needed to be a yard right and would have been GIR and a great look at birdie, Instead I ended up right up against the face had to blast out to the rough and made double. (the first white thing you see in the center is a mushroom not a ball)



Worst score of the trip at 82. Hit a great drive on 18 but much like 17 I needed one more yard right and I would have had wedge in. Instead ended up in the rough sitting down. Had a Van de Velde moment and tried to cover the burn because no laying up :cheesy: Wrong, right into the burn as it came out dead.


Caddie review. Cant remember his name, and don't care. Worst caddie of the trip. Barely gave lines off the tee only really gave yardage to the pin on approach instead of Talking through shot selection like the others did. Beyond awful on the greens. Would say left edge, I would hit it left edge then the putt would break away from the hole. I tuned him out on the greens but the problem was he was right 20% of the time. Could have had a outside chance of breaking 80 had I made some putts.


2nd Round day 6 Jubilee at St Andrews. I am fairly active on twitter and over the years have picked up quite a few Scots as followers. One of whom lives in St Andrews and is a member. We had been chatting and planned on playing a few rounds together. He met me at Jubilee for the first of 3 rounds together over the next 24 hours. We also were trying to figure out the Old Course. If he was not able to get us a time then I would have to hit the queue that night. He said there was a block of "dark times" for members the next day and the starter said if he shows up at 9am the next day he should have no problems getting a time. It was a risk but I went with it since he was confident.


Depending on who you talk to Jubilee is supposed to be the most difficult of the the St Andrews courses. It had it's moments but I think the New was tougher.











Struggled down the stretch at Jubilee with some bad bogies coming in ended up shoot 37-40 for my lowest score to par of the trip so far 77


I loved how Jubilee, Old, and New all finish with great backdrops of the town.


After the round the weather was pretty much perfect and I got some great shots of the Himilayas, dusk and sunset over the Old






Sunset from my room.




Day 7. Another one of the twitter guys drove over from Glasgow and we played as a 3 ball on the New in the morning and a giant weight was lifted when I saw the member and he did indeed confirm we had a 4:20 PM time on the Old as a two ball. I was so excited and thinking about the Old I did not take a ton of pics on the new.









Couple bunker action shots





Played fairly decent at the New ended with 78


Had a bite to eat at the links clubhouse restaurant then ran into town to grab some souvenirs at the Old Course shop and Auctherlonies. Got to the tee about 30 min early paid our fees met our caddies and then the nerves started to kick in. It is hard to describe the feelings you get just being there. Standing on the first tee in the afternoon on a nice day with all the people watching is an entirely different level. I have never been so nervous in my life. Also my parents came out to watch me tee off which added to it. The starter asked if two guys from the queue could join us and of course we obliged turns out the had been there since 3:30 AM and just about to give up hope of playing the Old. Both really nice guys from the east coast of the US




I aimed at the gorse bush in between 18 tee and 1 green hit a decent fade center fairway PHEW! Wind had picked up and was into us coming from 11 o'clock here about 15-20mph



With the wind I ended up going up 3 clubs to make sure I covered the burn and hit 6 iron pin high to about 20 feet made par. Nerves start settling down






Little out of order but this is 5 hit one of my best drives of the trip into the wind here past march stone had 204 left



Hit Hybrid from here to here. (not the tap in one that was someones 5th shot up to the green) Sadly my 4th par 5 in two this trip and my 4th two putt birdie.



The undulations in the slopes and around the greens on the old are stunning and a lot more severe in person



11 was brutal into the wind and a near impossible pin position a few paces over the front bunker. I had started to lose my swing after making birdie on 5 bad bogey on 6 followed by a worse double on 7. Feared I was out of gas. 11 was playing 165 I was thinking 4 iron into wind out left of bunker caddie thought 5. Caddie was wrong but, I absolutely pured that 5 iron and it got my swing back on track so I was happy with the decision.


The 5 iron ended up here, missed the par putt, but on this hole on this day 4's were good, I mean the only dude in our group who hit the green 5 putted.









