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MD/DC/VA Golfers - Twelve Monkeys Mental Divergence


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There was a story on 60 minutes about ransomware a couple weekends ago. One of the things they noted was that if the ransom was paid, there is a good chance that they will unlock whatever files are encrypted. They need people to believe that the ransom gets paid (edit) and the files are unlocked as promised.


If a city like Baltimore pays the ransom and doesn't get their files unlocked, it will be national news, and no chance any other city/hospital/whatever ever pays the ransom again.

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Post a +2 nine hole round in my match last night and we lost 2 and 1. Ran into a guy getting 5 strokes who I think shot +3, what are you going to do. This afternoon is the match I really want to win but last night was a damn good way to warm up.

QI10 LS 10.5* - Ventus Blue 6x

TM Qi10 5W/ 7W - Ventus Blue 6s

Ping I230 5-6 /Blueprint S 7-8 /BP T 9-P
Vokey SM8 50*// TM Hi-Toe 54*/58*

Cody James custom // Left Dash

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In the 64-team bracket, 2More and I advanced to sweet 16 yesterday. We were definitely gifted some holes, but solid when we had to be.


Good ham 'n egging.

1 : **I** win with par.

2 : **2More** gets net bird after a punch-out that would have made CPG proud.

3: Enemy makes bird from 20 feet, and **2More** goes right on top of him.

4 / 5/ 6 **I** win/halve/halve. Handing out a stroke on 6, I hit a terrible drive, get a hybrid left of the green and hit a 40 yard chip to 2 feet for the halve. Big hole.

8 is **2More**

9 **I** halve with a touchy 5 foot bird after their low guy runs in a 25 footer

**I** halve/win 10 and 11.

**2More** gets 12.

After we share 13/14 to get dormie, **2More** makes net par on 15 FTW.


Fun day. Nice opponents. Their high capper had some serious shanks which helped. He played himself right out of some holes.


Hole 2 was kind of funny. 2More goes through the fairway getting a stroke and has no look at the green. Their B is out of the hole, but A is middle of fairway, 160 yards out. Tough green to hit. I yell up to 2More, "Hey, don't be a hero" and I start walking away.


He yells, "what do you mean by that?"


Me, "Don't take bogey out of play."


He ends up punching out to 50-ish and hitting a wedge to about 8 feet, then dropped it. Then he gets up on the 3rd tee and hits a shot to 8 feet from 160. Good stuff.


Hole 11, I dump my second shot in a bunker from 110, but 2More is pin high and putting while they're kind of hacking it around. We get to the green and 2More marks his ball. . ._record scratch_. . .marks A ball. It wasn't his. Played the wrong ball on second shot. He threw it into the OB. No worries. He responded with one of his best drives and a great up and down on the next hole.


On hole 7, 2More drove himself out of play. The other 3 of us are in the fairway. The other team BOTH dump their second in the hazard. I've got a perfect lie. 91 yards. Thin it over the green. Chunk a chip. Make double. One of the guys in the hazard makes double with a stroke. Only hole we lost all day.

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Ping G400 LST 10º XTORSION Copper 60
RBZ Stage 2 4W 17º
Strong torso
Cobra f6 Hybrid
Mizuno JPX-900 Forged 4I-GW
Vokey 54º/14º F-grind
Vokey 60º/04º. "The Scalpel"
Odyssey Stroke Lab Black Ten
Oncore Elixir Neon Green

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> @TheCityGame said:

> On hole 7, 2More drove himself out of play. The other 3 of us are in the fairway. The other team BOTH dump their second in the hazard. I've got a perfect lie. 91 yards. Thin it over the green. Chunk a chip. Make double. One of the guys in the hazard makes double with a stroke. Only hole we lost all day.


