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Tipping the Starter ? ? ?

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Is that really the way you think? If it is, then man you are warped. The guy doesn't see the value in this alleged "service" that is performed, and therefore doesn't see the need to tip. And then you go off on the guy calling him a cheap skate.


If you'd like, you and I can post our tax returns for the last few years and let everyone see who has more nickels to rub together. If you work in the golf industry, I'm 100% confident I make more than you. Let's just say I pay more in taxes than many people make in a year. I'm not saying that to pound my chest, but rather to show you that it has absolutely nothing to do with one's income.


You're in the business, so you think it's great. Fine. But don't call people cheap or frugal because they don't want your services.



When that idiot is calling me a con artist im going to take it personal , Nobody is telling him he has to tip, im informing him how society works, because clearly he hasnt a clue. Dont complain about people in a position that earn a tip.


Its not my service, so I dont take it personal, I dont work for tips

congrats you make more than me, yay, wanna play for some of it.


I atleast know how to be a productive part of society and take care of those that take care of me.



You guys can make all the excuses in the world for not needing a service, but cheap is cheap plain and simple


If I don't need the service, then how am I (or anyone else) being cheap? Seriously man! Do you just throw money at people for doing nothing? If so, I'll give you some commercial real estate finance advice that you don't need and you can send me some money.


When I play golf, I carry a large towel. Half is wet, and half is dry. After every shot, I take about 2 seconds and wipe the club face. So when I'm done with my round, I don't need some guy running over to my clubs to clean them when they are already clean. So where's the "service" in that? And how many times do these guys rub their towels over my already clean clubs like they actually did something? Call it cheap if you want, but I don't need someone doing a job when I already did it.


C'mon. This has gotten way out of line. If someone chooses not to tip, then it's their prerogative. Tipping is OPTIONAL the last time I checked. If your employees aren't making enough, then give them raises. And the attitude your put forth is one that makes people post like they do about tipping.


I'd be happy to play you for cash. There's a certain amount of money that gets anyone off their game. I'd just need to find yours! ;)



Kev, I was not implying that everyone should tip, read billys posts, he is belittling anyone that does tip or works for tips, he simply doesnt get it. I do the same as you, keep a clean towel, wash all my own clubs etc. I tip guys at the bag drop, the starter only if he goes out of his way to get us out early on a busy day, and the kid that lets us drive down to the lot and takes the cart from us so he can clean it.


Yes, you were, you say anyone who doesn't tip these super easy and unnecessary services is cheap, poor, and basically a bad person. The tips we are speaking of are largely a con game where the employee is forcing their service on you and looking to get paid much more than the easy service they provide is worth anyway. I explained this clearly and logically and you have nothing to say that logically refutes it and just resort to calling me cheap and making up a fantasy that I'm poor. I'm not poor haha, I'm just not a pawn, and I do things based on priniciple, and I also have a bachelor's degree in economics. You are biased, unintelligent, and can't take criticism.

you are pure comedy


No substance from you yet again, not shocking.

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Is that really the way you think? If it is, then man you are warped. The guy doesn't see the value in this alleged "service" that is performed, and therefore doesn't see the need to tip. And then you go off on the guy calling him a cheap skate.


If you'd like, you and I can post our tax returns for the last few years and let everyone see who has more nickels to rub together. If you work in the golf industry, I'm 100% confident I make more than you. Let's just say I pay more in taxes than many people make in a year. I'm not saying that to pound my chest, but rather to show you that it has absolutely nothing to do with one's income.


You're in the business, so you think it's great. Fine. But don't call people cheap or frugal because they don't want your services.



When that idiot is calling me a con artist im going to take it personal , Nobody is telling him he has to tip, im informing him how society works, because clearly he hasnt a clue. Dont complain about people in a position that earn a tip.


Its not my service, so I dont take it personal, I dont work for tips

congrats you make more than me, yay, wanna play for some of it.


I atleast know how to be a productive part of society and take care of those that take care of me.



You guys can make all the excuses in the world for not needing a service, but cheap is cheap plain and simple


If I don't need the service, then how am I (or anyone else) being cheap? Seriously man! Do you just throw money at people for doing nothing? If so, I'll give you some commercial real estate finance advice that you don't need and you can send me some money.