Hell Bunker



and that brings me to 17. I had told my parents to hang out at the Jigger and I would text them when I was on 16 so they could pay their tab and walk the last two holes with me. I really wanted a picture of the 3 of us on Swilcan Bridge and I couldn't think of a better way to end the trip than walk up 18 my folks who made my trip possible a whole lot sooner than I ever thought I could get over there.




Little did I know my folks had made a whole bunch of friends at the Jigger in a group of young kids there for a kids tournament. As we turned the corner past the hotel I am greeted by cheers of GO Matt Go Matt. it was hilarious. The sad part is even though I had all the intentions in the world of hitting over the green building there I hit a pull that went straight but way out into the left rough




I had 210 left and hit a running hybrid to just short front right green pin was on the front. After hitting my shot I ran over to the Jigger and all the kids came out and wanted high five's. Sounds cheesy but it was so funny and kinda cool and put a huge smile on my face. I ran back to the group to not delay play. Hit a great bump with my pw up the slope to 5 feet but just lipped out the par putt.



18 Hit a pretty good drive just totally gassed being my 72nd hole in 2 days. Put it just short of the road right center fairway. 130 left and by this late in the evening the wind had died down to about nothing starting on 14




The obligatory Swilcan Bridge pic with Nicklaus pose



Old had the slowest greens of the trip and I struggled with pace leaving a lot of putts short including my birdie effort on 18 leading to my only 3 jack of the round. ARGH


Caddie was Steven. probably my second favorite caddie other than Andy at Gullane. Steven and I talked through a lot of shot selections and lines. He was fantastic tee to green, solid at reading greens and just a pleasant fun guy to be around. Or whole group was really pleasant and fun. I had a really good round going after my little setback on 6-7 the bogies on 17/18 really hurt ended up shooting 78 on the Old Course. I would give just about anything to go back to 18 green and hit that 1st putt over again.


I was blown away by Scotland, incredible country phenomenal people I cannot wait to go back and explore more of the country. No real regrets other than food should have spent more time researching restaurants. Only had two dinners that I thought were good. One at this place called Wildfire in New Town Edinburgh and one at the Dunvegan.


First time using caddies and for all but Carnoustie they made playing links golf for the first time highly enjoyable and were a huge help. Even at the old there was some dude coming up a few holes behind us playing single no caddie and he played to the wrong green. We all got a good chuckle when one of the other caddies said nice shot but your green is over there.



Thanks for reading or looking if you did not feel like reading.

10.5 Aeroburner TP Fujikura Speeder Pro XLR8
14.5 X2 Hot 3 Deep Tour Green
18* X2 Hot Pro Hybrid
RSI TP 4-PW KBS Tour 120
Byron Morgan DH89 Rincon Neck deep mill or Circa 62 No 2
Vokey 52/56/60 SM5/TVDK/TVDVgrind DG S300
[url="http://www.golfwrx.com/forums/topic/175527-one-putts-road-to-redemption-bag-04262014/"]WITB Link[/url]

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enjoyed the narrative, I felt I was playing with you. I've played most of the courses you played and I know that 1st tee Old Course nerves...HUGE fairway but you still think its 10 feet wide for that iconic tee shot lol


Agree about the closing holes of the Jubilee, they are narrow driving holes (apart from the last) and tricky greens, the wind can make you look like you are new to golf sometimes ha!


Thanks for sharing.

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This is just awesome! Great Sunday morning read - making another Chemex of coffee so I can read it again!


Put in our application for next year on August 23rd when it opened up - hoping for instant karma when they draw because the 23rd was my dad's birthday and I'm hoping he will join us for the St. Andrews part of our trip (sadly, I don't think I'll get him to come if it's just the possibility of 48 hour ballot or walk up - he's not as spontaneous, but it's a long way to next June).


The pics warm my heart and bring a tear to my eye. I've been almost unnaturally interested in links golf for a long, long time and since I'm quite a bit older than you finally decided we are going, no more endless, annual winter dreaming about going. Got to get there while I can still play decent.