Holes like this drive me nuts esp in nine hole matches. Last night we're on our second to last hole and our opponents are up one. First guy pipes one dead OB. Good bye, out of hole, his partner, getting a stroke, completely fats one. Looking good. My partner hits one OK and I drill one down the middle. Hit my second a bit offline, catches the bunker on the left hand side - no big deal, very easy shot. Opponent tops his second, then hits one on the green to 60 feet or so, so I still like our chances. I hit a perfect bunker shot to a foot for a gimmee par. Then the guy from 60 feet drills one - going 100 miles an hour - that catches the pin dead center, pops two feet straight up and settles an inch from the hole for the 5/4 and push.


QI10 LS 10.5* - Ventus Blue 6x

TM Qi10 5W/ 7W - Ventus Blue 6s

Ping I230 5-6 /Blueprint S 7-8 /BP T 9-P
Vokey SM8 50*// TM Hi-Toe 54*/58*

Cody James custom // Left Dash

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Sort of buried in that is that their one guy made 2 birds on the front and we bird-pooped right on top of both of them.

> @dcmidnight said:

> > @TheCityGame said:

> > On hole 7, 2More drove himself out of play. The other 3 of us are in the fairway. The other team BOTH dump their second in the hazard. I've got a perfect lie. 91 yards. Thin it over the green. Chunk a chip. Make double. One of the guys in the hazard makes double with a stroke. Only hole we lost all day.


> Holes like this drive me nuts esp in nine hole matches. Last night we're on our second to last hole and our opponents are up one. First guy pipes one dead OB. Good bye, out of hole, his partner, getting a stroke, completely fats one. Looking good. My partner hits one OK and I drill one down the middle. Hit my second a bit offline, catches the bunker on the left hand side - no big deal, very easy shot. Opponent tops his second, then hits one on the green to 60 feet or so, so I still like our chances. I hit a perfect bunker shot to a foot for a gimmee par. Then the guy from 60 feet drills one - going 100 miles an hour - that catches the pin dead center, pops two feet straight up and settles an inch from the hole for the 5/4 and push.



This hole would have put us up 4. Instead, we go to 2. I was already thinking, "if we lose a close match, I won't be able to sleep tonight."


It's possible that it actually took me out of my shot because the hole got so easy after they chunked. I almost guarantee that if one of them hit the green, I would have put that wedge on the green. I've hit that shot a thousand times. That's actually a birdie hole.

  • Like 1

Ping G400 LST 10º XTORSION Copper 60
RBZ Stage 2 4W 17º
Strong torso
Cobra f6 Hybrid
Mizuno JPX-900 Forged 4I-GW
Vokey 54º/14º F-grind
Vokey 60º/04º. "The Scalpel"
Odyssey Stroke Lab Black Ten
Oncore Elixir Neon Green

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Nice dub, City and 2MT. Looks like there were some big momentum moments in that match that kept you all in the driver seat.


I was flying solo for a round yesterday afternoon, so I ended up going to give Hobbits a run. It has been looking nice, based on what I can see from the practice green.


I roll up at 145'ish, and instantly start projecting bad things, based on prior experiences. Of course, it looks a little busy. It doesn't matter what day/time it is, that place stays bustling. I run into the shop, pay up, and see the starter. He's just sent a twosome off, and three ahead of them. He tells me I can roll to the first tee cold and go now, or wait like 20 minutes because he's got groups coming up. The cold start Hobbits round is right in my wheelhouse, so I head over and pop a nice one in the fairway. Starter comes over arms waving, and says he's got two guys going inside right now to check in that he's gonna send off with me. I'm eye rolling as I stand on the box for about 5 minutes waiting, but it was a blessing in disguise. The guys, from the moment they hustle over and introduce themselves were A+ company. Both are golf members out there. Older guy that could golf his ball, playing from the white tees, and middle age guy played with me from the black tees. I ended up exchanging numbers with the guy that teed it with me, so hopefully I'll catch him a few more times this year. They were great to play with, so I'm really glad I had somebody to share the day with out there.