When I play golf, I carry a large towel. Half is wet, and half is dry. After every shot, I take about 2 seconds and wipe the club face. So when I'm done with my round, I don't need some guy running over to my clubs to clean them when they are already clean. So where's the "service" in that? And how many times do these guys rub their towels over my already clean clubs like they actually did something? Call it cheap if you want, but I don't need someone doing a job when I already did it.


C'mon. This has gotten way out of line. If someone chooses not to tip, then it's their prerogative. Tipping is OPTIONAL the last time I checked. If your employees aren't making enough, then give them raises. And the attitude your put forth is one that makes people post like they do about tipping.


I'd be happy to play you for cash. There's a certain amount of money that gets anyone off their game. I'd just need to find yours! ;)



Kev, I was not implying that everyone should tip, read billys posts, he is belittling anyone that does tip or works for tips, he simply doesnt get it. I do the same as you, keep a clean towel, wash all my own clubs etc. I tip guys at the bag drop, the starter only if he goes out of his way to get us out early on a busy day, and the kid that lets us drive down to the lot and takes the cart from us so he can clean it.


Yes, you were, you say anyone who doesn't tip these super easy and unnecessary services is cheap, poor, and basically a bad person. The tips we are speaking of are largely a con game where the employee is forcing their service on you and looking to get paid much more than the easy service they provide is worth anyway. I explained this clearly and logically and you have nothing to say that logically refutes it and just resort to calling me cheap and making up a fantasy that I'm poor. I'm not poor haha, I'm just not a pawn, and I do things based on priniciple, and I also have a bachelor's degree in economics. You are biased, unintelligent, and can't take criticism.

you are pure comedy


No substance from you yet again, not shocking.

I am unintelligent, remember?


Billy, if you had half a brain you would know when to say when and stop looking like a *****, we all already realize your a cheap bastxxx, but there is no need to beat a dead horse because everyone is out to CON you.

or didnt they teach you that in economics 101

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Wow, I never heard so many cheap excuses in my life, these are probably the same guys who always find something wrong with their meal oe cocktail to avoid tipping the waiter...


Tipping is a reward for good service no matter what that service is. I golf over 130 rounds a year at over 20 different courses. I have never heard of tipping the starter but would not hesitate if he went out of his way for some reason.


I do tip the bag boys a couple of bucks in if they make an effort to come and get my bag, set up a cart if I am taking one, and asks if I need anything else etc. I always tip the cart girl, the 1/2 shack server and the back boy if they clean my clubs and promise to watch my clubs while I go in for a 19th hole cold one or 2 (who I tip as well)


The whole day cost me an extra 10 -15 bucks or so, cmon if you can afford the 2000.00 worth of equiptment a 125.00 a round and 50.00 worth of beer you can afford the tip.


At my home club I tip the same as at a resort club, some of the grumpier, cheaper members comment how the staff seem to treat me better (go figure), I always ask how they are, learn their names, treat them with respect, and yes a tip never hurt....


First off, you have no idea what someone can or can't afford. Just because someoone might be able to afford the round of golf they just played doesn't mean the depth of their pockets are limitless.


Second, what a sad day that "good service" should be tipped. Good service should be expected, not rewarded. Great service should be rewarded. For a bag boy to get my clubs and strap them to a cart... for God's sake, that's his JOB. Maybe I should be thankful he didn't drop them on the cement and drag them behind?


Tipping is out of control. Tip jars just about everywhere you look. It's ridiculous. How about "do your f'ing job"???

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Billy Baroo 2, this was your first post:


First of all, starter speeches are usually pretentious and annoying. It's like settle down and get over yourself mr. starter, I get it, this is a golf course with a thing or two that is mildy unique. That right there is the only "tip" I would ever give a starter. That starter must be a real a-hole if he's looking for a tip. Do not cave in to that kind of crap, ever.


And definitely no on tipping bag drop and club cleaning people. I don't want or need those services and am not about to tip some selfish employee looking to push them on me. It's so easy, unnecessary and worthless.


can't really blame him for taking offense. all the starters i've encounter have generally been nice. no, i'm not going to tip them unless they do something out of the ordinary, but it just sounds like you've have a lot of bad run ins with starts. why all the anger? regarding tipping the bag boy and club cleaner...selfish? they're just trying to make a living. they're not stealing or doing anything bad/illegal. if you don't want their service, don't get it and don't tip. but some of us do like their services and will tip. yea, cleaning muddy clubs is easy, but it's well worth my couple of bucks for him to clean it while i have a smoke or shot the s*** with my buddies. no one is forcing you to get your clubs cleaned! BTW, i'd be curious what line of work you do?