Thanks for posting. Some real good trip recaps on here, this is among the best.

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I loved reading this. I'm planning my first Scotland trip for my 50th birthday next summer, and like you I'll be travelling with family but will be the only golfer in the group. I'm already trying to plan out where to visit, what courses to play, and how to manage an itinerary that keeps things interesting for the non-golfers but allows me enough time to be able to play a bunch of different courses.

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Thanks guys. I really have run out of adjectives to describe the trip and how special it was. I had a different set of pics to put up but can no longer link from FB or maybe it was because the pics were originally on IG. But here are a few more from sightseeing.





One of my favorite pics of the trip only once the crane is cropped out. From North Bridge looking at the castle and Tattoo going on. I guess part of the Royal Family was in attendance hence the fireworks because we did not have fireworks the next night when we went.


The view from the castle over new town


10.5 Aeroburner TP Fujikura Speeder Pro XLR8
14.5 X2 Hot 3 Deep Tour Green
18* X2 Hot Pro Hybrid
RSI TP 4-PW KBS Tour 120
Byron Morgan DH89 Rincon Neck deep mill or Circa 62 No 2
Vokey 52/56/60 SM5/TVDK/TVDVgrind DG S300
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Thanks for sharing. I have always wanted to go to Scotland and reading this makes we want to go more.


Are you a San Francisco Giants fan? Looks like a Giants head cover. I grew up in the Bay Area and am a big Giants fan.

Driver: Cobra Aerojet
5W: Ping G430
3H & 4H: Ping G410
5H:  Ping G
6 - GW: Ping G25

54*: Ping Glide 4.0
58*: Cleveland RTX Zipcore Full Bounce
Putter: Odyssey Tri Hot Double Wide CH Putter

Grips:  Golf Pride MCC Plus 4

Ball:  Titleist ProV1, Maxfli Tour, Taylormade TP5, PXG

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Thanks for sharing. I have always wanted to go to Scotland and reading this makes we want to go more.


Are you a San Francisco Giants fan? Looks like a Giants head cover. I grew up in the Bay Area and am a big Giants fan.


I am and it is a Giants cover I had custom made. I grew up in San Carlos and Redwood City. Life long fan.



On another note one thing I have been struggling with is trying to rank the courses and it is impossible each course was unique and awesome in its own aspect and all for different reasons.

North Berwick for the architectural history and significance

Gullane for the use of land and simplicity of making a good fun and challenging golf course

Kinbgsbarns for the spectacular back drop and interpretation of modern links

Carnoustie for the toughness

Crail for the sheer awesome quirkiness

Old Course for the history

Jubilee ok maybe it and the New are the easiest to put out but both good solid courses and tests of golf.

10.5 Aeroburner TP Fujikura Speeder Pro XLR8
14.5 X2 Hot 3 Deep Tour Green
18* X2 Hot Pro Hybrid
RSI TP 4-PW KBS Tour 120
Byron Morgan DH89 Rincon Neck deep mill or Circa 62 No 2
Vokey 52/56/60 SM5/TVDK/TVDVgrind DG S300
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How did you find playing as a single? were you usually able to find people to play with? My buddies aren't that interested in golf trips so any travel would be on my own...


Quite fine really only one odd group a German couple who spoke very little English but that was the round with my favorite caddie so we kinda kept to ourselves, since there was a big difference in our golf games. Meeting up with the social media contacts was awesome and great to put a face to an avatar much like playing with WRX Members.


I played 1 round with three Scots from Aberdeen at Kingsbarns and they were fantastic bought a round at the turn one guy was on fire made 4 birdies on the front 9 and 5 or 6 in total. I think we got off to a good start because one of them almost got drilled in the head on the putting green by a shank coming up 18 no fore or nothing so as we were making introductions I just said on behalf of America I would like to apologize for that A Hole since I am assuming he is an American. They all got a huge laugh out of that and it set the tone for one of the most fun rounds I had over there.