I had 3 turd bogeys to start. First hole I'm in the fairway, hit one right at the flag, but the wind came up HUGE in the face, and it fell short. I chipped it like 10ft by, because the greens were playing much firmer and faster than I expected. Ball did a more than 180 degree slo mo lip out, and I tapped in for bog. Second hole I leaked a 'brid right off the tee, and had to hit a low punch to lay up. Whacked a tree limb on the punch, hit a 3w all the way to green side, and again just ran the pitch by too far for another bog. 3 played into hard wind. I piped a drive, missed the green just right (right pin, so it was the good miss), and again ran the chip by about 8ft and didn't convert. That was about as many over par as I could've been, but I could tell my game was good, so I wasn't worried. The leaking stopped there. I was pounding fairways, and hit 13 of the 15 remaining greens in reg. I birdied 6-7-8 in a row, and added 15-17 on the back. 7 and 17 were 5 footers, and the other 3 were 15-20ft. Lipped a 10 footer on 10, and a 10 footer on 12 for bird as well. It was just one of those days where I kept giving myself chances, and actually rolled some putts in to get the birdie count up.


The course is on the rise. It's definitely a work in progress, but I was surprisingly encouraged by what I saw. The greens were better yesterday than they were the entire year City, PQ, and I played out there. The conditions were firm. The rough was up. Apparently they fired the super. I know those guys probably end up as the scapegoat for things they don't deserve, but that guy really didn't have a good run out there. He couldn't get the course good during good weather years, and last year a huge percentage of their fairways essentially died. The weather was bad for everybody last year, but it seems like they just didn't do enough damage control to keep things from going REALLY bad. The new guy seems to be doing good things. I actually look forward to playing more rounds out there this year.

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> @TheCityGame said:

> ^^^^

> Sort of buried in that is that their one guy made 2 birds on the front and we bird-pooped right on top of both of them.

> > @dcmidnight said:

> > > @TheCityGame said:

> > > On hole 7, 2More drove himself out of play. The other 3 of us are in the fairway. The other team BOTH dump their second in the hazard. I've got a perfect lie. 91 yards. Thin it over the green. Chunk a chip. Make double. One of the guys in the hazard makes double with a stroke. Only hole we lost all day.

> >

> > Holes like this drive me nuts esp in nine hole matches. Last night we're on our second to last hole and our opponents are up one. First guy pipes one dead OB. Good bye, out of hole, his partner, getting a stroke, completely fats one. Looking good. My partner hits one OK and I drill one down the middle. Hit my second a bit offline, catches the bunker on the left hand side - no big deal, very easy shot. Opponent tops his second, then hits one on the green to 60 feet or so, so I still like our chances. I hit a perfect bunker shot to a foot for a gimmee par. Then the guy from 60 feet drills one - going 100 miles an hour - that catches the pin dead center, pops two feet straight up and settles an inch from the hole for the 5/4 and push.

> >


> This hole would have put us up 4. Instead, we go to 2. I was already thinking, "if we lose a close match, I won't be able to sleep tonight."


> It's possible that it actually took me out of my shot because the hole got so easy after they chunked. I almost guarantee that if one of them hit the green, I would have put that wedge on the green. I've hit that shot a thousand times. That's actually a birdie hole.



![](https://media.giphy.com/media/n5PPLHMHS7M40/giphy.gif "")


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> @HighBoomingDraws said:

> Just got done sending $13.88 to 8 different people for their Koepka picks last week. That was daunting.


Thank you. You are doing a great job running the pool.


Just read this tweet. . .




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Ping G400 LST 10º XTORSION Copper 60
RBZ Stage 2 4W 17º
Strong torso
Cobra f6 Hybrid
Mizuno JPX-900 Forged 4I-GW
Vokey 54º/14º F-grind
Vokey 60º/04º. "The Scalpel"
Odyssey Stroke Lab Black Ten
Oncore Elixir Neon Green

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> @Ocgolfrick said:

> I know we're got some IT guys here, so I wanted to get your take on the Baltimore Ransomware situation.