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Wow, I never heard so many cheap excuses in my life, these are probably the same guys who always find something wrong with their meal oe cocktail to avoid tipping the waiter...


Tipping is a reward for good service no matter what that service is. I golf over 130 rounds a year at over 20 different courses. I have never heard of tipping the starter but would not hesitate if he went out of his way for some reason.


I do tip the bag boys a couple of bucks in if they make an effort to come and get my bag, set up a cart if I am taking one, and asks if I need anything else etc. I always tip the cart girl, the 1/2 shack server and the back boy if they clean my clubs and promise to watch my clubs while I go in for a 19th hole cold one or 2 (who I tip as well)


The whole day cost me an extra 10 -15 bucks or so, cmon if you can afford the 2000.00 worth of equiptment a 125.00 a round and 50.00 worth of beer you can afford the tip.


At my home club I tip the same as at a resort club, some of the grumpier, cheaper members comment how the staff seem to treat me better (go figure), I always ask how they are, learn their names, treat them with respect, and yes a tip never hurt....


First off, you have no idea what someone can or can't afford. Just because someoone might be able to afford the round of golf they just played doesn't mean the depth of their pockets are limitless.


Second, what a sad day that "good service" should be tipped. Good service should be expected, not rewarded. Great service should be rewarded. For a bag boy to get my clubs and strap them to a cart... for God's sake, that's his JOB. Maybe I should be thankful he didn't drop them on the cement and drag them behind?


Tipping is out of control. Tip jars just about everywhere you look. It's ridiculous. How about "do your f'ing job"???


Easy there, Larry. You're gonna be labeled "cheap" and "grumpy" like the rest of us who don't just throw $5 bills around at every person we see. :stop: :cheesy:



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I will add in that if and how much someone tips has no connection with how they are financially. For example there is a group of players at the course I work who have Staff bags, Honma (sp?) clubs, play Pro-V1s, and the likes. Their bags and its contents are probably worth 5k each minimum, yet they never tip for anything. I would guess they make a decent living if they can spend 5K on golf clubs. I still clean their clubs (and will until they tell me no when I ask them) and put their bags on a cart, yet I know there will be no tip.


My Dad's set of clubs (bag included) is worth $200, he is in a good amount of debt, and has no college fund set up for me. He tips the people at bag drop, snack cart, and club cleaning people (even before I started working on a course) every time he plays.


So as you can see a person's financial situation has nothing to do with how they tip MOST of the time.

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I will add in that if and how much someone tips has no connection with how they are financially. For example there is a group of players at the course I work who have Staff bags, Honma (sp?) clubs, play Pro-V1s, and the likes. Their bags and its contents are probably worth 5k each minimum, yet they never tip for anything. I would guess they make a decent living if they can spend 5K on golf clubs. I still clean their clubs (and will until they tell me no when I ask them) and put their bags on a cart, yet I know there will be no tip.


My Dad's set of clubs (bag included) is worth $200, he is in a good amount of debt, and has no college fund set up for me. He tips the people at bag drop, snack cart, and club cleaning people (even before I started working on a course) every time he plays.


So as you can see a person's financial situation has nothing to do with how they tip MOST of the time.


Thanks for confirming that.



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I've been on both sides of this fence and both sides are taking the ridiculous extreme viewpoint.


I worked for $4.50/hr plus tips dealing for many years. Even in the casino industry, which is built on greasing EVERYBODY, not everyone tips. That doesn't mean that I'm going to provide lower quality service than my employer expects. But I'm not going to necessarily go out of my way either. Give me a George, and I'll service him/her to the moon.


Two things you learn when working for tips: 1) Know your regulars. If you know them, you know how much they are or are not going to tip you. Service them accordingly. 2) Never underestimate the new person. Short of the tall leggy blonde with big jugs, I made more tips than anyone because I met and learned the habits of newer guests. I would get crazy tokes off new people because they had a good time. The rest of my crew is sucking up the the big player that's only going to tip me a buck. It's not that I didn't do my job for the big player, but I didn't offer anything special because I knew what he was going to throw in.