Played Crail with a member and he was also very polite offered to buy him a pint after the round but much like here at home he had to get home so the wife wouldnt get mad. North Berwick I played solo with just a caddie.


Carnoustie I played with 2 Americans and a Dutch gentleman who had his wife walking with him, all very nice.

St Andrews my social media contacts and on the Old two Americans from the east coast who were pleasures to play with. They even emailed my friend from Scotland through his work email to thank us for allowing them to join up as it fulfilled a dream for them.


I would imagine the only time it really presents an issue is trying to play a place like Muirfield who only accepts 4 ball play or you pay for the entire 4 ball if they cannot pair you up.

10.5 Aeroburner TP Fujikura Speeder Pro XLR8
14.5 X2 Hot 3 Deep Tour Green
18* X2 Hot Pro Hybrid
RSI TP 4-PW KBS Tour 120
Byron Morgan DH89 Rincon Neck deep mill or Circa 62 No 2
Vokey 52/56/60 SM5/TVDK/TVDVgrind DG S300
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Well done Matt! I'm glad you had a good time and those are some very special parents you have there! :-)


P.S. Happy 40th!



Thanks guys already trying to think of when I can plan my next trip maybe for my 45th or 50th. Thinking flying into Glasgow and do the West coast Prestwick Royal Troon, Turnberry Western Gailes then North up to Inverness for Castle Stuart Brora Dornoch etc.

10.5 Aeroburner TP Fujikura Speeder Pro XLR8
14.5 X2 Hot 3 Deep Tour Green
18* X2 Hot Pro Hybrid
RSI TP 4-PW KBS Tour 120
Byron Morgan DH89 Rincon Neck deep mill or Circa 62 No 2
Vokey 52/56/60 SM5/TVDK/TVDVgrind DG S300
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Very cool, you knocked off something that is on most of of our bucket lists I'm sure. Bet the Byron came back with a nice patina.


Only rained one round believe it or not the Byron has picked up more patina in Hawaii than Scotland lol

10.5 Aeroburner TP Fujikura Speeder Pro XLR8
14.5 X2 Hot 3 Deep Tour Green
18* X2 Hot Pro Hybrid
RSI TP 4-PW KBS Tour 120
Byron Morgan DH89 Rincon Neck deep mill or Circa 62 No 2
Vokey 52/56/60 SM5/TVDK/TVDVgrind DG S300
[url="http://www.golfwrx.com/forums/topic/175527-one-putts-road-to-redemption-bag-04262014/"]WITB Link[/url]

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Good stuff! :)

I was watching the tweets come in, so I forgot to check here too - fantastic job on the weather, that can really knock the enjoyment factor down when playing that much golf.


What did you hit off the tee on 17 at Carnoustie? That's just a tough second shot, the bunker isn't a bad result, well if it's not stuck in the face.

When we were there we got overclubbed by the caddies and all three of us went in the burn. Between our two groups 4/6 dunked it.


It's super cool seeing template holes at the source, especially for something like Redan, compared to all the mild replicas we might see over here.


And I totally agree that Euro-wagons are the way to go ;) We're so underserved by them in North America.

[url="http://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTOZNxdsDKajrKxaUCRjcU8eB7URcAMpaCWN-67Bt6QG8rmBUPYW3QAQ7k87BlYizIMKJzEhuzqr9OQ/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true"]WITB[/url] | [url="http://tinyurl.com/CoursesPlayedList"]Courses Played list[/url] |  [url="http://tinyurl.com/25GolfingFaves"] 25 Faves [/url]


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Good stuff! :)

I was watching the tweets come in, so I forgot to check here too - fantastic job on the weather, that can really knock the enjoyment factor down when playing that much golf.


What did you hit off the tee on 17 at Carnoustie? That's just a tough second shot, the bunker isn't a bad result, well if it's not stuck in the face.

When we were there we got overclubbed by the caddies and all three of us went in the burn. Between our two groups 4/6 dunked it.


It's super cool seeing template holes at the source, especially for something like Redan, compared to all the mild replicas we might see over here.