> [https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/05/baltimore-ransomware-nightmare-could-last-weeks-more-with-big-consequences/](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/05/baltimore-ransomware-nightmare-could-last-weeks-more-with-big-consequences/ "https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/05/baltimore-ransomware-nightmare-could-last-weeks-more-with-big-consequences/")


> It's saying the city could pay them off for just 13 bitcoin (around $103,000). I get that its Baltimore, and that the ransomers may not deliver, but isn't that a drop in the bucket compared to what they are going to spend to fix this? And in any case, why would they not have automated backup systems just in case of fire or frying the server anyway?


Let me tell you something. . .


Yesterday, when I got home from golf, it was perfect out. Wife and I walked up to get some sushi and sit outdoors. There's a cat that sits outside of the sushi that everyone knows. HIs name is Killer. He has his own instagram page. https://www.instagram.com/killercatbaltimore/ he went after someone's food and my wife pulled him off their table.


We sat down next to Randy, who owns a pizza joint on the Avenue and I used to play over-30 soccer with. We caught up.


I got a sixer of Union Divine with the sushi. They make that beer about a half mile away from where we were eating.


While we were eating, Paul walked by with a dog. We used to see him all the time because he had a dog, but now he was dog-sitting. We used to throw an Aerobie back and forth and run like h*** on the dog field.


The [woman](https://www.longandfoster.com/JoySushinsky "woman") who owns Killer is a real estate agent. She hasn't (hadn't?) been able to do any business because of that ransomware shutdown. She used to clean our house and I'm PRETTY SURE she found a Hustler I used to have stashed under a chest of drawers. I always wonder if everyone we know in common knows I used to stash a Hustler under my chest of drawers.


My point is this : I love living here. When it comes to the cluster-f that Baltimore can be, it's all that people see from outside, but the crooked politicians, crooked cops, crooked crooks, the inept government, the violent crimes, the nuisance crimes. . .I'm basically this guy. . .


![](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/401/347/312.jpg "")



Ping G400 LST 10º XTORSION Copper 60
RBZ Stage 2 4W 17º
Strong torso
Cobra f6 Hybrid
Mizuno JPX-900 Forged 4I-GW
Vokey 54º/14º F-grind
Vokey 60º/04º. "The Scalpel"
Odyssey Stroke Lab Black Ten
Oncore Elixir Neon Green

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> @HighBoomingDraws said:

> Now that we are basically halfway through, how many folks would do this pool again next year? What would you change?


I'd pay 3 places at the end. Maybe cut the quarterly payouts a little. "Winner take all" has about 2/3rds of the field straight-murdered already. Well, to be honest, it has about 28/31 of the field murdered.


Like this year, instead of $270 per quarter, maybe go $200 per quarter. put an extra $280 in the final pot.


That would put about $1300 in the winner's pool. Pay out $900, $300, $100. 3rd place gets his money back.


Also, you might get a lot more guys from this thread and the Hive if you did a $25 one. We'd have a lot more guys in it, I THINK. You can poll the hive through the google groups in the off-season on that.


And, I wasn't going to play again (because as I've griped about before, I really don't enjoy these things) BUT if I win, I will feel obligated to play again.

  • Like 1

Ping G400 LST 10º XTORSION Copper 60
RBZ Stage 2 4W 17º
Strong torso
Cobra f6 Hybrid
Mizuno JPX-900 Forged 4I-GW
Vokey 54º/14º F-grind
Vokey 60º/04º. "The Scalpel"
Odyssey Stroke Lab Black Ten
Oncore Elixir Neon Green

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> @TheCityGame said:

> > @Ocgolfrick said:

> > I know we're got some IT guys here, so I wanted to get your take on the Baltimore Ransomware situation.