As a patron, I'll tip where it's expected and appropriate. If I'm unloading my own bag out of the trunk at bag drop, why am I tipping you? If you haul it out of the trunk or greet me at my car and load my bag on the cart, you get a tip. If you are smearing a nasty, sand filled rag all over my clubs without asking, I'll tell you no thanks and walk without giving you anything. If you ask whether I would like the service, I may or may not take you up on it. And if I say yes and you do a halfway passable job, I'll tip you for your time.


It's not that hard to figure out. If you are doing nothing for me and still expect a tip, you're going to be disappointed. If you go out of your way to service me, you'll receive a gratuity.


The biggest killer is people who have the chip on their shoulder about whether or not you're going to tip them. Your body language shows your attitude. I don't tolerate it from my strippers. I certainly am not going to tolerate it from the golf course staff.

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TC Callaway XHot 3DEEP 13° / Graphite Design DI-10 TX

TC Callaway X2Hot 5DEEP 18.5° bent to 17° / Fujikura Ventus Black 10x

Callaway X-Forged UT 21° / Fujikura Ventus Black 10-TX

Callaway X-Forged UT 25° / Nippon Super Peening Blue X hs1x 

Raw Mizuno MP-32 6-PW / Nippon Super Peening Blue X hs1x 

Titleist Vokey SM8 Black 50.08F / Nippon Super Peening Blue X Stage-stepped
Titleist Vokey SM8 Black 54.12D / Nippon Super Peening Blue X Stage-stepped

Titleist Vokey SM8 Black 58.14K / Nippon Super Peening Blue X Stage-stepped
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My old golf teacher told me that you don't tip a starter unless they do something extra for you, like squeeze you in as a walk-on on a crowded day.


So last year, we're at a semi-private club, and the starter keeps standing there waiting. And my buddy is whispering to me asking if we should tip him. Eventually, one of the guys tosses him a couple of bucks, and we all feel cheap.


Then somebody else told me that this is more common at private clubs. Any comments would be appreciated.


Part two: Do you tip when you drop your clubs off at the bag drop, or when you pick them up?


I've NOT seen anybody in my two upscale pvt clubs where I've been a member tip. We had no tipping rules for specific reasons, but despite those rules a few members do so quietly. Also the other private clubs I've visited had NO tipping rules too. That said there's always people that think they are above the rules.


Where I've noticed poorly trained club employees with their hands out has been at high end resort clubs. I don't tip unless someone does something that's beyond their job description that effects me in a good way.


Thank you! That's the point of a tip. Not to pay someone for doing his/her job, but to reward exceptional service.


You must be cheap like the rest of us who don't throw $5 to everyone we see. :cheesy:





I don't mean preach to the choir but this topic always comes up on every board, and certain folks that have no fiscal restraint and or love throwing around money are always contentious calling others cheap. They make it sound as though tipping, especially excessive tipping is the way of the land. Those folks with that behavior that I've encountered often don’t make much money; just take pleasure in feeling like the big shot or maybe think doing so gives them influential power; when in fact it shows their weakness. Wouldn’t surprise me to learn they have rented and or leased lifestyles and or have faced bankruptcy before.


Regardless of what people think tipping is NOT mandatory. Its voluntary and done when someone provides a service where that service is valued; and how much the tip is depends on how valued the service was, and whether or not the person goes above and beyond the call of duty and if the person providing the service has their hand out and or an attitude. As far as I am concerned tipping a starter is wrong because the person tipping typically expects special treatment in some fashion, it could also means the starter is getting someone out before they should effecting others on the tee sheet or maybe not charging someone. However I see it those actions are wrong, warranting nothing.


I see tip jars regularly and in the most surprising establishments and they reflect the depressing entitlement mentality of folks today. Essentially those jars mirror a do nothing attitude and still get paid. Not all that different from the homeless person standing on the corner with their hand out. But, something tells me the same person throwing tip money around doesn't give to the homeless; which I might add is the better choice. :clapping: There's no way I will leave money in a group tipping jar either because while someone does a great job and deserves a tip, the majority are lackadaisical at best and collecting.