And I totally agree that Euro-wagons are the way to go ;) We're so underserved by them in North America.


5 Iron on 17 at Carnoustie wind was mild and fairways were fast. Weird having more left on your 2nd than you hit a good tee shot. So much awesome and unique architecture over there especially on the greens sadly most of it would get laughed at here were it to be designed today.

10.5 Aeroburner TP Fujikura Speeder Pro XLR8
14.5 X2 Hot 3 Deep Tour Green
18* X2 Hot Pro Hybrid
RSI TP 4-PW KBS Tour 120
Byron Morgan DH89 Rincon Neck deep mill or Circa 62 No 2
Vokey 52/56/60 SM5/TVDK/TVDVgrind DG S300
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Got a couple pics framed and hung up in my golf, i mean guest room. I am going to re do the divot tool display case with ones I brought back from this trip



Decided I am going back in 5 years for my 45th, West Coast then up north to Inverness to play Dornoch, Brora etc

10.5 Aeroburner TP Fujikura Speeder Pro XLR8
14.5 X2 Hot 3 Deep Tour Green
18* X2 Hot Pro Hybrid
RSI TP 4-PW KBS Tour 120
Byron Morgan DH89 Rincon Neck deep mill or Circa 62 No 2
Vokey 52/56/60 SM5/TVDK/TVDVgrind DG S300
[url="http://www.golfwrx.com/forums/topic/175527-one-putts-road-to-redemption-bag-04262014/"]WITB Link[/url]

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Thanks for taking the time to write this up, it looks awesome. My brother and I are going over next August and spending 7 nights in St Andrews, cant wait!

OG SIM 10.5* - Ventus Black 6x

BRNR 13.5 // TM Qi10 5W/ 7W Ventus Blue 6s

Ping I230 5-6 /Blueprint S 7-8 /BP T 9-P
Vokey SM8 50*/54*/58*

Cody James custom // Left Dash

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Good stuff! :)

I was watching the tweets come in, so I forgot to check here too - fantastic job on the weather, that can really knock the enjoyment factor down when playing that much golf.


What did you hit off the tee on 17 at Carnoustie? That's just a tough second shot, the bunker isn't a bad result, well if it's not stuck in the face.

When we were there we got overclubbed by the caddies and all three of us went in the burn. Between our two groups 4/6 dunked it.


It's super cool seeing template holes at the source, especially for something like Redan, compared to all the mild replicas we might see over here.


And I totally agree that Euro-wagons are the way to go ;) We're so underserved by them in North America.


5 Iron on 17 at Carnoustie wind was mild and fairways were fast. Weird having more left on your 2nd than you hit a good tee shot. So much awesome and unique architecture over there especially on the greens sadly most of it would get laughed at here were it to be designed today.


I hit driver in to a strong wind, hit it well and came up 4 yds short lol


*edit* oops meant 16th par 3

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Thanks for taking the time to write and post that. It was a great read. Of the courses you played, I've only played Gullane and North Berwick. I particularly liked NB, so much so that we made a point of playing it again. I was a poor teenager when I played them, so we didn't have caddies, but were I to do it again, I would definitely get a caddy unless I were with a member. Often, we were hitting into holes with no idea of yardage, and sometimes no idea if we were aiming at the right green.


I also think it was very daring of you to drop the "Tattoo" word into the thread. It's a trigger word for some WRXers... :taunt:

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Thanks for taking the time to write this up, it looks awesome. My brother and I are going over next August and spending 7 nights in St Andrews, cant wait!


Enjoy, do you have your lineup finalized yet?

10.5 Aeroburner TP Fujikura Speeder Pro XLR8
14.5 X2 Hot 3 Deep Tour Green
18* X2 Hot Pro Hybrid
RSI TP 4-PW KBS Tour 120
Byron Morgan DH89 Rincon Neck deep mill or Circa 62 No 2
Vokey 52/56/60 SM5/TVDK/TVDVgrind DG S300
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Good stuff! :)

I was watching the tweets come in, so I forgot to check here too - fantastic job on the weather, that can really knock the enjoyment factor down when playing that much golf.