> > [https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/05/baltimore-ransomware-nightmare-could-last-weeks-more-with-big-consequences/](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/05/baltimore-ransomware-nightmare-could-last-weeks-more-with-big-consequences/ "https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/05/baltimore-ransomware-nightmare-could-last-weeks-more-with-big-consequences/")

> >

> > It's saying the city could pay them off for just 13 bitcoin (around $103,000). I get that its Baltimore, and that the ransomers may not deliver, but isn't that a drop in the bucket compared to what they are going to spend to fix this? And in any case, why would they not have automated backup systems just in case of fire or frying the server anyway?


> Let me tell you something. . .


> Yesterday, when I got home from golf, it was perfect out. Wife and I walked up to get some sushi and sit outdoors. There's a cat that sits outside of the sushi that everyone knows. HIs name is Killer. He has his own instagram page. https://www.instagram.com/killercatbaltimore/ he went after someone's food and my wife pulled him off their table.


> We sat down next to Randy, who owns a pizza joint on the Avenue and I used to play over-30 soccer with. We caught up.


> I got a sixer of Union Divine with the sushi. They make that beer about a half mile away from where we were eating.


> While we were eating, Paul walked by with a dog. We used to see him all the time because he had a dog, but now he was dog-sitting. We used to throw an Aerobie back and forth and run like h*** on the dog field.


> The [woman](https://www.longandfoster.com/JoySushinsky "woman") who owns Killer is a real estate agent. She hasn't (hadn't?) been able to do any business because of that ransomware shutdown. She used to clean our house and I'm PRETTY SURE she found a Hustler I used to have stashed under a chest of drawers. I always wonder if everyone we know in common knows I used to stash a Hustler under my chest of drawers.


> My point is this : I love living here. When it comes to the cluster-f that Baltimore can be, it's all that people see from outside, but the crooked politicians, crooked cops, crooked crooks, the inept government, the violent crimes, the nuisance crimes. . .I'm basically this guy. . .


> ![](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/401/347/312.jpg "")




This is a good day in "TheCityGame's Life In TheCity.....game"


My wife and I see our friends all the time when we're out walking around. A month or so ago I ran into a guy on the street I knew from High School. I said "sorry"


![](https://media.giphy.com/media/YzvPqrOVoS9tC/giphy.gif "")


Anyway, he lives a block away. Boom new friends 4 lyfe.

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> @HighBoomingDraws said:

> Now that we are basically halfway through, how many folks would do this pool again next year? What would you change?


I'm DFL and I would not change a thing. Actually, I would: just eliminate the alternate field events.


My OAD performance this year has been abysmal. But I've been doing this for 15 years and am net up a couple grand, so I'm just chalking it up to an off year. In those 15 years, I've never seen winning balances like this year -- What's City at, 9 million plus? I could look back, but I think only once in the last 10 years would that not won at year's end. Some of that is purse appreciation, but I also feel like a lot of best players/chalk has won/top3d at the biggest events. And that is not to knock City's performance. But my other OAD has a guy in first place at $8.5m w/ 4 wins (including a zero at the Players).

TSR2 10* w/Atmos TS 60X

Sim2 Max 18*

Sim2 Max 4h

T-200 3i
Apex/Apex Pro Smoke '19 blend 5i-PW
SM8 50*
SM8 58*
Meridian Tybee

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> @davechen said:

> I guess the crime, corruption and overall disfunction of Baltimore put the charm in Charm City.


They don't detract from it.


Charm is a loaded word, anyway. On its surface, it means nice or likeable, but I think it can have a roguish quality to it.


Like, I'd say Luke Skywalker is less charming than Han Solo. And Han Solo is less Charming than Lando Calrissian.



Ping G400 LST 10º XTORSION Copper 60
RBZ Stage 2 4W 17º
Strong torso
Cobra f6 Hybrid
Mizuno JPX-900 Forged 4I-GW
Vokey 54º/14º F-grind
Vokey 60º/04º. "The Scalpel"
Odyssey Stroke Lab Black Ten
Oncore Elixir Neon Green

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i'd eliminate the bonus for winning a major and pay out the top 12% of spots. i LOVE these pools. some year i'm going to give them up though. i'd prefer to just actually gamble on golf the weeks i feel like betting. that needs to become slightly more legit before i'm willing to do it

city was a great partner yesterday. fourball is definitely my favorite format.