Also, like another poster said; I pay more in taxes then most earn yearly and have a sizable payroll to meet. If I get bad service, since slapping them upside the head or teaching them work ethics isn’t possible, I either tip low or I won’t tip at all; both reflecting displeasure. Here’s where it really sad… some won’t know the amount is tied to my level of displeasure, they are that numb.

  • TSR2 9.25° Tensei 1k Pro Red 61S
  • TSR2 15° Tour AD-VF 74S
  • T200 17° 2i Tensei AV Raw White Hybrid 90S
  • T100 3i & 4i MMT 95S
  • T100 5i-9i MMT 105S
  • T100 PW MMT 105S 113-SW.
  • SM10 F52.12, T58.4, DG200 127S
  • SC/CA Monterey
  • DASH -ProV1x or AVX
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Let's see, I am at a course where tipping is a generally accepted practice:


Bag check: Carries my bag, gets it ready for me for the course, the bag is there when I tee it up. Good service provided=tip.


Shoe / club cleaning: Clean my shoes and clubs. Good service provided=tip.


Waiter / waitress at the club bar: Takes my order, serves me my meal, etc. Good service provided=tip.


Starter at course: Makes me wait in line, doesn't help me swing the club on the first tee, no service provided=no tip.


Simply, if you provide me a special service or a service I cannot provide for myself, and you do the job well, you will receive a tip. No way is a starter getting a tip from me. Name me one service that a starter provides that I cannot provide for myself. He doesn't cook / serve my food, clean my shoes / clubs, etc.


I am not a fan of having to tip and receive services like bag drop and club cleaning, but these are services required at some courses. Starting is not a service, often it is a necessary evil / pain.

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you must be kidding me about giving money to homeless people. i'd rather throw money down the toilet than give money to a homeless guy. this is america, get a JOB. this isn't a third world country where there's no opportunity to work. i see immigrants (mostly mexicans and latinos) at home depot willing to work hard for a buck. and you go around giving money to bums who do nothing except beg for money? the guy at Starbucks is a productive member of society with a JOB. i have no problem putting the 55 cents in change I get back into the tip jar. you really have your priorities backwards!

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Not long ago I showed with 3 friends at an upscale resort course where greens fees were $275 pp., and I was paying for my group.


We arrived in my vehicle, I don't let valets drive it, also I don't let anybody put or pull bags from the back end. Reason is if they damage leather or something else they can't afford to repair it. I won’t mention car type for obvious reasons. As I was getting out the car a young man quickly grabbed the back latch, I said I will get the bags out... I got a dirty look. Once I set them at the drop I then had to tell him to take them down to our carts. Later when we came up 18 near the green there he was again standing waiting to clean our clubs. Each of us clean our clubs as we go, so I told him we didn’t need club cleaning, and said thank you.... another dirty look.


Then at the bag drop I said to the guy I'll put the bags in my vehicle... yet another dirty look, only this time this punk kid started mumbling and I heard cheapskate as he walked away. If it weren’t for friends being present I would have confronted him... What that idiot young man didn’t know was I was planning on tipping each guy untill then. I don’t tip in front of friends or colleagues.


Instead I made note of his name and appearance and drove off. The next day I wrote a scathing letter to the GM. In that letter I included who the kid was and that I spent $1500+ that day at his facility and do NOT expect to be treated poorly by anyone, whether I tip or not. I went on to say I was visiting there to determine if I wanted to host an employee tournament there. Combine that with having already spent 5k over three previous visits, for them to have rude smart azzz staff presenting entitlement attitudes treating me and my guests poorly, they won't get any business from me and nothing good said to colleagues about that facility. That's not what that GM wants to hear.


A week later I got a nice letter back from the GM making apologies and telling me the last kid was fired. Apparently he'd done something similar before. He also provided me with "free" replay for my party and all bar/lunch costs were covered. LOL fortunately we're not big drinkers. Anyways, my point of sharing this is - ATTITUDE and attention above and beyond the call of duty, and ATTITUDE are the attributes along with smiles that get tips. Immature jerks with entitlement attitudes - get fired.