What did you hit off the tee on 17 at Carnoustie? That's just a tough second shot, the bunker isn't a bad result, well if it's not stuck in the face.

When we were there we got overclubbed by the caddies and all three of us went in the burn. Between our two groups 4/6 dunked it.


It's super cool seeing template holes at the source, especially for something like Redan, compared to all the mild replicas we might see over here.


And I totally agree that Euro-wagons are the way to go ;) We're so underserved by them in North America.


5 Iron on 17 at Carnoustie wind was mild and fairways were fast. Weird having more left on your 2nd than you hit a good tee shot. So much awesome and unique architecture over there especially on the greens sadly most of it would get laughed at here were it to be designed today.


I hit driver in to a strong wind, hit it well and came up 4 yds short lol


*edit* oops meant 16th par 3


On 16 the first guy in our group put 3 wood to about 6 feet it all went downhill from there. I hit 3 wood and I missed so far right I was fairly lucky to find my ball and get out with a bogey.

10.5 Aeroburner TP Fujikura Speeder Pro XLR8
14.5 X2 Hot 3 Deep Tour Green
18* X2 Hot Pro Hybrid
RSI TP 4-PW KBS Tour 120
Byron Morgan DH89 Rincon Neck deep mill or Circa 62 No 2
Vokey 52/56/60 SM5/TVDK/TVDVgrind DG S300
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Thanks for taking the time to write and post that. It was a great read. Of the courses you played, I've only played Gullane and North Berwick. I particularly liked NB, so much so that we made a point of playing it again. I was a poor teenager when I played them, so we didn't have caddies, but were I to do it again, I would definitely get a caddy unless I were with a member. Often, we were hitting into holes with no idea of yardage, and sometimes no idea if we were aiming at the right green.


I also think it was very daring of you to drop the "Tattoo" word into the thread. It's a trigger word for some WRXers... :taunt:


North Berwick is one of my favorite courses anywhere. I would absolutely love to play it every day. Gullane was another one where I could totally see myself playing over and over.

10.5 Aeroburner TP Fujikura Speeder Pro XLR8
14.5 X2 Hot 3 Deep Tour Green
18* X2 Hot Pro Hybrid
RSI TP 4-PW KBS Tour 120
Byron Morgan DH89 Rincon Neck deep mill or Circa 62 No 2
Vokey 52/56/60 SM5/TVDK/TVDVgrind DG S300
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Thanks for taking the time to write this up, it looks awesome. My brother and I are going over next August and spending 7 nights in St Andrews, cant wait!


Enjoy, do you have your lineup finalized yet?


In some sort of order depending on the Old Course lottery...



Fairmont x2


Kingsbarns (booked)

Carnoustie (booked)


Would love to get over to North Berwick but I'm guessing we run out of time this go round.

OG SIM 10.5* - Ventus Black 6x

BRNR 13.5 // TM Qi10 5W/ 7W Ventus Blue 6s

Ping I230 5-6 /Blueprint S 7-8 /BP T 9-P
Vokey SM8 50*/54*/58*

Cody James custom // Left Dash

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Good stuff! :)

I was watching the tweets come in, so I forgot to check here too - fantastic job on the weather, that can really knock the enjoyment factor down when playing that much golf.


What did you hit off the tee on 17 at Carnoustie? That's just a tough second shot, the bunker isn't a bad result, well if it's not stuck in the face.

When we were there we got overclubbed by the caddies and all three of us went in the burn. Between our two groups 4/6 dunked it.


It's super cool seeing template holes at the source, especially for something like Redan, compared to all the mild replicas we might see over here.


And I totally agree that Euro-wagons are the way to go ;) We're so underserved by them in North America.


5 Iron on 17 at Carnoustie wind was mild and fairways were fast. Weird having more left on your 2nd than you hit a good tee shot. So much awesome and unique architecture over there especially on the greens sadly most of it would get laughed at here were it to be designed today.