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> @2moreTerps said:

> i'd eliminate the bonus for winning a major and pay out the top 12% of spots. i LOVE these pools. some year i'm going to give them up though. i'd prefer to just actually gamble on golf the weeks i feel like betting. that needs to become slightly more legit before i'm willing to do it

> city was a great partner yesterday. fourball is definitely my favorite format.


Now there is a salient point. As soon as betting on golf gets easier, my OAD pool entries will drop significantly.

TSR2 10* w/Atmos TS 60X

Sim2 Max 18*

Sim2 Max 4h

T-200 3i
Apex/Apex Pro Smoke '19 blend 5i-PW
SM8 50*
SM8 58*
Meridian Tybee

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I took the JDay spider out for a spin yesterday on the course. Thanks a lot, 2nd Swing. My desire to not tinker with putters was completely dashed by my lack of impulse control in there.


I think the work I'm doing on my putting has way more impact on any successes/failures on the course than what putter I'm using, so I don't put a lot of stock in attributing results to the putter. I'm more concerned about whether I feel comfortable setting up and swinging something than anything. It's interesting, that spider. There are no alignment aids whatsoever. I don't think I've ever putted with something without any alignment aids. You just kind of have to take the putter shape as a whole, and get it set what feels like square to where you want to start the ball. It's different. I kind of dig it. Time will tell if it's a good thing, or I'll just switch putters again before it gets a full shake. Probably the latter.

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> On May 1 @FAbb said:

> The FrankenTyne made it's maiden voyage on the course yesterday. I've got to stop churning, so it's getting full-time duty for the rest of the season, at least.


> On May 22 @FAbb said:

> I took the JDay spider out for a spin yesterday on the course. Thanks a lot, 2nd Swing. My desire to not tinker with putters was completely dashed by my lack of impulse control in there.


21 days...not bad!



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QI10 LS 10.5* - Ventus Blue 6x

TM Qi10 5W/ 7W - Ventus Blue 6s

Ping I230 5-6 /Blueprint S 7-8 /BP T 9-P
Vokey SM8 50*// TM Hi-Toe 54*/58*

Cody James custom // Left Dash

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> @thechief16 said:

> > @HighBoomingDraws said:

> > Now that we are basically halfway through, how many folks would do this pool again next year? What would you change?


> I'm DFL and I would not change a thing. Actually, I would: just eliminate the alternate field events.


> My OAD performance this year has been abysmal. But I've been doing this for 15 years and am net up a couple grand, so I'm just chalking it up to an off year. In those 15 years, I've never seen winning balances like this year -- What's City at, 9 million plus? I could look back, but I think only once in the last 10 years would that not won at year's end. Some of that is purse appreciation, but I also feel like a lot of best players/chalk has won/top3d at the biggest events. And that is not to knock City's performance. But my other OAD has a guy in first place at $8.5m w/ 4 wins (including a zero at the Players).


Yea, City’s winnings are astonishing. I think the winner in my 36 man pool last year was at like 6-7 million. I agree that the major winner payout idea kind of back fired and that $400 would have been better served paying back second and third.


City - I hope you pick lots of cut missers moving forward!!

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> @HighBoomingDraws said:

> > @thechief16 said:

> > > @HighBoomingDraws said:

> > > Now that we are basically halfway through, how many folks would do this pool again next year? What would you change?

> >

> > I'm DFL and I would not change a thing. Actually, I would: just eliminate the alternate field events.

> >

> > My OAD performance this year has been abysmal. But I've been doing this for 15 years and am net up a couple grand, so I'm just chalking it up to an off year. In those 15 years, I've never seen winning balances like this year -- What's City at, 9 million plus? I could look back, but I think only once in the last 10 years would that not won at year's end. Some of that is purse appreciation, but I also feel like a lot of best players/chalk has won/top3d at the biggest events. And that is not to knock City's performance. But my other OAD has a guy in first place at $8.5m w/ 4 wins (including a zero at the Players).