  • TSR2 9.25° Tensei 1k Pro Red 61S
  • TSR2 15° Tour AD-VF 74S
  • T200 17° 2i Tensei AV Raw White Hybrid 90S
  • T100 3i & 4i MMT 95S
  • T100 5i-9i MMT 105S
  • T100 PW MMT 105S 113-SW.
  • SM10 F52.12, T58.4, DG200 127S
  • SC/CA Monterey
  • DASH -ProV1x or AVX
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you must be kidding me about giving money to homeless people. i'd rather throw money down the toilet than give money to a homeless guy. this is america, get a JOB. this isn't a third world country where there's no opportunity to work. i see immigrants (mostly mexicans and latinos) at home depot willing to work hard for a buck. and you go around giving money to bums who do nothing except beg for money? the guy at Starbucks is a productive member of society with a JOB. i have no problem putting the 55 cents in change I get back into the tip jar. you really have your priorities backwards!


You apparently like to take words out of context and make up your own thoughts, then present them as if someone else said them... NOT impressive communication skills.


For the reading impaired I said giving money to the homeless is a better choice then to an idiot that thinks he's entitled when he hasn't done anything to deserve it. I've done charity work for the homeless in the past; not all homeless are bad people; many are schizophrenic making it difficult for them to hold down a job. I am surprised you didn't know that. Generalize much??? As for dropping your change in a jar to feel like the big generous person go right ahead. I'd rather spend thousands per year helping those that want help.

  • TSR2 9.25° Tensei 1k Pro Red 61S
  • TSR2 15° Tour AD-VF 74S
  • T200 17° 2i Tensei AV Raw White Hybrid 90S
  • T100 3i & 4i MMT 95S
  • T100 5i-9i MMT 105S
  • T100 PW MMT 105S 113-SW.
  • SM10 F52.12, T58.4, DG200 127S
  • SC/CA Monterey
  • DASH -ProV1x or AVX
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Titanl9, i think you're the one with the communication problem. and it seems like you're the one who wants to be seen as rich and generous, with all this talk of your charity work and your big income. in my discussions i have never said anything about incomes or feeling big because i leave 55 cents in the tip jar. i leave the change in the tip jar because i don't want to carry it around in my pockets. let's analyze your words.


>> I see tip jars regularly and in the most surprising establishments and they reflect the depressing entitlement mentality of folks today.

entitlement mentality? that's a HUGE jump. so a tip jar at Starbucks is because the cashier thinks he's entitled to your change? nope, it's because he knows many people just don't like carrying lose change. why not just let them put it in a jar.


>> Essentially those jars mirror a do nothing attitude and still get paid.

do nothing? homeless people do nothing. the starbucks guy is making you your coffee. that's doing something.


>> Not all that different from the homeless person standing on the corner with their hand out.

BIG difference my friend, big difference. one guy is working, another is not.


>> But, something tells me the same person throwing tip money around doesn't give to the homeless; which I might add is the better choice. clapping.gif

yup, I'll tip a guy that cleans my golf shoes but not the bum that stands at the corner asking me for spare change. the guy cleaning my golf shoes is doing a service for me, and if the service is good, i'll tip him. his income (wages + tips) allows him to be a productive member of society. giving spare change to a bum does NOTHING. my choice of tipping the bag boy is better than your handout to the bum.


>> There's no way I will leave money in a group tipping jar either because while someone does a great job and deserves a tip, the majority are lackadaisical at best and collecting.

you're generalizing here. so i'll generalize and say that the vast majority of homeless people are lazy and haven't made most of their opportunities growing up in the land of opportunity.

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My old golf teacher told me that you don't tip a starter unless they do something extra for you, like squeeze you in as a walk-on on a crowded day.


So last year, we're at a semi-private club, and the starter keeps standing there waiting. And my buddy is whispering to me asking if we should tip him. Eventually, one of the guys tosses him a couple of bucks, and we all feel cheap.


Then somebody else told me that this is more common at private clubs. Any comments would be appreciated.


Part two: Do you tip when you drop your clubs off at the bag drop, or when you pick them up?


I've NOT seen anybody in my two upscale pvt clubs where I've been a member tip. We had no tipping rules for specific reasons, but despite those rules a few members do so quietly. Also the other private clubs I've visited had NO tipping rules too. That said there's always people that think they are above the rules.


Where I've noticed poorly trained club employees with their hands out has been at high end resort clubs. I don't tip unless someone does something that's beyond their job description that effects me in a good way.


Thank you! That's the point of a tip. Not to pay someone for doing his/her job, but to reward exceptional service.