I hit driver in to a strong wind, hit it well and came up 4 yds short lol


*edit* oops meant 16th par 3


On 16 the first guy in our group put 3 wood to about 6 feet it all went downhill from there. I hit 3 wood and I missed so far right I was fairly lucky to find my ball and get out with a bogey.


Good stuff :)

Between our two groups (6 guys 3-9 caps) everyone hit driver on 16, only 1 even touched the green, no one was on it, and IIRC everyone up and down/downed for bogey. That really is a grown up finish to a round of golf!

[url="http://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTOZNxdsDKajrKxaUCRjcU8eB7URcAMpaCWN-67Bt6QG8rmBUPYW3QAQ7k87BlYizIMKJzEhuzqr9OQ/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true"]WITB[/url] | [url="http://tinyurl.com/CoursesPlayedList"]Courses Played list[/url] |  [url="http://tinyurl.com/25GolfingFaves"] 25 Faves [/url]


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Thanks for taking the time to write this up, it looks awesome. My brother and I are going over next August and spending 7 nights in St Andrews, cant wait!


Enjoy, do you have your lineup finalized yet?


In some sort of order depending on the Old Course lottery...



Fairmont x2


Kingsbarns (booked)

Carnoustie (booked)


Would love to get over to North Berwick but I'm guessing we run out of time this go round.


I stayed at the Fairmont had a look at the courses, Is playing their two courses a must? Both Gullane no 1 or 2 and N Berwick would be a much more memorable 36 than the 2 Fairmont. Downside is that is easier said than done depending on your transportation options, morning traffic etc. Good luck in the lottery too.


I am working on the rota for my next trip, I loved both those courses so much I am trying to find a way to make them fit in the itinerary, but it would mean denying the 3 guys I would go with the chance to play TOC for their 1st time, or all of us missing Dornoch/Brora and I do not want to do that.

10.5 Aeroburner TP Fujikura Speeder Pro XLR8
14.5 X2 Hot 3 Deep Tour Green
18* X2 Hot Pro Hybrid
RSI TP 4-PW KBS Tour 120
Byron Morgan DH89 Rincon Neck deep mill or Circa 62 No 2
Vokey 52/56/60 SM5/TVDK/TVDVgrind DG S300
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I stayed at the Fairmont had a look at the courses, Is playing their two courses a must? Both Gullane no 1 or 2 and N Berwick would be a much more memorable 36 than the 2 Fairmont. Downside is that is easier said than done depending on your transportation options, morning traffic etc. Good luck in the lottery too.


I am working on the rota for my next trip, I loved both those courses so much I am trying to find a way to make them fit in the itinerary, but it would mean denying the 3 guys I would go with the chance to play TOC for their 1st time, or all of us missing Dornoch/Brora and I do not want to do that.


Yeah honestly on this trip - or any really - I don't have any interest in spending all that time in the car. Berwick is @ a 5 hour round trip from there - without serious traffic - or so I'm told by the guy who's booking all of this for us. That's @ a full round of golf we'd miss out on. The Fairmont courses will work fine, we're scheduled to play them on our arrival day and the morning after so they will be good warmups.


Its a balancing act. Honestly I'm thrilled I was able to get 4 people to agree to the same dates at a particular pricepoint and with a loose outline of courses. LOL its a lot harder than I thought it would be. But we all agreed that we'd stay in one spot this time around if we could and frankly that's the way I prefer to do these kinds of trips anyway.


BTW that's not to say NB isn't amazing, by all accounts it is. If we had two weeks instead of one we probably would have worked it in. We even inquired about taking a helicopter down for the day but that was (cough) not really in anyone's pricepoint.


How was the hotel overall?

OG SIM 10.5* - Ventus Black 6x

BRNR 13.5 // TM Qi10 5W/ 7W Ventus Blue 6s

Ping I230 5-6 /Blueprint S 7-8 /BP T 9-P
Vokey SM8 50*/54*/58*

Cody James custom // Left Dash

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