> Yea, City’s winnings are astonishing. I think the winner in my 36 man pool last year was at like 6-7 million. I agree that the major winner payout idea kind of back fired and that $400 would have been better served paying back second and third.


> City - I hope you pick lots of cut missers moving forward!!


So, we're basically 60% of the way through the season, and 60% done with majors (I'm counting TPC in this just because of the payout).


So, let's say everyone increased their total by 40% from this point forward, except I missed every single cut.


The only people that would catch me are 2More and JMW430.


But, it appears to me that people have already used way more than 60% of the top 20 golfers in the world, so it's going to be harder to cash going forward. You can bookmark this post, but I don't think anyone except 2More gets to my current total by the end of the season. I'm not trying to be arrogant (I have NO special insight into this at all). I'm just looking at the math and how many top players everyone has used.


What I'm hoping for coming in is lots of overlap in picks, and lots of unexpected winners and multi-way ties for 2nd and 3rd and all that.


Here's what worries me :


I've used 9 of the top 10 OWGR.


2More has used 4 of the top 10.


Guy in 3rd has used 6 of the top 10.


Disadvantage, me.


Fortunately, I don't think there's a great correlation between the OWGR and how to score. We'll see.




Ping G400 LST 10º XTORSION Copper 60
RBZ Stage 2 4W 17º
Strong torso
Cobra f6 Hybrid
Mizuno JPX-900 Forged 4I-GW
Vokey 54º/14º F-grind
Vokey 60º/04º. "The Scalpel"
Odyssey Stroke Lab Black Ten
Oncore Elixir Neon Green

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      Josh Teater - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Michael Thorbjornsen - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Austin Smotherman - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Joseph Bramlett - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      C.T. Pan - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Anders Albertson - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Seung Yul Noh - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Blake Hathcoat - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Jimmy Stanger - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Cole Sherwood - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Anders Larson - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Bill Haas - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Tommy "2 Gloves" Gainey WITB – 2024 John Deere Classic
      Pullout Albums
      Garrick Higgo - 2 Aretera shafts in the bag - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Jhonattan Vegas' custom Cameron putter - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Bud Cauley's custom Cameron putter - 2024 John Deere Classic
      2 new Super Stroke Marvel comics grips - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Swag blade putter - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Swag Golf - Joe Dirt covers - 2024 John Deere Classic
      • 0 replies
    • 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put and questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic - Monday #1
      2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic - Monday #2
      2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic - Monday #3
      WITB Albums
      Nate Lashley - WITB - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
      Hayden Springer - WITB - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
      Jackson Koivun - WITB - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
      Callum Tarren - WITB - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
      Luke Clanton - WITB - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
      Pullout Albums
      Jason Dufner's custom 3-D printed Cobra putter - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
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      • 11 replies
    • Tiger Woods - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Tiger Woods - WITB - 2024 US Open
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      • 52 replies
    • 2024 US Open - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 US Open - Monday #1
      WITB Albums
      Tiger Woods - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Edoardo Molinari - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Logan McAllister - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Bryan Kim - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Richard Mansell - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Jackson Buchanan - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Carter Jenkins - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Parker Bell - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Omar Morales - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Neil Shipley - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Casey Jarvis - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Carson Schaake - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Pullout Albums

      Tiger Woods on the range at Pinehurst on Monday – 2024 U.S. Open
      Newton Motion shaft - 2024 US Open
      Cameron putter covers - 2024 US Open
      New UST Mamiya Linq shaft - 2024 US Open


      • 5 replies
    • Titleist GT drivers - 2024 the Memorial Tournament
      Early in hand photos of the new GT2 models t the truck.  As soon as they show up on the range in player's bags we'll get some better from the top photos and hopefully some comparison photos against the last model.
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      • 374 replies

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