You must be cheap like the rest of us who don't throw $5 to everyone we see. :cheesy:





I don't mean preach to the choir but this topic always comes up on every board, and certain folks that have no fiscal restraint and or love throwing around money are always contentious calling others cheap. They make it sound as though tipping, especially excessive tipping is the way of the land. Those folks with that behavior that I've encountered often don’t make much money; just take pleasure in feeling like the big shot or maybe think doing so gives them influential power; when in fact it shows their weakness. Wouldn’t surprise me to learn they have rented and or leased lifestyles and or have faced bankruptcy before.


Regardless of what people think tipping is NOT mandatory. Its voluntary and done when someone provides a service where that service is valued; and how much the tip is depends on how valued the service was, and whether or not the person goes above and beyond the call of duty and if the person providing the service has their hand out and or an attitude. As far as I am concerned tipping a starter is wrong because the person tipping typically expects special treatment in some fashion, it could also means the starter is getting someone out before they should effecting others on the tee sheet or maybe not charging someone. However I see it those actions are wrong, warranting nothing.


I see tip jars regularly and in the most surprising establishments and they reflect the depressing entitlement mentality of folks today. Essentially those jars mirror a do nothing attitude and still get paid. Not all that different from the homeless person standing on the corner with their hand out. But, something tells me the same person throwing tip money around doesn't give to the homeless; which I might add is the better choice. :clapping: There's no way I will leave money in a group tipping jar either because while someone does a great job and deserves a tip, the majority are lackadaisical at best and collecting.


Also, like another poster said; I pay more in taxes then most earn yearly and have a sizable payroll to meet. If I get bad service, since slapping them upside the head or teaching them work ethics isn’t possible, I either tip low or I won’t tip at all; both reflecting displeasure. Here’s where it really sad… some won’t know the amount is tied to my level of displeasure, they are that numb.

I also find many that try and impress others with how much they make via the internet are full of more $hit than a christmas turkey. I love seeing guys brag about how they pay more in taxes than most on the forums make


Sounds like all of these internet High rollers need to find a decent accountant

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Titanl9, i think you're the one with the communication problem. and it seems like you're the one who wants to be seen as rich and generous, with all this talk of your charity work and your big income. in my discussions i have never said anything about incomes or feeling big because i leave 55 cents in the tip jar. i leave the change in the tip jar because i don't want to carry it around in my pockets. let's analyze your words.


>> I see tip jars regularly and in the most surprising establishments and they reflect the depressing entitlement mentality of folks today.

entitlement mentality? that's a HUGE jump. so a tip jar at Starbucks is because the cashier thinks he's entitled to your change? nope, it's because he knows many people just don't like carrying lose change. why not just let them put it in a jar.


>> Essentially those jars mirror a do nothing attitude and still get paid.

do nothing? homeless people do nothing. the starbucks guy is making you your coffee. that's doing something.


>> Not all that different from the homeless person standing on the corner with their hand out.

BIG difference my friend, big difference. one guy is working, another is not.


>> But, something tells me the same person throwing tip money around doesn't give to the homeless; which I might add is the better choice. clapping.gif

yup, I'll tip a guy that cleans my golf shoes but not the bum that stands at the corner asking me for spare change. the guy cleaning my golf shoes is doing a service for me, and if the service is good, i'll tip him. his income (wages + tips) allows him to be a productive member of society. giving spare change to a bum does NOTHING. my choice of tipping the bag boy is better than your handout to the bum.


>> There's no way I will leave money in a group tipping jar either because while someone does a great job and deserves a tip, the majority are lackadaisical at best and collecting.

you're generalizing here. so i'll generalize and say that the vast majority of homeless people are lazy and haven't made most of their opportunities growing up in the land of opportunity.


I don't really care what you see or think for that matter. later

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TC Callaway X2Hot 5DEEP 18.5° bent to 17° / Fujikura Ventus Black 10x

Callaway X-Forged UT 21° / Fujikura Ventus Black 10-TX

Callaway X-Forged UT 25° / Nippon Super Peening Blue X hs1x 

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Titleist Vokey SM8 Black 50.08F / Nippon Super Peening Blue X Stage-stepped
Titleist Vokey SM8 Black 54.12D / Nippon Super Peening Blue X Stage-stepped

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